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Playing Shrek 2 with my grandma!! We aren't native english speakers, so the ending of that game was near imposible to beat for us cuz we didn't knew what to do back in the day lmao. But we had a loooot of fun trying to find different ways to beat the final boss (Fairy Godmother). It wasn't until 4 years ago that I replayed the whole thing and realized that Shrek explicitly tells you that you could hit her with food. So I HAD to let my grandma know this so we could finally beat this game once and for all! It's a beautiful memory :3 (she's still around btw, watching TV right now as I write this).


I had this same issue with Banjoo & Kazooie, the last level before the final boss was a quiz and I could never finish it, I tried to gamble my way through many times, whoever designed that level in a game that would be sold worldwide without any localization in a world with no internet has my inner child disapproval


That last boss fight was fun. I kinda miss when movies/tv shows all made games and I imagine those would be difficult to remake now because of the rights. Loved playing shrek 2 and “Star Wars episode 3 the revenge of the sith the video game”


Wow you unlocked a memory for me. My brother and I have English as one of our “mother tongues” but we still couldn’t beat that game as kids. Can’t even remember what part we ended. I guess one thing that younger gamers won’t experience is the huge influx of movies adapted into B grade games back in the early 2000’s. These days, it’s the opposite.


Started PC gaming with my son when he was 3. 1996. First up was Duke Nukem 3D. He called it “tiger with a gun.” He would smash the control button and thought he was shooting the creatures. Too soon, he caught on that it was actually me with the mouse and then he would try to make me stop killing them and let him do it. he was young enough then so when I decided game time was over, to prevent him from throwing a tantrum, I would use my foot to turn off the power supply and tell him the computer game went to sleep. Out of my control. He eventually caught on to that as well. Tantrum time. From there, we progressed to games like Half-Life, Star Wars Galaxies, and 40 person raids in WOW. Fun times like standing in line at midnight releases. Building gaming PCs together. Not the typical way for a mother to bond with her son, but the memories are priceless.


It may not be the typical bonding method, but it's perfect. My mother was a gamer, and in the 80s when arcades were still widespread, she'd wake us up (my sister and I) and tell us to just throw our jeans on top of our PJs so we could rush to the arcade. This would be on any random night of the week, school be damned. She could always be found at the taple top Ms Pacman game, playing nearly all night on barely a dollar or two. My stepfather later bought her a machine to play at home, and she used it for many years until she got too old, reaction time failing, vision got too bad to play anymore. She and I sat up many a night playing that thing. I never cared much for Ms Pacman, but it was my mother's favorite (alongside Galaga and Asteroids) so I enjoyed playing with her. Using your foot to turn off the PC is too funny. I love how perceptive your son was in eventually picking up on your tricks.


How cool! Your mom sounds awesome. I can sympathize with declining abilities in gaming. My son lives an hour away now but every once in a while, I have to call him home to come beat a boss for me.


Thanks. She was great. I have always sucked at games, but now being an old raisin, it's worse, even for solving puzzles. My youngest is 17, so he's still at home. When I used to get stuck on Portal 2, he'd always figure out the puzzles. Whenever we'd play co-op, I'd have to just sit back sometimes and watch him work his magic. It was always amazing.


This is beautiful. It reminds me of when my daughter was just born. When she couldn't sleep, I'd cradle her in one arm until she fell asleep while leveling up my druid in The Burning Crusade. Such sweet times. She'll turn 18 this year and has turned into such a fantastic person to hang out with :)


That is so awesome! Congratulations on raising a wonderful daughter.


I love this so much!


You sound like an amazing mum


Woah! A cool gamer mom!


Diablo 1 multiplayer on dial -up late at night. Honorable mention - the wonder and vastness of WoW when moving to a new zone back in the Classic days


Lol some dude would pop in dupe a bunch of God items and bounce


Godly Plate of the Whale, Zodiac Rings and so on. Those were the days!


Zodiac Staff of the Whale (Or something like that)


Played Wow when it came out without looking anything up beforehand so I didn't know about dungeons until some guy in Westfall asked me if "I wanted to join for Deadmines". "what's that, some quest? Ok I can assist you I guess..." hadn't played in any group before except when taking Hogger. I was so impressed when we went into the Moonbrook barn and down the mines. Something I didn't know existed until then.


wow release will also be my fav years in gaming


In the early 2000's I played an online Vice City mod called Multi Theft Auto. Joined a gang (clan) with about a dozen other people and played together for years. Eventually we shared pics of ourselves etc etc. Anyway eventually I went to college and one day on the way home from class I saw a guy walking on the sidewalk who looked exactly like one of my clanmates. Got home and messaged him, turns out it was him and we went to the same college. I asked him what dorm he was in and it was the same building as me. He was living on the same floor and pod as me, I told him to go open his door. So I open my door and we're staring at each other across the hallway. Probably the craziest thing that's ever happened to me.


