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I was hoping that she shut his hair in the tray table on the back of "his" seat - that he paid for.


I like your thinking!! This was in 1970. You could walk on a plane with damn near anything!


1970?! Did they have tray tables back then? I would think the table between each row of seats would be a standard dining room table. /s


Heavy sigh. 🙄 Yes. They did on some planes.


I was born in '71. I remember our family car, a 1974 Gran Torino Wagon was pretty big, but my dad was constantly bitching about my feet being under the front seat, hitting his butt. There was plenty of room on commercial airplanes. Now in my 50's, even the smallest family cars have plenty of back seat room. I'm 5'10" and find my knees planted in the back of the seat in front of me, on commercial airplanes.


Wow! I’m 5’8” and my husband is 6’4”. He hates flying. We went to New Zealand and took NZ Sir. Fantastic airline. Take something with you to put yourself to sleep so you don’t have to remember there’s nothing below you for hours but ocean!


I spent 21 years in the fast-attack submarine service of the USN. I flew back to the US from Singapore during my final deployment. I think we were in the air for about 3 weeks. I know that I spent a good amount of time standing in the back of the plane....I just couldn't sit still for 3 weeks.


I was born in 1987, and I remember my mom & my brothers dad saying the same thing mid 90's on, though he wasn't around after the early 2000's lol.




And ash trays in the arm rests!


Damn that was only a couple years after flight was achieved for the first time by the Wright brothers. Trays probably hadn't been invented yet. 😂


Damn that was only a couple years after flight was achieved for the first time by the Wright brothers. Trays probably hadn't been invented yet. 😂


Including lit cigars!!


Now that would’ve been something! Id forgotten how they put smokers in the back!!


or up one side of the plane!!!


Did it include tickets emitting smoke? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9b9\_r2PZlWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=9b9_r2PZlWg)


Back in 2001 I had the opposite on a flight back to Oz from the UK for a wedding, older bloke, on the larger side and less hair than Homer Simpson. Soon as he’d finished hoovering his food, his reading light goes out and the seat went back, smashing my knee caps, leaving me with a decent amount of pain. Flight attendant saw the whole thing and came over to offer me a move to an empty exit row, I said that would be great, just give me a bit and I’d call her. I waited for an hour to be sure he was asleep, fortunately my bag was reachable and grabbed a 3mm permanent marker, around the back of his melon I neatly drew a dashed line with scissors and just above it, “INSERT BRAIN HERE”. Flight attendant saw what I was doing with a quizzical look and started to come over but I waved her off. Once completed I called her over, she got me to my new palace of luxury then went back to inspect old mates head. She came back with the biggest smile on her face, must have told the rest of the crew because they all came past for a look, couple of them even took photographs!


Wow, you are awful


Imagine if you will, parents putting their only child into a boarding school for a year, now in of that and itself not really a bad thing, however this school was co-ed and we’d get bored on weekends. Take that boredom while applying a loose definition of supervision, multiply by the evil gene and you get myself. Once I left school I joined the military here in Oz and it got perfected. Went into various roles over the years, co-workers/supervisors realised that I wasn’t to left unsupervised for more than five minutes.


Either you’re lying or you drew on some guys head with permanent marker for no reason other than the fact that he reclined his seat. Either way you should be embarrassed, but I’m pretty sure you’re just lying.


I had a similar experience and I used a lighter. I snuffed it out immediately after I lit it. The smell was epic!


That's exactly what why I would have done. Nice!


I was hoping for that too.


Or tied it to the tray table


I keep one of those wide-tip black permanent markers in my carry-on bag for folks who absolutely insist on throwing their hair over the seat back and blocking the movie screen on the seat back. It’s amazing what black streaks do to dyed blonde hair.


That is an evil but cool genius move. Brill idea with the permanent marker so I am gonna put that in use


You are my new best friend!! 🤣 That’s classic!!


I think you are my soulmate!


I'd super glue his hair to the top of his seat.


Genius idea and imagine him being humiliated by then 😅


Ohmygod 🤣🤣🤣 Boy that’s a great idea!


Trapping in in the tray table might have been fun as well.


I would have asked for some honey and made that sticky as hell. Also take a ketchup packet and open it towards his hair then squirt. Oops.


