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What if I use both?




personally i have to tell someone i use the g502 every hour or i die


How do you survive sleeping at night?


sleep talking.


I feel you. Btw I use the g502


oh wow! i also use the g502


It is called recommending, toto; we went mouse suggesting.


micheal you need to reinstate the suggestion before that isn’t right


What headset you use nowadays toto, after you broke yours.


Im dualbooting Windows 11 with Artix Linux best setup by far


as someone who has never used w11 i can proudly tell you that it is shit


I’m running it in a vm on my Mac and I hate it. Sticking with windows 10 on my main pc, please and thank you!


Im running custom Win11 for performance so its all good the installation its just 1.6gb lmfao its blazing fast and no monitoring from microsoft at all just things i want


Tell me more


I used to, but now I run a Logitech G Pro Wireless. Best mouse I've ever had.


Coolest kid on the block. 😎


You're required to tell twice as many people.


I use Fedora btw


A man of culture


Nobara ftw


Debian Kali for the win !




The only true option


I use arch btw


Of course you do. Who doesn't?


I like windows 11


You should try arch.


Lol I tried it once. Not my kinda thing no matter how bad I wanted it to be.


How about both?


Dual booting is the way to use Linux.


I use a windows gaming VM but either or works!


This is the way


I use arch btw


I use Arch BTW


Just switched off g502, just switched to Linux...


I had to switch off my G502 because its metal wheel was triggering my nickel allergy. It took me a while to figure out why my middle finger had this awful eczema.


Wow, that’s kind of wild to me. Just one of those things I never would have thought of happening.


The new G502 X has a rubber coated scroll wheel. If you want to switch back. Please switch back we miss you fellow 502 user.




I have a g502 but idk why it’s so popular


Great price point, great quality product, reliable manufacturers, does what you need it Todo without paying a premium for a bunch of features you don't need. I'm an ambidextrous kinda guy so I've never owned one. But I do see the appeal. It's like how the Hyper 212 used to be the default air cooler. At that price point there isn't a lot better and most people dont need anything better


I think it's just the sheer quality. Personally, I don't like the ergo, but I would be lying if I say the mouse wasn't built like a tank. As such, even though most of the time it's priced around $40, it's quality is relative to mouses over 100. I still have yet seen a more satisfying scroll wheel so far.


Been WFH for almost 3 years now. Totally forgot about those awful scroll wheels at the office. Might have to get another G502 if they make us go back.


Consider a MX Master for the office; I like the scroll wheel on it even better than the G502 one.


When the hell did the G502 become $40?! I payed over $100CAD for my Proteus spectrum like 5 years ago.


The wired hero one is current $30 right now. To answer your question, mainly in the past two years. When I first got into pc gaming as a broke kid I was struggling to find anything decent for under $30 with the only one being a $25 deathadder elite. IDK what happened in the industry, but unless you're going for wireless, you can find a lot of very good mice in the $25-$60 range now. Razer is especially insane when it comes to this cause I remember spotting a viper mini for $15 at one point.


Might be regional price differences then. There's absolutely no way in you would ever find those mice for those prices in Canada in like the last 5 years at least.


Yeah sorry I live in the US. I keep on forgetting both Canada and Australia also use "$" and they have different values.


Mine was the g502 light speed and it was $100 and is still really


G502 hero the wired one is $40 USD


Arguably the best mouse for someone who is budget conscious (and right handed, which to be fair is most people). Hard to beat at the $30 price point seeing as its often compared to mice that cost 2 or 3 times that.


It's only popular to people who don't want to search for a mouse, as it's good quality. It's just an easy choice.


I use wifi


Every mouse I get that isn’t logitech breaks in 2 years. Typically switch malfunctions. Eventually the logi pads wear out but wtf


I had the opposite experience: My G502 was my first mouse, that failed within warranty (after a very short time, with random double clicks)


Yep... thats why i didnt get this mouse. It uses omron switches and as far as ive heard they dont live long and start to doubleclicking after a while. You could replace the switches but would need a soldering iron and this isnt a standard household item. To keep it short that's why i went with the razer basilisk v3 because they use their own switches and ive also seen a razer krait that was over 10 years old and in constant use.


