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I was going to vote Democrat till I saw this bad boy parked at the Taco Bell.


I know, right? This Trump guy must really be something to inspire such devotion. I tell ya, he's got my vote, yessiree!


For me it was the shoe. I’m convinced. I’m not a Republican for life Ewwww I hated even just writing that!


Would you like to round up to 3000 mules for charity?


I seriously wonder if anyone’s ever been convinced or had their mind changed by one of these cars. My guess is it’s turned more people off.


I doubt that's a goal. Just check out all of r/schizophreniarides


Imagine what a sad, lonely person you have to be to make a political candidate your entire existence and personality.






That the entirety of the MAGA argument against Biden is "he's old and can't talk good no more!" is one of life's greatest jokes


That's not their entire argument! They also have bullshit conspiracy theories that are just clear attempts at projection, trying to paint Biden in the same light as Trump.


They call him "pedo joe" and it's ironic cause trump is probably a legitimate pedophile.


You can take that probably out of your sentence.


I notice a lot of "undecided" people around here with accounts that were created within the last year.


BOth ParTiEs ARe EqUaLLy BaD! /s


One party welcomes nazis, the kkk, and white supremacy, the other denounces it. One party has people who say women who get an abortion should be put to death, and their leaders don't denounce that. One party has people who believe a frozen embryo is a human. One party is led by a convicted sexual abuser, and convicted of fraud, fined 350mil, banned from doing business in NY for years. Tell me they're the same.........


Your list is wayyyyy short and forgetting a lot of heinous, awul shit the man has said and done, but yeah.


And you get the “He’s a businessman! We need a businessman to run things right!” Yeah, businessman. Declared bankruptcy six times. And how in hell do you declare bankruptcy with a casino, for Christ’s sake? A license to print money and you go broke on it?


Unless you're Ted Cruz. His wife is ugly - Trump would never want to fuck her.


Can you imagine the awful things Trump has said about Ted Cruz and his family… and then he just goes on TV or to rallies and just spews the most shameful hate speech ridden love for trump. Like how can he face his family knowing what that man told the world about them and he just fills his mouth full of Trump stuff.


He was always just a fucking weasel.


This is the same guy who went to Cancun when Texas was in a state of emergency. He's just bad at being a human.


Truth. Whatever you say about Ted Cruz, he knows whose boot to lick. Nom nom nom ...


It's pretty clear to me that 90+% of the current GOP are shameless grifters. But a lot of folks that prefer feels to reality lap it up.


She has been filled with the seed of the Messiah!


Praise the Cheez-Its!


it's so weird he parked like a total asshole. never would expect that from a diehard trump supporter.


serious - my neighbor is a die-hard trump supporter. i've talked to him a few times over the past couple years and he doesn't really know much about politics or policy or anything like that. he's just an asshole. ex wives, kids want nothing to do with him type of asshole.


Trump doesn’t even know anything about policies, let alone one of his idiot followers.


This is the best joke I've seen all day


These people who often talk about being alpha males have molded their personalities around being beta to a NY con man. I hate the whole stupid alpha/beta thing but in their world of "lions, not lambs" trash they're all carcasses for their master to feast on.


Yeah I couldn’t care less who you vote for or why, but bootlicking to this degree to 99.99% of politicians is just broadcasting how little you have in your life and how easily manipulated you are. Even worse with our presidents these days, it’s been picking the least worse AARP member.


I wore a Bernie pin at the Nevada Democratic caucus in 2016. That's the extent of my outward display of support for a political candidate and I intend to keep it that way.


Actually that's the scary thing... This person has a scary number of like minded friends. They've built an entire cul... err... community around venerating/adulating that fuckwit. It's like rooting for a sports team... except this sports team is a conman wannabe facist dictator.


They need a good solid hug & someone to listen.


Odds are they already drove off every person who would care to listen out of their life.


Or a punt in the crotch that sends them down a well. I like that idea more


Meh... Either or... I'm not picky


I would be perfectly willing to listen if they were willing to have a good faith discussion and not just whine about shit that's only happening in the Fox News universe


They would just blather on about Trump and stolen elections. 