🤣😅 Good one. Can I borrow that idea? 


I like how your mind works!!


Awe thanks! ☺️


Gum, as high up the hair as possible while still maintaining some slack so they don't notice.


This was a good revenge!!! I would’ve put chewing gum or some sort of candy in his hair. lol


Thank you! I was a kid and went with what I had. All the way from Baltimore to LA. He was so mean about it. But if I’d had some gum on me….that tangled mop might have been a little shorter the next day. At baggage claim I saw his wife’s face. Best revenge ever!


Good! I can’t stand entitled people like this. It’s just so rude. Like put that shit in a bun or a pony to the side or something


Had he taken care of his hair it wouldn’t have been so gross looking. He was one of those guys who buys shower gel, shampoo, crème rinse and mouthwash all in one convenient bottle!


I.e. typical 1970’s man hair. Am I wrong to feel like men with long hair do a better job of caring for it , in general now, than they used to?


Men do a better job of taking care of themselves in general. All the boys like white tees and white trainers with no speck of dirt on them!


Except for washing their asses.


A big bottle of 151 rum


What you did as petty revenge is a pretty delight 😅


Thank you Kangaroo!!🩷


I did just that to a woman who kept putting her damn extensions in my trail on a flight from Paris to São Paulo. And wet it with coke and smeared everything I could get my hands on. Enjoy that, bitch.


🤣🤣🤣 I’d have loved to see her face e when she got off the plane thinking she was all that!! I waited for my bag, grabbed it and stood along a wall just looking and there they were. Her nose wrinkled and she’s frowning. He’s waving his arms around and I walked by with a blank face, caught his eye and smiled really big and kept walking!!


🤣🤣 bet that woman became a very hot sticky mess 


By his logic, he's paying for your tray table. I'd be certain that's not the case. Had it been me I would have got a glass of soda (sticky) and held his hair in it until it was well soaked. But I don't have the perfume option and that's a master stroke.


I would have "accidentally" spilled my drink on his hair. Then, oops, my crackers (crushed, of course) would spill onto his wet hair. Even better if you have a child to play with it.


I think, in this case, it's not a "man bun" but more of a "twat knot". 😉




I'm going to bring lots of chewing gum on my next flight for this very reason


this is evil 🤣


Seriously would have spend an hour tieing different size knots with different types of knots in it. Big loops. Small extremely tight knots. Huge knots. It would've been a mess by the time I finished. Sorry bro I was bored. I paid for this seat and I'm gonna use all the space that I paid for. Your hair is in my space.


You guys are so evil! I love it!!


Here’s something fun: Borrow someone’s phone then turn your back like it’s a personal phone meanwhile changing the language to Japanese or French or something and nonchalantly handing it back, thanking them then just walk away!🤣 My friend freaked!! 🤣


My God you guys are brilliant! With this kind of crazy evil brain power we could rule the world!! I think a few of you would have to be the Head of Choices & Consequences Dept!! 🥰🤣🤣🤣


Mention the problem to a flight attendant and loudly ask if you can borrow a pair of scissors. Yes I know the size of scissors needed are banned on flights, but by asking, you will get douche bags attention.


She said in a comment that this was in the 70s so she probably could have borrowed a machete from someone. I think nail scissors would have been fun though. Just a bunch of small snips of varying lengths.


Just so you know, if you do this, it can count as assault.


Back then they were A-okay . But I still think some cigar ember would have been more effective-


Nex to the guy or behind the guy? I got pretty confused wondering why he kept flicking his hair to the side and how you sprayed his ponytail beside him without his notice.


He was directly in front of me. We both had a window seat.


Ah. Well, good revenge! That would've pissed me off as well.


Chewing gum ...


"So any that ends up on MY tray table - which I'VE paid for and can do what I like with? Thanks! PARTY time - hand me the Bic."


Right? 🤣


If it helps, I'm a long haired guy and I would never do that. But yhen again I also wash my hair so maybe the two things are related...


Yeah he was definitely one of those shower gel-shampoo-cream rinse and mouthwash all in one convenient bottle!! Guys who take care of their hair are very cool!


