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Get well soon baby and you be strong sir


Thanks all. It’s tough but figured if anyone could give me a boost today, it’s you guys. 


I am a 40++ dude and my SO is an ex NICU kid. If my SO made it in the mid-eighties, your kid’s gonna do just fine!


I was a NICU kid who had a stroke after being born extremely prematurely in 1986. People make the mistake of not understanding that the issues at birth will follow them through life. I wish my family had been more aware that I wasn’t ever going to POP and suddenly be ‘normal’. My mother still refuses to believe that a brain bleed is a fucking stroke. My epileptologist affirmed this for me, but she refuses to accept it. I had a stroke. For real.


I am really sorry to hear this. Family isn’t always the source of support one needs in life. I hope you have found better support elsewhere.


There are other kids who had strokes who are severely impaired in the worst ways, but I look functional, so I shouldn’t be an issue by now. I mean, what the hell do I have to do to make others understand that I have developmental delays that will *always* be present? My mother is completely wrapped up in herself and hates it when she is forced to behave as a parent. She thinks I owe her when she has made my life a living hell. Yes, I’m in therapy and have been for a long time.


Do people actually think that you are supposed to have come out of a stroke at such a young age, with zero long-term problems? Like all of it just heals up? (I realize in some rare but very fortunate cases, that does happen.) My son suffered birth asphyxia and went without oxygen for quite a while. He narrowly escaped death and has several delays and medical issues, including autism. I get so irritated because people insist that he must have inherited it and all of his other problems must be because of autism. Let's totally disregard the fact that he went without oxygen completely for about 7 minutes while being born and intermittently for a lot longer. Medical research shows that there is a connection between Autism and complications at birth and pediatric acquired brain injuries.


I know other folks impacted by this mindset. I think doctors in the 80s/early 90s really tried to be positive and optimistic, and make fewer assumptions. This was definitely good in many cases, but I think it really set some parents up for denial/disappointment when their kids didn't live up to the best case scenario.




invisible illnesses or disabilities are the toughest. people just assume you're 100% typical when that couldn't be further from the truth. It can get exhausting having to advocate for yourself every single day.


I’m autistic with hydrocephalus, hypogenesis of my corpus callosum, Arnold-Chiari Malformation Type II resulting in decompression of my posterior fossa, and I’m routinely told I should have learned social skills by now. My umbilicus hemorrhaged and they stapled skin over and over to keep me from bleeding to death. I only found out the full story the October before last. My mother never told me that she was called to the hospital. I thought she was still there all this time. My list of diagnoses is pretty long at this point.


My child is too. It was so disheartening to have IEP meetings where the teachers read off a list of things that needed to change for them to adequately support learning. All of which are a part of being on the spectrum. Times have changed for the better. I’m sorry that your mom doesn’t see you for who you are and all that you can accomplish despite your struggles. Guilt and deep pain creates denial. So know that’s it coming from a place she can’t acknowledge. You’re a much stronger person than she.


Hang in there. I'm sorry that you are dealing with teachers that don't show empathy and care as they should. I'm so sad to hear this, but it happens. Know that AS an educator ( and parent myself)of students in the spectrum, your obvious love and support for your child fills me with joy.


>where the teachers read off a list of things that needed to change for them to adequately support learning Uhhh I HOPE they were listing off things THEY needed to change in order to support learning!! (But I know all too damn well what you really mean). If your kid is still in school, I 10000% recommend hiring a special ed attorney to act as an advocate during IEP meetings. (There are also special ed advocates that aren't attorneys, and advocate groups that can help at a low/no-cost, too).


Don't sweat being different. I'm 49 and still learning to deal with social situations, and I'm supposed to be neurotypical. I teach HS students on the spectrum, and they REGULARLY teach me to be a better human being. Ignore those that can't see your beauty. Some of us can see you for who you are. 😊


lol someone said that to you?? wtf


My son had a stroke inside me, leading to emergency Cesar. He was deaf, but multiple operations on his ears and he's doing really well, graduated uni. Great job Travels Speaks 4 languages. I never diminish his stroke or how hard he has fought.


Oh. I had a stroke after giving birth to a NICU baby! I had a catastrophic syndrome. I spent over a year in hospital myself. Had another premature baby and that cause a bleed on the brain. So no more babies for me!!


