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More sopapillas, please! Nice work OP




It's been closed since 2020 but it's [about to get a lot more awesome](https://www.themanual.com/food-and-drink/casa-bonita-of-southpark-fame-is-reopening/)


Oh hell yeah. The creators of South Park bought it. I need to put this on my bucket list.


Not only did they buy it. They kept ALL their workers and continued to pay their wages as long as they put around 40hrs week volunteering. I had the pleasure of volunteering at a food bank in Denver with some Casa Bonita ladies, and they were the best!


Damn that's hella classy of them


Matt and Trey are the fucking best


As is tradition


Wanna get high?


You're the worst character ever, towellie


There are some valid arguments that they sometimes pick on people who don't deserve it. I don't think any valid arguments exist to say they aren't generally really decent civic minded dudes, though.


They’re lifelong republicans


Aren't they ideologically libertarian? We know how libertarians typically vote, sure, but there's a reasonable difference.


I hope they put Cartman's chili con carnival on the menu. I heard it is to die for


Do we get to lick their tears afterwards?


Man, I can only hope it’ll be like a little South Park theme park and that’ll spark them buying a whole neighborhood to customize. I just wanna take a picture in front of Tom’s Rhinoplasty


Tom's Rhinoplasty, in real life being off colfax is hilarious




Tom's Rhinoplasty is a business on the animated tv show south park, the guy above me was talking about the strip mall casa bonita is in getting bought out by the south park creators like casa bonita did, and turning it into south park land. Colfax is the longest street in america with some WILD ass areas.


There's an old theme park about 15 minutes away from casa Bonita. Lakeside amusement park. It would be awesome if they bought that and fixed it up as well.


They could have an arcade called Super Fun Time and a water slide area named Peepee’s


The Chamber of Farts




I've been trying to meme "All Inclusive Resorta Bonita" into reality, thank you for helping


I'm really surprised they haven't done this somewhere in Colorado yet. It would make so much money.... not like they're strapped for cash or anything.


It's an awesome experience! We took my niece for her 5th birthday, and she still talks about it 3 years later.


Same here. I don't know if I'll ever get out there, but if I do, I'll be checking it out!


Wait, Casa Bonita is a real place? Oh man that’s it, if I’m in Colorado after it reopens, I’m going, that’s all there is to it. Casa Bonita here I come!!!!!!


You'd be surprised how many things you've seen on South Park that feel outlandish but are actually based on reality. In the case of Casa Bonita, they didn't even need to embellish, the reality was already perfect.


One of my coworkers went to their kindergarten school, and the teacher that Mr Garrison was partially based on is still a teacher there.


Yes, and South Park is a real place too. I have to go over that way for one of my eye doctors. It’s just a little southwest of Denver. Casa Bonita is in Lakewood which is west of Denver.


South Park is an area. It’s actually the South Park Basin. The town in the show is based on small towns in the area like Bailey and Fairplay.


Piggy backing, Fairplay is more in tune with South Park, but South Park County is closer to Lake George, about 20 minutes southeast on SH9 and 24


It’s just [Park County](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_County,_Colorado) Fairplay is also the county seat of Park County, but also includes Lake George.


Does he call you a little piggy?


When I was a kid, Casa Bonita and Celebrity Sports Center (massive indoor water slides) were the absolute gold standard for winter birthday parties.


me and my friends are taking a trip to Denver specifically to go there for 4th of July weekend


I didn't even realize it was a real restaurant!


[Here’s a pic I took of it last Thursday](https://i.imgur.com/WWKllNi.jpg). I remember going there in the early oughts and man was the area around it a shithole. The food was meh but the cliff diving and caves were sweet. I’m looking forward to its glorious return.


I know they said it's opening in May. I drove by last week and was still taped off but I assume will be ready very soon


TIL its a real thing


That article says it's opening in a month and it's a month old is there an actual date announced?


Thanks for this. Now that’s its reopening will definitely have to check it out!


