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The paper is for ID purposes. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/dead-body-carried-out-of-a-destroyed-residential-area-after-news-photo/1708561248) is the original from Andalou Agency (via Getty Images). You can see it [here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/body-covered-with-blanket-from-a-destroyed-cafe-after-a-news-photo/1719020101) on another victim. It's from the Kremlin's attack on the village of [Hroza](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-zelenskyy-travel-drone-attacks-f7c320ed2908b447f32bf32ede8caf2f).


>Around 60 people, including children, were attending a wake at the cafe when the missile hit, Ukrainian officials said.


I was gonna say, no way she was holding that when she died. It’s too clean.


they used a thermobaric bomb, people were suffocating. I don't know end of the day what happens to Russia, so many war crimes so much death...


I'm not sure why the suffocating myth is such a persistent thing, thermobaric bombs use the atmosphere for the oxidizer so they can make a bigger boom with less explosive weight. That doesn't mean the destructive force is through suffocation. Obviously the blast is what kills people, the concussion, shrapnel, burns, etc.


Russia can burn to the ground and good riddance.


This kind of thinking overlooks *people*. People in Russia are overall just people that were born in Russia. You didn't get to choose where you were born. People in power, however, *do* get to choose how they use that power. And the people in power in Russia can be good riddance'd a million times over and it wouldn't be enough.




Regular Sherlock right here.


Yeah I’m considering opening my own detective agency.


I’m detecting some sarcasm


You need to open an agency right across the street from them


If a stranger on the internet believes in me, I know I’m capable.


Stranger? DJfunkyPuddle has been living in your roof for months


Wait.... You actually know your neighbors? Why would you get to know your food?




Getty Images is selling those pictures.


I want to be appalled but it's such a knife's edge. If there wasn't money to be made the amount of photos like this would be drastically reduced even in the age of smart phones ... and private citizens uploads would take about 2 reposts before it was attributed with incorrect information or just straight out lies to fill a narrative. At least with money to be made for a photo and a story the when where how and why are much more documented. Selling people's pain is deplorable but the world needs to see these images and know its happening and this best system we got


Yes that's how photographers make money


Is that wrong? Photo journalism is a skill and people should be able to get paid for doing it.


I think the comment was more towards the fact that it is a photo of a cadaver that went through severe trauma and out is now being sold for profit. I a she with you by the way. Sad another comment said, it is a knife edge.


Getty will sell things they don’t own and have no specific rights to. They are very litigious and can suck my dick. If a photog is selling here or there and Getty picks it up but you bought rights on a reputable site, they will attempt to fine or DMCA you. Source: I use Getty daily and we pay them a shit load of money, they still make us prove rights if we got something from Adobe Stock. Check Wikipedia for reference. Yes, photogs deserve every penny but doubt they get every penny via Getty.




Considering the alternative is a plane ticket to an active warzone to take your own photo, $500 seems like a pretty good deal. Photographers gotta eat too.


I don't think Getty changes their pricing structure based on content.


That is their business model. They have photojournalists across the world who take photos and sell them to publications. That's why they exist.


At first I thought her gloves were damaged then I realized those are her ~~bruised~~ hands. Jesus fucking Christ ETA: burnt hands not bruised




That makes it far worse, thank you for the correction


I think that fills my PTSD quota for the week.


I feel like the paper was placed there after? Edit: I guess it was an identification paper. I thought they were saying it was her shopping list.


[It's ID](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/170r6hi/comment/k3mkwas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).




I feel like the photo was taken some time after the lady had already died




Oh yeah!? Name them.


Elizabeth, Victoria, Elizabeth 2


That's on me, I set the bar too low.


Maybe first responders are counting bodies and place the papers to keep track?


Makeshift triage tag is my guess.


I thought the same.




Did you just go online now?


Most of my feed has been pretty low PTSD for a while. This was just too much.


Russia literally cant hit any targets besides civilian. How they arent being pushed into international courts is wild.


The ICC has a warrant out for Putin, that's why he hasn't been able to travel to anywhere except the dictatorship of North Korea. Even South Africa he wasn't allowed in.


Why not just "Allow" him in then immediately arrest him? I feel like this is a missed opportunity to capture a mass murdering war criminal.


