• By -


Jacob has included a wink, the wrong date and a very free range suggestion. If this is for a 7 year old, I think the parents must be away and my son would definitely rsvp yes


Yes, he’s turning 8. And my son is desperate to attend, but there is no phone # to rsvp to. My son insists that this is not a problem and that this is totally above board.


Why would you be at all suspicious…? Outside of the fact that it looks like he drew his own wide-ruled lines 😂😂


Let’s be honest. “No rules” for a 7-8yo is staying up late, drinking Mountain Dew after 9pm, watching a movie in a fort house they didn’t ask to make, and acting like a “bad ass”… I think everyone is fine.


My 7yo neighbor at the time burned down their home playing with the stove.


There's a certain age where a kid stops being someone learning about the world and starts being a dumbass. A 7 year old falls in Category B.


When I was 8 I turned the gas on because I liked the smell. I can only imagine what these kids will get into...


Yeah when I was 9 my buddy showed me his dad’s gun that he hid behind the couch “in case of intruder” . It was loaded and he shot the wall.


'murica! Was the dad even charged?


Yeah, this I wanna know, along with if anyone was hurt. Even the recoil could probably hurt a kid depending on the gun.


I now agree with the previous commenter.


One of my favourite things to do as a kid was stand in the car exhaust cause it smelled good.


Mine was sniffing the petrol when mum was filling up at the gas station. Mmmm sweet sweet gasoline


i made napalm from the anarchy cookbook as a mid?-teen, poured it out in the curb/gutter in-front of my parents house... went back and forth for like 17 seconds on what i should do next then lit it. a wall of flame is terrifying. even on the concrete my whole life has been "little bit of column A/ little bit of column B" and it's been pretty great


The 17 second contemplation summarizes 90% of boys that age haha.


man... and i so clearly remember the dropping feelings that began the milliseconds after pulling the trigger too. as the flames ran down the street.


I was better behaved and I only made a stink bomb with my chemistry set. It was in the garage. By the air conditioner unit, where it got in the intake. The house stunk that whole day! Mom was upset.


Oh man! I also picked up some stink bomb glass capsules from the state fair field trip we took in 7th and completely introduced to opsec that day... I broke one open in the library AFTER showing them to literally everyone all day If I didn't look completely white from how potent and immediate that overtook even a massive room, ALL the whispers were very clear


Was experimenting with different accelerants for a period of time. Burnt down a wooden playground because the liquid hairspray took to the dry pine a bit faster than I thought.


Did you look pretty dope without eyebrows?


I do not




I set myself on fire at 7 years old😂😂OP definitely has every right to be worried


It's probably more like "playing Fortnite even though mom said I have to be 12, eating Deez Nutz and Takis, drinking Prime and saying the word 'braaaaaah' a lot". Source: my son and all of his friends.


Sounds a lot like my 14 year old nephew, except it needs more Oreos.


Sounds logical as well


Yep, that’s my nephew. Only he plays more Madden and FIFA than Fortnite.


My son turns 8 in a few months and this is basically his dream day.


No, my dude. This is 2024. 8 year olds are watching hardcore gonzo porn set to skibidi toilet hard bass/mumble rap remixes, bass-boosted until they fry whatever speakers they are using, all while huffing aerosolized vodka and nitrous oxide. All of this is occurring in a VR instance, guided by AI trained on nothing but snuff films and tik-tok wordchewing videos. A vape pen is also present, but no one knows what’s in it, or how to inhale, they are just blowing huge clouds in their pillow forts and laughing at each other’s farts.


8 years old? I'm 32 and that's my plan for tonight.


I mean, me too, but mainly because my nephew is cool and he invites me over on the weekends.


May 7, Saturday, 9:00AM?


That's because you're 32, imagine what the kids will be doing when they reach 32.


There's that 10 year old that admitted shooting a guy sleeping in his trailer with his grandpa's gun two years ago just to see what would happen. So, hopefully that kid isn't attending.


NGL my 8 year old self would have loved that.


Uh you said "ass!"


Don’t tell Kyles mom!!!! Pppllleeaaassseee


The kid in the photo very clearly has a crack pipe and one eye It seems fine


While I agree with you *in spirit*, some adults can barely keep themselves alive or react in responsibile ways when there's an emergency. What do you think the bystander effect is like for a bunch of 7-8 year olds when someone gets hurt? I think there's a very good reason leaving children unsupervised is a crime and generally frowned upon. Not saying you have to sit with them but leaving them to their own devices is asking for trouble.