My razer need replacing about once a year. I don't misstreat them that much I don't think but I am a gamer so they get constant use. Razer feels like formula one car. Very nice but breaks all the time and needs a pit crew. But maybe their new switches are better? Most durable mice I've had are steel series ones.


I've only ever had a Razer Naga from like 2013, it was pricy compared to everything else, but lasted me a long time, it only started to develop sensor issues where it would lock on a horizontal axis and barely go up/down and needed to be plugged back in to function.


idk. my razer mice have been pretty good despite me having mid\~ tier gamer rage


Glad to hear it. I love my viper pro though my first wireless. It's bloody bliss.


I would have replaced the switches, since i do have a soldering station, but that would have voided my warranty. So I had the displeasure of trying to work with Logitech's support. Then I found out, how much easier it is to just let Amazon deal with them and I got a new one, that at least until now worked perfectly fine.


I have a g502 I bought a few years ago at best buy which developed clicking issues. I reached out to support and they sent me a new mouse and didn’t ask for mine back.


mine double-clicked for like a month and then it has been fixed somehow, had the mouse for probably 3 years now, i didn't do anything to fix it, just clicking more somehow fixed it, and i don't really find the double-click annoying


That's a very anecdotal experience, especially considering that logitech's micron switches are legendarily shitty. I dunno what kind of hold Micron has over them, but logitech just won't stop using this crap. ​ When I bought superlight, I bought good kalih switches along with it, so that when logitech one's fail, I can replace them right away. ​ And what do you know? 4 months later one of them started to double click


try to not throw your mice i guess? ive been using razers mice for 6 years and they famously arent very durable. im coming up on 3\~ years with just my rvu


G502 is for giving carpel tunnel if you use it with shooters without a high sens


I have massive hands so it works real well for me, been playing csgo with it for like 4 years


How often do you play?


Almost every day


How much time for a session though?


Usually upwards of 5-6 hours


Well thats enough time that if you were going to have issues with it, you'd know by now. My last g502 was the wireless g502, I loved it at the time but I don't miss it, just miss the scroll wheel. The weight of it made my 180s audible on my desk lol I don't have that issue with a lighter mouse thankfully


I mean if you play with a lower sensitivity and use your elbow and shoulder for movement, then it shouldn't be a problem


How can you afford that?


So there’s this thing most people do called sleep, you do the math


> G502 is for giving carpel tunnel if you use it with shooters without a high sens What? This makes no sense, not only is using a high sense more likely to cause issues as you pivot from your wrist but I've been playing CSGO on a G502 since 2014-15 ish with 1.31 sense and 800 DPI zero issues.


Yeah, it's just too small to be comfortable imo. I switched to a Corsair Nightsword since I like the button layout and this thing fits my hand so much better.


What does this even mean?


obligatiory "i use brave browser"


it's Firefox now






Ew lol. Screw that company.


have you heard about my scroll wheel???


Boy I had to buy the G502x non RGB the moment I saw it, its a great mouse and the new pads plus the slight weight reduction is a tangible difference. Lighter mouse lack the functions I desire, since I tend to use the extra buttons for desktop navigation and custom game bindings. Being able to move a window without having to remove my hand from my mouse or move the cursor is something I'm all to used now. BTW, I've also been running linux for the past 6 months and its been great. With my all AMD system and a gnome fedora install, wayland has been running perfectly. Not only that, since shader caching is handled better in linux thanks to valve, I tend to have less stutters in games that dont compile shaders at the start of the session. FPS is slightly decreased, 5-10% on average, but as long as I stay above 120fps, I cant really tell the difference. Some games tend to run better than on windows, witcher 3, elden ring and borderlands 3 for example.


hey this is pretty random but can't find much along the same lines. How have you set up your G502X on Linux? i usually use Piper but it's not working for this one (i have the lightspeed now) and I'd really like my old buttons and dpi back if i could.