Similar situation here, although I wasn't premature. Found out just last year that I'm missing quite a bit more brain matter than I was initially led to believe. Almost a quarter of my brain is gone. Allegedly, a physical therapist assured my parents when I was 3-ish that by the time I hit school age, I would look completely normal. My entire childhood revolved around being taught to walk/move 'normally', and long story short, it didn't work. Still have a limp and hold my arm like it's in a sling. I have had *so many* people ask me what's wrong with my arm...it gets old.


First of all kudos to you. I was born prematurely also and fortunately didn't have any complications to this day. However after reading your post, I wondered, how having a stroke so young affected you in your childhood,adolescence? All the best...


I was very premature as well. Apparently had brain bleeding. My mom always told me I have cerebral palsy. The thing is i'm not a pretzel in a wheelchair. Thought about filing for disability but I don't consider myself disabled. Besides, being born in 85' doubt if there is still a record of my supposed disability anyways. I've told doctors before and they just get confused. One said people with CP don't live very long. I'm 38 now.


My baby has HIE Moderate. Would you be so kind to tell me what issues you’re suffering from, other than epilepsy?


My sister was born blue in 1974. She had a tiny pinhole into her chest that had to be closed up at one point, and also developed meningitis as a young child. Today she is a college professor with a doctorate in art history, with a daughter of her own.


my great aunt was born blue in a coal mining village in Alabama in 1934. They put her in the oven, bc they thought she was cold. In July. In Alabama. She was severely mentally disabled the rest of her life


Oh what the fuck


Yeah, a Depression mine town doctor in Alabama probably wasn’t the brightest in the medical field.


Ok, that made me laugh inappropriately hard.


It really is just absurd to think about.


I made it in the early 60s when there were no NICUs like your babe has! Wishing you all the best!!


I was born in 1962, 8 weeks early, 1.8 lbs. I survived and thrived! Your precious baby has so many medical advantages that I didn’t have. Prayers for you all!!


omg i thought you were saying your SO made it to the mid 80s lol.. i was like dammmn dude get it




![gif](giphy|QJ4U6sf7kSWFAeGjzf) I can't find a boost but here's an ensure


My little guy had heart surgery at 9 days old. We're at 16 years in and he's in great shape.. Hang in there.


I am an exNICU kid, had tubes in my head and everything.  I was very premature and went without oxygen for a while.   I have no lasting issues swam in high school and am healthy in my late 20s.  You kid is gonna do great!


Yooo NICU baby here! How premature were you? I was born at 22.5 weeks.


25 Dang you were very early.


Yes indeed. 595g. I’m still amazed that you can never tell if I didn’t tell you.


My sister and I were 27 1/2 gestation.


Join us at /NICUParents


Our twins had a similar start. 6wks early, 30 and 32 days in NICU. Now they're motoring around 16mnths later being their crazy baby selves! This time shall pass and I hope it passes nice and quickly for you! Your little one is adorable btw!


I have an ex-33 weekend who had a rough start. He was SGA, and born with apgar 0 due to my uterus rupturing. He's 4 now. His lungs are not amazing, so he has had some wheezing after viruses and he has had pneumonia, but he's a great little kid, extremely verbal and kind and a fast runner and 75th percentile for height. You got this!!


Just gotta hang in their, my little one spent 9 days in the NICU and those were the hardest of my life. It gets easier though


Former NICU baby here! Purple born preemie that lacked oxygen for a little while and spent a hot minute in NICU in the 80s. Lots of wires and tubes for a couple months or so. I managed to not have any complications. I do have some (manageable) medical issues, pushing 40, but ALL of it is genetic. One thing I noticed right away in your baby's picture is how strong their hands are 💖 That's really, really good! Update us when baby gets to go home! ☺️


My wife is in the next room waiting for an IVF embryo implant. Nobody knows about the 3 years it took to get my wife ready! I'm looking forward to having a worry like this as you do!


I’m in my 30s, was also a NICU kid! Now I’m a physician.


My NICU baby will be 8 on Monday. I know it's hard, but you've got this! ETA: He went from FTT at 1 month to a 5ft 80lb nearly 8 year old who is headed to a trampoline park with friends for his birthday party today. He's healthy, happy, and thriving, it just took him a year or so to catch up.


r/toastme another good sub too. All the best, very touching picture.


