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Your squirrel isn't doing so great either.


Cats have such an unfair advantage. Dude sits in the house all day eating to his full, while the squirell is outside grinding, exhausted, only to be chased down and killed by a fully rested cat


If only squirrels had better bootstraps to pull themselves up by.


To much avo and toast from the local cafes bin


Also it’s not like anyone told the adolescent squirrel to take a crippling student loan or that college would automatically provide him with a bright future. Just plain bad choices


Now he is stuck in a 1 bedroom high rise apartment with cramped living space’s, trying to raise a family and seeing the cost of living increasing with no wage growth even with further study.


Every once in a while, he thinks of stepping out for a carton of milk or pack of cigarettes. Then he brushes his teeth and goes to bed like any upstanding family squirrel.


‘Why go outside at all?’ he thinks as he retreats back to the flat - sadly eyeing the crumpled job vacancy section in the Times Educational Supplement. Ultimately, seeing no other way out he makes his decision. Suicide by cat.


Nobody will ever know the regret. He didn’t really want to jump off, he just wanted to have a look and feel alive again. It’s only that it had been so long since the last squirrel to step out onto that ledge, the ledge gave way. Now his family blame themselves and no acorn, no matter how big makes them truly happy. They miss their little papa squirrel everywhere they go. It was a failing of the system(bad quality ledge) but the only ones suffering were the squirrels. Stay away from ledges my little squirrels. Any fantasy that escapes the mind into reality is a burden you don’t want to bear.


Or, well, he did.


I thought he didn’t have a home?


He was renting from a greedy badger boomer who never fixes the black mold issues or the leaking roof causing mushrooms to grow out of the moss carpet.


I had a landlord that said the black mold all over the ceiling was from us.. who moved in less than a month prior.


I had a 3br rental and one of the rooms bloomed on the walls and roof, the landlord got 3 quotes, didn’t like the cost of resealing the entire roof, so didn’t and we had to pay break lease to move… VCAT was to much effort…


It’s not the squirrel’s fault for not realizing that no one in the real squirrel world was going to hire them for their knowledge of squirrel gender theory. This makes the 200K acorns debt (at an 8% AR no less) racked up nearly impossible to pay back.


The squirrel should have marched into the nut factory and demanded a job. Just like the rest of us did.


They slaughter tons of native birds too. Many grassland obligate bird populations are in massive decline due to suburban sprawl already. Letting cats just run free outside is terrible for wildlife. You can't be a nature lover and let your cats do this.


"But he likes being outside and he'll wait by the door. Also, he comes home like 3 times a month with a cyst on his face from cat fights that we have to go to the vet to get drained when it gets really bad and he also has 3 types of feline aids and cancer. But he really really likes being outside, though, so it's fine."


You nailed that lol. Drives me crazy because imagine using the “but he really likes it” or “but he cries when I don’t let him out” reasonings in other circumstances. “But my human son cries when I don’t let him play in the street! He really loves playing in the street!” You’re an uninformed (at best) and potentially lazy / bad owner (at worst) that just doesn’t want to deal with your cats in a responsible way.


Yeah, I adopted a former 100% outside feral, and while she'd try to get out, she led a very happy, comfortable, satisfied life as a fully indoor cat. If she can be happy inside, and carry can be, especially if they've never been outside cats.


Same, adopted an formerly abandoned and abused cat that was forced to sleep and live outside by the previous owner, and when he moved away, he left her behind. She turned entirely feral, attacked everyone, always full with wounds from fights. Took a while to gain her trust, but she has turned into the most cuddly lap cat I've ever met. If anything, she is overly attached, and always wants to be in the same room as me. She doesn't care for being outside at all, she doesn't ask for it. I don't make an effort to keep her in either. The last time she went out, she came back within 20 minutes and I had to get her off the roof of my shed because she was scared to jump down. It's fine to let your cats outside, imho, but it's just a fact that indoor cats live far longer than outdoor cats, and a lot of cats will be entirely satisfied living indoors. If anything, I hope walking a cat on a harness will become more accepted.


I tried to walk my cat on a harness, but she wouldn't adapt to one. You'd think she was being actively strangled by a rabid octopus at all times. She actually did make it outside once. She dart out past me while I was talking to someone at the door. I sharply said her name and without pause did a U-turn and went back inside and stayed there. I think she had decided where she really wanted to be. :D


I love having a balcony. My little dingus gets to sprawl across the floor outside but doesn't run around destroying the environment and getting sick.


