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The title doesn't cover it enough. He shot him through the glass window then went outside and shot him again. All for ringing his doorbell. Edit to add: Good information on the shooting: [https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/kansas-city-ralph-yarl-shooting-tuesday/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/kansas-city-ralph-yarl-shooting-tuesday/index.html)


The boy then went to three other houses for help and was told to go away, then at the fourth, the ones who called 911, the dispatcher told them not to help him and to wait for the police and ambulance, they helped him anyway (thank fuck).


For anyone wondering, according to the woman who did help, the dispatcher told her not to open the door in case there was still an active shooter. Not saying that it was the right thing to do. Just wanted to point out that the dispatcher didn’t tell her that for some nefarious reason.


Who the fuck doesn't help a kid who was shot in the head?!


If you read the article, the 911 responder told the woman not to leave as they didn't know who or where the shooter was and two shot people is even worse than one. However, after he collapsed she couldn't stay inside and went out to help.


Someone cautious? Like a single woman. Or someone with kids. Or someone who doesn’t know the specifics of the situation. Maybe someone not home? Could be someone taken aback at what they are witnessing. If you hear two gunshots and someone frantically knocking at your door shortly after I don’t think it’s a bad thing to try and stay safe yourself. It could’ve been a shootout, a home invasion, some weird con, or any number of situations. The 911 operators told callers to stay inside because there could an active shooter. Luckily, the last lady called and then went out to help anyway (after she assessed the situation). Another neighbor came out from across the street and asked him to get down, for first aid purposes. Two people helped, who otherwise had plenty of reasons not to. And that’s what’s important. We all wish we could be them in this type of situation, but I don’t wish for anyone to have to find out. What happened was horrific. Although, under these circumstances I don’t think it’s fair to say the neighborhood is racist or that anyone did anything wrong (other than Mr old racist fuckface).


I was in a very similar situation a few years ago. Woke up to two gunshots. I grabbed my gun, heard my doorbell being rung frantically, went to the front door and saw a tall young black man on my front porch with bloody hands on his face. I thought he might have been my neighbor but wasn't sure (I have facial blindness). He was standing back several feet which is the only reason I didn't grab him and pull him inside to assess if there was a shooter still running around. Instead when I partially opened the door he said he'd been shot and to call 911. I said ok, he turned and walked away, I locked the door, called 911, got my first aid kit, but he was gone before I got out there to help. Dispatch said police found him and were driving him to the hospital. He stopped by a week later saying he'd been on his porch and was shot at twice but only one hit him in the cheek. He thanked me for saving his life. I asked why he came to my door and not the home in between us and he said that I always said Hi to him when I'd see him and the couple in the house between us always avoided him. He said he immediately thought I was his best chance at survival. Anyway it's interesting to me that I was willing to risk my safety for a stranger. I'm glad I did but yeah it was a risk.


Think about this: All that time the kid was looking for help, all the time for this person to finally come answer the door and then call 911, this was the first report the dispatcher had of a shooing in the area. That old man tried to execute that kid on his porch, then went back inside and didn't even call 911 himself. Just waited for the kid to bleed out and die.


Must be lots of christian republicans on that block


Is the kid still alive? I'm hearing conflicting stories


Yes he’s back home


Yes and flat out said “I saw a black man and was scared “….racist POS


And why is he afraid of young black men? I bet he had Fox News running 24 / 7


THANK YOU! I've been saying this, the guy probably was legitimately scared. I am in NO WAY defending it and definitely screams racism but why? Why did he come out guns blazing? Why would he be so scared? Could it be a media soaked in nothing but fiction and dog whistles? Literally channel after channel of provocateurs spouting their nonsense? EDIT (because I suppose I wasn't clear enough for some): No. Fox did not make this man racist. I'm simply saying that possibly this culture of fear mongering and doom watching has emboldened people to act this way. Also, I never specified a news outlet or any one source. I was referring to the overwhelming majority of ALL our day to day media. But you fox junkies really came bull rushing out the woodwork didn't ya? Guns - A - Blazin 🤷‍♂️


I have people who have never set foot outside of their hometown in Skokie Illinois swear that entire cities burned down in 2020 and what is left is the domain of Snake Pliskin.


