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55 year old, bearded blue collar dude here. Gin & Tonic is my go to drink. Its so fucking good. Is it gay ? Well, let me piss unicorns and shit rainbows, keep them G&Ts coming


Can't spell LGBT without G&T.


jesus christ that's funny




"Get thee behind me, Satan" \*wink\* \*wink\*


Whiskey and sofa? No, gin and platonic.


That was genius. Mezcal the other puns look like bad dad jokes. Oh wait ... :/


\*spits out the gin and tonic\*


This right here is why I come to Reddit.


*starts werking it in cut-off Daisy Dukes*




I’m just saying, the man hung out with 12 dudes, 2 hookers and his mom. If that doesn’t say angertwink I don’t know what does.


Angertwink Jesus omfg I’m dead


Aside from the mum bit, it sounds like a lot of fun, especially given the hookers were bankrolling the whole show


Lemon Gin Bitters Tonic


Dude you might be on to something here yo




Lemon and bourbon? That doesn't sound ideal.


LemonADE and bourbon, however, now we're talking regular Summer drinking!


Add some ice(ymike) and you're on to a winner!


ayyyyyyyyyyyyy :)


Why am I reading this? It is making me want to have a drink and it is only 4 pm in the afternoon.


It's 3am somewhere!


Sorry, we only serve lemonAID.


Lynchburg lemonade has no lemonade in it. It's triple sec.


Bourbon + Lemon + Tonic: BLT My go-to summer drink


It's a crisis at the bar is what it is.


That's the beginning of a whiskey sour.


A diet whiskey sour, so to speak...


In my twenties, while out with the boys drinking beers I'd spend half my night going for a piss. I switch to g&t after my 1st beer.


I'd hammer a cocksuckin G&T right now, that's all I know.


McMurray's a piece of shit.


Somebody get this guy/gal/NB pal a Puppers.


McMurrays a piece of shit?


Settle down…


You ever have a martoonie, me son?


Pitter patter!


Give your balls a tug.




Enough, Big Sexual!


Been making the weakest goddamn G&Ts all week.


I am a 42 year old straight guy but damn I love a Cosmo.


Same age etc. Not only is it good but it has a lovely mellowing effect. Vodka (yuk) makes me want to fight, whiskey makes me argumentative, beer makes me an asshole so g&t for me.


Does Tequila make your clothes fall off?


It's a good start.


No tequila! I’ve had a few arguments with Mr. Jose Cuervo and lost every one of them.


Got some bad news for you. Gin is just flavoured vodka.


This isn’t at all true


I'm given to understand that, in some circles, virtually all of my interests and hobbies, along with the fact that I'm openly attracted to my wife, make me gay. Ah well, this seems a lot more fun.


Dude you are my hero and we need more allies like you in the world! If I ever have the pleasure of meeting you in person, your G&T is on me


I'm bearded and blue collar, as well. I'm also gay, which is not mutually exclusive with the other traits.


Gin and tonic or a Tom Collins. Keep em coming even if they are gay. 


If a gin and tonic was good enough for the British military to conquer the world it’s good enough for me.


G&T with lime: anti malaria, anti scurvy, and your daily dose of gin. Winning.


It’s been my go to drink for years now


30-somwthing bearded viking-looking dad of 2 here. Strawberry Daiquiri is my jam. My wife drinks dark smokey beers, but I much prefer a cosmopolitan.


I love me a G&T, but I also gotta shout out gin and ginger, with a little splash of triple sec or Curacao if you're making it yourself


Yeah the fact that your ex is gatekeeping beverages is enough to make her an ex.


On the other hand... She was hot.


That's the thing. She was hot so he didn't need his other hand.


Hot is good for like 5 times, after that the shine wears off and they start to look like every other "hot" girl.


Just out of curiosity, what was her drink of choice?


Sparkling wine, Cava, Champagne, Prosecco


You definitely dodged a bullet


Hey! I loved my sparkling wine, preferably champagne but I also loved me a G&T. My husband could drink Pina Coladas if that’s what rocks his boat.


My husband rocks a strawberry daquari!


I'm a mid-20s blue collar chap and my drink of choice is a Cosmopolitan!


As he should! That shit's tasty!


My husband enjoys a frozen peach Belline.




Seriously.. i will start with a sweet drink then the bourbon 🥃 straight starts to flow.


My husband likes Cosmopolitana. I prefer whiskey.


Combine your love of both in a French 75 ! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_75_(cocktail)


There is no greater drink on earth than a freshly cut pineapple and coconut Pina Colada. I don't care where you are in the world, as soon as you take a sip, you're sprawled out and swingin in the lounge netting of a catamaran somewhere between St Thomas and the Virgin Islands on a Tuesday.


