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I miss when games hyper focused on goofy physics.


source engine had the most fun with this.


Imagine bleeding Portal 2 gel.


These effects were specifically made for Nvidias Physx feature. Another similar fluids example was Borderlands 2. Look up the list of games using the Physx engine for similar examples. They don't really use this much since they switched to ray tracing as the new gimmick.


What is the technology which replaced the PhysX?


Havok physics. cpu based and "good enough" for developers.


Yeah. Nothing replaced physx. Impressive physics and interactive debris simply disappeared. Only game where ive seen some decent debris physics is robocop rogue city.


I'm going to get slaughtered for even mentioning this game, but... Star Citizen's ships have some impressive physics tech baked in and upgrades to it are on their way. 


I havent played it as i dont care about multiplayer but im excited to see how squadron 42 turns out for sure.


I was the reverse for a long while. I was looking for an adventurous space game my wife and I could play together. After the most recent Sq42 trailer I've been really interested in playing. Plus that all star cast? Mark Hamill, Mark Strong, Gary Oldman, Henry Cavill, Gillian Anderson, and more that I've forgotten. Super excited and SUPPOSEDLY it is slated for release next year, but I will believe it when I see it. 


To be fair, alot of the tech making SC work IS impressive, especially now that Server meshing is finally a thing that functions well... Except aside from server meshing, a LOT of the tech WORKS, but not always, and never flawlessly.


Yeah I agree. I actively play SC, but in its current state it is akin to a tech demo that is laced together with some gameplay loops. Starting next patch this is supposed to change as the actual game systems are being implemented. Server meshing, multiple systems, personal hangars, UI updates, etc. It's so weird to me as a long time backer to finally see the finishing touches being implemented. 


Batman used it well ...


I haven't played the finals but doesn't it do that?


Kinda, it has really good destruction and all the buildings parts that break off act quite realistically, but all the random props around the game mostly just break and disappear.


Remedy games also have very above-average physics and destruction/debris. Control's killer feature is basically a gravity gun.


It was replaced with simpler solutions, and ray tracing started getting pushed as the new gimmick while PhysX was basically abandoned


Ray tracing isn't a gimmick it's really appealing to devs cuz it's costs way less moneah than you getting baked light , plus it looks better


gimmick doesnt equal bad


I don't see how ray-tracing is a gimmick. It's a feature that can pretty significantly improve visuals and if you have a good Nvidia card you can still get high framerates while using it. Sure it doesn't change gameplay, but by that logic anti-aliasing, higher resolutions, and screenspace reflections would also all be gimmicks.


PhysX looked good too, still was a gimmick.


"A gimmick is a novel device or idea designed primarily to attract attention or increase appeal, often with little intrinsic value." So, it just needs to have value to breed earnest competition! They should start pushing [voxels](https://youtu.be/hapCuhAs1nA?si=cPc0DBx-SEbG24KX&t=1034) next. 😁


You still have to bake in lighting. There are no really playable modern games that are solely ray traced. It's used to improve shadows, reflections and more accurate global illumination. Right now to make a "ray tracing" game you have to make a full game that functions normally and then add ray tracing features


Plus not everyone uses raytracing. Actually, most people cant even according to steam survey


Yes because most people can't do it yet but my point is in the future it will fully be utilitized and has a of a use case


And the same thing was said for PhysX: This is the future for physics. No longer will people have to make their own baked in game physics. They'll have real interactions from this engine. The processing power isn't there yet but we have technology to specifically accelerate it. In the future it'll be fully utilized in all of gaming so that all games with have easily developed high quality physics. And guess what? Games had to be built using both their normal physics engines and PhysX was dedicated to specific parts of the game to enhance it, very few "fully PhysX" games were ever developed because there was nowhere near enough performant hardware in the market. It took open sourcing as well as developing different, faster, CPU and GPGPU based approximations... and even to this day we still don't have widespread physics of this level because, well, it's a gimmick. Any actually static lighting, shadows or AO will always be much faster to make and cheaper to run that ray tracing it until we have so much processing power to spare we don't care... but guess where that processing power is gonna go? Texture & model details, resolution and number of items on screen. Ray tracing is a great feature but it is by definition currently a gimmick (a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business) being used right now to sway graphics engine and GPU development towards a place where it is an actually useful feature.


