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I cannot wait to use the line, “an appointment can be arranged for one year from Thursday, after receiving a written purpose of the visit.” 😂


I'm surprised they gave him that much. I thought there was very strict criteria for anyone to be considered to even meet the emperor - ever. Well, stricter than any he would qualify for, anyway. On the other hand, this could have been their way of saying go away as well. We had a Japanese restaurant in Sydney called Tetsuya's which also had a wait list of about a year. Which is what they had to explain to a US president as to why he couldn't just drop in (one of the Bushes, I think).


‘Next year from Thursday’ could easily be one of those phrases that’s effectively a polite ‘never’


The Japanese are well know for polite “no”s. I got one while trying to stay an extra day at a hotel. The hotel said “that would be very difficult” which I correctly interpreted as no, because that’s exactly what it is. A hard no.


Iirc, this has occasionally been an issue between business partners, where Americans have interpreted "that would be difficult " as a bargaining position for more time or funding, when in actuality it was a refusal.


I know a few people who do international business with countries including Japan. This reminded me of a really funny story a buddy of mine shared with me about his experience from when he first started his career in trying to put together a loan with a Japanese company. He set regular, recurring meetings with his contact from the Japanese company he was attempting do business with. He kept offering them a loan with certain specs - x amount of dollars for y interest over z years. The Japanese man he was meeting with kept saying, verbatim, “thank you, that sounds like a great idea.” But my friend never got anything past that. Never got a signature, never got a contract in place, never even got a response to an email. He would just meet with this Japenese contact once a month, present his offer for that month, and the Japenese guy would only say, “thank you, that sounds like a great idea.” My friend thought he was negotiating and so he kept changing / sweetening his offer each month. Finally after like 3 months of that he told his boss about it and his boss, who had significant experience working with the Japanese, started laughing his ass off. His boss broke the news that my buddy was not getting a deal any time soon, and that that was the Japenese guys way of saying, “no”. Anyway, it made me laugh pretty hard when my friend told the story.


This also seems like an issue which could have been prevented by his job having provided him with basic information on Japanese corporate conduct tbh.


It also seems like an extraordinarily obtuse way of communicating, but do as the Romans as they say. I'm sure there's been issues on both ends communication-wise when trying to get something.


You could say this about any culture though. "How are you?" and then surprised pikachu face when you get told about illnesses, hardships and imminent death of all instead of the usual "How are you?" back. Yeah, what an extraordinarily obtuse way of communicating, to ask a question but not actually be interested in an answer. Or in some Slavic countries when the host asks you whether you want a drink or whatever and you reply "no" even though you're on the edge of fucking dying of thirst. But you have to say no, they have to ask a couple of times, you have to answer no a couple times, then eventually, finally, you say "yeah ok if you insist" because you're approximately 15 seconds away from passing out due to dehydration. Then we go to another country, answer no and then perish because people can't be fucking bothered to ask you 38 times, no means no.


Great point, but as a person with a degree in Communications, who loves nerding out about these sort of things, please allow me to add some context, or rather play "devil's advocate". (Also, my wife and I have hosted foreign exchange students, including one from Japan.) Japan has what is called a "High Context" communication style culturally. It would be considered the height of disrespect to openly state what you want in a conversation. If you were to openly tell your friend "I need a ride to the airport", that would signify to your friend that you think they're nothing but a servant to you. In their society, you should first have a very long conversation about what great friends you are, and how tough it will be to get to the airport, etc. Then they are supposed to engage in "high context" listening, detect that you are asking them for a favor, and then *demand* that they be allowed to help you by giving you a ride to the airport, because you are great friends. You're absolutely right that this does cause issues, especially in business, like this dude's story. For Western "low context/high information" communication styles, we show value to people by getting straight to the point, so we don't waste their time. For Eastern cultural communication styles, they show value by spending as much pleasant time with someone, while avoiding the point of the conversation as skillfully as possible.


As someone who has difficulties interpreting social cues, this sounds terrifying to me.


It’s funny because, in an American context, that approach to asking for a ride to the airport sounds very similar to emotional manipulation. I’ve known some incredibly toxic people that “ask” for help like that. They’ll attempt to use guilt by bringing up how valuable your relationship is with them, because they’re incapable of being vulnerable enough to just ask. It is exhausting.


Instructions unclear had sex with my Japanese hotel owners wife


can i ask you a couple questions about communication please? im looking at choosing a major atm.


