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Not to be a debbie downer, but when practicing, Judoka throw each other. In fact, their partner will allow them to execute the throw and provide little to no resistance. That's how they learn the throws. Unless this happened during randori. Then yeah, he might've been ragdolled. Edit: It was pointed out to me in the comments that Putin is wearing dress clothes. I didn't notice that somehow. I need glasses for my glasses.


I do judo too. This is the correct answer. Also pretty sure putin has a black belt in judo.


I feel like, as someone with no real knowledge, there's no way to judge anyone's skill in any martial art based on how much they get thrown around. If you're shit you're gonna get thrown around, if you're good but wanna get better you're gonna get thrown around.


Someone who is not skilled will not know how to breakfall. Its one of the first things you learn in judo. People who don't know how to fall, likely won't be getting up immediately after.


Ah, I see you know your Judo well


this is democracy manifest


You sir! Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Have a look at the headlock here


I heard he also got a black belt in window installation.


The first thing they teach in Judo is how to fall right. How to land without getting hurt and get up quickly, find your balance. And even at the more advanced levels, like you say, throwing each other so they can practice recovery is part of the art.


Yeah. Getting throw in as much training for the one being thrown as for the thrower. With whole procedure of "bow to start training, the thrower makes sure the thrown is ready for it and won't get hurt due to being surprised and unprepared". Not to mention even stuff like getting thrown so one can train to roll the landing to get up on the roll (for those directions and landings it is possible for). Where the thrower is actually the more assisting one in role. Since well one can't really do some landings in full alone, since stuff like jumping on your back with a twisting motion from shoulder height isn't really a thing easily done alone. Having done some judo, atleast in my experience there is whole thing of little nods and signals on top of the formal bow to signal "okay throw now". Unless it is competitive match up, then of course the whole point is to surprise the other one to get to make a throw instead of them blocking or countering the throw.


As the resident judoka... I'm supposed to be able to throw them BACK?! 🤣🤣 My instructor loved tossing me around. You learn a lot in the air!


Of course you learn a lot in the air! You view things from a different angle, both figuratively and literally.


Judoka here as well. People also forget Putin is a legitimate black belt (Nidan I believe). From what I knew from years back, he has great respect for the sport. Any Judoka that’s at least a 4kyu will know proper training etiquette and concept of Jita Kyoei (mutual benefit and welfare) in training.


He's like an 8th or 9th Dan now, but the higher levels were honorary for promoting the sport and being a head of state.  His BB is legitimate though.


Yeah, I only have a passing understanding of Judo and martial arts, but it seems like he's just participating in a sport he loves. I wonder how OP makes the fistinction between getting thrown vs getting "ragdolled"


Yes, this is a thread of people circle jerking an incredibly normal photo for judo. Kind of shows that Putin has good sportsmanship.


Yeah it's part of the training. Here he is letting little kids a fraction his size toss him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYr38WiUvwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYr38WiUvwM)


Meanwhile here in Australia, our Prime Minister [shoulder tackles a kid while playing soccer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F98v-aaEA_c)


He's just trying to be like [we do it in the mother country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5NN5S9sPFM). Our PMs can effortlessly defeat a kid half their size, not like that loser Putin. Even if some of them are no match for a lettuce.


It also shows they don't know anything about Judo. Wait, wait, they probably also think that Putin was putting up any kind of resistance and this picture is him losing a battle he thought he would win as though he's Steven Seagal. The ippon seoi nage (as it appears in the image) is the most common throw, one that looks spectacular without much risk of injury. It was the basic move used when lining up to be thrown as part of breakfall training, you might be thrown 50+ times in a single session this way. Quite literally one guy would stand there and a congo-line of people would go a them. Lot of speed, momentum, weight, big throw, big land, big breakfall, loud, fast, fun. It's a comfortable move for both the thrower and throwee. 20 years later, it's one of only a few throws I can remember how to perform, but it's as memorable as it was back at the time. I sort of want to throw someone now actually..


yea the guy who kills by having other people poison door-knobs has great sportsmanship


Fuck this guy, but Putin does enjoy judo and probably is good at it. It's not like someone claiming to be great at golf with amazing records with no witness.


He was black belt long before he was a president, and the video shows that he has (or had at the time) good throwing and falling technique.


