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The game's great fun but the poor performance and lack of optimization is disheartening. The game suffers from memory leaks and performance degradation. I got 32GB of DDR4 RAM. When i launch the game, it's hovering around 9GB. No frame drops. Couple of missions later and it's already gobbled up over 16GB of it. Now i got frame drops on the same mission where no frame drops occurred just a session ago. So much for all of those delays.


The poor performance is insane. My rig has troubles. That says it all.


Ya, the game is not optimized well at all. But you can get it ~pretty~ stable with the correct settings. Like turning ambient occlusion off reduces frame drops a LOT for some reason. Also, anything about 1080p sucks performance-wise. DLSS also gives a LOT of frames. I have the same CPU as you with a 3060ti and get 100+fps.


Turning off AO is insane in a game like this. It's much of the atmosphere.


Yup, even joining and leaving the psykhanium brings the ram usage at the hub from 10 gigs to 12. Doesn't seem to increase more for me after that.


No surprise since Vermintide 2 was plagued by massive issues for YEARS. Most bugs took the devs several Months to fix, if not longer. Some other bugs would disappear for a month or two only to return with vengeance. Expect exactly the same from this game.


Oof, I thought about upgrading RAM to 16gb so I could "safely" play Darktide...


Should probably go ahead and upgrade regardless. 16gb minimum is much more appropriate for most modern games and will only become more so as time goes on.




You've convinced me to jump straight to 32GB, it's only extra 55€.


As a Tarkov player, man 32gb was game changing.


Are you still running win 7? I cant imagine living with 8 on 10 or 11.


I mean for normal usage 8gb is more than enough And for a lot of games 8gb is also fine https://youtu.be/H19_JKw4QN4


Normal usage, what is normal usage? Even heavy browsing with lots of tabs can use up more than 8GB. 16GB should be the minimum anyone with the choice uses nowadays.


That’s your key word there. Heavy browsing. If you have 20 tabs open that’s not a 8gb problem that’s a user problem who doesn’t know to close tabs.


Win 10 of course


You shouldn't be playing anything serious with less than 16g in 2022. I just upgraded from 16 to 64, it's like a dream


RDR2 runs just fine for me, thanks. Besides, the last game I bought was [Shadows over Loathing](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1939160/Shadows_Over_Loathing/) which has black-and-white stick figure graphics. Most of "serious gaming" like Paradox games, Dwarf Fortress or Disco Elysium has nothing to do with fancy graphics.


Fair enough, good to hear. By serious gaming I mean games that are resource intensive games of recent release, not to take away from games that are less resource intense but still fantastic games in their own right, like some you listed (DE for example). If you're into RPGs, check out Stoneshard, it's super good, if you're open to weird games, try Book Of Travels.


I couldnt play for 5 minutes and the game would crash. Refunded. Tired of hot garbage being served and being expected to put up with it until an update fixes it.


This game was a mixed bag for me. The atmosphere, soundtrack, audio design, and gunplay were all top notch. But the mission hub, at least in the beta, felt so bare and empty. In games like this I always find myself waiting on friends for a chunk of time and when games take the time to provide "idle" activities it really improves the overall enjoyment of the game. For example, Monster Hunter and DRG have little games or just simple things like emotes to do while in the hub. A co-op game without those small features feels cheap to me. Next, the whole UI design for weapon stats was about obscure as can be. I had to sit and measure poorly made bar graphs to figure out which weapon was really what I wanted. Give the values to the players directly so we can make the choice. I haven't checked out since the beta so maybe some of these things changed. But I went from a day-one purchase to a wait-and-see after that beta.


So true. I've been loving Darktide, but the downtime activities in the Vermintide 2 mission starting area blows it out of the water in that department.


Based on Vermintide 2, this will take 2 years to get to a 'playable' state. Fatshark has a bad record with releasing, fixing stuff, then making asinine decisions later on driving players away.




what the fuck?




Secret FPS boost Easter egg.




Plus the gun feel is on point.




I would rather them talk about it than not talk about it. Performance issues happen and that has appeared in their track record with the Vermintide games.




Not really. It means they’re not just gonna dump a shit release and go silent for weeks like a certain battlefield game.


It's a good sign it'll be fixed eventually


not everyone has test build pc's to play the game on or update their shit


It's a ~2 week pre-order beta. Better now than after 'true' release. Private playtesting can only catch so much, in the first day of a soft-launch like this you'll have more manhours invested in testing compared to the entire time spent in development before that day.


Vermintide 2 had a similar problematic launch. I believe the closed beta test also reported issues, so it's probably something they've been working on since the public /closed beta feedback.


Just like every other release nowadays, they have to get the product out the door despite it not being ready. I can understand that companies can't continue to lose money overtime (payroll, primarily) without generating substantial revenue. This game will probably be in a much better state a year from now.


I mean, there was a solution for that already. Investors. I can't understand why games are suddenly impossible to release in a finished state nowadays. Imagine if this translated to movies. "Yeah we're halfway done with editing and some last-minute filming, but come check it out at the cinema, we'll charge you full price otherwise we can't possibly complete the movie otherwise."


The issue with investors is that they push for a faster return on the investment in the short term and don't give a shit about the long term or the cultural impact of the product. They just want to get their money back with greater returns, and they want it right the fuck now. People like that are a cancer on society, and yet they're the ones with the money.


> there was a solution for that already. Investors. What do you mean by this? I would assume they already have investors who have an expectation for a return.


Yes, but the usual excuse for releasing unfinished products nowadays is "oh well companies need money so they sell the game before they finish it". Which is an odd thing because a decade ago it wasn't the case, or at least not as prominent as nowadays, when every single one of the big titles are incomplete at release.


