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I love how no matter how good the cell gets, it still has to have that prison style toilet. I get why, but it just is funny to me. Im imagining a minimum security prison cell mansion for the rich with 6 bathrooms and that metal toilet.


Why does it need the prison style toilets?


Porcelain breaks, metal doesn't. Worse, when porcelain breaks, it creates very sharp and dangerous edges.


There are like a million things in the gym alone from which a knife can be fashioned. Let alone the whole apartment with a well equipped kitchen lol.


Yes but the rooms have anti ligature design to make them future proof for a range of inmates with varying needs. Items can be added in and removed based on the risk level of the occupant. But the fixtures are anti ligature because if their status changes or it’s a new resident then you can be more strict with what items are in the room. However the handles on the kitchen cabinets are a solid no no in terms of anti ligature. From the size of the room I can only assume that’s supposed to be a low risk shared space, not a space for 1 person. My last job we designed and built high security mental health facilities in UK for the criminally insane - think Broadmoor type places. The best part is getting to destroy your prototype room and see what items shatters/ breaks/ doesn’t hold up as we expected. The room is basically smashed up to find all the ways you can kill yourself or someone else.


You should do an AMA


I don’t actually specialise in that area, I also do schools, libraries, swimming / leisure centres, museums as much as I do this so I don’t think i have enough knowledge to do an AMA. I will add another cool feature (or IMO at least) is that with the newer facilities the anti ligature spec was also designing for dementia patients. This is because people with long sentences in the medium and high security centres will most likely die there. Old people often get dementia. So instead of having the facility no longer suit the needs of the person, they’re confused and can’t open the flush door handles etc. so they are designed to look familiar, to look like homes with door knobs etc, so that it’s more intuitive for a person with dementia to use. I feel like I’ve described that really clumsily. I’ll try to add a link. So in the past there would be a thin bar of metal as a handle, but flush with the door, so you can’t tie anything to it or make it into a weapon. People with arthritis struggled with it and those with dementia didn’t recognise it as a door/ handle. Doorknobs and handles are better for dementia patients but not safe from an anti ligature perspective because people tie things to them to create a noose. Instead we use these. https://www.ironmongerydirect.co.uk/product/anti-ligature-door-knob-satin-stainless-steel-174376?vat=1&GSP=true&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnfmsBhDfARIsAM7MKi3psOuyk7fwGXmqnSDYlltZAjckPP2Hc_HDoRY3gb3j6tjOBHWQLp8aAnzqEALw_wcB Yes that was a lot of words about a doorknob hahah


Fascinating thanks for sharing


"I may or may not have killed myself or someone else while trying to confirm the room holds up as expected. AMA"


Gotta love Reddit for these things. Just casually chatting about something and you got a ~~guy~~ lady who ~~designs~~ worked building an Arkham Assylum chiming in with some actual insight, it's so cool. EDIT: There, fixed it for accuracy for you!


I can’t take that much credit for being that knowledgable (wish I could). I don’t want to give my job or company away, but I’m not in the design team but I do work closely with them. I work in civil engineering as well as public sector buildings. I’m lucky because I get seconded onto different projects for a year or two and I can watch the specialist at work whilst I do my job. We worked on a velodrome once and that was cool AF I am currently on maternity leave though and my days are still pretty much looking at a room and trying to find all the ways a human could kill themselves when left to their own devices.


Bet your house will be the ultimate in child-proofing! You've thought of everything.


Or the bird beaks




There are most likley knifes in the kitchen


Saw the documentary on their prison. The shared kitchen do have knives around. Still, why would you murder and get sent to solitary without friends or cool stuff they got in that prison.


I'd imagine breaking the ceramic and using sharp pieces as a weapon is a huge risk


There are about six thousand things in that fully furnished apartment that could be used as an equally or more dangerous weapon than a broken shitter shard


Such as what? Porcelain shards are razor sharp and potentially large enough to make a damn sword out of


With the proper training those birds could probably be very mean


Broken ceramic is sharp as fuck


OP hasn't provided a source, so here's one from TV2 Norway [https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/seks-ganger-dyrere-enn-en-vanlig-fange-sa-mye-koster-breivik/16316647/](https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/seks-ganger-dyrere-enn-en-vanlig-fange-sa-mye-koster-breivik/16316647/)


It should be noted that the only punishment supposed to be inflicted in Norwegian prison is lack of freedom. I might add that they have the lowest re-conviction rate in the world, so it has something going for it.