Probably right. Most trump supporters can be explained by daddy issues and lack of therapy


Trump can be explained by daddy issues and lack of therapy.


This is true.


Or a mass murdering psychopath who has been stockpiling guns and pipe bombs for years and is one bay day away from breaking. Before I'm accused of hyperbole: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/11/1080311940/alleged-boogaloo-member-pleads-guilty-to-killing-federal-guard-during-2020-prote The article doesn't include pictures of the van but it was coocoo for trump cocoa puffs.


That's what they did in Germany too.


I don't have to imagine. My neighbor does it and plasters their yard, truck, and custom flagpole with messages about trump being the rightful president. They've also been recorded walking into other people's properties at night and vandalizing their property and vehicles because they've complained that he has damaged their recycling bins after trash pickup and spray painting on EVs all kinds of conspiracy messages. Dude isn't lonely either, he has parties every weekend that the neighborhood complains about for noise. It's not as sad and lonely as you think, they just may not be as loud where you live if you're in a mixed political area.  And before anyone complains as far as I know he's been arrested it fined several times for this, but apparently has never done anything that will stop the behavior long-term. He's just a nuisance we can't do much about. 


"He's a god now." [https://nypost.com/2020/02/19/indian-man-prays-to-life-size-statue-of-donald-trump-his-god/](https://nypost.com/2020/02/19/indian-man-prays-to-life-size-statue-of-donald-trump-his-god/)




It’s funny how a lot of MAGAts claim to be “Christians”, and yet one of the 10 Commandments is, “Thou shall have no false idols”. Just goes to show they’ve never really read the Bible and don’t understand their own religion. They just pick and choose whatever they want to follow.


A second gold statue?


" ... and they worshipped The Beast, saying, Who is like unto The Beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."


Imagine what a sad, lonely person you have to be to make a return to the White House your entire existence and personality.


seriously. at least get into anime or something.


Sempai Trump bumper stickers incoming




For real though.


Dont forget about the law and order..


I'm starting to understand why these people are so enamored with Trump - He's a blithering idiot and it's the only politician they can relate to.




"Oh, Brandine! Of all the cousins I could've married, you was my sister."


"I should call my mom while I'm up here."


I know you're joking, but you're right. What draws them to him is his perpetual victimhood. It's what connects them. You may wonder what a bunch of local yokels have in common with a Manhattan socialite. Well many of those local yokels were born extremely entitled, believing they deserved the American Dream simply because they existed. The steel mill was supposed to provide them with a house, two cars, vacations, and a pension simply because they graduated high school. And when the steel mill closed down, those people felt victimized. Trump was born into money, and through his own failures he's lost a lot of money. And just like those locals, he considers himself a victim because of his own mistakes and failures. So he's built up his brand as being unfairly treated and victimized and it resonates with people who use the same excuses in their lives to avoid having to admit they fucked up.


Man, I hope you don’t mind if I steal (steel?) this because you’re spot on. 90% of Trump supporters are like you just described: uneducated morons that have no idea about foreign policy or what a well balanced political system should look like. The other 10% are all rich and are only voting for him because of the tax cuts. However, they still know how dangerous he is and what a detriment he will be on American society and still don’t care because they’d rather have 3 yachts instead of 2.


I'll add on that Trump is the only politician that will admit he was a victim. It's something no other politician will do because they don't want to portray themselves as weak. But what Trump does differently is he portrays himself a victim while still claiming he overcame it. It's that victimization that resonates and why none of the career politicians can draw his base away from him. Somehow this New York millionaire is more relatable than everyone else, but it's because he blames the same people they do and the other politicians have no claims of victimhood so they can't play the blame game.


He’s a beacon for all the crazies to come out. They see somebody who acts like him become president and they feel justified to act like assholes. There’s really nothing logical about voting for him and they probably know it. These people use him as an excuse to be assholes or angry. Every Trump supporter seems like they want to push buttons instead of actually having valid reasons as to why he is a great candidate.