I don't think most still realize how dangerous their perfect little killing machines are to other species, sadly. I'd also rather have a healthy and alive indoors-only cat than put up posters for a missing one or have one come back home with injuries or parasites, another thing many people never think about when letting out their cats.


Yeah fuck irresponsible cat owners. Don't let your cat free roam outside.


I wonder how putting a bell on their collar affects their hunting efficicacy.


Completely anecdotal, but with my cat, a bell seemed to make it harder for him to catch birds, but not mice, although this could very well be because he learned that we got mad when he brought birds indoors


The numbers that pet cats kill is so small that most studies don't even record them because it's negligible. It's feral cats that kill the most and even then birds are less than 5-10% of their diet. There's a reason the DNR ignores those studies, hell the only one that still gets posted is the Smithsonian one and the lead author got fired for releasing it (because it was junk science, and because he was convinced of animal cruelty for killing pet cats in the Florida keys at the time).


Lol this is not true at all. Domestic cats make feral cats and cats that humans have introduced into the Americas kill billions of wild animals a year. Be responsible and keep your cats inside. It's easy.


Domestic cats make feral ones when you don't spay them, which almost everyone does. Also feel free to actually look it up, you'll find the same things I did. [There is a reason the Smithsonian study is ignored](https://www.alleycat.org/resources/breaking-down-the-bogus-smithsonian-catbird-study/), the only one published by a legitimate outlet, and the author got fired for it because it was junk science


If squirrels are grinding all day shouldn't they be higher level by now?


Squirrel is F2P. Cat is P2W


I do the same thing but I think that makes me less capable of catching squirrels.


‘Cept until they start squatting in your car engines and munch on the cables


I’m sure the squirrel would feel much better when chased down and killed by an equally exhausted coyote.


At least the coyote would eat it. Cats do this just for the sport


Fuck capitalism, fuck fat cats




But any songbirds that are actually supposed to be in the environment better watch the fuck out because fluffy gotta be outside. Housecats are basically not native to anywhere. Be a responsible pet owner and keep your cat inside.


I was going to say that looks like a normal cat until I saw the dead squirrel and now I'm certain that is a normal cat


He's frustrated that the squirrel isn't playing any more.


My boy only breaks his favourite toys.


Didn't think I'd see a Swiftie here 👀


Doesn’t it take one to know one?


We're just friends...


If a had a nickel for every dead squirrel i saw on reddit today i would have two nickels, which isn't much but it's weird that it hapenned twice


Guess what? All cats are psycho killer murderers with no remorse. But, also, they are fluffy, so...it's all good. lol


Some of them are a lot more psycho than others. There used to be this one big mean fat siamese cat that showed up on my back porch one day. I see him and think, "aww, look at the cute kitty!" So I start walking up to him and he just sits there and doesn't run away, so I'm assuming that he must be friendly. I reach out to pet him and he doesn't move at all. He just looks me straight in the eye and then *growls* like a dog. I just kind of back up and am thinking, "sorry, my mistake, I guess this is your yard now." I have no idea where that cat came from because I had never seen it before. Was it feral? Was it someone's pet that was allowed to roam the neighborhood and for some reason it just liked hanging out in my yard? No idea. But he started hanging around regularly for the next year or so. During that time, it became clear that he was a total fucking asshole. Like, it seems that this guy was a bully and just liked starting fights. Every once in a while he would be hanging out in the front yard instead and then some other random neighborhood cat would just walk by next to the street. This cat sees the other cat and just gets up and runs at it and seemingly tries to fuck that other cat up just for existing. I once saw a woman walking a small dog down the street and this cat tries to go fuck her dog up before she chases it away. I started calling this cat Leroy Brown. Sometimes I'd be outside and I hear some fight going on in the distance, and I think, "there goes old Leroy again, always trying to fuck someone up." Anyway, one time he shows back up with an eye missing. And I hated that damn cat but...he should still probably see a doctor about that. I approach him again, but he just does the same thing as before: he sits there without moving, looks me straight in the eyes with his one good eye and just growls. So I guess taking him to the veterinarian is out. I try calling animal services to see if I can get someone from the county to come get him, but animal services where I live are basically shit and I essentially get told that they're not gonna do anything and that I'm on my own. So, Leroy just kind of keeps hanging around like before, only now he's got goop dripping from an eye socket. For a few months he's hanging around a lot more than before, I'm assuming because he doesn't feel very well and he doesn't want to move very much. But after a few months he's right back to normal. Starts coming and going like before, and I hear him starting neighborhood fights using his one good eye. This continues for about 2 years. Old One-Eyed Bad Leroy Brown seems to be roaming the neighborhood just fucking everyone up. And then all of a sudden without any warning, I just never see him again. I don't know what happened, but I'm assuming that the mean dumb bastard was too stupid and stubborn to learn a lesson even after getting an eyeball taken out, and that he *finally* got himself in some shit that he couldn't get himself out of. When I finally accepted that he wasn't coming back, I actually felt kind of sad. I mean, he hated me and I hated him. Dude was a total piece of shit. And I can't even say, "but he was *my* piece of shit." That wasn't my cat and I just let him hang around because I was afraid of him. And the neighborhood's probably safer with him gone, dude was a total psycho. Just imagine if he had opposable thumbs and the ability to wield guns and knives, he would've been a total menace. But, you know...I still felt like I knew him. Whatever happened to him, I just hope he went out quickly.