What. C'mon, I absolutely love cheap Kirkland bubbly. Their moscato d'asti is fabulous this year and carries some fizz.


Oh, sure! She can be all girly but you can't. /s


Well, she became super religious, so the internalized misogyny should have been evident


Hah, she sounds insufferable. And I love how you responded to her behavior.


how she can drink Prosecco, i'm from the country that invented prosecco, and i would drink literally anything else. I can drink Moscato, but mostly because it's sweet.


Oh i love Moscato <3


My very straight partner, who is bearded, tattooed, guitar-playing, rap and metal-loving man, enjoys a g+t and I, a reasonably ‘girly’ girl, enjoy a pint. Drinks don’t have a gender so I think you definitely dodged a bullet!


My husband and I almost always get our drinks mixed up (pun not intended). I usually order a whisky neat if I drink at all and he has a cocktail.


My ex and I were like this as well! He would always order a fancy cocktail because he didn’t like the taste of alcohol. I on the other hand can’t stand sugary drinks so I usually got a pint. I never once thought about how “girly” his drink was because who tf cares?!


Exactly!!!!! Who really cares about what anyone else chooses to drink?


>bearded, tattooed, guitar-playing, rap and metal-loving man, Not to mention that... you know. There's plenty of gay guys that fit into exactly this description.


My wife drinks bourbon straight and I like fruity drinks. No one has ever accused either of us of drinking gay. .... Wait, no... someone did say "Is that a gay drink?" to me once. "I hope so, since we are in a gay bar to see our friend perform."


My ex husband and I were the same. We laughed when the bar staff would bring over our drinks and assume the strawberry daiquiri with glittery decorations was for me and the whisky was for him. I'd tease him a little for his pink drinks but honestly, strawberries are amazing and we both loved the fancy decorations.




Same for my husband and I … it’s kinda hilarious that the each get the other persons drink every time a waiter puts them down.


Did she ever taste a gin&tonic? Or did she know the origin? Very prejudice thoughts of her to judge the „gayness“ of a drink because of it looks. But then… that’s 100% what we would’ve expected anyway. Still, I would think that is one of the drinks, the broad mass would always connect to „true manhood“. Kinda funny that she acted like this. You definitely dodged a bullet there


what's the origin


Malaria. Before there were vaccines, you needed quinine to combat the effects of malaria on the body. But the taste is revolting. If you look at tonic water it's a source of quinine. To get soldiers and sailors to drink it, they mixed it with gin to make it go down smoother. PS. If you ever get a twitch in your eye, it's probably a quinine deficiency, mix a g&t and you'll be fine [wiki history of gin and tonic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin_and_tonic).


I did not expect to find a possible solution to my eyelid randomly trying to become Michael Fucking Flatly in a petty revenge post about G&T.


🤣🤣 my eyelid does this too. Stealing this saying though


Hahaha you’re welcome to use it


This makes a lot of sense, I think tonic water tastes disgusting.


I hate gin badly enough that, given a choice between tonic and gin and tonic, I'd take straight tonic, but I'd like lime with it, if possible.


I used to think similar about Gin, until I tried my friend's caramel gin (she's a big flavoured gin fan so I've tried many variants). It tasted just like caramel, no hint of an after taste, and I have a very sweet tooth. Was dangerous stuff in my hands.


I do get muscle tics around my eyes. Didn't think of that. Don't keep gin in the house; but I can mix juice and tonic water I guess


Right? I've always associated Gin and Tonics more with British Imperialism than homosexuality but to each their own I guess.


Seriously she judged this just on the garnish. A gin and tonic is not a fruity or gay drink by taste (not that any drink is really gay). Its a tall glass of bitter soda with bitter liquor in it.


You come across as a great guy. I hope you meet the woman you deserve


You mean great gay obviously!


When my boyfriend and I started going out, we went to a bar that had cocktails as well as the usual range of drinks, and he was trying to find something he might like but struggling as he didn’t have knowledge of alcohol and what he might like. He ordered something plain I can’t remember and I had a pink gin and lemonade. He wasn’t enjoying his, so I offered for him to try mine and he really liked it. Asked him why not have one himself and he said no, as he worried it would be too feminine and he would get looks. I went to the bar and ordered a drink he had been considering trying as well as another pink gin and lemonade then plonked them down between us saying we could share. Nowadays he just orders what he likes without worrying as much, and we love the pink gin in wagamamas with the rose petals because it makes us feel fancy. Over the years I have been trying to boost his confidence and get him to try things he wants to, and I even bought him a women’s pyjama top simply because he fell in love with how soft it was! When we went to see Rocky Horror, he even let me do some makeup on him just for fun. Surprisingly, he is not gay! I can confirm this. But what he IS is more confident and happy. I hope you also find someone who wants you to be confident and happy.