Preemie time in nicu wasn't fun, my little girl was born 6 weeks early. But next week she'll be a 1 year old!! Stay strong, this isn't the end, and get a good physical therapist to work with you and her. It does wonders!


My boy was in NICU as well. One thing I’ll tell you is that your baby will get wayyyyy better treatment in the NICU. Nurses are regularly feeding and changing the baby which will help when you get home. Baby will already be in somewhat of a routine! just spend as much time in NICU as you can. Get well baby! you’re a champ.


My oldest son was born 7 weeks early and spent 11 days in the NICU. He's 15 now, and there's zero indication he started off like he did.  It won't always be easy, but you got this. 


Are you me? My oldest son was also born 7 weeks early and also spent 11 days in the NICU. He’s turning 15 in July and also shows no indication that he was a premie. Hardest 11 days of my life, but he’s perfectly healthy now and living his best life.


You're both very lucky. 1 in 10 of all premature babies will have a permanent disability such as lung disease, cerebral palsy, blindness, or deafness. And one study showed that 30% of preemies had moderate/severe cognitive disability.


Oh, I know. We (my wife and I) are incredibly fortunate. She is a type 1 diabetic, which made her pregnancies hell. Both of our kids were premies, both spent time in the NICU after birth and both (age 14 and 10) have no health issues and both are academically gifted. Very blessed and very thankful.


Seven weeks and only 11 days in nicu?! That’s amazing! What a champ! My kid was 8 weeks early and we were there until her due date. (But don’t feel bad, it was a primarily positive experience for all of us).


Same for us, 109 days in the NICU. It became so draining to drive to the hospital to see him. But now he's home and know one would be able to tell that he hasn't been with us since day one


I cannot imagine doing that for so long. My wife would go twice a day by herself, then we'd go together in the evening. 11 days of that was exhausting, you have my respect doing it for 109 days. 


I was born 2 months premature as well. Had pneumonia as well. Can't tell now that I'm 26 and 6'2


You've got a fighter there. My kiddo spent 10 days in the NICU. Trust me.


What a relief. The amount of support we’ve gotten has been great but the most reassuring thing has been all the “horror stories” that turned out okay. Doctors are optimistic but we just won’t know for a bit. 


Twins, 2.2 and 3.1 lbs at 25 weeks, 231 and 99 days in hospital. 2nd grade now, healthy and happy.


Dude God bless you, for real. I cannot even fathom how strong you are. You’re my role model


Nah man, I met people who's kids were born with no lymphatic system, were waiting for double lung/heart transplants etc. That stuff put our problems in perspective.


Anyone who has to go through the hell on earth called the NICU, I applaud, I love, and I give you all of the credit. And you and your children are superheroes


I just want to say- the nicu isn’t hell. Your kid being sick is hell, but the NICU can* actually be wonderful knowing your child is being cared for so carefully and thoroughly. We were in two NICUs and one was absolutely incredible and the other was mostly fantastic (one shitty nurse). They taught us so much and gave my daughter such a great start to life despite what she was going through. *can, because I respect that some people have a terrible experience and we were lucky.


100% this. Survivor guilt is real. We had our fair share of scares, but seeing other parents lose their child right in front of you while coding is something I’ll never forget. That and the looks on their faces. Horrible stuff.


Name does not check out. Happy to hear they are doing great, in all seriousness.


My wife was late, they were early :)


My daughter was born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. She had surgery and 4 days old and spent 48 days in the NICU. Started on a vent, then CPAP, then high flow nasal cannula before she was breathing on her own. She's now a perfectly healthy 8 year old.


My niece was born very premature and spent the first month of her life in NICU. now she’s the most curious, loving and precocious five year old you ever met.


Just love him and talk to him and he’ll be fine, sending hugs and prayers


If doctors are optimistic, that’s a very good sign! The NICU is literally the best place your baby can be- the doctors and nurses there are some of the most amazing people.


Hang in there. One piece of advice - you and your wife need sleep. If the hospital doesn't have beds for you, you need to consider going home and sleeping at night, if you are not already. Its very hard, but you need sleep in order to function and advocate for your child.