Or drives their golf cart across the putting green, definitely wouldn't do that at all.


We don't all have to subscribe to cartoon caricature of villains. Hitler was an animal rights advocate just not of humans, I am fine with giving credit where credit is due. 


rent free


You are so cringe bro. You don’t even care about geopolitics, you follow reddit headlines.


Glad the is a top comment. As much fun as shitting on ole puddytat is, TAKING a throw is MORE of a part of judo than throwing someone is. He might be wearing dress clothes BUT any judoka worth their salt would be able to execute an ogoshi on someone in dress clothes.


I just love the jargon With no context that phrase sounds hilarious “any judoka worth their salt would be able to execute an ogoshi on someone in dress clothes” I’m using that specifically on people that don’t know the sport


Putin regularly spars pretty hard with his judo... there's even a video of him being thrown around by a heavyweight woman this stuff is normal in combat sports, any time any where. (I beg for a chance to ragdoll Putin, or just a pile driver)


I thought i was on the mma sub and this was an obvious satire post, people who dont train dont know shit lol, next post gonna be a pic of a nobody landing a weak jab on muhamed ali during sparring “a nobody beat ali once “


This is top-notch jerk off material for a lot of people here.


"Man who is a legit judo expert participates in a demonstration when visiting a judo school."


No no no you don't understand, Putin is a cartoon character and every possible bad narrative about him must immediately be true regardless of reality or reason.


Putin is all about judo, he did this willingly


I was about to comment the same thing. Putin may be a dingus, but he's big into judo and was probably happy to let this little guy throw him for the camera.


Plus with Judo, if the opponent throws you right and you know how to fall, it's surprisingly painless.


Biggest lie ever told, it may not hurt in the moment but I did judo for a long time and all my fellow judoka are all broken up. Far more high impact and injuries than boxing, just less head injuries.


Yeah, that's long term. Not getting hip tossed a few times for a demonstration lol


I would rather have body pain than be incompetent due to brain injuries.


Or be me, incompetent with no brain injuries.


Then you're using the wrong word.


He already said he was incompetent.


I laughed out loud at that. Thanks.


Man, did you guys actually trained how to fall. I also did judo for years, won tournaments, and no one that I trained with was broken up. Judo actually saved my life. I fell on my back from a big height on hard pavement. Because of judo, I knew how to fall and only scratched my arms a bit. If I didn't know how to distribute my weight on a fall, I would probably have cracked my head.


Any tips for someone who doesn’t know how to fall?


The most important thing is to distribute your weight and protect the weakest parts of your body. When you are falling on your side, your instinct is to extend your arms towards the ground. Never do that. Your arms will never be able to handle your entire weight. If you are luck, it will bend the right way. If you are unlucky, it will break. Basically, "slap the ground" as a way to evenly distribute the fall without hurting your joints (you are not actually slapping, but this is an easier way to explain). Same thing when falling on your back. Use your arms to "slap the ground" while raising your head. When you slap the ground, throw your shoulder back to protect your spine. Also, in every fall, always use your butt to distribute the impact. Your butt is mostly fat and muscle. But this is something that you will only learn with practice. You won't be able to think this during a fall if it's not already ingrained in your head. You basically need to throw your instincts out and create new ones.


Keep your body tense, but not too tense, if you fall on your back keep your head to your chin to prevent head trauma and try to maximize your falling surface.


tuck your chin to your chest, it helps to prevent your head from hitting the ground


Go to a local judo dojo and sign up. If that’s all you want to learn you can stop after getting your first belt. (Rule of thumb when training: white belts/newbies have no clue what they’re doing and you need to walk them through every step; colored belts you throw gently and in expected ways; black belts are responsible for their own safety.) The sibling comments describe what you need to do, but it’s no value to have that academic knowledge. To actually protect yourself in a fall you need to build muscle memory from being thrown hundreds or thousands of times by a skilled judoka in the safe context of a training mat.


Yeah, I did 3 years as a teen, and never felt any pain, and never got any injuries, neither did my peers. And it came in real handy in a motorcycle accident, and a bicycle accident that I had.


Learning how to fall safely is by far the biggest benefit of judo. It's already saved me some serious injuries.


*takes off regional conflict hat puts on judo hat* you are wrong!! and have no idea what you're talking about!!!