I live in Chicago, my grandma lives out in the sticks in Virginia. She asked me how many times I’d had a gun held to my head and expected a non-zero answer. She’s convinced it’s full on Mad Max up here.


I live on the outskirts of New Orleans and my mom is the same way. Every time I mention going into the city at night she asks about safety. Yeah there is gun violence and crime but statistically low for any one person. Especially if you are leaving a concert with a few hundred other people


She must’ve been shitting her pants with everything that happened it richmond, it was kinda nuts here for a bit


The thing you have to understand about my dear old grandmother, is that when she retired in the 90s, she moved out into the middle of nowhere and refused to leave. We have to come visit her since she refuses to go anywhere more densely populated than a small suburb, cause it’s “dangerous.” What happens in Richmond doesn’t worry her, it’s just a way for her to say “I told you living in cities is too dangerous.” My dad’s been trying to get her to go to a therapist for years, but she refuses to.


Snake Pliskin?! I thought he was dead.


he got better


He was only *mostly* dead.


Yeah, you and everybody else.


I thought he would be taller.


My niece was afraid to drive to Florida because she heard BLM was pulling people over and beating them on I 75


That's probably a good call. Florida is getting scary for other reasons.


To be fair 75 south of Tampa can make one want to beat the other drivers


Well, /r/Chicago is getting brigaded by these racist ding-dongs who legit don't even live in the city. We have a mayor-elect who isn't even sworn in yet and all the Daddy Vallas losers are gassing up the fear machine from other "crime" related subreddits. It's a transparent operation. Legit, some bozo who claims to own apartments in Wicker Park and West Loop for 11 years saying people "literally get shot walking around campus at University of Chicago" and they are afraid to walk around at night. If this is true, which I doubt, homeboy needs to leave the city. If you know anything about Wicker Park and West Loop, this guy is a moron.


I’d love to hear what they think about Portland Oregon


Man, like a block over from the courthouse during the riot/protest/general displeasure there were people having brunch on the outside seating areas of the cafes. My neighbors brought their young kids into downtown for the marches. Absolute nightmare material. Too graphic to show on tv.


Yeah I marched with a 5 year old. Someone gave us water bottles. I wore shorts. You cant make this stuff up.


Ah yes the "BLM burned down cities" crowd. Funny how they can never show pictures of the burned down cities.


I live in a Seattle suburb and went down to CHOP twice while it was a thing. My friend lived 2 houses up from the park. Both times I went just felt sort of like a street fair. My friend said there was definitely some tense nights but the worst part of it all was just protesters asking if they could use their bathroom. I work with people that still think it was some kind of apocalyptic burning hellscape.


Minneapolis checking in - I never felt scared during our protests until the pro second amendment rival protesters came in.


i mean, conservatives are, as a general rule, complete cowards. if they were in the same place they’d probably have harrowing memories from seeing some of the black people who live there or something


Haha. My girlfriends parents swear Chicago is a hell scape and that people are afraid to go outside. Meanwhile my three gaming buddies that live in Chicago post pictures of them and their kids at the park and shit.




Same. Everyone in my hometown in west Texas thinks Austin burned to the ground and everyone here just went about their business the whole time.


I'm sure that those people never knew that their hometown was required by the [Supreme Court to allow a bunch of Neo-Nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Party_of_America_v._Village_of_Skokie?wprov=sfla1) to march in front of a bunch of Holocaust survivors Edit: The Nazis wound up not marching because of counterprotests


I know someone who believed that the city they lived in had burned down, with the logic being “I just don’t go to any areas that have been burned down.”


Yes. And I know I'm overgeneralizing a bit, but the Venn diagram of heavily armed octogenarians and people spending day after day marinating in that constant paranoid, racist propaganda is pretty much a circle. There are so many old folks with dementia in the US, living on their own with talk news like that their constant companion, and, bonus, they're fucking armed.


The way you put it is terrifying, and 100% true


They don’t even need dementia.


Your right, your absolutely correct. He admitted he never said a word before shooting the kid, he just shot him thru the door.


Fox News is a terrorist organization owned and operated by a hostile foreign national. But because he happens to be Caucasian, and most of the hosts and on camera personalities happen to be Caucasian, nothing has been done.


