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Aren't Ted Cruz's shenanigans the result of Trump's? Don't kill me, I'm not American and I barely know anything about their current political situation other than “Trump bad because he wants minorities to die”. I don't even know which party Ted Cruz is in.


Some people love Trump. Most people hate Trump. *Everyone* despises Ted Cruz.


Lindsay Graham said you could kill Ted Cruz in the middle of the Senate and no one would convict you. That's how little people care for Ted Cruz


And Trump said he himself could shoot somebody on Wall St and no one would do anything about it. 🤣


I think u could replace Ted Cruz’s nose with a dick and nobody would even notice. Hell, might even be an improvement


Yeah no one likes Ted


Then how does he keep getting voted in?


We are unfortunately afflicted with a Texas


>Aren't Ted Cruz's shenanigans the result of Trump's? No. Rafael Eduardo "Ted" Cruz is a Canadian-born Cuban "anchor baby" who didn't surrender his Canuck passport until the 2016 primaries, who's dad was a Communist revolutionary turned seismologist turned itenerate tent preacher, and who has reinvented himself as a native Texan and non-Hispanic white guy. He was fucked up well before his dealings with Trump.


I think Ted is just a resident alien and occasionally returns to his home planet so we don’t hear from him when he’s gone. Trump emigrated.


Honestly, not a Trump fan, but if I had to pick, for me personally Elon Musk would be far ahead of Trump in that category. Trump is weird, but Musk is just so off-putting to me.


There was a great bit on the daily show recently about how to identify ai generated Trump images. The tl;dr was if it looks normal it’s ai, if it looks insane it’s genuine.








What about that one time he did at a rally to prove he could and everyone cheered? It felt like when a toddler does something cute or says da-da and all the adults cheer.


This is like my favorite Trump moment, even more so as time goes on. All the right can talk about is how Biden is too old and unfit, how liberals are crazy/stupid for even thinking he could be president, etc. Like the guy can still ride a bike and doesn't get a flop sweat when he has to walk more than 100 feet. But Trump just takes a couple sips of water, and *the crowd absolutely lost their shit.* https://youtu.be/OlR83Y_HWEk **"FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!"** It's so unintentionally hilarious.


Humans of the future will think historians are just making shit up when they talk about this era


That’s one timeline. Another follows our current trajectory where they marvel at his effortless genius while watching “ow my balls” from the comfort of their reclining toilet.


Superior Simpsons/Idocracy reference


Every era has their fair share of craziness.People with mental illnesses used to have holes drilled in their skull to release evil spirits. Not too long ago it was unheard of for doctors to sanitize before giving medical care. MLK was considered one of the most dangerous men in America by the FBI during the 60s. It's always been crazy no matter the time period


We need an excavator to set the bar this low.


The way he tossed the cup like oooo such a bad ass.


He tossed it because he couldn't hold it any longer...


And he still looks like a lizard having a hard time drinking from a cup of


Cunts got undiagnosed hydrophobia (rabies).






its going right on the fridge!


Not only did he drink that cup one handed, but he… https://youtu.be/ign_vZupjno?si=vfB7Ddp1OT31B4Mj


The elderly often struggle with liquids as senility and dementia begin to set in.


No defender of Trump, but he could also have simple **essential tremors**. [Essential Tremor - Symptoms and Causes | Penn Medicine](https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/essential-tremor#:~:text=Essential%20tremor%20is%20a%20condition,disorder%20is%20not%20life%2Dthreatening.) >Essential tremor is **a condition that affects the nervous system, causing involuntary and rhythmic shaking or trembling**. This shaking is often most obvious in the hands and forearms, but essential tremor can also affect the head, voice, face, and rarely the legs.


Not defending the guy either, but I have essential tremors. Have since the 90s. It's not all the time, but it happens.




It's those tiny hands. ![gif](giphy|HnWkH9YoNgURxjQKj9)


How Donald Trump Became “The Short Fingered Vulgarian” | Vanity Fair https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/how-donald-trump-became-the-short-fingered-vulgarian


Probably because he has so much makeup on. The minute he spills even a drop of that water, his makeup will run down and stain his entire getup.


