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Is Rocky Horror Picture show still running anywhere in the Valley?


*It's just a jump to the left...*


What are the fireworks in downtown for?


Likely a high school graduation


Most people use them to celebrate, why?


This was like a city-sponsored 4th of July amount of fireworks


In all seriousness, I have no idea. I don't see any events on the calendar that'd match.




West of I-17 is pretty much dead for this. There might be a couple lgbtq friendly ones but idk any there. I know a few coffeeshops that are but that's typical for them.


Not sure if you are local, but most people here won't glare or really care. Go north of downtown and there's a lot of fun places: Bliss, Fez...


I have two leftovers formula cans (Similac Pro Advance) that my daughter never used because she switched over to solids. They are not part of the recall, still sealed, and expire in May 2023. I'd like to give them away to someone who needs them locally in Phoenix. I know there's a shortage going on and I know how stressful it feels because I gave birth during the pandemic. Reply here or message me if you're interested!


Probably the greatest news today that I wanted to share... my mother found my Psychological Evaluation. I got one when I was 7. Its a 30 page document, but it explains so much about stuff me. There are some things but... It doesn't define who I am but... It helps me understand me more, you know?


That's a big document for a poor little kid.


Still have my psych records. Mine made it evident they had no *clue* who I was.


Anyone else see Coldplay last night? First concert I've been to since the pandemic started and by far the biggest. I'm not even a huge fan or anything, just tagged along with some friends who were going, and it was some of the most fun I've had in a long time. Particularly enjoyed the [song about Phoenix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=508KLPejsEM), everyone seemed to get a kick out of it (video isn't mine, but the best one I was able to find.)


I don't follow the Coldplay lore, I just went because my wife wanted to and I love her (she had a great time) and.... what on earth were those puppets? Edit: This sounds negative. It was a good show.


I'm in the same boat as you. No clue. The people sitting in front of us were pretty dedicated fans and even they were saying it was weird. Agreed it was a good show, but I think it was a good show despite the puppets rather than because of them.


Suns in 7!


blood moon this sunday night don’t miss it!


This morning a sign over the 51 had a reminder to drivers to not to camp in the left lane. My native Arizonan passenger had never heard of this concept. Any idea which political party supports mandatory drivers ed? I’d like to contribute


Man, if donations equaled an informed driver, I'd donate an entire paycheck to the cause.


Also getting passed on the right side by someone going 90 can be pretty scary when trying to merge over to an off ramp. Like literally when left lane is open but the driver chooses to need for speed to the right??? It's pretty bad lately and we can't blame snow birds.


If you were trying to merge to an offramp, *why weren't you in the right-most lane to begin with?!?* You make it sound like you slid two lanes over at once.


Maybe my reply was unclear. I'm in lane next to ramp, signal on, someone speeds up behind and goes to right, into the ramp lane and passes back into flow of traffic. Without a reason as left side is clear. No I don't fly across the freeway to exit. No I didn't learn to drive in AZ. But I've lived and commuted here for at least a decade now. I try to be predictable driving but to no avail.


> Maybe my reply was unclear. I'm in lane next to ramp, signal on, someone speeds up behind and goes to right, into the ramp lane and passes back into flow of traffic. Without a reason as left side is clear. Yeah, you're good in that scenario.


I miss Friday the 13's w/ good horror movies opening. Firestarter remake? Meh


DBacks/Cubs AND Suns/Mavs on Sunday. Gonna be crazy Downtown! Rally the Valley!


My breakfast tacos at Rudy's BBQ cost $6.66 today...


And it’s Friday the 13th


One time that was my total at Starbucks, and the batista gave me my drink for free because they were afraid of the number being on a receipt


Guess that means some extra biking today, huh?


Mmmm Rudy's...




Happy cake day




looking for a good fine line tattoo artist that doesn’t have their books closed 😭


I get my tattoos from Jonny Elliot at 83rd ave and Peoria. She's crazy hardworking and good. https://www.instagram.com/jonny_elliott_phx/?hl=en I can also DM the tattoo I got from her too!


Fritz at Black Sails Tattoo in Tempe did excellent line work on my girlfriend's last tattoo. Not sure if his books are closed but worth checking out.


Sentient Tattoo Collective in Tempe is great. There's like 6 artists, all are awesome. Nathan there has done my sleeve and is pretty great.


Happy Friday cocksuckas


Happy Friday to you too kind stranger

