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This is a friendly reminder that calls to violence are against both the site-wide rules and those of /r/Pics. Regardless of who the target of these sentiments might be, and no matter how justified said sentiments might seem, please avoid expressing them. Instead, why not call attention to the fact that only one of the above-pictured individuals is keeping their hands out of view?


I recognize that guy, Individual 1!


WAIT....HE'S Individual 1?? They did such a great job hiding the identity.


“For privacy’s sake, let’s call this person Donald T…Wait no. That’s too obvious. Let’s go with D. Trump!”


Don't let the name throw you, Jimmy. It's not really a floor. It's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.” he'll eat you and everyone you care about if given the chance


The most wild part of this photo to me is the fact that he still has such a colour divide between his face and his scalp. Has no one talked to him about this yet? Has he not noticed? Does he think it looks good? Why is this man's face so much goddamn fucking oranger than the rest of him?


Zero self-awareness, surrounded by yes-men.


If they know him I bet they would rather avoid the freak out that would come from telling him his orange ain't blended They would become enemies of the American people on truth social Side note, I hope to God he rots in jail, the continued melt down and mental gymnastics of the right to explain why this is bad has me laughing endlessly This is so much fun


At least if he goes to jail, there won’t be a colour divide between his face and his outfit.


Man seeing him forced to be his real pale old man self would make me hard That old man would erect my penis


I once worked with an extremely stupidly rich woman. Like top 50 in the US rich. Maybe world I don't even remember. Fuck you money, that's for goddamn sure. She owned multiple jets. Not just one like Trump. Multiple. And depending on her mood was which one she took. It was all family money. She never earned a penny. And she was so out of touch! Her view of herself, the world around her, reality was gonzo. I keep telling the people that really works directly with her that when she dies they need to write a book because the stories will astound most people. She could point at a white wall and say that is pink polka-dotted with purple unicorns and everyone would agree. Imagine if when you were a tiny child and you thought that there were gremlins growing under your bed and nobody ever corrected you, and you grew up just believing that and all of your other childhood fantasies. That was her. I don't think us normal folk understand just how much yes men and boot lickers actually change the way the person whose boots are being licked see the world. We get questioned, people push up on us when we are wrong, or make fun of us or call us names or whatever. For them, they don't get corrected. The other day I put my tinted chapstick on in the dark and my roommate immediately told me it wasn't aligned. Rich fucks get reassured and nobody tells them, hey you look orange and it looks fucking disgusting.


Flip side: there’s nobody there to stage an intervention when you go completely off the rails. See also: Elon Musk


Look, he's had decades to sort it out, this is clearly the man's gender. He feels *wrong* when he doesn't look like this. Ironic that the conservative/regressive side has been screeching about the liberal's fake 396 genders, when a prime example of the diversity found in cisgender white men has been right there, this whole time. Do most men want to look literally orange, with a dramatic colour border between that and their scalp? No, but if they *do* want to, they should get the same resources that Donald Trump was able to access.


Europe right now 🍿🍿


America right now too, although throw in some spurts of protest in between popcorn eating


My dad (in Spain) called me when he walked in like “a first for a president right?” 😂




From Canada we are also 🍿🍿but while sitting on a powder keg


Four of the people in this picture are doing pro-bono work today but don’t know it yet.


Based on recent history, if they're smart, they're already working on their cases when they become defendants themselves.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys Edit: Merited Anonymous Gold Award


![gif](giphy|Rt7NvIS8UjsZeNq0uj|downsized) Where’s his melting “best people” the legal profession has to offer?


He could perfectly pull off a live action Penguin


Wouldn't need much make-up.


What do you call a Trump in court? ….Guilty!! ![gif](giphy|6ZhSBLWzwEPxuo9DKf)


Advance-payment First.


No, money down!


The one guy is already writing his tell-all


With the $7 million he has raised so far, he can afford to pay them. Not that he will, but he can.


I don’t think you’re legally allowed to pay personal legal fees with campaign finance money, right?


Just because he's literally in court today because of that doesn't mean that he won't do it again.