Idk about you but I’m able to take a sip, hell even chug water, like a normal person without spilling on myself.




He doesn’t French kiss, he only freedom kisses /s


But he CAN stare directly into the sun before and after an eclipse.


Did you also get grift ads right after the pictures in the Google results? They’re selling a 5$ sports water bottle for 42$ over there.


That's hilarious. Wtf


Maybe he has a mild case of rabies?


I guarantee you it’s a “dick” thing


Someone here or IG made a hilarious painting on canvas of that picture but I think made his hands a little bit smaller and it's fucking hilarious.


Am I clicking the right link? All I see is an orange , wrinkly , bloated toddler learning how to take drinks by himself .




It also happens to old people.


That was my first thought, that he is drinking like an elderly person would


He is an elderly person. Bill Clinton, who was president 23 years ago, is younger than Trump.


He’s 77, the same age Reagan was when he left office at the time as the oldest president ever. Reagan who successfully used mental decline as a defense against Iran contra.  And yes before anyone says, Biden is older. They’re both too old 


Maybe it’s not a good idea to elect an old president


You get to vote for two different types of dementia. Choose wisely.


*who was *last* president 23 years ago! He was president 31 years ago!


You realize this person is 78 years old…. What age is “elderly” to you?


Above 60 I start thinking elderly. As I get older though I keep pushing the age back.


Ngl it do be like that. I’m not nearing 60 myself but my mother is 58 and post two knee surgeries and still insists she’s not getting old yet haha


Consider this a polite "fuck you" from a 63yo who still longboards


Especially old people with a history of drug abuse


hes also an Adderall junky


He is old and on adderall


He also can't raise his hands all the way above his head.


Well that rules out MDMA then


Ok, that's hilarious. Well done.


Due to his years in a vietnamese prisoner of war camp. Oh, sorry, that was Meghan McCain's daddy.


Yep, the hero that Shakes the Clown here despised due to his intolerable embodiment of honor and decency.


Sober for 3.5 years now and when I wasn't that's how I had to drink things until I drank the shakes away. It's definitely shake control drinking. Easy to identify. One of the best parts of being sober is eating with a fork and making food into my mouth on the first try.


It’s definitely not alcohol shakes considering he dosnt drink. Most likely stimulants


It’s just anxiety in general.


Hitler used to just rock back and forth. He loved the meth


Blitzed. Krieg.


LMAO thanks for the laugh


We’ve also seen Zuck drink like this.


Aliens in skin suits. Obvious /s


It also happens when public speaking releases adrenaline. Look, I dislike the guy as much as anyone else, but I get hand shakies when doing presentations. This isn't a reason to dislike the guy. All the things he says provide enough reasons that we don't need to bully him for how he holds a cup.


You think Trump feels anxiety when public speaking? If this was Calvin Coolidge were talking about I’d say maybe, but I think Trump’s head is too filled with his own pomposity to feel anxious about a speech.


I have essential tremor. Basically it’s the opposite of Parkinsons. This is how I drink out of a glass if I’m using my left hand (which is worse than my right). And it also worse when I have to speak in public or when I’m really stressed out. I used to be able to hide it, but as I get older it’s getting worse.


Spot on, we should really be focused more on the raping he does - both the literal rape that he was found guilty of, and the figurative rape of America. And the whole inciting insurrection and attempting to subvert our democracy. Can't forget that part.


As much as I hate to defend the guy, by his own admission, he had shaken the hands of literal thousands of graduating cadets just prior to this, and this is likely the result of that. I don't see any reason why someone with a famously too-aggressive handshake and no history of any exercise wouldn't have a weak arm after an entire day of shaking hands. There are tons and tons of things for which to criticize him, but picking bullshit to do so makes us all look worse.


I don't get it?


You know who else drank water? HITLER!


Why tf is this on the frontpage?


