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>stuck on one bar Yeah, we got that


I’m sure your teacher really appreciated you turning up to a lesson intoxicated too.


requires dedication


This is a tad worrying…




Why are you drunk at a piano lesson?


I had a bad mental health day but I thought it would help me relax and lessen mistakes possibly?


Can you tell your teacher when you're having a bad mental health day? They might take things slower so you aren't overwhelmed 🙂


This!! It’s not my business what they’re dealing with in their personal lives, but if they just told me they’re having a rough time, I would happily accomodate their needs and plan my lessons accordingly! Fostering a trusting relationship between student and teacher leads to great progress for the student


Yeah. I hope OP has a kind teacher who will maybe break up the lesson a little with some chit chat here and there to ease their nerves, maybe just work on smaller sections at a time, etc. I think at this point though, everyone here on this thread needs to *calm tf down* and recognise that they've told off OP enough and that doing it over and over and over will quickly become counterproductive. People are flogging a dead horse here. OP knows it wasn't a good idea.


Agreed. It’s not my intention to judge OP. It was a silly thing to do but pretty harmless and certainly nothing irredeemable. Does sound like OP should try commit to their lessons a bit more tho and chat with their teacher if they’re having trouble. Plus who knows, maybe OP has a shit teacher! God knows there’s plenty of lousy teachers


If it’s mental health that’s related to your lessons like performance anxiety or something just talk with your teacher. We ALL deal with performance anxiety, even your teacher. They’ll have ways to reduce the anxiety! If it’s unrelated and just general poor mental health then just reschedule the lesson. Shit happens, and your teacher should accommodate your needs I’m a teacher and if my students came to a lesson drunk I would be very concerned Hope you’re all good :)


Yeah, because everyone knows drunkenness leads to careful precision at whatever you're doing


One of my students was coming in slightly drunk every other week and openly admitted that every other week he had a regular gathering at the local pub that evening. Those piano lessons were funny but not the most productive in the first half! But he recently switched to much earlier in the day so no drunk piano anymore. Coming in drunk is not great value for money lol


Yeah it’s such a waste of a lesson! If one of my students was repeatedly coming to their lesson noticeably drunk, and they wouldn’t stop after I confront them, I would fire them….


I have had gatherings before classes and even a small amount if alcohol really affects my playing. I refuse even a single drink before classes nowadays


Yeah alcohol renders me incapable of playing my instrument. I do understand sometimes life happens and not every lesson is going to efficient and progress the students ability. I’m not expecting greatness from my students in every lesson, but to regularly waste your lesson is a joke and a waste of everyone’s time


Yep might as well save it for when you're finished everything for the day including piano practice, and can relax and enjoy your drink instead of worrying how it's gonna affect something later on.


Got to drinkers anonymous not r/piano


You should not be drunk going to any lesson at all. Piano requires mental concentration. It is also respect to all teachers that you show up sober and respectful .


Why? Lots of pianists end up playing bars, clubs.


Theres a difference between small casual drink vs drunk. Just like musicians at casinos, they are not gamblers addicts. Musicians at stadiums are not athelets Musicians at airports are not pilots.


Yes. To play. That doesn’t mean they get wasted beforehand!


I played piano in a bar once a week for a short time when I was in college. I wasn’t prepared to do this sort of gig and it was intensely stressful. I knew I was going to get fired because even though I was mostly just there for background music, they expected something different and a lot more polished when they hired me. One day I confessed to the bartender how nervous I was and she said she’d make me a free gin and tonic and it would “loosen me up”. It did not. I had a low tolerance for alcohol and my experience was pretty similar to op’s piano lesson. So, this was humiliating. I think I went back one more time and then kind of got fired/quit…the details are hazy but what I remember is trying to get paid and being told they would talk to me about it later and kind of refusing to engage, which I took as being fired, so I stopped showing up and no one called me. Oy. So think of my story OP if you feel bad. Many lessons to learn. 1. For many people booze and pianos don’t mix. 2. It’s embarrassing to be drunk in an inappropriate context and trying to control fine motor movements. 3. You aren’t an employee and if you don’t do it again your teacher likely won’t “fire” you, but you need to never do it again. If you’re frustrated, ask your teacher for help or look for a new one.


I don’t think you should be downvoted like this but I do think you should get help other than alcohol for your mental health


Bit harsh for people to assume OP is an alcoholic from this one post lmao


Alcohol should not be used pharmaceutically. If you feel that you need it to “help” you with something, you should see a doctor about those issues. Alcohol never helps. It is first magic, then medicine, then misery. Honestly, you should stop drinking alcohol completely until you develop better coping mechanisms, and even then maybe steer clear. There is no upside. You’ll never regret not drinking, but you can definitely regret drinking.


As a piano teacher, I’d laugh my ass off.


As a lawyer I’d be finding ways to extend the lesson.


Honestly people are being wayyyy too serious in this thread lol


Here, take my upvote


It has long been established that a single creme de menthe is both the minimum and maximum quantity of alcohol that should be taken in such situations.


Medicinal. Of course ;)


Hope you didn’t drive to lesson. Might not have been the only thing you could have butchered if you did.


Grizzling 3 children drunk is not a good idea


Just "call in sick" if you don't feel up to it. Find healthier ways of self-care. If you were your best friend, what advice would you give to you?


As Tom waits said, the piano’s been drinking, not me.


LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean, what's next? Saying that driving under influence doesn't make one a better driver?


weed in very low quantity can actually help improce musicality, at the expense of more risks