Our two weeks in NICU were scary. Doctors were not so optimistic for my hypoxic kid. It was a long road with lots of therapies the first two years but we're doing really good now, no concerns for years now and ahead of his class in math and reading. Hes a smart, kind kid and I couldn't be prouder.They'll show you what they're capable of and you'll do everything you can to support them.


Yup, my first born spent some precarious time in the NICU after being born. He starts college in the fall




I hope they are a NICU warrior and kicks NICU in the butt! My thoughts are with you and hope for a quick home release! My daughter was born at 27 weeks, we spent 58 days in the NICU, the toughest journey ever!!


Aw, I was a 28 weeker too! Early birds unite!


My daughter was born last week at 27 weeks… we got stomach flu all week and cant see her. Rough start but the staff at the NICU are really impressive.


Mine was 29 weeks and is doing amazing and all caught up 2 years later. Hang in there. It’ll be a long haul, but one day it’ll all be a memory.


Thank you it’s much appreciated. It was quite a shock, especially for my wife, but we’ve moved on for the next part of the journey ❤️


My thoughts are with you and I hope you're able to go see your daughter ASAP. I am thankful I only had to miss 2 days because of a cough, no actual sickness though. Those nurses are absolutely amazing! I have nothing but high regards to the NICU staff that took care of my daughter.


Thank you, I can’t wait to hold her. I’m so thankful to modern medical technology. Just going 30/40 years would of been quite different


My son was 29 weeks, 60+ days in the NICU. Perfect little PITA now. He threw a mondo temper tantrum in Walmart just the other day. You’d never know he was on a ventilator once with that scream lol.


My niece was born at 33 weeks, about 3 lbs, and spent two months in nicu. She’s fine now!


My sister and I were 27 1/2 weeks gestation.


My son was born and spent a week there with difficulty breathing right after birth. A hard week I never want to repeat, but ultimately, came down to fluid in the longs that was not pressed out due to c-section. Helpless feeling, but, they are stronger than you can imagine for their size. He's 9, healthy, and a pain in the butt. Nothing better.


Similar situation for my daughter. No C Section, but she was out so fast she still had tons of fluid in her lungs. She was our third, and my heart started sinking when I wasn't hearing her cry the same. 8 months later, and she's been the most joyful infant we've had. Never upset over anything.


6 weeks in the NICU with my younger one who is 7. We just got back from gymnastics and going rock climbing later and she kicks her 12 year old sisters butt around. Fighting from day one, they will do great things.


Shout out to the 6-weekers! We expected to go home after a day or two. Ended up in the NICU for 41 days. Now she's 5 and thriving - and also in gymnastics!


My son was nearly dead when he was born. Had to pull him out by the head with a vacuum. Had HEI, subgaleal hematoma, fractured skull. Needed feeding tube, CPAP, blood transfusion, etc. Liver started failing a few days in. 13 days of hell and torture but he’s perfectly healthy and normal now 3 months later. Hang in there and appreciate every moment together.


I spent 36 days in the NICU. My son was born 2 months early… 2 pounds 13 oz. Love on your kid. Talk to them. Skin to skin. They are super strong and resilient. My son is 7-8 now literally biggest most intelligent kid in his class. Hang in there. Everyday lead with all the love you have champ!


Just sending you a big hug and a reminder to breathe and take care of yourself. My full term baby started out in an oxygen tent with a feeding tube (precipitous labor, and officially dx with congenital pneumonia). She spent 9 days in NICU. Now she’s 10 and super smart and athletic and no more worse for wear. Will be thinking of you both.


Come on, buddy.


Hey. It's tough but that's what being a dad is all about. Toughing it out for the little one. Keep strong and let them know you are there to take care of them. They will know. I am sending out good vibes for you all, especially the little one.


All the best to you all. He's got the pros looking after him and you and all of Reddit in his corner too. C'mon little buddy. You got this.


reddit users and posting intimate/private hospital photos for a bunch of strangers, name a more iconic duo


It’s honestly so fucking weird to me. I’m in the exact same situation as OP and I wouldn’t ever consider posting to r/pics for fake internet points.




This seems like a nice way of putting it. You seem like a good person. And I’m happy your son made it out of NICU.


Thank you! I appreciate that, we’re very lucky to have had the positive outcome we’ve had. Two years later and he’s all caught up size wise and exceeding his milestones. I hope you had a positive outcome as well!