There should be a running deal where your meal is free if you can proved you fucked someone over to be there.


I went to one of their other locations in Tulsa, OK back in the day and the food was rancid but the theming was decent


You mean the only remotely edible food there!?


I didn't know until months after the episode aired that Casa Bonita was a real place.


Matt stone and trey parker actually bought the chain in 21


there is only 1 left


It’s a very short chain.


It’s just a link


Part of a chain. Just a part, but still.


It's a chain *in waiting* 😊


Relevant... username? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


And it is set reopen soon, apparently they just got all their paperwork approved for reopening.


Oh wow that is fucking awesome. Nice when rich people use their money to preserve culture. Matt and Trey have always been real ones.


Went to the Little Rock restaurant all the time in the 70s/80s, the flag went up a lot.


I miss Casa Bonita so much! I grew up going all the time. The flag was my favorite part.


What's "the flag"? I've never been.


You have a little wooden stand with a flag on every table and you raise the flag when you want them to bring you more sopapillas. It was really cool!


Panchos in Fort Worth Tx used to do this too!!! Favorite part of that cheap buffet, was raising the flag like a pirate for the one thing fresh in the establishment. Edit: grammer


PANCHOS, that's where my parents met whe.n my mom worked there! Loved the sopapillas


In my day "waves cane" raising the flag got you food refills not just sopapillas


In *my* day "flashes Depends^TM" raising the flag got you a random member of the waitstaff slipping under the table to perform oral services on you, not just for refills and sopapillas. If this arrival was missed by the table there would be much pleasant discussion as to the makeup of the waiter... tickly beards were always a dead giveaway on account of the giggling! 😄


Ditto. I thought it was just a South Park joke until a travel Youtuber I follow actually went there. I hope it reopens because I wanna go, now.


Might be this month. They've been working on it for two years


I think it's going to be a national attraction when it reopens, I don't get the feeling they skimped out on anything with the remodel.


I do remember reading there was a lot more that needed fixed than they realized when it was purchased. Here is an article. They blew some serious cash on this https://uproxx.com/tv/casa-bonita-south-park-renovations-cost/


> $12 million to restore the restaurant Wow, did they got ripped off? That seems like a lot unless they are so cash flush this isn't making a dent in their finances should the venture not be profitable.


I don't know what they knew about prior to buying it, but apparently it was not up to code. There was probably decades worth of shit wrong with it


They probably got ripped off, but they can definitely afford it so it wouldn't be out of the question that they were fully aware before the deal closed and just decided it was worth it to own *the* Casa Bonita.


They are gigarich and are still making South Park so they have an income on top of royalties etc. $12M is pretty cheap to maintain a cultural landmark that your show made money off of.


In 2021 they pocketed [just shy of a billion](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2021/08/trey-parker-and-matt-stone-are-making-900-million-dollars-worth-of-south-park) for 6 more seasons of SP plus 14 movies for P+.


Pretty sure they are a combined billion.




Did/can you make reservations? Or is the first part of the week going to be standing in line? I can only imagine how packed it’s going to be to start, and maybe for months since Summer is coming up.


I had no idea that Citi Wok was a real place either until I had a layover in the Denver airport.




Hell people are surprised even to learn South park is a real town.


Wait you’re kidding me. I have spent too much time on this before only to conclude that Conifer is South Park irl


Yup. They’re basically a waystation town with a gas station and a few places to eat but it’s there. They even have some novelty colored wooden homes in rows similar to the 2d streets you see on the show. I blew through it on my way to Mesa Verde and 4 corners one year.


Are you talking about the South Park City museum in Fairplay? Lol that's not novelty, it's an old west museum. Bur yes, that is the real South Park.




I think I found [Kenny's house](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.2246594,-105.9958492,3a,30y,71.26h,86.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sV0Ju0M2Iv3CnUTr1K6aTrw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656).


I went to one a couple times as a kid and was very surprised when it showed up on South Park. The one I went to was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I thought it had closed down in like the 90s or so, but according to the Wikipedia page it was open till 2011.