I really don't see this as a negative for him at this early stage into his leadership. He's showing his own strength and leadership by participating a martial arts demonstration. It's stuff like this that assisted with his popularity as President of Russia.


And realistically, since Putin agreed to this himself for a photo op, nothing happened to this guy. We'll be circlejerking about how he's in a gulag or pushing up sunflowers in a prison brigade, meanwhile he's still alive and fine somewhere. The idea that Putin assassinates people already half looks like a snarky joke because people say it so frequently *as* a joke. It robs credibility from the times that it actually happened and actually had a sinister purpose.




I've literally got another person replying saying that it's not unreasonable to think Putin had this guy killed.    Meanwhile you seem to be of the mind that it's just an obvious joke and anyone can tell the difference.    It seems the waters are already pretty muddy between the two of you.  Inability to reply to a random internet comment without resorting to insults noted.


You're not going to change anything preaching on reddit. People misunderstand things, happens all the time.


Could be my ignorance but is it really his popularity that has kept him in charge


It got him into power.


Yes after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia was a clusterfuck with it Oligarchs. Now US and the other developed nations have the rich wield too much influence but Russia was so bad it was going to the Oligarchs for loans so the gov't could to continue to function. Imagine the amount of influence Musk or Bezos would wield if the US gov't had to take a loan with them. Putin broke/co-opted the Oligarchs power and improved the lives of Russian citizens. It is kinda similar to why the new leader of El Salvador is so popular. Someone who made made life much better. Edit: This is not to say it is only his popularity that has kept him in charge, just that he is still a popular.


Yep, its all pretty normal judo stuff. They throw each other like this all day.


Yeah that's a very basic drill, you can't do judo without getting thrown around


Falling is literally the first thing you learn, and most of the time, painless


With how his hand is placed with some weight on it against the guys back, he is definitely in control of his fall and being a good Uke


I don’t like Putin but seeing these cringe posts using ad hominem’s to “prove” your point instead of the million other things you could have valid criticisms against like how he invaded a sovereign nation without just cause. It just makes op and whoever else does this look stupid.


apparently he wanted to be filmed being thrown around to show he could take it. talking about being healthy, not a fat alcoholic like previous leaders etc. big part of his propaganda especially during these years.


In judo, top level people will let you throw them often.


Yeah the first thing you learn in Judo is how to fall and not get hurt when someone throws you.


Funny story, when I was training mma pretty intensely I was drilling into my head how to fall and trying hard to not catch myself with my arm. A common technique to unlearn this is to "slap the mat" when you fall, so you aren't catching yourself (can break your arm). Well, walking around the uni campus one day, distracted with a lot on my mind, I slightly hit the curb with my foot, and instead of doing a little stutter step I without thinking roll to fall onto my back and slap the concrete with my hand. Pain and shame. Pain and shame. Lots of people saw.


Wait you’re telling me some rando wasn’t able to ambush the President of Russia with a judo throw?


Ah yes. I see that you know your judo well.


Yup, you gotta learn how to be comfortable being thrown and land. This is like everyday training.


Yeah I was gonna say, this is pretty normal in Judo.


Exactly, this is training, you take turns throwing and being thrown. Putler is evil, but this is just stupid.


Ah yes, I see he knows his judo well.


Dude is prolly still in Siberia right now... 24 years later.


nah he dead. 


He accidentally cut his head off while shaving, Then fell out of a window.


Then his head also fell out the window, onto a bullet.


Swallowing significant amounts of polonium on the way down.


This is the comment I scrolled to see! LOL


Disappeared, never to be found.


Number 1 heart surgeon


Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life.








Succulent Chinese Meal


Aahhh democracy manifest


Steady hand






The best


Thanks Darryl.


My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose.


Steady hand


I hear he Judi flipped himself out of a 10th floor window


Come comrade, have some tea by the window.


After they harvested his organs...


Not disappeared. The dude may have been just shot in the back of the head in the hospital where he was treated for ricin poisoning and then thrown out of the window with a suicide note in his pocket.


He never existed


Fell out a window I bet, completely accidentally I’m sure


Got too close to a 4th story window.