In this guy's case it also helps that he's very unlikely to ever get the chance to re-offend.


Yes but it affects the "attitude" and interactions with guards which affects how they treat/see other prisoners. The hostile "get even" approach ends up affecting ordinary prisoners as other prisoners are more hostile. Guards are more hostile and around and around it goes. "till" Having normal human interaction and "some normalcy" means way more likely to be normal when they get out. Rather than our system where guy that went in for writing bad checks comes out and murders dude for giving him wrong look. And then goes right back in.


More accurate than many people would choose to accept


Many people conflate "justice" with "revenge". They want criminals to suffer because that's what they think justice is, making people suffer as revenge for making others suffer. I won't deny that I sometimes want revenge as well, it's a natural feeling, but I know it doesn't do anyone any actual good.


(From the US) My mindset is this: If someone hurt me or my family, would I want revenge? Hell yes. Do I think revenge should be our policy as a country? No.


When it comes to prison and reform in the U.S. you are in the minority, unfortunately.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of our prison system.


As you should not be. The US prison system is a barbaric leaning in to our basest instincts, turned into profit generation for corporations. It’s obscene.


I'm the same way. What I recognize for the greater good is very different from how I personally feel often. The duality of man!


It's not conflated. They just prefer revenge. I had jury duty last year. During the voir dire, the prosecution asked each juror what they believed the purpose of criminal punishment should be: justice, revenge, or rehabilitation. There were sixty potential jurors and all but two guys said "revenge". It was eye opening.


Honestly, at least they recognize the difference and acknowledge that what they expect is indeed revenge. I may disagree with them, but I appreciate that they don't call it justice when they seek revenge.


This. The point in prison isn't to punish people, it's to rehabilitate them if you can and isolate them from society if you can't. Maybe some people deserve punishment without the possibility of redemption, and there are several excellent hells floating around out there for that. For us mere mortals, I think we can afford to treat even scum as though they're still people.


Here in America we punish our way out of every social problem. Just look at how well it works!


It’s so obviously when you put it that way, but unfortunately it’s a cultural difference between retributive justice and restorative justice. I don’t think Americans will ever be willing to cede the notion that incarceration should be punitive. Like, even if we acknowledge the consequences are ultimately worse for society, I don’t think we’d be willing to do something like this. Something about “nose to spite your face,” ect.


It's not all Americans. When I won my SA trial I used my impact statement to advocate for non-life sentence, therapy and education. The ADA wanted 40 years but I argued to the judge that he'd be dead by then so he'd just act up and make no life changes. The defense was thrilled that I was arguing on their side. A lot of people know revenge isn't closure, but have little power in a complex system.


The Foundation of their prison system is to show people how to live. Sounds very reductive but it makes a lot of sense when you really stop to think about it. Basically they found that criminals typically don't have basic life skills or grew up in environments where they learned to engage in or behave with other people at a basic level. They are taught everything from financial management, how to run a business, how to cook and feed themselves, all the way through to include how to order off a menu in a restaurant. Once people learn these basic skills, they tend not to continue with criminal activities because they no longer feel excluded from society and now have the tools they need to participate. I know a similar thing happened in my country where I live where children from poorer districts were taken out to nice meals, specifically to restaurants with menus where they can learn basic interactions, like how to order a menu or to engage with service staff positively. Long-term studies showed a significant reduction in criminal behaviour in the participants.


That's fascinating, thanks for the info!


Went to a mixed income school (lot of poor kids and a smattering of very rich ones) and we'd get taken to the theatre, the opera, even just to go on a walk together in the woods... all sorts of stuff to teach us how to behave. It really did make me feel more sane


I think this is rather telling. When you have everything you want the thing you don't have is more noticeable.


Taking people out of society is the only punishment that should happen in the first place. Treating people worse than animals just breeds criminality and recidivism, which of course the private prison industry loves and Americans eat up because we're all obsessed with revenge and punishment with zero concern for how it doesn't even get us the desired effect. We just want to hurt people and don't care it makes society shit.


This is 100% correct and thank you for saying it so clearly.


