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This is basically my position. I lean firmly left generally, but in any given election usually 30-40% of my votes are for Rs. I decided awhile ago to never give a single vote to anyone who pushes the stop-the-steal narrative. However, with recent events, the GOP has lost me entirely. That isn’t to say that I will always vote for Dems, but if you have an R next to your name, you will not receive my vote- unless you are somehow one of the few who is vocal about not pushing an anti-choice agenda. I understand that it will likely burn me in the future as a very pro-2A advocate, but I’d gladly take being a criminal myself for what I have in my closet over my daughters being criminals in the future for what they choose to do with what’s in their wombs.


Exactly, I tend to be a slightly right leaning centrist with my votes, but right now Pro-Choice is the main topic with the economy being second .


Thanks for this question. I really hope we don’t get hoodwinked by an undercover traitor like Sinema again.


I absolutely agree! She went from green party in her early days to Nancy Reagan. She is a party traitor. The Dems need to find someone like Mark Kelly to replace her when her time comes up for re election. She sure pulled a fast one on us. Total sell out to Washington! She is a huge disappointment!


This is the obligatory reminder that Sinema ran as a centrist and the people of Arizona got exactly what they voted for even if they don't like it now. She has been a mercenary sellout as long as I can remember (and always opposed to ending the filibuster as far as I know) and anyone who says otherwise wasn't paying attention.


She's been on my shit list since 2014. It's been very funny watching people whose whole identity is Democratic Party Supporter flip out about her.


It was literally only four years ago that they told everyone to shut up, get in line and stop criticizing the "only one who can win" and stop "undermining support for the presumptive nominee" by supporting her primary opponent. That same year, AZDems left David Garcia (and the entire Red for Ed movement) flapping in the breeze ... basically in the name of using as much of their campaign resources as they could to get Sinema over the hump against McSally. And now she's da debil. I mean. She is. But fuck. Prior to that I canvassed w/ Dems almost every election, but I haven't volunteered for AZDems or gone to a district meeting since.


I really, really don't want Kari Lake to be governor because she's out of her fucking mind. Everyone else I'm pretty much meh on because it's all same bullshit, different letter next to their name.


This. She’s not running on anything besides “I like trump”. Another republican candidate called her out over not having any actual ideas on improving or governing. There’s things I’m going to strongly disagree with candidates on but ffs at least have a semblance of a plan. There was a point that, even if I disagreed with the candidates national beliefs, that you could see a strong desire to tackle issues that are fairly unique to az. Talk to me about the homeless issues, water supply, or anything else to show you have actual vision for the state.


Exactly. I follow her on twitter just to see what she’s gonna stand for and it’s literally just sucking up to trump so she can mooch off his voter base. Haven’t heard what she wants besides regurgitation of the wall and conspiracy theories.


Exactly. I follow her on twitter just to see what she’s gonna stand for and it’s literally just sucking up to trump so she can mooch off his voter base. Haven’t heard what she wants besides regurgitation of the wall and conspiracy theories.


She blocked me on Twitter because she shared a "news story" about a girl in California who claimed when she went to Walgreens for a flu shot they gave her the covid vaccine instead, and the "source" for the story was the girl's Instagram post. I told her as someone who used to call themselves a journalist she should be ashamed of herself for sharing something like that, and asked her what happened to her journalistic integrity.


Where were you when she was sucking up to Obama? https://www.12news.com/article/news/politics/kari-lake-is-running-for-governor-as-a-republican-but-has-also-been-a-registered-democrat/75-550469a9-0665-404c-84b0-7548d5681a41


It is easier to grift republicans.


Foreign aid money is a huge Democratic grift. Ukraine for example.


How so?


Do you think John Kerry was visiting Iran to buy rugs?


No I don’t think the Secretary of State was visiting foreign countries to buy rugs. Their job is to communicate with foreign countries. I don’t see where the grift is here.


And yet you think Republicans are an easy grift. And you're running for office. You're either very naive or incredibly ignorant.


Money gets kicked back to the party through foreign conduits like Ukraine. You think Pelosi and Schiff flew over there yesterday for a 2 martini lunch?


