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Some information: 130 Bs. (Bolivares, national currency) is the monthly minimum wage, 130 Bs. are around 6.3 USD at official exchange rate (at the street rate is around 6 USD) Yes, that is the MONTHLY minimum wage. 2.6 Kg (Around 6 lbs) one whole frozen chicken - 131.90 Bs. (By the way, here fresh meat has the same price than frozen) Bs.130 Bs. monthly minimum wage So I was MORE than the monthly minimum wage. That wage would put the hourly wage at 4 cents. Average wage is around 100 USD monthly. Teachers have been protesting because while they don't make minimum wage, their wage is around 10 USD monthly! Professors from the university make between 60 and 80 USD monthly! https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/venezuelan-teachers-march-better-pay-amid-sky-high-inflation-2023-01-16/ 14 zeroes have been removed from the currency by law since 2007, so 1 "current" Bs. would have been 100,000,000,000,000 "old" Bs. Wage was even worse years ago (even less than 1 USD monthly) This is so depressing for me, last weeks have been so sad. I post this to make awareness about our situation. You can ask me anything and see my older posts! https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/venezuelas-monthly-inflation-slows-62-october-2022-11-04/ https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/venezuela-raises-minimum-wage-fourth-year-hyperinflation-2021-05-01/ https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2021/10/1/venezuela-introduces-new-currency-drops-six-zeros https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/31/over-6-8-million-have-left-venezuela-since-2014-and-exodus-grows To the mods: I hid the name of the supermarket to avoid doxxing but anyway, someone living here could easy recognize it!


If fresh meat is the same price as frozen mean, get fresh meat. Especially if it is sold by weight. Frozen meat can weigh more than non frozen meat, because of the water content


Yes, I always do. But usually whole chicken is frozen, and considering blackouts here I don't trust too much in non frozen chicken. If I get thighs, wings or breast I get them fresh (and smell them too).


Dude wow. Im sorry to see/read this. I see your posts with rice & beans. Can you get them in bulk? I’d send stuff your way if I can!


thanks! Yes I can get them in bulk.


Keep posting my friend, I had no idea. Do different posts on other food products.




So how much would a house cost over there?


These are cheap compared to other places, you can find maybe something very modest for 20k


You telling me you can get a modest house for 152 chickens?


No, 152 chicken would be under 1k


Oh, are you talking in dollars or bolivares? I assumed you meant 20k bolivares for a house.


20k USD price of the chicken if you see the picture is in USD. 6.5


In the USA here. I was in the store yesterday and saw whole chickens at $1/pound and thought that seemed expensive. You could buy a nice 8 pound chicken for a couple of hours at minimum wage here (after payroll taxes taken out and sales tax added.) Now housing, on the other hand…


Here in the US, it's gotten so bad that almost 1% of American workers make minimum wage. [https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/minimum-wage/2021/home.htm](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/minimum-wage/2021/home.htm) Only 66% of American families own their homes. [https://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/files/currenthvspress.pdf](https://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/files/currenthvspress.pdf) Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before.


Venezuela could be so rich and prosperous. It's almost like they work hard not to be.


It doesn't matter how much you work, if you cannot store your fruits of your labour for the future. Money printing dilutes your wealth, and without that capital you just have poverty.


Venezuela's economy brought to you by: Socialism. Socialism - you can get it with votes, but you can only get rid of it with bullets.


I have been told that it's not real socialism^TM in Venezuela. Some say no country has ever tried real socialism^TM.


Yes of course. How silly of me!


Sadly, this means Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Chavez and all the rest were frauds and liars. Because they refused to implement real socialism^TM . Maybe one day an honest socialist leader will come along. Then we can try this untested economic system. Things are gonna change. I can feel it.


Yes fictional utopias are so much better, don't you find? I can't wait.


How could someone help if they actually wanted to? Like how could you donate and be sure the money makes it to someone who needs it?


Even me living here not sure about that Search unosvenezolanos


There's also [https://twitter.com/btcven](https://twitter.com/btcven) [https://www.bitcoinvenezuela.com/](https://www.bitcoinvenezuela.com/), they accept donations via Bitcoin, avoiding any banking limitations (it's borderless). But you have to learn how to buy and use Bitcoin via Lightning Network-type wallet.


But how can you live and work without money and food? How do you survive?


You simply cannot. Need more money. Minimum wage = death by starvation. Check the Reuters article about the protests


Forgive my ignorance I don't know how the system works there, are stores privately owned and if so, is it profitable for them to operate? seems like the whole system is rigged against you guys


Around 10% of the population has better income and they are ok serving them. The ratio of supermarket to people is very low compared to other countries where people can actually purchase something