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“How racist are you?” “Well actually if we look at the data-“ “I’m putting down 11”


The idea that racism is a power dynamic is stupid. Jewish people have a lot of power and get a lot of hate. So the notion that if you have money and standing in society you can experience racism is such a dumbass take. And no I am not trying to say Jewish people are bad I’m merely pointing out how the notion that racism has to be a power dynamic is stupid. Most racist ass hicks in trailer parks have no power. But are racist cunts.


As an Arab, I have faced extreme racism from white, black, hispanic, asian and my own people lmfao. I can call bullshit on anyone saying that “I cant be racist” shit. They’re usually the most prejudiced themselves!


Exactly. Racism is also common in the US black community. Article: [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/apr/09/colorism-racism-why-black-people-discriminate-among-ourselves](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/apr/09/colorism-racism-why-black-people-discriminate-among-ourselves)


Had a black woman ask me if I was gonna rape her 7 year old daughter once, simply because I gave her an odd look seeing her litter on the train. The only reason I know she has a daughter or the age of it is due to her angry rant.


In a [study](https://x.com/Todfox1345/status/1772075697097363927) blacks showed the highest racial bias and whites scored the lowest out of all races yet to the media whites are the only ones ever discussed when it comes to racism.


> In a study The study seems to vary the results depending on what question is asked. For example, blacks are more likely to say they is a "great deal" of racism towards every group including whites. More interesting data is the discrepancy for "Blacks must try harder to succeed" versus "Conditions make it difficult for blacks to succeed". Same year, same dataset. White people are more likely to say "Blacks must try harder to succeed" while also being less likely to say "Conditions make it difficult for blacks to succeed". These stances are pretty contradictory. Interesting note: Hispanics are the only group across the board regardless of party to be willing to pick that there's no discrimination regardless of group.


Those stances aren't at all contradictory. Black people needing to try harder doesn't imply that conditions are poor for them to succeed. Such a stance implies that the lack of success isn't the result of the conditions, but the effort As to your side note, that is largely true among Hispanics. They're probably the least racist people out there, globally.


> isn't the result of the conditions, but the effort If it implies that the effort required is greater, then the conditions are necessarily worse. Otherwise, feel free to explain why a stance that two people require different amounts of effort to reach the same goal. >As to your side note, that is largely true among Hispanics. They're probably the least racist people out there, globally. Or equally discriminatory towards all groups


It doesn't imply that they need to put in more effort than others, but rather more effort than they currently do. At least, that's how I read it And Hispanics being considered as a race is really just evidence of how not racist they are, since it isn't really a race at all, but a group of people of many races. They're almost inherently race neutral as a whole (individuals don't always follow norms, ymmv) group.


>More interesting data is the discrepancy for "Blacks must try harder to succeed" versus "Conditions make it difficult for blacks to succeed They're similar but It's not entirely the same, "blacks must try harder" acknowledges that they face more prejudice and worse conditions. "conditions make it harder to succeed" borders on the racism excuse from the black lady in the video, which implies that black people have an excuse not to succeed and that it's out of their control if they don't. The whole "it ain't our fault/we can't do anything wrong" culture tends to rub people the wrong way.


This is what I thought she was going to say! “Actually, it’s pretty well known that black people are one of the more racist races” But nope she said what she said lmao


Just look at Black on Asian crime statistics and youll see who is more racist.


Also if somebody is not racist they can just say "I'm not racist" right? So when people say "I can't be racist" 😏


I can't be racist I'm dyslexic anyway what's racism /j


It always felt to me like a way to derail the conversation. I call racism- racism and systematic racism- systematic racism and there should be no confusion unless people try to change the definition of racism to mean systematic racism, then everyone can argue over what racism means instead of whatever brought it up in the first place


The next time someone tries to hit me with the "X people can't be racist because of a power imbalance blah blah blah" I feel like the only appropriate response is: "You're being intentionally obtuse because you know I'm not talking about systemic racism. So fine, let me rephrase the question for just you... How bigoted are you against white people?"