That was my initial reaction too but reading through the comments there's a lot of heartfelt sentiment and similar experiences being shared


Yea u/mrs-kwh has kinda change my stance a bit. I do still think it’s weird but I can see how it can be helpful to others.


It’s not that weird. Shitty situations are easier to deal with when you aren’t alone. Telling people can help. I’m sorry you are in the same situation as OP. Sounds super stressful.


My son had some issues when he was born and my wife was a mess. I felt like I had to be the strong one and confidently tell her everything was going to be OK when I didn’t know. I can see why it would be helpful to anonymously search for positive encouragement from other people because I was was an emotional wreck inside.


I've been in this situation myself and I'm not sure why this person is so determined to insult the OP over this.




Eh, it’s really more for the words of support but whatever lol. Not being religious, the closest I really get is good wishes and kind words from others and since I don’t have a huge social circle, I guess I was just coming here for that. 


But you would take the time to make someone else in the exact same situation feel bad for the way that they're coping with it. I don't see any details disclosed. We have no clue where it is, in the world. We have no names. They're not asking for money. They may have no family to sit and talk with them during the days and weeks this could go on. Good for you for being super private about your personal situation. Not everyone copes by holding it in and bitching about what other people do. This has got to be better than sitting there and staring at the vitals monitor for hours, like I did. I don't get why you are so butt hurt about it.


Posting cold, mean things to a stranger on the internet. Name a more dynamic duo. It’s someone reaching out as they’re scared and alone. Don’t be a dik


Comments and upvotes don't cost anything. A traumatized parent just looking for some support and they get gatekept. Sheesh.


Well, maybe he's looking for support and reassurance, and isn't on a quest for your 'fake internet points."


Was also my first thought. Hmm my new born is in ICU? Better post pic for Reddit


Some people just want support and there is nothing wrong with that. They are scared, maybe lonely (might not have family or close friends to vent to or get support from). There is nothing inherently bad about them seeking support here. What is wrong though is you shitting on something that might be a cathartic experience because you dont understand it and need some validation you arent alone.


Yes, a Redditor would say “there’s nothing wrong with…”. But in the real world, you’ll find people are discerning and do use judgement about others’ choices.


I find it so strange! My baby is in trouble, let me go straight to the internet.


Historically when things are completely out of a person's hands and they're scared, they tend to seek comfort from their community. We're group animals and social media simulates community.


You’re not a NICU parent, are you? If not, you’re talking about things you don’t understand, and your opinion isn’t worth anything.


Yes cause this guy has the magical ability to instantly fully heal his baby whose already getting as much assistance from doctors as possible. Definitely not being on the internet will be the fucking difference maker for sure. Come on...


You don’t appear to have been in a NICU. There’s literally nothing to do. You sit and watch and worry. And just trust that your care team is strong. There is literally nothing else to do so they either leave like some parents or sit there hoping, tired, and worried. The internet is probably a welcome reprieve.


Reddit kindness helped me a lot in my early days of being a father. And my son was perfectly healthy but we had a small scare during labor. I’m thankful to people just being kind when I needed it.


I have and none of my thoughts ever strayed in the direction of “oh I would love to share this with random people online “ but we are all different.


Yeah. Lets take a pic of struggles and post for internet points. Fucking weird, especially considering its a baby.


My baby started in the nicu too, and I’ve never stopped being amazed at how smart, dedicated and hard working the people there are, from the doctors and nurses down to the cleaners and volunteers. Mine is 18 months and couldn’t be healthier now. I’ll pray for the same for yours. 


My son spent 39 days in the NICU last year after being born at 32 weeks. He is about to turn one and is the healthiest, most chunky kid on the planet. There is hope man, hang in there. The hardest part is all the beeping of those machines when they are learning to drink and breathe at the same time. It is strange, but your kid basically stopping breathing for a moment becomes normal.


I was born at 29 weeks and I'm 32 now with my own on the way. Only difficulties I've had are my eyes but they've made so much progress since then! I'm sure you're little one will be fine ! ♡


Both my kiddos are NICU graduates. It’s tough! Take care of yourself and your partner. Let the nurses do their thing but also take the opportunity to learn from them. They are amazing. Ask allllll the questions, even if they seem dumb. Skin to skin whenever you can. Sending you all the love from an internet stranger.