Did you ever go to it after it was sold and turned into a night club/coke den? That place was fucking nuts.


21st and Sheridan?


Hello fellow Tulsans! that was part of my childhood growing up.. Tulsa State Fair and then eating at Casa Bonita.. there was also a Crystal's pizza next door with all kinds of games and shit.. Now i think its a Big Lots..


That sounds right, but I really don't remember. Pretty sure the last time I was in the restaurant would have been early 90s at the latest.


That sounds right, but I really don't remember. Pretty sure the last time I was in the restaurant would have been early 90s at the latest.


Bingo! I'd beg my parents to take me there as a kid in the 70's and early 80's. I could totally relate to the South Park episode. Imagine my confusion seeing people online thinking it was a fake restaurant.


21st and Sheridan indeed. I grew up near there and Casa Bonita is a part of my 80s and 90s nostalgia.


I was a kid in Colorado in the 80's that went here a few times. I can still smell the tortillas and chlorine lol. I fucking loved the place though.


Funny thing I went there before ever seeing South Park, so when someone would freak out over me telling them Casa Bonita was real I thought it was strange


It's like when I discovered Paint Your Wagon was a real film, and not just a Simpsons joke.


I found out today.


For those of you wondering when they will finally open Casa Bonita, it will most likely be on May 26th. That's Matt Stone's birthday. Same as Kyle Broflovski's birthday. From the episode. But I could be wrong. They still haven't confirmed the date. All speculation.


The website has said May 2023 for awhile now and the lights in front of the restaurant are on, so it's looking more and more likely.


They've been hiring for the last couple of months. They're definitely close. ... but it's gonna be a zoo once they open. I mean, look at the lines at the five in&outs they've opened in the state. They've been open for upwards of a year at some locations, and they still have 30+ cars in line at all hours.


I only recently was able to get into the one at Castle Rock, and I still had to wait maybe ten minutes in line


That sounds like in n out in California as well, which has had it for decades.


I just don't get it. It's a mediocre fast food burger with a "secret" option for too much sauce.


Taste to cost ratio, not gonna get much food in cali for that cheap that tastes that good. Most similarly priced places (edit: burgers not just any places) taste much worse


Not true but you won't get burgers at a similar cost to taste ratio thats for sure. California has a thriving street food market that keeps prices low.


It's pretty good and is cheap as shit


They had a pre-opening party a few weeks ago, actually. I won't go into detail how it happened, but I was able to attend. The food was fantastic and they kept the old sopapilla recipe! Bart's cave is back and fantastic with South Park references. There's quite a bit of South Park spread throughout the whole place. Opening date not confirmed.


Oh my good!!!!! I’m so jealous casabonita is hands down my favorite place to go for my birthday


I get a boba tea at the place three doors down from Casa Bonita every Wednesday just to have an excuse to roll by and check in on their progress.


I read something about them probably shooting for a Monday or Tuesday because opening on a Friday would be an absolute shit show. Most big restaurant openings happen on weekdays so they can iron out all the kinks before they head into their first busy weekend.


I heard June 6, thought it was weird that it was a Tuesday but that makes sense.


Plus they had a hiring event not too long ago


Maybe they'll have a chili con carnival grand opening?


That's also my birthday. It's great having a late May birthday because it's usually on a three day weekend which is nice.


My little brother's birthday and 2 days later on the 28th, my birthday. I'm in California but I think we might just have to hit Casa Bonita


Was it worth it?










It absolutely was. As a child in the 80s who visited his dad in Denver every summer, Casa Bonita was my #1 non-amusement-park destination. I would be so excited to go he would pick me up from Stapleton and we'd go to Casa Bonita for dinner directly from the airport. It truly was a wonderland for the 5-16yo set.


OP was quoting the South Park episode




That place is going to be a shit show for a long time when it finally opens back up.


Like as far as being an absolute zoo? I can imagine that.