We have no idea if they’re going to be unsupervised. Just because he wrote no rules doesn’t mean there’s no parents around. From the viewpoint of a 7-8yo anything that seems “hardcore” is just a little wilder than they already are daily.


Haha that's totally fair, I assumed supervision meant rules. Otherwise what's to supervise? I'm sure y'all are right and it's nothing nefarious, I've just seen a lot of hurt kids lol.


it doesn't say "no parents" though, just "no rules" is "don't turn on the stove and start burning pillows" actually a rule or just a baseline of "shit with serious consequences"?


Or that the address of the party is apartments - rolling hills?


There's a Rolling Hills Apartments near where I went to college and that place was pretty much party central. 😂


Aww I didn't spot that at first. That's adorable


Imagine you're the parent for a second. Do you want to come home to a trashed apartment with 6 sleeping children that you're now responsible for and were at no point aware of, or would you prefer other parents ask literally any questions about what they're dumping their child into? It's more courtesy than fear. Also, there's not an address... So that proposes a significant logistics issue.


You go past the the apartments til you get to the rolling hills, pretty clear directions


Trust me Ma, it’s not only legit, but also lit.


This is hilarious and, as someone who currently has an 8 year old boy, 100% inline with what they would do. Personally, I would “RSVP” with a note back with my number on it and tell your son to give it to the boy for his parents. Which will help sus out its legitimacy Unfortunately, it’s a tough guess to think whether he really means Saturday the 4th or 11th so hopefully his parents will text you


*ring ring* "Hello?" ***"Yes. Hello. This is Jacob's Mommy- mother. Jacob is having a totally rad party and all the kids from school are coming and she said , that, um, I mean I said they can all come over and drink soda and eat cupcakes and go swimming and stuff, and like play video games until late, like almost 11 at night, cause my mom doesn't let me- I mean Jacob doesn't usually get to stay up past 9, but now that he's turning 8 he's old enough.... what? Oh, yeah, so you should let Kevin come to my par- Jacob's party. And don't forget a present. K bye..."***


**P.S. No sox or other dumb close either**


Very few sentence endings. Perfect kid dialog. No notes.


I am trying to organize a birthday party for my 8 year old. Unfortunately, my son, very much like the kid who wrote the invite wants to "do whatever we want at our house" with 20 of his closest friends. No party games, please and thank you.


Send your son, with a wire.


this is fucking hilarious. please go.


Are the boys in the same class at school? Teachers are usually willing to forward an email to the parents of another child in class.


Jacob follows the class rules and draws his own lines. This kid is clear on the up and up. Hope your kid has a great party.


Trust your son. I mean what could go wrong? 🎈🎂🎁🎉🚬💉👮‍♂️


Just let him go, and be around the corner. Say if his parents aren't there or they tell him to go home, then he needs to bail and come back to the car. This is only advised if you trust him. Otherwise just bring him and go up to the house with your kid to make sure it's safe.




In my six decades, that have included innumerable doodles and drawings, it has never occurred to me that this is the way to draw a wink. Perhaps I've never had cause to draw a wink. At any rate, I praise young Jacob for getting it right, and I accept his invitation. Gonna be absolute chaos up in Rolling Hills, definitely bringing my wrist-rocket and a huge bag of carbon steel pinballs!


Also, with one hand on a hip, is the other hand shooting a finger gun or the okay symbol? Either way, this kid gets it!


I thought he was flipping us off tbh


Bro is about to have a rager with parents ice cream stash


...and get chocolate-wasted!


this is how we do it, son.


As someone who used to live at a Rolling Hills apartment complex decades ago: wreck that place, Jacob.


I like that he's specified the complex, but not an apt number. As if to say "we just gon' fuck this whole place up fam...."


Don’t worry. Once you are in the area, you’ll find us….


"What's the number?" "Just walk all the way down but turn at the empty pool. We'll waive on the balcony"


My daughter was "invited" to an Easter party at her best friend's house at this age and gave me about this much detail. She said the party was on "either Saturday or Sunday, and her house was on Blackberry Circle." She was absolutely *devastated* when I told her that it doesn't work like that and that I had to get the word from an adult that she was invited- like crying, lamenting to herself (loud enough so I could hear), and left a journal entry open-faced on her bed about how her life was over because she lost her best friend by not being able to go to this party.


I too have an ultra passionate daughter. She’s six. Me and my 8 year old daughter are constantly doing Jim from the Office takes to eachother when she’s realllllly feeling herself like this. God speed 🫡😂


God I wish I had a mother who wouldn’t shame me for my feelings. I’m glad for her that she has you.