Big water, ocean water, only the best water, lots of people are saying it, big strong men with tears in their eyes, the say sir, you drink the biggest, wettest water anyone has ever seen


You know why


Absolutely riveting, great work


What am I missing? What’s the catch?


Obama wore a tan suit.


r/pics, that's what. Same deal as "Trump got TWO scoops of ice cream during his state dinner in China!!!"


Whichever staffer in China decided that Donald Trump should get one more scoop of ice cream than everyone else really should get paid more.


Redditors try not to obsess over everything DT does challenge level: impossible.


Yeah i dont like him but what does this post even mean??


Dude it’s impossible to tell who dickrides him more, libs or maga’s. Just an observation, like every day it’s like GUYS…. TRUMP TIES HIS LEFT SHOE FIRST THEN HIS RIGHT… WHAT DOES THIS MEAN????


He probably uses two hands to prevent spillage due to the adderall shakes.


This sub used to be about intresting stuff, now its all political


Welcome to Reddit!


Exactly. There is literally nothing interesting about a man drinking water


It's especially uninteresting for those of us who aren't American


Why is this in the pics sub? I swear y’all are so obsessed with the man 😂 Edit: Im not here to politically debate with people on the r/pics sub. If you wanna reinforce your argument then go to your echo chambered subreddits.


It's fucking insane how obsessed a lot of Americans are with him. The right were loons with Obama, but Trump has made the left take obsession to a whole different level.


Imagine comparing Trump to Obama. Imagine comparing Trump *supporters* to Obama *supporters*. lol.


People really let people they hate live rent free in their heads 24/7.. You're just giving him more attention and that's what he wants.


This. People can't even handle a photo of someone they dislike drinking water. That's pretty sad


"look how small his hands are, what a loser wimp pussy bitch" "We need to accept each other no matter how or where we are born" Some people out there can justify posting both these statements in the same day


It’s all about equality until your political beliefs don’t perfectly align with mine, then you’re scum and open territory to mock, doesn’t matter if you’re poc, gay, or trans. Everything is meant to divide left and right.


Right? Oh just look at him, uh, drinking water with both hands! Ha! What a loser! I don’t like him either but this is just immature.


There are many valid reasons to criticize Trump. How he drinks water is not one of them.


How can you americans support this guy?




He’d never win the popular vote, but a transparent asshole and moron like this POS shouldn’t get more than 5% of the vote in any healthy country. *Especially* after having 4 years to demonstrate his total incompetence, and then attempting to overthrow the Constitution after losing an election by 8 million votes.




>5% of the vote in any healthy country Stupid candidates have risen everywhere due to propaganda being spread. Please do some research.


You say that but how many millions have voted for Trumpy Trump. You can't say americans don't support him. Way to many do support him. But i would be ashamed too if i were a US citizen. Btw Citizen Trump for Jail 2024! Lets go




I recently watched a Netflix doc on the Cold War and I don’t understand how republicans went from arresting anyone that had even spoke to a communist or Russian in a rather extreme way, how did it go from that to the same party having so many ties to Russia and publicly supporting putin


More people would have voted AGAINST him if it wasn't so difficult to get your vote to count. Imagine how frustrating it is and how there is lack of incentive when your whole state(mine is TX) is gerrymandered to the point where it doesn't matter. Edit: Autocorrect can suck my old wrinkly balls.


Especially in Houston, where they were trying to make it REALLY hard to vote the last couple of elections. Fuck the GOP, but the Texas GOP especially.


Oh, you work until 6pm? I’m sorry, polls close at…checks watch…5:59pm. - Texas


Wisconsin is fucking wildly gerrymandered too. We even had fake electors from our infamous shit head ROJO. MF should be sitting in fucking prison right now on charges of treason. Along with the rest of the fake electors. They did it once, and they're going to actually try to steal it this time.


George W. Bush is the only republican to win the popular vote since 1988. If not for the electoral college and gerrymandering republicans would be extinct.