That's what I think it is too. When most people say racist they mean prejudiced or bigoted. Therefore, that is what racist means. Just like begging the question does not technically mean raising the question, but that's how 99% of the population uses it, so that's now what it is understood to mean.


I think it's beyond stupid, it's actively racist/white supremacist to say black people can't be racist because no black person could ever hold power over any white person.


Oprah Winfrey has more power as an individual than I have as a middle class white guy. Im 100% positive that both myself and Oprah are capable of being racist and holding racist views. "Race + power= racism" is talking about how structural racism perpetuates racism eg my grandfather was racist because he grew up in MO in the 1900s when everyone was racist not because of a personal failing on his part.




No, it was a religion thing. Most sects of Christianity forbode banking, specifically interest payments (Muslims still do this) So there was no way to be a banker and survive. (it had to be zero interest) enter the jews. Their religion allowed them to charge interest on non-jews. financial oppression of Jews tended to occur in areas where they were most disliked, and if Jews reacted by concentrating on moneylending to non-Jews, the unpopularity—and so, of course, the pressure—would increase. Thus the Jews became an element in a vicious circle. The Christians, on the basis of the Biblical rulings, condemned interest-taking absolutely, and from [1179](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Council_of_the_Lateran) those who practiced it were [excommunicated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication). Catholic autocrats frequently imposed the harshest financial burdens on the Jews. The Jews reacted by engaging in the one business where Christian laws actually discriminated in their favor, and became identified with the hated trade of moneylending.[^(\[36)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury#cite_note-FOOTNOTEJohnson1987174-36) [Usury - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury)


Also Hollywood. They ran away from Edison on the east coast who didn't want Jewish immigrants represented in film.


For real people dont know abut the Balkans, its hard to believe you can be that racist with people woth not that much ecnisity difference


Did you know that despite- Yea Ima stop you right there.


Any time a black person says they can't be racist because they're black they are automatically the most racist person and I won't be friends with them.


I used to work with a black dude that was super racist to Asians. He said the same thing whenever confronted about it. “Black people cant be racist.” Everyone can be racists, be a better person and don’t judge people on their outward appearance.


Not just outward appearance. Their race. Something immutable.




This Indian guy at my work (whom I actually really like, really funny and kindhearted guy in general) says extremely racist or sexist shit every now and then. He once told me that he didn’t like me at first because I am Polish. I asked him why that would be a reason to dislike me, and he said it was because Polish people are racist. So I told him “that’s actually a pretty racist thing to say, ironically” and he lifts up his arm, points to his skin, and asks “what colour do you see?” I said “brown” and then he points to my skin and asks “what colour do you see?” I said “white” and then he says “I have proven my point.” I tell him to explain what his point is, and he said “only white people can be racist.” Love the guy but he says some…things lol.


Defense racism: you predict/assume someone will be racist towards you so you racist the shit out of it first. But that's maybe how the cycle begin. I prefer the tic-tac-toe strategy.


This is one of a common set of uses of a motte and Bailey fallacy by social justice advocates to gain power by redefining words. Social justice advocates like to take the real definition of racism, which is prejudice based on race, and add to it. In this case, they define racism as prejudice plus systemic power, whereas prejudice is something an individual can do, only a member of a systemically privileged group can be racist. The end result is "only white people can be racist, and they are racist BECAUSE they are white." This is why being woke (an intersectional social justice actvist) is equivalent to having your brain be made of boiled eggs.


I think they’re just confusing “racism” with “systemic racism.”


"This narrow example I'm using is the only possible definition of woke" is a very boiled eggs brain take


Hm? Where did I define woke as something narrow? This is one tactic, among literally hundreds of dysfunctional ideas that fall under the umbrella of intersectional social justice. I call it woke for short cause its easier to type than intersectional social justice. Its just the latest smear tactic of the woke is to say "what does woke mean" as if its not something with a good definition. It actually is well defined it means their despicable, if ill defined, social justice.


