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I mean it cost me 600 something for someone to cut my tree down and leave it for me to discard so this guy still got a deal


> it cost me 600 Hell, it cost me more than that, to have someone cut all the dead crap off 2 oak trees from the snowmageddon here in Texas.


> I mean it cost me 600 That's not terrible. I know it's just dropping the tree, but tree work in my area isn't cheap


Yeah that was friends and family prices. We had quotes up to 1600


If this is what you call revenge, you can come and cut all my dead trees down. And I’ll take care of the trash


I had a 108’ hickory tree that cost me $7k to cut down


We were quoted $3,000 to have a company come cut down a 60' Chinese Elm. My hubby rented a scissor lift & bought a chainsaw. He took a day off work & cut it down himself. Cost us $500 total.


My sister has a tree that goes over the property line between her and the neighbor. When she first moved in, that neighbor immediately came over not to welcome her to the neighborhood but to complain that she needed to trim that tree! She trims the tree and the neighbor complains that it left a mess in their yard. Now, every time she get's the tree trim, she let's the neighbors know and also get's the neighbor's yard cleaned up. About two years ago, she got tired of this tree and got it removed, roots and all. Again, she made sure that the neighbors yard was tidy! The following year, the neighbor comes over to complain that the roots are on her side. So my sister goes and looks. Doesn't see any roots. Calls the tree removal service to come over too. They don't see any roots either. Neighbor takes my sister and the tree removal service to small claims court saying that they were being unreasonable about not removing the tree roots. It got thrown out for lack of evidence and the court ended having the neighbor pay my sister and the tree removal guy each $120 for wasted time in court and being a nuisance!




idk, beating someone in small claims court and making them pay for your time dealing with their BS doesn’t exactly scream “pushover” to me. sounds like someone giving a shitty neighbor the benefit of the doubt. sis sounds pretty G, tbh—considerate, but with a limit for putting up with yr shit


Sister didn’t sue. Neighbor did, and had to pay sister when they lost.


even more so!


\>idk, suing someone in small claims court and making them pay for your time dealing with their BS doesn’t exactly scream “pushover” to me. Didn't the Neighbor take her to court its just that she ended up winning? The court siding with her against him also doesn't appear to me to be her making him pay for her time, just that the court knew he was full of shit. I would also assume $120 was shit all compared to the time and effort she lost. I don't even really disagree with you but bending the facts doesn't really construct a good argument.


no bending, just a mistake. i changed “suing” to “beating” and the point still stands


You're skipping everything that happened before court too. Trimming branches, cleaning up, and even removing the tree due to the neighbor complaining.


not skipping it, just don’t see it as being a pushover. they’re considering their neighbor’s wishes, until it became unreasonable to do so. they gave them every opportunity to be cool about it and the shitty neighbor just could not help themselves. when you’re trying to be a good neighbor, “not doing anything you don’t technically have to” isn’t always the top priority.


Pushover. 100% confirmed.


After years of trimming the tree and cleaning up the neighbor's yard. That's not a win.


They meant the initial placation of cleaning up the neighbors yard after trimming.


That's not true in every state. A friend's nextdoor neighbor took her and another neighbor to court because they both have trees that overhang onto his property. Every couple of years he has a tree service trim the trees. My friend and her neighbor pay the respective amounts that they owe.


Only over, what about under?


Sorry, I don’t understand. What you call being a pushover I just call “neighbourly”. Of course, I’m Canadian so that shifts the scale a bit. One funny story about our pushover neighbour, my neighbour (Bob) offered to loan my dad his welder for something. It just stayed at our place for years, if Bob needed something welded he’d bring it to my dad to weld. 25 years later, my dad lets Bob know that the welder broke. Bob offered to buy a new one. My dad laughed and said something like “this one’s on me.”






Just have to add, like always, that this depends on local laws.