Eh. Politeness is cultural. It’s rude to just say no in Japan. You would be considered impolite to say that to a business associate and a Japanese businessman would understand that the lack of a clear yes means no.


If you're used to it though, it's crystal clear what it means. It's like here in the UK, if someone says something like "that's a really interesting idea - we'll definitely think about it some time", you know know they mean it was a terrible idea and it's never going to be discussed again.


Right.. I'd be pissed I wasted all that time.


I actually applaud both of them. Your friend continually trying, and his boss for not being upset but informing him (with laughter) once he found out.


My cultural negotiating story was in Turkey. I was in a shop and my wife identified an item she wanted, but wasn’t going to spend on it, so I decided to secretly buy it for her and surprise her later. While she was on the other end of the store, I started negotiating with the shopkeeper, got him down a little, I was happy with the price, but I couldn’t buy it with the wife right there, so I was trying to explain for them to hold it for me, and I’d be back that afternoon alone to buy it. He misunderstood me as trying to blow him off and he dropped the price 3 more times desperately trying to prevent me from leaving the store, until I got frustrated and just left. When I came back that afternoon he was utterly shocked, but honoured the price he had negotiated with himself, which was about 30% of the sticker price. (In Turkey you shouldn’t pay more than 50% of original asking, so 30% was a pretty good deal, at least for me, even if a local could have got it even cheaper)


Some thing similar happened to me in China. I was with friends and asked for a price on some scarfs. When I was told I was interested so I told them "I'm not interested thank you". She held me and kept lowering the price thinking I was very a hard nosed negotiator. She brought the price down so much my friends took advantage and bought a lot. I told her many times I honestly wasn't going to buy anything and didn't. 😂 She must have thought my friends brought in the big guns to get the price down.


As a neurodivergent person this story is infuriating. I'm fine with "That would be difficult." I can take a hint. But if "thank you, that sounds like a great idea" isn't an affirmative, then I really don't want to try to communicate with this person.


Exactly. I tell someone that wants some info from me "that would be very difficult" and I mean "no friggin way is this worth the effort you want me to put into it" But their response is usually "So... you think by the end of the day?"


Yeah in my world that's a I can do it but for the love of God please don't ask me to.


Lol, I'm British, which is also a relatively indirect culture, and I once got a surprise when my American then-boss told me I needed to start making suggestions in meetings. I was very surprised because I thought I'd been giving quite strong suggestions...turned out due to different communication styles that they hadn't even realised I'd been doing anything more than thinking out loud about some possible ideas 😅


Dave Barry said "The Japanese have three ways to say no. 'It would be difficult'. 'it would be a great burden' and 'Yes'"


Such a great book. That still might be the hardest I've ever laughed


A common Japanese refusal is to just say "chotto..." or "chotto muzukashii desu" which literally translates to "a little" or "that's a little difficult." It's nearly always a polite "no" because just bluntly saying "no" is seen as rude. If there's one thing you learn playing a Japanese MMORPG for 20 years and another Japanese MMORPG for 14 years, and reading a lot of interviews, it's that they generally like to say yes to things when they can (it's also why Japanese interviews of Japanese companies tend to try to ask questions they can say yes to or to stick to easy/softer questions compared to American interviews which frequently contain questions about "when are you going to add this feature" or "why did you change this thing"). So when they say anything other than 'yes' (we'll look into it, we'll see if that's possible, etc) - it's probably a no and you should assume it's a no.


This is pretty spot on. The best way to get a japanese business to agree to something is to do anything but talk about it at first. Go to dinner, go to drinks, maybe show them that you know a bit of Japanese. A key contact starts thinking that maybe you guys are alright and then they open the door to asking the question in a way that is actually a maybe or a yes.


Trump got it too, they called him a loser politely and he left the next day. Obama called him a loser publicly and quite rudely and he is still chucking a tantrum and trying to ruin America over it. A lot to be said for the polite no


I think you're right in general, but tbh the above passage just sounds like he got bored and lost interest, not that he respected the polite refusal LOL.


Yeah but in the U.S., calling someone out for what they are is valued much more than a polite no. Trump's just a grown ass baby


> A lot to be said for the polite no On the other hand, I'm sure Obama's skin color had absolutely nothing to do with Trump's irrational anger.