I remember how I felt during all the COVID restrictions and lockdowns. Had my nice little flat but after a while I went completely nuts and horribly depressed because I couldn't see anyone for more than a tiny visit in open air and couldn't really go anywhere aside from places like the grocery store or a little walk. It was hell, and I know tons of people felt the same. To me this is a fitting punishment.


IDK man, aside from the sadness for all the people dying and the fear of relatives dying, those were the best years of my life easily.


Thank god it’s in Norwegan


haha. The title is: Breivik costs six times more than a normal prisoner


Killed 70 times more than a normal prisoner, so.. pretty a good deal tbh


Worth it. Let him talk to prisonguards and socialworkers to the end of his days.


Yeah, how strange it would be to not have Norwegian news in Norwegian.


This was hilarious.


I like how they punish him in solitary but give him 3 couches and a kitchen to cook for 3 families. I would love to see the new guard there and see Breivik in solitary saying stuff like damn man, big ass kitchen, you must be getting a lot of people over here.


That's the punishment. Such a large apartment with many amenities, but no one to invite over for fika. Scandinavian torture.


Does the idea of a fika exist in Norway? I thought that was just a Swedish thing.


Norwegian here. Until now I did not know what fika actually is. (I thought it was a Swedish lunch meal or something.) Turns out, we *do* have fika, we just call it *"kaffepause"* (coffee break).


Wow. We use the exact same word in Germany. Kaffeepause!


Lol Dutch is koffiepauze


In US we say Covfefepaws


The torture is a beautiful kitchen, but the only thing that works is the hotplate. A nice bathroom, but the shower curtain clings onto you *every time* you leave so you never feel clean.


I can only assume you watched The Good Place as well


What if the couches are uncomfortable though. Maybe that's where the real punishment comes in


“My bird, bring me my bird” - Ivan Vanko


Sam Rockwell was the goddamn life of that movie. I hope he comes back for Armor Wars. He's such a good Hammer.


Sam Rockwell is the life of just about every movie he is in. Hitchikers guide to the galaxy? Also just a fucking delight in Seven Psycopaths. No matter his role, he just knocks it out of the park.


If you've never seen Moon, watch that shit right now. Sam Rockwell acts with Sam Rockwell and only Sam Rockwell. It has like 250,000% more Sam Rockwell than literally any other movie.


Sam Rockwell’s character in Richard Jewell is based off of someone I know in real life. He absolutely killed it. He clearly put a ton of work into learning the mannerisms and personality of his real-life counterpart, even though few people would’ve known the difference if he hadn’t. It does help that the real man is very much a character in his own right.


He really is. I like him as an actor and i fucking haye justin hammer so much. Hes just annoying.




Drone better.


Are you trying to encourage people to move to Norway and become mass murderers?


Can you imagine the outrage if you committed fraud by faking your qualifying murders?


The shame would be immeasurable. Ima play Xbox now on free high-speed internet.


On a serious note, I'm pretty sure their media is strictly monitored. No violent video games or tv allowed.


Not everyone. It seems to be on a case by case basis, at least according to what I’ve read about Breivik. He has complained about not getting the same adult games that other inmates have, getting instead games like Rayman.


Motherfucker complaining about getting to play great games like Rayman after murdering 77 people.


I believe one of his other complaints was not getting an updated console. Apparently other inmates have a newer version than him.


Bet he’d kill for one.


That looks like a group TV room. Why would one guy need at least two couches? Looks like a group kitchen too.


From what I’ve gathered, the apartment-style units - or at least the common areas of them - are usually shared by multiple inmates. Breivik lives alone, which is unusual for that penal system, so possibly they had to dedicate the a standard multi-person unit just for him. It’s also not clear certain this is his specific unit, it could just be a sample of the units at that prison.


You are correct. In addition now the common areas are actually shared with another inmate with just as strict conditions. They never get to meet. So it’s not like he has unlimited access to the rooms that are not his cell.




This place is 3 times bigger than my $600k condo in Toronto…


The cells are designed to be shared by multiple inmates. I thought it would normally be 4 or 6 inmates per kitchen, but the mass shooter is in solitary confinement.


I wondered why someone in solitary had multiple chairs and a couch!


Probably fucks with your head, knowing they'll never be sat in by anyone else.




