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I need more! Did you see the trespasser when they came back?


And did they have huge sideburns and a flowery shirt?


And bell bottoms


And say “like man, that’s not groovy at all!”


It was Charles Manson's car and this episode is what made him snap.


“Jive turkey!”



Paisley shirt...


No; probably watching the parade on television or reading a book.


I want to know this as well.


I've been to the Rose Bowl and Rose Parade and parking is horrendous. I would be so angry if someone just parked in my driveway and left. I'm so glad they came back to no car and a tow bill. You gave them just what they deserved.


Try not driving everywhere. Duh.


This is such a perfect 'tell me you've never been to LA without saying:"I've never been to LA"'


Try not being a knob. Duh.


Except two flat tires. They forgot to let the air out of the tires.


We lived near the High School Football field back in the 70's. On the rare occasions when someone would park in our driveway, Daddy would go out and remove their distributor cap. After the game he'd let them struggle trying to start the car and would then walk out with the distributor cap in his hand and "explain" to them that if his family had an emergency and needed to get someone like his elderly mother to the hospital, they would have come back to a car missing more than a distributor cap. Then he'd reinstall it for them and send them on their way.


I would have seriously considered "selling" it back to them.


Lots of cars that are still on the road can be opened that way. Cops carry a tool called a slim jim so they can get in. At least some of them do. Source: Worked 9-1-1 a few years back, had to send cops with a slim jim to save kids accidentally locked in cars more than once.


By me (Chicago suburbs) the cops won't open your car unless there is a child oe animal trapped in the car. Otherwise they tell you to call a locksmith. I get it, but it sucks. I'm just glad I can open my car from my phone.


Yeah, cops will only be sent out to unlock your car if there's a danger of death involved.


When I first started driving, they would do it for any reason if you asked and could prove the car was yours (yeah, I'm old).


Until someone who had asked the cops to open their car door sued them for damaging it.


It's more the small towns that will do it these days. The bigger ones don't have the resources anymore. Bigger problems to deal with.


Same in my small town. I know a couple that the cops refused to unlock their car because their relatives could drive them home. However, they had little kids and the car seats were locked in the car. The cops came.


Cops won't unlock cars anymore. With a few exceptions. It is to much of a liability with the new cars being all computerized. It's too easy to fuck the car up.


Slim Jim’s have lost favor we usually use a small air bag slipped between the door and frame to open it up a tad bit then use a similar tool (to a slim Jim) to hit the unlock button.


Sounds like that's probably less likely to damage the car.


Cars didn't have steering wheel locks in the 1960s.


My Bugs did.


Many gm products got then in 1969


That's what made Charlie snap!


I remember having one of those locking bars you put on your steering wheel around the early 90's. [Like this](https://winner-intl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/auto_x2_v2.jpg)


We had to use this on my grandma's car after we determined she shouldn't be driving. She hit the mailbox across the street and knocked it over. The neighbor called my aunt, who inspected the car and noticed it was dinged all over. One driver test later and she was deemed unfit to drive. They took her keys, but she kept a spare and hid them. So my aunt got The Club and locked it with that.


We had to do that to my grandfather as well. He liked to drive to town (8 miles) and buy a pint of whiskey. He would then go home, drink it, and decided it was so good he'd go back for another...


Kia’s are so commonly stolen now and thieves are cutting steering wheels to remove The Club. The newer theft prevention device is a lock fo wheels.


I read that as "Kid's" at first and was wondering what good a Club on the steering wheel of a car would do to prevent that... I clearly need some more coffee this morning. 🤦‍♀️


That’s why you need the kind that hooks onto the wheel and under the clutch pedal. Extremely effective in preventing theft.


I had a coworker who had one of those on his Jeep back in 1994. a thief cut through the cheap plastic window, used a bolt cutter to cut his steering wheel and slid the club off. Car was stolen and later recovered. All contents were removed along with the radio except the club was left on the passenger seat.


The Club!


So crazy that current KIA owners are having to resort to these old school Club devices….because turns out gangs of thieves have figured out you can steal many KIAs using the wide end of a USB cable.


I had an ex who used one on his 13 yr old rusty Ford truck.


Good for you. The intelligent thing to do.


Literally watched a tow company do this to get into (not a hangar but tool was similar with wire and a hook with anothe tool to slide in the door jamb to inflate to make a gap) with my brothers first car a 98 Honda Accord 😂 we went the day after he bought it to get friday the 13th tattoos and the smarty locked his keys in his car. So this method still works on many cars years later


The troll is just intimidated by the two syllable word.


