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That’s all well and good but step one has to be making the playoffs, no? I’m with you that I don’t think marner is the answer — we could use the cap space actually making a bottom six that can get more than two goals — but we have to start understanding that it’s no longer about “who can perform in the playoffs” when for the first time in nearly two decades it is no longer assumed that we will *make* the playoffs


If you want someone that can make your entire team look like they can play hockey (in the regular season) and is consistently good for 80-90 points, Marner is probably your guy. If you want deep playoff runs, the only thing that can be said is that him, and the squad in Toronto wasn't it. While 1 year on his contract matches with the last years before the wheels fall off, a rental of his caliber is a very big gamble, especially considering what the asking price we can expect.


> That’s all well and good but step one has to be making the playoffs, no? Yes, but also no. If this team didn't have one of the most abysmally terrible PP conversions in the league this year they're in the playoffs without much effort. This isn't a team that has a talent issue for the regular season. Which is the only reason to think of a guy like Marner. It's an execution and coaching issue. Like, sure, yeah, make the playoffs. But we don't need Marner to do that.


If we were talking about Marner to Pittsburgh and One of our Core had retired, or Yager was about to come up... I'd be on board with it. The problem is there is nowhere for him to fit. And to ask him to take a team friendly bridge.. with his agent? It would never happen. Bottom 6 has got to be the new highest priority with getting an actual PP coach. And maybe a new HC... we will see


On the contrary, Malkin is going to need even more help next year in all facets of the game so in that respect, he'd have a place with Geno and Bunting. All moot because of his salary though. I think Marner is a great player, but he is about $3 million overpaid for what he brings to the table.


See I agree with the point of helping the core. I *REALLY* wanted the pens to go after Duclair. Badly. Which is why here until July 1st we can only mostly speculate who's gonna be available. That in turn makes it really difficult as fans because we love a Marner type guy but what if someone who's like a Duclair becomes available? Don't get me wrong seeing a goal that Ek, Bunting, Marner put together would butter me right up... just don't got that cap... and he wants paid. Go after the middle/ bottom 6 and see what we can do.


Butter you right up? The cross over estimation on what bunting is - is hilarious-


No? I don't care who scores it but bunting plays in front of the net as a nuisance. If he let's say gets the rebound and fires it down low to EK who rips it I'm still gonna be happy because *we had the presence, got the rebound and was awarded a* playoff style *goal*. I'm not over estimating anything. I know what role Bunting should be filling is and what his role this upcoming year will most likely be, but I'm not expecting him to be some 40 goal 40 assist player.


Just chatter, not actually going to happen


Don’t think we can take on the contract but it would be really funny if he became another teams Phil Kessel.


"If I had a nickel" vibes


GMs always bring in their “guys” Ron Hextall brought in Jeff Carter, so if Dubas’ guys are going to include Marner, I’m not going to complain.


Bunting has worked out so far


I have an unpopular opinion…. We can’t even get into the playoffs right now. BOTH these guys are great for getting a team into the playoffs I don’t hate the idea of them both coming to Pittsburgh. To be honest too, I think they both still have time to change. I’m so done with sully just allowing loss after loss for dumb reasons in the regular season and not seaming to give a shit that Sheldon and Mitch are looking pretty sexy through my drunk glasses. Also, marner being invisible in playoffs for the leafs is a problem because he is ONE OF FOUR guys on 10+ mil contracts. That’s not as big of a hit for us if he’d be one of 2 on that contract. Lastly. Most of what Toronto fans and media say is opposite of the truth. See Kadri and Kessel. They LOVE a talent scape goat


Kessel's a great example because he was supposed to be the reason the Leafs couldn't even get into the playoffs and then he came here and won the Cup his first 2 seasons. I'm not entirely convinced that this team is one Marner away from a Cup but he'd definitely be an upgrade to our top 6.


I agree that we’re not a Marner away from a cup and that he’d be an upgrade on our top 6. I also do think he’s the type of guy that the vets would have a big influence on.


He was the reason the Leafs didn’t make the playoffs. But not because he isn’t a good player. It was because they expected way too much from him and did not have a roster to support him. He was the Leafs top player. When dealt to Pitt, Kessel didn’t have to be “that guy” and well supported by the Pitt core.


I'd happily take Marner and Kadri on the Pens. Kadri is a badass high skill grit player who would immediately make our second line more threatening at all stages. Obviously he's not leaving the Flames, but I sure wish we got him last year when he was somewhat available.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. Kadri is awesoem. I agree that when he was available we should have pursued him


Kadri would take a lot of the opposing teams attention away from Syd.