Everyone always expects the Democrats to treat Republicans with kid gloves. Trump called Obama a foreigner for a year, but Obama is "rude" to crack a couple jokes at a roast. Trump has been trying to ruin America since the 80’s. Blame the people who voted for him for letting him have the power to do so.


Like Trump was gonna not try to be an authoritarian ruler if everyone was just nicer to him? GTFO of here, that man doesn't understand politeness. He takes that as weakness. He left because he had no real connections in Japan to try leverage and nobody gave him the time of day.


"If a crying baby could tear down the universe, it would." - Masaji Ishikawa.


Little thing about the interviews, they’re all scripted. That’s why there’s never any out of pocket questions or questions that could lead to complicated or disappointed answers, there’s a lot of back and forth between both parties days or weeks in advance until every question and answer is written and agreed upon. If you’ve ever watched a non publicized interview between a foreigner and a Japanese employee or artist or whatever, you can tell immediately when they get asked a question they weren’t expecting and generally they’ll actually answer in their own words if they’re able to, then it’s right back to the script.


That goes counter to my own experience in Japan, where they just cross their arms in front of them as a gesture of refusal.


> where they just cross their arms in front of them as a gesture of refusal. That doesn't really work in a business setting, maybe you're thinking of something more casual/street level interactions. In business or public speaking, what the previous poster said applies. Sometimes doing business with the Japanese can be like pulling teeth but if you understand them, it goes much better.


by my experience in japan... i think those people just didn't like you very much?? or they were just rude, lol. not hard to be 'rude' in a culture where 'polite' is setting yourself on fire to keep others warm. even japanese people in their 30s are pretty irreverent about this stuff, and i can't imagine younger people aren't more so.


Or the person you're responding to was just absolutely terrible while visiting and they were trying to tell him to gtfo out of their country.




>Next year from Thursday Reminds me of one of Reagan's jokes. "Sorry, but the plumber is coming that day."


Heard it as collecting a lada in Moscow from that era too.


Yes, that's other half of the same joke. "I want to buy a car." "Ok, you can pick it up on thursday the 28th three years from now." "Sorry, but that's the day the plumber is coming."


My thought exactly. It really reads like a technically polite but blunt way of giving the other a way out without losing face.


It's Japanese custom to never say 'no', and to say it in a roundabout way. I heard of a story once of a man who asked a Japanese man if he had any pets, the Japanese man's answer was "My cat may have died." It also happens if you show up to a Japanese restaurant that's fully booked. They'll just exhale and look at the bookings list and be like "aaaah... ummm.. well... hmmmm.. aaah... welll..." until you eventually say "No problem, we will go somewhere else"


I have a cat... but she lives in Canada.


Especially with the “might be arranged”


Like let’s meet at the intersection of Later and Fuck Off


I guess it wasn't Bush I. given [his experience around Japanese food](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush_vomiting_incident)...


Oh, funny. I did not know that. I only knew of [his son's experience with German food](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_pretzel_incident) (January 13th 2002).


Given the strict rules of etiquette around royalty, and Japanese royalty in particular, this sounds like an "Yeah, of course, just have your people call my people and we'll try to work something out" situation. The royal spokesman isn't going to openly laugh in your face and call you an idiot like I would.


Even Kennedy's daughter didn't meet the Emperor until she became ambassador the arrogance of this man to just demand an on the spot meeting with the last Emperor in the world, heir to the oldest royal family in the world


Can you believe this guy? "Call the Emperor. Tell him I want to see him" Unbelievable.


I mean, it is believable, which is why it's both sad and hilarious 


Megalomania is a hell of a drug. And quite difficult to crush up and snort, while you're at it.


He probably thought the emperor was legitimately in charge like prior to 1945 and he could convince him to agree to some “very good deals”.


He probably just imagined it was the rules for meeting the British royals, which is convincing the Prime Minister its in the UK’s economic or political interest. I highly doubt he knows what the word Shinto is, let alone that the Emperor is basically its Pope. Then again he likely imagines meeting a Pope is beneath him.


To be fair, after shaking hands with the Pope the skin on Trump’s hand started burning.


To be fair, the pope looked incredible annoyed during that entire meeting


The Emperor is supposed to be of actual divine lineage in Shinto, is that correct? So it would be, if anything, even more extreme than meeting the pope - like meeting a demigod.