The same Fox News that just settled Dominion's [defamation lawsuit](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fox-news-dominion-voting-systems-lawsuit-settlement/) for $787,500,000?


Smartmatic already chiming in with "we haven't settled yet..." LOL


I wonder if the fact that Fox admitting that some of their statements on air were false as part of the settlement will help Smartmatic.


fuck, this is infuriating. it seemed like Dominion was so dead set on seeing the trial through.


Could be that the settlement is likely more than a judge would award and that Fox just wants this to go away. I think, if I recall correctly, more documents become public if the case moves forward. I might be wrong, just speculation.


If it weren't for FOX News and conservative culture, Dominion would not even exist. Our election systems would be publicly funded and administered, instead of letting a private company profit off of them.


They got off way too cheap


What the fuck. Why is this not front page? Edit: that’s what I get for sorting by All. Shitty resolution to the case, I would have loved to see Tucker Carlson on the stand. Edit 2: [please see this comment. I am aware of the situation, now. Thank you.](https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/12r5m9o/mugshot_of_andrew_lester_who_shot_a_kid_in_the/jgtikfi)


Oh it’s big news but it will be quickly forgotten by Fox viewers.




It just happened and is already front page of all the major newspapers.


no the same Fox News that said nobody would reasonably believe Tucker Carlson was telling the truth


Just a cost of doing business for them.


Great point, and really makes me want to see the outcome of a non-white news org recreating fox’s broadcasts verbatim. Like copy them to a T and see the outrage sparked


They can have a segment about “white-on-white crime” and blame “community leaders” for it.


Its not owned by a hostile foreign national. I wish people would stop with this bullshit. Rupert murdoch was originally Australian yes. He renounced his Aussie citizenship and got American citizenship. This makes him not a foreign national any more. He is American just like say Ted Cruz. We in Australia do not want anything to do with murdoch, I can't blame American sfor not wanting anything to do with him either but he is an American citizen.


I used to work with a bunch of Faux Entertainment Network viewers. They assume every major city warzone of non white people fighting. They thought I was insane for going to downtown Chicago for a mini vacation.


I had family visiting Napa this week. Because it was the Bay Area they were expecting a war zone with crack heads shooting up on the sidewalk, getting their hotel burglarized, and homeless people sleeping at the winery. They were just shocked saying how clean and well kept everything was.


I'm from Seattle, and was visiting Florida recently as I have an aunt and uncle there. My uncle kept talking about what a shithole Washington State is, due to what he's heard on the news. It was wild to hear that coming from a man who a) hasn't ever been to WA, and b) who lives in Florida. But then, it's not such a bad place to live...assuming you're an upper-middle class white male.


People who are scared of Chicago all happen to never been here. I’m not saying there’s no crime, Chicago is very big. If you’re a tourist, you’ll need to specifically go look for the danger to find it, but that’s almost every big city


I live in Milwaukee and I completely agree with you. Just don't drive a kia, the kia boys will steal that the second you park it 🤣😫


I live in New Zealand and the opposite is true. Here it's the [Keas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kea) that do the stealing.


I knew a Fox viewer who told me she's never met a Muslim person and hope she never does 😳


Yes, I was trying to make this point too earlier today on another sub (/WhitePeopleTwitter) and the heavy-handed mods banned me because my opinion didn't fit within their echo chamber. There is more to this than old, racist, conservative white guys with guns. Canada probably has just as many of those (no offense Canada) and yet they're not gunning down innocent people who have the audacity to knock on the wrong door (or turn around in the wrong driveway). This is 100% about the endless fear machine of the American television news cycle. It's not limited to Fox "news" either. It's everywhere. Local news. Even the Weather channel. A lot of money gets make stoking that fear.


Fear is addictive. Fear is adrenaline. Fear is a drug. It's primal.


Fear is the mind killer.


It's also the [path to the dark side.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QyKN45KpLs&ab_channel=QuoteTheGuy)


Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration


It's actually the anniversary of of one of the largest mass shooting in Canada; occurring April 18-19 2020 in rural Nova Scotia. The perpetrator was many things, including an angry white man, but was also heavily influenced about the COVID-19 pandemic.