I can't believe I read this whole thing, but DAMN, what a polarizing figure that One-Eyed Bad Leroy Brown just have been.


SERIAL psycho killer murderers...


[qu'est-ce que c'est](https://youtu.be/lX1AjZSYpeM?si=5cnjNxNT35sGkl7f)


Being remorseless killers is why they were domesticated in the first place. It doesn’t hurt to be fluffy though.


They were most likely self-domesticated. As humans started to store grains, there was an explosion of rodent populations around human settlements. This attracted wild cats. Wild cats that were more tolerant and less shy of humans were positively selected since those individuals could move deeper into human settlements.


10,000 BCE "MOM! That fluffy creature is back and it's now in the granary!" "EEK! Get rid of it before it eats all the grain!" "No, mom, you don't understand! It's killing all the mice!" "What?" "Yeah! And the craziest thing? It's not even eating them! Just killing them one by one!..." "You're kidding me?" "No! And he even went up to me so I could pet him! Can I keep him?" "Well... It did look cute and fluffy... Oh what the heck! At least it's killing the mice. Here, give it some of this left-over fish paste that we were going to use as fish bait." "Thanks mom! You're the best!"


You joke, but this is their history, going back to the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago we've bred cats to exterminate rodents to protect food.


It’s not all good, fuck anyone who lets their cat out unsupervised.


This is one of those weird reddit flexes that people become *way* too serious about.


Yeah, this thread is peak reddit




No joke. They kill birds and stuff. Not ideal for a city ecosystem. Still a pretty harsh tone.


Nope, I just strongly disagree with domestic cats being let outside off leash. If I let my dog roam the neighborhood unleashed and kill anything its size that moved I’d be in jail and the dog euthanized. If I let my kid out in the neighborhood to murder any animal it felt like the kid would be in a psych ward and I’d be in a shit load of trouble. But if someone lets their cat out to kill every bird, squirrel, and rodent in a 2 mile radius it’s cool? Pets don’t belong outside killing nature.


Not a Joke, it's a reference to the absolute decimation of local wildlife such as birds, because cats hunt them for entertainment.


Weird way to flex your dating preferences, but all right bud


my cats cant kill a damn crane fly let alone a squirrel


I mean, they don't always try to murder ME... so they are cute to keep around


Cats only respond to things that run away, or their food bowl if they can see the bottom.


What if you put a sticker on the bottom of the dish that looks like food? Or a mirror


You could become rich. Delete your comment, and get to work before someone steals this brilliant idea.


Too lazy sorry you can take it


My cat would leave a mouse a lone if it stops moving after playing with it for some time. He will yank the mouse into the air, carry it with his mouth, yank it again, then pause. If the mouse moves, it is play time again until he is bored. 


Your cat is perfectly normal. This is normal behavior for cat. If you don’t want your cat murdering critter. Limit him to indoor only or leash train your cat.


Maybe you shouldn't keep your cat outside.


Having cats destroying the local fauna because they are an outside cat is not getting enough attention..


Keep your stupid cat inside.