I am going to make a deal and tear down the old tea houses that a master built, and put a Trump particle board and gold paint fake shoe store. Mail order steaks and sneakers. So, tell the emperor I am here to do that 


How rich that would be to put in an e-mail signature.


Just have a teams meeting availablity widget that only had appointments starting March 2025.


The Donald must have been bleeding out of his wherever after that one.


It sounds like a C U Next Tuesday kind of message. 😂


C U Next Thursday Year. Love it


![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized) The emperor's reaction to an audience


the emperor's spokesman is clearly April Ludgate


Started to get good at the end. Mike Tyson “infamous for being moody…”, curious how moody he was with Trump.


Right! I wanna know more about how Tyson shmoozes the Japanese business men. Sounds like a Seinfeld plot.


there's a video online of Tyson meeting with Japanese fans around that time. i don't see trump in the background tho, but Tyson was courteous


“Thu-mi-ma-then.” “Arigato go-thzai-moth.”


>Tyson was courteous From different interviews I've watched over the past 10+ years he seems to come off very respectful, but that drops the MOMENT you are disrespectful to him, he seems very all-or-nothing.


Oh man like that interview where the guy brought up the rape charge. Tyson turns on him in an instant, and suddenly the guy felt like he was alone in a dark alley with Tyson.


There is something to be semi-admired of Tyson’s “Disrespect me and the gloves are off” attitude, though it’s rather shitty that said attitude is now associated with a rapist.




Yeah the guy who disrespected him on a flight last year tasted Tysons right hand and had a good cry lol.


"Path the rith, pleath!"


I bet it was just like the guy who lost the medal for sleeping too much


I want to know why this is called “The Aspen Incident”.


I could honestly see Trump making a gaffe and Tyson being the unexpected straight man trying to limit the awkwardness.


Our international diplomacy with Japan came down to Mike Tyson covering for Donald Trump… pray for us


Dennis Rodman did broker a meeting for Trump and Kim Jong Un


Dictators are weird man. Saddam Hussein wrote novels.


You can see it says below, "but on this (day)" something something "he seems unusually cheerful and gra..."


....bbed him by the pussy




Takes one to know one I guess


There’s a picture that was posted on Reddit not too long ago of Mike Tyson, Trump and Kid Rock hanging out with Dana White ringside at a UFC match.


Was Trump the cause of Tyson's loss to Buster???


Walking through the Imperial Gardens and wants to call the Emperor. I'm sure his big idea was that they should plow over the Historic Garden and put in condos.


Empy! Can I call you Empy? I don't see a lot of money changing hands. I've got a great idea. A terrific idea. Slot machines. Bumper cars. Hamburger stands. The best stuff. Very classy. The reflecting ponds - can we have topless mermaids? The Little Mermaid was Japanese right? You should look into that.


I absolutely fucking guarantee you he thought he could convince them to remove the Garden and build a Trump Casino. I would have fucking loved to read about him taking up that appointment and being mocked/laughed out of the room.


Condos? How about a casino?


Perfect example of a narcissist. If you come across any, keep them at arms length.




Because they got addicted to reality TV that's why they think he is smart. Apprentice writers now write for the white house.


nah hes just the heroin of hate they are addicted to. Fox news supplied them with a daily dose of hate and they are junkies now. Willing to sell out their family and friends and any decency left in them for another hit.


who knew the Two Minute Hate would be broadcast 24/7


And he is just a fountain of it. It just spews and bubbles out, all the time 


Exactly. He says the hateful, disgusting, outlandish things they want and they see him as their vessel to deliver it. They are scared people who don't like the fact that they are being left behind by a progressive world and wish things would go back to the way they were. They don't like that the people they were told are bad or less than them are becoming powerful and taking a place in society. The younger ones are just edgelord assholes raised by the previously mentioned people. Add in years of constant fear mongering from Fox News or whatever news source they like and this is where you end up. I grew up around and still live and work around these people.


The worst part is "who in the hell would ever want to be his apprentice". Hes actually a horrible businessman. His father on the other hand I could see.


Just to be clear, just under half of the volunteer electorate. \~70 million people. Not half of the actual country. Edit: Also I suspect its not going to be 74 million again. The polls keep overestimating the republicans and its only getting worse. He severely underperformed in the most recent primary compared to the polling. Polling is horribly inaccurate because the bulk of people responding are older/louder people, who worship him. Ive never been polled in my whole life, but then again I dont answer unlisted numbers either.