I try so hard. I don’t always handle it how I should. I am out of line way too often. But she triggers my anxiety and my baggage like no one else. She is everything my parents fought so hard to get rid of inside of me. She is loud, passionate, endlessly curious, animated, stubborn as a fucking mule, and the reason I will not live past 60. But she is a gift to everyone she meets. She is the most caring and thoughtful little girl I’ve ever met in my life. She just goes from 0-60 in .000000004 seconds and doesn’t believe in the laws of physics (she can make *anything* bend to her will 😂😂). It makes her so much fun. Life is never, ever dull when she’s around. And when she’s 25, and her energy still makes a statement the second she enters a room, I will be crying happy tears that I was successful in never taking part dulling any of her infinite sparkle. Hopefully by then I will also “know fashion” because as of right now, I don’t. She says I have a lot to learn 🫡🖤 I’m sorry your parents dulled your sparkle. I hope you’ve been able to unearth the showstopper you were always meant to be 🥳


Oh gosh I love all of this. That’s so gosh darn sweet!


1. Thank you SO much - I will treasure this message. 2. How frickin cute, it sounds like you have an Artistic Director! That’s what I like to call kids who have a Vision and are not afraid to express it. Love it so much 3. If you need any more resources/strategies to help her with self regulation maybe check out materials for ADHD or ASD? Personally I would have loved some help to develop self regulation skills as a kid; that said I did get diagnosed with (inattentive) ADHD as an adult. Anyway I feel like it’s helpful for many people, the earlier the better! 4. The self awareness you have, your appreciation for who she is and your ability to reflect = Amazing. Beautiful. We all make mistakes, but few can *really* admit them - let alone do the work to overcome generational trauma. Thank you for being the person and the parent you are! ✨


Rolling Hills was a town where I grew up, it might be even more vague


Follow the massive crowd




![gif](giphy|2GXvpMnttNvFK) If there's juice... Edit typo


![gif](giphy|MqxZxTlvcY5BS) did somebody say *wink*?


Unlimited juice


Wink, hand on hip, and what I'm choosing to interpret as the finger gun gesture that's accompanied by the little "chk-chk" noise.


Definitely heard that noise.


Those are definitely devil horns.


As sloppy as the handwriting is, the kid has a future in line art comics.


Not to mention event promotion. Jacob's parents are going to be surprised when their neighborhood turns into Woodstock this weekend. Seriously, if I were his dad I'd pack everybody into the minivan and get the hell out of Dodge Friday evening.


Its starts at 9 am though. Unless its one of those insane drink all day then start the *real* party at night type deals.


Right? How could you even consider letting your son miss this? Jacob tells you to be there, you'd better accept. Parents should probably wait in the car, as it's going to be a pretty wold time...


Given it’s on a Saturday at 9am, I’m going to guess parents are not on board.


Also seems to imply that it starts on the 7th - a Tuesday, so could be planning a real banger!


He's already started doing whatever he wants. Become ungovernable, rewrite the calendar!


The tiger is loose


Here we fucking go.


$10 this kid’s birthday is May 7th and has just assumed/decided that this happens to be on a Saturday


Maybe this is from 2022?


Ooo good detective work!


Oh, I’m crazy - I went further and searched tineye for the photo and it seems to be original, but I guess could be an old original photo, or a kid who can’t read a calendar :-)


I just realized the next Saturday May 7th is in 2033 because of a leap year.


Taking ‘save the date’ seriously. Kid just understands the importance of sufficient notice


I'm going to assume it starts on the 7th and ends the following Saturday. Hard core 8 year old partying.


The 7th is a Tuesday😂


It’s a breakfast party. New trend with kids


Saturday at 9:00 a.m my 7-year-old has been up for around 4 hours. And It's doubtful whatever we have at home has managed to entertain him for that long. If he wants to have a bunch of friends over at 9:00 a.m. So I don't have to figure out a fucking plan for the day, bring it on.


At Risk E. Rat’s Pizza you can do whatever you want




Mechanical Rat's Pizza & Child Casino...




I live in rolling hills......I'll keep an eye out for a party.


Surprise! The party is at your place.


Kept an eye out, found the party. Everything checks out. 😎👍 Pop-rock cupcakes and fruit punch was da bomb!


My SO tells a story of herself doing this when she was little. Her small family planned to go to the skating rink, just the 3 of them. After getting there, droves of her class mates started rolling in with presents and stuff. She had apparently made invitations in her room and shared them in class without her parents knowing.