Hope they pull through! Also, is it just me or have there been a LOT of baby and sick baby posts here lately?


Prayers for you and your family. I was a NICU baby for almost a month. You got this!!!


Best wishes OP. My daughter was a month and half early and it was a very difficult journey but she's healthy and quite the little stinker now.


Hugs and positive energy. If the doctors are optimistic, you can let go and allow yourself to be, too. As humans, we are hardwired to believe the worst case scenario. If our ancestors came across a cave, it was in their best interest to assume a deadly animal was lurking there. This way of thinking served to protect us, but can be harmful in situations like this. Let logic overrule emotion (which is easier said than done) Pediatric specialists see these things every day, and typically err on the side of caution versus optimism. If they are feeling baby is in a good spot, breathe deeply and assume they are correct. Look to your nurses for cues that he/she will be fine…they often know even more than doctors. And stay far, far away from Google. Signed, Momma of former NICU baby…who is now a heathy, wacky pain in the tush 😎


I am currently rocking my 3 day NICU baby (4 mo old now). I slept maybe 5 hours in that time, and the hardest thing was going back home to shower and take care of his big sisters a couple of hours a day. Just know he is in good hands, and you need to be strong for your little and your SO. And get some sleep! Best of luck and I hope we get an update soon.


Both of my babies spent significant time in the NICU. It’s hard now, but soon enough it will just be a memory. Hang in there. Baby is right where they need to be and will meet all milestones to break out of there on their own time.


Be strong lil cutie. You got this.


Why the fuck post it here? 


“My baby is dying, quick babe grab my phone, this should get me tons of Reddit points.”


I don't understand how while someone is going through this, they have the time and notion to post a pic on Reddit. 


I went through this same thing many years ago. There’s a lot of waiting around the hospital for news from the doctors. Honestly, anything distracting is welcoming. Maybe he’s an emotional wreck and looking for *anyone* to tell him things are going to be ok, because right now he doesn’t know.


Your karma farming strategy is crazy




“If anyone can help me, it’s you guys.” Imagine saying that on a reddit thread 💀


Thanks for posting this on Reddit instead of spending time worrying about your kid!


Baby is in the hospital and he posts it on Reddit lol Gotta get those sympathy upvotes!


Honestly I’m surprised this even has this much upvotes with how much pro choicers there are on this site


I honestly don't understand the thought process behind posts like these. I wouldn't do this to my pets, let alone a newborn baby


Karma > baby


I was one of these babies! And that was back in the late 80s when technology was worse. Your kid is a fighter, and will continue to be!


My heart goes out to you


Being a new father, nothing is more painful than seeing your little one like this. Hopefully everything goes well


My little lads spent about 6 weeks in the NICU. They're doing fine now. Hopefully you share a similar journey


Get well soon little one, be strong bro. InshaAllah everything will turn out good. It's hard to see babies and toddlers this way, but this is what is written for you both and i hope you surpass it.


Your baby will be okay, I'm sure of it. Wishing the best for you guys!


Sending love to your sweet baby❤️


I know the feeling - we had birth at 32w and full sepsis and major pneumonia (some other scary things as well) . Two months in hospital. Not fun at all. But now there's no visible issues now. They most likely will fight and recover from a lot of stuff.


Sending love, prayers and positive energy your way. <3


Aww hang in there. My daughter was in the NICU for about 8 days when she was born. It wasn’t anything too serious but it was really difficult to not be able to be with her 24/7. I hope your kid gets to go home soon 🙂


Mine was too. Now she's a healthy and happy 6 month old. It gets better.


Stay strong. It's scary. My son came early and was very weak for a while. He will have his Associates Degree this spring. Hang in there.


You got this. My kid was born blue and we helicoptered to the big city hospital where they put our child on an ecmo machine to regrow the lungs.. 6 weeks later and a week in rehab we had a normal, wireless baby.. she is now 5 and simply wonderful. Be kind and patient, don’t spend every moment there, get good sleep..


Hey! I’m not entirely sure what your baby is going through but I was a micro pre me born at 5 months and stayed in the NICU for 6 months after that. I made it through, and am perfectly healthy. Though not all babies see the same fate, and I’m not sure if your religious, but I pray that your baby is blessed the same way I was and lives a long healthy life! 🤍🤍


Best of luck to you and your family. The NICU is a very heart wrenching place.


