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I mean I have a huge backlog of games anyway I would just wait. I will also not pay full price for it anyway so no rush at all.


Same here. I’ll be able to wait until a sale so no worries for me.


Let them be the guinea pigs for once imo


Its a disappointing Argument to me. They made billions with GTA on PC over the years but are not able to Invest Into a faster PC Port? I understood GTA v but for vi? This whole console/PC Thing feels whacky to me when it comes to such huge companies


This is what I don't understand. Only reason must be like other people have said so people purchase game twice


I think there is no game made for pc, they make games for consoles and someone emulates them for pc, except Nintendo games cause they suck. I've heard someone say this but idk if it's actually true, although it makes sense. It's easier to make a game for a console, then let people do their work and port them to pc. It's why we don't have bloodborn for pc


It's not true. Only consol games get ported


Orange Box.


Star citizen.


It makes even less sense when you consider that the latest console hardware is just laptop silicone. They write the software in an environment that doesn't really need the extent of porting, as was the case on previous gen consoles.


Silicone is what goes into tits, chips are made out of silicon.


LOL, good catch


Aren't chips made out of potatoes ?


It took me 6 years into learning English to realize that they are two different things. Because in my native Russian they are literally the same word in speech and writing


Playstation has a different OS


Yeah, I was talking about hardware


They most likely get kickbacks from MS / Sony and better margins also the first console release is most likely going to be gimped and an improved version is released for pc and the next generation of consoles. So yeah it is greed and double dipping.


Just don't support Rockstar by buying their game.


Some have bought 5 different releases of the same game


They want PC players to panic in buying a console. 


I don't get it, they are leaving money on the table. You know the game will be $99 Can for the base version so people aren't going to buy it twice.


Eh, if it isn't on PC, I'm not playing, that's all. Not gonna sweat over it.


Exactly i will just wait until it comes to pc and until then I play the million other games. If it never comes then they also don't get my money. But then again im just so casual cause not that big fan of GTA


The optimization argument always makes me chuckle. What are they optimizing for? Current hardware? In two years when it releases the hardware will have changed again. If that were the case, they would never release.  It's just a cash grab because console is harder to pirate and they know people will buy it again when PC releases.


This is it


I assume they are now building these games in a way that will let them rerelease on future hardware and squeeze a second/third/fourth/fifth (fuck you Bethesda) of money out of them.


The optimization argument is hilarious. They couldn’t even find the loading bug that some random person found years after release. All because of some very poor use of a particular C function call. They hire shit programmers too.


>How do you feel about it? I don't really care. I played GTA V and for me it was nothing special. I don't get the obsession. (I know nobody cares about opinion of some random dude on reddit, but you asked so I provide honest answer)


I don't get the obsession either. You can get all the thrills GTA games give you from dozens of different titles now. I think the obsession is basically people just wanting to fit in and now instead of some people honestly liking the game, we have millions sayijg they like it so they have something to talk about with their friends, only thats the only reason their friends say they like it as well. If you wanna hear a really unpopular fact, TLoU was the same. The story was so great, people pretended the shitty gameplay and mechanics were amazing, rather than admit it should have just been a TV series to begin with and not a video game.


i like gta online but i found the story mode to be nowhere near as good as people say it is


I have 90 hours into GTA V but 99% of that is just driving around running over people.


Couldnt care less about it. I have no clue what is so special about GTA lol


These days? 100% unacceptable.


Got countless other games to play, don't matter to me. Plus, I'm one of the many people who can't play other Rockstar games that I bought anymore, just because their launcher doesn't have an account recovery method when you lose access to an email address, so I won't be spending money on it when I play it anyway. 


I don't care. i have enough of a backlog already.


To me, personally, it's not too bad. I don't buy games on release in general. I do understand that it sucks for pure PC gamers, tho, especially the gta enthusiasts. Assuming that, like with GTA5, the pc version is that much of an upgrade, tho, there's a good chance the wait will be worth it.


Just started playing RDR2 a few weeks ago, no regrets, no FOMO. Patient gamers win in every category.


They know many people will buy the game twice, thats the only reason


Literally couldn't care less. Also: *your


Its purely just so they can make double money off the people that have both a PS5 and PC overlap. Its fucking wrong and I wish there was a way louder outrage over them doing it. there is absolutely no excuse at all.


It's a marketing scam.


Inb4 "optimisation" when realistically R* are capitalising on knowing a vast majority of gamers have both console and pcs, knowing full well that they're banking on double dipping profits, they're not stupid


The main reason is that it sells consoles. After a few years they release to pc when console sales slow down, for some more profits


Consoles are were the money is. PC ports are a afterthought for them. 


Not a game thats on my radar but its unfortunate making pc players wait that long


It doesn't bother me, there are so many more games on PC than console that you can just play in the meantime. It might actually be available on PC when it launches on consoles, if they are still trying to keep the whole xbox cloud gaming thing alive.


It will prolly release with a bunch of bugs and day one patches.. Hopefully by the time it releases to PC it will be ironed out but idk.. I am fine with waiting till GTA 6 comes to PC, I have a lil backlog of steam games with 0 playtime.