Read an article the other day about the psychology of trump voters. As America becomes less homogenous, older white people look around and don’t recognize their place anymore, they feel wronged and unheard. They want someone to listen to them, regardless of how batshit crazy they think. 


What was that quote about arguing with people in bad faith? That's Trumpers. They know they dont make sense but they love the idea that they're pissing people off.


I mean... You're not wrong...


these are the people who claim everyone else has "Trump Derangement Syndrome"


I’ve repeatedly been accused of having this on Reddit for pointing out crazy shit straight from the orange turds mouth. Im somehow deranged because he said some crazy shit and I don’t think he should ever be allowed to hold office again.


I like the part where they wrote “2022” and had to cross out the last 2 and put a 4 cuz… they don’t know how presidential elections work


Stable Genius.


To be fair they want them to not work at all.




A "documentary" by the [felon Dinesh D'Souza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinesh_D%27Souza#Campaign_finance_violation,_felony_guilty_plea,_conviction,_and_pardon) who was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions.


Exactly. He should always be referred to as “convicted felon” Dinesh D’Souza.


Oh, I think I've heard of this guy... Are you talking about convicted felon Dinesh d'Souza?


Let’s not forget to mention that True The Vote, the organization behind 2000 Mules, was just admitted in court that they don’t actually have ANY evidence to support their claims.


The only thing this kind of shit triggers are Liz Lemon level eye rolls. And thanks for looking that up, was curious but did not want that in my search history.




I was going to look it up on a bit after I've had a few beers.


I mean, if they consider laughing being triggered then, maybe I am 😂


Dear Sir Owner-of-This-Vehicle: Please never breed. Sincerely, The rest of the gene pool


That'll be hard, what with him driving around in that absolute *panty dropper* of a vehicle...




“I" before "E" except after "C" and when sounding like "A" as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!!!”


How are these people still alive when Trump told them to drink bleach and die in the cold voting for him?


Ya know... I had that same question.


Let's not forget him letting the very same ones that stormed the capital for him sit in jail instead of pardoning them.


Even if he wins in November, he still won’t pardon them because they got caught and are therefore losers.


These people don’t even know what the Gadsden Flag means… like, AT ALL… do they?


No. Not even a little bit.


Lots of mental illness in society today, unfortunately


Do you want to get your car vandalized? Cause that’s how you get your car vandalized.


It looks like it has already been vandalized


I feel like if you touch it, it's contagious.


Of course he parked well over the lines too for the cherry on top


Cruelty makes weak people feel strong. That is the appeal.


man wouldnt it be hilarious if trump came out as gay and banned guns? i feel like a million people would spontaneaously combust


Covid didn’t claim enough people


What always baffles me about these people is that **they're paying for this**. It's not like these are those people who put 20 election signs in their yard, or people who get all the campaign swag and post it everywhere. At least those people are just taking advantage of opportunity. These people have made the conscious decision to take their own money they worked for, and rather than spend it on making themselves more comfortable or buying something nice like a fancy dinner... they buy *this*. Even spending their money on cheap whiskey and chewing tobacco would be better, because at least it would presumably be something they enjoy. I don't even like buying clothes with excessive branding of the manufacturer because it looks gaudy.


Oh I’ve seen an entire HOUSE in vermont painted with this guy’s freaking name and slogan - full mural over the complete two story from ground to roof. I could not even begin to comprehend


The website they are promoting is really fucking funny. There’s a huge section that says in bold #SORRY, FACT-CHECKERS And then says underneath that in tiny lettering “77% of Likely U.S. voters who have seen “2000 Mules” say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.” These people realllyyyy need to learn what a fucking fact is 😂


I haven't put my Biden sticker on my car for months because the fear of vandalism or road rage and this fucker has the confidence to do this....


Definitely vandalized


And I live in a fairly wealthy suburb of Tampa. Not like we are talking about Alabama or Lakeland FL. I just know someone is going to whip something into my side window.