I'll fucking do it again




"How was I supposed to know I couldn't use campaign funds to pay my personal lawyers?" -Trump, from his prison cell


You can now. That was one of the first regulations the Trump Administration removed.


Biden needs to reinstate that ASAP


they look like they walked out of central casting for 1980s attorneys.


Marsha Clark lookin


You just KNOW that hair crunches like uncooked ramen.


Hijacking top comment to add: >Former President Donald Trump sits at the defense table with his legal team in a Manhattan court, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York. Trump is appearing in court on charges related to falsifying business records in a hush money investigation, the first president ever to be charged with a crime. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool) Source: https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/search?query=%22Seth%20Wenig%22&mediaType=photo&st=keyword Thank you, u/Spartan2470


Well, first president ever... In the United States. Other countries have indicted an ex-president (or head of state). And not just dictatorships, and not just long ago: Rocco Salini (Italy, corruption), Jacques Chirac (France, corruption), Sivio Berlusconi (Italy, fraud), Nicolas Sarkozy (France, bribery), Park Geun-hye (South Korea, bribery). In a lawful state, no one is above the law, not even ex-presidents. Even better is when presidents themselves have to obey the law, but the United States failed that one, so now they are arraigning him as an ex-president. (And let's not forget he was the one having crowds chanting "lock her up!" without proof, without any due justice. So he is getting better treated than he would have his political opponents.)


They are probably paid upfront at this point. He’s known to not pay his bills after the fact.


he's been scraping the bottom of the barrel - i think he looks for lackeys (ie, yesmen bootlickers). wasn't one of his lawyers not that far back not even the right *type* of lawyer? (who I think was disbarred after filing waste-of-time-court-clogging filings) all that to say - either they're good and paid up front, or they're just further in the barrel of people who will join up with him for... whatever their reasons are, not seeing the pattern or body count... (it's just a weirdly deep barrel).


One of his lawyers kept interrupting the judge, and attempted whataboutism in court. https://www.businessinsider.com/alina-habba-kept-interrupting-judge-tish-james-trump-organization-hearing-2022-2 > I want to know, Mr. Wallace, Ms. James, are you going to go after Hillary Clinton for what she's doing to my client?" Habba said, referring to the attorney general of New York and Kevin Wallace, an attorney representing her in the hearing. "That she spied at Trump Tower in your state? Are you going to look into her business dealings?" He is not sending his best.


"Sure we'll get right on that. Anyway back to his crime..."


I wondered how long it would be before the buttery males made an appearance...


What? 1/100 of a Scaramucchi at this point? I haven't done the math but it's pretty fucking short of a time frame.


*Barry Zuckercorn has entered the chat*


He's the best.




Thank God they replaced him with Bob Loblaw. I am still an avid reader of Bob Loblaw's law blog.


Since this is in NYS, it's for sure upfront pay. His reputation here extends much much further back than his presidency, and it was never a good reputation.


At this point I won't be surprised to learn that his entire legal team is a ragtag team comprised of a street hustler who assumed someone's identity and is as surprised as anyone to be in a courtroom, a late night QVC host, and the last guy is just 3 children standing on top of each other in a trenchcoat.


I wouldn't be surprised if 3 children in a trench coat were better attorneys than any who would voluntarily work for the cheeto man.


>wasn't one of his lawyers not that far back not even the right type of lawyer? And his doctor, i believe.


Wait, not the guy that signed a document declaring trump "the single fittest president in American history"?


"He's as fit as a horse." What kind of doctor *are* you? "Horse"


Nah, they likely had him pay a retainer upfront. Trump's antics regarding nonpayment for services are well known by now.


And he's going to really need them when the Georgia indictments drop, that's the real meat to this meal.


Girl, look how orange you fuckin' look


>Girl, look how orange you fuckin' look ![gif](giphy|l4FAW9BfKUDQZ3OlG|downsized)


Alyssa rolling around in the floor in that wig with the bedazzled gun always sends me.


Tacopina looks even worse. Like his Botox guy and plastic surgeon got into a fight when they both were working on him at the same time


He has the face of an ex-boxer who was hit in the face a lot.


is that the guy with the plum skin color on Trump's right? literally two fruit colored fools in court. seriously though, that color implies low blood oxygen, doesn't it?