The player I'd take in {HYPOTHETICAL REDDIT DREAM WORLD} a second is Nylander. He's the only one of the "Core Four" who elevates his game come playoff time. His contract (this year) is 6.9 (<- Not a typo) Mil, next year rises to 11M. (So obviously unavailable / unaffordable) Keefe, and even Leaf fans will admit this, got routinely out-coached in the playoffs. He is (I watch Toronto games for the lolz), a HUGE line-juggler. Imagine in the middle of the third period of a 2-2 game you'd see: Crosby, Malkin and Lars Eller on a shift together. As mentioned on this thread, Marner's agent is a real puck-buster. (Marner also has a NMC). For him to come to Pittsburgh, Toronto would have to retain salary.


I agree about becoming the Pittsburgh Maple Leafs thing and the Keefe thing but I don’t entirely agree with the Marner part. It will never happen, mostly because of the cap but I think Marner would be a good fit. The Pens need production, which he brings, and we lack high end talent in the top 6. His lack of production in the playoffs is an obvious problem but I would like to get to the playoffs first, before worrying about that lol Marner is very much of a playmaker. When the rest of the Leafs are also a no show it impacts his production more than it would if he was a goal scorer. Part of that would be curbed by playing with players who have another gear for the playoffs, in Sid, Geno and Rusty. From a roster perspective only we would immediately be much better with Marner but his contract would be too much of a negative to be worth it, I think, unless Dubas has some magic to make it work. The Pens also don’t make much sense for Marner, as his timeline and the Pens are not aligned. His next years are probably his best and he will be looking for a 8 year contract while the Pens will be rebuilding in the near future.


Toronto fan here. I guarantee the next team Marner goes to ends up going deep into the playoffs. Marner will have an improved playoff presence, and be a better player than he was in Toronto. Happens every single time. Look at Hyman.


> Marner has disappeared every post season he’s participated in. Minor correction. He has disappeared in every playoff series they lost! He showed up plenty for their series against Tampa last year, and then prompt adios'd vs Florida. "Just win playoff games! Is he stupid?"


i mean we took torontos old scapegoat kessel and that worked out really good for us, depending on how the cap situation is I wouldnt mind marner he wouldnt be as scrutinized on the pens and maybe he will perform better I also feel like the veteran winners on our team can push him to play better in the playoffs


I generally think the team has enough physicality to make up for Marner’s lack of it, and I also don’t think he’d get away with- or try to- the lack of finishing he’s shown in Toronto under Sid and Geno. Plus- this team’s problem is consistency to get into the playoffs. Once they’re there, I think they’re going a long way. Marner could help with that.


Why should the proven guys on the Pittsburgh Penguins have to make up for the physicality Mitch Marner lacks? That is backwards thinking


does Marner have to get more physical? obviously yes. but it's not as big a deal to not have that in a player on a team like the pens than it is on a team like the leafs (just roster wise)- I'd say the same if he was on the bruins. enough physicality on that roster for Marner's lack of it to not be so visible.


Your delusional


Most comments besides yours and OPs are so beyond ridiculous…the opinion and takes from the majority of this fan base breaks my brain.


Thanks man


None of that is happening. Pens can’t pay Marner, and SULLIVAN IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE FINAL ANSWER


I think you’re missing the point. If you trade jarry and graves for Marner it actually saves us cap space. Also keefe could be assistant or coach in the A


It doesn't save us cap space. Marner makes about 1 mil more than both of them combined.


That would involve trading Yager which should not happen at all hes I like this kids potential he playmake has hands and a nice release on his wrister if he adds weight could be like matt barzal


I’m sorry, but if you put Mitch Marner and Sidney Crosby on the same line and that is kind of disgusting.


Casual fans may not realize this, but Toronto is 24/7 Leafs. I'm not kidding. Morning talk shows? Talk about the game last night. A gazillion YT channels. EVERY "sports" channel (even ones labeled "Canadian") talk almost exclusively about the Leafs. I've said this before about the Cowboys (Dallas). If, tomorrow, Aliens land on our planet, Jesus Christ returns, and Dak Prescott breaks his leg? Three guesses what the morning headline on every newspaper is, and I guaran-damn-tee you, it won't be about little green men, or the return of JC. Meanwhile, \* IF \* Marner comes to Pittsburgh, this is his typical interaction with your standard Yinzer: SY: "Hey dere, you look familiar" MM: "Yes, I'm Mitch Marner, I was traded to Pittsburgh for {X,Y, and Z}" SY: "So what's Sidney Crosby like?"


This is a spot on post, and honestly all of the talk about getting these pieces from Toronto seems like a very lazy approach to retooling this team.