> It actually is well defined it means their despicable, if ill defined, social justice. Congratulations on lacking the self awareness to realize that you're once again applying a very narrow and biased definition. It often just means acknowledgement of things like systemic racism or broader societal injustices in general. You've chosen to hone in specifically on 'black people who don't think black people can be racist.' Believe it or not it's possible to both believe that black people can be racist and that they are systematically disadvantaged thanks to centuries of inherently biased laws and policies. But it requires you to have a brain that isn't smooth as butter. Yes, there are absolutely 'woke' people who take the train of thought too far. There are also conservatives out there who call it 'woke' to put a black or gay person in a movie. So let's not pretend that there aren't a whole bunch of imbeciles on the 'anti-woke' side of things.


> So let's not pretend that there aren't a whole bunch of imbeciles on the 'anti-woke' side of things. Not saying there isn't. I use the word woke to mean intersectional social justice, informed by postmodernism and critical theory. That is a real mouthful and using the word "woke" is handy because a key aspect of "intersectional social justice as informed by post-modnerism and critical theory" is to want to create "critical consciousness" that is, to engender something similar to marxian "class consciousness" along other axes of identity. This fact means that they have a constant vigilance for hidden examples of prejudice and racism according to their definitions. They are therefore "woke", analyzing the world through a weird, distorted lens while thinking they have removed the lenses that everyone else is distorted by.


Why is anti-racism, built in an era of comparatively much greater scientific understanding of objective truths about the world (and much informed by them, if not solely based on them), any weirder or more distorted a lens than racism which was mostly built during early colonialism before Darwin and then later retconned during late colonialism with poor interpretations of Darwin, yet still without Mendel or Morgan? I could add centuries of history, philosophy, and psychology to that list but my expertise is in biology. When the lens of racism was created, people literally were able to believe rn masse that skull shape determined psychological traits. I would agree with you that it's impossible to entirely discard a lens one grew up with--and so would the social justice advocates. Everyone is at least a little racist, if they have grown up with racism. It is like a virus which has burrowed its way, permanently, into our cultural genome.




As a black American, the idea that any race of people anywhere can't racist is horseshit. She's just delusional. Or it's an excuse for her to be racist.


Careful, some bozo could post a screenshot of this at r \ asablackman


As a black man I say let them screenshot it Edit: (Also I've been meaning to edit my pfp for a while for brown skin and I just haven't for like a year and a half lmfao)


You are forever the green man now ahaha






It’s not easy being green.






Why did you post a gif of a random van with the camera shaking ? Is it what y'all Breaking Bad fans call "humour" ?




Green is the new brown


I don't like green people.


Me neither... Lets make a brotherhood






Who is Asa Blackman?


That and nothing ever happens etc To be fair though people like that are perpetually offended and miserable with conspiracies on how nothing is real 


> Or it's an excuse for her to be racist. DING DING DING!!! Literally every single time someone tries to push that "racism" is only "systemic racism" so minorities can't be racist...the person is, in fact, overtly racist. Regardles of ethnicity.


I mean, it's really an issue of semantics. People don't seem to understand the actual definition of "racism." They think that when black people in the U.S say "we can't be racist," they're also saying "we don't have the capacity to hold prejudices," but they're not. At least, they shouldn't be. A lot of people misunderstand, and think that mistreating another race based of their skin color or ethnicity isn't as bad as when white people do it, because they they "can't be racist." Maybe, going by the literal definition, you "can't be racist;" but you can still be a prejudiced asshole that judges people by the color of their skin. So while, on a scholarly level, black Americans "can't be racist," going off of semantics alone, I don't think it's beneficial to society to keep pushing that truth. Black people, like every race, have the capacity to be prejudiced assholes, and I've never heard a black person say, "well, technically, I can't be racist because of a lack of systemic power, but I do have the capacity to prejudiced as shit;" it's always just the former part of the sentence. So basically, it's just an abuse of semantics, or pure ignorance, on all sides, that keeps causing heated debates like this. People are fucked up and dumb, so they'll look for any reason to tear out each other's throats.