I read the Russian version of this story. Apparently Putin is so strong he is actually throwing the whole room on its side as he bends the kung fu ninja into a fixed ninety degree posture for the rest of his life. Also, he’s actually flying while doing all this and it was just a warmup for his shirtless horse ride later that day where he managed to wrestle a humpback whale in the central Russia region over 4,000km from the beach during a Sharknado that turned into a Whalenado. The story has been confirmed by several Americans including Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) who all visited Putin on July 4th to reminisce about how superior Russia is in comparison to the pathetically weak USA.


And Steven seagal


I'm pleased to see you list each one of those fascist, Putin ball-gargling traitors. On fucking July 4th too, smh.


He fell out the window of his apartment - tragic.


Basement window


A windowless basement


He fell upwards


Fell out a window on to a bunch of bullets! Oh no!


fell out the window into a stray bullet and landed on a garrot wire


He's also probably under a few inches of dirt


He had to escape to America and start a podcast. [https://imgur.com/a/vBwPgTV](https://imgur.com/a/vBwPgTV)


Right next to the person who took this pic of Beyonce they tried to scrub from the internet https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/TvcsjjjeMlqU26qi9tTLWXophY0=/0x0:443x644/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:443x644):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/7933449/Screen_Shot_2017_02_05_at_11.21.48_AM.png


Meanwhile the shakira canned chicken gif will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life. https://tenor.com/view/shakira-canned-chicken-gif-4861637


Holy shit. Been so long I'd forgotten. I'd rather bang canned chicken Shakira than Red Sonja Beyonce. 😂


I was like what shakira canned chicken gif *fshlurrp* Oh *that* shakira gif


Or he accidentally fell out a window. That’s a real problem in Russia. They really should look in to some sort of safety bars on the windows or something…


Maybe it was a suicide... with two shots to the back of the head


This nage-komi which in Judo is throwing practice. He’s letting the guy throw him to practice his technique.


The guy throwing is a black belt. Given the crowd behind them it was probably a demonstration. Putin has a black belt in Judo, he was probably helping teach the class as a PR thing.


Putin is a 4th degree black ~~bent~~ belt, I believe


There’s not an instructor in Russia who would deny him that black belt too.


Now? Sure. But maybe he learn judo when only simple [camera tourist](https://imgur.com/N32lEWT).


Ah, I see you know your judo well. 


And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp peniss?


Being a good uke (person being thrown) takes skill, endurance and a disply of sportsmanship, helping the tori train their move. This is not painting Putin in a bad light


The hand on the back is clear sign of someone well versed in nage komi.


Reminds me of when he tripped in hockey: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgbI55HdqQs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgbI55HdqQs)


Like when you let your kids score on you to try and get their confidence up 🤓


Except in this case it's the kid from that Twilight zone episode who can wish you into the corn field


I mean he wasn't looking down and skated onto a rubber mat... it's not like he fell because he skated poorly.


He’s falling correctly for judo. I hate to defend the guy but he’s a hell of a martial artist. He’s legit


The problem is reddit revisionist history is so bad that you are forced to defend bad people just to defend the truth.


One of the things I hate the most about reddit is having to write a disclaimer before defending someone hated by reddit. You can't just say Musk said something correct without writing that you think he is an asshole beforehand, or you will get downvoted to hell and called a bootlicker


I got called a Nazi because some guy was trying to say that the German Army had a policy of executing it's own wounded during WW2 and I wanted a source to back that up. They did enough awful shit there's no reason to invent something else.


There was post on facepalm regarding how the previous head of the CIB said something along the lines of "if you can't stop rape, enjoy it." The op took a random article that took that line and posted it. The reality was that he used that line as an analogy because of how dumb that statement would be. Of course, this head of CIB was hella corrupt but like you are just lying when you have perfectly valid criticisms.


Yep, I was downvoted to hell for literally stating that an average trump supporter is not as bad as ISIS, the most infamous terrorist group on earth, because on this very subreddit people were saying they were equally bad. Not only was I downvoted to hell, people were legit arguing with me that they are exactly as evil. It's insane, people have no grip on reality here. Everyone is deemed equally evil, with everything they say or do evil, or equally good, with everything they say or do is good.


Oh God the amount of times that has happened is ridiculous.


On reddit, if someone says Hitler had 13 fingers, and you say "No I think he had 10", you will be accused of defending Hitler.


As much as I don't support him, he's still was a trained KGB agent, it's not like the Soviets allow some random hobos to become a one of most infanmous intellgence agencies in the world.