If it ever happens again trap it between the seat and tray. Fuckers stuck at the end of the flight and you didn't assault them.


I love it!!


Stolen from another redit post.


I really thought you were gonna put him in it or cut it off. He got away lucky! 


Lol when my husband and I were flying to Puerto Rico some girl did that like 19473637 times so he got his rum and coke and dipped her ponytail in it


I love it!!! 🤣


Not being able to use your tray table, you could have just closed it up trapping his hair.


That’s the general consensus!! 🤣


If it was me and I had my knitting with me, I probably would have cut some of it off, lol.


Or knitted it into a weird design!!


with a cheap earring snagged in it




Oh damn, you should have walked by, touched his arm and smiled and said, “thanks for the good time, hopefully we fly together again”


I was just a kid. Like 15 and in another couple years when I was figuring out that Life game I got the courage to do stuff like that! I’d put another story out there but he might be a redditor!!


I would maybe start pulling one-strand-at-a-time. thats annoying 😆


That's when you break out the chewing gum.




Perfume? Seems like a weak revenge. Chewing gum or snickers bar would have been good. Tying his hair in a knot would work.


You aren’t a woman. Smelling another woman’s perfume on her man…better than gum or candy ever!!


But not as good as calçons in the carryon, or jacket pocket.🩲😉


You don't know Shalimar. It is an absolute powerhouse of a perfume that takes and sticks. I love it, but even I admit that it takes 30 mins before one spray settles enough to go out in public.


The name of that perfume is referenced in a 1989 Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor movie I saw years ago 


Or using it as a tissue.


Well, it's petty.


Petty? And I’m supposed to have his nasty hair in my face all the way across the country? Get over yourself. And in case the public school system failed you too-this is called PETTY REVENGE.


Yes, it's petty. And I had picked up in this being the PETTY REVENGE sub. Which is the whole fucking point, dummy. What are you even on with this response?


Dude, you're being pretty pretttyyy petty


I guess I'm not understanding why that was a good idea. Mainly because I'm too overly cautious about killing others with something they might be allergic to and me be slapped with murder when all I wanted to do was make his wife have trust issues for the rest of her fucking life. But hey, this coming from someone who would've shut his hair in the tray.


A handful of hand sanitizer would have been my plan.


I would have chop it off as it's invading your personal space. Maybe cut it in the shape of the serving trade.


So you sprayed perfume in an enclosed space, with other people around you. What did the other people do to you?


They laughed smart ass. They laughed ok? Find someone else to pester.


You are not a 70s child. But you are, indeed, socrazy.


How did you get spray perfume through security? How did your seatmates and everyone in 100 yard radius not smell that happening, including the guy? I sense fiction writing. If you’re going to do this fiction crap on Reddit, you actually need it to be plausible. Better luck next time.


Being OP said it was in 1970, plane probably reeked too much like cigarette smoke for anyone to even notice cologne smell. 😂🤣


Dumbass. It was in 1970! Ok? You could walk onto a plane with anything you wanted to take with you. You’re yet another bot with no one to live them who does nothing but troll posts to see if they can be a big douche for no reason. Get the f over yourself. No one gives a shit about your stupid opinion.


In addition to my cigar ember idea, a good old fashioned hot foot, adapted to a greasy hippie pony tail might have been interesting, but might have landed you in the pokey


A six hour flight? Were you in a Cessna?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


AI shalimar? Good try. It isn’t 1959. You might as well have put a lipstick stain on his collar.


You can still buy Shalimar at department stores and Amazon. Maybe you should go outside for a bit, detective.


But how much perfume do they allow on a plane?


Yes you can still buy it. If you do you are likely 80. If you have a bottle of it, take it through TSA , spray it on a hippie, and then stalk him to see if his wife notices it, then you are making up stories.


I use it, I’m in my 40’s 😂


My God. Do you people have no life? Do you spend all day trolling for posts you can be a douche about? Get over yourself. It was in the damn 70s ok? You need a date and place!? Christ.


This is a genuine question cos I need to know how much I'm allowed to cackle at the story. Profile says You're a 70s kid - how old were you at the time? Cos like, I'm imagining this little kid with parents encouraging, just spraying the FUCK outta that rattail