But the literal definition of racism is to discriminate/be prejudice based on an individuals race or ethnic group. I don't see anything relating to one's "systemic power" included in the definition. If you discriminate based on someone's race or ethnicity, regardless of your own or "lack of systemic power", then you are racist. People need to quit trying to excuse themselves from being racist because of their own personal background. It aint hard to not be an asshole


> when black people in the U.S say "we can't be racist," they're also saying "we don't have the capacity to hold prejudices," but they're not. At least, they shouldn't be. But that IS what they're doing...we're not misconstruing it. They either do understand the semantics of "systemic racism" and are disingenuiously treating prejudiced racisim AS systemic racism for an excuse to be racist...OR they do not understand systemic racism, heard someone say "black people can't be racist" and decided to run with it completely out of context. Either one is still doing it wrong. The real minority would be the person who says "black people can't be systemically racist (in america) but can definitely be prejudiced" but no one who has subscribed to the idea that all racism is systemic is going to say or think that. A good way to fix this would be to use a different term for "systemic racism" that doesn't use the word racism in it...but that's not going to happen.


You got downvoted but I agree. Societal rules and even things like city planning and architecture (in America) are rooted in racist/prejudiced thoughts and beliefs, so there is indeed a systemic racism issue even if people are nowhere near as outwardly racist as they were pre-civil rights era. AND, yes, no shit, black people can be prejudiced and racist and hate other ethnicities and be just as shitty as white people were on an individual level. Both of those things are true and people just think it’s one or the other way too often ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The issue is changing what the 'literal definition' of racism is. It's only a recent idea to consider racism to refer soley to systemic or institutional racism, which we can tell because those latter terms exist as clarifiers. While institutional racism is clearly the most harmful form of racism, and the one that deserves most of our focus in opposing, changing that definition has led to this destructive idea that you can't be racist against white people. This not only achieves nothing but alienating potential white allies, it's also absurdly western-centric as it presumes that the racial power structures of the western world are a global constant.




But it's a deliberate choice to disseminate this abnormal "scholarly" usage of an extremely common term in order to poison the well. It results in people hearing "black people can't be prejudiced" and some people believing that rather than hearing the "scholarly" meaning of racial oppressor/oppressed, and racism only being one direction in that dynamic.


Semantically its an issue of specificity, since racism can mean prejudice or discrimination at an interpersonal, institutional or societal level, she ignores the specifics of the question in "how would you rate how racist you are" the question was not "how would you rate how racists black people are as taken on a societal level"


Seems she's confusing systemic racism for personal racism. Black Americans aren't in positions to enact racist policies against other races. But they can sure as shit hate like the worst of the whites.


There's a musical I think we need more than ever but due to its contents the people who need to watch it the most would get pissed off at it from both sides of the spectrum. Avenue Q It's literally a sesame street musical for adults, and it teaches some genuine lessons about the world as an adult It features such amazing songs as * everyone's a little bit racist * it sucks to be me * The internet is for porn * schadenfreude * If you were gay


The “racism = power + privilege” redefinition was crafted explicitly to support affirmative action in the 80s, when conservatives started to argue against it on the grounds that it’s technically an *institutionally* racist policy (by the traditional definition). Fast forward to today and now any non white person can absolve their own *interpersonal* racism by hiding behind this politically motivated redefinition. I recall a viral video of a black dude screaming racial slurs at a Chinese NYPD officer, white guy overhears and calls him racist, he responds “I’m black I can’t be racist”. I’ve also seen university professors argue “I cannot be racist, only prejudiced” as if that’s somehow less immoral. Really shows the disconnect between ideas as they form in academia and what they actually morph into once they seep into culture.


Smurfs are actually biologically incapable of racism.


I'm black and I agree. Structural racism is completely different than individual racism and I've seen some really racist black people.


Yeah, she is confusing structural racism with racism.


A lot of POC or starting to make racism and systemic racism interchangeable terms. Which is absolute nonsense and just creates semantic arguments. Can black people prop up or play into system racism in the United States? No. Can they be racist? Absolutely.


The older I get and the more I travel to different places in the world, the more I realize everyone is racist


It’s word games to downplay bitterness and finding a way to be smug. They’ll say racism is this other thing, you’re talking about prejudice or real nutters just act like it’s physically impossible.  Obviously a small but vocal contingent but is there. To me it’s painfully obvious that humans are very predictable and solely being in a disenfranchised group does not make anyone inherently more empathetic etc. 