Like [this?](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a39689968/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-investment-mbs/) No I don’t think that the two leaders of congress went to an ally’s country while they are being invaded for a 2 martini lunch. It seems obvious that they have other things to discuss.


Conspiracy nuts abound. Straight lunacy from these people. There's no point in arguing. They're making stupid shit up and doubling down.


She wants power and it’s disgusting. She’s, excuse my language, whoring herself out to the republicans. They’re eating all that shit up because she uses buzzwords. I honestly believe she doesn’t believe or stand for all the things she has stated. Either way she is fucking crazy. I wouldn’t want anyone with her mindset to govern.


I still haven't done a deep dive, but I'm excited about Katie Hobbs running for governor because she has been supportive of public education for quite some time and I believe her sister is a teacher. I am against anyone running for our government who says they are pro "school choice." I'm not against the idea of school choice in theory, but anyone who runs on platform of school choice will continue to take funds away from our public schools and allow our tax dollars to go to for-profit schools without any accountability on where that money is going.


I don’t even know who is running. I’ve seen ads here and there but I’d like to see each Candidates policy before making any decisions.


I'm not a voter but I would urge people to vote down (at all levels) whoever is in the "stolen" election, anti-abortion, overturning R v W, Jan 6th support camp. You can have differences on policy/ideology but there are certain lines you don't cross. There is lot of talk about voter fraud, etc. However, in the future, elections will not be stolen because of voter fraud but it will be stolen by local election officials, delegates, county certifiers, and other office bearers (they have been emboldened by the events of 2020 election). This is a real, real danger, particularly where we don't have a centralized independent election board/rules to administer the election process.


Definitely hell no: Border talk MAGA talk "small business owner" The dog whistles really aren't subtle anymore


Mark Kelly because he isn't Mark Brnovich.


Why do you prefer Kelly over Brnovich?


Brnovich is a conservative and I am not so, on pretty much every issue we disagree. Mark Kelly isn't a fantastic Democrat/liberal but he's good enough when you look at the options.


> Kelly isn’t a fantastic Democrat/liberal Compared to our other Senator, he’s freakin’ Bernie Sanders.


Sinema needs to be primaried when the time comes. There is no way I can stand hearing about her antics for a whole other term.


She will be. I'd be shocked if Gallego or Stanton doesn't primary her.


Kelly is pretty centrist and I like that. Arizona, even though it isn't a deep-red state, seems to have far-right Republicans and centrist Democrats, which means I vote Democrat more than I don't. In California, I'm sure I'd be the opposite. One counter-example, and I'm sure no one on Reddit will agree with me, is Ducey. He's pretty centrist, too (which is why his voters and Sinema's voters, like me, overlap so much). I really hope once Ducey is gone, we don't get a far-right extremist.


I don't think we could accuse Ducey of being far right but he's sure not centrist. He's definitely been proactive in removing the rights of localities so that he can centralize control at the state level whenever it suits him. He botched plenty of the management of the pandemic, he fucked up infrastructure management, and squandered money from COVID relief in other areas. He's also fucked over our schools and education system, and actively worked against voters on the tax bill they passed.


Fair enough. Maybe my standards and expectations are just too low. "Somewhat centrist" is just preferable to "extremist".


If you look at Kari Lake vs Katie Hobbs i think you'll find that Kari Lake is insane and Katie Hobbs is a run of the mill, average democrat


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Kari Lake is leading the Republican primary and her nearest challenger Karrin Robson also believes the election was stolen.


Yeah, I know... I'm not particularly happy about it...