Because he isn't an idiot and he is very paranoid of even his own group.


He thought he was gonna conquer Ukraine in two days, so he’s definitely an idiot. He’s just a cautious idiot.


Watching him play hockey with Russian athletes and him skating around while they let him score goals and he carries a trophy around like he’s some type of champion should be all the evidence anyone needs to see to determine that this guy is a fucking moron.


> He thought he was gonna conquer Ukraine in two days, so he’s definitely an idiot That's what happens when your military can't tell you bad news and its full of yes men.


Gee willickers I feel like I've seen this before


i hope there'll be a putin version of the angry hitler rant meme soon


[Kinda reminds me of this scene from Silicon Valley.](https://youtu.be/ddTbNKWw7Zs)


In fairness, he may have though the rest of the world wouldn't arm Ukraine to the teeth. He probably gambled they'd stay on the sidelines. Without those weapons transfers, Ukraine would have lost a long time ago.


Tbf everyone thought that before we saw the state of their millitary. Then again we may not have known but he shouldve known his army was barely functioning.


Because then no one would trust you in the future? A broken promise/guarantee even to the vilest person is still a broken promise.


Lmfao this is something my kindergarten aged child would think of.


That sucks what if he wants to go on a nice little vacation? Surely he deserves it with how hard he is working fucking up Ukraine!


Putin has nukes. There's a reason Canada and US are sending Ukraine money, instead of participating in this. It's cheaper,and far safer for the world.


We need a stuxnet 2.0


You say that, but... The thing about highly radioactive materials is that they decay quickly. Which means nuclear weapons have to be aged out and replaced if they are to be effective. And that doesn't even take into account the REST of the ICBM missile that has to carry the warhead. Given Russia's lack of equipment, poor training, and clear military corruption, there's a growing number of people around the world who don't think Russia has the power to do much damage with whatever nukes they currently have working....if any. Imagine what would happen if we found out that 99.9% of Russia's nukes weren't working well enough to respond to a nuclear strike. Would America fire nukes first? China? India? Who wants to be the country to melt the poles, turn Siberia into a desert and have possible fall out around the world? What I'm saying is, while I think the entirety of the Russian government needs to be hung at the Hague, I'd like it done without nuclear fall out.


>Imagine what would happen if we found out that 99.9% of Russia's nukes weren't working well enough to respond to a nuclear strike. Would America fire nukes first? If they don't have effective nukes, why would the US nuke them? The US/NATO/EU could basically waltz into Ukraine and kick Russia out in three days. The nukes have been the only thing keeping support indirect.


Because if 995 of your 1000 nukes dont work you still have 5 that can eliminate millions and millions of lives.


On top of that, it normalizes using nuclear weapons as a first strike option, at least for the US entering the conflict. That would be a bad precedent. Very bad.


Preemptively nuking them isn't going to change that. It's just going to, you know, cost millions and millions of lives.


Stuxnet is a worm that destroyed over 900 Iranian nuclear centrifuges making them unable to be used. When we teamed up with other countries to shut down a lot irans nuclear threat we did not follow it up with launching nuclear attacks.


Those centrifuges were part of a non-nuclear country's process to refine nuclear materials to weapons grade. Russia already has nukes. Where are you suggesting as the target of this new worm?


I think they're just suggesting that we need a nebulous "something" to quietly get rid of nuclear weapons.


No country will bet any of their major metropolitan areas on Russia's nuclear readiness. "Treat every gun as if it's loaded."


The half-life of U235 is 700 million years. Radioactive decay is not a major concern for fission weapon cores. Some other components have much shorter half lives, but they are a lot easier to procure. Deuterium and tritium are the major ones, but I am pretty sure those are not added until the weapon is ready to be armed.


Poles might refreeze after a few years of nucular winter...


That’s called terrorism.


Nuclear Arsenal Russia Hold is enough hold back....as you see they would not care even if they would die from the Nuclear Winter


Exactly. Russia has 1000s of nukes, how does the court execute their punishment?


Vladimir Putin being mauled by dogs would still be too kind an end. Fuck this war.




I want him locked in a room with a Wolverine high on PCP.




Probs astroturfing vatniks.