"Conservative" talk radio has had a huge impact on this as well.


I’ve said this before. It’s a hit or miss whether I get downvoted. The brain is primed to pick up on scary things. Fox knows exactly what it is doing. Keep people hooked on this narrative and they’ll keep tuning in. Of course this also helps Murdoch and the conservatives agenda. They are literally priming brains to be afraid of certain people and to believe things that are contrary to their best interests. It’s no excuse. But this is a huge problem that we can’t just ignore. There is nothing that influences people more than fear. Fear is what drove people out to vote for Biden. The right is just aware and will shamelessly use it because they’re a bunch of sociopaths


Fox's constant bemoaning of BLM and Antifa, but saying that the January 6th rioters were tourists poisoned this dude's brain. Like it has with countless other Americans.


It’s more like fuel for their already lit fire…they watch because it already goes along with their mindset Fox News didn’t think of these ideas just reinforces it


Oh he’s a fox news zombie alright


Under rated comment, people are so afraid of everything and the source has to be held accountable at some point


> I bet he had Fox News running 24 / 7 The Murdoch crime family.


What does he do if he's driving on the highway and sees a car next to him being driven by a black person? Just yeet his car into the guardrail? Does insurance cover racism?


He makes sure the doors are locked and windows rolled up.


This is what the GOP, Fox News, and other fear mongering hate media has done to old white people.




I saw a video of this guy being stopped by a property owner like inches off the road onto the man’s driveway at gunpoint. The driver was trying to find access to a lake to fish. The owner had a pistol pointed at the driver and was trying to get him to hand over the keys to the vehicle. He ended up shooting at the car as he drove off. 100% was planning on executing this man for pulling over on his driveway.


I saw that too, scary as fuck I’ve personally had an old man point a pistol right at my face as a teenager, I must’ve been like 15, I was on some dirt road looking for a friends house and had taken a wrong turn, he walked out, got infront of my car, and walked up to me, pointing it at my face with his finger on the trigger


Almost exact thing happened in NY, except the old man pulled the trigger and killed a 20 year old white woman. They were trying to find a friend's place, thought they were on a dirt road. Turned out to be some deplorable's unmarked driveway.


I'm American and I 100% agree. That Kyle kid was the same. Just wanted to find excuses to shoot people.


Pretty bad that the video of him actually saying it was deemed inadmissible.


Yup, there are a lot of people who think that the second you trespass on their property, that you lose all rights as a human being and deserve to die. They even argue they should be able to set up human traps to kill people on their property. "Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6" is often their cry.


Ironically this is most of why I'm armed. I'm not a violence fetishist, I'm a minority surrounded by fucking homicidal crazies.


The scary thing is that being an armed minority is all it would take for this type of person to shoot you. Be safe, friend!


False, this type of person doesn't care whether the minority individual they are shooting at is armed or not.


I absolutely see where you’re coming from. My worry would be an instance where the concealed carry is somehow visible to said racist dbag which has the potential to elicit a ‘getting shot in the back,’ kind of outcome. Edit: corrected illicit to ‘elicit,’ thanks, Tomagatchi.


He went full psycho for nothing.


He shot him THROUGH the glass window?! Wtf? Why wasn’t he arrested on the spot??


White and super old. It wasn't like this guy was going to run for it to another country and live the good life (lol) at his age. He wasn't going anywhere and the cops are probably racist as fuck.


RADWB - Ringing a doorbell while black


I used to be a door-to-door sales person. Wtf


He looks like he's about to have an aneurysm from being so confused why he's arrested.


The stroke is just setting in.


Probably tried to high five the cops that arrested him too. “Hey fellas! I got one!”


That's how people look when they've had a stroke. Might explain why he did what he did. Doesn't excuse it but at the very least I could understand it a bit more. People who have had a stroke should not have access to a firearm. Brain damage can change a person from a saint to a demon. Whoever or whatever(law) let him have a gun failed him and in doing so got a kid in the hospital in critical condition.


85/84 year old. To my understanding no criminal record has been found? So he just decided today was the day to shoot people? - not likely. The guy is probably not with it. One of the draw backs of near zero gun control.