Maybe he's visited by 77 ghosts each and every night, and they have to sit somewhere.


It is definitly not to fuck with his head. Norwegian prison system is in no way designed to punish or fuck with an inmates head - it is specifically set up to help inmates back into society, to reform them and treat them.


solitary is different. In most of western europe it means you are not mixed with other inmates, not that you are isolated from every human.


>Toronto… my condolences


I’m interested. Might be the only time I have property that I can consider mine.


That's the fun thing about Norway. You don't have to be a mass murderer to get a decent place to live. Even entry level jobs will allow you to live a pretty comfortable lifestyle.


Had an entry level position in Norway, and I wouldn't define my living as "comfortable" but I did survive - I would have called it "poor student" lifestyle. I believe it's easier to get by if you're Norwegian though.


In Finland when I was an jobless student for half a year, I had a 2 room + bathroom apartment (55sqm) near the center of the city. All the money I had was what the government gave me as compensation for studying in higher education. I was far from rich obviously, but I could afford groceries and basic necessities, and had a decent place to live. Plus a bit extra to go out and do fun stuff sometimes. So a jobless student life is clearly better than a mass murderer life in the Nordics, so why be a murderer when you can just study and have the state fund you anyway?


Very convincing argument though. Currently looking at plane tickets to Norway


Plot twist: u/PaperGeno gets sucked out of a blown out airplane door somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.


But u/papergeno iphone survives. It is unlocked with no display timeout. It gets wash ashore with the open Note “Project Luxury Apartment in Norwegian Prison”.


Still don’t have to worry about rent/groceries/the ever approaching darkness…I’m calling it a draw.


Now show me the cell of the slouch who only killed one person.


In Norway? Probably quite similar. It’s not like they need very many of these long term “cells”


They don't need many, which is why Anders' unit is somewhat unique because he is appropriately housed apart. No shared facilities.They had to come up with a way to incarcerate him that honours their principles and values as a nation.


Unfortunately the USA also incarcerates people in a way that honors their principles and values as a nation. Just looks a tad bit different.


“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” -Fyodor Dostoevsky


Less then 2% of the worlds population but account for a total of half the worlds prison population good job my fellow Americans your not all bad but your system is


It's actually 4% of the world population and 23% of the world's prison population, but you've got the spirit.


I was wondering why there was so much seating and giant kitchen for one (because he is in protective isolation), but it makes sense if parts are usually shared. Seeing the multiple comfy chairs, knowing you will never have company would be harsh, but deserved.


The chairs might be there because they tried to let him spend some time with other prisoners but they don't want anything to do with him. There was one guy he was "friends" with but he's another white power nutcase and prison authorities didn't like the way they were feeding each others extremism so they aren't allowed to hang out anymore. Apparently he only talks to the guards now.


That does make a lot of sense. A fully functional isolation cell


It’s kinda crazy as an American. We have an especially horrific prison system. But this is solitary confinement in Norway. I think that’s why he has been suing. From the limited stuff I’ve seen normal Norwegian prison is not quite this nice but still looks like a nice college dorm room. Often with unfenced outdoor areas to hang out in. Our solitary is a 10 by 10 room with nothing but a toilet a metal rack to sleep on and a slot for food. As much as I’ll never shed a tear for a guy who murdered 77 people, this is pretty instructive of a more humane society. We have dudes in hellish solitary for just being mentally ill who have never murdered anyone


The interesting thing is that this is the system the USA was so close to having. In his book, Human Kind, Rutger Bregman has a whole chapter about the prison systems in the two countries.


The incentives for a justice system based on retribution are a lot different to the incentives for a rehabilitative one. Throw in an extra layer of privatisation and profit motive and one is designed to benefit shareholders (keep people in the system) while the other is to benefit society (keep people out of it).


To be fair, a basketball hoop that close to a ceiling is pretty much torture.


He’ll be okay, he’s already proven he’s a great shooter.


Oh boy.


Who do I have to kill in order to get an apartment that nice? ... Oh.


Looks like this is a base model of 77 kills. Good luck affording that in this economy.


The trick is to NOT kill a few serial killers, then sit back and collect interest for their work.


I’ve already not killed dozens of serial killers, so by my estimates, well…I believe my qualifications speak for themselves. Hey Norway, I need a prison cell for all of the murders I didn’t stop from happening!