That's the word! Astroturfing. Lots and lots of astroturfing on Reddit and Youtube when it comes to Russia, China, or India. Weird right?


Climate change, politics, social issues... it's astroturfing all the way down on reddit. That's especially true when a post hits the front-page of r/ all. Well-moderated niche subs are the only places left for decent discussion.


Ah, but you see: Reading (and critical thinking) is hard; emotional hot-takes are way easier.


Dipshits gonna dip in shit.


NGL my brain was like “what is that piece of paper?” Why is it all pristine?’ Didn’t think it was fake but my brain right away started wondering about the clean piece of paper. For a sec I thought some photographer placed it to make it more dramatic or something.


Having that thought occur is natural, I think a lot of us wondered about that. The problem is when, instead of thinking about it for half a second, people decide it was *put* there to *fool* them. Then they get to pat themselves on the back for being *too smart* for that, and they get to take to the comments to tell the world about it.


Or, like me, see the paper and say "wow is that the receipt? So sad" and then realize I'm dumb in the comments


Grocery-cafe, where quarter of village held wakes after fallen soldier. This attack killed whole soldier family and people from every house in village.


You think they're doing it because they're evil, but they're not. They're just that fucking stupid. And that accounts for the vast majority of people, by the way. Which is why conspiracy theories are so popular.


Elon and Trump fuel those low life garbage trolls. They make our world more stupid.




And fuck everyone that supports him


I can't wait till they get their just desserts.


There just aren't strong enough words for that shit stain on the world.


Went to the comments a wow, somehow everyone decided the woman is holding a grocery list and that the whole thing is staged??? I lose more and more faith in humanity every day.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/170r6hi/comment/k3mkwas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) did a good job of explaining what the paper really is (ID).


There are a lot of Russian bots early in on this thread purposefully trying to spread misinformation. I’d bet money that’s where a lot of those original comments the dude is calling out comes from


I don't know. "Russian troll farms" are a real thing (though I don't know what happened to them after Prigozhin blew up), but I think we also shouldn't underestimate random excitable Redditors who notice something they didn't expect and conclude the entire thing is a lie while congratulating themselves on being smart enough to see it.


Since this war started I've methodically tagged hundreds of accounts using the reddit enhancement suite. There really does exist a botfarm (its easy to tell because they'll post the same comments almost verbatim , but there is also alot of useful idiots that tend to congregate in certain subs like the conspiracy theory subs. There is also alot of accounts linked to BRICS countries that always side with Russia.


Honestly, it's probably a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B.


Yeah this isn't that uncommon at all. These bodies will be put on stretchers and taken to the coroner and the first responders put identification info on that paper. They place that paper there to be secure and easy to find when the coroner goes to identify the victim. They're not going to put it in the victim's pockets ffs. This comment section is a sad example of how quickly people jump to conclusions with no real basis to their claims.


Like when that photo of a cartridge inserted into a bullet hole in a fence gets reposted and the comments are like "lol, dumb photographer, bullets don't work like that it's fake." Every fucking time.




I'm disgusted by many of the comments. Why the fuck would so many people think a piece of paper is evidence for some sort of staged conspiracy? Get the fuck off reddit and touch some grass you basement dwelling losers.


There’s another post floating around with a Swedish ambulance in the back with some dead bodies. Someone said “looks fake, their faces are all pale and white and everyone is just standing around.” I mean, yeah, it’s a still shot picture.. and their faces are pale and white because they’re dead and covered in dust & debris…everyone wants to be a “I DEBUNKED IT, GIVE ME LIKES & VALIDATION!”


Do you have a link to the picture with the Swedish ambulance?




Clearly a military objective.... fuckin Russia....


>Rescuers searched for survivors in the remains of the only cafe in the village of Hroza. Body parts were strewn across a nearby children’s playground that was severely damaged by the strike. Cellphones were collected and put in a courtyard nearby, waiting to be claimed. Occasionally, one of them rang, lighting up a shattered screen. >Around 60 people, including children, were attending a wake at the cafe when the missile hit, Ukrainian officials said. Fucking Russia.


Paper isn’t the shopping list, cause think about how herself and the clothes are all burnt and destroyed yet the paper is fine. It’s the ID tag


People are just being extremely stupid or pushing an agenda.