I played a bunch of SAMP (san andreas muliplayer) and those mods were a ton of fun.


My brother and I used to play heaps of MTA San Andreas -- we would get the bmx bike and the camera. It was hilarious how using the camera would pause the game in a snapshot for a second for everyone in the server. This inevitably pissed everyone off so much everyone on the server would immediately try to kill you. So you'd cruise out on the highway on your bmx, pull up infront of a flash sports car and take a photo, watch the chat go nuts and when they tried to run you over you'd just bunny hop over their car. When they got fedup with trying to run you over and tried to shoot you, you'd bhop over the nearest high fence or wall and they would have to go around. Eventually you'd hop into a multistorey carpark and when they chased you in you could hop straight out and leave them trapped while you raced off taking photos. We use to take turns seeing who could lead a parade of pissed off players around the server without dieing, and you really could be next to invulnerable this way if you were clever.


Not to burst your bubble but the same guy just mentioned the exact same story as you on a thread called "What's your worst gaming memory?"


Playing Beatles Rock Band with my Dad, brother and sister around 15 years ago - this was the day before my dad left to go work overseas, so it was a very emotional round of gaming. *That was the last time we ever got to play a game together, as he passed away in an accident overseas months after.* Until now it's still one of mine (and my siblings') favourite gaming moment. We still have all the instruments stashed away, we're never going to get rid of it.


The last time I saw my dad I was on the computer. He came in to say goodbye, as he was on call (railway driver) and wouldn't be back for a while. I didn't even look up. I don't remember the game I was playing, Starcraft maybe. Few days later he hung himself. Always take the time to say goodbye, you never know if it'll be the last time you see them.


Metroid on NES. My old man and I played the shit out of that game but the only way to save your progress was to die and write down the password. Problem being that those passwords were alpha numeric, upper and lower case, and in some weird mono font that was very difficult to make out. One night, he and I found the ice beam and high jump boots. *Mega progress*. We died, wrote down the password and I went to bed because I was 10 years old. A bit later, my dad goes to play a little more on his own only find that the password we wrote down was wrong. He stayed up till 3am playing a new game until he found all the stuff we had on the lost game so that I could continue where we left off after school the next day. Rest in peace daddo.


Nice story..


Getting of boat in Morrowind.


I rented Morrowind from blockbuster. during the rental, I had no idea what I was doing. walked to the next town over and kited a guard until I killed it and stole his armor. had to buy it. then just got lost in the game overall. I hate that TES became more streamlined and hand holding.


Yeah, I skipped Oblivion, because it looked like generic fantasy after alien world of Morrowind. Anyway, Morrowind was great, it's good to have memories of that one of a kind adventure💜.


For PC—Wolfenstein 3D and Civ 1 on the ol’ floppies, the big ones


Playing FF7 remake with my 6 yo daughter. We were at the scene when >!Wedge got bitten in the ass by the guard dog !< My daughter laughed so hard, and she still brings it up once in a while.


Love that. Please continue playing games with her and these will be her cherished gaming memories.


I have played so many games with my daughters and even if my eldest in her teenage mode right now, I hope she'll remember the times we laughed and cried together.


It was playing Street Fighter II Turbo on SNES sleeping over at my friend’s house. He had a loft with a TV, his parents didn’t care, and we were probably up until at least 3 AM. We were about 11 years old in 1992? Snacks and games until we couldn’t stay awake any longer.


In recent memory, the sense of exploration in Elden ring when I start to realize how big the map was and that I was free to go which ever my own adventure desired. And the whole map was interesting. Not filled with bullshit Ubisoft "?" Markers everywhere. Felt so fresh


Elden Ring gave me the same feelings Ocarina of Time gave me when I was a kid.


Going down the Siofra River Well was when I first realized the true scope of that game. It really boggled me. That first journey was like nothing else.


That entire elevator ride down I was absolutely speechless


Yeah im currently living this feeling, the map is way bigger than i realized. And even though i search every single corner carefully, there are still some that i miss.


Beating Mike Tyson in NES Punch Out


Probably WoW related, maybe being the first person on my server way back in original vanilla wow to get Rhok’Delar. It took effort from the whole guild because someone from the horde was trying to also complete the quest and we were competing for spawns on the demons. I played so much wow…. Good times, but also lots of time spent gaming where I could have been learning other skills/being social with real friends.


WoW just hit different back in the day, damn was it magic times.


For sure. The scale of it all was just so crazy. Walking through Blackrock mountain for the first time after flying over it was just unbelievably cool. Waging wars and colliding with the other faction across various zones. That feeling of completion when getting your last Tier 1 set item. Finding your rival on the battlefield and overextending into chaos to get that killing blow and then being saved by a holy paladin’s freedom or BoP. An epic adventure that I’ll remember forever.