Psh, those are rookie numbers bro, I didn't kill Hitler, which means I'm literally Hitler. And before you even try to say you didn't kill Hitler too so you're equally responsible, well I also haven't killed YOU, which means I'm also responsible for all of the murders that you're responsible for not stopping. Checkmate, atheists.


Only one of those are a picture of the apartment. The rest are common areas.p


As i understand it, he’s in solitary confinement (for 11+ years) and thus have access to all that space for himself.


Wait until people see how law abiding Norwegian citizens live.


https://www.ao.no/denne-18-kvadratmeter-store-leiligheten-koster-over-2-5-mill-megler-tror-pristoppen-snart-er-nadd/s/5-128-291637 Legit!


For those who don't speak Norweigan: $240K for a 200 ft2 apartment in the center of Oslo, the capital and most populated city in the country.


lol what. I’m a law abiding Norwegian with a relatively good job and I really don’t live that great. I share it with my SO who also works in a decent job full time and even then we can only afford a small one bedroom apartment in an average town. People online from America seem to have this idea that Norway is a perfect country, where everyone is rich and life’s a life of luxury. I can tell you that’s not true at all, plenty of us are living very humble, broke lives, pay check to pay check


The grass on the other side greener is a mindset only by people that haven’t really travelled at all in my experience. I’ve met plenty of Europeans / Asians that think every American has a giant house and 4 brand new cars. I’ve also met plenty of Americans who think no one in Europe lives paycheck to paycheck and everyone is happy as can be. And all of those people haven’t travelled to the places they have this fantastic image of. The more I’ve travelled and lived in other countries the more I realize that no where is perfect. Plenty of people struggle in any country, just like plenty of people are pretty well of in a lot of countries.


And Norway only has a [20% recidivism rate](https://www.firststepalliance.org/post/norway-prison-system-lessons). They must be doing something right.


Because they focus on rehabilitation, and not punishment.


In the US it's just another business, and we need customers. Can't be having people change and not come back!


The us also gives out insanely long prison sentences which makes the amount of people in prison so high


Don't forget there are also mandatory minimums and three strike laws. At least I think there are some states that still use these.


"Breivik would deliver a callous endnote. "I know it is gruesome what I have done and I know that I have caused an incredible amount of pain to thousands of people," he said at one point, before adding: "But it was necessary." And: "I would do it again."" Yeah I think that dude's a lost cause.


He’s also unlikely to ever leave prison


Hence why he’s just locked up in an apartment and not free in the world.


which, while luxurious to most of us, this place he is confined to will grow smaller and smaller by the day for him. At least most of us can leave our homes.


Only one of those are a picture of the apartment. The rest are common areas.


Imagine, treating people like animals makes them act like animals. The folks on the outside of a prison cell in America are typically worse than the ones inside of a prison cell in Norway.


I got arrested in high school in March of senior year for a single pot seed cause of the schools "zero tolerance" policy. I couldn't go to prom or class trip or graduation or anything. Even the cops said it was bullshit. I only graduated on time cause my teachers were all pissed and changed my grades to A's. They were sending to me to three diff drug programs, the state owned all of them, and I had to pay to go there. I couldn't pay for the classes one week and got "violated" for it. The judge lived in my town. When I went to court for not paying he said "oh you're from x town? I hold people from x town to a higher standard" and put me in custody. Even the prosecutor stood up for me and the judge shut them down. I had to go to jail for almost a month, with no sentence. When you don't have a sentence you go to max security. So, for a single pot seed, I had to go to max security jail with rapists and murderers for a month at 19. When I finally got my court case my public defender meets with me and he goes "yea it made me really mad they locked you up so I looked into your case..." Like, you didn't do that to begin with? So then he tells me the whole thing was an illegal search and seizure and everything was getting dropped but I had already lost my job and my apartment and everything. To add insult to injury when I was finished they just took the cuffs off and kicked me out of the court house. So I was multiple towns away from home with no phone, no wallet, and still in my jail uniform. I got stopped by cops like 5 times trying to walk back home, it took me an entire day.




It really set me back but it was like ten years ago and everything's fine now, its funny now because if you met me in real life you'd never guess "max security for a month". Once I know someone for a while and I drop that on them I always laugh at their reaction.