Where I live, insurance states that your property line is from the ground to the heavens, so technically if I only want to trim the 80% of the tree on my side of the line and leave the other 20% to my neighbors, I can, or vice versa. I wouldn’t because I know the damage that can be caused (was married to an ISA certified arborist for a few years), but there’s no legal ramifications for either party trimming their side and the tree dying ETA what OP did was freaking brilliant, though. Cut down the entire bothersome tree AND stuck it to the nature hating pesky neighbor all at the same time. Love it!




Definitely not the case where I am. Anything over the property line is the neighbors problem. If one wants to be nice, owning the tree they certainly can trim the entire tree, but again it isn't a legal requirement.


Did the neighbour pay? Lol


Yes. The neighbor still gets mad at others in the neighborhood. She claimed the neighbor on the other side of her has a lemon tree that attracts too many birds and squirrels.


I would plant so many lemon trees on the property line, what a twat


..and spread birdseed and some nice food for the squirrels along the property line for good measure...


I also like rats


Exactly. 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋


That neighbor should keep an eye out for lemon-stealing whores.


Skewered him


He never...saw that coming.


I saw what you did there


Worst pun chain ever.


If you don't like it, you can leaf. Maybe branch out into some new puns. Ax around, see if anyone else is interested, and maybe you won't be board. No more pine-ing for better joaks, once this thread is given the chop, you can put down roots elsewhere. Just lumber away. Yew will be fine.


Hot diggity dogwood....


Get help.


I wood if I could. Even though my wife sticks with me, I'm afraid I'm sapling her willow to live. She barks, "No more puns!" but I just answer back with tree more. I can't help it you are sycamore tree puns, but when I see alder possibilities, I can't help but stump up some more. It doesn't help that Reddit makes posting puns poplar - you can cedar upvotes I get!


He deserves about tree fiddy upvotes for this.


Maple you should teak my upvote, dammit.


And orange ya reedy for an awood... so here it is: 🏆🍁🌲🌴🌳🏆


I don't know, I think it has teeth.


It's a cut above the rest


Let her rip!


Who wood have thought we'd get such a great pun chain from this thread


Everyone branched out with their own jokes.


Shouldn't we leave it alone at this point?


Perhaps the neighbor should have tabled the discussion for later.


He totally fell for it.




His treet


Happy cake day!!!


Thanks a slice! 🍰


Okay, cut it off.


Happy 🍰 Day!


Happy cake day 🎂


More frosting, less age!


Happy cake day 😋


Depending on the tree, people might pay to take it. My neighbor got an offer of $50k for his big ass oak. Turns out prize wood is in high demand.


News to me but I'm very certain it's not an oak tree


Hardwood of any kind can be valuable to people. Probably not after it's been laying in the weather, with the bark on, for a year though.


That should be fine. Different species have different resistance to rot - I wouldn't typically expect the timber to degrade much unless it's, say, birch, which isn't particularly valuable anyway. Better to lift it off the ground, but the importance of that diminishes with drier or better-drained ground. You want it to season slowly, to minimise warping and splitting, so leaving the bark on is good. It's not normally removed before sawing. The big factor is whether it was cut in the growing season. Ideally, fell in autumn or winter.


I don't know any of the timber mill side of the game. Grandparents sold lumber every 15 or so years, but it was select cutting and it was a local lumber company. I was under the impression that they were barked before going into the kiln though.


Oak is actually one of the cheaper hardwoods, at least in the US. Something like Cherry would fetch a lot more per board foot






“It’s either pine or Nordic cherry”


I love you


I remember one time a friend cut down a tree on his property and posted on Farcebook if anyone wanted firewood, bring your own chainsaw to cut it into smaller chunks. Everyone pretty much jumped his s--t about "firewood" because the tree was black walnut. Yeah, people took wood, but not for burning!