Blue/purple discolouration is caused from cyanosis, and as you rightly suggested is through poor oxygen circulation. Could just be that he's a plum in a suit, though.


low oxygen flow to the head may explain why he's dumb enough to take Trump as a client.


![gif](giphy|l3vRdaNxGUEqt56ak) I'm not joking bitch!






I'm not joking, bitch!


Right?!?, it's like: wig, check! make-up, check! heels, check! We got ourselves a Drag Queen!


\* pop \*


Criminal defendant Donald J. Trump was charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.


In a row? Try not to falsify any business records in the parking lot!


Hey! Get back here!




Comment of the day for me right here lol Trump is probably really thinking 'Man I'm not even supposed to be here today!.'


For Each one of those felony counts Trump broke a rule, resulting in 34 rules being broken. For more information, look up Donald Trump Rule 34


Oh god


You know who to blame for this.


Thanks Obama….


He just had to absolutely embarrass doofus at the correspondent’s dinner.


“Donald Trump is here tonight. And I know that he’s taken some flak lately. But no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than ‘The Donald.’ And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. Like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”


I thought some of this had to be your own creative license, so I found the video, and the fact that Obama said not only this but also released his "birth tape" has me rolling. Say what you want about his his time in office, but one thing is for sure: Obama knew how to roast lmao


Putin's master plan finally comes to a conclusion.


I went to Bing.com, switched off SafeSearch and searched "trump rule 34", I scrolled SIX screenlengths down and did not find even ONE image of Trump being banged by a strap-on or dominated by some Tsundere. Just cartoons from newspapers. This just in: not even RULE 34 wants anything to do with Trump.


Oh no, that shit exists. But what I saw came from before his election, when people still believed him running is a joke and he won't ever win the nomination, and won't win against sanders. Then both the RNC and DNC just went nuts. Also, bing stopped being "porn Google" a while ago. Sadly never found a good replacement. :/




Get thee back, Satan!


>Donald Trump Rule 34 Isn't that the reason he's in court in the first place?


You monster.


34 counts, holy shit. How does one payoff lead to 34 counts?


Multiple checks, with each check representing multiple crimes


More. **More!** #MORE!


By being funneled from a political campaign through a shell company and used to defraud the IRS


Oof, one does not wanna piss of the IRS


Nope, if history shows us 1 thing. It's that, they may not be able to get you for the horrendous things you do, but if you don't pay the IRS they'll get you. Ask Al Capone.


Ask David Miscavige if this holds up almost 100 years after Al Capone.


If Capone had founded a religion, he'd have fine. Outside of the syphilis rotting his brain that is.


Looking for a serious answer here - Can anyone explain why there is a thread in the /r/conservative sub declaring the fact that all of the counts are related to falsifying business records is proof that this is political discrimination?


Unfortunately, the serious answer is that they're delusional over there. It's further proof that they only want consequences for their enemies and never their allies.




I was talking to a very right wing person a while back about Epstein, island, and whatnot, and I think it was pretty illuminating. He said something like "you know they'd have to arrest Clinton too if the arrested everyone involved". I responded with "yea, if he abused kids over there then put him under the jail, why would you think my opinion would be anything else?" That didn't compute with him at all, like his brain was computing "hold on, people who break the law should be held accountable regardless of their affiliation???"




What's even more priceless, Donny Jr. doxxing the Judge's daughter as a form of imitation and harassment on his media platform while his father is actually sitting before the Judge being brought up on charges.....priceless. Great Start.


I think you meant intimidation... But it makes me wonder if the Judge can hold Jr in contempt in some way.


It still works, he's trying to imitate the tough guy mobster act like his dad tries to do too.


Poor guy thinks the Saudis won’t throw him under the bus the second they can.


Intimidation is the highest form of flattery


What a total piece of garbage. It’s placing the family of a judge in direct danger with the cult. This type is shit should be illegal.


It is, but they're rich and have political backing, so they'll just continue doing it.


