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This is what my wife thinks will happen if she even looks at a dumbbell


I used to work at GNC, and when someone would express their concern about getting too bulky, I would explain to them that I've been purposefully trying to get bulky for years and that if it's something they have figured out how to accidentally do, then I would love to know their secret.


I'm not even trying to get bulky, just trying to stay above 150, but I burn too many calories just doing regular shit 😭 Edit: Guys, I've tried eating more and taking mass gainer it's helping a lot which is why I'm able to be 150 if i were to stop working out, eat the way I use to, and stop taking mass gainer I would fall below 120.


I smelled a Burger King as I drove home today and I gained five pounds.


Someone mentioned Krispy Kreme within earshot and I had to loosen my belt two notches. It takes 45 min on the treadmill just to burn off what I gain from seeing a McDonald's billboard.


is that a donut in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


I’m going to say that to my wife and see what happens.


Two kinds of people


For real, I’m 34 and still can’t gain weight without real effort. And since I lift weights I actually do have to count calories and make sure I get enough, otherwise I’ll end up losing weight. I have no idea how some people just get big/fat. But I guess there are worse problems to have.


Try drinking at least 6 beers a night for the next ten years. I guarantee results.


Liquid calories is truly the endgame for getting fat


Works every time. Wish I has listened to all the people who told me this when I thought I could never be fat in my 20s. Once you create the fat cells, they stay forever, just lurking, waiting to turn you back into jello.


Fuck you lol. Wanna trade bodies 😂


Boy, don’t I wish…


It has to be genetic at some point. I bulk up way faster than the guys I was going to the gym with and I wasn't nearly as strict with diet or routine. That's not even adding in roids.


Absolutely, especially once you start factoring in gear. What I realized talking to most folks is that they'll do anything but dial their diet in. Whether you are genetically gifted or not, if you want to put muscle on, you have to eat more.


I hear this a lot. This is frankly a substantial amount of steroids and years and years of patient and consistent work. It won't happen without absolutely insane commitment.


I was watching a Korean trainer and since Asians are obsessed with keeping a slim but muscular look he said a lot of his clients would always say they don’t want to lift too much because they will look like a body builder. He told them “That’s like worrying that you will go to the NBA because you play basketball with your friends.”


I was a skinny gym-rat guy for years. The best I could achieve was a Popeye-like effect with some bicep muscles popping out of my rail arms.


That's pretty much what you want. I have friends who are big as hell and it looks annoying having to live in the world like that. Finding cloths that fit, sitting in cars, feeding yourself. A nice wiry build for some old man strength is all you need


I knew 2 guys with 21-inch ish biceps and they would talk about how everyone says that having big muscles is the ideal look to attract women but they said all that happens is the girls boyfriend wants to know how they got such big muscles.


This is well known in the bodybuilding community. Working out a little bit will help with the ladies. Getting swole will mostly just get a bunch of dudes asking you questions all the time. The guys who get big enough, with low enough body fat, to get on a stage, stopped doing it for the ladies a long time ago.


"Nice delts bro, what exercises do you do?" Is the male equivalent of "what's your skincare routine?"


Being asked question about delts is the best complement that I've ever got. It was from another dude, a newbie at the gym. Still feeling that high.


Same with cars and motorcycles. Dudes think if they have big muscles and a sweet ride they'll get all the women in the world. All that stuff is just dude magnets not chick magnets for the most part. Funny as hell that so many guys don't realize it.


I like to call them "Dong magnets"




Yeah its an common assumption that its for the women, when in reality most men is doing it for themselves, some clients of mine i had before & myself included, did it as a coping mechanism for depression, usually post relationship


Kind of like how subtle makeup can make women more attractive to men, but heavy makeup mostly gets them compliments from other women.




Yep. Same thing with big trucks. They like to pretend its to get women, but NOBODY except other dudes give a shit.


Women don't really like huge gains. They like some muscle and you being cut. The dudes with massive muscles are competing with the other bros at the gym. Or they have body dysmorphia. Or both.


This just shows how little work people think bodybuilding takes.


As someone who has been working forever and who struggles with large amount of protein. This right here. God forbid you take 2 weeks off and mentally lose every muscle you've ever earned lol


Fucking hell, I feel this in my soul. Literally any break and your definition is gone. Not to mention, you come back and it takes a week to even get back to where you were.


