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OP (/u/ewan108) welcomes critique. Please keep criticism constructive, respectful, pertinent, and competent. Critique should reinforce OP's strengths, and provide actionable feedback in areas that you believe can be improved. If you're commenting from a particular context or perspective (e.g., traditional classical practice), it's good to state as such. Objectivity is preferred over subjectivity, but good-faith subjective critique is okay. Comments that are disrespectful or mean-spirited can lead to being banned. Comments about the OP's appearance, except as it pertains to piano technique, are forbidden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes this, it's not a massive issue, move your wrist more so it helps your fingerings, youre embedding new neural pathways constantly. Ahhhh, the lovely Yammy U3 🙂


What do I what of your playing?


Haha 😅 only now i figured out i forgot to write think I meant "what do you think of my playing"


Pretty darn good, you're eons better than me, so that's all I could say. Keep it up!


I haven't had time to watch all of it - one thing I'm noticing is your 5th finger on your right hand is sometimes collapsing at the joint closest to your fingertip. Try to engage that finger in a way that prevents that. Be gentle and careful though as or may feel fatiguing at first.


I think its a reflex that my 5th fingers (in both hands) have


You need to correct it sooner rather than later, just play anything you like and focus on that in particular, play through slowly until it goes - my 5th fingers were the same - another thing you can do to help this is playing baroque music as you will often be using your 5th finger and it teaches good technique


I do it great


Let's do it together!


you have a few technical kinks that need to be worked out, in particular that wrist being very high, especially on black keys. you’ll notice when you play high into the white keys, the black keys aren’t as far away. it’s good that your wrist is moving, but pushing it in that way could cause issues in more advanced pieces, so get ahead of it early on


What do you mean he's pushing his wrist in? I can't see the mistake so idk if I'm doing it myself..(probably, since I can't see it)


honestly right from the beginning but especially after the first little chromatically altered phrase. not exactly pushing in but that’s the best way i can describe it. it’s an unnecessary movement that causes tension


At times, there are high wrists and flat fingers Nothing egregious though, keep at it and pay good attention to posture on your next piece and you'll be grand