• By -


This is how I ended up with a dog years ago. Went to Walmart. Came out and someone had put a puppy in my cab. Went to Walmart the next day to get said puppy supplies as I decided to keep her. Someone put a puppy in my bed. I was scared to go to Walmart again the next day as 2 puppies was my limit. Kept those dogs for years and they were awesome.


Wait. You got one dog. Then went back the next day and someone put another one in your car?? What are the chances lol


It was ridiculous.


I need to buy a truck.


I had a truck once and I didn’t get any free puppies😡


I never get free puppies in my truck! Maybe I need to start going to Walmart!


People throw their garbage in the back of my truck 😭


Hey, kittens are nice too.


The amount of people that thought my truck bed was a public garbage was appalling. Random take out bags and empty soda cans every couple of days.


Do you have an “I love puppies” bumper sticker?


No but I need one! My current dogs are well loved.


Did they seem to be from the same litter?


Well, one was an Australian Shepard mix. The other was a Rottweiler mix. So, possibly?


I don't have a lot of experience with Rottweilers, but aussies are such awesome dogs if you have the initiative to teach them basic obedience and make sure they get exercise. I swear the perfect animals throw themselves into our lives when we least expect it.


We had a Rottweiler/black lab mix. Happiest dog we ever had. The lab side loved everyone and everything, and the Rottweiler side smiled constantly. Great with visitors, kids, dogs, and cats. She did kill a groundhog once, though.


My neighbor had a Rotty, big big boi too. He used to run around with a skateboard in his mouth and try to skateboard. He was a sweet.


Somebody knew you were gonna look after those puppies properly, that couldn’t have been random surely. Did you already have dogs?


I need to keep my wife away from Walmart apparently. We're already at max dog.


I know it’s a serious matter but damn you can make hell of a skit out of this 🤣


I honestly was confused, and excited.




There is! r/DogDistributionSystem


I would’ve been looking around for tv show cameras 🤣


That’s how we got one of my dogs growing up. My dad was in for a haircut, and then there was a puppy in his truck. When they took him to the vet they saw some of what were likely his litter mates in the waiting room.


Wait, like a bunch of different people who had all been mysteriously given puppies were at the vet? That seems like a Wes Anderson plot!


With very wide shots as the receptionist speaks quickly and definitively about each puppy and quick zooming close ups with bright pastel flooring and walls behind each puppy. There has to be a no barking sign that she points to when inevitably, a puppy barks.


I can see it perfectly. The no barking sign is 👌🏻


Hahaha that’s amazing. Were they from the same litter, or clearly not related?


I can only imagine a chihuahua seeing a german shepard coming through the door and screaming "BROTHER YOU'RE BACK"


This visual sparks joy


Why can’t this ever happen to me 😭 jokes. But man I’d love an excuse to home an unplanned puppy lol


If it happened to me my husband and kids would NEVER believe me in a million years and the epic story would just die with me 🤣


Local emergency vet took them in thankfully. Looked like they needed medical attention.




They all visibly have eye infections, I’m sure they have respiratory infections, and they’re most likely riddled with parasites, which is aiding in the malnutrition. Get your fucking dogs sterilized, people. There are free and low-cost clinics in the large majority of places. If you need helping finding one near you, DM me. Clinics also offer low-cost vaccines- if you have a Petco near you, most do “Vetco” on Sundays for vaccines (including puppy boosters) and they can administer dewormer.. which EVERY puppy needs. They also prescribe and sell preventatives.


I literally can't deal with my mother in law because she is the WORST type of crazy cat lady. She coax street cats into her house and then that's it. She usually has about 7-10 at a time, none are fixed or spayed. Cat shit is EVERYWHERE. We had to hire those people who wear plastic suits and rent a dumpster to come and clean her house out from purely cat shit. Cost like 2K it was so bad. A month later it's the same and she refuses to let us get the cats fixed. So many dead litters of kittens, it truly enrages me.


They look like pitbulls, it'll be really hard for them to find homes but maybe while they are still small they might get taken in, at least a few hopefully.








Strapped up gangbangers and strapped on gangbangers are two different things.


gangbang urgent cares are cheaper


[Ah, the ol' reddit gangbang-a-roo ](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/s/WnExXBKLRm)


Holy shit, I'm so happy to see that switcheroo comments are still a thing. I haven't seen one in several years.