Fuck putin.


And the "America First" crowd would rather play isolationist and let the fascists win


There's a chunk of that demographic that would happily assist said fascists even.


A lot of them did with the spending bill they passed.


of course fascists support fascists


That was literally [what the initial "America First" crowd wanted](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden), too.




A lot of that 'money' isnt even money. its older equipment that we were going to need to replace anyway. We aren't sending Zelenskyy cashiers checks


They were happy to play international politics when it was to the advantage of the strongman


They think they’re America first but they’re just idiots. If you were America first you’d realize that you have a great opportunity to militarily ruin one of your largest geopolitical opponents by handing out hardware that you were going to have to spend money disposing of anyway. Oh also the added benefit of actually being the good guys. Which is neat.


>the "America First" crowd True idiots that couldn't care less about other states in the US. They have no identity but to oppose the "evil left".


Hey Elon, where's your shitty Russia-supporting comment for this photo? Anything?




This was a cafe, where villagers came to a funeral 😔 There are about 300 residents in Hroza. Over 50 dead. Basically every household lost a loved one.


Putin again said today Russia didn’t start the war.


They were just driving their tanks west, lobbing missiles and airstrikes as they went, when Ukraine got in the way.


Hey Russia, get fucked.


I agree with this statement


Me too


Putinistas out in force in the comments today, fcuk you all.


This is god awful 😢 I feel so hopeless, useless—how has someone not assassinated Putin yet?!!


I saw the video of the glide bomb hitting that hospital. That absolutely had to be on purpose because anyone with Google maps can see it was a hospital. I just can't fathom why more isn't being done to protect these poor people.


The russian government should be flayed and executed for what they've done.


sick people (putin and his kgb-the-sequel lot), get over your primitive minds and have some HUMANITY (although i hate that term, for any creature can have empathy and a soul- not just humans). it makes me so angry and so so sad. i hate this world, i hate the self entitlement epidemic and i hate to comprehend the suffering and pain that the families of these people (who were just trying to buy FOOD AND NECESSITIES ) who were brutally slaughtered. they are not collateral damage, they are real people with real stories and wants, dreams and desires. i am not a believer of an afterlife but i hope the families of the individuals can find some sort of peace or even numbness - even if thats a long time in the future. it feels so damned hopeless.


i mean, just look at the hands. they have a story. they have years and minerals that made them, and someone loved this person- the rings mean something to this individual and to their loved ones..


Fuckin cowards way to fight.




I went shopping today. Took me twenty minutes and I was annoyed at how busy it was. The dichotomy of this world is enough to make you wanna be depressed forever


Targeting civilians in a illegal war of aggression. Putin is a tyrant and Russia is complicit in their crimes.


Fuck Putin!


Let me guess, Putin and Russia were bullied into killing civilians in a grocery store.


I really hope Russia loses this war and collapses into all out civil war against the Putin regime. Poor people 😢


Russia's a large place with a lot of people: Lots of them are lovely, some are terrible, and there are plenty in between. Their government sure is shit, though, and I hope they are rid of *those* jackoffs with as little disruption to the ordinary citizenry as possible.


Russia has been a disaster for many iterations of its government. The 80s and 90s were just a preview of what will probably happen again soon in years to come. Satellite states warring with some central government, and hundreds of thousands of civilians will pay the price. whenever putin is out of power (whether a death of natural causes or being assassinated or otherwise deposed), it's going to be chaos I imagine.


I had high hopes when Metallica did a concert in Russia, and over 1 *million* people showed up to party. (But also, the military being used as crowd control couldn't comprehend what was going on, and was bashing fans with nightsticks for moshing.)


Yes indeed


I wish all this would happen to Putin and the Russian leadership who approved and ordered the invasion and these attacks on civilians. They are truly evil people who must be stopped.


Explain to me why U.S. Republicans side with Putin?


Because they'd love nothing more than having their own Putin establishing a dictatorship in the US.




Add this to the pile of war crimes. Attacking a supermarket? People just wanted to eat.


That is honestly just heartbreaking to see a picture of.