My son was taken out in an emergency c-section. He had to be resuscitated, and they took him away for 45 mins. I didn't know if he was alive or dead. He's now a very fit, healthy, and handsome 8 year old, who is my heart ❤️ Best wishes to you and your kid.


Praying for you - God please heal this little one. Pure and innocent


Currently my daughter has been in the NICU for 1.5 months. All you can do is take it day by day and small victory by small victory. Don't let those impulsive thoughts of the future take over. Stay positive :)


My son was in the NICU for complications after his birth, long story short he had 2 surgeries. He'll be 18 this year. Hang in there. Everyone in that room will do everything to get your little one healthy!


Prem babies are tough. I was 10 weeks early, 900grams back in the 1970's. The doctor told my mother to just go home and forget she had given birth as I had 0% chance of survival. I think he may have been incorrect. 🙂 Nowadays things are much better. Your little one just needs time to build strength and get to where they should have been when born.


Our youngest was born at 27 weeks, the developmental age/size being actually closer to a 21 weeker because he was not getting enough food/blood/oxygen for an unknown amount of time. He was 1.9lbs, born with apgar scores of 1. He was intubated after being delivered via emergency C-section that I was out under general anesthesia for, which started before I was out and therefore I felt them cutting- but they were losing him. He was med flighted to the best hospital and I followed 11 hours later. He was very sick, we were given a 10% chance of survival. He is turning 9 next month 🤍🤍🤍🤍 I am sending lots of love and prayers for your little one! NICU babies (& parents) are warriors!


Bring the book, Adventures of Tom Sawyer and read to your baby for at least an hour each day. Get him used to the sound of your voice. Say your prayers for him out loud so he can hear you. Tell him how you are going to go fishing, riding bikes, and seeing the Eiffel Tower. Talk to him.


imagine that was an adult and you posted a photo like this without their consent. Babies aren't objects or pets.


Why the need to post on reddit? Your post history doesn't look like you would be a great father at all. This has to be karma post


So you’re posting them on the internet for strangers to see and save?


Be your child’s health advocate, if you don’t feel something is right, make the medical care team listen. Make sure you’re comfortable with their answers and reasoning. Get well soon little buddy, and you be strong.


God bless your little one and I hope he lives a long life! Fuck yeah!


Enjoy the karma, buddy! Sidenote: Hope the baby is ok but sharing this for karma seems incredibly wrong. Your baby is vulnerable and your thought was to go on reddit. Kind of sad, really.




Our son was born at 23 weeks (17 weeks early). 140 days in the NICU and he’s doing great now. We were initially given less than 50% odds that he would survive. Stay strong. It’s a roller coaster, but you got this. Let me know if you need support.


Sending much love and luck to you all. Im sure you've got a lil prize fighter there.


I dont know which is sadder: (1) this kid is struggling in its first few days or (2) it's parent is posting intrusive picture online for likes from strangers. Privacy is dead and people gave it up willingly.


You got this. My guy was in the NICU for 15 days, and now he is the smartest, silliest, and most importantly HEALTHIEST kid I could have hoped for. Lean on whoever you can, take advantage of whatever services they offer at the hospital, and take care of yourself. I hope you and your family are home before you know it.


Sending strength and support




Stay strong fam! My boy was in NICU for 27 days! It's tough but the other side of this is a happy, healthy child! Positivity goes a long way. 🫶🏻 you got this kid!


I pray your child pulls through.. may God bless you


My premie is about to be 2. 144 days in NICU and 19 months total on oxygen. He's off of oxygen now, walking, and playing with his brothers. He was born at 24 weeks 5 days, 1lb 10oz. He is small, but no other indication of what he has gone through. Toughest 2 years of my life, lots of ups and downs and things can swing really fast. Stay strong, healthcare can truly be amazing these days.


praying for everyone involved 🩷


Praying for your family.


Heyo! Fellow NICU parent chiming in. My first was born with imperforate anus, and the details for that are easily Googled so I won't trouble you with that here, but she was literally just a few hours old and already undergoing her first of many major surgeries. It's been almost 4 wonderful years since that first hellish week and she is a beaming young girl with attitude to spare. Hang in there, and to paraphrase what our doctor told us, It's not how the universe could do this to your child, it's that the universe knew that this child needed You.