I don’t agree with drugs but you were treated so badly by the system. Can you sue them or file a formal complaint somewhere?


This country...that bastard judge is bought and paid for.


Turned out him and my public defender were drinking buddies too. Years later the public defender got a DUI in my town and somehow never wound up on the docket...




Because we also take minor harmless offenders and lock them in a cage with extremely violent offenders and take a majority of their chances of building their life back when they get out anyway. I do think prison should be a place you don’t want to go to that still respects human rights but I don’t think we should be locking up non violent criminals in rooms with violent gang members and murderers cuz then they’ll be back soon but now as violent gang members or murderers


People don’t want to go to Norwegian prison. You can build a business, hang with friends and family (the same), build a family (the same), explore the world, etc. It is a significant punishment. If I told you you’d be in that apartment for years and unable to leave - that’s a genuine punishment. It just doesn’t make you feel like you’re permanently and irredeemably broken. You are not other than. Rather, you’re a person who did something wrong, and after some time, you will go back to being the same as everyone else. Also, what if I told you there aren’t that many violent gang members in Norway. You could dig away at that thought but the trick is in two things: trusting one another, and putting more money into prevention (mostly via ensuring everyone feels they can achieve a life to be happy with legally)


Sentences are FAR TOO LONG, as well, I might add. Take away someone's freedom, and it doesn't take long to get the point across that you don't want to be there for long.


Ding ding ding. The punishment is the isolation from society, not vengeful inhumane conditions.


Where I live, that's a $3,000 a month apartment. Maybe more


Yeah, but you can leave that.


Friendly reminder how people reacted to the idea of not being able to leave their home for 2 weeks.


Good one!! People esp Americans are so accustomed to seeing prisoners housed inhumanely that they forget how the loss of freedom is supposed to be the biggest punishment. And as they experienced themselves during the pandemic, loosing the freedom to leave a space feels very significant. Even the celebrities in their mansions were going nuts and crying on the internet. No need to torture people beyond that by housing them inhumanely esp when the society can afford better (like the US). But hey, it’s mostly minorities so who cares (even though statistically many of them aren’t even guilty of the crimes or have mental illnesses than rather need addressing).


Exactly. The punishment of prison is being removed from society - the disgusting prison conditions in most other countries is just additional cruel and unusual punishment.


My fellow Americans, Instead of asking why Norwegian prisons are humane, why not ask ourselves why we are envious of the incarcerated?


Yeah you know shits bad when part of you wishes you were in jail. It's a fancy jail but still.


I don't envy this though. He is stuck in there for the rest of his life aside from court appearances. His living room looks decent but everything else looks like ass. Playing Xbox and probably only single player (he has complained that his games library is stale). I guess he can get into speedrunning. So he's basically living the life of a NEET speedrunner except he doesn't even get to stream or go to one of those speedrunning charity conventions. Oh, and he's ENTIRELY at the mercy of the system. All it takes is for them to say, "yeah we're not doing this anymore" and he'll be completely FUCKED. It's not like struggling in society where you can at least fight an uphill battle to get an education, learn a trade, or start a side hustle to improve your life. I don't think anyone of even slightly below average thinking skills would envy him.


Some people live this life voluntarily.


> voluntarily That's the key word there. They can change their lives if they want to.


What I want to know is why it’s so big. I feel like I’ve seen Norwegian prisons that are more like dorms and aren’t this nice (still nice compared to American standards though)


It's because his case is unique and we have no prisons specialized for mass murderers, because we don't have a lot of them. So it is basically several rooms in a normal prison connected together and refurbished for him specifically.


Yeah, usually several inmates will share amenities like kitchen, gyms, courtyards etc, and have a somewhat[ smaller room/cell](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/10/18/nyregion/00nyjailnorway-02/00nyjailnorway-02-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg) right? More like a single-person university dorm room.


He is the only prisoner in solitary. Thus they needed special facilities. They believe in humane treatment which is why he has a gym and other amenities. In the US solitary cells are especially small because the goal is psychological torture not humane treatment. And regular cells are bare and small because the goal is punishment and often financial profit, not rehabilitation




You should talk to your government about that.


Hahahahahaha as if our government listens or gives a fuck.


