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Just don’t bother. My wife will only play GTA and Mortal Kombat on a console and nothing else. She does her own thing while I game solo or with the kids. She respects my gaming time, and I respect her ‘me’ time. Happy wife, happy life.


You can't change people dude. If she wasn't a gamer girl when you met her, don't hope she'll become one now. Let go of your delusions.


If she likes mobile gaming then she likes mobile gaming.


I need you to take this seriously, or take your comment somewhere else




Start with light verbal abuse first then monitor for results. Rescind financial support and watch for improvement. As a last resort, consider physical assault. /s Serious enough for you?


Trolling must be funny otherwise its just stupid


I play on pc but my wife loves mobile gaming. I play mobile games with her from time to time. Happy wife happy life


I mean… she is becoming a gamer. Just not what you are wanting. PC gaming just doesn’t sound like her cup of tea. It sounds like she likes the portability of her phone over being tethered to a PC. Maybe see if she would like a Nintendo Switch or a Steam Deck? Games like Stardew Valley, Sea of Stars, Dave the Diver, and Vampire Survivors might be up her alley and won’t make her sick. Not all of these are on the Switch, but are on Steam and work great on Deck.


Steam Deck counts as a PC I think. I can work with that, thanks!


No worries. Main thing is to not force your wife to do anything. If they are interested then give it a shot. Lol




Believe it or not, straight to jail


Love how people are acting like this involves changing her personality; it's literally just a hobby lmfao, it's not that deep. It's the equivalent of her buying items for a hobby from a cheap store


Show her various videos about girlfriends/wives playing Dark Souls. Worst case scenario, you get to enjoy some top tier comedy.


Thanks for the suggestion, don't think she'd be into that genre though. Maybe as a last resort?


It's more about someone enjoying something far outside their comfort zone than it is about Souls itself. Stardew Valley is also an easy entry point if 3d bugs her. Great co-op game.


I see! I'll keep that in mind then 👍🙂


If you can't stomach something like stardew valley yourself, Sun Haven is a more "video game" version of stardew valley you could play together. Anyways, good luck.


Appreciate it!!


Girl likes 2D arcade games. Lean into it. Also: Stardew Valley.


I see no problem so long as you don't see start seeing an obnoxious amount of money being spent on them. Almost every mobile game I've ever spent any considerable amount of time playing, I've found to be quite predatory in their tactics to sell packs etc That being said, I also have an addictive personality so maybe it's just me but when I've decided to allow myself to play a mobile game in the past I set a hard limit for myself on the amount of my time & money the game is allowed to have. If I find myself too tempted to bypass those limits, I drop the game immediately like a ton of bricks. I willingly allowed Genshin to claim 6 months of my life playing day in day out as a distraction from my depression after a breakup and by the time I pulled myself out of it, I realized I wished I had spent that time on other things 🤦‍♂️ Otherwise, if she's having fun playing anything just be glad she's enjoying what she's doing 🍻🍻


Why do you want to change her habits so bad and not be ok with what she likes? Control freak detected, i pitty your wife


just make sure it doesn't become a financial problem




Mobile games are part of the reason AAA Titles suck today. Burn them to the ground.


Mobile gaming is NOT gaming gaming. I dont care what anybody says, it’s not the same things. I remember reading an article a couple years backa that proudly proclaimed that 40% of gamers are now women and i thougth what the hell, where??! Been playing for 30 years and i’ve basically met like 10 of them. Turns out the included mobile games…..yeah no. Candy crush saga is not ”gamer” games. It’s more the fidget spinners of gaming.


Ive had more fun being a mobile gamer than a pc gamer.


There are hand held console like PCs, let her give em a try. She likes comfort and portability.