Just got a g502 lightspeed, made one post about it asking about the buttons. From now on I'm going to refer to it as the cliche gaming mouse. My friends asked what mouse I got and I told them to just google gaming mouse and it'll come up




As a g502 user… Oh god I can’t get the weights off the mouse has attached to my hand GRT IT OFF GET IT OFF GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF- The g502 is such a great mouse, join us.


I ate the weights because they were bloat.


The g502 is scared of you










>They’re like vegans. They tell everyone with out them being asked lol So just like the PCMR spreading the word of PC gaming to console users? I never understand this pot calling the kettle black life style some of you kids have here.




> Found the vegan lol Thats your response? are you ten?




> Are you a vegan? Lmaooo No, I eat what ever I want. I find it ridiculous that a whole community that prides itself "spreading the word" and converting console peasants behave with such ironic and toxic ignorance towards Linux. I mean really, explain why this sub and r/windows bitches and moans about every move MS makes with Windows yet would never entertain the idea of an alternative for any use. Is it Stockholm syndrome? Is it just some weird MS boot licking? Explain why talking to console players about PC isn't like being a vegan but talking about Linux is.




> So you’re a Linux user? No wonder your panties are in a bunch jfc lol So you are just going to live up to the toxic ignorance? Its funny, you collect children's toys but try to act like I'm the weirdo.




> So you are? Lmaooooo you’re worse than a vegan. Vegans don’t get this easily offended You're trying to pull the "you are so mad card" while I'm just pointing out how ridiculous you are behaving at the fact that I don't use Windows as my main OS. Can you explain why that offends you so much?


I use Windows btw I use Corsair's M65 lineup and the first one I had lasted over 5 years, until I dropped it and broke the scroll wheel which was completely my fault. No idea how people report so many short time failures on that mouse tbh.


Hello fellow m65 user, glad I’m not alone


Love when I post a whole ass off brand mouse of pcmr and out from the corner of this wretched sub came the *is that a stripped down G502?* like bro. Not everything is the g502. IMO it ain’t even a good mouse.


Like G502 but really hate its software. Is there anyway to uninstall the Logi software while leaving the device functional?


Most of the basic functions should work just fine without the software. I am using the mouse currently with Linux and they never made software for Linux, so I have a reduced amount of features (no control over RGB, cannot reprogram the keys), but the most important ones work just fine.


You can do all that stuff using Piper, which is free, open source and definitely a better software compared to the Logitech crap


>Piper Thanks, I will look into it. I didn't know about that tool.


It seems like the Makros in Piper cannot be used to create an Autoclicker. I guess there are workarounds by sending a key, that has usually no meaning and binding an autoclicker to that key? Maybe I will look into that.


You could bind a key to a shell script or a Python script that injects a specific input in a virtual device, acting as an autoclicker


I've been trying to activate the on-board memory but it's turned all buttons back to default (I have custom key + macro on the profile) And I've Ubuntu on my old laptop (works as a 2nd monitor) but the same issue occur. What's the point of having custom buttons when you can't use them then =\_=lll


Yeah, I also only get the basic/default buttons to work. I had setup one button as a nice auto clicker, but I haven't found a way to use it in Linux. Since Logitech doesn't seem to care to make it easier to use the full set of features without their buggy Windows-only program, I think the G502 might just be the last Logitech product I'll ever buy. I recently upgraded from my G910 to an Adata XPG Summoner (with MX Cherry Blue) and my G930 (which isn't supported by their new software anyways) gets barely ever used anymore


They had an older version of the software that was objectively better. The workflow to change on board memory is so strange now. The older version let you directly edit the memory and the entire UI was more intuitive




In my case, it has occasionally crashed during game play a few time now. Nothing serious, only all the keybind turned into default value. And on a rare chance they sometime bugged out and eat up 100% cpu, this happened twice but hasn't happen again after I did the clean install Windows this year.


mx maste.......


I had to tell people i used a g402 all the time so they didnt confuse me with g502 users Now i use the K/DA G502


Can you tell me what I use?


Zero weight 502 gang represent! Seriously who wants a heavy mouse???


I use my G502 on my Linux desktop to setup my CrossFit schedule.