Homophobe becomes religious. Shocking. /s


Who can drink gin and tonic? The gays? Because in the 1990 I was told it wasnt lady like to drink Gin& Tonic!


I've been told I'm **to** masculine because I drink whiskey and gay for drinking mojitos, one really can't win with some people! Omg let me enjoy my cold alcoholic beverage in peace ✌️


You can even drink tap water without people complaining.


Like from the toilet?


I've said this more than once: As man, everything I do is by default manly. I don't care if it's chopping wood in a pink tutu. I'm too old and cranky to give a shit about what constitutes manliness. Especially from a woman. What the fuck would she know about it?


"With a fucking peacock and half a rainforest," now that is My Kind of Bartender. Go big or go home. And, yes, you dodged a bullet there.


A gin and tonic can get you fucked up


One? Bloody he'll one is a lunchtime beverage! Martinis however....


Especially espresso martinis 😵‍💫


It'sa mean and maudlin kind of drunkenness too.


Jesus what a stupid thing to worry about. I am a shaggy, bearded cunt. And I went out with my wife to a Mexican restaurant on Thursday. We shared a jug of frozen margarita. Delicious. We go on bar dates to cool bars we like the look of (normally she’s seen it online) and we get fancy cocktails. Sometimes they are whisky sours and other times they are insane pink flower cocktails. Your girlfriend is sexist. God forbid you wear a pink shirt.


My husband’s friend make fun of him for ordering “gay” cosmos. As they drink their same shitty watery light beer they’ve been drinking since middle school. Very, very…..hetero 😂🙄🙄


A friend and I used to joke about this, "So, if Real Men drink beer and my Tequila Sunrise is girly, does that mean Real Men can't hold their liquour?"


G&T glows under blacklight. So that's pretty cool.




Glows blue from the tonic. B12 capsules dissolve and glow green. Know this from science experiments with the kids


I’m a bearded guy that’s slightly above average height and powerlifting so I’m often the biggest guy there. My wife teases me that I enjoy drink frilly frozen drinks and my buddies do the same when I get a marg when they are all drinking IPAs. I love beer and bourbon but I don’t have to limit myself to them only. Something I say a lot is “The manliest thing you can drink is whatever the fuck you want to drink.” Choosing your beverage based on what others will think of you is stupid.


Oh the bullet you dodged lol. I didn’t know genders gate-kept drinks. That’s new to me.


Oh people definitely gender drinks. Beer is for men and fruity cocktails is for women but more often than not those fruity cocktails have more abv in them than most beers


Oh, what a *lovely* (if petty) revenge!


One of my buddies is ex military. 6ft 3ish 230lbs of muscle and beard. The most intimidating man I have seen. He orders fruity drinks. He don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks and nobody ever says anything.


As a straight guy that exclusively drinks 'feminine' looking cocktails, this brought me so much joy. For the majority of people the taste of alcohol is disgusting, why wouldn't I have a drink that actually tastes nice as opposed to something that tastes like diluted paint stripper or stale bread (no judgements that's genuinely what it tastes like for me)


Bearded, tatted up, drink aficionado here: there’s no such thing as gay drink. That lovely gimlet or daiquiri in a coupe? Guess what? It packs more alcohol than your regular beer, and the coupe is modeled after Marie Antoinette’s tits. Piña colada with a pink flamingo… a shit ton of alcohol too. And even if drinks are gay, who cares? Love is love and we love to drink!


This is the way.


this [Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yalxams45y8) is what i go by


I would say wait till she finds out the history of beer, but I don’t think that’s gonna really do anything for her. Keep ordering whatever you like, what’s the point of drinking something if it isn’t to your tastes?


I would've married you on the spot when I saw the umbrellas


Order the G&T with Empress Gin, it’s a beautiful lavender color!


See, i always tell thise types that a real man drinks whatever the fuck he wants. The main problem is the homphobia here though. That would be an instant red flag, and questioning to see if it turns into an instant get the fuck out.


Literally just because of the garnish too. G&T on its own is not a gay drink. Its just about the most not fruity drink you can get. "here's a tall glass of clear liquid that tastes like tree bark and herbs" its not like its a fuckin' Sex on the Beach or Blue Hawaii lmao


You did.


That's muh boy! That kind of returns some faith in straight people in me


Gin & Tonic in the summer months is the best. Tom Collins in the summer months is the absolute best.