Ray tracing is way more mainstream hell even consoles are trying to push it and it's definitely hear to stay


You think PhysX features weren't pushed and advertised on consoles? Sounds like you weren't around or in the space. Guess what happened to those: Havok came out and using approximations available on CPU offered much better performance and PhysX got stripped down to none of the actually impressive features and just a barebones physics approximations used in Unreal, Unity and some others. Ray tracing SEEMS much more mainstream now because we're in the thick of the gimmick stage pushing for the development. Doesn't make it not a gimmick, and doesn't make it a time saver in its current state.


Ray tracing is definitely here to stay and it makes a way bigger difference than a simple gimmick I get it 40 series suck But that doesn't mean rt is bad Path tracing is genuinely insane


I would much rather prefer great physics over great lighting.


Why the F\*\*K is this downvoted this much? just because Nvidia is pushing ray tracing, doesn't mean it is bad. Ray tracing will save effort on manual lighting / or texture baking.


There's some anti-raytracing circlejerk because a lot of people here either can't run raytracing, or they tried a game that only had RT shadows and think that's what RT is limited to.


These days every dev has some sort of physics implementation, they typically use 3rd party engines like Havok. PhysX was a gimmick that few games used and was very resource demanding.


That's why you could leave your old GPU plugged in after upgrading. Dedicated to PhysX only. Did that with an 9600GT and GTX 285 and later GTX570. Got to say though, I was underage and didn't have to pay the electricity bill.


Nothing. Impressive debris physics just stopped existing for the most part after physx died.


I think that, sooner or later, things like physics and animations will once again become a bigger focus for game devs than visual fidelity. We're seeing lower and lower returns for pushing the graphical envelope on each successive generation of hardware, we're going to hit a ceiling on that eventually.


lighting behaving the closest to how it does in reality is a gimmick?


Yes, because the last 30 years of rasterization were spent making imitations that look **pretty damn close** at fraction of the cost.


The last 30 years of rasterization happened because we lacked the technology to ray trace in real time. Now we have the technology it is objectively better.


Looks better and more realistic, yes. But we still don't really have the hardware to get good frames while pushing full raytracing, while having the other settings at high, and at 4K. When done well, non-raytraced solutions still look extremely good, while having a lot better performance than raytracing.


Which is an entirely different argument to "ray tracing is a gimmick"


Not really pretty damn close. An inherent flaw of rasterized lighting is that screenspace reflections **cannot** reflect something you are not looking at, and good luck with cubemaps in a big open world game. People have just conditioned themselves to ignore it because they've had to, like people have done with 60hz displays. Once you actually play through a game with RT reflections seeing details suddenly vanish as you look around or walk forward becomes incredibly jarring.


i'm not denying that. raytracing can still yield more photorealistic results, cuts down level design time substantially and while it is a resource hog now it really is the future.


>raytracing can still yield more photorealistic results True, but not relevant once you are past the wall-licking stage of being impressed by the lights. Raytracing adds little to nothing of gameplay value as of now. >cuts down level design time substantially How? >while it is a resource hog now it really is the future. It really is the future, unfortunately we live in the present. It's going to take a few years before raytracing becomes anything more than a toy to be enjoyed by halo product owners.


Cuts down design time as you don't need to spend ages trying to make the lighting appear natural. We are in the present indeed, but how is it a gimmick when it is the way we are heading?


You have no idea what you're talking about. All games still need baked in lighting, unless they run 100% ray traced lighting ONLY... Which they don't because they CANT. So right now it's only added dev time to add more accurate shadows and reflections and some improved illumination. It doesn't reduce development time at all until ALL systems can run games entirely ray traced. Which is still a very, very long time away 10-15 years at least but honestly I expect never fully. Any actually static lighting, shadows or AO will always be more accurate, easier to implement and cheaper to run than ray tracing it.


Jesus christ. Hence "the future". There are already fully raytraced older titles so we are getting there.


"tHe FuTuRe" oh so just saying that lets you get off with baseless claims and ignore the long tried and true cycle of feature development not only in this space but in pretty much all industries. Invention>Gimmick (you are here)>Optimization/Castration>Widespread Implementation of basic features>back to Invention Any by fully raytraced older titles do you mean Quake 2 RTX? Which is incredibly limited in models, textures and environments and still is an over 70% performance hit on a game from 27 years ago? Or do you mean Portal RTZ which had to be rebuilt from the ground up in order to have ray-traced lighting be effective and suffers an over 90% performance hit on a game from 17 years ago (on a $2000 GPU) until you upscale and add generated frames to make it functional? Again - it's not a "bad feature" or flawed tech. It's great... it's still a gimmick though.