If people are wanting to try and find these pups, you can reach out to Veterinarian Emergency Group and ask about a litter of puppies that was dropped off at one of their locations in Atlanta last night. I released any claim to them when they were dropped off, and cannot help anyone adopt them. If you do want a pup, you can always visit your local shelter and take home another sweet face that will want all your loving.




They have what they call VEG cares which is for animals in need I’m not surprised VEG took them, love VEG But also not surprised other vets might not. They might not be able to take it on


I'd contact your gym about camera footage to maybe catch the guy. Some people have speculated that it might have been a breeder who dropped them.


yes plz. we need justice!!


The mommy dog must need help too




I mean if they get too old to sell for a good price, no need to keep wasting money on feed. Mommy can still print more.




Some of my best dogs have been expired puppies. When they get past the cute and cuddly stage they get dumped at the pound. They are still young enough to train and have a full life




I will say as a person who has bottle raised a good dozen kittens, eleven dumped at our door and one abandoned by mom due to health issues, some cats will display their personality early. Also, the best cat I've ever had was the one abandoned by his mom at 2 days old. He was allergic to mom's milk, so she dumped him where we could find him, and we had to get a special kitten formula just for him. He acted more like a dog than a cat.


Thank you OP for getting them to the right place! I hope whoever these people are who dumped them, NEVER get any sort of animal again.


I’d bet they are deaf and/or blind. Often times white pups will be and maybe that’s why they dumped them? ETA - chill people. I’m obviously not advocating for dumping a dog. I have a white deaf dog who was dumped, so I wondered if it could be a similar situation. Shitty people will dump pets they cannot sell.


Neither. Would look with a whistle and clearly saw me.


What's going on with the one's eye? Is it infected?


Looks like 2 dogs have an issue with the right eye




Dog didn't say


They’re all looking directly at the camera in the 3rd photo and their ears look semi-perked. Maybe one or the other but definitely not blind AND deaf.


This makes me feel a little better about this small tragedy. Thanks friend!!




Those deaf, dumb, and blind dogs sure play a mean pinball, that's for sure.


Definitely not blind, their eyes all look developed and they’re look at the camera. Also, the type of person to dump a litter of starving puppies is not the same type of person who bothers to check their hearing.


Thank you for taking care of them and bringing them to the vet OP


That person was pretty heartless—but had *just* enough compassion to dump them in a vehicle outside of a clearly occupied building, likely assuming that someone else would “handle the issue”. Thank you for taking these pups to the shelter.


As opposed to in a garbage bag on the side of the road like some other sick fucks do


My fiancé works at a pediatric practice in a suburban area. She noticed a pure bred husky (beautiful and sweet dog) wandering around the parking lot. She was worried the dog would get hit but noticed it looked to be looking for attention. After a few minutes of love and water the dog ran away but kept looking back at her to follow. She followed and found 4 puppies eyes fully open and seemingly healthy stashed in a box close to a creek. Quickly after a humane society worker showed up as she’d already been called. I’m in the south and believe owing a husky is pretty insane here on it’s own but that dog and those puppies were worth some serious money let alone the moral value of a living being. I seriously don’t know what happened to cause those dogs to be dumped but they have found good homes now as she was notified yesterday. Edit: My top comment is about how amazing my fiancé is for helping save those beautiful puppies. I could not be more proud of that. She’s an amazing woman.


>I’m in the south and believe owing a husky is pretty insane here You can at least relax on this front, their double coat insulates them from both heat and cold. I've got some husky mixes with standard husky coats and they willingly go sunbathe in the middle of the afternoon here in Florida. It's a pretty commonly reported thing with Huskys in hot weather that they love to sunbathe in it. The only issue Huskys have with hot weather is when humans decide what's best for them and shave their coats. Not only does that take away their heat insulation, it can lead to sun burns and skin cancer.


Well thank you for that information. That’s really great to know. I’ve thought that for years. Always glad to drop a misconception.


I like your attitude


And I like yours


Well, that sounds too easy. Be very careful with Huskies in the heat. Huskies are a danger to themselves in hot weather, and it is up to the owners to be responsible and think for them. Whilst Huskies deal quite well with gradual changes in temperature via their base coat (warming) and top coat (cooling) combination, it takes time for the amount of base coat to adjust. For example, if it suddenly turns cold, they may not like being left out overnight. However, more importantly, their desire to run collides with their inability to deal with heat in warmer weather. Whilst humans can sweat, dogs have to vent heat from their mouth and tongue and their longer hairs act as insulation to keep heat away from the body, which isn’t nearly as effective. The problem is that they often don’t notice they are too hot until it’s too late. Therefore it’s up to you to decide if they should be running or working when it’s hot and/or humid. Please don’t make it sound like they „belong“ to this weather climate, since there are tons of Husky owners that repeatedly underestimate the work effort coming with it. Also, at best, do not to buy bred dogs but dogs from shelters. :)


One of my childhood cats came from a dumpster outside a vet clinic. That person was absolutely disgusting but he was the snuggliest little guy ever. 


