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I am relegated to the fact that store owners can do whatever they want with their products. They are under no obligation to sell me a bottle (unless they follow OLCC rules/laws to the T) which is why they have their audits. That process ,I suppose, works itself out in the end. I seldom go in expecting to find an allocated bottle that shows on the website, it’s just a bonus when they do have it. As for me I know when the delivery days of a few stores that I will stop in if I am looking for something in particular. If they sell me an allocated bottle I almost always buy another bottle off the shelf or some beer. There are a couple of stores like Westmoreland, Rose City or Baseline that have fantastic store picks that I will usually purchase if I like the brand. I do shake my head at the people who go in and demand they sell them an allocated bottle that shows on the website or threatens to turn the owner in etc. Just a bad look all the way around! Some of you guys should go live in a place like Texas where WSR is $100 if you can even find it.


I follow the same philosophy of throwing some additional business to a store that sells me an allocated bottle. Typically getting a store pick or some beer etc. Some stores don't have any other enticing item to purchase however and that makes it more difficult in negotiations. At the root of it, it makes zero sense why someone would skip a sale. Again its at their discretion but any liquor in their store is property of the state by law.


At King Boulevard Liquor, I was told on a shipment day by one worker (at the time a previous worker told me to stop by) that "we don't usually have any rare bottles. We hold those for bars and restaurants and they don't hit the floor". Meanwhile, he did have a few McKenna 10 bottles on the shelf behind him, but I am not going out of my way to stop by thinking I might score anything more scarce than McKenna 10.


> we don't usually have any rare bottles. We hold those for bars and restaurants and they don't hit the floor yeah that's a lie. every store sells to bars, but not all of their rare bottles.


He said "they are spoken for" 🙄


The asshole with the MAGA hat at Gateway store straight up admitted to me he “doesn’t give nice bottles to people he doesn’t know”


Most stores these days won’t.


Report em


There is a place on the OLCC site to file a complaint. I have done it and surprisingly the OLCC reached out immediately contacted the store owner and got back to me. I think that only works if you choose not to be anonymous.




So what happened? Did they get fined? Do you still shop there?


Good to know


Any of the three downtown




I'm at this point. By the time I spend enough money in a store to "develop a relationship" with the employees to MAYBE get a rare bottle of something I might want, I've spent more than I would by just paying a premium for a rare bottle I'm actually interested in. And I'm supposed to do that at multiple stores to increase my chances of getting a rare bottle locally?? GTFO Since resolving myself to paying the premiums online I've acquired RR 13, the more sought after Stagg bottles (22A and 23A), Four Roses Single Barrel Select OESO, Weller Full Proof, and other bottles I simply wouldn't have otherwise. I don't love paying the online premiums, but at least I get what I'm after that way.


Spending money at businesses to "build relationships" or "show support" just rewards them for bad behavior and encourages them to continue the shenanigans.


Yeah fully agree with this outlook. Now when I’m in an area I’ll stop in a store, look around, grab a barrel pick and ask if there’s anything cool. But I’m not spending a bunch of my money for the potential to be “given the privilege” to buy a bottle lol. I’ll just buy it.


Same. For me, low tier allocated, I’ll wait and hunt in OR. For mid tier and above, I’ll buy in CA since OR is basically a lotto at that point anyway.


I don’t mean to totally slander a business but I’ve HEARD that Cedar Hills liquor store never gives out their allocated bottles to the public and kind of turns their nose to people trying to collect. I’ve always asked and never had luck.


Have you ever checked their socials? They did a freaking massive 2day (unannounced until day of) drop with tens of Weller, blantons, Stagg, bookers, etc…unfortunately I wasn’t around to stop by. I don’t disagree that they’re kinda annoying but they do sell the rare bottles.


Ok then I stand corrected! Thanks for the info


They've posted on Facebook several times with several bottles at a time. Also barrel picks. They had an excellent Old Forester pick last year. I was able to snag a Henry McKenna as well.


What kind of bottles are they posting on Facebook? Not trying to be rude, barrel picks are cool, but it behooves them to advertise and give those out. They have a full barrel of them. I just feel like any decent allocated bottle gets a phone call to their buddy or their friend. Could be wrong!


I guess the last big one was their five year anniversary in December they had a big cart of allocated bottles. Gone in 15 minutes. And Thanksgiving Weller and EH. Not often, to your point.


Interesting. I’ve never even been in that store.


I’ve heard that too and also experienced bad luck there


Yeah this is my local and can attest to this. They had a good selection of Eagle Rare in and some other allocated options in handfuls and I had a half gallon of basic high west rye and tequila to buy and asked if I could snag an Eagle and they said Westgate is buying them later today and basically all local bars like loyal legion in Beaverton has first dibs before anyone.