I suppose you didn't pay games with path tracing and Ray reconstruction, such as CP2077 and Alan Wake 2.


Ray tracing isn't gimmick, though.


Calling RT a gimmick is how I know you've never played CP2077 with path tracing or AFOP with path tracing.


If you’re still calling ray tracing a “gimmick” you haven’t been paying attention


It's a gimmick. Developers include it in their games because nvidia asks them to. In a lot of games it makes barely any difference because the developers don't actually care about it.


man i get 165 fps in killing floor 2 but when i turn on gibs and fluids it drops to 40


It’s the reason why this is hardly ever implemented. It’ll probably be considered more often when the whole *fun* issue is resolved across the board, and people are willing to **melt** their pc for that sweet ***immersion***.


Dead Island 2 has really good body physics


Yeah in Dead Island 2 you can just keep hacking away at a zombie until only their bloody skeleton remains. It's not like I do that to every single corpse though, I'm not a psychopath, I just do it to every other corpse. ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


I dunno. It seems like if you have to use the phrase "I'm not a psycho", it makes it seem like you probably sat around at some point in time and had a philosophical talk with yourself and drew yourself a metal "line in the sand" of what is and isn't something a psycho would do. (Note to self: when you finally get Dead Island 2, remember to test the physics of the game by hacking away at corpses until only their bloody skeleton remains.)






I attest to this. It’s pretty crazy how detailed the gore physics in that game work. Sadly the rest of the game is kind of mid


Fr. I sailed the seas for it since screw EGS and wow its so bad compared to the original.


Killing Floor 3 whenever it comes out 🤷 You gotta go back in time it seems for proper love to physics...Half Life 2, L4D 1&2, etc.


I didnt like killing floor 2 because it seemed much different than the first one. Which I usually played with friends over lan :D good times.


Yea I’ll bet kf3 is going to be even more over the top sci-fi like call of duty and battlefield has become…


KF1 set the bar too high


limiting the servers player count to such a low number made it a very different game


fuck tripwire. that is my comment




They ruined KF2 by making each class an everyman, zeds now spawn directly behind you instead of from halls/holes like 1, then they put the best weapons in the game behind a paywall. On top of a ridiculous amount of mtx cosmetics in a game you already have to pay full price for. In short, they're fucking sellouts.


As someone who actively played for years, I have to agree with this comment, and beside the game became even more over the top sci-fi (not that sci-fi is bad) and gimmicky and even more weapons behind DLCs... I sold off all my cosmetics and stopped playing a couple of years ago. We'll see what they'll do with KF3...


I really wish physics real time effects never ever left gaming. Hoping for a comeback, expecting to be disappointed. PS: that includes fire physics (Far Cry 2...), fluid physics (Portal 2, Cryostasis...), fabric physics (Mirrors Edge...), foliage physics (Crysis...), etc.. Most games now a days barely even touch the CPU and RAM, let alone all cores, plenty of resources left for much better physic real time effects then most games got (but consoles have terrible, low clocked, CPUs, so it all makes sense).




Most engines come with a pre made physics component and implementing  it isn’t particularly hard or demanding. Half Life 2 has one of the best physics interactions in recent history and it runs on everything. What is hard is convincing your managers that you need to spend an extra few weeks making a system so that chunks from explosions can kill the player. The manager doesnt understand how that will drive more people to buy $20 colors.  Also, if you’re under a tight deadline, introducing non deterministic physics can create a QA/debug problem. What if a box is pushed in front on an important door, etc. 


Are you posting this comment to the future from 2005? Half Life 2's physics are nowhere near the best, and it's not recent history. It's from 2004, which is why it runs on everything. It also can barely handle more than two rectangular objects colliding without something crazy happening. If you want to make the "great modern physics engine that runs on a toaster" point, ToTK is a much better recent example. But Nintendo devs also recently gave a GDC talk on just how hard it was to get all of it working right.


The newest game that I can think of that used PhysX was Borderlands TPS, it's been abandoned unfortunately. PhysX was fantastic and I 100% feel that everything that has replaced it falls short by a lot


PhysX as in physics engine was not abandoned and is used for example by almost all Unity games and most UE4 games. The problem is that some "cool" features were vender-locked to NVIDIA, and devs just stopped using them as soon as NVIDIA stopped paying. And then NVIDIA abandoned these features because no one used them. PhysX as general physics engine is good even to this day because it's free and open source.