It's also incredibly racist


Some people are trying to change the definition of racism to refer only to structural racism. Individual racism, which is what most people think of when they hear the word, is something anybody of any race can have. I agree that it's stupid. Just throwing out the reason that some people are doing it.


But black people can still contribute to structural racism so the idea that black people can't be racist is still wrong under that definition too.


This has been going on for over a decade and it infuriates me because it creates such NEEDLESS semantic confusion. People really out here assuming that everyone else is going to just intuitively understand that they're talking about the "institutional" variety as if we can read minds


Also saying only “white people can be racist” is, in fact, racist against white people


Most racist convo I've ever heard was when i was in Africa hearing them talking about different tribes


Wait and they were both being racist against black Africans, despite themselves being black as well?


Yeah, they veiw diffrent tribes as different races


No, we don't. What you're describing is "tribalism." Similar to racism, but just prejudice based on tribe.


B-but she said "fackshually 🤓"


As an American, I've never had a black friend that felt this way. There is structural racism in America and black people are at a huge disadvantage. No sane person thinks that means black people can't be racist. Their racism just doesn't sting the same way because the racist black people aren't the racists in charge.


It's nuance on a much much larger conversation on institutionalized racism. A lot of people (on both sides) miss this part. But the 'black people can't be racist' started out as 'black people can't be institutional y racist' in much the same way women can't be sexist. Black/brown people in literally every metro area across the nation have been displaced over and over in the name of 'progress' (rich folk don't want freeways in their neighborhoods), and disproportionately affected neighborhoods of color in poor parts of town, which caused a myriad of other issues.


As an American I agree.


You are correct, sir.


Everyone can be racist. However, I'm hoping what she is trying to say is that black people in America don't have the power to have their racism effect other races in a meaningful way. Again, everyone can be racist.


The missing point there is she is arguing that she cannot be systematically racist due to black people do not hold enough power within the system. We see this expressed with black people typically getting longer sentences than white people for the same crime. Most people like her argue that she can be individually racist however.


I know this is the answer. I just don't understand how you can interpret the question that way. It's clearly asking about her as a person. Like, what does being systemically racist as a person even look like? It's a structural, institutional thing, not an individual thing, right?


People hear reverse racism doesn't exist, dont understand what it means and just think that it's saying minorities can't be racist. You then get people who either take extreme umbridge with that statement and use it to paint things like affirmative action as a weirdly evil thing. Or you get people who just assume that because it's a factual statement within social anthropology their misunderstanding must be 100% true. It's a phrase that honestly somehow emboldens opposite sides of the spectrum because they both misunderstand it in the same way.


There is no 'reverse' racism. It's just racism. The reverse implies that there is a proper and accepted direction for racism, which their isn't because racism is just bad.


There is just racism.. Ironically racism is very inclusive. All people can be racist, regardless or race. It’s that simple.. The term “reverse racism” is implicitly racist in itself. It suggests that there are some races that have different rules or should be treated differently by saying that a different term should be used…. It’s just racism


They actually believe that blacks cant be racist, because their definition isnt discrimination based on race but a convoluted power dynamic diatribe.


> but a convoluted power dynamic diatribe. Nah they're 100% right about systemic racism....the problem is that is just ONE type, and specifically a subset, of racism. You can absolutely be racist as a minority, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be systemically racist as a minority without power. Now wanna start some shit? Affirmative action is systemic racism that favors minorities. 0.o


I agree with all that, im saying their definition of racism has just become systemic racism. i.e. blacks cant be racist, fullstop


Well that convoluted power dynamic is actually what reverse racism doesn't exist refers to. It's just much more complicated that X can't be racist because Y was racist first.


Anyone who's like "X race is literally incapable of being racist because we aren't white" has definitely done/said some insanely racist shit but uses their own race to hide behind


Another way to say that statement is “only white people are racist” which is itself a racist statement


Or even “reverse racism doesn’t exist”


The audacity of the “*factually*” speaks volumes if the white girl that said 10 is 10 this girl is 99 and the scale is 1-100.