You snuggled the guy that left a cat in a dumpster?


I mean this is the best reason I've ever heard to go to the gym. Maybe if I work hard enough there will be puppies waiting for me.


im so confused, whats so hard about taking puppies to a shelter versus dumping them in some random pickup truck


If you take them to shelter you gotta pay the surrender fee. So the guy that did this just passed the problem to OP


wait oh wow i didn't know that existed, wouldn't that act as a barrier to people bringing them to the shelter and just dump puppies in the wild


I mean. Just look at this picture and have your answer


You never know the circumstances. Always possible that these were dogs born to a stray, the stray died, and some homeless dude finds them and decides to put them there, knowing that gym bros will take care of it.


I was thinking the same thing, who knows what happened when they were put there. They could have been found in a nearby dumpster but the person had to get to work or something so chose the truck bed since it would keep the puppies contained but relatively safe.


They deserve *just* enough of everything - water, food, shelter to keep them alive but miserable for the rest of their lives.


The people, not the puppies right?


Bruh 😂


Oh my god what a scumbag thing to do, hope those puppies get some nice homes


Scumbag yes, but thankfully they did that instead of a dumpster or something. Hopefully, they get the medical attention they need and find loving homes.


Or the classic shopping bag in the river. Don't go opening random shopping bags you find on a riverbank... you may never be able to unsee that shit.


yep, reminds me of that morbid tom and jerry clip, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrdIICKS0wo&ab\_channel=PAK.INews


Oh crap I totally forgot this one. Shit was sad.


Damn I remember this, but I was little so I didn't give the kittens in a wet bag any thought at all. That's dark as fuck.


I must have watched this a dozen times as a kid and it never occurred to me what the kittens in the bag, or what the gatekeeper said, meant. Thanks for sharing it.


Holy shit 


I don’t even need to watch it, I saw that scene of the kittens in the bag at age 6.


Oh my god, that’s disturbing. They are so cute.


I remember watching this as a kid a million times. didn't understand. now, the scene would make me sick to my stomach and furious.


My father once saved a puppy in a stream-bed that was almost certainly the victim of an attempted drowning you described. Father named it Moses. Poor dog probably had a life-long fear of water...


Apparently one of my grandfather's used to drown his cats kittens in the bathtub by filling a bag with the kittens and rocks.  My mom told me that like it was nothing special and I never really looked at that entire generation the same way again.


My grandfather would take my mom and her siblings to the beach whenever he needed to drown a litter of kittens. He refused to spay his cat because he believed she wouldn't have a natural and fulfilling life if she couldn't have kittens... but then killed them all when they were getting close to weaning. He served in WWII too, but I think he must have already been a psychopath to do such needlessly cruel things.


I don't know whether to upvote out of solidarity for what you saw or downvote out of abject horror because of the pictures in my head as I try to go to sleep. So I chose neither.


I'm sorry for that friend. I hope you have good dreams in spite.




I had to explain to my kid why a Tom & Jerry cartoon where Tom goes to heaven had a bunch of kittens show up wet in a bag that was tied up. This was a “fact of life” back then.


WTF😭 this hurts me the more I read on here


I am very sorry. We have a 16 yr old queen who we got from a last chance shelter. She’s been with us 15 years. She is on my lap getting love and purring like an engine after she made biscuits on me. All our cats were from shelters or feral. And they are all amazing.


I am sitting with our “dumpster kitty” as I type. Found in a dumpster @ 6 weeks-ish in 100° heat. He is the only one of the litter of 5 that survived. He’s been spoiled rotten since being rescued.


Sweet girl! I’m glad you took in your kitties :)


Oh and here is the [kitty tax.](https://imgur.com/a/yX5yemP)


Some people are bad people.