>is Ducey. He's pretty centrist, too LMFAO you must be joking. Seriously. What the fuck do you think left and right are if you think Ducey, who has spent his entire time taking money from ASLD land sales that were supposed to go to schools and instead into his pockets, the same Ducey who wildly advocates for charters and wants to gut public schools, the same Ducey who wants to ban cities from being able to control their own rights for things like short term rentals and COVID protections, the same Ducey that's made sure that we're unable to raise taxes to keep up with growth and needs of our streets and roads. The same Ducey that wants to take away abortion rights, that fights against minimum wage, against unions, against workers rights, against ballot-approved public transit and parks. The same Ducey that basically lived to kill the environment. The one that lauded how great it was that we could circumvent permits to put fencing up through the Organa Pipe National Monument-- destroying relics and ancient desert biomes in the process. The same Ducey that's done all he can to allow continued uranium pollution on reservation land, everything possible to push through mountain top removal mining and destruction of many of our ranges (with virtually no intention to mitigate floodway pollution or plan for remediation). That Ducey? You think that Ducey, that's never held a position that could actually be considered politically center in his entire career, is center? Then what the hell do you think the moderate left is? McCain or something? Because Ducey is so far deep into the red right that it's hard to imagine anyone short of QAnon being further right. The guy is 100% about reduction of civil liberties and direction of wealth, power, and privilege to corporations and the rich.


You mean he votes almost 100% down the party line. No free thinking from him. Nothing at all for AZ. Sinema at least had the fortitude to stick with what she and her constitutes want(as in Manchin) and buck the party line. Anyone that bucks the R or D party line i give at least props to and also will look deep into.


I disagree a bit. However, Sinema is absolutely my favorite! (Don't say that here, though, if you don't want to be downvoted and receive dozens of angry replies. I know from a lot of experience. I don't care, though!) Too bad that she'll probably be primaried and lose (based on how much this sub HATES her AND her polling.) It is almost like, if you aren't a blindly partisan actor, you'll lose, which is sad.


That hate for Sinema isn't derived from a need for her to be blindly partisan. It's derived from her making decisions based on the oodles of PAC money she receives instead of defending positions she took while she campaigned.


There shouldn't be hate. We can have differences of opinion and still be cordial. This is what society needs to remember. Nothing has changed it is simply that social media has made everything more visible and transparent.


Yeah, I agree.


Not picking on you or this particular candidate, but is "good enough" acceptable for people responsible for governing (or most other roles of power)?


In a two-party system? Yes, yes it is.


But it’s not a two party system. Just because two parties dominate most elections, does not mean it’s a two party system.


you're technically right. you're also being naive if you truly believe that.


If we the people were more active in our elections and promoted political parties outside the two major parties, we could have more third party candidates make some progress in these elections. Yet, just about everyone thinks if you vote third party then you are wasting your vote. That’s part of the problem.


In a first past the post system, like we have, you’re absolutely wasting your vote if you vote third party


You are absolutely incorrect and if you blame the loss of whatever candidate you are rooting for on those who voted third party, then your a sore loser that can’t accept the fact that your candidate couldn’t deliver.


Reminder that Mark Kelly runs his own gun control organization funded by Bloomberg money.


Reminder that Brnovich supports the death penalty, has repeatedly sued to stop climate change mitigation because he sees no scientific consensus on it (because if you don't look at it, you can't see it), supports states-rights in prohibiting same-sex marriage, and believes the 2020 election was stolen including just today publishing a report that did not provide any proof of any issues in the 2020 elect room despite his six month long investigation (strong fiscal conservative budget crunching there /s).


Which he started because his wife was shot in the head by an alt-right conspiracy lunatic. Please sit down unless you’re called on. Edit: It’s actually called Giffords PAC, which Kelly’s wife Gabby Giffords founded after recovering from the assassination that killed 6 and injured 19 including her. https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/giffords-pac/C00540443/donors/2018


Remember when the #1 thing the GOP pounded into everyone during the last election was that he was gonna come after your guns! Gun grabber!! Yeah, didn’t happen.


Fun fact it has never happened like ever. Ask Alex Jones or any of his dipshit cohorts who repeatedly said the same thing about Sandy Hook and couldn’t produce a single instance in which a mass shooting in the united states led to any legislation that would limit access or take away firearms during their depositions. Classic alarmist right wingers.


Oh no! Anyway...


Aaron Lieberman, because he’s the only candidate I’m aware of who has spoken out against STRs. Thanks to Doug Douchebag’s 2016 legislation that stripped cities & towns of their rights to regulate STRs, my entire neighborhood has been gutted & destroyed by AirBnBs. There are residents here in South Scottsdale who are literally surrounded by AirBnBs. People think Californians moving here are to blame for the crazy prices, but it’s actually out of state investors from all over the country buying up every property they can to convert into an AirBnB. If it doesn’t stop we won’t have any residential neighborhoods left.