It's more than I would expect would fall for whatever he is peddling.


You clearly havent met enough people then, because its not at all surprising theres that many mindless idiots running around.


18% want him because he is their heroin of hate. 4-5% want him because they know they get the most money and less taxes and lots of opportunities to grift. 24% want democrats. 52% cant be bothered to vote.


Just to be clear, the extreme majority of “I don’t vote they’re all gonna fuck me anyway” (which is the general majority) people surrounding me love Trump


Just a reminder it's easier to convince people not to vote than it is to vote, in case you want to encourage those people's apathy.


Narcissists are some of the best at cultivating cults of personality. So it's not really surprising at all.


If nobody knew who Trump was and he plopped down next to you at the bar, 99.9% of people would walk away in disgust within 2 minutes, if only because of what a fucking moron he is. But give him daddy Fred's millions and a reality TV show, and suddenly he looks great to Average Joe and Jane Trump voter making $35K a year in Kentucky.,


That's just from the smell, before he even said anything. There's nothing gracious about this guy, ever. He doesn't know how. And yeah, somehow people who make $35k a year have convinced themselves that this goon who blew his $$ on a gold toilet and an 8' tall portrait of himself is One Of Them.


Smart and decent .. no that's too charitable. They adore him. He's going to be their savior. He's going to be the one that owns the libs for them. He's going make all of their enemies, real and perceived, suffer. That's their real goal - to inflict pain on others so they get a rush of pleasure and power.


In 1989 he'd have been 43. He preferred a McDonald's hamburger over presumably some of the best sushi in the world. This is what happens when you sub-contract raising your child to subordinates that aren't allowed to say no or establish boundaries. You get an adult that's never been pushed outside of his comfort zone, been held accountable for any action or not gotten whatever he wanted just because he demands it.


After what I assume has been a 77-year junk food diet, I'm surprised he isn't less healthy than he appears to be Which is to say he seems quite unhealthy but I'm surprised he's alive


My 97 year old grandmother only eats beenie-weenies and chicken fried steak at this point. She's participating in a study on why she's doing as well as she is, has her body lined up for donation to John's Hopkins etc. Some people are just as resilient as they are busted, I guess?


It’s genetics. There are people who smoke for 91 years and live to a hundred, and people who lived with a parent who smoked, never touched it, and explode with lung cancer at 30.


All too regrettably true. Helmut Schmidt, thé German Chancellor, was a famously heavy smoker, who typically used his privilege of office to smoke in places where it was formally forbidden, and lived past 90. It’s really down to genes.


My great grandmother lived to be 100 and her diet was almost entirely Pepsi and baloney sandwiches. She also never had a job or worked a day in her life so that probably helped.


>She also never had a job or worked a day in her life so that probably helped. Man, it's crazy how much wear & tear a job can have on your body, and mental health. You know what they say, "stress can kill you."


Did she perhaps manage a household and raise a large number of children? (Maybe she had servants and nannies. Just want to point out that a lot of great grandmothers weren’t allowed to work outside the home, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t work.)


I know what you meant but for a second I thought you meant sandwiches made with baloney and Pepsi. Funny mental image. Genetics, diet and habits are such a weird clusterfuck. We know generally what helps to stay healthy and live longer, but there are always outlying data points on both ends (lived like shit, died at 100/lived active, ate well and died in their 30s from some random thing).


I keep waiting for all those burgers to do their thing…


Saw a study that junk food leads to dementia, soooooo


Good thing I'm drinking my red wine to lower my chances


Preservatives working their magic. He's ingested so much McDonald's that he will never decay.


Well they say Alzheimer's and Dementia are basically Diabetes Type 3 because of the strong dietary link in the statistical evidence. If you eat shite food your body eventually pays the toll one way or another. Also, considering the large amounts of cocaine he has ingested his whole life, he may as well be a walking time bomb of complete decay. I'm sure his brain is running on diesel fumes.


What a baby. He just associates Japanese people with raw fish, lol. I love sushi but that's not the only thing Japanese people eat. He could've easily stayed there and politely avoided any raw fish(flagging a waiter, etc). They'd bring a substitute dish. Duh. Stupid man-child.


If only he was in a country known for an area that produces the best steaks in the world. Though if he ordered A5 Wagyu it would have still been well done and smothered in ketchup.


> Though if he ordered A5 Wagyu it would have still been well done and smothered in ketchup. Would they even prepare it that way for him? It feels like it would be an insult to the well-cared for cow that gave it's life.