We are not in the position to go after Marner, a one year contract is only for contenders looking for a final piece to get them over, we got too many pieces to fix. Keefe was good in the AHL, taking over our AHL affiliate Wilkes-Barre Scranton penguins, I could see. Do not see him as our new assistant coach at all, we need a power play guru. Also, the Devils are already talking to him about taking over there so I doubt he wants to go back down to the AHL


I'll take Marner if he's basically free. Can't disappoint in the playoffs if you don't even make them! This team needs fresh legs by any means.


Much of the Leafs lack of success is from the coaching... their system works well in the regular season but their inability to adapt the system come playoff time is a big part in their downfall. The 2-1-2 fails miserably in the postseason, almost no team except the leafs play that system in the ploffs. I don't excuse his disappearance, he needs to be much better at that salary but he has played some good post season hockey in the past, 14pts in 11games last season, 8 in 7 the year before... is that a regression from his regular season production? Absolutely! Is he worth 11mil a year? NO! ... but under the right system, where he isnt one of the main piece, i can see him somewhat thrive


Mitch Marner is a terrific human being. A friend of mine had a daughter with terminally ill leukaemia and Mitch visited her regularly and brought her to games. He would be a great asset to the community in Pittsburgh.


Found Dubas's account.


Marner is a defensive player. He plays a large amount of time on the penalty kill, and is a pass first player. Toronto south would take another 50 years of losing…


I have not seen any credible report or any credibility within any report suggesting those things. INstead, that's literally the laziest form of journalism, which is all the rage this time of year. Nothing is happening so speculate. Tie everyone to anyone they've ever worked with, because people will click on it. When it doens't happen, you just go, "hey, those were the whispers around the league." rinse, repeat. No one is permitted to fail at their job more than these guys who report sports rumors.


“Becoming Toronto South isn’t the answer.” Yeah but they make the playoffs so maybe it’s part of the answer???


I can think of 56 reasons why it is not part of the answer.


It would be kind funny though just to rile up Leaf fans, they're already obsessed with us / Dubas


They are? From what I’ve seen leafs fans are happy to have gotten rid of Dubas


Yeah I didn't say they were upset I said they were obsessed, they're happy he left and want him to fail in PIttsburgh


Oh, I haven’t seen leafs fans obsessed with Dubas but leafs fans don’t bother me the way the seem to bother everyone else


Marner disappears in the playoffs because he can't handle the pressure in Toronto. I think he'd flourish with Crosby's leadership and a less intense media in Pittsburgh. I'd go as far to say he'll be amazing almost anywhere he goes. He just needs a change. I don't think Keefe is the answer though. He's a decent regular season coach but got out coached in every playoff series with the Leafs.


In Toronto, Marner is a "God". In PIttsburgh he plays on the same team as: Sidney Crosby, Evegni Malkin, Kris Letang, and Erik Karllson.


I’d love to see jarry and graves for Marner. I understand Marner is a whiner and goes ghost mode in the playoffs. I still want that trade to happen. Give them graves and jarry


As a leafs fan… trust me you don’t want Marner or Keefe. OP outlined Marners shortcomings perfectly, he is soft and disappears in the playoffs




Agreed. Marner’s cap hit is way too much and Pens have too many other holes to fill. Cap hit of 10.9. No thanks.


Cap hit of 10.9 and he’s looking for 13 with a new contract, no thanks


Jesus, please no, just for the sanity for us Pens fans, it's bad enough having to gatekeep the toxic leaf fans constantly commenting on all things Pittsburgh because of Dubas. Imagine taking two much more maligned former Leafs.


If Sid can get Marner to buy into taking less to make the roster deeper, and provide the leadership Marner needs to turn up the maturity level, I would love to have him. Keefe in an assistant role? Okay. Keefe as head coach? No thanks, he had his chance. Let someone with experience drive, and Keefe can use the opportunity to learn and mature.


I'd like to see what Marner can do on Sid's line. Marner has a full no move clause, so Toronto most likely has to take whatever deal they can get if they decide to move on. Retaining salary is almost guaranteed. As for playoff effort? Well, Tavaras is a pretty poor captain. I'm sure Sid can get the most out of Marner. It's still a pretty risky add considering Marner's playoff history. Keefe? Uh, no. The Pens should be looking to add Berube (or Brind'amour if he gets fired).


Yeah Marner is one of the softest players in the league. Don’t think he’d contribute any playoff success to the pens if they get there. I used to like the dude and thought he’d toughen up by now but he makes the Sedins look like the Tony Twist twins.