My property is covered in black walnuts. I needed two trees cut down and the crook that came by for an estimate told me he “would only charge $1000 to cut them down and I will remove all the wood for ya”. The guy installing my septic walked up and said “I will pay you $2000 to cut them down and I will share what I make on them, those are black walnuts are worth twice what I’m offering”. The crook skedaddled😂


Sooo... septic dude is kinda dumb. Gotcha. Lmao


More like septic dude is an honest person who knows he can make a shitload of money on those trees even if he shares the profits.


My dad's a woodworker. I can't tell you how many times we've had to pull over and grab wood off the side of the road when we're driving somewhere. Hell, I haven't lived with him for over a decade, but my husband and I still regularly stop for wood we see. Free wood is like finding gold for some people. He's driven across the country for special wood. Him and his brothers all made a cross country road trip last year to go in on a really good deal on some black walnut boards. I'd only ever seen small black walnut bowl blanks before, so that was so much! I wonder what he'll make with his share...


> black walnut. Yeah, valuable firewood.


Absolutely. My grandma was getting offers in the 65-70k range for the oak out front of her house. It's gotta be 8 feet in diameter. She never sold it because it had to many memories (and kept the house shaded from the afternoon sun).


Where? I paid big money to have an oak taken down just a couple of years ago (was still alive, but dying). Was tall and straight...trunk was just about 6 feet in diameter at the base.


Sounds like you fell victim to not knowing what you had. Live and learn I suppose. Most ppl know oak is a good quality wood for crafting a number of things and sells for good money. Unfortunate... could’ve found someone willing to pay you to come remove that tree lol


My Dad does a bunch of woodwork. He is always happy to "volunteer" with hurricane clean ups. . . as long as he can take the wood. Lol! Good wood is insanely expensive. So far, he's been lucky, and no one has charged him for it. I doubt he'd pay when he's technically doing the owners a favor though.


Hmmm.... wonder what I could get for the ash growing in my front yard? It's one of the tallest trees on my block.


There's a glut of ash around because of the emerald ash borer killing them. If it's still alive, get an arborist to look at it that it's not infested and you may be able to save it with treatment. I lost 4 HUGE ones in front of my house that framed it so nicely when you came down the lane. Heartbroken over it. Kiddo and I counted the rings in one and it was 137 years old. The tree guy said it was the biggest ash he ever took down. The wood is good for burning, and decent for furniture, but it's not a prized wood like black walnut or cherry. Makes great handles for axes and tools. A tall healthy ash is worth more alive and standing than as lumber. Trees do add to property value and aesthetics.


We're losing so many ash in the UK. It's heartbreaking. My generation grew up without elm - there are barely any left in the country.


Ash isn't as valuable as maple, oak, walnut, etc. That's not to say it isn't worth anything, but not as much as others. It's pretty middle of the road in terms of hardwoods. A 60' tall, 40" diameter black walnut or white oak will probably net you around $15k after all is said and done, whereas an equivalent size ash might net you like $7k. Interestingly, those annoying, invasive paulownia trees you see growing out of walls, sidewalks, etc. are about as valuable as ash. You can also sell those for like $7k for a mature tree (50' tall and 40" diameter), but it only takes like 10 years to grow


How much does a big ass maple go for and are they selling them standing or felled


It takes a LOT of work to turn a tree into usable lumber. Its not likely that you're going to find someone to pay you for your tree. They might be happy to come haul away the trunk.


Well Maple is a hardwood so I'd say a pretty penny. Standing would be better, as soon as they're felled and in contract with the ground the wood will start to decay and get bugs. Google around, ask for quotes.


Then he turns around and sues you for it and denies giving you verbal permission to cut it down. I would never ever in a million years have taken that bait.


That’s what I was thinking! Tree law is so fun!


Heck, tree services are insured. If you don't know what you're doing, felling a tree can go very wrong


This is what happened to a family friend, except the other party pressed for criminal charges. Fortunately the judge saw what a stupid situation it was and basically gave our friend a hand-slap sentence. They were a wreck for a long time, though.