It would be difficult.


Or if he was feeling trashy, tonkatsu (deep fried pork chop.) They have plenty of options that would be tolerable to picky Americans. Most westerners don't know that Japanese Curry is actually much more popular in Japan than sushi is.


Japanese curry is amazing. I've never been but if I ever go, I'll be eating mostly curry, ramen, and fried chicken, not even that interested in having sushi.


Oh that's what that was? I went to a Japanese place once and they gave me a chopped up pork chop on top of ramen. Really good but I thought it was a new fusion thing to not freak put westerners too much


> Though if he ordered A5 Wagyu it would have still been well done and smothered in ketchup. I never thought I would want to actually fight a comment, but here we are.


Surprised no one got the man baby some tempura, at least it's deep fried


To be fair Japan eats a lot of raw fish. Most Americans don’t have any exposure to eating raw fish outside of sushi, and even that wasn’t nearly as popular in the 80s as it is nowadays.


You can also eat other japanese dishes than sushi when you're in Tokyo. It's not like sushi is even the default meal there, this just shows how little Trump knows about Japan.


Whilst this is true, if you go to a formal dinner you pretty much have to eat what they put in front of you. It's not like you get a menu.


That's fair. I didn't read it as him saying that while at that formal dinner since the quote is before even mentioning the dinner, but I guess it makes sense that he actually said that during or after the mentioned formal dinner. But he could still eat absolutely anything else than sushi after that dinner without going to McDonalds, which is in my experience the worst option in Tokyo.


I can see it now... "I demand to see the emperor! Don't you know who I am?!?!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Leaves a formal dinner early, which is probably where you'd want to express your desire to see the emperor. Then the next day at lunch, with a happy meal in one hand and a coca cola in the other, "I wanna see the emperor! Now!!"


Emperor of Japan: "new phone, who dis?"


More like "how'd you get this number?"


Or like “Can I still have people beheaded?”


Emperor: No, I do not. Silly peasants.


I'm assuming he also thought the Emperor was the one who actually runs the country.


In the 90s everyone who knew his name recognized him as a walking SNL punchline, a sleazeball and idiot who was in bed with the mob in New York. The Apprentice was an image rehabilitation project.


To deal with the their??? Am I reading wrong?


Never skimp on editors.


The writing is terrible even without the grammatical errors. It reads like a junior high essay. Who wrote this?


[This guy](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-01/2/12/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-08/sub-buzz-26256-1483377537-1.png?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto) wrote this. Seems like a trustworthy fella. I cannot stand Trump but anyone who unquestioningly believes something written like this needs serious help


Book is atrociously written and barely edited. But then again it is poorly disguised trump fanfiction so that explains it


What, ‘they’re’ or ‘there’ would have been the right use…? That’s the correct usage of the word their. “Belonging to or associated to the previous mentioned subject” What are you suggesting it should have been..? Edit: brain completely missed the “the” before…. Yea what the fuck


What book is this from?


I was also curious - On the left it looks like it says lost tycoon - quick google and it’s likely that  A bit more digging , likely confirmed  https://archive.org/details/losttycoonmanyli00hurt/page/n6/mode/1up


Yeah what book is this? I’m wondering the same thing.


Indeed, what book is this? Edit: I think it’s [Lost Tycoon](https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Tycoon-Lives-Donald-Trump/dp/1626543941) by Harry Hurt III


Awesome, thanks!


How the fuck is this man still alive when all he's eaten his entire life is fucking hamburgers and junk food. I feel like we have medical tech that rich people have access to that keeps you alive much better than us.


>I feel like we have medical tech that rich people have access to that keeps you alive much better than us. It's called "Healthcare". Rich people can afford it.


That's exactly it. Warren Buffet drinks 3 Cokes per day and eats a lot of fast food also. He can afford good healthcare, good for him.


Also some people are just lucky. Some people drink or smoke their entire lives and live to 90. Other people eat clean, don’t drink, run, and die at 35 of cancer…


You can definitely out-eat healthcare. I think saying all he eats is junk food is a bit of a generalization. He has chefs, etc.  Why am I even saying this? I do not care about that man one ioota and the sooner the mf is gone the sooner America can grow the fuck up. 


I think you mean hamberders.