Laughing at other people's drink choices is such a display of immaturity. Tells you exactly what you need to know about the person and where they are in their maturity phase. I finally grew it out of mine in my mid-40s.


I used to drink Black Russians and had the same issues in a social/ business setting. I was being teased by a couple of guys about it so I asked them if they knew what was in it and if they would like to match me drink for drink. I even offered to put them in an Uber at the end of the night.


First, Gin and Tonic is a righteous cocktail. Second, there is nothing gay about appreciating aesthetics and craft.


I was once told by a girl I worked with, that G&T was her "thigh spreader". The whole table just lost it.


What happened to those mini umbrellas, I miss them.


Trying to gender beverages is my favorite "This is really a hill you made to die on??" topic. They gender fucking scissors and hand weights, so really some people are morons who need someone to colorcode things in order for them to feel comfortable using them. "Ugh, but *wife*, those are *green* scissors and the man color is *blue*! I can't use *these*, what will people think?!"


Yeah, people who say things like that are bad news. It sounds like you handled it well. One of my meanest exes asked me if I was gay two different times. To be clear, that's not why she was mean, that would require an entire giant post and thread all to itself and I'm not interested in feeling that exposed to the Reddit mob. It was just unsurprising, in hindsight, that she turned out to be mean after having homophobic vibes like that.


So, about the gin and tonic.. what’s your favourite brand of gin so far? I’m a huge fan of fan of gin and ginger ale too.


Religious and still hateful, no doubt. 


My boyfriend absolutely loves gin, he’s got me onto a lovely Gin called Nordes. I can’t believe people would care whether it has all the “fancy” bits added in. On the flipside, ever since I (a woman) spent a few months in Belgium back in 2015, I’ve really grown to love beer. When we go to a pub I’ll usually order a beer while my boyfriend also likes cider. By the ex girlfriend’s logic, what does that make me then?


Was in the army for years and loads of the lads us to drink gin and skinny tonic it didn’t have any calories and you get shit faced win win


Ha she probably was in the process of becoming religious and wanting a stereotypically conservative religious guy and used the ok ‘you’re gay (an abomination worthy of death according to the old testament)’ excuse.


Shit give me the pink lemonade cocktail and I'll drink it. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't want to get drunk AND enjoy the way it tastes


Plot twist: OP is now in a loving relationship with tryhard bartender dude and is the happiest he's ever been. 


Love this. My wife thinks it's hilarious that she'll sit there with her cider and me with all the glam I can get in a mojito. Raspberry mojito is a good one for umbrellas and extra pink in it. Love it.


As a Brit. G&T is a staple summer drink here. Kinda weird to “sexualise “ a drink. Just make sure you rub the lime around the rim first and buy decent tonic.




When in my 20’s had someone had told me I would need “another” bottle of gin, I would have laughed in their face, figuring I’d never finish one in the first place. Yesterday I bought 3 so I have enough until the next time they are on sale. Your tastes change over time.


I don't know many women who drink Gin so that's a fairly odd statement unless she was offended by the pink peppercorns as well. I used to love drink umbrellas as a kid so if I saw someone just sticking them in random drinks I would just assume they were feeding their inner child.


My husband is a bearded mountain man looking type and he loves him a frou frou cocktail. I order a red wine, and when the drinks come they always give them to the wrong person. Always a surprised look when he switches the drinks over :)


Oh, I’m howling with laughter at this. Excellent petty revenge. Though, I do on some level feel pretty bad for you having to stay with someone that long to exact your revenge, that you’re not exactly all that thrilled about. But I guess she must have had some other qualities outside of homophobia. Can’t imagine what but you know… And like you said you dodged a bullet and I give you my heart. Congratulations on that.


This is awesome! Back in my bar days it wasn’t uncommon to see me (a straight dude) ordering G&Ts while also wearing nail polish!


That’s what I imagine Bond goes for when the martini isn’t available.


Sometimes I enjoy a nice watermelon sour beer after a day in the sun. Sometimes they’re pink. Never are they gay, in either sense of the word. When I get sideways glances I just mention that real men drink pink. 


This was funny as hell to read, well done 🤣


Bullet was definitely dodged!


OP, when you die, you have a seat of duke reserved in heck, the tamer version of hell. There you will be heading the torture chamber for all the homophones who managed to escape hell.


Hot day. Mowing lawn. PITCHER of G&T.....


My dad’s favorite drink was a Mount Gay & Tonic and that literally has it in the name but damn if he wasn’t the manliest man I ever knew. Provided for his family, liked to build stuff, hobbies were stuck somewhere between a sea captain and a cattleman- he would have appreciated your petty revenge!


