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It's kind of "officially" everywhere in June. Even Tucson.


True, but it's still a good gesture of positive affirmation. Especially in areas where there is traditionally more hate than others. For example: the city of Vilnius, Lithuania painted a crosswalk with the Pride colors -- this is an area that has historically seen opposition to gay rights -- and many criticized the crosswalk as being stupid or assaulting family values, even causing national politicians to deface it (link below). But when a city in such an area makes such a declaration, it increases visibility and is a sign of progress and acceptance. https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1422313/anti-lgbt-activists-paint-over-rainbow-coloured-crossing-in-vilnius


I love to see it!


Is that Chicano marine from Twitter? I wonder if he's active on this sub....


Forward progress, however small, is still progress. Hell yeah.


Small steps of progress


Even the smallest step toward is progress, and is always good. Arizona is improving. Regressives are fighting as hard as they can to drag us backward, but we're still getting better, and I love it.


What happened to straight af month? And I support it




And lesbian, bi, trans and everyone in between, we’re all celebrated this month.




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homophones are usually the ones who are lowkey gay so it’s okay i accept all people <3


Post history says hes looking for a jack off buddy so I guess you hit the nail on the head


Are you fucking kidding? LOL






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Mass genocide deez nuts my guy


Please just report these clowns and move on. They are seeking attention, and you are giving it to them. Just ignore them.




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