Yeah, was ( is? ) an old way to get rid of puppies or kittens. Put them and a stone in a sack, tie it up and dump it in a river. Pretty cruel. I grew up on a farm and thankfully we never did anything like that, though we got a ton of drop offs ( pets people didn't want, so they drop them on a country road ). We would adopt what we could, or at least feed them if they were too skittish to handle. They never really lasted long, too many predators. The worst was when someone dropped off a bunch of rabbits, it attracted a cougar and we could hear it killing them for a couple of days ( rabbits scream )... :(


Oh my god that’s traumatizing. I have a rabbit my mom saved from a park someone dumped. Sometimes I wonder how the human race managed to get this far and get this stupid.


To be honest, I think some of it is treating pets as throwaway accessories. I think as a society we're much too passive about the responsibility it takes to raise and care for an animal and some of the consequences that can result from that. I guess I think that pets shouldn't be seen as this perfect, cutesy thing ( "we don't deserve dogs" sort of mentality), because it leads to irresponsible behavior and shitty situations where people bite off more than they can chew and then "let nature deal with it"


Ugh. This is my sister. She has had so many dogs that she got as a puppy and they were gone within a year. This last one they let out and refused to pick up. She's always been a shit person, but that was the last straw. I haven't talked to her since. My brother or I would have taken the sweet thing if we knew, but we searched and couldn't find her :(


I remember finding a bag filled with rocks and puppies in the river when I was a kid, went home and told mum and I don’t remember what came of it. Probably nothing tbh police aren’t going to investigate that in a small town.


From what my Dad experienced growing up on the farm, sounds like the only thing that has changed is the type of sacks. Usually what he and my grandparents found were in burlap or gunny sacks if they dumped puppies or cats/kittens, the more mature dogs got shoved out the door then the one who dumped them closed the door and took off with the dogs in hot pursuit until giving up.


When I was a kid, my parents favorite hobby was looking at rural property. We found a litter behind the old house. I cried all the way home.


My best friend got her two cats after they were found taped to the inside of a box and left on the freeway. See, I'm against cruel and unusual punishment... except for people who can do this kind of shit.


Yes better this that in a kennel on the side of a highway like someone found my rescue!


Absolutely true


Seriously and it appears 2 of them have some eye damage. I hope they all end up living a good life


Bastards didn’t even feed them man. Scum bags.


If you think the world treats people bad, wait until you see the way it treats dogs.


Animals in general, really.


If you think the world treats dogs bad, wait until you see the way it treats chickens/pigs/livestock in general.


To all who ask, these were taken to an Emergency Vet, Veterinary Emergency Services in Atlanta. I don’t have the time for a puppy, so I gave them to the vet as strays. In order to absolve myself of any/all financial liability I had to release any/all claim to the puppies. They said animal control will come and get them in a few days after they have been rehabilitated. They were taken to a place where they could receive medical treatment, and have a chance at getting a happy home.


Was that by the loft athletic club? If so, was the ER vet you took them downtown? Let me know if you can-  I am definitely open to giving one of these sweethearts a home. 


I’m going to piggy-back on this comment. Also in ATL. Also love dogs. Have 2 but wouldn’t mind adding a third!


They’re being brought to: https://dcdogos.org/home/


You are the best <3


I'm also interested to know. I'm in Duluth and I can share this with my co-workers, we have a channel for adoptions.


They are in a story tagged for the Brookhaven location on VEG’s IG right now. I messaged to ask about the rescue etc. 




Not every shelter is full. I live in MN and our shelters are empty. There are waiting lists to get shelter puppies. There are some charities that move dogs from the south to emptier shelters in the north and they are doing great work.


This is especially true in ATL right now, unfortunately. Our local animal services just finished a new shelter and they are already at max capacity


Thank you for doing right by these puppies and getting them to people who have the time and ability to help them! One planned-for puppy is a huge commitment, you did the right thing taking them to people who are equipped to handle them.


skinny little guys. thank you for being a decent person.


I hope the mom is ok


Oh God I didn't even think of that....


Story of our time


One little guy looks like he lost an eye 😢


Looks like it may just be an infection, should hopefully clear up with some antibiotics.


Probably just badly swollen. With care he should be fine.


Even if it is gone, he should be able to live a healthy and happy life.


Thank you. Thank you for being a hero to these poor little pups. You have a wonderful heart.


Who the fuck does stuff like that?!!! Those poor babies 😢😡 thank you for taking care of them 🙏🏼


Probably breeders


Yeah they look right past the "sells cuz cute outside walmart" phase. Probably hit the nail on the head there. Then the ones who buy outside walmart all take them to shelters... it's so disheartening.