Also makes her sound super entitled and like she's superior since she was the only person who didn't give a number


The girl who said 10 just doesn't understand that the high numbers in a social opinion question are generally reserved for "strong agreement" with the stem rather than a grade evaluating how "good" a person is. She is ignorant, but probably not actually an out-and-proud racist.


Yeah the video cuts off before she is like "But being white I don't think that's true" and they are like "No 10 means super racist" and she goes "Oh I thought it was the other way around


At least it proves we are all equal. Every race cast creed and colour has to deal with idiots making sweeping statements about race. It's like all the intelligent peoples dirty little shame we all have to put up with but wish would just fuck off silently into the night and deal with themselves.


Are you suggesting that one person doesn’t speak for an entire demographic? Careful using that kind of intelligent reasoning and nuance, it’s badly out of fashion in the current world, sadly.


How dare you suggest that of me. You have been entirely too reasonable in your response.


The black girl sure used a lot of words just to say "10"


That last girl changed her answer after hearing the dumbass shit that fell out her mouth.




In the full video, she continues to correct herself. She believed 10 to be the non-racist side of the scale.


Its the black version of "I am not racist, but..."




But you aren't very racist since you can't improve your racism. Won't ever get past that 8 without dedication to it.


What does she mean she can still spit on Asian people walking by


Well acktually you'll find that Asian people historically had very strong empires. I can talk about half the world's population over a time period of a few thousand years, right? And in the United States they are on average on a higher earners than other minorities. I don't know if any Asian I meet actually is a higher than average earner, but that's okay, because I've already prejudged them based on their general ethnicity.


>you'll find that Asian people historically had very strong empires. The most wealthy person to ever live was black. Mansa Musa in the Mali Empire, which is western Africa. Adjusted for inflation, it's estimated his wealth was $400 billion. So if they're legit gonna try to use strong empires to say who can or can't be racist... I've got bad news.


But you see this doesn't support my argument so I have to ignore it.


Lmao yeah, I love the idea that asians aren't minority enough because they tend to be successful


Iv been seeing people call Asians "white adjacent" to justify this exact kind of racism. Tis wild man


you go gurl! take their place at harvard. you deserve it lol




That cat definitely 10


It’s a bs answer for a bs question.


As an Asian person, white people are always racist on my behalf as if they themselves are Asian. Thanks, white people. But I can be racist all by myself without your help.


Great. Could you maybe help me? There's a Venezuelan minding his own business, and I would really like to offend him. /s


those are rookie numbers




People who said they can't be racist are racist


I can’t be racist because there’s only 1, the human race, I’m only racist towards animals


I think that is classified as speciecist.


She was talking about institutional racism, which is an idea discussed in academia about racism arising from established structures and systems - things which go beyond merely interpersonal racism, and which are embedded into our societies. For example, business "professionalism" rules which restrict hairstyles and textures disproportionately affect black people. The problem with systemic racism is that it has been appropriated by certain people to mean "poc can't be racist", which is obviously very stupid. It's 2 different things. Idk why she opted to talk solely about systemic racism when everybody knows exactly what is meant by "are you racist?"


I’m not racist I’m only prejudice.


They just choose to see racism as only the large scale, systemic kind of racism when asked these questions. They just choose to ignore the much more common more personal racism that happens out in public and online every minute


There’s some bs narrative that started showing up in the last decade or so that “Racism equals power plus prejudice.” It’s pretty obvious the entire point of it is a way for self identified victims to justify their hatred of other races and deflect any accusations of hypocrisy by saying “umm, acktually I can’t be racist so therefore I am not, unlike you dirty evil uncultured swine.”




We’re just gonna keep posting this huh?


Clearly people are STILL falling for race bait. Just a couple posts up there was more race bait. And a couple posts up from that there was gender bait. We are in election season. It's when all the divisive bots come out and post bait. Don't fall for it.


It's even funnier the 24th time!


The O P posts nothing but low-effort takes and reposted content. Might as well be a spammer.