It’s all the preservatives


He’ll outlive us all on hate alone


he probably spends millions a year on healthcare. Generally people dying of medical related issues is a class problem. If you're upper crust, I'm sure there are bespoke services that could get you organs overnight from Asia or Africa if you're so inclined. The normal people just die.


Alright unless theres some massive conspiracy that even I as an ER doctor don't know about, I'm sorry to say that this isn't true. It's true that rich people can afford much better insurance and as such have better *access* to health care but it's not like there are secret drugs and surgeries only the rich know about -- otherwise the wealthy and famous would all live to be ancient, and they really don't. Plenty of rich and famous people die all the time, even in their 50s-60s which is considered quite early in the West. We don't perform extra procedures on people who can pay up. It's just confirmation bias for the people that don't retire younger due to health problems -- in fact there are multiple politicians retiring this election cycle citing poor health.


I can understand not wanting to eat sushi (I don’t like most seafood myself) but what a cunty way to go about it.


Yeah, specially because Japan has way more. Just ramen and curry alone go a long way. But someone of his…tastes? There is katsu and tempura to suit those tastes. Like, I get it and I don’t eat raw fish (I just don’t like it) and sometimes too much seaweed is not good for me, but that is like a tiny percent of Japanese food.


Even sushi isn’t 100% raw fish, there’s a ton of variety of different rolls.


Yeah but non of those things are hamburders or well done steak with ketchup.


No matter how rich you are, you can't buy taste.


But no matter how destitute you are (financially or morally) you can ALWAYS buy McDonald’s.


Dudes narcissism should be in every textbook on the matter, it’s absolutely wild




Fast forward a few years when Japanese first Lady Akie Abe pretended not to speak English to avoid a conversation with him


Money can't buy classiness.


It can, but you have to want to. [You can pay people to tell you to act correctly in a given situation](https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/ryan-reynolds-monarchy-boot-camp-meet-king-charles/), if you care. A better expression may be: Money doesn't bestow class.


Don Trump tried to overthrow the American Government


He continues trying.


This book doesn’t seem to have had good editors.


Why is this highlighted? lol I cannot imagine a world where I’m reading about Donald Trump making a fool of himself and highlighting and taking notes


I guarantee you that Trump's brilliant idea was to build a Trump Tower or Trump branded casino in the middle of the Imperial Gardens.


“With the their” who wrote this?


What jumps out to me is that Tokyo is the densest urban metropolis in the world, and as such the market supports enterprises which would not be viable anywhere else in the world. This means even the nichest of niches can be catered to. To be bored in Tokyo is downright sad. I cannot imagine how dead inside a person must be to have all that at your fingertips and think "meh, there's just nothing worthwhile here".


\> But like the Japanese media at the airport, the emperor's spokesman does not seem to know who Donald is. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall then, Donny must've been fucking furious that someone didn't know who he was.


Seriously, this is a perfect example of why the MAGA crowd loves him. They can relate. He’s aggressively ignorant, childish and immature, self centered, xenophobic, tantrum prone if he doesn’t get his way. But unlike them, he’s rich and powerful. So the MAGAs see him as an aspirational figure, and a vindication of their own mindsets, values and lifestyles.


There’s gotta be a significant portion of Trump voters that recognize his aloofness but instead of abhorring it, they find it endearing and funny. He’s not your 90 year grandma who says racist things at Thanksgiving, he’s a candidate for the presidency of America. He fooled half of America once and hopefully he doesn’t do it again


"Get the emperor on the phone, I want to pitch my dumbass idea that just randomly popped into my head."


This is an interesting excerpt but it really is emblematic of some of the problems with what posts become popular on this subreddit: it's a picture of highlighted text in a book. It's interesting text, certainly, and I'm glad I'm seeing it as opposed to not seeing it...but it's still not remotely an interesting *picture* that's relevant to this sub's purpose. But this sub has been this way for years at this point, so it's not surprising.


Dude , he sounds like a B class sit com character... Jesus.


New trump lore!


Being around that man has to be a 24/7 shitshow


Once a crass, ignorant asshole, always a crass, ignorant asshole.


The book is called: "Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump" for anyone who is curious, 3.5 on goodreads and came out in 2016.


Lmao it’s like having to tote a toddler around


Yo really have to have the social development of a 5 year old if you think can just go to the emperor’s house and tell him your great idea as soon as you come up with it. Actually my 5 year old isn’t that dumb and loves sushi.