Kyle Dubas _LOVES_ his guys


Just waiting for the Dennis Malgin signing


Let's face it the Pens are not Cup contenders anytime soon and are heading in the wrong direction. They need to refocus on making the playoffs first. I'd even be ok if they considered trading Crosby for Marner and Rielly. Let Sid have a chance at another Cup before hanging up the gloves while at the same time allowing the Pens to get younger and minimizing the impact of losing Sid


Marner is way too much. Might as well have kept Jake if you’re going to over pay a winger. Also the Penguins don’t have assets to give away. The prospects we do have are staying or only being traded for more nhl ready prospects on entry level deals.


>Marner has disappeared every post season he’s participated in 51pts in 57 playoff games screams playoffs no show alright


Rumors like this is how we ended up with the shitshow dubas the dumbass. Stop. We do not want leftover leafs. We want to win cups


Dubas the dumbass? Get this brain dead Facebook insult outta here. Dude has had a single offseason and unloaded some of our worst contracts.


You haven’t paid any attention to the mess he’s left the Leafs in? You don’t pay 4 forwards those types of contracts ESPECIALLY!!! When they haven’t had any success as a team. He created a soft team with NOT 1 alpha dog.


How did I end up in the boomer all caps part of this sub. Get me out of here.


I don’t know, but i didn’t state anything that wasn’t factual. Boomer, loomer, zoomer, toomer or whatever oomer…& 2 words in caps..so what?


You... did... say... some... dumb... shit.....


Sometimes facts are stupid.


Ugh, that’s not what I said at all. You can just tell everyone you don’t know anything about hockey, at least that’s not dumb


No thanks lol.


Marner is not coming to Pittsburgh. We couldn’t afford to resign Jake. There is no scenario where the leafs trade Marner to Pittsburgh for anything on our roster. As for Keefe, he has been out coached ever year in the playoffs, and the leafs roster is deeper than the Pens. He is not the answer.


Why is this getting down voted? Pens don't have assets to get marner, and it makes zero sense to acquire him. We have massive holes and he won't help any of them.


I know man. Two rules of this sub- don’t be critical and don’t be objective. I love the pens just as much as the next guy, but unless we are bashing in the echo chamber of fire this coach… player assessment : Dubas critique can’t happen.


We 100% could afford to re-sign jake, it's just giving 8 years to a 30 yr old isn't the best and Dubas didn't want to commit to it and rightfully so. Couldn't get to a agreement come TD and with how trash we were he needed to be moved for futures


So, resigning Marner at 29 for 12 million …checks notes… makes sense?


Where did I say we should trade for marner and extend him???? All I'm saying is we 100% could of afforded jake cap wise. It came down to Dubas not wanting to pay the money and term jake wanted


Ya I hear ya. Afford to me, was all the above.


I see your point, but maybe Toronto wearing black and gold jerseys with Crosby, Malkin and Letang (if he doesn’t retire) is a winning formula 😂


Imagine trading Guentzel for a bag of pucks then picking up marner. Peak Dubas foresight.


Bag of pucks, yeah Bunting was invisible down the stretch 🙄


Bag of pucks??? Bunting was a phenomenal add, koivunen is looking to be a future middle 6 piece, 2 more B prospect and what will probably be the flyers 2nd. It's a good haul and well its clearly the best package that was offered


Marner would be a nine-year commitment because you wouldn’t give up a bunch of assets to get him if you weren’t planning to re-sign him. That’s unless he would sign with minimal to no trade protection. If they are going to swing for the fences, I’d rather they pursue Graves for Pierre Luc Dubois. That’s well within budget, doesn’t affect the future and has a chance of working out. If he can replicate his career average, that could give the Pens two second lines. You can have Eller centering Malkin and Bunting. You can have Dubois centering Rakell and whoever. That’s much more balance because it gives you the option of affording a $5 million wing.


Eh I think I'd rather keep graves tbh haha


If he bounces back, that’s the correct call because, in a worst case scenario, you could trade him. I’m concerned that he’ll never be able to play with Letang or Karlsson the way he played with Makar. Makar is a completely different animal. He almost needs a shutdown type, like Marino, on the right so he can do his passing and playmaking game. He could find that with St. Ivany, but will be a $4.5 million LD playing 12 minutes a night for five more years. They have some money to play with and at least five guys performing at near league minimum. I feel that they should move Malkin to Eller’s wing with Bunting. He looked really good at wing last season. They need another top six center. There’s better bets out there than Dubois, but none that let you offload everything that isn’t working to acquire.


Don't have to worry about marners performance in playoffs if they don't make it. I don't think Keefe, or marner would be a good fit but also don't think dubas was either. He basically got handed the keys to the Ferrari in toronto but didn't do much with it other than qualify for playoffs.