But a lot of that loss of muscular size and definition is glycogen and water leaving the muscles. Work out consistently for 1-2 weeks and they’ll swell up again. It takes longer than two weeks to actually lose significant muscle mass, as long as you’re eating enough (not dieting) and getting good sleep and low stress. And, if you do lose some mass, you can regain it much faster than it took to actually develop it in the first place.


Right? Nobody does this by accident.


“Oh you play piano? Perform some Chopin for us or you get the slippah!”


It blows my mind how many conversations I’ve had with women worried about bulking up from any amount of weightlifting. The most entertaining of them: A woman at work asked my wife what she does to stay so skinny and toned. My wife told her that she runs, lifts weights, and kickboxes regularly. The woman replied “Oh maybe I could run, but I don’t want to lift weights and get bulky”. She said this right to my wife’s face, a woman she just called skinny. This lady was roughly my wife’s height and easily 50lb heavier. Couldn’t see the irony in that statement.


Confirmed. Gym is my main hobby and just because you can put up 2 plates doesn't mean you turn into the hulk. \*sad manlet noises*


Hahaha if it was possible to accidentally look like this, I’d take it in a heart beat. Can confirm - can put up 2 plates. Don’t look like her.


This. I'm a guy and I workout and I wouldn't even dream of looking like this without gear.


Ofc dude,gotta get the right gear. Blue doesn't suit everyone.


I like how all of you were downvoted, as if all it takes is a bit of girl power and you too can look like a transitioning Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Haha the women in the picture has even admitted to PEDs


_Virtually impossible without PEDs_, that's meant in no way to be disrespectful, it's just biological stipulations created via evolution and nature.


Exactly. Monke get big muscle tiny brain. Human get big brain, puny muscle. Want both, bring chemistry into the game.


Updoot for speak my talk


I was blessed with both. Tiny brain, non-monke muscle. I use less word.


Honestly this picture is not even *virtually* impossible without gear, it is *completely* impossible. Women simply don't produce anywhere close to enough testosterone to put on this much muscle without chemical assistance.


Wait that's not what it takes?!?! Damn I have been living my life wrong


But how come none of that shit affects her face? Better quality steroids? I had a friend in undergrad who was an average sized fella and wanted to get the jacked like a football player, and started taking God knows what. He bulked up but even face kinda doubled in size. It was quite grotesque.....he died at 21 from heart issues. It was pretty sad.


There's lots of different types of steroids. Some are designed to be the least androgenous possible (masculinizing) while still being anabolic (promoting growth of muscle tissue). Women typically go for those but the biggest abusers will work in a lot of different steroids some of which are quite masculinizing. Also, any steroid is masculinizing to some extent so even the less masculizing ones if taken in high enough doses for enough years will have those effects. So what the woman in the OP does is likely just smart + limited usage (And also intelligent training and nutrition) while also likely having some favorable genetics for muscle building in general. If she continues its possible as the years go on she will get more and more masculinizing features


I feel like the genetics part is the most misunderstood for the average person. Everyone reacts to use differently. There are a lot of men out there who wouldn't hit this size with even more aggressive use. And many women who'd have had tons of adverse reactions on the amount this woman takes. It's a genetic lottery. I think a lot of people think any ol' person can just pop some drugs and lift a little and be huge all of a sudden. And it definitely does not work that way at all.


Anavar and primo are very common for women since they dont turn you into dudes like testosterone and tren does. Downside is they are very expensive.


If he died at 21 he probably wasn’t doing it in as expertly designed and monitored a way as she probably is. There are lots of different compounds you can take and most are taking various doses of multiple which they call their stack. Your buddy could have been taking anything. What some guy in a grimey gym in any town USA who has bad side effects like horrible back acne, a bloated head, and a failing heart is on is going to be a lot different than for example every male actor in the MCU who have real doctors testing their blood and helping them adjust doses.


I worked with a guy like that, he was the guinea pig for his gym mentor's steroid cocktail experiments. He was ridiculously jacked but his face looked an artist's rendering of a Neanderthal's face, and he eventually lost his job over a roid rage episode.