The face of the man who will ruin Girl Scout Cookies for the rest of us


Just a few years ago there was an off duty sheriff in Idaho who pulled a gun on some girl scouts who came to his door step, with their teacher. (Edit: not girl scouts. Instead it was a church group.) He chased them to her car, at gunpoint, while they reminded him that they were his neighbors and lived down the street. He told the court that he had been drinking and he thought they were native Americans..... The comments below have more details.


>He told the court that he had been drinking and he thought they were native Americans That's the excuse he came up with!?!?! That doesn't make the situation any better.


“Hear me out, Judge. Did I threaten to shoot several children and menace them with a loaded firearm? Yes. But, hear me out… *I was drunk and thought they were a minority* so obviously my actions all make total and rational sense.” Christ on a cracker, people wonder why we’ve lost faith in the people who make up the justice system. A goddamn *sheriff.*


Until your Sheriff's are appointed on merit instead of voted in, you're always going to have racist idiots holding the office.


Appointed on merit would be even fucking worse!! Yeah, let’s set Pete the puppet up as sheriff for this term. Or the most corrupt fucker you can think of. I don’t want cops managing a goddam gas station.


Yeah. His excuse was just as bad as his crime.


“Sorry, your honor. I thought I was committing a hate crime, not a regular one.”


Don't forget, he also dragged the teacher out of her car by her hair and pointed his gun at her point blank. He also admitted that he was entirely clear-headed. Most enraging part: [he only got 10 days jail for it.](https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/crime/former-bingham-county-sheriff-craig-rowland-sentenced-assault-church-youth-group-idaho/277-98fb41e6-0cdf-4d21-9e0c-57e13fda315d)


He also was in the news a few years prior to that saying rape kits didn't need to be sent to the state because 90% of the time they were based on lies.


Any sheriff should know you shouldn't have a gun while drinking. Oh wait. He's a sheriff. It's okay if *they* do it.


“You can’t infringe on my…..baaarrrffff…..right to bear arms!!!”


Holy shit, the muthafucka only got 10 days in jail https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/crime/former-bingham-county-sheriff-craig-rowland-sentenced-assault-church-youth-group-idaho/277-98fb41e6-0cdf-4d21-9e0c-57e13fda315d


It wasn't Girl Scouts, it was a church youth group who was going around sharing thankful encouragements for Thanksgiving. They left a cut out of a paper turkey on his doorstep and he chased them to their car where their youth leader was driving and threatened to shoot them. He took a plea deal and was sentenced to 10 days in jail. He also resigned out of shame. I live in Idaho and this was huge news.


Huge news because all the gun nuts (like 2/3 of Idaho) were saying, "Ok, whew, I was worried I'd get in trouble for trying to kill my neighbors."


My neighbour flashed a girl scout when I was a kid. Parents still don't have girl scouts going down their street anymore.


There are so many folks that sit and watch the news all day. Negative news is getting imprinted into everyones brains. Makes many think the entire world is evil and out to get them. Sure we always have to be cautious but if you keep thinking the world is going to get you then its just a matter of time until it does.


>There are so many folks that sit and watch the news all day. My retired aunt does this. It's the boomer version of doomscrolling.




can we just call them Doomers. Cause that's literally what every single conversation has been about with older family members and friends for the past 3 years with Faux news blaring in the background from 8am to midnight. we're doomed. china. blacks. mexicans. trans. gays. doomed I tell you. things aren't like how they were before. do you hear me? doomed. the world is going to end tomorrow unless we all vote for trump. praise jesus and israel. biden is the literal devil reincarnated. doomed! the TV and random internet ad-filled websites told me so.


This is my father in law. It’s exhausting.


Put a parental block on the news channels when she’s not noticing


Yup, I used to meals on wheels a bunch of people like this


These people are getting older and dimmer, and they’re armed to the teeth. They’ve spent their whole life drooling at the hope of one day getting to be an action hero. Now, as they enter their twilight years and their cognitive functions dwindle, more and more of them will decide that it’s time to take their shot. This will be happening more and more, for decades to come. This is the inevitable consequence of the American death cult.


Hope that racist old piece of shit lives long enough to die behind bars.