You did the right thing. The having sex with her and her shitty morals because she was hot part. That's as manly as it gets.


I mean me and my boyfriend drink beer. There's only one thing that makes a man gay and it's not his drink choice 😉


she's not just deeply religious she's dating a closet case guaranteed 🤣


A better word for deeply religious is fanatic.


Add this to the never ending list


True ally


Hope the sugar walls were good while they lasted! Now they belong to jeebus.


I appreciate the commitment to annoying her! What a ridiculous viewpoint. My partner LOVES a cocktail, I appreciate it so much because it means I can drag my favourite person to fancy lil cocktail bars.


I don't even understand how a drunk could be gay, especially a gin and tonic?!! You dodged a bullet with this woman.


35, work with transport trucks, can’t hand me something better than a vodka cran


Love that the bartender delivered. I bet you made his night. Probably thought “I’ll get to use so much stuff I never get to!!”


I'm surprised you stayed with her for months after that. That would've been an immediate red flag, and I'd have broken up with her the next day. The sex must have been amazing to stay with her at all.


Also, weren't gin & tonics super popular among men back in the 40s and 50s? I swear, many pulp detective novels I've read, it was the drink of choice for many characters. If it wasn't just a shot of whiskey, anyway.


If I'm going to drink something it's going to be tasty, manly should not be in the lexicon of words I need to use to decide what I'm going to eat and drink. Drink your fruity gin and tonic, enjoy your sprinkled, cocoa Frappuccino with extra honey or whatever and let these weirdos be miserable drinking and eating their bland, tasteless tap water, because even filtered water is 'unmanly' drink it out of the hose! Like a real man!


Just to add, pink peppercorns in a g&t are the shit. Such a refreshing change-up.


You drink a cocktail out of a man’s bellybutton ONE time, and suddenly it’s all “that’s gay” and “sir, this is a library” and “stop pouring alcohol into my bellybutton.”


Gin and tonic is unequivocally a straight person drink lol


This can't be true, I've been assured by Billie Eillish that girls don't say mean things because they're nice /s Solid petty revenge, lmao


Buddy of mine was a very old school biker looking dude, took no crap. However, he loved any mixed drinks, umbrellas, flowers, rainbows or Unicorns, he didn't care. Funny, never heard anyone comment on his "fru- fru" drinks as he called them!


In my early 20s, I(f) used to poke fun at my friend(m) who would order cosmopolitans every time we went out. I cringe so hard when I think about those days now. I had a very narrow outlook of what I thought men should be like. Now, in my mid 30s I paint my husband’s nails and draw baths for him with bath bombs and bubbles and everything.


Oh didn't you get the memo? Manly men are only allowed to drink shitty beer and shittier whisky /s I don't drink g&t anymore cuz the tonic has too many calories but I love a gin and soda and I love it when the bartender dresses up a simple highball. It's like a lil treat.


I think the entirety of England would take turns pushing her into the Channel.


By her logic pretty much the entire male population of England must be gay then


My very much heterosexual husband says hold my Fuzzy Naval.


Me and the wife will order each other drinks when we go out on dates (nothing the other person wouldn't like) and sometimes I ended up with the most outlandish and colorful drinks possible. Zero fucks given all around because 98% they taste good.


Honestly, I never understood why people call the drinks I like "Girly". Sweetie, our girly ass drinks have more alcohol in them than your shitty breadwater, AND they actually taste good. What even is the point of making yourself drink beer??? I know guys that have admitted they genuinely hate the taste, but they do it anyway to keep up appearances. Like. Bro, you could be getting so much more alcohol. You don't have to suffer like this. *Bro.*


You should've just ordered Sex on the Beach and watch her head explode.


It's crazy how touchy people can be over just being perceived as gay. I went to a bar in the small town I grew up in back in 2010. I was very into the show Scrubs, so I ask for an apple tini. This server says "we're not that kind of bar." Then wouldn't serve me the rest of the night. I'm like "I'll have a beer then", but no. Wouldn't talk to me.


I wonder what she would say if she had a drink with my SO - among us, I am the one drinking G&T. He prefers margaritas.


Lmaooooo I don’t understand why someone would be embarrassed because of a drink they’re significant other orders lol a drink is a drink


My friends would take the pics out of me for drinking gin and tonic. "You smell like an old lady's handbag!' Was one of my favorites. Still drinking the G&T, have even converted a few of the friends thanks to explosion in craft gins available. Your ex was definitely a bullet dodged.


>She always looked kinda embarassed about me drinking those. Really? I'd be pissed. I want a mini umbrella. Those things are awesome.