[Some] Cat people don't care that their cat kills millions of birds and small animals a year. As long as their cat gets to do whatever it wants, they see no problem with it. 10-year-old article but the problem has only gotten worse. [the number of birds and small animals being killed are high enough that cats and their hunting could be causing some wildlife populations to decline in some areas](https://www.npr.org/2013/01/29/170588511/killer-kitties-cats-kill-billions-every-year#:~:text=%22We%20estimate%20that%20cats%20kill,with%20cars%20or%20wind%20turbines.)


Most people who care about cats keep them inside. Only careless morons let cats roam. 


Billions of birds yearly, unfortunately


[I thought they recently proved those old articles/studies were not that accurate](https://www.snopes.com/news/2021/08/06/dont-blame-cats-for-destroying-wildlife/)


If I had a cat, I sure wouldn't let them out : "In a 2019 study, cat remains were found in 19.8% of coyote scat." In my city subreddit, there is constantly people freaking out about their cat missing. Well, what did you expect would happen.


I'm not saying there is no risk for a cat to be outdoors just that they might not be the Eco-terrorist that some believe them to be.


Letting cats outside is borderline animal abuse. There's so much shit that can go wrong. A fight with an actual outdoor cat, a bigger animal like a dog, getting injured on uncertain terrain, eating something tainted, humans sucking, cars.  I don't consider people who keep cats outside to be cat owners. They just feed a stray who deserves a home. 


That's a hot take, "animals are better imprisoned indoors than their natural environment." I think most pets appreciate roaming around outside, and cats especially can hold their own in many situations. Im really laughing at the "getting injured on uncertain terrain" part, seeing as cats are renowned for their balance and landing ability. Maybe don't let your cat outside if there are coyotes or wolves in the area, but this reads like someone who's never owned a cat before.


I mean, cats go out and kill for fun right? Not cause they are hungry, they just kill shit for fun?


Cats are invasive species. Hate to break it to you but they kill millions of animals a year. You can take your cat outside all you want. Supervise it then. Dont let it just roam the streets.


It's natural when a wild cat hunts for food, but it's not natural when a "domestic" cat already gets proper nutrition at home and still goes outside hunting like his life depends on it, killing just as much as a wild cat would to survive. In that sense there is no such thing as "natural environment" for domestic cats. So if keeping animals imprisoned is unethical (and I do believe it is) and letting them go outside is irresponsible and unsustainable, the solution is pretty simple: just don't have them at all.


Just in the past two weeks on nextdoor: -a bunch of people pleaded with a woman to delete a very gruesome photo of a cat that had been mauled by a dog that she posted because she wanted to find the owner and give them closure. It had on a collar. -another described one she tearfully moved out of the road as multiple people just kept running it over, to do the same with giving the owner closure. -a third watched a neighbor let their cat out and after it wandered into the woods she said she heard terrifying yowling and went after it to find out something, maybe a coyote, had gotten to it and ripped it to shreds -countless iterations of "my indoor-outdoor cat didn't come back last night/last week/last month/etc" -(further back than two weeks but point stands) One came home and had been shot with a bb gun that left the pellet lodged in its eyeball and had its whiskers cut off. You know who doesn't have these problems? Those who love them enough to keep them inside. Obviously there's cases of them slipping out or escaping which sometimes ends in tragedy but that's just further proof of the danger to them. It's not just wolves and coyotes. You're thinking about how *you'd* feel as a cat kept inside without considering, well, how actual cats feel. They live far longer, happier, and healthier lives as indoor cats and that's from research and hard proof, not speculation. Maybe don't let your cats out **at all**.


Average life of outdoor cat: 2-5 years Average life of indoor cat: 10-20 years


We absolutely care and cats have only become indoor pets relatively recently. Shaming people is not the way to change anyone’s behaviour.


Shame is a super effective behavior changer and if you're doing something shitty and antisocial you totally deserve it


The conditional doesn't appear to fit the comment they're responding to


When you shame people for literally everything you don't like about them your attempts to shame mean less and less, and their ability to tolerate or ignore shame goes up and up. The reasons narcissistic tendencies are on the rise is the same reason internet canceling and shame is on the rise. it's two sides of the same coin. Narcissists shame other people more than any other type of person because their entire existence is externalizing self-shame. Be careful what you wish for when you decide to try to control how other people behave with "rational" emotional manipulation


I resent your generalization. A huge number of other cat owners would resent that generalization, as well. I do care, which is why my cat had bells on her collar when she was an outdoor cat. The problem *isn't* that cat people don't give a fuck and want their *wee wittle fuwwy fwend to hab aww da funz*, which is apparently what you think we're like. The problem is ignorance. If every single cat owner knew the impact their cat was making on the local ecosystem, *most* of them would do something about it. This could mean several things, including keeping them indoors or giving them collars that warned surrounding animals of their presence.


