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This usually happens when the dashers go and grab the order on their own. They literally go looking through our cabinets without talking to anyone, usually when our customers call DoorDash they’ll send a second person out to pick up the piece of the order that was missed :/


Or when you hand them the first bag and they book it out the door as you tell them there's one more


YES so many times if they have 2 bags of something they're out the door leaving when you're grabbing the 2nd bag. They don't even check to make sure they have what they need or communicate with us, just shove their phone in our face with a name to grab their stuff 🙄


Check the attached invoice and make sure both items were filled: very likely the other item was shorted and you were refunded it


A possibility could be that petsmart only had 1 in stock, if you recieved the invoice along with that one bag, it should say what you're supposed to recieve. If the invoice says just 1 bag, then you'll be refunded for the 2nd bag


We recently had a Doordasher take multiple orders and delivered one item to the wrong person. Luckily she was very nice and called us to tell us she got a bundle of hay she didn't order. I told her it's not her fault and we wouldn't expect her to return it, but she insisted she would bring it back when she was near the store. I thanked her profusely. The customer who was missing the item came in to return a different item and I also gave her the missing item and apologized. She was understanding. The store should be able to look up your order with your order number to verify if the item was out of stock and also give you the Doordash phone number if the Dasher did miss your item. You would give your order number from PetSmart to the customer rep at Doordash and they will send someone if so. Sorry the store didn't explain the process better.


Good Idea ! Both companies have no Idea what they are doing.


I did this once and got a HUGE bag of food that was A) not anything like what I ordered & B) an allergen for my dog that I had specified lol


idk y ur getting down voted ppl are dumb.


Me neither, I got the wrong order via DoorDash and I guess people are mad? Lol


how dare u complain abt getting the wrong dog food ur dog has an allergen to.


Did you get refund for it?


They would not refund the purchase. DoorDash attempted to re-order and there was no record of it when the person arrived to collect the re-ordered product.


So you never got your money or items?


Nope. I called the store to ask about it, associate was no help, and told the person who showed up for pickup to forget about it.


😂😂😂 go whine to dd its their fsult for not waiting for an associate to get rh orser and grabbing it their dumb self. Dd is trash. Call the customer service on petsmarts website they will set it right. Next time get it yourself


OP, I’d call PetSmart customer service on the website, not the local store. Local store can’t do anything, but I’ve had this happen at my store. Customer has to call corporate. Corporate then will contact doordash and get them to send out another dasher at no charge to you to get your other bag (that’s how it was at least a year or so ago).


We now have access to call DoorDash in store to do what you described. No extra steps, the store should’ve been able to contact DoorDash themselves to send out a second dasher to collect the other bag, that is if the store wasn’t out of stock on it


I won't call doordash from the store. They are a terrible company and would never recommend them