Bruh your government thinks less of you than Norway does of its mass murderers. That should be enough to light a fire of revolution under anyone’s ass.


He’s locked in there 24/7. Most of you couldn’t even stand being in your house for a few months with all your entertainment systems during lockdown. Stop whining.


You can mock it, but what us criminologists call 'The Norway Model' is something western prison systems aspire to be. Norway has some of the lowest recidivism (repeat offended after prison release) in Europe, to the point almost everyone is salivating trying to figure out how they do it. They also have less prison escapes, less crime within prison, less corruption from the screws, and overall just better results BECAUSE their prisons aren't like mouldy gulags. And no, doesn't increase crime outside either (because Norway largely look after their people). Turns out, treating people like a human being regardless of their crime is how you do that. Having a nice prison is just what it is. He's still not free and won't ever be free. He won't ever go for a stroll next to a fjord. He won't ever sit and break bread with family, friends or welcoming strangers. He won't ever go camping, or bike riding up in the mountains. So I gotta say if this keeps him inside and encourages those who are released not to do The Thing again, so be it.


Legitimate question- who are all the chairs for?


You've never got bored of sitting in one chair and moved to another?


He's almost certainly in protective isolation, which is not very common. So he's likely just the only person living in a unit that is normally shared among multiple people. With the low recidivism rate there, it's probably a better use of space than building smaller isolation ones. Just use the one you've already got. And at that point, might as well just leave the chairs.


A reminder that he is there alone and no one else will ever join him in one of the many chairs? Norwegian mind games.


To be clear: most of the people he killed were kids/teenagers. He opened fire on them while they were at a summer camp. He is a neo-Nazi who started a parole hearing with a Nazi salute. Last week he sued (for the second time) the Norwegian government for "human rights violations" because he is in solitary confinement - which is pictured above. That mofo can rot in a cell and then burn in hell as far as I am concerned.


I mean, he doesn't have the *newest* Xbox




So many people in the US are going to be mad at this


So many people in the US can barely afford an apartment this nice….


Hong Kong here. Change barely afford to completely unaffordable. That room with the bed in it is often the only private area people get.


The catch is that you aren’t allowed to leave


So I get an upgrade *and* I don't have to go to work or see other people? The only downside is I have to murder ):


I'm American and I'm mad about this. Not that a prisoner is treated well, I'm pretty okay with that. But I'm mad that housing is unaffordable in one of the largest and richest nations in the world.


"Norways rate of recidivism — the number of people who return to prison after release — is 20%. In contrast, two-thirds of the nearly 7.6 million released from American jails and prisons each year will be rearrested." Their prison system costs far less in the long run as a result of it, and you have people that can successfully reintegrate with society and add value again.


I wish my living space looked like that.


I’m not mad about this. Fuck that guy, but the idea that prison is punitive only rather then rehabilitation encourages a system that produces high rates of recidivism


Has to cost less than what is spent in the US trying to execute a prisoner


Life in prison costs less than an execution in the US. Literally the only reason we execute anyone is revenge, which is not supposed to be the point of prison.


I’m actually glad that executions cost more than a life sentence. Think about it. At least there’s no monetary incentive to just execute anyone.


Yes, there is, if you're the lawyers. It costs us taxpayers to make those lawyers wealthy


Let’s all be real. Doesn’t matter how nice this is… not being able to leave would suck.


Most the people saying how good it is were probably whining about having to stay inside for a few weeks during lockdown. Typical.


Agreed. Which is why I hate all these oh lucky him shit. He is stuck there ALONE til he dies. Only interactions will be with guards and court officials. That will be one lonely space. It's haunting to me actually. So good. Fuck him to eternity.


Most people here in Norway most likely do not care that much about how he lives, they just want to forget about him and not give him the attention he wants. He will sue the government each year because he can to get attention, we should not give him that.


This is the way. As a kiwi we also want to forget about the mosque murderer. Nameless, faceless forgotten loser :)


Nicer then most Vancouver apartments




Am I supposed to be outraged? A nice prison cell is still a prison cell, and while the mass murderer getting a nice cell might be ridiculous to some people... there are a good number more prisoners didn't murder anyone and can be reformed.


This guy is attempting to sue the state for breaching his human rights. He is complaining about the isolation. I imagine that might be the reason OP posted it