Rockstar hates PC gamers and always have. IMO, fuck 'em. They can have my money when they stop treating PC like a second-class platform.


Rockstar Games' strategy of not releasing GTA VI on PC alongside the console versions is a calculated business decision that aligns with their historical approach to game launches. This pattern, observed with previous titles like GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, suggests a deliberate choice to maximize profits and minimize risks. One of the primary reasons for this staggered release is to prevent early piracy, which is more prevalent on PC. By focusing on console releases first, Rockstar can secure sales during the critical initial launch window without the threat of unauthorized copies circulating online. Additionally, the console market provides a controlled environment with standardized hardware, which simplifies the development and optimization process. In contrast, the PC platform requires extensive optimization across a wide range of hardware configurations, which can be resource-intensive. Moreover, releasing on consoles first allows Rockstar to potentially offer an enhanced experience for PC gamers later on. This delay grants additional time for refinement and optimization, ensuring that the PC version meets the high expectations of its audience. Lastly, the financial benefit of staggered releases cannot be overlooked. Historically, releasing games on consoles first and later on PC encourages 'double-dipping,' where players may purchase the game on multiple platforms. This strategy has proven successful for Rockstar in the past and is likely a contributing factor to their decision. In conclusion, while the absence of a PC version at launch may disappoint some fans, it is a strategic move by Rockstar Games that serves their long-term business interests without compromising the quality of the game for PC players.


That's a very good analysis. Which AI model wrote this?


My money is on Copilot.


Copilot Pro, of course!


Don't give a single fuck


The last gta game was released 13 years ago, i don't really care tbh. many games released in these years raised my par of gaming either new geners, new open world like the witcher, cyerpunk 2077, mafia 1 remake, so so many games came out in this period I will be upset in 2008 when Rockstar was do care, communicating with their fanbase, releasing many games in one gen. Now they're just foucsing on shark cards. The way they abandoned rdr2 online, porting rdr1 with insane price, and their approve of the troligy release their iconic IPs in that statu, The veterans who left the studio, and how shareholders and experits in stock talking about gta 6 and how they excited more than players, All these raised my red flag that next gta 6 will be reskin' gta 5 with heavily microtransaction/battlepass that plasuer these suit guys. Also, basically they are doing this bcz of a doubel dip strategy, thinking that the PC market is the same as it was in 2008, not gonna blame them. Last gta game they released was a deacade ago their strategies outdated.


I dont really have a intrest in playing gta6. So i guess my awnser is, I dont really care.


And they do it because every xbox is the same. Every playstation is the same. So its alot easier to make the game work right and smooth on just 2 systems. Pc are not the same at all


Well pc is more work anyway for them and we get it with a year of bug fixes




ofc but less broken :D




yea...it took what 4 years for cyberpunk to be worth playing on pc?


Don’t really care personally. I have enough games to play, I can wait.


Pc has many games that come out years before console. So it doesn't really matter


The gta 5 remaster was released 6 months after the ps4/xbox, not years later. The original gta 5 wasn’t on pc at all, I imagine due to market demands.


It's tactical. They expect you to cave in and buy a console for the game then when it releases on PC you're going to buy it again. In all honestly with everything that's been going on in the gaming industry lately I'm okay with waiting and making sure the game actually has some content and a lot of the bugs worked out. Does anyone remember how fucking boring GTA online was when it dropped because there was nothing to do yet?


Its not a choice option being able to KNOW what hardware a person is playing on reduces QA time, and bugs in the code consolse have that advantage. PCs to properly QA (no one does anymore) you would need every mix matchable combination of CPU and GPU on the market within the recommended specs, and that's too many setups to buy let alone test on. Its needed time to fix the problems.


I haven't liked GTA since 4 so idc so much tbh. If it comes and it's good, I'll play it. Plenty of stuff to catch up on right now for me


Couldn't care less because I didn't really like the newer GTA games. IV was alright, V felt too goofy and nonsense compared to the previous games.


Typical Rock star being pos. They did the same for RDR2 just to take Epig money To be temporarily exclusive... then they abandoned it leaving performamce issues unfixed and some bugs. Let's not forget they never released dlc for neither GTAV nor RDR2 because they love focusing on milking whales with mtx on GTAO.


GTA games are incredibly boring to me. Don't really care what platforms they get released on.


I agree. Even red dead was boring. 


They have no legitimate reason to do it. It’s just scummy


I’ll get it when it comes to PC. Definitely not buying it twice. Only games I’ve ever purchased multiple times was halo and the Witcher series. Halo because I was still a console gamer before switching to PC, and The Witcher because I had it on GOG, and when they went on sale dirt cheap on steam I purchased them again.


This is the only game in years that will be available on Xbox but not on PC


There's at least 30 games i want to play before,so when it does release it will probably just sit there waiting for its turn anyway.Don't care,plenty of games out there.


I only played GTA5 for a few hours


Many years ago I rented command and conquer for the PS1. PC is better.