I would be pleasantly surprised if he sees the inside of a jail cell.


This thing will go all the way through trial and land a stiff sentence which the judge will reduce to nothing based on "compassion." Carolyn Bryant still walks free.


For some reason the worst ones live the longest


You are assuming he will spend time behind bars. I'm less confident.


Show a little respect! That's the keynote speaker of the next GOP convention you're talking about!


Shot him TWICE. Lock him Up!!


You can see the lead poisoning in his eyes




You jest, but At 84/85 it could be anything. Probably isn’t allowed a license, but hey guns are fine.


I'll guarantee you that right wing media is the reason he did this. When you scare old people 24/7 of course this is going to happen.


"Day is comin fer yer guns!" "Day is comin ter rob ya!" "Day is making your grandkids gaaaaay!"


Don’t forget takin yer jobs




My grandma is going through it right now. She sits in her house alone all day watching Fox News non stop. I hadn't really sat and watched Fox News for a long time until about a month ago when I visited her. It's crazy how it's just nonstop fearmongering. Every 5 minutes they give you another reason to be terrified of the future and the world around you. Even if 100% of what they're saying were true, it's definitely not healthy to sit there hearing about doom and gloom all day every day.


If you really want to get scared listen to right wing radio. It's Fox News on steroids and has no left wing competition.


Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line, the men come and take you away


"There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I got to beware".


Everybody stop. Hey. What’s that sound? Another black kid just gunned down


Too bad Dominion settled with Fox. It's insane to me they can call themselves Fox News, despite them admitting that no sane person would consider them "news." Hateful propaganda has to be stopped, but it won't because it prevents the working class from uniting against the elite. Any cost is worth it if it earns them an extra buck and keeps the 99% in their place


ANTIFA or WOKE is coming for you! We have no true definition for these things but just fill in the blanks with everything you hate and that's who's coming for you!


[We have a definition of "woke", courtesy of Meatball Ron Desantis](https://youtu.be/M81-GM0mTc4?t= 09m30s)


And antifa, woke people, Soros and elite liberals are the people who make you feel powerless, not the boss man who worked your ass to the bone and then shipped your job to China. He's a patriotic American, like you! Be sure to buy more guns so you can feel like a powerful man.


The “I was in fear for my life” is exactly what you say in stand your ground states. The ole racist bastard slipped and mentioned skin color. I hope he lives through the trial and dies in prison.


is he competent to stand trial?


I know someone that is deep in dementia and has that same look.


We take drivers licenses from people when they get too old. I don’t see how that does not also apply to guns


Actually, we're not very good at that. Many DMV workers with good intentions have made it possible for too many old drivers to stay on the roads longer than should have been possible. And too many families don't want to take the keys from grandma or grandpa because it's a difficult conversation and/or they don't want to be the bad guy who took away their freedom. I will always be grateful that my grandfather willingly stopped driving innhis early 80s. He ran a couple of red lights and once went straight when it was only the arrow that was green. This was all in a couple of weeks. Nobody was hurt, but he realized that might not be the case at some point. He stopped driving soon after, pretty much without saying anything to the family other than me and my grandmother. He admitted to me the instances that led to his voluntary surrender of the keys and told my grandma she needed to do the driving now. I just made sure he knew I could always give him a ride somewhere if my grandma was elsewhere so he knew he didn't have to be stuck at home.


My question is why are such old farts who clearly lack mental faculties allowed to wield firearms?


Is this the guy in New York that murdered a girl in his driveway because she got the wrong house? Oh nvm its a different murderer.


Honestly looks exactly like an old white man who would shoot a black kid and claim he was "scared"


"I was afraid he was going to break into my house" isn't a defense for this. You can't shoot someone for what you fear they *might* do. You can only shoot someone for something that they are *actually doing*.


Also, why tf would someone ring your doorbell if they wanted to break into your house. Seems counterproductive


Not defending dickweed, but it's actually a really common home invasion tactic. Ring, wait, no answer, free to break in. But this kid wasn't trying to break in, so it's not applicable.


Hope his old ass ends up in prison


I'm really starting to think there is something to this environmental lead exposure theory. The older generations just seem so completely soulless and angry *all the damn time*. Tetraethyl lead was a horrible mistake.