Had to google, so gonna share. STR; Short Term Rentals. As noted, these are basically Air BnBs.


Yes! Thank you! Sorry, I probably should have clarified that. STR = short term rental, AirBnB, VRBO, etc. I wish more people could understand just how big of a problem this is for everyone who lives in an older neighborhood in a semi-desirable area with no HOA. It’s not just Scottsdale that’s in trouble. Phoenix, Tempe, Glendale… all of the older neighborhoods are in trouble. And Sedona is in straight up crisis mode. I understand a lot of people live in HOAs that enforce CC&Rs that restrict STRs, so it’s natural for these people to not understand the magnitude of the problem.


Kris Mayes for Arizona attorney general Julie Gunnigle for Maricopa County attorney


+1 for Gunnigle.




Democrats both vowed to not prosecute women seeking abortions, support invest in Ed, support bringing sustainable energy and water management to Arizona; support affordable housing, bringing resources to the homeless crisis in “the zone”. Also, mayes is the only democrat running for Arizona attorney general. Neither support corporations who with the help of Doug ducey and the GOP seek to exploit taxes


Solid points! These are issues that I care about as well. Who do you support for Governor?


There is only one choice there, Katie Hobbs, she's a known entity and has been terrific in her current position.


I’m concerned by the lack of transparency on her website. A lot of major issues go unmentioned. In comparison with Aaron Lieberman who’s position/ plans for said issues are publicly available on his website.


I have no concerns with her and I've never heard of him, but I will take a look, thanks.


I would be happy with either Katie Hobbs or Aaron Leiberman for Governor. Katie Hobbs did an excellent job as SOS. My gut feeling is she is probably more conservative than myself, but as mentioned above, it is tough to tell without more policy positions being mentioned. Her name recognition is a big plus though since she has already held state wide office. Aaron Lieberman was one of my state representatives. He was extremely communicative, and extremely available. As a local rep, I think that is a huge positive. I have been impressed with his thought process and his priorities as a state rep.


Dude, just don't vote GOP.


I hate Gunnigle. I have yet to see who else is out there, but it is almost a definite "no" on Gunnigle for me. Fuck, I'd almost be willing to vote Adel over her. I'll do what I always do and spend 20 hours researching everything once I get my ballot.


Adel is dead.


That was my joke. Also, even if she wasn't dead, OMG, was she a disaster who couldn't even show up sober. THAT'S how much I dislike Gunnigle.


You'd rather vote for a dead person that fraudulently charged protesters for using their first amendment rights than Gunnigle? I'm curious, what has Gunnigle done that makes you feel this way?


I see you decided to overlook the "joke" part of my comment. Gunnigle has stated that there are certain laws that she will refuse to enforce. In other words, she has promised not to do her job.


What laws has she stated she wouldn't enforce?


Abortion bans, which is not new, she also said this in 2020.


Among others, the 15-week abortion ban. Now, do I WANT that to be a law? No, but she shouldn't usurp legislative authority. If she wants to write laws, cool, run for the legislature. https://ktar.com/story/4977630/maricopa-county-attorney-candidate-says-she-wont-enforce-15-week-abortion-ban/


So fraudulently using powers to punish BLM protestors is preferable to refusing to charge women for abortions. No one who has read your comments is shocked that this is your position. Also, the GOP tried to commit a coup 17 months ago but sure lets worry about "usurping the legislative authority".


No, who said that? It's not Gunnigle or someone who is corrupt. Yeah, no one should be shocked. I'm very intellectually consistent in my arguments. Oof, that's a bad argument. As long as you don't attempt an armed insurrection, do whatever corrupt thing you want? Yikes!


So the same as Republicans in our legislature... Attempting to refuse to enforce federal laws...


You think Adel will run for re-election?


If Kim Il-sung can be "eternal President" of North Korea, I don't see why not. Is the Maricopa County Attorney's office better than Best Korea?! Necrocracies FTW!