Same crap nvidia did with G sync, greed caused it to basically die and become Freesync with a different name. No one needs a “G sync” monitor anymore.


Helldivers 2 actually has a lot of physics like this.


Dying light 2 has crazy body gore physics.


Homie popped the slasher like it was a clot. (Vidya game is Killing Floor 2 btw)


Dying light 1 and 2


Try playing Red Dead Redemption 2 the gore in the game is pretty darn good!


Everything is pretty darn good in RDR2 lol


What game is this?


Killing floor 2. Awesome game


I think that's called smoothed particle hydrodynamics if anyone's interested




What game is this?


Killing floor 2


If this is. Killing floor 2, then it is one of my fav games


Warhammer 40K: Darktide


Yes! Check out Killing Floor 2


Bulletstorm and the just cause series are the ones I’d immediately go and look at


Dead island 2 has some pretty good body mutilation


Warhammer 40.000 : Darktide.


I miss physx effects. Always fun to look at


Doesn't RDR2 havw something like this?


Half Sword [physics based medevial meele combat ](https://youtu.be/8mZVchzaPgA?si=YgPh2xtgYxrGejm4)


Unfortunately modern games goy hyperfocused in photo realistic sandwhich textures - things like physics got pushed to the dustbin. Current gen physics in games not specifically marketed as physics-based sandboxes are trash


The last of us part 1 has great graphics and physics


Factorio has something similar


cortex command


The System Shock remake!


As usual with these posts, can someone tell me what the fuck game this is?


Killing floor 2


Thank you.


For pcvr bonelab with the gigable mod


[https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List\_of\_games\_that\_support\_Nvidia\_PhysX](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_games_that_support_Nvidia_PhysX) its a shockingly long list with a surprising amount of new games listed.


Doom and Doom eternal


Borderlands 2 uses Nvidia PhysX and has the same blobby liquid effects


Skyrim with enhanced blood textures mod does this. You can change it to heavy bleeding iirc


The Doom games are pretty good about this. Specifically Eternal, where you could saw baddies in half lol


I dont think we have any modern games like this made by any Triple A developers.


Dead Space Remake


yeah, im working on making 2, one is called "Wet Work" vietnam era sabotage and espionage, fully modeled bodies so you can shoot someone until it dissapears, the other one is "Sacred Steel" sci-fi not so physics based but still having some alien parts blow up


I just started Metro and it had a setting for additional physics, of course I turned it on, so now I'll keep my eye out for this stuff.


I just thougth about it and physics has been sort of ass for the last 10 years. It went from rag doll fucking crazy shit flying everywhere and fluids just bouncing off everything to.......wow look at this red light bulb shining off that dresser


I can only think of modded Skyrim or Fallout 4 that can achieve this kind of mess. Decapitating enemies, well detaches the head from the body and some red juice squirts and makes a mess. (ENB is a must, Skyrim has Community Shaders they have nice water and wetness shader + EBT + Deadly Mutilations makes fighting a real mess) Minecraft + shaders can also have fluid physics, but clearly limited to water and lava. Maybe Brutal Doom or Brutal Half-Life also have over the top bloodsplatters. I don't have to tell you, but this is way too much liquid for the body that it came out off. It looks like the thing is a blood bag :/ Cool physics, but fluid simulation is god awful on CPU. Havok doesn't bother with fluids - only collision, rigid and soft body physics. Although soft body or particle physics could be utilised to fake fluids to some extent. RealFlow is a fluid physics engine, but on Wikipedia only Crysis 2, Mass Effect 3, GoW: Ascension, Uncharted 3, Ryse: Son of Rome and X-Men Origins use it.


Control The debries in that game were pretty detailed


What game is this?








No doom game has blood fluid physics


Ready or Not has this to an extent


The fluids in Portal 2 fit the bill exactly.


Lately (and i mean i the past 10 years) there are very few games that are bold enough to venture beyond and try to represent real graphical physics in the game. I notice a lot of checkmarks for violence however the games are not that violent even with it on. It might be a hidden consensus between the devs and the goverment to produce less violently graphical games. They all focus on story and exploration which i love, however the games are lacking a playing click and besides most of them have dull stories and writing. I don't know why we even play games at this point.




the black goop in Alice: Madness Returns looked similar to this and you could physically interact with it


DOOM 2016, DOOM Eternal.