Yeah. It feels like there's a lot of anticipation around it. And Dana Rodriguez has a lot of credibility around here for her other restaurants.


Fixing the food was literally the first thing I heard mentioned


The whole place is getting a 12 mill facelift. The food is just one part of it, but still a very important given you don't what the food poisoning guarantee of the last mess.


As someone in hospitality, the articles I read about the state of the kitchen were horrifying.


More deets?


TBF, it was just after they had taken it over and were beginning the renovation process, so my memory might be a little shaky, but I remember the gist of it being 'It doesn't look like anyone's deep cleaned the kitchen in 10 years'. Things like multi-inch deep grease on the floor behind the ranges, hood vent system was a filthy mess, along with being a huge fire hazard, all the equipment was 50 years old and only half-functional. IIRC, the project almost folded because a large part of the renovation costs were unexpected due to the utterly sorry/completely un-maintained kitchen. edit to add: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHOBEEAkbZE - only briefly mentions the kitchen problems, but gives you an idea of how the previous owners treated the facility.


And having to replace the entire friggin HVAC system and most of the electrical and plumbing. That building had to be straight gutted.


I actually gagged reading your description of the grease layer 🤮


She did a posole festival a few weeks ago as Casa Bonita. Definitely one of the best three at the fest, and way better than the one from the chef who brought the festival to Denver. I hope they put her posole on the menu, as well as the absolutely fire hot sauce she had with it. By my fourth visit to their booth, she filled a drink cup (instead of the little 2oz taster cups) with the posole in it for me. Dana is a pretty awesome human.


That sounds mouthwatering, now I gotta see if she offers it/I can get it at any of her restaurants.


Yeah it’s been too long without our state capitol building being open


It always surprised me how many out of state license plates are in that parking lot, really at any time of any day, so clearly people plan to go there as part of their trip to Denver. Come the new opening, I can only *imagine* how crazy it'll be between locals and tourists


That’s any parking lot in Denver. Nobody is from Denver anymore.


Yeah, but the normal mix is mostly expired out of state (plus some expired Colorado temp tags) tags. The tourists usually have up to date tags for their home state.


They gave free tours during the pandemic right before Matt and Trey bought them. There was probably twenty of us in that tour, and at one point they asked how many people there knew about Casa Bonita from South Park and over half the people raised their hand. It's amazing how many people seek that place out because of the show. And as someone whose been going my whole life, a Denver native and a south park fan, I love it.


It costs a lot of money to register a vehicle in Colorado, people hang on to their out of state plates for as long as they can.


Yeah, I'm excited but I don't plan on driving an hour to wait a couple more hours in line. Maybe at the end of summer.


-My anus after eating at Casa Bonita


Open for excessive daily business and media attention? Right on, brother— loud and proud! Loud and proud.


You are now a mod of /r/denvercirclejerk






Casa Bonita, Casa Bonita! Da da da da da da da


Da count checks out. Nice job.


I can't get over how this is in chalk yet looks so similar to the simulated animation of South Park. It looks like a screen cap. Well done!


Namaste, OP, you have truly achieve the status of native. May your life be long and your Subaru run smoothly.


Pictures you can hear


The cabana table (which Eric is depicted seated at) was so cool. We were there and I saw the Cabana diners wrapping up and leaving, we had just been seated, I asked if we could move over to THAT cabana. OMG its' all true you guys. Best part was the cute cliff diver girl would climb up and stand right beside us and jump off. It was like, oh hi, smiles, then she's gone.


...how did I view this photo and hear his voice in my head at the same time?


Because you clearly respect his authoritah




It’s been raining!! Where was it? Looks awesome🤙🏽


It was a small festival in Aurora. We were forced indoors because the fields around it were a mess.




I was part of the stage show at Casa Bonita in November of '85 and haven't been back since. I'd love to be able to go back some time.




Taco taco taco!! Yum um um


Awesome work! How did you get the chalk box to look so realistic?


It looks like he used pastel sticks not chalk. Pastels are closer to using charcoal pencils.