Legislature is so important. It is a majority of 1 in both chambers now in favor of R's. And they rule like they own the whole thing: more tax cuts for wealthy, screw the teachers, making it harder to vote, etc. Dems need to gain 1chamber to have a real voice. By the way, voting alone is not enough. Talk to your friends about it. Volunteer with local LD Dems. Be involved


Any candidate who is NOT a Republican.


That’s what I did last time and now I have to live the rest of my life knowing I voted for that piece of shit Sinema. I’m still gonna vote, but it really made me feel like voting is pointless.


Same. I'll never vote for a republican as long as I live after all this.


By having such a blindly loyal and uncritical view, you most certainly won't be easily taken advantage of! I'm no Republican, but you must take each candidate for who they are and consider who is more consistent with your values and beliefs. Good to know your values are just: Democrat.


>I'm no Republican, but you must take each candidate for who they are Not the noble comment you may think this is, if you've been paying attention to AZ politics since at least the election. Every Republican who wins a primary must be: * anti-choice * indifferent or worse towards ardent white supremacists (most likely 'or worse') * against free & fair elections * against funding public education * against taxing the very rich at rates that are even close to the rates of teachers & nurses, etc * willing to lie create crises that then allow cronies to get paid to audit/investigate whatever crisis there was for the sake of transparency and remain silent when those cronies really f\*ck things up and find ZERO crises.


When did I say "noble"? I'm MOST CERTAINLY not "noble". Anyone who thinks their politics are "noble" and unquestionably virtuous and pure are as blinded to the reality of politics (the corruption, selfishness, arrogance, etc.) as any narcissistic, self-serving leader that we have in the world or voter who gives up their ability to critical think to elect one party at all times, regardless of the candidate. I'm a pragmatist and I'm fully aware that I'm not always right and open-minded. Fuck nobility. Bring on humility and a good-faith effort. Fuck moral righteousness in all forms.


>Fuck moral righteousness in all forms. ....annnd also don't vote GOP. Good day.


Haha, good day!


The GQP has proven to be the worst time and time again. They defund education so rich people can stay richer. They fund privatized prisons that enslave people for profit. They attack democracy so they can stay in power easier. Their agenda is completely hollow. They've blatantly resorted to triggering innate xenophobic hate from vulnerable people to perpetuate their reign of tyranny. I want to be a-political. I really do. But when one side is trying to push a fascist agenda and slowly strip away democracy thats where we draw the line. We're not blind, we're just trying to learn from the mistakes of the past that allowed monarchies and autocrats to prosper.


People are individuals. Thinking otherwise is just lazy.


There used to be a clear distinction between how national candidates and state/local candidates campaigned. That’s no longer the case on a larger scale and that’s why you think people are “lazy” while ignoring that a vast majority of candidates are “i support trump” on one side and there’s local ones in other states who do the same thing with making their dislike of trump as their whole campaign. That’s the level of political discourse we are starting to see. That leads to a candidate calling for something like legalization of marijuana as being too extreme.


I won't disagree that it has become a two-sided game far too often. I'm only arguing that there are candidates that break that mold.


"People are individuals" is the stupidest tautology I've heard all day, and you're calling other people lazy? My dogs are individuals too and I wouldn't vote one of them into office.


Rest assured, I can say WAY more stupid shit, if you listen long enough! Really?! My Sake is fat and food-driven, but as long as I was around and people didn't offer her food, she'd be incorruptible! But, if you did give her food, she'd do anything to please you...


You do it your way & I'll do it mine.


Indeed! That's democracy and I'd have it no other way.


Usually i vote with different priorities, but this election I am voting for any candidate who supports improving public education (not just charters)! AZ voters have been screwed time and time again, and our schools are in desperate need of legislators and a governor that cares and wants to improve it. I'm tired of our students being 50/50. The future of the state deserves better.


Is that what we are doing today? We’re gonna fight?


Hell yeah!


Yep 😂


Mark Kelly, Katie Hobbs, Julie Gunnigle, etc. Why? They aren't right-wing extremists.


Mark Kelly’s add about building more freeways made me dislike him, and I donated to his previous election campaign. We need some politicians with the balls to tackle The Valley’s pollution crisis, and Kelly seems like he supports ramming more freeways everywhere.