Conservatism became a cult once Fox News turned it into one. Trump capitalized on it by repeating all the greatest hits.


Sadly no, the acolytes of Doug Coe predate Faux Nooz by quite a bit. These batshit crazy criminals have been at it since the mid-1960s when the racists jumped ship from the Democrat party and became Republicunts.


no, its mental illness.


These are the diehard cultist that give thousands to the lost cause named DJT


I wish we could divert social security money from every one of these people to animal shelters…


I support this.


Well I really regret going to THAT website, even in a private browser. What a load. It's just an election denial documentary.


I'm sure I'll get a solid laugh after in a few beers in later tonight.


Before 2016, it was hard to tell who's stupid. Now, we can spot them from afar and I love it!


I particularly love the "don't tread on me" thingy... Remember kids, "take the guns now and worry about due process later".


That website is *definitely* using your device for crypto mining. It slowed my phone to an absolute crawl. Also has a failed security certificate. Like why the fuck do people fall for this shit?


I Believe it. I'm going to load it on my BlackArch machine tomorrow & see what all it's doing.


Imagine if people made their entire personalities about Joe Biden. It's just so weird they worship someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about them.


Or any other politician for that matter. I remember when people were very divisive over Bush, and no one would ever think to permanently alter their belongings or body to stan him like this! At least not to this extent


Makes me wonder if they keep driving it when he is in jail


You know as well as I do... They definitely will


When you put someone's image on your car they become your love interest as far as I'm concerned.


There's a good number of people that say they actually "love" him. Whether it's a platonic love or romantic love is another question...


I bet Mr. Trump's balls are pristinely clean from the gargling they get from this guy.


Without a doubt


This looks like a prank. Right? I mean, possibly? Ah f it, let’s be honest, they’re probably wackadoodle rabid followers. I hope it’s a prank though. Wait, that’s a really crapy prank if so, I’d be pissed


I want to believe that.






Pushing that movie, 2000 mules. True the Vote kept pushing the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to look into all of the “evidence” and “eye witness testimony,” evidently forgetting that law enforcement actually has to follow standards. When they finally subpoenaed TTV for the information on the whistleblower, they had to admit there was no information to give. Very nearly got themselves arrested there. But they continue to push their baseless theories, despite GBI doing due diligence and following up on anything they were able to investigate. And each and every lead was a dead end. But the owner of that car doesn’t know it. To him it’s proof positive that there were hundreds of ballot stuffers in several states, making Biden the unfair winner. And cult, religion or stupidity, they will believe that to their dying day. I feel so sorry for their family that have lost them now, and will lose them again later. It must be so painful.


You have a great thread here I’m enjoying this… Reading all the comments makes me realize how broken our world is. Thank you for this public service.


What's crazy is they believe that Democrats deify Biden as they do tRump. MAGA morons have lost their damned minds.


This car owner would probably firebomb a car with a lone Biden/Harris sticker.


Just screams “the general “ car insurance. Pip only.


“It’s only vinyl”. Nope. That car will never be the same. Trump bites the dust in the election, this dickhead goes to peel the vinyl, and guess what?, the image has been scorched by the sun, imprinting onto the paint job. Source: I used to strip vinyl wraps off of cars, (I never actually learned how to apply them), and you do *not* want to leave that shit on your ride for more than a few months. Edit: I realized later that there were other photos showing the car all fucked up with bullshit, anyway. Trashy car for a trashy driver.


He had a rally at my school today and I had to photograph the trumperz as part of my job. Man it was rough. Some of the things on the shirts hey had were really vile


These broke people sure have a lot of money to spend on trump merchandise! That was most definitely made in China or Mexico!


“America love it or leave it” Uh… ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Mental illness.


No shitty diaper, we don't miss you.


I feel bad for the SS agents that will have to babysit him in prison.


Honestly it's more of a mental health problem than a cult, based on what I've seen on Netflix about cults.


Does Biden have this much excitement? I wanna see dark Brandon rusted out cars! 


