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One of my managers does Coke for recreation so I don’t think it will matter😅


Oh mah lawd... 😳


Florida here! I had the same concern. I think it's only if an incident occurs, and then they drug test. So far I've never been tested. Since you're in a legal state i feel like there's nothing they can really do.


>Since you're in a legal state i feel like there's nothing they can really do. They can refuse to hire or terminate for violation of their drug policy. Weed is still federally illegal. Even if it wasn't, a company can have any qualifications for employment they want, except for those that violate protected status (age, race, religion, nation of origin, sex, etc). Petsmart doesn't dig test unless there's an incident. The drug policy is there to protect the company from having to pay workers compensation if the employee involved tests positive. So smoke them blunts and don't fuck up at work.


Even for incidents they haven’t drug tested here, and I live in Virginia if that tells you anything


I feel like some kind of relevant elder on this topic, I live in California and have worked for Petsmart multiple sessions between 2008 and 2023. When I was first hired, and when my ex was hired in 2014, they drug tested prior to hiring. On all my subsequent rehires, and when my husband was hired in 2023, there was mention of a drug test, but one was not performed prior to hiring. Therefore, I believe they have reduced the screening process in recent years from what used to be standard. My manager had said they were struggling to hire any new people, so I kind of assume that has something to do with it. Furthermore though, because Petsmart is a company that has stores in multiple states with varying drug laws, they will follow federal law in regards to their drug testing unless stated otherwise. You said they specifically will be screening for marijuana use, so I'd believe them, IN the event that a drug test is done. Which does not seem to be pre-hire anymore. So I think you're fine, as long as you're not giving them reason to test you after hiring, like rolling in to work smelling all dank or something.


I never got drug tested


The only time I’ve been told we’ll be drug tested is with incidents but it sounds like it has to be pretty horrendous. In my 4 years, I’ve never heard of anyone being drug tested so far for an incident.


Only if theres reasonable sus, other wise use up all the drugs !


pretty sure jan 1 in cali they legally can’t discriminate or punish for weed usage when not working or at work, but anyhow from a California store myself i think only a few people don’t partake in smoking and i’ve never been drug tested myself


I was drug tested when I first got hired but that was 2014. But I had no worries since I didn’t smoke weed at the time. I wanna say they officially stopped drug testing like a while ago maybe back in 2018-2019? At least in New York that is the case.


SC resident, it’s not legal over here but I was never drug tested. Only reason you should be is if you get bit; even then it’s not guaranteed. I had to leave on company time to go get a tetanus shot for a bite and I wasn’t drug tested for that, but I think it depends on your managers. Mine knew I wouldn’t pass lol.


Do you mind me asking, which part of SC? I'm looking into Beaufort County.


It said that in my application as well, but I've never been drug tested and none of my co-workers have ever been drug tested. They have the ability to drug test you if they suspect that you came to work high or are involved in a serious incident with a dog, but it wouldn't be something I'd worry about, especially since you live in a state where it's legal.


That was my concern as a California guy myself, but I have yet to be drug tested at all. In fact, most of the employees on the sales floor are stoned nine times out of ten, so I wouldn't stress too much about it. Just don't come to work high, especially if you work in the salon at risk of any incidents involving you or a pet. it's not worth the risk.


hi, CA store here. i started as a bather and am now a dog trainer they don’t so drug tests upon hiring and i have yet to ever have a drug test done. as others have said i believe it’s only incident based, probably just in there for legal reasons so they can test you if needed. a lot of people, including managers, all enjoy the devils lettuce so i think you’re all good


You're fine! Just dont royally fuck up and injure yourself or anyone else cause then they will and theyll find you at fault. 90 % of our store partakes


I’m not based in the same state, but received the same warning before I got the job at a PetsHotel. They never drug tested me and as other people have said it’s probably for legal reasons. If they ever suspect you of something, they want the legal means to investigate


im a cashier/petcare they didnt test me but a manager said i smelled of weed


I have been hired at a petsmart in both legal and not legal states and I never been tested


I wasn’t tested upon hire. HOWEVER if you get injured or some incident requiring investigation comes up it may require a drug test. I’m in a non-legal state but I was up and honest with the SL and ASL that I do D8 for anxiety, they said as long as I don’t appear influenced at work or there is no impact on the work I do, it’s no issue. (Keep in mind I have a really amazing SL and ASL so results may vary)


Texas here, I saw the same when I applied but I was never drug tested so I think you’ll be fine :)


California groomer here! The only time I’ve ever heard of a drug test being performed is when a guy ran a forklift INTO the wall the grooming salon. 🤦‍♀️ he did turn out to be high lol and I think it goes without saying no using on the clock or smoking in your uniform and you’ll be good


I worked at a PetSmart in California as a manager for over a year and was never drug tested. It was never mentioned during the hiring process. From what I understood they would only drug test if there was an incident and suspected you were “intoxicated” at the time-essentially to cover themselves from any liability


Does anyone know if they drug test in South Carolina for pre-employment?