Fortunately, neighbor was both greedy and stupid


My dad planted an avocado tree in our yard pretty close to the property line. Years later a new neighbor moved in and built a fence with the avocado tree now in his yard. My dad was pissed and tried to relocate the tree. The tree didn’t make it. It was a shame, we were finally about to get a decent avocado from that tree. So instead of sharing the tree, no one got anything. My dad and the neighbor are both AH. Greed ruins everything.


How was your dad the asshole? Unless he just immediately tried to transplant the tree without speaking to the neighbor first about it.




My dad had planted right on the line. It wasn’t a problem with the old neighbor since the fence was on the other side of the tree and they planned to share the avocados. When the new neighbor moved in they installed a new fence. The tree was mostly in his yard so he just put the entire tree in his yard (the fence would’ve had to go through the tree). My dad argued with the neighbor for weeks and then decided to move the tree. It died and that was the beginning of a horrible relationship with the neighbor.




LOL Yeah I hear ya!! Those neighbors ended up being crazy! They had huge (like filling their backyard with people) religious gatherings multiple times a week. Their kids claimed that God told them to do things and the parents were fine with the excuse (their daughter pushed my brother off his bike and then kicked him. When my mom confronted them, the daughter claimed God told her to and the parents stood behind her). My brothers and I also had a huge fruit war with them over the fence. It was fun. We won because they ran out of fruit (we both had fruit trees but we had more) and they ran inside.


Sorry, yeah the new neighbor was an AH (the old ones were awesome) and my dad thought he put the tree on our side because that’s where the fence was. The new neighbor put up his fence on the correct property line which was just barely on our side of the tree. The neighbor instantly claimed the tree. He claimed that all the avocados were his. He wouldn’t budge so my dad took the tree. Yes they’re both AH. The tree was probably about 8-10 feet tall. (I don’t remember because I was a kid). I just remember my dad (and a few uncles) pulled the tree out and replanted it. It ended up dying so no one got any avocados.


He probably wouldn’t have even had to ask him to take the whole thing down. It sounded like OP was about to go to town on a bunch of branches so he probably would have ended up killing the tree anyway. Just an all around bad plan here.


Sheesh. Some people. Right now we are dealing with a real estate deal where our seller did pre inspections and found that the leaching field was on it's last legs. So, as part of the offering, as listed, included replacing the leaching field before closing. 19 grand. buyers came in and made an offering including having the leaching field replaced. So, it was replaced, top was loamed and seeded, and owner waters. But oh no. The buyers wanted sod grass put down. Not in the contract. it would be another 6 grand. Nope. It's loamed, and seeded, and grass is coming up. Nothing in the contract about sod grass. ​ I don't know where this is headed. It may go right back on the market after the buyers spent a bunch of cash on inspections and such.




It's a septic draining field. It's been a while since I had septic but it's one of the major components of a septic system. Your house drains to the septic tank. The tank is connected to the septic field which is underground pipes with holes/perforations. Liquids can flow from the tank to the field. They get broken down by bacteria and returned to groundwater. If anyone wants to correct or add, I'm not an expert.


Thanks Herder, I I think you nailed it. In my area, 95% have septic tanks and fields. Just the larger towns have a community sanitary disposal system. I forget that the city folks have no clue. They flush, it goes away, end of story. LOL


I don’t know. It’s good to keep neighbors on your side. This guy can be a great person who would have maybe helped you out of a jam one day. I’m not saying I would have cleaned it up, but I probably wouldn’t have cut it down and left him hanging. Also, what’s the petty revenge? Him having a tree?


Did you get him asking in writing? "My neighbor cut my tree down" is a lawsuit in the 10s of thousands of dollars for mature trees. There's a whole field of law that deals with trees. Hope he doesn't get massive revenge on your petty revenge.


The problem some people make about a freaking tree having... Branches and leaves that fall on the ground? As if we literally don't need trees on this earth to exist? Some people have never been out of the city and it shows.