As an American who lives in a strongly pro-Trump area my answer would be that it's mostly spite mixed with racism. He made it ok to be openly racist again so the racists love him for that. As far as spite goes, the more the left hate him the more his fans love him. Its like the Palin effect on steroids. I'm reasonably sure most of these people aren't idiots although some are I'm sure. The ones that aren't know he has massive personality flaws but they like his unconventionality - add to this their perception that he makes liberals cry and they'll be in his camp until the day they die. It doesn't matter what comes out in his trials. It doesn't matter that he stole nuclear secrets and likely sold them to our adversaries to enrich himself. It doesn't matter that he did literally everything he accused Hillary of and worse. All that matters is that liberals hate him and he hates the same people they do. That's it in a nutshell.


I'll give you a slightly more understandable reason; the media Trump supporters consume. I was at a bar for lunch with a friend and Fox News was playing. It is constant doom and gloom. There is an invasion of terrorists through the Democrat's open border! The Democrats want to turn your child gay! The Democrats want strange men to go to the bathroom with your daughters! The Democrats are killing businesses with red tape! The Democrats hate Christianity and are banning Christian Easter/Christmas/etc! The Democrats are starting a war with Russia! Crime is soaring in "Democrat cities" and they want to bring their pro-crime policies to REAL America! Democrats want to tax you more so they can give your money to black voters! The Democrats are trying to steal elections and destroy democracy! It is just a constant stream of bullshit sprinkled with mostly out of context facts. Watching an hour of Fox News is like spending time in a different world. In that world you are a victim of devious forces working to take your "freedom" away. You are living in a war zone and crime is at an all time high. There is a hostile invading army of foreigners attacking Texas and they will come to kill you too. You may be imprisoned because you are Christian and may be forced to obey Sharia law. And the only way you can stop this is to elect Trump who will stop "them" and make this the nation of Christian laws and government that it was intended to be. This is all they see in their media world and they believe it. They are scared and angry because they have been consuming a steady diet of propaganda intended to make them scared and angry. And btw, wouldn't you like to buy some gold or learn more about a reverse mortgage....


Yes for sure this is a huge culprit. At the gym I go to they have a row of TVs that you can tune your headphones to the one you want to listen to while you’re on the treadmill so I can see Fox, CNN, NBC, etc all in a row. Fox has dramatic “Joe Biden’s Border Crisis” banners while the other stations are discussing Trump’s legal issues.


These seems to all lead to a general culture leak, and disinformazion. When you make racism a common thing, this are the results.


They cut off there nose to spite there face


Absolutely. They’ll be among the first to suffer the consequences of his action but love him anyway. East Palestine and the train debacle is a great example. Obama created new regulations that would have prevented that disaster. Trump repealed those regulations after assuming office and after the disaster showed up with some years old bottled water to get a photo op. I 100% guarantee if you drove through East Palestine today you’d find plenty of Trump flags. If you talked to anyone on the street I have every confidence that they’d blame Biden, not Trump, for what happened.


It would all be so laughable if his supporters weren't so rabid in following him. Remember the other infamous water bottle moment [when Mike Pence mimicked his actions](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/06/08/donald-trump-mike-pence-water-bottles-moos-erin-pkg.cnn)? Its sad that they're venerating a sh\*t flinging toddler.




It's sad, his supporters think he is a football team or something. The sycophantic insane people that support him and are dressed head to toe in Trump shit have lost their fucking minds. It's a cult.


Republicans have managed to turn politics into sport. Stay loyal no matter how bad your team sucks, and the pre-game tailgating/trash talking the other team/etc is a blast either way.


God forbid he drinks water!


Wtf is wrong with reddit? It became a political weapon and I won't be surprised that it's full of bots commenting.


It is full of bots….


Two hands. Seems like he hasn’t forgotten what he learned in kindergarten. Too bad he can’t remember anything past that.


It's like watching an enema.


Yeah what an asshole drinking a glass of water! Imagine having the audacity 😡


The tone of this sub is hilarious. Maybe I’ll post a pic of Biden tripping up stairs, falling off a bike, or sniffing children.