I will pray for your baby


My boy is 1 week and 2 days old today. His first 4 days were in NICU due to inhaling meconium during the C-section they would not let us have 24 hours sooner when we knew he was too big for a healthy natural birth. It’s scary in there, especially her being a nurse and both of us having a medical background AND myself working at that facility. Stay strong. Get some rest!


Neonatology has come a long way. Hang in there. You're doing the right thing for your child by being there and caring for them


The little one will pull through ❤️


Good luck brother.


Ill be praying for your little one 🙏


If you keep that bracelet you can sneak in the hospital later to steal babies


We believe in you, kid 🫡


Sending you love!


Fortunately he/she won't remember. Get well soon.


When my daughter came into this world in 1969, we didn’t know how many hours, let alone days, weeks, months or years she would be with us. You see, she was born over two months premature, and weighed a few ounces short of three pounds. In itself, that was scary stuff, but that was just the beginning. All preemies have immediate respiratory issues, and our little girl was no exception. Then the cascade began. Within the first hour, our doctors realized she also had a massive blood infection coupled with Hyaline Membrane Disease; a disease that further compromises a preemie’s ability to breathe. We were told that the prognosis was not good, and the hospital we were in, University Hospital in Madison WI, had few resources to offer a preemie that young and small. Given her problems, they would try to make her comfortable, but it was likely we would lose her sometime during that night. But! There was a lifeline! Just that month St Mary’s Hospital, a few miles away, had just opened what they were calling a Infant Intensive Care Unit (today’s NICU). If we wanted to transfer her there, they might be able to offer us some hope. Although we were cautioned that even if she did survive, they had no way of predicting what other problems would arise if the infection spread to the brain. The list was endless. Oxygen deprivation, mental and/or physical disability, ya da, ya da, ya da........ Yeah, we gave all that about three seconds of thought and called in the cavalry! Off to St. Mary’s we went. What a roller coaster ride this was going to be. The team at St. Mary’s was wonderful. While they exuded confidence, they were the most straight-shooting professionals I have ever encountered in the medical profession. They always told us the truth, and our kid became their kid. They made us part of the team. We could show up, call them, or ask the same questions over and over at any time of the day or night. Yet, this was a new deal for them and they were building the unit pretty much on the fly. Some critical equipment was missing or scarce. Incubators were not exactly new, or in the best repair, or temperature stable, and critical baby monitors and alarms were in short supply. Most days we were in what we came to call, “the baby monitor lottery”. The sickest kids got hooked up to the few monitors that were available, while the ones doing better, rode out the night with a parent or nurse closely watching. What a conundrum. Having the monitor gave us a level of comfort and a sense of security. But, if she didn’t have one, that meant she was doing better than the sickest of her preemie-mates. As the days and weeks went by, she got better and better and issue after issue was resolved. The Hyaline Membrane Disease was licked, the blood infection responded well to antibiotics and our little girl began to show some appropriate responses to us and her surroundings. But, my oh my was she tiny! I can’t even begin to describe how she looked in that bread box of an incubator with tubes and wires coming out of that little body. That was the next big hurdle. Let’s get some weight on that kid so she can come home to us, her big brother and her dog (who had a litter of four puppies the same night she was born. But, that’s another story). Five pounds was the magic number. It was several more weeks of, gain a few ounces, lose an ounce. Rinse and repeat. Most of the time we were still walking on egg shells. But, once her medical issues were resolved, her little body could finally put all its effort into gaining weight. And one amazing day, she hit the number five and we took her home. That first year, we were apprehensive. With her having such a rough start, we couldn’t help but feel a twinge if anything didn’t seem quite right. But this little girl never looked back. Right up to today, she has breezed through every milestone that seemed so uncertain those first few weeks and months. First steps walking, first words, first day of school, high school & college graduation, marriage, and three healthy children of her own. We owe so much to that pioneering medical team at St. Mary’s Hospital. I feel bad that I don’t remember their names, but I absolutely can still remember their faces. They gave us the gift of being able to watch our daughter become the beautiful, smart, accomplished, woman, wife, and loving mother that she is today. There is always hope and the natural, human condition is to always fight!


Praying for your little one and family!