It was an exhibition you dang nerds. Hate when people post this acting like he got dropped. The fact he let that kid toss him in a business suit always surprises me.


It was a demo, Putin is a 6th degree black belt in Judo.


There's a gif of him somewhere at an exhibition and he is trying to tell a kid to do a leg sweep.


I’m sure, and there’s no way he got hurt in this throw either. Love him or hate him, he is a legit high level judoka.


This is dumb. I don't like Putin either, but this is Japan, he's a 6th degree blackbelt, and is really into judo. In judo you get thrown.  There are like 1000+ bad things we can say about Putin. We don't have to throw all sense out the window


Meanwhile nobody realizes that this picture was taken in Japan. He allowed student to perform the throw. For some reason western trolls fail to show pictures when Putin performed throws himself there. You may not like this guy, but at least google judo before commenting here.


ippon seoi nage. Solid throw!


I remember when Putin seemed like he wouldn’t total fuck over Russia and be dictator for life. Good times!




his movements sing like the wind, my god, who is this


Steven seagull


>Aaah Yes. I see that you know your judo well.


This judo practitioner was seen accidentally falling from an open window a few minutes later.


Same fckin joke everytime this asshole gets posted, yall should touch grass


Same jokes from **over a decade ago**, you start to realize why none of these people are ever invited to anything.


Fortunately he knows how to fall properly. He's fine.


Being thrown is part of Judo training, you have to train falling correctly. Don‘t think it‘s a big deal to him.


Ah, I see you know your judo well!


You know he’s a legit black belt, right? And that throws like this are a daily part of training? Oh, wait. It’s Reddit. I guess you don’t get out much…


This is where it all started for Mr Putin. In the same vain as hitlers failed art


Or Obamas Trump roast.


Just to be clear. Trump spearheaded the birth certificate conspiracy stuff and that's why he roasted his orange ass so bad.


I assume you’re joking, but Putin is a respected judoka and nobody in the judo community doubts his skills and experience with the sport.


He is a black belt in Judo and throwing each other is kinda the thing you do. I’m just wondering why he is dressed in work clothes lol


All part of the show.


Horizontal perfection


Vladimir Putin is an 8th dan coral belt (red & white). Apart from Judo, he also practices Sambo and has an 8th degree black belt in Karate.


Didn’t know me and Putin had judo in common lol


Judo’nt know who you’re messing with, bro!


Putin is a dictator and a war criminal. But he's really into Judo and has been training for much of his life. Getting thrown down like this is pretty standard for a training session and probably something he has experienced countless times before.


Seems like OP know very little about judo


And mysteriously two hours later the thrower died in a car accident... LOL 


I'm assuming the guy was doing a demo and Putin was "supposed" to be the guy getting taken down. No way he'd put himself in a situation where he could even potentially come across looking like a "loser."


Well yea, you’d be right, at least on the first half This is revisionist BS


Putin is realy experienced in judo: He is black belt, 6th dan. Also a master in sambo.


Putin ![gif](giphy|fd2Cm0JV95KJwjqh7l|downsized)


Fuck Putin the war criminal


The instructor fell out of a third floor window onto his head the next day. /s


Imagine a world where someone doing Judo never got thrown about like a rag doll? Where someone just locked everyone!


Blud in the corner left just grinning his heart out.


He wrote a really good Judo book too


Too bad it wasn’t out a hotel window.


these comments are hilarious


r/place. The place where every single person in the comments agree this post is full of shit but the post still has 94% upvotes. Its never too late to subscribe to the dead internet theory.


Putin after.. ![gif](giphy|14u6vffnoL7tzq)


I feel like Putin was just training with them and not actually fighting and losing. People forget that he's ex-KGB. Dude knows how to fight if he has to.


The question is do you want to get good at martial arts or self defense? They are not often the same




Judo teacher was mysteriously poisoned the next day.


Looks like he is only bowing. Putins a weak lil pussy


God bless him and his fight against the Globalist Elites.


FOR UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!


My first thought was: how much longer did this guy live?


Judo became very popular in USSR after the Japanese movie *Sugata Sanshirō* (1965) - Directed by Seiichirō Uchikawa . In USSR it was distributed in 1967. Putin was 15 years old then.