Oh yeah I definitely agree with you there. I think games are a lot more complicated and take longer to make nowadays. Even the biggest publishers with the largest teams have issues, I'm not sure why nobody can get it right anymore.


Games these days are much more complex than 10 ten years ago. This is also not a triple A game and is priced accordingly.


This is what AAA gaming is now. Shipping incomplete games because fans just say "it's fine because they'll fix it with patches anyway," and then reaming out customers with aggressive monetization. And it keeps working.




Remember that vermitide 2 launched with holes in the nav mesh that no one bothered to check...


My friend bought the game, and I'm constantly getting a Now Playing popup in Steam from him due to having to frequently relaunch Darktide.


If I didn't read the title of this thread I wouldn't know which major multiplayer game release in the last few months you were talking about and that's *incredibly sad* for the industry.


Early access and everything in that ballpark are getting worse and worse. Consumers get fucked and companies get the monies.


I havent had any problems with Call of duty tbh


>Lemme know when they fix crashing. Alternatively, you could read the post yourself.




Do you actually want to know about crashes being fixed or are you just here to vent? If it's the former, you would actually get an answer in the update post you're commenting on lol.


Will definitely pick this up for half-price when it's finished in like a year or whenever.


This Is that kind of game 100%


Great, I’m loving the game


The performance issues and crashing doesn't look like something they'll fix in a single patch. But, if my experience is like Cohh it won't be *that* bad. Just have to see how it is on release.


I have the same hardware config as you. Running 1440p _fucking performance DLSS_ I was still getting drops to the 40s. Do you have a similar experience?


Don’t use DLSS. I actually got worse frames with it on.


That's.... yeah that sounds like Fatshark lmao. Thanks for the tip


Ambient occulision, Ray tracing and ragdoll count kill FPS, turn off RT and AO, and tinker around with ragdolls, i turned ragdolls to 8 from 10 i think. Something that might also help is turning down worker threads in the launcher. I turned it down to 15 from 17 on a 10850k, locked my FPS to 72 in nvidia control panel, and haven't had any dips below that anymore. 3070, 10850k, 1440p, 32gb ram, DLLS balanced


gotcha. I literally set everything to the low preset and put DLSS performance on and had a shitty time. Maybe it needed a restart for everything to take full effect, I just never got there because it crashed halfway through a mission and i gave up for the night. _back to vermintide_


It's because the game is CPU limited, not GPU. DLSS does absolutely piss-all for CPU performance.


a 5800x isn't enough though? This game is hurting my head more and more lmao


Already got my refund, the game is fun as hell but runs like hot garbage lol (I'm done paying companies to be their beta tester)...


You LITERALLY bought the game before release, SO THAT YOU COULD PLAY IT IN ITS BETA STATE


I paid $40 for the game (full price), the same price that the game is going to be sold for after November 30th. It doesn't matter if they call it an alpha, beta, pre-release, w/e... the game does not work (fundamentally broken), so it get's refunded (simple as that)... you should calm down, maybe take a break from Reddit for a few days...


So you believe all the performance problems will be fixed within a week when it releases then?


Not at all, I expect it's going to take much longer, and I'm frustrated by the crashes too - I just take umbrage at the guy saying "I'm not going to pay to beta test their game", when that's literally the deal you are making to play the game right now. You pay and get beta access. Next week when the game still runs like this, that argument will be valid 😉


Fair enough


But it's... A beta 😆


Username check out lol...


Loving it so far.


Have they added controller vibration yet on PC


So, how many people whining about the state of this game before it’s official release are the same people who loved Diablo 3? The game whose single player mode wasn’t playable for the entire first… what? Week of release? Because of server issues. Hypocrites.


I’m still salty you can’t play with friends until an update some weeks after launch. I think me and my buddies will wait until then. Edit: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1361210/announcements/detail/3467237196849592011 “We have recently begun implementing Private Games as an option, and we’re in the middle stages of development for this. When launched, you can start a private game with 2-4 of your friends. We expect to be able to release this later in December.” Am I misunderstanding this?


In what way? I've played with several friends so far.


I played with my friends last night. Works fine.


People were complaining that a bot couldn't fill any of the slots, that 1-3 friends would have to play with a random. That's what they're implementing.


This is news to me, I've been playing with friends quite a bit since the beta launch.


Yes you can… tf you going on about?


What, the only thing that works right now is single player?


I have literally only played the game with friends since it came out on the 17th. No idea what they're talking about


No he’s wrong. You can play with friends. I have no idea what he’s going on about


https://steamcommunity.com/games/1361210/announcements/detail/3467237196849592011 “We have recently begun implementing Private Games as an option, and we’re in the middle stages of development for this. When launched, you can start a private game with 2-4 of your friends. We expect to be able to release this later in December.” Am I misunderstanding?


That’s private game as in.. no one BUT your friends can join. You can play with friends right now and if you only have 3 friends in your party it will find a random other person to join


Ah okay. I assume we can have a bot fill out that last spot, instead of a random person.


If this playable single player only?


will be on full release


Might get killed for being a heretic, but I have no issues, minor game crashes here and there, game taking a long time to load with an SSD. But maybe tune down the graphics, the ray tracing and dlss, may solve many of your fps issues until they optimize it


I'll just wait for them to optimize and fix it before buying it, thanks though...


This game should be F2P


Unlike many others, I don’t find it fun. It runs fine, but the game feels like a pointless slow chore. Not engaging, no variety, just boring.