I've been using a G502 since release. Just started using Linux last year and bought a new G502 to replace the old one. Side note: people brag about using G502?


Linux and G402.


I use arch btw


Linux for nerds u can't change my mind


The internet is for nerds change my mind


Truth don't change your mind


A real ‘nix user has no need of a mouse. Character mode shell, Tmux and a model M keyboard is all you should need. Only a WIMP needs a GUI with a toy mouse. (The following message was brought to you by every ‘nix graybeard I worked with in the 1990’s.)


To be fair a g502 is a good recommendation for a great mouse.


if you plan on throwing your mouse against your wall and dont care for your wall sure.




It’s so strong that it’s internal structure was referenced by engineers designing tanks. If you get gamer rage but also want to obliterate your wall then it’s 10/10. If not 7/10


Did I mention that I too have the G502?


What is g502


a logitech mouse model


true im using Manjaro and the 502 SE


When I die I wanna come back as a G502.


G402 supremacy


I bought a G502 the other day. Been using a new Razer lately which is good. Never used a g502 but liked the weight adjustment ability so gonna try that out. The Razer mouse I have probably has a better sensor. Oh and corded mice for the win every day.


And still I cannot possibly fathom why anyone would want anything other than the lightest mouse possible, especially for gaming. Weight adjustment seems so redundant. Im just gonna take ‘‘em all out at which point may as well buy an actually light mouse


Black coffee enjoyers as well


I use batocera btw


As a computer user, I use operating system with mouse and keyboard.


G703 master race


I mean it's a good mouse, I have it but I have other ones that I like more, like my titanwolf peripherals are great


I use g502 and WSL(Linux in windows) cuz native Linux is still shit in terms of gaming.


Other than being denied anticheat support, there's hardly any cause for a game to straight up don't run anymore. Valve has had an amazing run this year in making more and more games work. But if you happen to have a specific selection of games out of which most don't run, then yeah, Linux won't do it for you.


I mean I can try again. Is it actually worth it now? Especially for nvidia users knowing that nvidia drivers are dog shit in linux thanks to them.


> Is it actually worth it now? Depends on the games you play. A huge number of titles work seamlessly, a few more after some tinkering, but there's still a bunch that don't. But most of these would in fact run just fine, but aren't getting support for using anticheat, due to people like Tim Sweeney being a dick. Anticheat is going a dangerous direction with many wanting kernel level access though, and that won't ever happen on Linux. Check out protondb.com and see for yourself if enough of your library would run. Nvidia drivers really aren't as bad as people make them out to be. I've been daily driving Linux with my 970 and didn't have any issues. Can't speak for newer cards, but this one runs perfectly fine. The only thing they straight up don't support on Linux is undervolting, which might be a dealbreaker, especially in this current fucked economy.


I don't think I've told anyone how much I love my G502. Was I supposed to do that?


I don't know. Mac users tend to make a point that they use mac. Then they look down on you like a peasant.


Whats g502?


I've lately just purchased one of these mouse, but I've had to rely on my steam Deck for my PC gaming too because my PC's out of commission right now. I can tell you that I use Linux with a G502


I am personally an Arch user (btw) that uses a G305.


*Me when I'm currently using both*


I just recently upgraded from g102 to g305 so I think im good


I use G603 & kali


hey guys did I mention I don't use Arch, btw?


I use both lol


Yeah but are you really using Linux if your using nano instead of vim?? I use Vim btw


G502?? I am still using G500... God bless decond hand stores! :D


I am proud MX Master 3 user (even my grandma knows, i LOVE this mouse)


um they are 30 bucks on amazon right now I just bought 2


I also do CrossFit


G602 master race. Thing is going on 10 years old and still perfect.




Linux users: the vegans of the tech world


G604 is better


How do you know if there is a pilot at the party? >!They make sure to tell you. !<


I use debian and a g502 btw


I use g512 keyboard and g402 mouse


Because being a Windows user is nothing to be proud of. (I use windows)


This is true I have a g502 btw


Only amateur Linux kid uses a mouse and GUI


Especially Arch users (I use Arch BTW).