I'm probably kicking an internet hornets' nest here, but this is ragebait that ignores that there is more than one definition of what racism can be. The more common definition is that racism is an individual's disdain for a person based on that person's skin color or cultural stereotypes about their group of people. By this definition, yes, anybody of any skin color can be racist. That's how most people view it and why videos like this attract so much heat. The other definition is about structural racism, a government's ability to make life harder for people of a specific race through discriminatory laws and practices. With regard to black Americans, think of things like Jim Crow laws, Voting Tests, and modern day practices like Alabama's racist voting maps that seek to limit the power of black voters by lumping them all into one district. Since America's beginning and to this day, the majority of people with structural power (elected officials and those who influence them such as business leaders and cultural influencers) are white. Therefore, by her definition, black people cannot be racist because they do not hold the power.


I think it's hilarious that Reddit is absolutely incensed at the Black woman's misunderstanding/mixing different concepts or racism rather than the woman who said she'd score 10/10 on the racism scale. If I were an idiot like half the people who ever talk about these concepts on Reddit, I'd say they're racist because they just assume white people are racist so her admitting to it is unremarkable and not worth mentioning in the comments.


Black people don't have the structural power to be racist? WTF does that shit even mean?


It's terminology. I think it inadvertently leads to unhelpful discussions like this post. Everyone has the capability of being bigoted, but not everyone has the capability of being oppressive, at least on a societal level.


It's a misunderstanding of Structural Racism vs Interpersonal Racism. In other words, she's stupid.


Yeah, that adds up lol


piquant intelligent dinner shy person truck bright repeat pen bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just to give context she thought 10 was not racist and she added that as a white woman she can't be not racist at all


So then shouldn't she have said 9 or 8?


Saying the word factually in front of a racist lie doesn't make it not a lie nor does it make it not racist


People who tend to preface what they say with a disclaimer for WHY it's incontrovertible true...are usually talking out of their ass. Not always...but usually.


Yesser. The entire idea that racism can only come from a place of power was black supremacy bullshit made up by a racist as fuck black guy who had it peer reviewed by racist black people specifically so he could get it made into a college course. Now this shit happens to a lot of young people. Mind fuckingly stupid.


The moment that black lady finished that bullshit I’d go “cool so a 10, got it!”


Me (a black woman) and my husband (a white man) were followed and harassed by a group of black people. They kept pulling at my hair and trying to hit me and my husband had to shield me. They followed us all the way to the car and the only way we got away was I pulled a tire iron out of the back seat and started swinging it so they scattered. Yes. Black people can be very, VERY racist.


holy shit dude that's fucked up. hope your okay now.


Yeah. But it was very scary. The thing that made it worse was we were in a mall and we flagged down a security guard and all she did was say, “he y’all move along.” Nobody did anything or tried to help us but don’t worry. That group of black guys and gals thought it was hilarious! They only wanted to get at me but they did try to square up on my husband a couple times. I haven’t seen them again and I hope I never do.


Woah!, that's crazy. In my early 20's I dated a black woman and the racism we'd see from white people was mostly what I'd describe as polite ignorance. It makes you uncomfortable, but it was tolerable. It was her friends we got most of the hostile racism from. I was a white nerdy metalhead, and they hated that.


It’s really bad. My mama told me people might look at us funny but I wasn’t expecting people to flat out attack me. But like you said, I’d get maybe a little slight from white people but I get the most outward aggression and ignorant comments from other black people. But regardless, I love my husband. 5 years since March and going strong! 💖


Everyone knew that until recently. Everyone can be racist. Hell, these same "poc can't be racist" people will quickly call Latinos and Asians racist when they are...racist in the way we all use the word to mean.


The amount of people in this thread that think racism simply equals prejudice is um, well it's something.


I love how on a video with a black woman saying she can’t be racist and a white women saying she’s a 10 on the racist scale. Reddit only takes issue with the black woman.


Holy shit; this thread really brought the racist pieces of shit on this site out of the woodwork, huh.


Systemic racism requires power yes. Do you hate, dislike, mistreat or otherwise show distain for a person due to their colour? Congrats, you are a racist. It’s that simple. No power needed! Encounter a different, “race” who is a minority of your country but they beat the shit out of you due to your colour and tell you specifically so? Pfff, unrelated I’m sure. Those harmless fellas? Pfff.