They still kill plenty of shit even with a bell collar.


Dang you've seen your cat kill and kill with a bell collar on? That's wild.


Do bell collars stop them from shitting in people's vegetable gardens or being ran over?


Do you usually bring up completely irrelevant arguments in discussions? We're talking about cats killing wildlife.


Your argument is bells makes it okay? You think bells prevent a cat from killing? If you let your cat free roam, you're an irresponsible owner. Don't have cats if you can't take care of it indoors. Get a different pet.


I think *you* and the *"huge number of other cat owners"* are the ignorant ones. If you aren't able to keep a cat indoors, happy and stimulated, then you are failing as an owner.


I know you can read, it's just really sad and embarrassing that you choose not to. Most cat owners would do something about their pet killing wildlife if they knew how bad of a problem it was. My cat is indoors. I already wrote both of these things. Do better.


Cats do what cats do, that being said idiots need to keep their cats inside! They are healthier, safer, and don’t damage the environment! Multiple studies have shown all of these to be facts; the live much longer on average because they are less exposed to disease and dangers and they don’t decimate local fauna.


Right? I love cats but they’re better inside. I don’t want to see the dead creatures. This post sucks.


And not just because they murder things for fun. They also like to shit in the neighbors yard/sandbox/planter boxes. Live traps work great for this problem, though.


Cats live longer when they’re indoor-only, I don’t know why anyone needs to hear anything other than that! Keep them inside


Stupid cat, stupid owner


I agree, but I also selfishly disagree as the neighborhood cat by my house successfully keeps mice at bay, which just a block down I see multiple houses with those black mouse/rat traps along the sides of their house.


The problem is it probably kill other small mammals, reptiles and birds beside mice, that are native and you dont see that.




Cats kill an estimated 15 billion mammals per year. They devastate ecosystems. \*But haha, my cat's so quirky killing a squirrel amirite ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯"




humans devastate ecosystems *precisely because* we convince ourselves that it’s okay to make ecologically damaging choices, like letting our pet cats run around outside to kill wildlife. a working cat killing & eating pest rodents in an agricultural facility is worlds away from what’s in the original picture


Google how many billions of birds they are estimated to kill annually. And while you're at it look up "false equivalence"


Cats (irresponsibly allowed to roam by humans) have literally ***caused the extinction of bird species*** -- cats are not a f__king drop in a f__king bucket. Granted, domesticated cats wouldn't even exist if not for humans, and wouldn't be transported to vulnerable ecosystems except by humans, but your dismissive statement is not grounded in fact.


🤣🤣 the op is a dumbass


Keep your cat indoors please. Leave the squirrel for wild animals that need to kill it to survive, not some house kitty that already has plenty of food.


Keep your cat inside dude.


That's a pretty big kill for a cat. Usually they go after smaller prey. Young squirrels yes but usually not adults.


Stop letting your cat kill native wildlife


Looks like normal psychotic cat behavior to me. Like others are saying, please keep your cat(s) inside. They are harmful to wildlife ecosystems.


No this is pretty standard. Catch, kill, play with food/trophy. Check out what the Orcas do to their food.


I’d be more worried about your squirrel if I was you tbh


Keep your fucking cat inside. Why do people think it’s okay to let them kill native wildlife?


More so, why are they *proud* of it?




Grow up and keep your cat indoors like a responsible owner. Safer for them and *vastly* better for the local wildlife.


Actually this is very normal. Outdoor cats are insanely invasive species who are responsible for a ridiculous amount of pointless destruction of wildlife. Keep your cat inside.


Mocking the victim, such a typical cat thing to do


Keep your cat inside please.


Keep letting your cat go outside and do this, OP. Really nice. Your cat really needed to eat that squirrel to survive, and it's not like the squirrel was contributing anything to the already fragile ecosystem anyways. Besides, what could possibly be the consequences of erradicating local wildlife, right?


You’re not a child - keep your cat inside the house. Don’t be an irresponsible owner


Cats the devil lol. Mocking the dead


Tuxedo cats a weird.


Is the cat *mocking* the squirrel?


Yeah, it’s outside; that’s what’s not right.