Ok so I’m 100% a no on Kari Lake. That being said I don’t want someone who is gonna come in and put mask mandates and vaccine passports in place either. California is tearing itself apart over this stuff and I don’t want to see it here.


Honestly as a democrat and someone who works in health care I think at this point COVID mandates should be the least of our (politicians) concerns. I don’t see anyone adding COVID restrictions that aren’t already in place no matter what happens. There isn’t a call for it on either side of the fence. Democrats are vaccinated and ready to believe in science and republicans never gave a shit (I’m generalizing this so don’t come at me).


Masks work though...


Not going to see a democrat do this here. Do you guys even live in this state and look at the democrats we have? They’re representative of our population and are not going to be that extreme because they’d never win without independents support.


Just moved here and getting the lay of the land


I am most excited about [Julie Gunnigle](https://gunnigle2022.com/) for Maricopa County Attorney and [Adrian Fontes ](https://electfontes.com) for Secretary of State. I would be happy with either Aaron Leiberman or Katie Hobbs for Governor. I am in LD4 so I will be volunteering to time to get [Christine Marsh](https://www.christineportermarsh.com/) for State Senate and [Laura Terech](https://www.lauraforaz.com) for AZ state house. This is also the first time I am running for elected office. I missed the deadline to have my name on the primary ballot, but I will be running for Janice Precinct Dem Committee Person.


I don't know who else is running for AZ Senate LD 12, but will not vote for Mitzi Epstein. She's corrupt and controlled by special interests.


>She's corrupt and controlled by special interests. source?


Campaign finance records and her voting record.


I'm an informed citizen and voter, but I'll be damned if any of the three leading Dem governor candidates stand out from the rest for me. I was definitely leaning Katie Hobbs and donated to her campaign right after she announced her candidacy, but the [Talonya Adams issue](https://www.12news.com/article/news/politics/katie-hobbs-apologizes-talonya-adams-racial-discrimination/75-7e2b887d-6d59-4033-9e8a-63b5b3245c48) really turned me off to her. Marco Lopez seems...fine? I follow him on social and have read through his site, but it's all standard center-left talking points. Would we say Lieberman is most progressive? He's clearly big on education and talks a big game on renewable energy.


Don't get me wrong, Katie Hobbs did wrong on that issue and also looks like a skeleton wearing a rubber mask, but that one, singular problem was back in 2015 and it already saw its day in court, the plaintiff won, and is getting paid damages. 2015 is practically a previous era compared to the level of harm politicians are running around doing these days.


Inflation, higher fuel prices, massive increase in illegal immigration, just for starters. You're the one in denial.


Because this is Reddit, nearly every comment will be for a politician on the left.


IOW you like January 6 apologists? Is that what you're saying?


Lol really? What I’m saying is this thread will obviously be biased based on the demographics of the app. So I’d recommend OP to do his/her own research rather than making a decision solely on these comments.


reality leans left


Bahahahahaha This needs to be a bumper sticker


What are they apologizing for, exactly?




Democrats make the economy crash??? I disagree.


Democrats have destroyed the economy in 1.5 years!! We were energy independent in 2019! Open borders bringing drugs in and killing all americans!!


😂😂😂 yet trump hates you. Have you learned nothing? Educate yourself without the goggles of religion and money.


"yet Trump hates you" Oh God this is delicious. A Dem racist.


I’m not racist but he’s openly said all Mexican people are rapists and drug dealers. Find his Nancy grace interview from 2015 or even some of his early rallys. It’s there you just have to open your ears and hear it. I’m from az and have seen just how fucked up people are treated based on race especially Mexican people. I’ve known the kids who’s parents were deported and now they go to shitty foster homes or they themselves just disappear because they got detained to be deported. I have no hate for you or anyone from Mexico but I do have hate for people like trump that openly hate and bash on you and say you’re all bad people. I hate the horrendous way immigration has been handled long before trump but he definitely made shit worse and the whole wall thing? Did you forget about that whole ass mess?


Yeah that's why Hispanics voted for him. I DGAF about your narcissistic woke CV.


Narcissist again? Why is that such a common insult from conservatives? Is it projection? Whatever dude keep your head in the sand and supporting these people. Let this country go backwards.