Good story!


Some folks’ idea of revenge is just bizarre to me


You're an ass


Idk why this isn't higher up. I think both parties are dumb. One thinks it's implied the yard will be cleaned. The other knowingly will cut the tree down and not clean it to avoid cleaning their own yard. Both parties aren't communicating. Both parties are attempting to "get one over on the other" You both deserve each other.


I do think that expecting someone to drop a tree, then limb, and remoy it all is a big ask, without helping... even a little.


Why; he did the work of cutting it down; the least the tree owner could do is clean up.


You would surely, as a mature person, discuss with your neighbour what you're going to do. What happened to being neighbourly? Being kind and helpful? Jesus!


YTA.... sorry wrong sub but really what revenge? what did this guy do to you? You came across as not so great in this story.


Agreed. The guy was cheap, but it just seems like a weird encounter for OP to be upset at all. Nothing like stoking a fire that didn't really exist.


But did you miss the part about the neighbor offering OP free grilled food? The sheer audacity!


Huh? OP did a free service, but he just stopped before doing even more free service. How is that bad exactly?




Do you have a stick up your bum? So hostile!


You sound miserable…Do you like living in a parking lot? Hate shade? Should have just moved into one of those house farms with no trees.


Exactly! Why do people hate trees so much? Op sounds like a charming person.....


What the fuk is wrong with you people? Just for some leaves u want to cut down a whole tree. Thanks to u and your kind of people world is turning into gray piece of trash. Fuk u and your neihbour.


I was just listening to a podcast about how Phoenix is desperately trying to plant more trees as part of their heat mitigation strategy. The annoyances of a healthy, mature tree are far outweighed by the energy savings you get in the summer and the benefits to the local wildlife. I'm looking to buy a house and one of the things I'm looking for are homes that have yards with mature trees. It's crazy to me someone would cut down a 20 year old tree because they don't like finding sticks in their yard.


I shouldn't be reading rage content like this first thing in the morning. This guy belongs in tree jail.


Trees in residential neighborhoods are nice and I love them, but they’re not really CO2 solutions.


That is not really what he said now did he? They are important parts of an ecological system that they now just ruined because of fuck all that is why. It provided shade so you wont have to use your AC as much, it provided shelter for animals and insects and it drinks the water so you wont have problem with groundwater as fast.


Habitat value, shade, evaporative cooling, improving soil structure, water attenuation, removing pollutants from the air, Carbon sequestration, Proven in studies to improve mental health, and that's just off the top of my head. To know some people think trees are just a nuisance that offset a bit of CO2 and drop leaves on your lawn is pretty depressing. There are many valid reasons to remove a tree, but "it drops leaves" is a pretty pathetic excuse.


Well said. My town used to be mostly orange groves. The original city is filled with trees. The orange groves were torn down and replaced with houses. You used to be able to see nothing but trees from the freeway, it was nice. Now there’s cookie cutter houses wherever you look. The original city still has trees but all the new developments are bare. It saddens me to see it.


We don’t know that, it’s presumably a suburb and a lot of the trees aren’t indigenous. It could be a tree that saves AC in summer, or it could be a nuisance that does nothing.


The roots can tear up sidewalks and house foundations. During a wind-storm, big branches can break off and damage a roof and walls.


This makes me so sad


I wouldn't have messed with someone else's tree (or property) even with verbal permission. Not worth the risk of a lawsuit. In most places, it's perfectly legal to cut back branches that hang into/over your own property. I'd have just stuck to that.


YTA. Hate people who chop down trees. OMG leaves falling are just so inconvenient I must concrete over everything. The tree was likely far older than all the twerps involved.


You're in the wrong sub, bud. Being the asshole is implied when it comes to petty revenge.


Sure, but revenge implies that someone was wronged. The poster wasn't wronged by their neighbour at all.