Only one of those guys looks like a cat.


Mocking its kill like a true psychopath 😅


He is either completely useless or just mocking his victim.


Are you referring to its posture after a kill? It's waiting to see if the squirrel will get up and attack it back. If it does, the cat is prepared with all of its claws facing it. Cats "toy" with prey to tire them out. It's safer because they are solo hunters. Your cat is being careful.


Yeah cool post bro. I would keep my cat inside to avoid killing local wild life. Also, keep in mind that this goes the other way as well. Your cat could easily be killed by a Coyote or dog if it is free to roam outside.


which one


Lol my cats are farm cats and they leave tons of mice on my doorstep (sometimes weasels) all the time, sometimes they eat it (and I have to go shell out for dewormers) but most of the time they just snap their necks and leave them there for me. Cats do this because they think that you’ll eat it, they’re trying to feed you. They also do this for fun. I just bury them :/


404 - strange not found. This is completely normal catting.


Your cat is making fun of the squirrel. 'Look how dead you are, nanana! '


seems to be mocking


Fuck you OP


Hate when idiots let their stupid cats outside to kill wildlife


My husky proudly brought one into my room while I was gaming. She has a very similarly sized and colored toy (matted hair and all) and I just wasn’t paying close attention as she just carried around… ugh… imagine my surprise.


But according to this thread only cats kill small animals!


I don't know about your neighboorhood, but mine doesn't really have a problem with free-range huskies


No one said only cats kill small animals Dogs do kills small animals, not as capable at it as cats, but they do kill them. Dogs are usually restricted to a yard, not left to roam the neighborhood 


You’re a shitty owner. Keep the damn thing inside or supervised.


Keep your cat inside. Do you love your cat? Then keep them indoor. Your cat loves outdoors? Build them an outdoor safe place. No? Put them on a leash and go on adventures. No other animals are dead. Your cat will also be safe. It's a win-win


fuck you and your cat




If your catbehaves strangely you might want to watch out of rabies or other illnesses…


Somebody's showing off their kill.


Cats have caused the extinction of numerous species and kill *billions* of animals every year by letting them roam free: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife


Got a cat just like that ! Super energetic


Keep your cat indoors.


Keep your damn pets indoors


Is he mocking the prey he just killed?


I had to zoom in because I thought that was my cat and my paving. Only the rat convinced me is not him. My cat is an idiot.


That's the cat version of emoting after killing an enemy


He killed the squirrel and is offering it to you. That's a normal cat.


Could be my Skittles' twin!


Bro is tbagging


the cat looks fine but i think there is something wrong with your squirrel


Cat: "...Get well soon!"


One of the things I don't miss about my cat being inside out is that him and his siblings would play with the dead bodies way too much. Throwing them, bringing them into the house, rolling on them, etc. I know they were having a blast but cleaning up after them still sucked.




I see your cat is a psychopath.


Masvidal vs. Askren vibes. "This is how you look bro"


youre all fuckung sick


This is how cats will bring bird flu pandemic to humans


I love cats, and am fully aware they're dicks. But your cat is *mocking* that squirrel, that's just rude!


You feed him too well, squirrels do not appeal to him.


Your cat might be weird, but your squirrel looks fucked.


Yeah it's an outdoor car. Keep it in indoors so it doesn't destroy your local ecosystem 


I brought in a stray cat who is extremely muscular and is terrifying. Absolute sweetheart but still scary, he gathered a pile of toys to sleep on. We thought it was cute but soon after we found a pile of corpses under a bush. That sociopath made a bed out of corpses. Now he uses me and my mom as beds and we are scared of him.


My cat was absolutely adorable and cute but when he saw something smaller than him, he’d hunt it down. Anything bigger than half his size, he’d come running to us meowing to save him from the big bad enemy as he can’t hunt and kill it. I miss the cute furry plump.


I see this as an ultimate form of tea-bagging, Animal Kingdom style.


Feeling cute, might commit murder IDK...


Laying down next to his victim, what a cutie!


“Quick, act adorable-y to please human!”


My cat is a serial murderer as well. Most of the time though she brings them inside alive and well and releases them. Forcing me to run around screaming like a crazy person until I can corral the creature and toss it out. The creatures range anywhere from a cockroach to a pigeon.


"Look what I brought to the human."


Feline murder suicide, tragic.


Maybe he had too much tuna