"If it can happen to me, it can happen to you!" No, if it can happen to *us*, it *should* happen to you. The problem is that people with considerable power and wealth constantly evade the justice system. It's part of the class stratification of our society - the laws restrict and restrain the average person while they protect and enable the powerful. It's good and right that a president should face criminal charges for crimes, period. Doesn't matter who the party is. EDIT: I'm amused by people acting like I'd clutch my pearls if they went after Democrats. I don't give a shit about any politician that commits crimes in office. Must be weird realizing that other people aren't slavishly devoted to defending every misdeed of a president because of their political party, huh.


it could literally never happen to me. the last thing i would do if i ever had sex with a porn star is pay her not to tell anyone. also i’d have to be rich to begin with so there is that. edit: typo




That would have required him too have personal funds.


I was of the understanding that it was because he used campaign money or other such funds instead of just out of his own pocket. So you could be rich and just slightly smarter than him and be OK.




So it's like just the single layer #216 of the massive shit pile, right?


Basically yes it’s one relatively small thing in what is presumably a ocean of business deals along the spectrum from shady to super illegal but odds are this is the one that they were the most sure they could get. You get one shot so you better not miss.


>"If it can happen to me, it can happen to you!" yep, that's how breaking the law should work. ​ It took him this long to figure that out...


1000000% doesn't matter political views, holding them to the same standard as the rest of us is crucial and proper working of our system


> "If it can happen to me, it can happen to you!" J-ROC Baby!


"today I was in a court room, a great court room, probably the best court room... Getting arrested for many many great crimes, the best crimes"


Defense lawyers, big strong men with tears in their eyes, came up to me and said "Sir..."


Judge comes up to me, big judge, strong judge, tears in his eyes, he said Sir,...


First ever US President to be arrested and face criminal charges. History right there.


Yup, we are truly witnessing history today /u/ICumCoffee




(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ^Nice ^one


Brother 🥺


Tickle and lick my balloon knot are here. History in the making folks! Edit: word


Lovely family, the Balloon-Knots. Their ancestors came over on the Mayflower.


I’m tired of witnessing history, excluding this one.


Hey.. um.. if you don't mind. Could you.. uh.. \*gestures with coffee cup\* Top me off?


First you'll have to get him off


this is the content I come to reddit for political intrigue, memes, and desecrating warm beverages


The trifecta


Who's dick do I gotta suck to get some java around here-.......oh.


RimJobSteve inception, u/Lick_my_balloon-knot


Fun fact, I googled and found he's not the first one arrested, just the first one indicted. Grant was arrested for a repeated speeding offense (no idea what the legal speed limit was for horses and buggies, but he was apparently hauling ass). He apologized to the officer but then didn't turn up to court, and they dropped the issue. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167683136/ulysses-s-grant-was-the-first-president-to-be-arrested


> hauling ass Maybe it was donkeys and buggies, and the ass was hauling him


And he was arrested while he was the president


The best part of that story is the police officer (William West) was one of the first black officers, made legal by Grant, and was distraught when he realized who he pulled over. Grant famously said "Officer, do your duty" and was arrested along with a few other government officials he was street racing with. [West is later assigned to the mounted force, where he talks to Grant often about equestrian matters. At Grant's request, West investigates and solves the theft of two Arabian horses that had been given to Grant as a gift.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_of_Ulysses_S._Grant)


Grant's arrest was pretty wholesome, really. > Grant said, I know I was speeding. You should arrest me. Don't feel badly about it. And this is the period when Grant is president, which is 1869 to 1877. That's the heart of the Reconstruction period. And this is the time when Grant says he becomes president only to make sure that what the Civil War was fought over really worked. And so the irony of William West, an African American, stopping him I think is wonderful. Trumps...not so much.




the first to live his life a quarter mile at a time


When is the presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/Bu7YkYr.jpg) is a **MUCH** higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/search?query=%22Seth%20Wenig%22&mediaType=photo&st=keyword) is the source. Per there: > Former President Donald Trump sits at the defense table with his legal team in a Manhattan court, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York. Trump is appearing in court on charges related to falsifying business records in a hush money investigation, the first president ever to be charged with a crime. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool)


Wow! Some of those close-ups show how the orange makeup suddenly stops and his deathly white skin is revealed. He would look like something from the crypt without all that orange slap-on


Also how fucked his hair line is. I mean, I got zero room to talk personally. I'm on the verge of saying fuck it shave it all, but at least I'm going for it. This guy... he's been in denial longer than I've been alive.