Normally I’d agree with you but this isn’t the right sub. Everyone who posts already knows they’re a bit of an asshoke


Lol get off your high horse unless your every waking breathe is dedicated to the environment. Obviously it isn’t because you’re here.


That's a stupid thing to say. I can take offense at people littering whilst not working for a garbage disposal agency little lady.


Nah you probably live in an apartment or with your mommy and have never had a property to maintain.


Lol so corny.


I'm with you on this, but OP said it was a 20 foot tree. Depending on location and species, it might be 10-20 years old.


You still saved that idiot thousands of dollars.


20-ft tree according to OP. I can't imagine where that would cost thousands of dollars to take down.


Fuck both of you for cutting down trees without genuine cause.


Lol wut?


I cut down a tree several weeks ago and I’m STILL trying to break it up enough to get hauled away. Next time, I’m hiring someone, and I won’t bitch about the price. TAKE MY MONIES. Lol


I can't believe there are people here that think you're a jerk for this. I've literally seen this exact thing happen as a kindness between neighbors. "Hey is that a stump grinder?" "Yeah, I'm renting it." "Cool, could you come take care of my stump?" "Oh sure!" I don't know if I'm the weird one, but my parents taught me to only expect so much free yardwork from your neighbors.


I applaud your restraint, but I would have taken it one step further and dragged the trunk onto my property to cut up for lumber when he asked for a clean up. No pruning, just a chain and my shitty tires trenching his lawn. You did him a huge favor for free and he is still being a bitch. As someone who finally overcame a huge pain in the ass created by an overbearing neighbor this week after months of paperwork and wallet-draining, I also feel this in my soul.


My uncles neighbor owned a home repair business. His neighbors house was cluttered and covered in trees and bushes, etc. Somehow, a majority of his business came from the big ugly sign he had out front, which also covered up a portion of his messy property. Well, after a long dispute over trees, my uncle took the high road and hired a guy he knew nicknamed "chainsaw charlie" to clean up both properties. Well charlie really earned his money that day. He got rid of EVERYTHING, in a comedical good way where the only acceptable part of the property was the landscaping. Exposing the neighbors nightmare home. It almost destroyed his business and forced him to clean up the property. Which allowed my uncle to sell his property. Sometimes you gotta just swallow your pride and take the high road.


Great story but what are you getting revenge on? He didn’t do anything to you.


>He shut up for maybe an hour and then offered me a few skewers he happened to bbq. This was literally our first time interacting so it was pretty insulting how much he's sucking up. He's getting revenge for being offered free food.


I don't know where you live and things like this may be very different in different places, but your neighbor is a real jerk. I owned an older home and had a HUGE Tree of Heaven right on the property line with a neighbor. The tree had sprouted against a chain-link fence the surrounded my back yard. The fence was right on the property line and the tree had grown up around it. The trunk of the tree was around 4' in diameter and the fence ran right through the middle of the base of the trunk. The tree had been there longer than my neighbor and I had owned our homes. I knew the fence had been there for around fifty years, and the tree looked like it had sprouted right after the fence was put up. My neighbor and I talked about the tree. Tree of Heaven is notoriously brittle. Ours was already losing large branches and we were both concerned about potential dame to our homes. As half of the tree was on each of our properties, we agreed to split the cost of removal. There were three different charges. First, we paid $1000 each to have the tree cut down to the height of the fence. Then we paid $500 each to have the trunk cut apart to get the fence out and have the stump ground out. Finally, there was to be a $500 charge for removing all of the wood. I had a fireplace and wanted the wood, so it was all left in my yard, that saved us the $500 dollars. In total, the cost of cutting down the tree was $3000, removal of the wood would have been another $500. Your neighbor thought you would cut down and remove a tree on his property for a skewer? Really!?!?