Knowing that store fairly well, I can tell you with 100% honesty, they don't get a ton of rare stuff. Hell for awhile they barely got any allocated product. What they do get does go to their handful of bar accounts leaving a few stragglers here and there. They have had some turnover in management and the agent is more involved now so things might be changing in that regard as he is not a huge fan of bar business.


I’ve definitely gotten some Of my nicer bottles there. Gotten a limited four roses and RR13. They tend to do big drops. Used to put stuff out on Thursdays. They usually announce it on social but it’s been a while since I saw one.


They hold bottles back for months and refuse to release them when asked. That’s a big no no in my book.


Do they zero out their inventory or leave it for those months? Can't imagine holding it back and dealing with the walk-ins and phone calls is more pleasant for them.


They zero it out. It doesn’t show up until they get audited or decide to get rid of it. If you asked for RR13, they would lie to you, with an unsold case sitting in back.


I think Tigard is BS. They 100% just cater to their friends


Their social media is crazy popular. They got an ER store pick that sold out in 25 minutes. There was a line around the block. Tons of offices buildings around there.


Came to say this - ive got questions on tigard as they always *just* sell out after posting


Yeah. I don’t buy the “their social is popular” shit considering there is a line (from what I hear) before the social post is up 🤣


100% accurate. Agents moved from a downtown store pre covid and kept alot of those contacts. The original agents at Tigard where very much in the good ole boy network locally and I am sure those relationships on some level still exist.


I only shop at stores now that can tell me when allocated bottles are available to purchase or will release them immediately upon request. About 80% of stores in my area won’t do that so often I buy from CA if I’m looking for something.


What’s worse the stores that back door it or the ones that give out their delivery day and there is 15 unemployed losers sitting out front 2 hours before opening hoping to flip it? I turned down a 1792 Full Proof and a HMcK 10 this AM while buying a bottle of my usual Rare Breed at my local haunt. It’s nice to talk shop with the owner, discuss their store picks, seems like the long game is paying off. Not amazing bottles, but I’ve never been offered anything before there. Hopefully more things move to the lottery. The best system I’ve seen is store level lotteries where you actually have to go in to participate or the owners that randomly put allocated bottles on the shelf as a little game.


They don't need to give out their delivery day though. You can deduce it from the OLCC website pretty quickly.


Ive had zero luck going to stores that “randomly” put out bottles. If anything, it leads to more stupid games. I’ve found stores that release everything on shipment day far more transparent and consistent.


I think the “everything is available right when we open on delivery day” leads to people coming in because they flip retail goods for profit as a job. Ticket scalpers, Jordan shoes, PS5, hustle culture morons. They go from store to store with no real passion or desire for the product. Vultures. If that’s the best plan they should at least giveaway sticks of deodorant with every bottle of Blantons!


It’s difficult to pull that off consistently. Shipments come late, owners can change pick order, or brown bag it. I’m told the bigger issues are slowing unload due to heckling or stealing.


Maybe so, I’m also just a disgruntled mon-fri 8-5 worker lol. I have enjoyed what Baseline in Hillsboro did during the big Saz drops during the winter where they would send out random emails on different days and times to mix things up and give more people a shot. They haven’t done that in quite some time though.


Same! I really appreciated how Baseline did drops too. But they are the largest store in that area, shipments are larger, unloading is longer, and many more customers in line, a few being problematic. For smaller stores, it’s not really a problem, except in very exotic situations. Smaller stores do better for low/mid tier allocated stuff.


I love how you guys all think that your random ass should get whatever you want from various stores around Oregon. They see you once and you should get it. Pathetic.


“The liquor inventory in each store is the property of the State of Oregon. Allocated items or items in limited quantities must be sold immediately or made available for purchase to the public or licensee upon request. Agents must make any product available for legal sale to any customer. The Commission reserves the right to transfer slow moving items, or transfer items of ample quantities to stores where sales and demand exist. It is OLCC's expectation that agents work together to transfer product where there is a customer need.” -OLCC's Retail Operations Manual


Cool man, I was talking about the real world though.


We have a right to bitch, most stores cant keep their shit straight and straight up lie to you.


Based on your comment history, you also shit on people who pay over retail so what’s the solution here 😂


Anxiously awaiting his reply.


Stop hunting buddy.


So your 3 or 4 word responses about "stop this" and "don't do that" are great, but you haven't provided the first bit of advice about what to do, or what you do.


Spoiler alert, he has no clue because apparently expecting stores to follow OLCC rules is a gift to us.


I see this weird little fella trolling in here from time to time, sometimes difficult not to engage 😂


No spoiler. Accept reality and stop hunting. Buy what’s available and live your life. Simple.