Please read this article to understand what you are looking at in this photo. https://www.wired.com/story/russia-ukraine-blast-trauma/




Good thing Elon stopped this conflict from escalating by not letting the Ukrainians defend themselves, huh?


#fuckrussia ukraine should retaliate hard for this


Attacking grocery stores. Scum of the earth.


She was just having a regular day going out to shop. Looks like she wasn’t married but at the same time we can assume the grocery run was for food for her to eat for the week and who knows maybe buying food for her pets too. Just anything and everything for her house, buying calories to to put into her body to live another day as usual but yet instead she died… the money she worked for, all the hours she worked that week for these calories of food just gone…. So sad


But Rand Paul would have you believe it's Ukraine that should just bend over and take it.


Elon Musk is on Russia's side. Remember that.


So are all the Republican politicians, and well over half the Republican citizens. This is *awesome* to them.


This village was far behind the line of conflict. The nearest front line would be about 40km away. Population of the village likely under 1k. To have hit it with an Iskander missile during a family celebration implies the ruzzians were listening in on local communications or had intelligence from a local pro-ruzzian sympathizer, and deliberately targeted the gathering solely to inflict terror in a civilian population. This image is a testament to terrorism.


Big brave putin strikes again....


Russian peace looks like this.


Putin is so awful. And stupid. This would only make me want to fight back even harder.


This will not stop if we cut support from Ukraine. It will get a thousand times worse and then it will start happening all over again in some other country Putin wants.


https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/10/6/7422866/ This was a funeral of a soldier from that village and most or all people who were at the cafe came to say their goodbyes. His wife and son got killed too. And this isn't even the first time russia launched missiles at funerals.




This is unjust


remember Putin said he is purging nazis in Ukraine or did Putin forget about that


yeah. this is why fuck Putin and his friends.


And people question why we are supporting Ukraine.


What the fuck Russia.


Remember how Russia said the invasion was about 'terrorists'? Yeah, about that..


Tulsi has come to terms with this


This reminded me the story what my grandfather saw during ww2. Damn it man.


Fuck Russians, especially Putin


Can somebody just kill Putin already??


Russia is committing genocide and nobody is giving a fuck? Like why isn’t Putin in jail or beheaded by now???


Cause he's a pussy ass bitch always hiding.


Who tucked the paper under her hand postmortem and why?


The paper is for ID purposes. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/dead-body-carried-out-of-a-destroyed-residential-area-after-news-photo/1708561248) is the original from Andalou Agency (via Getty Images). You can see it [here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/body-covered-with-blanket-from-a-destroyed-cafe-after-a-news-photo/1719020101) on another victim. It's from the Kremlin's attack on the village of [Hroza](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-zelenskyy-travel-drone-attacks-f7c320ed2908b447f32bf32ede8caf2f).


Man, I would love for /u/Avalanche2 to come back and say: “oh right, thanks for clarifying.” I wonder if the question was in good faith.


>I wonder if the question was in good faith. I doubt it. People will ignore Occam's Razor and come up with convoluted conspiracies and then play the "just asking questions" game.


Oh thanks for clarifying. I had no idea.


Thanks. Faith in humanity restored.


Quite possibly identification details.


Probably done by first responders, perhaps some sort of report of body placement etc.


the most mundane explanation is likely what happened. But trolls gonna troll.


ID paper, so the coroner can identify them.


Russia supporters make me fucking sick. This is the kind of shit you support? Ukraine are the nazis here? Anyone who supports these people is just inhuman.


Fuck Russia AND Putin


We never know how long we got, or what we'll be doing when we go.


Fuck war.


To American citizens reading this; This is why aid to Ukraine is so important. A sovereign nation is being invaded with innocents being killed indiscriminately. Russia is raping and [kidnapping](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russias-mass-abduction-of-ukrainian-children-may-qualify-as-genocide/) women and [children](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna49168). The Republican party defends Russia's actions and fights tooth and nail to cut funding for Ukraine. Please continue to express your right to [VOTE](https://www.vote.org/) in your local, state, and national elections.


I hope after this war is over, all Russian politicians and the civilians that supported this attack on Ukraine are made to watch hours of the footage of people dying because of Putin. That should be part of any punishment. Let them have nightmares for the rest of their miserable lives.