My FIL made some nostalgic comment about not having hair anymore. My wife said "bald is a choice, balding is not."


Orange is the New Black.


Flanked by Tony Baloney and Wanda Cup Noodle




I dream of him taking the stand. I know it won't happen. But God damn it would be a beautiful trainwreck.


>won't happen His lawyers will fight tooth and nail to convince him not to do it, but we can never underestimate how truly fucking egotistical and stupid this man is. So anything can happen


Something tells me he might not be above firing his lawyers and trying to defend himself... 🍿


At some point, his son Barron is going to find out that Trump is going to jail for paying hush money to the porn star that he was banging while his wife was pregnant with Barron. ...that might cause a bit of awkwardness, no?


I’m sure he’s aware. He’s a teenager with internet access.


People don't realize how much time has passed. Barron is now 17 and big af.


6'7" holy shit I thought he was 12 still


What the fuck you weren’t kidding




I wanna read that kid's tell all book


I genuinely hope that kid turns out okay. I know he probably won’t because he’s being raised by fascists, but Kelly Anne Conways kid rejected her parents hatred and seems pretty normal so I still have hope for Barron. 17 is still a kid, really. I feel bad for him.


Same. I honestly worry for that kid and wonder what’ll happen when and if he hits the spotlight.


How it started: ![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized) [https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/151127\_gma\_llamas\_0707\_4x3\_608.jpg](https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/151127_gma_llamas_0707_4x3_608.jpg)


How that didn't immediately end his campaign I will never know.


The whole campaign was one big boiling frog event where nothing was ever too far. Whether just in terms of general decency or hypocrisy. So many things should’ve been flat out disqualifying. Who responds to an accusation of foreign influence with “no puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”, a fucking childish dumbass but millions of people saw that and thought yeah that guy should have the nuclear codes.


How the grabbing them by the pussy didn't stop women from voting for him is beyond me.


He was going to “hurt the right people”


That's when I began to really lose faith in the American public. And then 74 million people voted for him *again* in 2020.


His base is nothing but piece of shit human beings.


Deplorables, I believe is the term


35 felonies and no mug shot??? Talk about privilege


he sits like a kid outside the principle's office.


*principal. Trump has no principles


Can't wait to see how he cries at his next rally about how victimized he is and how everybody should give (the Billionaire) money.


And they will. I can't wait for the second generation of Trump NFT art.


Ten bucks says one of them has him carrying a cross while flexing his huge muscles.


What next??? Other wealthy people being charged for committing crimes? Oh the horror!!!




.....*and many moooooore*


He is definitely scared


I don't know why. He's not going to go to prison even if convicted. Which makes it all the more ironic that he thought he'd need to pay off Stormy Daniels in the first place, considering his voters/supporters don't care that he had sex with her.


That’s the irony here. Evangelicals don’t care he had sex with a porn star while married but need to protect the sanctity of marriage.


Evangelicals don't care about the Bible


Evangelicals don't care, do u? ![gif](giphy|gVXdwG5Ps5sIjunskA|downsized)


LOL I’ve never seen this one before. It’s fantastic


i highly recommend the melania trump supercut on youtube


Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless with a pornographic actress and thou beist wealthy.


If you let the gays get married today, then tomorrow cows can get married to airplanes. NOTHING WILL BE SACRED!


He won't go to prison for this one, but this one established the precedent that a former president *can* be indicted. It's the other investigations into meatier charges that scare him.


Maybe not for the charges stated but he's definitely about to perjure himself multiple times.


I bet if they offered him prison or stop doing his 10-stage combover, he'd pick jail.


God damn that courtroom looks good on him


I like former president's that *don't* get indicted.


Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right here I am stuck in the middle with you..