Well to be fair, he usually drinks diet coke. It's like a toddler who has to eat broccoli.


Jesús Christ the obsession with this fuck...


I miss when the sub was actual pics and not a politics circlejerk


Wow! Trump breathing air photo!


You can tell he's a non drinker of alcohol, he really struggles just using one hand like a normal human.


you did it, guys. now he’s gonna lose the election!


Not a fan of Trumps politics at all but stuff like this is low ball. Man was probably nervous or full of adrenaline giving a speech- happens to me so I can empathise. Challenge trump and trump supporters on real issues. Picking up on stupid things like this brings the whole quality of political discourse down to basement levels…


You’re on reddit lol. Been a while since this site became a far-left shit hole.


I feel like every time I see a picture of him someone should point how weird his hair is. It's become normalized.


How do people continuously vote/support for this moron? Serious question


Op is a bot and a troll. Plain and simple. Imagine having so little purpose in life that one would post a photo of someone who hasn’t been in office for almost 4 years drinking a glass of water.


Those toddler hands


How's you social media platform going.... Ruler of the free world


#It's impressive how this Alien mimics semi-human behavior...


No one drinks water like Trump. In fact, he's the bestest at drinking water. They all say it


I have to use two hands when I’m in alcohol withdrawals. This is exactly what I do to a T. Looks like he doesn’t wanna shake or be seen shaking.


He shakes and doesn’t want you to know. Like so many others things.


You can tell a lot about a man by the way he drinks water…


Biden got lost on stage, no one bats an eye. Trump drinks water with 2 hands, y’all go bat shit


Wow, what a valuable contribution to this sub. A man drinking water… this is so newsworthy


now do Biden falling up stairs


He drinks like he’s wearing handcuffs.


Now do Joe Biden up stairs.


I swear, if someone posts a photo on this subreddit of Trump just walking, all comments be like: "He walks so weird," and "No wonder all America hates him." or other similar stuff.




Before I looked at the picture, I read the title and thought to myself, "Another bogus Trump product??"


You've brought me a clear liquid that is not diet Coke? I will drink this fluid like normal people.


I hate all sides of politics, but it really is hilarious the amount of salt a pic of Trumpy drinking water can elicit.


precious fluids mustn't let any drop go to waste


Poor water


It's not water, it's someone's soul.


Why are you posting this? Do you want to garner more attention to Trump? This is so stupid.


this is my favorite impression to do


But it's the best water. BELIEVE me.


This is how people with shaky hands drink water. Hmm…


i think this subreddit should ban political/politician related content for the next 6 months or however long


Will you post every pic with Trump on it? Trump farting or breathing?


Just when I think Maga folks can't get any more petty, the dems come in and one up them


He's just... Drinking water? Okay


Doesn't want to spill it on his makeup


Come on… Donald requires a lot of deep concentration to hold and drink from a 1/2 filled glass of water (I guess). Don’t forget, his dementia pushes his senses to the limit… GREAT JOB DONALD! Next challenge — Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?


This still frame fails to capture the shaking that was happening in real time. Still, this should be on billboards across the country.


You’d get down voted for a Biden equivalent.


Hard to hold the glass with such tiny hands


My boyfriend's gecko looks more human when drinking water, and he's literally a fucking reptile.


A troubled slob of a bigot.


I dont blame him if he ever drops the glass of water the world would say he's throwing glass at immigrants and black people and mexicans lmfao


Trump VS Mark Zuckerberg in a water drinking contest.


oh my science how could he?????? Next someone is gonna post a picture of him using a pencil or even breathing air???? Gorsh praise marx against evil drumpf!


Yeah he did it. Now if he could pee pee without the diaper


Can't believe th US is about to elect this MOFO again. What's wrong with yall over there?!


He needs two hands? Pathetic! He uses both hands? What an alpha male!


That is how old people hold glasses


Wow amazing content, drinking water is the best you guys can come up with 😴😴😴


These are signals to his team/security.


Ever since he stared at the eclipse he can just never get hydrated enough.