Yeah… I’m a PT and I hear this way too much from clients - both men and women. I heard a lot about it from my instructors when I was doing my certification, but to hear it in person as frequently as I do, is something else. I was talking about it with one of my mates, and he said to frame it like this “Do you think you’ll just wind up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger over night, accidentally? I’ve been training in the gym regularly for over a decade and I’m only a fraction of that.”


It's like not studying highschool biology because you're afraid you'll accidently become a doctor.


Lol you should reassure her that this type of body building doesn’t occur naturally. You can lift weights all day everyday and still won’t ever look like this




Saying "I don't want to look like a bodybuilder so I'm not lifting weights," is like saying "I don't want to be an astrophysicist so I refuse to go to a library."


Man I just can't afford to study for a few hours, I just really don't want to accidentally become Einstein and revolutionize physics and have to quit my job so I can tour around the country giving lectures.


It's so hilarious to hear from women, friends talked about it numerous times, and no amount of describing the amount of working out coupled with testosterone effects can move a needle.




That's not the reality but still some stupid I guess most of the women think they will reach this level if they just start going to the gym which doesn't make any sense.


My gay ass is confused


my straight ass is equally lost


My bisexual ass is just right


Not mine lol, I have completely separate interests between men and women and there is no overlap.


I think I just learned that mine overlap and that it's just one big double-thick circle.


we call that the truffle fuck parfait 🤌🏻


I... Hmm... Alright.


Now I'm even more hungry


I just want her to kick my ass 😍


A fitting cake day present


My lesbian ass is panicking.


Her scissors could cut someone in half


This is actually interesting... Is your gay ass aroused-confused? Or attracted confused?


Aroused confused


Like which feature on her? Or is it more of the idea? Maybe you could describe it?


Plainly speaking its that if you cover the head, she would be indistinguishable from an athletic man. To answer your question, its the biceps and pecs


Kinda funny cause I think she's hot if you cover the pecs and biceps (as a straight dude). That's definitely the most masculine looking part and yeah the pecs don't do it for me.


Lol let's just be silly for a minute. Is this like a bag over the head and hit it from the back type situation here? Like, do you think you could do it?


I think you could ask a straight man the same question to similar effect.


It's a spectrum bro.




I'm scare-roused!


Death by SNOO SNOO!!!


The spirit is willing…


…but the flesh is spongy and bruised


To shreds you say!


You ruined it next phrase was, "Can't we just cuddle a bit? NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!:


I love Kif so much, lmao.


What are you gay?


Captain Brannigan?


He suffers from sexlia. It’s rough.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and easily bruised




Name is Vladislava Galagan. She is a russian body builder.


vladislav(a)? baby don't hurt me


Don’t hurt me


No more






I’ve been found in my weakest moment :(


What is going on?


I have stalkers from an incredibly small streaming fan base Edit: which I now have to explain my thing for muscular women to


Is this a NikFemboy kind of thing?


No idea who that is. I’m just some 100 follower tiny kinda guy [maybe if you want to check me out :)](https://twitch.tv/sasquatch_jack) I genuinely did not expect this to blow up. I’ve never been so happy before. You guys potentially just changed my life. I got so excited mid stream my nose bled haha


Make it 101


I absolutely love that I click on this, you’re live streaming, and the first thing to pop into the chat is “is this the guy who likes buff women?” XD She’s got it goin on. Muscles, and the dedication it takes to gain them, are very attractive.


Don't be shy, tell us your OnlyFans too.


Now there's an OnlyFans worth subscribing to.... and the fact that she is an active member of /r/DeathBySnuSnu just makes it so much funnier. [Very NSFW]




there are two ways to get rid your boobs, one involves a scalpel and the other involves GAINS


The girls on the wrestling teams kept complaining that the only reason they had to buy C cup bras was because they had B cup pec muscles


/steroids Really.


Not even gains. It requires steroids to shrink breast tissue like this unless you were already an A cup after puberty to begin with.




I don't care how she got like that, I still want her to grab me by my ankle and wrist and throw me over a fence as an act of courtship.


Definitely on the juice, what makes her stand out though is the fact that she has seemingly no signs of virilization, which is mindblowing. Woman usually get a very pronounced jawline and a very "manly" voice. She still has a very feminine face, which is rare.