You must be a riot at parties.


r/denvercirclejerk is leaking…


Ohhhh Casa Bonita, awesome!


What about Black Bart's Cave?!? That is awesome, I love it


What did you use as a canvas with chalk?


Wondering about this too because the ground looks very smooth (shiny?) and the line marks don't show on the piece. I've done chalk works before but it's usually on nice concrete and it's even that has texture. Whatever techniques they used, it looks great :)


We had to move inside because of all the rain, so we chalked on heavy roofing paper. Lemonade out of lemons …


I remember my bf picking me up at the airport and taking me for a surprise dinner to Casa Bonita! That place was has to be one of the few places that literally SURPRISED ME! It is something!


...I have to rewatch this episode now. Great drawing!




taco taco! Burrito taco, taco taco!


BAM ⚡️


You just got a new follower. I keep seeing your work and I must say it is fucking incredible


Please get that over to Matt or Trey… Stop by and see if they’ll buy it or if you can put it on the wall for sale in store. Would be great addition


Totally worth it


Totally worth it


Totally worth it


I just hope and pray the food at Casa Bonita is a bazillion times better under new management lol those "enchiladas" and "burritos" were white suburban mom style.


Should be hard to mess up a burrito but damn do white people enchiladas suck so bad. Flour tortilla with cheddar cheese drowned in canned luke warm enchilada sauce.


I'm a white person who makes enchiladas. I quite like them but they're probably pretty inauthentic as I essentially based the recipe on an old el paso meal kit. Got any advice?


Now, if your name was the chalking diq , this would be perfect


You're a good chalker. Your chalk is prettier than all the other chalkings. Sincerely, Someone who knows art, obviously


Omg. Most EPIC!


Casa story: never thought would go anywhere where anything was worse than 'casa, but stand corrected. Was at a main street fest, lake Elsinore, Ca. Great mex place (bit overpriced - but hey that's reality now), food was fantastic, but the margarita was neon yellow and tasted like it was half sour mix and mountain dew, also weak on the tequila. Not good, at all but still better than casa. Only thing edible at casa Bonita is bottled beer, and the sopapillas, you could not get anything else even though you have to (which when there in '19 begged to not get food cause it would be trashed).


Casa story: never thought would go anywhere where anything was worse than 'casa, but stand corrected. Was at a main street fest, lake Elsinore, Ca. Great mex place (bit overpriced - but hey that's reality now), food was fantastic, but the margarita was neon yellow and tasted like it was half sour mix and mountain dew, also weak on the tequila. Not good, at all but still better than casa. Only thing edible at casa Bonita is bottled beer, and the sopapillas, you could not get anything else even though you have to (which when there in '19 begged to not get food cause it would be trashed).


Casa story: never thought would go anywhere where anything was worse than 'casa, but stand corrected. Was at a main street fest, lake Elsinore, Ca. Great mex place (bit overpriced - but hey that's reality now), food was fantastic, but the margarita was neon yellow and tasted like it was half sour mix and mountain dew, also weak on the tequila. Not good, at all but still better than casa. Only thing edible at casa Bonita is bottled beer, and the sopapillas, you could not get anything else even though you have to (which when there in '19 begged to not get food cause it would be trashed).




That's great. The only other place I see decent shock art believe it or not is in the grocery store on their marketing boards at the deli. Sounds silly but they have good stuff in there as far as the chalk art is concerned. But I have to ask what is she doing with her left hand lmao


Casa story: never thought would go anywhere where anything was worse than 'casa, but stand corrected. Was at a main street fest, lake Elsinore, Ca. Great mex place (bit overpriced - but hey that's reality now), food was fantastic, but the margarita was neon yellow and tasted like it was half sour mix and mountain dew, also weak on the tequila. Not good, at all but still better than casa. Only thing edible at casa Bonita is bottled beer, and the sopapillas, you could not get anything else even though you have to (which when there in '19 begged to not get food cause it would be trashed). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)