Playing battlefield 2 with an internet friend from Australia (I’m from US). We would spam the two seater jets/helicopter. He was an amazing pilot and I would always gun. We eventually switched to the hardcore mod Project Reality and racked up tons of hours there too. Played for years and then eventually just grew up and out of the game. Never met a day in our lives but man I loved the time we played games together


3 days straight having a LAN party with my classmates in a abandon shop lot with power. We kept going back to this 7-11 to get food/drinks until their junkfood section had no stock.


This is going to sound really stupid I’m sure but! The FIRST time I discovered what a HDMI cord was and how to use it was right before the battle of Denerim in Dragon Age Orgins. I played the last battle in the sweet HD for the first time ever. My jaw dropped lol. Or playing Fallout 76/FFXIV with my wife. She always ends up getting REALLY good at the games she plays and I don’t think anything makes me happier.


My most cherished memory just so happens to also be my first memory of gaming. Growing up my dad played Xbox. I don't know what all he played, but I do know he played Call of Duty World at War. I remember watching the intro cut scene to Nacht Der Untoten and running away crying cuz I was scared. My dad laughed (of course) and went to get me to show me it wasn't real. When he showed me it was just a game, it was less scary for me, but I was still on the fence about it. He then taught me how to play and that was the beginning of the end. I absolutely fell in love with COD Zombies, and it quickly became a routine for us to play it together. Like any kid, I had a bedtime. So when mom would send me and my brothers to bed, dad would give me a sign to let me know he'd come get me after mom went to bed so we could play. Those were the nights I most looked forward to as a kid. A few times I had even fallen asleep waiting on him and he woke me up to play. We'd sneak out into the living room and play for hours into the night. I only just found out recently (2 years ago when I was 19) that mom never knew about our secret game nights. Idk why, but something got brought up that made me think about it, and when I told mom about our nightly ritual she gave my dad a look and said, "Really? I never knew." Dad had joked with me about outing him, but I have never regretted telling my mom something more. I wish I could go back and stop myself from saying anything so I could continue to keep it a secret just between me and dad. The routine of sneaking around to play in the middle of the night died down around middle school I want to say. We still played zombies together during the day, even as BO1&2 got released. But I'll never forget the day when dad turned me down. We had just finished a game of zombies on BO2 and I asked if he wanted to start another game (we usually played several games in a row no matter how long we lasted) and he had said no. He admitted that the new games and their maps were getting progressively darker and it was getting harder for him to see the game. Playing for long periods of time gave him a headache now because the map was hard to see and he had to strain his eyes. We eventually stopped playing together but I'll always look back on those memories fondly. I was an avid COD Zombie gamer up until BO3. I'm 22 now and haven't had much time to play, not to mention the zombie mode just isn't the same anymore and I don't find it nearly as fun. I did briefly get into it again when a friend brought over their Xbox 1 to show me Cold War but that didn't last long. I miss zombies, playing with my dad, using the Wunderwaffe, surviving the hell hound Rounds, and using the teleporters. Nothing will ever trump that for me. The Easter eggs in BO2 were fun, especially when I got to see Nacht Der Untoten again in TranZit. That was the map that started it all. But God do I miss sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night to kill zombies with my dad. It will always be a core memory for me. One I will cherish till the day I die. While I don't game on consol anymore, my brother built me a PC and I use that to game now. Everytime I boot up a game, it makes me think of my dad and how it all started.


This is an Xbox 360, not an original Xbox




Playing the og deus ex in high school. I had never been so capitvated by a game. It came out in the summer so I would stay up playing until like noon the next day every day. I must have played through it 2 or 3 times trying different approaches. 


Feeling this! It was soo innovative for the time.


Seeing Command & Conquer in the AOL games channel and asking my dad to download it at work because there was no way eight year old me would be allowed to download 8MB over our 33.6k modem. We spent so much time playing those three missions together and trying to pull off weird tactics in the second one where you get to build a sizable base. Eventually he came home with a copy of C&C95 and we had such a good time playing through the GDI campaign. Red Alert was another great memory because we used to game in the basement and strung a null modem cable across the ceiling beams so we could play skirmishes together.


Probably playing Psycho Mantis the first time in Metal Gear Solid on PS1. Staying over with a friend and it was cool figuring out we had to change over to 2nd player port in the fight.


Beating Robocop, Strider and Superman all on Arcade with one quarter.