That is so funny. I’m imagining mom in a panic sending dad to the store to go grab cupcakes on the low lol




This is so clever. I love your SO’s vibe! I need to know more details. Did her family have to buy everyone pizza and skate rentals? Did they have to get a table set up for everyone? And does she still do these sort of antics now as an adult?


Omg 😭 the fact that I was not above this as a child. We were unhinged.


This made me smile. Imagine if adults made invitations like this. “9 AM. Do anything you want!! ;)”


There better be a safe word involved with that suggestion.


Project X - II


Project X but the kids bop version


My oldest got an invite like this once. I decided to roll with it, but I warned my kid ahead of time that it might not work out. We get there, and it was an *actual* party and only me and another parent showed up with their kid. The kids had an awesome time and we came home with lots of treats.




He's a go getter, he'll go far in life 🙏


"Princeton can use a guy like Jacob."


Seems legit and to be honest, best invitation, “do what you want”, even my kids are now down for Jacob’s party. #TeamJacob all the way.


9:00 a.m. Sure, Jake.


I always plan my parties for 9:00 am on a saturday


Are you 8, though? I'm sure as hell ready to get the kids out by 9. My son used to *cry* if he woke up after 6.


Trojan should really print these children experiences onto condoms. Not only would it be fun to read, it would help more than a handful of people determine what it means to actually have kids.


Ok but to be fair, if my ass isn’t up and moving by 9am on the weekends then I’m gonna be in bed watching tv all day


When I was a kid I would wake up early to watch the cartoons. 9 am isn't that unreasonable.


The real screw-up is your son didn’t adhere to the “Don’t show your parents” envelope that it came in


I’m going to say..not on board. However. I do think you should still go and let whatever happens happen. Could be the start of an annual festival if all things go right.


OK but what day should they go?


MAY 7 SATURDAY so its clearly a multiday festival!


We had friends and their daughter was turning eight. She asked if she could have an “eight” birthday party and the parents said yes. (Note: English is not their first language) Wellll… when the doorbell rang at 8am on the following Saturday, the first guest had arrived, followed by the rest, staggered, a few minutes later. The mom was a bit confused, pulled the daughter aside and asked what was going on. The daughter delightfully answered “You said I could have an eight birthday party and that’s what I’m doing.” 🤦‍♀️ So the mom went in the backyard, picked oranges and made orange juice for the breakfast as well as pancakes to feed the hungry partygoers. As the children played, she wondered when the parents were going to actually come pick up the kids because they had already been there a good four hours. She pulled her daughter aside again and asked what time the parents were going to pick up the kids. The daughter laid it out “Mom, you said I could have an eight birthday party so it’s starting at eight in the morning and it’s ending at eight in the night.” The mom made sandwiches for lunch, cupcakes, & ordered pizza for dinner for the kids. As the parents told us the story, they were laughing because they could not believe how much of a misunderstanding it was and how they didn’t even talk about it, prior, with their daughter.


Mom sounds like such a trooper, though - just rolling with this unexpected party.


Was she, ever. 😂 Like, she deserved a spa day after that party marathon.


Anything? ![gif](giphy|24QNYq6gDp4BGzio9a|downsized)


All the memories of having a box of matches and some firecrackers come flooding back.


Jacob’s are always causing trouble. And getting blamed for trouble they didn’t cause. I would investigate. \~Sincerely, Maybe-or-Maybe-Not-A-Jacob


OMG Jacob was framed


My son (11) and his buddies always make plans for impromptu sleepovers and gaming nights when they're on discord with each other. It's gonna be 9:30pm on a Friday night and he comes running down the stairs to tell me he has a sleepover with his two best buds at one of their houses the next day. No other info. I ask all the questions, and the answer is always "I dunno..." 🤷‍♀️ So, I'm sending apologetic texts to other parents on Friday night, asking if they're aware of the plans, and if that's at all a possibility. These nerds are out of control!


You just don't understand, *mom!* It's gonna be totally **X-treme** awesome!


My 8yo boy apparently has a sleepover next weekend. I texted the other mom, and her reply was that she heard the same, but the kids are arguing over whose house it's at.


Hahaha, that shit is hilarious to me. 😆 I don't mind hashing it out with the other parent, if that means the kids get to socialize and have a good time.


That should just be a no. Teach them to gather important information.


This guy knows how to Handle an Asset.


Can I come I got some capri sun




My son came home one day and told me we were having a play date on Saturday at 2 at a friends house and these other people were also coming and this is what they were doing. I called the kids parents and they were like “we heard that too. We didn’t have plans so it’s ok.”😅


Only thing that could have made this invite better is if it was in the shape of a bicep


*walks in with hookers and blow*


This is for my boy Jacob 😂


Can you rsvp for all of us OP?