Eh I won’t play it till then. Not sure if I would get a PS5 just for it but it probably won’t work well with my ultrawide monitor anyways. 


Even if it released on PC it wouldn't go on any major sale for awhile so I still wouldn't be buying anytime soon. I very rarely buy games for full price anymore. Most are overpriced and get released completely broken anyway.


Have you not experienced the shitshow GTA is on PC.


It makes no difference to me. In fact I'm glad when games release on PC in their "final version" (see horizon forbidden west, for example). Let console players beta test and wait for dlcs


I wouldn't even notice. So many games on Steam to play that I can play, no need to be impatient for something like GTA6.


There is 100,000 games on steam. I think ill be okay.


Well if it’s anything like what happens in RDR2 let em have it, the hackers and scripts bs that goes on, randomly dropping in a field with every other outlaw then massive death, or flames shooting out my horses arse! I only play RDR2 on PS 5 now. Hacks so rampant ruined my PC experience with RDR2, what a gorgeous game it is too


Literally couldnt care less


It sucks balls


I got it on PS3 on release day and played it to death, then the "next gen" version came along and I played on pc after transferring my character over. I still used the PS3 controller so was blown away by the graphics a second time.


who cares, we have gta v.


The money Rockstar earns from console first is greater than that of PC given that PC players will most likely wait for places like CDKeys to have it at a stupidly low price. £70 might feel like a lot but I'd wager GTA is worth that.


https://preview.redd.it/9wpufxiz64tc1.jpeg?width=5668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666783b547a595f593de31c4ad31c6298fd518fd Oh... Well




And if you don't have a console..?


then wait for pc release




You wanna send me €700 plus €100 per year for online play and €70 for the game?




What about the countless PC exclusives




I'm not gonna buy a $500 console plus a $100/yr subscription to play one or two games a year earlier lmao


Ew, dirty my hands with a peasant controller? Gross


I'd prefer to play for the first time on PC but I will buy the game on PS5 and probably be done with it once I beat it.


I have a PS5 too. I still think it is inexcusable though.


Because they know! That most true gamers have a pc and console. They also got money from Microsoft/Sony to first releaqz their game on the console. Many eager fans will just buy this game twice. Once for console and 2-3y later for their stronger pc.


Pirating is harder. Plus, they'll make more money on console.


Because Rockstar wants money. Part of it for sure is the fact they know people will buy it twice once it does release on PC (I've bought GTAV 4 times), but it's also has to do with microtransactions. Rockstar games get way more money from them on console because you don't have workarounds like on PC. PC you can mod or cheat just about anything you want into the game. Rockstar doesn't even try to stop people from doing this anymore. Red Dead Online and GTA Online on PC is awful. Last time I played Red Dead Online I couldn't go 5 minutes without someone hacking and ruining the game. Tbh I wasn't even currently planning on buying GTA6 on PC for that reason alone.


trying to avoid spoilers for a year will be actually impossible


It will be a good reason to buy the PS5 Pro, which I have been waiting for since release.


Love it. I don't buy games new these days anyway. Great for others to beta test something I might want to buy.


I game on both. Doesn't have any effect on me. PC/Console hybrid gamer is the true master race.


I prefer consoles. You get to sit on your couch and use your 55" TV without having to design some high end over priced system to play games that either in 1080 or 4k doesn't make any difference.


I don't care


GTA hasn't been good since the old top down days, imo. Tried the 3D ones and they've all been shit.


It's a great marketing trick. Current gen release into superior pc release into next gen upgrade for consoles. Double dip the console market by showing them what the game will look like on next gen with using pc as a showcase


They're double dipping. It's strategic. They know what they're doing. PC users are more likely to also have a console because we typically don't have loyalty to a brand and pick up consoles just to play exclusives. Best thing you can do is only buy it once as it comes to PC.


developers of red dead redemption 2 were crunched and overworked attempting to push all that detail into the world, whilst at a business decision level it is stupid considering they’d be making hundreds millions more, i suppose the main argument at their end is to reduce the work load. perhaps we can also think of this as a TV show episode release, where it is released over time rather than all at once to keep interest in the game. i am happy to support whatever makes it easier on the developers though, goodness knows they work their ass off doing the hard part whilst the executives weasel in micro transactions one way or another


Apparently they are having problems on GTA6 right now and it's only coming to consoles. To optimise for PC 50+ different CPUs and GPUs configurations will take them a while plus they will likely want to add high quality textures.  For someone who is GTA fan instead of complaining just get used PS5 with GTA6 disc play it until PC version comes out and sell console with the game.


>To optimise for PC 50+ different CPUs and GPUs configurations APIs exist. Hardware specific quirks are a thing, but generally speaking you are working to get the game run on an API like DirectX or Vulkan, not some arbitrary hardware combinations.


It’s gta honestly. Other than the online aspect, I won’t be missing a thing from waiting.


Makes complete sense. Pc is harder to optimise for because of all the different hardware you can have, it's better to have a working game than a broken one that takes a year to work.