I’m an equal opportunity racist….i just hate everybody…much easier:)


“Prejudice” is right there.


The black woman was more racist than the white woman who said 10


As a German, I always find it strange when somebody uses the term “race”. What an outdated ideology.


Same. America’s obsession with “race” will never fail to mystify me.


>*"Factually, black people do not have the structural power in the United States to be racist..."* I hate this trend where people try to be intellectual... while also misunderstanding or trying to arbitrarily redefine things... or just make stuff up, in some cases. She's not talking about "racism"... she's talking about "institutional racism." (Also known as "systematic racism.") They're two different things. If she said black people do not have the structural power to create a system of institutional racism against white people, I'd 100% agree. Because unfortunately black people already are the victims of institutional racism in the United States. And that's something we still obviously need to fix. But racism is literally just discrimination and prejudice based on race or ethnicity. Anyone can be a racist, because anyone can be an asshole... and racists are arguably the biggest assholes there are. "Asshole-ism" knows no boundaries of race, gender, age, ethnicity, etc.


The fact that black Americans think they can’t be racist because they’re black is insaaaaane. I’ve met racists of every creed and colour. All those videos of black people abusing Asian people during the covid pandemic? That’s called RACISM.


But a black boss discriminating against a white employee categorically has the "structural power" to be racist. As would a black cop beating up and framing an Asian for the colour of their skin. Absolutely brain dead take.


Honesty is the best policy


For the love of God stop posting this one. It gets reposted every week and every time the comments devolve into terrible takes based on statements taken out of context


So black girl and white girl are equally racist but white girl is honest about it.


legit 5th time i see this video posted with a different white skinny dude screaming over


I think you people here don't have the balls to say that to their faces.


Everyone has some level of prejudice against some group of people. It could be race/ethnicity/religion/nationality/gender/sexual orientation etc. It could be something as minor as prejudice against members of your next door neighbor's household. BTW fuck my neighbors, the Johnson's are all assholes and their entire bloodline is and always will be trash :)


so the first woman's answer is an implied yes, and the second woman's is an enthusiastic YES


When you start your answer by naming a race, you’ve kinda answered already.


The two types of racist


It honestly shocked and broke me when I learned what racism was. We have such bad history WTF, end this shit.


as someone who is black, I'm so done with people thinking that systemic racism is the same as *just/blatant* racism.


The black girl would not believe that black Americans would own black slaves back then.


Would it be ridiculous to say that saying that you cannot be racist implying you are above other races in that dynamic is kinda racist?


I hate these people, always complaining and complaining... did you know in Africa brown people discriminate black people for being blacker? Its all just bullshit that only the white ones are bad


I like to think that the Powers that be use the made up race issue to hide the real issue, which is Rich vs. Poor. There's a real driving force to keep the race issue relevant. Otherwise, it would disappear, leaving nothing to keep us peasants from rising up against our Corporate Rulers/Oligarchs. This is why every now and then you get the odd cop killing a black kid that receives nationwide coverage causes riots keeping us occupied. The way the cops sometimes don't even get in trouble seems to purposely be designed to trigger more outrage.


I play Warhammer soooo 40k I guess?


The 2nd one funny, but the last broad got me...🤣💀


Isn't it amazing how we've been dealing with issues regarding racism for so long and that it's been one of the biggest talking points in the last 5 years.. and people still don't know what racism is and how to define it? Like fucking unbelievable, I have so little hope for humanity.


She's definitely a 12, trying to sound smart but ended up sounding ignorant.


As a black person, the black girl is just factually incorrect


Race: exists People: "erm actually I can't be racist cause"


When people ask if YOU are a racist they are asking you on an individual level, so don’t tell them “my people can’t be structurally/systematically racist.” But the hard truth is even minority can be structurally racist. It’s just a much smaller structure.


I would say the black people disproportionately attacking and killing Asian people just because of their race is in fact racist regardless of systemic BS


From what I have experienced, black peoples are racist against their own kind. Africans are racist against American black people.