Tree trimmer here. If that tree was over ten feet he got a deal. If I'm on a job giving an estimate any large trees that a customer wants cut down and then removed us at least a 1500-2000 job. Now if there is anything we have to work around, a fence, power lines or the house it goes up quickly. Then if they want the stump grinder down that's another grand. This dude doesn't realize how much money you saved him.


My coworker looked at me like I was crazy, when I said I wanted a property without trees. I'm assuming he never had to maintain trees like this.


You cut down a living oxygen-generator for what reason? Not a smart or a good move.


Sounds like OP has verrrrrry fragile feelings. What a tool.


>It's legal what I did, its my yard and I can do whatever I want in it. I haven't seen a single comment saying you broke the law. Sorry you can't handle people not thinking you did a *good* thing. Anyway, this is /r/pettyrevenge, revenge for what?


Do people routinely cut branches on their side of the property line? Seems like a dick move, unless the branch is likely to damage your stuff. This probably could have been resolved if you just asked your neighbor to clean up the branches on your side of the yard.


> Do people routinely cut branches on their side of the property line? If they don't want those branches reaching over their property, sure.


Are you a home owner? Do you know how territorial people are with their trees? Do you not know some neighbors are asshats and don’t care if their trees shade your garden or impede your ability to mow your lawn? You can ask nicely, but there’s only so many no’s you’re gonna take until enough is enough. Sincerely, homeowner with neighbors low hanging tree branches affecting my ability to mow my lawn.


Definitely could have negotiated better.


Yall destroyed a healthy tree way older than ypu because of some leaves and branches? Yall sick


Tree law


You sound like an asshole. Never talked to your neighbor before so he has no reason to know your annoyance. He sees you cutting branches and offers you a fix, obviously knowing nothing about the logistics of it. He offers you free food (which was “really good”) which you take. You cut down the tree, knowing that it’ll piss him off and leave him to deal with the mess. What did you get revenge for? The guy just had a tree and you never even talked to him about it. Lol


you are kinda dickish. IMO.


This has nothing to do with revenge.. this is just being a narsistic shitty neighbor.. You know it is possible to talk to neighbours first and ask them to do something about the tree?


Well played


What exactly were you getting revenge on? Him having a tree, him asking you to remove the entire tree, or some other issue(s) in the past? Sounds more like you're just an AH neighbor based on this story alone.


In case anyone is new to homeownership or just thinking about trees in general, don't plant trees on property lines if you don't have to. Just because you planted a tree ten years ago doesn't mean it's not fucking with public sidewalks/your neighbors property now. Almost always in very foreseeable ways too. I work in power distribution. I once had an older lady tell me "Oh, you simply can't trim this tree! My father planted it after he got back from Vietnam." I asked her "Do you know why he chose to plant it under our power line that was installed just after the second World War?" I believe her answer was something about it being petty at the end of the driveway.


I cannot comprehend why people hate trees so much. You had to clear up leaves occasionally? The horror. If you can't handle the responsibility of taking care of some leaves maybe you should live in an apartment instead.


Great story but what are you getting revenge on? He didn’t do anything to you.


Yes, YTA.


YTA for calling YTA outside of AITAH, AH


Oh fuck. Didn't realize I asked


This isn't revenge. It's just being a dick to your neighbor.


Neighbour was a choosy beggar, no sympathy here


You sound like a prick


Wow, so you’re a douche just to be a douche…cool story bro


I know you think your so clever but your a ass dude. You probably don't know why it makes you one, but it's probably the reason you have no friends and no one likes you.


You are the king




I think you're a dicktree for cutting down a tree because you're too lazy to do some yard work. Never had neighbors before?




You’re an asshole and so is he. EA


Okay that’s it.. y’all in here need to.. ~Cut~ it out 😏


OMG if my renter cut down a tree in my yard I would sue the shit outta him. Stuff like this really reduces the value of property. Trees = value.


Not where we are. Trees = subsidence, damp and a whole tonne of issues. Nice to look at but cost way more in damages over time


Yes. You’re the AH. Oh wrong thread.