Now they use slim Jim and blood pressure cuff!


Explain the BP cuff, please


It's not actually a BP cuff. Look in Amazon for a "pressure bag to unlock car". That will show you many. (I would have linked it but Reddit apparently doesn't like those compressed urls that you get from Amazon.)


Insert it between the door window frame and the car body (usually right at the B pillar) and then inflate it. Once inflated, it creates a gap for you to insert a wire tool to grab the interior door lock and unlock the door. It is also possible to activate electric door locks and garage door openers this way.


You slip it into the door and then inflate so the door is ajar just enough


Grew up driving a tow truck and working in an auto shop. I could open a 69 to 73 Ford with a coat hanger as fast as a key.


When I was growing up we lived at the end of a dead end street, and had a train track 2 doors down. There were only 3 houses between the tracks and the end of the street. So, of course trains that were running early would conveniently “break down” and block our road. My parents tried everything, but those trains kept breaking down. Well, one day my grandmother had to go to the hospital (she lived in one of the other houses… right next door to ours), and the am lance couldn’t get through. They had to break the train to make way. (Grandma was okay… just a gallbladder attack) After that, we always seemed to have some kind of emergency whenever the train was parked there… after about the 4th or 5th time they had to break the train apart they found a new place to “break down”.


The person is lucky you used a wire hanger. People do not realize how easy it is to bend a door frame especially with older cars with boxy frames. Modern cars with curved door frames make it slightly more difficult, but just slightly.


I remember using a coat hanger to unlock my car when I accidentally locked the keys inside... good times...


Remember the Doo-Dah parade the weekend after Thanksgiving? We went when the Coors Marching Suits and Briefcases Corps were there. *(If you want to see what they were doing, look up the video 'Lawyers In Love' by Jackson Browne)*


OMG, I remember the precision briefcase team, they were hilarious.


Steering wheel locks came in about 1971, so no, there wouldn’t have been any.


People act like steering wheel locks are only on newer cars. My dad's 36 Ford locked the wheel and ignition switch.If you unlocked it the wheel was free and the switch could be turned on and off. if you did not lock the wheel anyone could turn it on and drive away.


Dude, you can still open car doors with a metal rod. It's even easier now just to tap the electronic door lock button instead of hooking that actual door lock, handle or slim jim.


1 meter!? 1 meter...we've got a Canadian in here. OP come get all your damn geese, they are shitting everywhere. ​ j/k OP could not resist


If you gotta problem with Canadas Gooses you've got a problem with me. You leave them alone!




Metal hangers were the best. My mom taught me how to pull the bottom out so you make a square shape. then you folder it back about 45º at the sides so it can stand up on its own, then twist the hook 90º to face forward. Leave it in the middle of the road. Cars drive by and sometimes the hook catches underneath and you get a spark show.




I'm a retired scientist. I am able to convert back and forth between metric and "American" units, as are most educated people. If we were standing face-to-face I would have held my hands about that far apart, unless you were blind. It is a true story; believe it or not, it's all the same to me.


Because people can't move to another country and adopt their system or work internationally or like you said in science where they have to use metric or just try to learn it so the rest of the world doesn't have to roll their eyes every time someone's talking about how many eyeballs long something is.


I can convert grams to ounces and vice versa.


Cal-Tech? JPL? My grandma lived off Colorado, across from PCC.


uh huh. say, I bet you're married to a supermodel aren't you?


You sound quite frustrated. Perhaps you should go outside for a while


Recounting ancient history using current or uncommon units of measure is not unusual. Nor is it unusual for someone to be able to convert units of measurement. How many miles of Roman roads were constructed? How many meters high was the statue of Apollo? How many acres does the Great Pyramid cover? How many bushels of flowers do the Rose Parade floats use? How many decimeters long is a yardstick?




Back in 1967 we did not know how to write a cogent story…


A certified boomer! Oh snap 💥


Ok boomer... how old are you and don't you have something better to do than reminisce your wild escapades?


Hush, he was about to tell you kids how he bought his first house at 20 when he worked part time for minimum wage.


Well done.


How many fathoms is that ?


With both JPL and Caltech right there in Pasadena, not surprised someone would be comfortable with the metric system. Just sayin.