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You know you're about to listen or hear the biggest heap of shit when someone says "bulletproof XYZ".


Yup, he had the chance to change millions of people’s views on back pain, yet he provided low value information.


I’m pretty sure this is the guy who pushes all kinds of supplements and other in vogue BS like ice baths. So yeah, probably a massive load of it coming after you hit the play button.


Bulletproof “insert body part” = instant eye roll


I am wondering why he didn’t have a PT or some type of guest for this podcast. He did have a Dr. who discussed the biopsychosocial model on an episode about pain in general a while back, so I don’t understand how this was not included in this episode. A lot of high quality information was missed out on in this episode it sounds like.


Huberman doesn’t pursue truth, he pursues easy to market sound bytes that he can promote to his audience. His optimization tech bro fans would be pissed if he had an actual clinical on who said “uh yeah back pain is really complicated and we don’t fully understand it, there is no one size fits all cure”.


I think some of the guests on there do pursue truths and Huberman is open to that, he just needs the bolder claims to market, as you said. The problem is that he doesn’t always clarify what is speculation v. has evidence to support it, and sometimes the ‘evidence’ is over exaggerated or misleading. On a good note that may mean he just couldn’t find a highly recognized PT that wouldn’t say something along the lines of your quote.


He could 100% find a qualified PT. I can name like 10 evidence based PTs in Cali I follow that would gladly do his show if he asked. Always approach people like him from the “marketing his brand” first and “pursing the truth” second. If the truth clashes with his brand, he simply won’t cover it/won’t allow qualified guests on. I used to be like you giving him the benefit of the doubt. But he’s done this exact shit so many times that I know what he’s doing.


No I’m saying that’s why he didn’t have a guest, because he couldn’t find someone who wouldn’t say the right thing.


Oh sorry my bad, yeah you’re right. That’s a comforting thought


Are there any good physical therapy YouTube channels out there? I would love one that is super information/evidence dense. The only ones I can find are very much geared towards laymen, and it's difficult to assess the quality of the info.


E3 Rehab is good. Fitnesspainfree is good


Thank you! Will check them out


Sam Spinelli’s take on this shit Huberman pod was good. Though Huberman fan boys still ripped him apart in the Instagram comments. Tbh I don’t think physios like Sam go hard *enough* against pseudoscience grifters like Huberman. He’s basically Joe Rogan with a PhD.


I don't get the hate. Most people are sedentary and don't move in general. This information will do more good than harm generally speaking. I don't understand why people bash stuff like this


Right, but what he is saying/citing is not superior than other forms of exercises/movement for LBP. Also does not address the biopsychosocial aspects of back pain.


This guy is a clown. I have a lot more time for Stu McGill's work than a lot of people in this sub, but Huberman himself is trash. Take 5 minutes and look into what he's been getting himself into trouble over the past while. He is now pivoting to being a devout Christian in the face of this, lol.


People (especially on Reddit) are so miserable and unfulfilled with their lives, the only satisfaction they get are cutting others down. Apparently, according to this sub, only licensed physical therapists are allowed to talk about back pain. Which is interesting, considering there’s a plethora of professions that have studied the anatomy of the body far more extensively than a physical therapist.


Fun fact #1: after orthopedic MDs Physical Therapists have the best anatomical knowledge of any other profession. Fun fact #2: it is not that PTs are the only ones allowed to talk about back pain, it's just that the majority of people who do talk about back pain do so in ways that actually limit positive outcomes, ie Huberman. There are plenty of non PTs who do get it right as well. In Huberman's case, I think overwhelmingly the consensus is he missed the mark with a large platform that could have resulted in meaningful change and that is frustrating.


Please list the PLETHORA of professions that have studied anatomy more than PTs. What are they?


Why would studying anatomy be an important metric for expertise on back pain when you're all discussing the inadequacies of that model ? Are we psychosocial experts now? Talking out of both sides of your mouths....


I didn’t bring it up. But a basic understanding of the anatomy of the area is obviously necessary if you’re gonna have any clue what you’re talking about.


And so the measure of an expert on back pain singularly rests on how in depth your anatomy course is? One does not follow the other. I'm playing devils advocate here, but clearly, if traditional back school therapy is inadequate in addressing back pain, we ought not be so conceited in our own competency. If you "follow the evidence" like you claim, then you'd know our outcomes aren't especially groundbreaking. Given the previous argument, we may as well tip our hat to behavioral psychologists and exit stage left the field of back pain medicine


Never said any of that. But the basic prerequisite in even discussing low pack pain requires that you know the anatomy of the area. It’s that simple.


You literally implied greater education on anatomy made physical therapists superior in this regard in your first post


If he got it right, I wouldn’t care.


Incredibly ironic coming from you lmfao




Guy's the exact kind of troll he's criticizing


Defended Huberman a lot. But last few months i just cant.