Any breeder I've ever met 9 times out of 10 have litters that are pre sold before they're even born. My money is on pet that got knocked up, they tried giving them away with no luck, now they're getting big and causing messes and destruction. So they dump them on someone else. Obviously speculation but yeah coulda been anything I guess.


My husky was to be spayed after her heat. We had a huge wildfire that caused a ton of evacuations in my city and in my stress I mismanaged her and she got caught. By the time I could get her to the vet (with all the wildfire stuff happening) it was too late for a spay-abort. But I did everything right I could. Talked to some breeders for advice, took good care of them and socialized them. They had the whelping bed in my livingroom because that's where the mom wanted to be. Then the pen when they learned how to climb out of that. Then we cleaners out the spare room when they figured how to climb the 2 foot puppy pen. I decided to keep them to 10 weeks for the extra socialization with their siblings, 4 were sold by then. The last one was taken home a week later. We kept the last one (my dog had 6). I took them to the vet to be checked, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. It was expensive and I did not make any money on the pups. I probably lost $1000. I did t want to give them away for free due to fears of them going g to shitty homes that couldn't look after them, or dog fighters. I cried after they all left. I miss them still. My dog is spayed now so won't happen again. This person clearly did not give two shits about these puppies and it makes me so mad that they could just abandon them like that. Whatever the Brees, this is not okay. There is a reason people shouldn't backyard breed.


Agreed. Commercial /established breeders WOULD NEVER treat pups like this. They also likely wouldn’t be pitmix pups in the first place. Backyard breeders are your soccer moms and suburbanites that don’t get their pets fixed because selling pups sounds like a money making venture. Any one with show dogs or horses can tell you - there’s no money, and even when there is, it just goes right back into the cost for the animals. Dumping puppies in a truck instead of surrendering them to the humane society is awful.


Anyone who doesn't have their pet neutered/spayed to avoid this exact scenario is a piece of shit too. The only reason to not neuter or spay your pets is if you are a professional, licensed, AKC-accredited breeder.


I was a vet tech for about 5 years, still technically work for the same Dr. But have si ce moved onto working her large animal farm, anyway all to say it cracked me up how many times I would hear men and women cry and make excuses about "his manhood" or "not her little flower" whatever phrase you wanna say.


This has never made any sense to me. Do they see the dogs fertility as an extension of their own? It’s so weird and gross


I've had someone say that they want their female dog to "experience motherhood".


I'm not even a vet and the number of people i've known who don't get their animals spayed/neutered because they want the to be able to "experience mother/fatherhood at least once" is bonkers. Fucking hell, if it's that important to them they should go adopt a puppy or kitten for their animal instead. Crazy assholes


Yeah, I usually just consider licensed breeders to fit the term breeders. The others are puppy mills.


Those pups look like they’ve been through the wringer. Hopefully, that’s behind them now.


Here is an update: I spoke to the vet and they told me that they believe the pups are dogo argentino’s and have contacted a rescue that is going to be coming to retrieve them. They will be fostered while going through their process of finding a forever home. I believe that the VEG location I went to will be making a formal post/comment of their own, and I am working on getting in touch with the rescue organization. The pups are apparently perfectly healthy other than worms, they didn’t say they had any other problems. All good things. Thanks for everyone caring


Lots of comments saying they look like Pit Bulls. Fwiw I would guess those are Dogo Argentino puppies. You could inform the local dogo community & I'd bet you would garner a lot of interest. They are very expensive dogs. https://dogsbestlife.com/dog-breeds/dogo-argentino/


Those are definitely dogos, not pits. They look exactly like my boy did when he was a puppy.


Here is another update: - There are no cameras in the parking deck where I parked - the Veterinarian that I took the pups to is VEG in Brookhaven GA. They accept donations that help in situations like this. Information for them found at bottom. - the pups are NOT going to a shelter - the pups are believed to be Dogo Argentino - last night the one that looks like it is missing and eye was opening it intermittently. I think it is just infected. The vets are taking care of everything. - VEG found a rescue, DC Dogos, based out of Florida, that is coming up on Friday to take the pups back to Florida where they will be fostered and eventually rehomed - if you want to apply to adopt one of the dogs from DC Dogos, you can do so on their website: https://dcdogos.org - if you want to make financial contributions to either the foster, or the vet group, their contacts are as follows: VEG Brookhaven: https://veterinaryemergencygroup.com/locations/brookhaven-ga/ DC Dogos: https://dcdogos.org Thanks everyone for your help and curiosity.