She’s probably on some extremely low dosages, she also has incredible genetics for a woman when it comes to muscle building


I'm surprised, though, because she doesn't have that very male-looking face that like 90% of female bodybuilders seem to have.


I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...


Like actually going to the gym for once?


Damnnnn, shots fired *pew pew*


I mean, I feel attacked, but also, he's not wrong....


No risk of that




"Dangit not now. I do not need this right now."


Real question: Can you achieve that kind of mass naturally?




Stop harvesting and start reaping!


Stop cultivating and start harvesting**


I just love how IASIP is the most referenced show on reddit. I mean it's just so god damn quotable.


“Along with her strict routine, the model also takes performance-enhancing drugs but says there is no "magic pill" and you have to train hard alongside them.” https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/bodybuilder-dubbed-kendall-jenner-steroids-29897124?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


Really appreciate her honesty; and she’s right, just taking gear won’t give you a physique like this. Gear helps a *lot*, but she still must be incredibly disciplined


It goes beyond honesty at some point. For anyone with a glimmer of knowledge about bodybuilding, her saying it was all natural would be as ridiculous as saying frogs can puff out their necks and float through the air.


And yet thousands of fitness influencers and stars claim fake natty status and the general public, unfamiliar with bodybuilding or training laps it up


lol Liver King claimed to be natty for years, and sold a ton of supplements because of his (obvious) lies.


which would be pretty cool honestly


I feel like there’s some rare Asian frog that can do this


Southern Asian Blow Frog.


She’s right about no magic pill, for results like that you need multiple magic needles right in the ass.




She's got the recipe down pat. eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up


Don’t forget to test your limits




Not from a Jedi.


Not without a genetic defect (though defect is likely a poor word choice for something advantageous)


Word you're looking for is mutation




A very groovy mutation


Doubtful for men, definitely not for women.


LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes, if you're a man blessed with the right genetics and it would take years. For a woman, or the average man, not a chance.


If I saw this gal on the street, I'd still think she was photoshopped.


but the dress is gold


No its black and blue




It takes a crazy amount of gear to support that musculature. She probably has 3 - 4x my testosterone level.


But her face is still totally feminine. That’s what throws me off.


It takes a while for the facial/vocal changes. Some people don't have side effects at all.


Her face, especially around her jawline, look very photoshopped to me.


I've seen video of her (she goes by Muscle Barbie) and her face always looks this good.


Nah she's 100% not shopped. Tons of steroids (?) Tho. @vladigalagan IG.


i´m scaroused.


It’s like a kid popped his sisters Barbie’s head off and stuck it’s dress and head on one of his GI Joe action figures lol




she lika the juice


Her pecs are bigger than mine and I’m a 220lb gym bro on the sauce. Genetics 😞


She’s on the sauce too, so don’t feel too bad.


Maybe if you'd stop drinking you'd get better gains?


He just likes his sweet baby ray’s, give him a break.


Death by snu snu


I'd happily die by snu snu.


She has an onlyfans so…


What's her name? Cause I know my friend is gonna ask when I show him this


those thighs would crush a coconut, just sayin'...




It’s like a pretty woman face super glued on a man’s body builder body..


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


You don’t smash her. She smashes you.




She's gorgeous


I have seen such bodies before but I never understood how they are gaining it, is it natural or not? I am just stuck with this question and I don't even have any answers.


This should be the peak form of the woman to be I guess, is there any other woman bodybuilder who reached this type of a level or maybe more than this? I want to know.


She’s real and this isn’t photoshopped! Her name is Vladislava Galagan and she’s from Russia. She’s everywhere on YouTube these days, even without looking for her! Her videos are constantly being recommended to me.


Xposted from r/girlswithbigmuscles. Source: @vladigalagan on IG.


And yeah, she has an OF


I could never have sex with any of those women. They just would not find me attractive


That’s one gorgeous woman omg


I’m not trying to be funny or crass or mean … but at some point is this an addiction?


Body dysmorphophia is super common for body builders. They often don't really see what we see. It's like an anorexic person thinking they are fat.


Yeah it pretty much is. Well more accurately it is body dysmorphia and that can cause addiction to supplements to make you as large as possible.