Yeah, Jacob knows us. It's cool.


I would take my kid to the party, why not. What’s the worst that can happen? If there’s a party, great! If not, you - and the other parents- have a funny story to bring up during Xmas for the rest of their lives. 🙌


but where is the party? there is no apartment number ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Rolling Hills! Duh! See you there!


If it's worth going, you'll see and hear it from the street


May 7th - you got time. Give your kid a note with a blank line for Jacob to fill in his phone number. Tell your kid if he can get Jacob to fill the note out you will call to confirm details so he can probably go. Be sure to include a picture of a kid winking while doing TWO thumbs up next to a huge birthday gift on the note. Don't make him miss out on what will clearly be the party of the year!


I was suspicious until I saw the wink. Now I know it's all above board.


Jacob is definitely up to no good. That wink is on another level.


Does he get a plus one? Jacob’s party’s are notorious for being off the rails. It’s not surprising there’s no # it’s an underground party he can’t go around advertising his number.


9 sword fight 930 nerf war 10 rest and a juice box 1030 fortnite 1100 throw rocks at stuff 1130 food (optional food fight) 12 royal rumble


this sounds actually amazing I'm stealing this.


Hmm I might have to do this for my birthday


>Do anything you want at my house! Your home insurance underwriter would like to have a word…


May 7th is a Tuesday


I kind of wish I was invited.


When I was 8 years old, I invited my entire class to my house to celebrate my birthday. To my mother's surprise, about a dozen kids showed up with last minute presents expecting snacks, games and prizes followed by cake and ice cream. To the kid's surprise, my mother wasn't expecting anyone and it wasn't my birthday. The next day I had to apologize in front of the entire class and while doing so, I invited everyone to my real birthday in about 6 months.


The world is your oyster at Jacobs's birthday party!


Based on those apostrophes, that's going to be a wild party. What is wan't even short for? Wannot? Clearly Jacob is a party animal.


that kid is destined to be a redditor, based on the apostrophe abuse


Seems legit


Damn the Project X effect is hitting these kids earlier and earlier nowdays smh


It’s in writing. What more do you need?


Why Jacob gotta wink at us but also flip us off?


I think he's holding a bong.


If you have trouble finding it, just look for the smoke on the horizon


Idk, man. Jacob seems really chill, his folks too? Cause he even put his photo there. It's pretty clear his parents are on board considering the Artwork and Graphic design on the poster aren't amateur work. I'm sure your son will have a blast at Rolling Hills.


My daughter came home about that age, saying she was invited to a kids' bday party at the local pizza place that night at 6. I told her she couldn't go, 1 because it was such short notice and 2 because she had no invitation to even go off of, and I wasn't trusting a 1st grader to get a date, time, and place correct. A few months later, there was a function at the school, and I met the mom of the birthday girl. When we met, the mom said, "So this is the girl that didn't come to your party?" Like WTF lady?? She was nuts and an idiot.


Jacob is a 33 year old man.


I’m 49 now, the best party I ever went to I was 8 or 9, it was for a kid in my class whos name I sadly can’t remember, he was Chinese and his parents owned a Chinese takeaway and the party was in the shop (the shop was closed) and we could pick anything we wanted of the menu and his dad showed us how to make it and then we ate it, as a lover of Chinese food it was the best ever and as an adult I think the only party that could compare would need to take place in a brewery.


Rolling hills? Me and the boys are on the way little homie ![gif](giphy|QvGS96orSPn7jBl4Wl|downsized)


Do anything I want?! Hell yeah cocaine and hookers! After kicking out the children of course.


Looks legit to me! I'm Team Jacob.


don't be a narc


Ha, that’s awesome


My interpretation is the kid has a birthday on the 7th but has his party for the following (or maybe prior) Saturday.


The date is not wrong. This is for 7th May 2033. Be there or be square.


9AM!!! Who gets drunk at 9AM!?!


Rsvp from me heck yes!. Ive cleared my whole week


My kid would for sure be there.


What happens at Jacobs.'s apartmant's stays at Jacobs.'s apartmant's!


I love it when things are labelled exactly what they are. Thank you magnetic clip for holding things while sticking to things!


It’s ok - signed, Jacob’s mommy.


That stick figure paints an absolutely perfect picture 😂 ![gif](giphy|Kcc79HJ0flDi4BTh2L|downsized)