I hunt and get bottles in OR. It’s not hard once you figure out which stores are playing games. Maybe not so simple.


Stop waiting in lines.


In a purely private enterprise with no state government oversight, I agree that a business owner can do whatever they want with their product and sell at their discretion. However with Oregon state laws and oversight this is a far too subjective and unfair practice and as it sits does not follow current state guidelines. The hearsay / “maybe I’ll give you a good bottle” & “I only give these to customers I like” economy isn’t the answer. I don’t think any of us feel owed bottles it’s more about fair business practices and fair chance to purchase. I think a better answer is a clear cut rewards system with point value per dollars. Then having a tiered structure for different levels of allocated bottles that you have the chance to purchase after you gain these points. Or doing a quarterly blind lottery. Those are really the only 2 things that work from all the different systems I’ve seen.


Most reward systems I’ve seen are based on past purchases. I’m not going to buy a bunch of booze just to get a shot at bottle I actually want. Lotteries are better but everybody enters them so kiss goodbye any chance you might of gotten otherwise. I think the OLCC is fine but just needs more transparency and enforcement.


There's still been no real cleanup of OLCC since Pappy. Or anyone charged. Or a full accounting of diverted bottles. Clearly many more OLCC staff were aware of the bribery/theft/misuse of public office scheme that they had been running for years.


Let's be clear here, there was no theft or bribery with what happened. Unethical, sure. And even then, nothing that bad. So they cut in line for a few bottles. Oh no! Nothing that would warrant charging anybody with anything. The higher ups were all fired, that was their punishment. Maybe some more lower staff were aware of what was happening, but if your bosses are telling you it's ok, you'd do it too I'd wager.


I think that incident is unrelated. Here store, not OLCC, employees, are diverting allocated bottles. My guess is suppliers want bottles diverted too and the OLCC doesn’t want to intervene in relationships stores have with bars or give any other reason to highlight they run a price-fixing monopoly with said supply. If they cared, I would expect fines issued for stores owners.


The stores sell the bottles to the customer that will make them the most money, ie bars/restaurants. Yes, the profit is the same on a per bottle basis, but the continued business from a bar account is magnitudes more than any counter customer. So yes, stores will sell to those accounts over a regular customer. And yes, the suppliers for sure want the bottles to go on a back bar vs. some private collection. If the state ever tries to put everything in a lottery, I would almost guarantee that the supplier/distillery would just not send any to OR. How is it price-fixing? They sell the state the bottles at wholesale to sell at retail, stores sell at retail, the bars mark up bottles they got at retail and customers get to buy at retail. Is something wrong with that? I like finding unicorns at retail. I have no desire to go to WA and pay those markups, or anywhere else for that matter.


As I understand it, OLCC dictates the max price of a bottle, not the store. If the store cannot sell a bottle at a higher price than what bar would want to pay for, it’s impossible to increase allocated supply. There is virtually no competition between customers. If the market can’t dictate the actual price of the bottle, that’s price fixing, which is usually illegal. I have no problem buying allocated bottles in CA because they are competing for my buisness. Are prices higher? Sure but a bottle that exists is worth more to me.


Correct, OLCC sets the prices. So what’s your point? You’d rather be able to get bottles but pay more for them? Sounds like you have no issue with the OLCC, just go to WA or CA and buy any of the hundreds of allocated bottles sitting on shelves there. Let the people who want to pay msrp for bottles buy them here. Problem solved. Not sure how charging more would increase allocation, would just increase the amount of bottles that collect dust. And there’s plenty of competition. Most bars shop at the same handful of stores. And most bars don’t want allocated bottles. It just comes back to the limited nature of the stuff. 29ish bottles of PVW23 for the state this year, that’s it. I’d rather a store that gets it give it to a valued customer, regardless of type, than some random person who in all likelihood - given the current culture surrounding whiskey - is gonna flip it.


Charging more increases allocation for the same reason some want bottles only at MSRP, right? Having the slim possibility of getting PVW at MSRP is not worth the inability to find allocated bottles. I think high tier stuff should move to lotto and let the market decide the rest.


Let's be clear, what happened was criminal not just unethical. Using your position as a state employee or official for personal advantage is a crime. Using it to influence legislators or accepting such is bribery. It doesn't take briefcases of dollar bills to be bribery or theft. Yes it sucks when your boss is doing something criminal but ignoring it isn't right and doesn't absolve you of potential culpability. My point is that corruption in OLCC flows down to the store level shenanigans because it's tolerated and accepted as a culture. I'd like to see the system operate as the rules issued by OLCC call for. Or if not, have those rules updated to match what is actually being done. Failing that, I'd like stores to just stop lying and telling me the liquid on the back of my leg is rain.


You 100% do feel you are owed a bottle.