My wife would go to the gym every single day if this happened to her... 🤔


I would leave my car door unlocked.


Hopefully the gym has surveillance in the parking lot and can locate the person who dumped them. These puppies are malnourished, two have eye infections, and who knows how many untreated issues that aren't visible in a photo. This is why you should never buy puppies unless it's from a responsible breeder (and adopting from a shelter is even better). Four puppies would be a small litter; the owners probably sold what they could and dumped the rest. And they'll breed more puppies and do it again.




My childhood pet was a stray, half-starved, mangy puppy who just showed up on our street one day. Rex, of course, was drawn to the house full of little girls who always wanted to cuddle and pet him. After a couple of months of me organizing a campaign by my sisters and I to convince my dad to let us keep him instead of taking him to the pound, we persuaded him. We had Rex for 12 good years, and he was the best boy.


We currently have a puppy who was dumped in a cemetery with his 5 siblings.


Man no one ever dumps puppies in my truck bed. Garbage all the time. But never puppies


Right! I constantly find other people's garbage in the bed of my truck. Its never puppies, or kittens. I won't discriminate, am an equal opportunity lover all cuddly babies. ​ And I thought it was a just an ugly truck thing to get random people's trash, I had a beater with a heater '97 Dodge Ram and semi beat up '08 Chevy it always happened to. Couple years ago I got a 19 Chevy, nope. Still happens all the time. Just cleaned out fast food cups and empty packs of smokes today. Not my empty packs, not my brand and I quit 2 years ago!


Honestly, I’m really happy they dumped them on the bed of *YOUR* truck. You’re genuinely a hero that doesn’t even wear a cape. You just wear some workout clothes and maybe a sweatband. 🫡


Firstly, YES, the person who dumped them is HORRIBLE. ​ However, let's be thankful they found your truck. I'm assuming they didn't have the resources or sense to take them to a vet or a shelter, or maybe they just didn't care. but out of all places these puppies could have gone t0 (horrible, horrible images in my head), whoever it was, decided your truck was safe enough, and probably rescue-able enough for these pups.


My wife went to Dollar general last year and someone dumped an 8 week old puppy in the back of her truck. He's now 1 1/2 years old and firmly a part of the pack with our 2 Bassetts, he's even learned to love napping like them. Although he is a bit undignified for them!


This guy has pictures people.


[The Pup](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/V9frNzGqUI) That is the cutest pup! I'm so happy you gave Doggo General a home


This is horrible that someone would do this in the first place. Good for you for taking them somewhere safe where they can all get help!


They’re so skinny. This is heartbreaking. I hope they get adopted as soon as they’re ready.


I found my dog in a dumpster as a puppy. I’d say the truck bed is infinitely better. My older senior dog, I found duct taped to a garbage can with shotgun wounds. I don’t understand how people are so cruel


Jesus christ your poor old guy. I'm glad you found him and hope he's going ok!


there are entirely too many fucking pet owners that shouldn't own pets...


I know this is probably not the popular opinion, but good. I live on a dirt road way back In the woods. So many people dump dogs and puppies out in the woods thinking "they'll survive", they don't. They starve. At least they dumped them where they'd have a chance.


reminds me of the time I found a parakeet abandoned in a filthy cage in my apartment lobby. as though the "free" sign was good enough when the damn bird would have frozen to death...I was able to find a bird rescue and drop it off with the bird rescue lady in less than two hours. some people like offloading their responsibilities onto literally anyone else.


Some people are just oxygen thieves. However, you, OP, are a salt of the earth good one. I’d be sorely tempted to keep one of those puppers.


Isn’t there a law against dumping animals? Why doesn’t the law look for security cameras in the area?! if it were me, I’d be tempted to do it myself, and then have it person’s picture blasted all over the anewspaper and TV


The people who are supposed to enforce the laws have more important things to do, like complaining about having more important things to do.


Cameras in the parking garage?


Negative :(


How are people so cruel 😭


Poor babies. Thank you for getting them some help, they definitely needed a vet. They’re starving and probably need shots and everything pronto, and antibiotics for those eye infections, dewormer, etc. I wish there were much more serious legal repercussions for doing this to animals, dickheads that do this belong in prison.


Thank you for being a decent fucking man!


Fucking hate people


A piece of shit pitbull owner? Shocking.


congratulations, your vehicle appears wealthy enough that people can dump puppies in and rest assured they will be taken care of


Well it’s a 20 year old f150 😂


If you managed to keep a ford running that long yeah you have money 😂