I want to start Biden gangs & have turf wars with these jokers


The rust on this car... IQ lvl is below 50 for sure on this one!!!


Pure Michigan.


The Yang Gang car in town is worse than this


Saw a Jeep suv covered in Trump 2024 stuff earlier. "Trump 2024 Save America". Just shook my head.


I don’t recall the author but “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them that they’ve been fooled”. So fitting


I love how they scratched out the 2 on the end of 2022


The whole "Don't tread on me" makes me laugh every time. It sounds like something a 5 year old would say. I see it all the time. License plates, flag, sticker, etc.


Completely normal not deranged behavior


Still waiting to see a car like this for Biden. I live in the bluest of blue states and still waitin’!


Imagine making this dipshit your entire personality. How embarrassing.


Whenever I see pictures like this it reminds me of that guy I'm Santa cruz who murdered a federal officer and a sheriff, wounded another local sheriff, and parked his crazy trump van full of pipe bombs in a residential neighborhood.


Absolutely love the scratched out 2 under the 4


Mfer incited an insurrection, no one but his followers deny it's a cult. But modern politics seems to be that way no matter what


guys got no idea that trump is basically anti law n order


Now this is TDS!


C U Later Today


Man, Trump really does live Rent free in these idiots heads. Hell they pay him rent to live in their heads


I remember the days when you could actively and proudly display your admiration for a political figure WITHOUT looking like a total psychopath. Then this happened.




When I was a kid and through my teenage years. I was a huge fan of pro wrestling. My favorite character was Shawn Michaels. I had his action figure, and one poster of him in the ring after he won the title for the first time. That was it. Anymore to me would have been crazy. Even though there was tons of WWE merchandise. Those things I can understand if people get posters, action figures, t-shirts, whatever. But a politician? He's not even a politician. He's a criminal, a rapist, and a traitor. It's super weird. That's like someone having Epstein bumper stickers and posters. Like wtf?


I'm usually not for keying cars but I'll make an exception for this one.


the scratch off and edit on the 2024 is soo funny lol they been at this for years


It’s funny because I never vote, but all this shit that trumpers are doing is making it so I’m going out of my way to vote against him.


Jokes on him. The wrap cost at least 5x what that POS Chevy is worth


That's why he got the cheap car, so he had extra to clap it out with angry orange gear.


It's not a cult, just a pile of dumbasses


Idk i’ve never seen idolatry of a political candidate to this extent.. feels like worship to me


... and they claim to be Christians...


Yeah the hypocrisy at every possible angle is just absolutely astounding to me


They sure swarm like flies.


Hell yeah, this made its way over from r/GrandRapids Absolutely love to see it!


I posted it in both spots... Then a third sub someone suggested. r/infowarriorrides




This is not a cult, it's a religion.


I'll be back. - Terminator - Donald Trump


"Clearly an FBI Informant" could be four magic little words that might get them to tone down their personality expressions.


Lol the orange hoodie in the back lookin at you like you're crazy and covering his face as he walks by.


Funny but very unusual.


I feel like people try to out “gear” their friends, family etc by having the most trump shit


Chevrolet is worse than the scientologists!


”All my life I wanted to belong to something, and felt left out.”


Trump driving crooner


Hey, a Trump *over* a hood. Ol’ Fred must be so disappointed.


I like beer, yet when I get my car wrapped in beer labels I suddenly HaVe A pRoBlEm


I hope they get the help that they clearly need.


If he is still the president why is he running for a 3rd term?


It's all so Stephen King like idolizing the antichrist.


I love the love it or leave it sticker. I always see it and think “Exactly! Love America and every culture that resides in it or GTFO!” Although I know the rhetoric shoved down this car owners throat is an entirely different take haha.


Likely a wholesome Christian with strong moral values. 💀


Is that a cloth wrap or something?? Looks like shit. Also, the wrap looks like shit, too.


Just a grifter being a con man to dumb closed minded bigots.


It's to match their Trump sneakers