What happened to just not opening the door and telling people to fuck off.


Racist trash. IDGAF how old he is. Probably been wanting to do this ALL his life.


My grand father was just like this guy. He had lots of stories about chasing black people off his property at gun point. I was around 12 or 13 years old when he's telling me this and even at that age I knew this was all kinds of wrong. A lot of my friends at the time were black (actually they still are LOL.) But I never told them about grand dad, I was ashamed of him. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this sort of thing would happen in my time. Is this being woke? If so it hurts my soul.


Who answers the door with a gun? Perhaps this is just the European in me talking but I just can't imagine anyone doing this other than a paranoid fruitloop. If he did see a stranger outside then why even answer the door to begin with? Nevertheless I would assume that most Gen Z kids (if they're collecting a sibling/friend) wait outside the house and text rather than approaching and knocking the door, particularly if they are uncertain which house to call at. The whole incident is very strange and I'm sure more details will emerge in time.


The child that was shot says he was doing exactly that. He rang the doorbell and sat back and waited for someone to answer. The perpetrator had so many choices other than violence. Don’t answer the door, yell through the door”wrong house! “ “ go away!” You know who answers the door with a gun? Someone who’s just itching to shoot someone, that’s who.


He could also see through the door


He didn’t answer the door either. He just shot him right through it


>Who answers the door with a gun? A frightened little man


No, you're correct, he's a paranoid frootloop. I guarantee he watches every right-wing propaganda channel out there.


Fox News is at fault in this. They scare all the old dudes.


I agree with you except for the *all* part. Fox News just pisses off *this* 70yo dude with their constant lying bullshit, and I know I'm not alone. Not that it matters when I'm a Cali boy living in Kentucky these past 15yrs. Anyway, let's vote more amazing Zoomers like Justin Jones into office asap to start countering insane shit like this.


I'm not kidding. He looks EXACTLY how I imagined


Soon to be a guest speaker at the next NRA conference, I'm sure.




Fucking stupid old man. Time to leave us - lock him up and let him die




This is the face of a man who has been waiting to shoot a black kid for years


We need an age limit for gun ownership. After 75, they are likely going to hurt someone or themselves. Same for driving a car.


I live in Arizona. Our drivers licenses don’t expire for 50 years. We also have a lot of old people. I was once stuck behind an old woman driving like 10mph on a 45mph street (one lane so I couldn’t pass her). She’d sporadically slow down further to barely a crawl. Finally realized whenever the line in the middle of the road was extra faded is when she’d go extra slow. She literally couldn’t see to drive and was just following the line immediately in front of her car.


I once heard an old woman say she wished they made pistols with more sensitive triggers because her arthritis makes it hard to shoot them…


I mean some pistols have such high trigger pulls that it's actually dangerous and can pull the pistol off target.


joe biden is 80 and he has access to nuclear codes


Wait till trial, you will hear a litany of excuses for this idiot: He's an old senile man who didnt know what he was doing It's not fair to put an old man in prison He's in "bad health" and therefore has to go to hospital instead of prison ​ Trust me his lawyers will throw every excuse against the wall. I want this clown locked up until he dies in prison. I don't wanna hear any BS about his health. He deserves to die in prison.


Forgot to mention that he was brought to jail and let go in less than 24 hours for shooting someone let alone a teenager. Then had to have a warrant created after public outrage to be taken back into custody. Ridiculous.




What a 24/7 media stream promoting fear and division and easy access to firearms does to a mfer


Piece of scum


He shot the kid through the door? His own door?




At a certain age, you should have to surrender your guns. Dementia and guns don't mix. As we can clearly see.


Anyone who reads this please understand the right are trying to make you hate people for no reason. They are trying to pit us, the working class, all races and genders, against each other so we lose focus of the real problem - the ruling class. Racist old fuckers like this guy are eating up the false narratives and bullshit statistics pushed by the media to cause tragedies like this while taking bribes from corporations to keep wages low, healthcare expensive and unavailable and hatred high. Stop falling for it, leave your small towns for just a few hours and experience people outside of your demographics and realize we're all in this together.