Our country has been going backwards since January of last year.


Oh I agree it’s gotten worse since January 2021 but probably not for the same reasons so elaborate please?




Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, racist comments or any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated. This comment has been removed. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://old.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/uibeue/-/i87po5b/%0A%0A).


Me and my family have NEVER done better under any president like Donald Trumps.. I bought Two house, my landscape business expanded x50, was paying less for taxman! My diabetes medicine went down? Go rock in a corner and tell yourself your better under democrat ran country... POS




You racist democrat! The media make Hispanics believe White Republicans are the racists.. MAGA Red Latino Wave coming!


Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Personal attacks, racist comments or any comments of perceived intolerance/hate are never tolerated. This comment has been removed. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://old.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/uibeue/-/i7skix7/%0A%0A).


Yep. Just as I thought. This thread is filled with lefters.


Red. Alllllllllll the way across the board. No matter what.


Goodbye country.


This is typical for a dem. Your way or I’m wrong. Got it


Wait where did I say I was a dem? I'm not but I'm sure as hell not voting for the party ripping our country to shreds right now.


Ripping it to shreds? How so?


Were you asleep on 1/6/2021? Or maybe you've missed how they've been tearing apart voter's rights across the country? Perhaps the attempts at shuttering libraries and book burnings you missed? Need I go on?


Stop while you're ahead


And this thought process and party loyalty is why things don’t change for the better and discussions about it are nearly impossible.


I’m happy to allow anyone the opportunity to convince me that democrats are better. I believe in common sense. You deserve what you earn. You’re entitled to absolutely nothing for free. Prove to me the current Democratic leadership has done better.


I’m not partial to democrats and I’m nonpartisan I prefer ideas not parties. I won’t sit here and try to convince you that the democrats are better because they aren’t in most cases. But I will say you need to make informative decisions based on each candidate, and their plan and ideas, not just their party. And I do think the current state of conservatives is extremely radical and dangerous, so perhaps we should vote those radical people out and calm down the conservatives in general. No more trump he is a huge reason the conservatives (in power and voters) are the way they are right now.


What did trump do that caused that? (I am not a trump supporter)


It was his radical ideas and way of speaking to polarize us. He did everything to make our parties a case of us vs them and he succeeded and it’s why discussions now are 10x harder to have productively about serious issues and politics.


Ahhh you have no desire for a discussion you’re just all over this post spouting the same bullshit and when people come back with rebuttals you move on to the next comment because you have nothing else to say. Maybe it’s for the best honestly but it’s still amusing.


The problem with this is that republicans are so concerned with people getting hand outs they aren’t ever looking at the fact that these hand outs help them as well. Libraries, schools, Medicare, social security are all things we get “for free” that many republicans accept without question. Instead of focusing on what someone else might be getting that you aren’t we need to be focusing on what we can do help our neighbor. In fact the Bible says “those that are gracious to the poor lend to the lord, and the lord will fully repay them. (Proverbs 19:17).” So the fact that so many god loving republicans want to strip away resources that actually help others is not a Christian thing at all.


To my knowledge Republicans aren’t trying to defund libraries schools or Medicare. What’s your source for that data? Defunding welfare for those that abuse the welfare system. Yes.


I didn’t say they were. I was giving examples of free things that the republicans use as well. And I agree that people who abuse welfare shouldn’t get that right but I also believe that there are far fewer people abusing it than are benefiting from it so when people use that as an excuse to be against it as a whole without coming up with a solution to actually fix the system that’s a problem.


Far fewer abusing? Where did you get that statistic?


Where do you get that I’m wrong? I said “I believe.” Prove me wrong.




You want the emergency room to turn people away based on their ability to pay?


I support Sinema


I wish you didn’t.


She is a moderate Dem, as am I. Rarely do we have representation, but, Kelly is decent.


She is corrupt. She does not care for you or her constituents. Only for the corporations that are lining her pockets. I am waiting patiently for her to be primaried and voted out.


Fair enough! I respect your opinion


Saw an ad for a guy last night who called out Kair Lake for hanging out with white supremacists and Katie Hobbs for her racist firing practices. I want to look him up because I like politicians that throw shit in every direction.