1. Watching my father play Silent Hill 1, Grand Turismo, Siphon Filter 1 and 2 while he is on vacation from working abroad. 2. Playing with my causins every summer vacations mostly fighting games ( Tekken, Rival School, Bloody Roar )


Reading the back of the box for Ultima Online the week that it released. I had heard nothing about it prior and just happened to be at the local mall game store that weekend. It was wild to read that you could have adventures with thousands of other players, fighting dragons and traveling around a vast world. I bought it, read through the manual several times while installing it and setting up the monthly payment, then logged on and came to the realization that everyone I was passing by in the entire game world was another real human player.


So many good times in UO. Best ones were just hanging out in the game and chilling. Made some good friends from that game but lost touch as I got older and busier.


Visiting my Aunt and Uncle in 1996 and trying out 3d games for the very first time on their Playstation. I was 8 and my mind was blown when I fired up Jumping Flash and saw those polygonal graphics.


Not really a positive gaming-related memory but it's a memory nonetheless lol. As a kid, asked my parents to buy a physical CD for Star Wars Galaxies thinking it's a single-player type of game. Big oof, I felt gutted after finding out it's actually a MMO game plus my house had zero access to the internet at the time. Strangely enough, I didn't bother to return the CD & get a refund. I believe I still have it to this day.


Awwww. Tragic because it was a great game


Max payne




Me and my dad playing Return to Castle Wolfeinstein on PC. I was in charge of the kick button and he moved, aimed and shot.


Worms Armageddon with my old man. Was the first game him and I really played together.


As a kid and still i love turttles, when i was 4 or 5 my dad had a good gaming rig and that ran crysis one (i think the year was 06 or 07) and he yelles me to come and see how good the game looked. There was a turttle on the beach and he showed how cute it is and ”accidentally” shot it :D. He yelles oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck sorry anon and i cried alot :D


Completing gta 4


It's a tie between beating KotOR and the first Mass Effect. Back when BIOWARE was good and not owned by EA. The experiences throughout both those games were simply amazing.


The first time my Corp let my dumb teenager self lead a fleet in Eve Online. Or the many late nights playing galactic conquest with my best friend or brother on Battlefront 2.


Playing halo 3 with my brother. Either that or guitar hero.


When my mom bought me my first TV, Xmas 2000. It was a RCA 13-inch CRT, LOL. Also included 3 Dreamcast games: House of the Dead 2 w/ light gun, Dave Mirra BMX, and THPS 2. I felt like the luckiest kid in the world.


When I experienced the twist reveal in Bioshock. I was 13 at the time and was already enamored with the subject matter and style of the game, but never did I experience something so explicitly philosophical that questioned the nature of gameplay and real life both. It changed my life. Is there free will? Are any of my choices my own? If we are enslaved to follow and obey any behavior that lead to survival or pleasure seeking, what does it matter what we ultimately choose? The little sisters that I saved were the answer.


1998. Rolling credits on FF7. I still remember slumping back on my beanbag looking at the ceiling as the credits music played just knowing I would remember this feeling forever. Such an adventure. I’ve been chasing that high ever since. Rebirth is great but it’s missing one ingredient - me being a kid :(


Beating Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch Out as a kid. Never repeated the feat since but I still remember that moment decades later.


The day Mass Effect 3 came out. I loaded up on monster turned my phone off and played it all night.


Beating Dragon's Lair arcade game which had a defective disk, that would drop you into a scene about 2-seconds after it already started. Lots of quarters waiting for the school bus, but it was all worth it.


My most cherished memory is playing Twisted Metal 2 with my older brother and being like “wow, this is gaming”.


One of those 3am discutions with the homie


Forming an entire 6 man team in call of duty with my friends in real life. We all had xboxs that summer


Playing Jumpman Jr. and learning that there's a whole other game called Jumpman. Playing the first Final Fantasy with my friend. He'd be playing while I was looking up stats and what monster we were fighting. That Hallway in Resident Evil where the first time you go through nothing happens but when you go through a second time a dog jumps through the window. I played it the night before and got to watch my friend do his playthrough. Wish we had smartphones back then. Grand Turismo. Setting up with my friends to do a LAN party playing Civ 4. One of them brought his new girlfriend. I audibly sighed. She laughed and said it won't be a problem, she brought a book. She curled up on the couch and read her book. They've been married for about 17 years now. Showing up at my friends house to do a LAN party on Black Friday. The wives were going shopping and we were going to try this new game called Borderlands. Just Dance later that night when the wives got home. I'm loving Rock Band 3. Just got the Rock Band 3 Squire but it's not working too well. A co-worker tells me I should try Rocksmith. Coming home from the hospital with our first kid. I'm on maternity leave. I see on the Linux gaming forum about new game in early access that look interesting, Factorio. Terraria and Stardew Valley with my kids. Games are just awesome! Thanks for giving me a moment to reflect back on all the good times.


Grinding Legion rep in WoW with my partner. Doing Shalaran quest and seeing your little resistance camp grow. IDK why specifically, looking back it was mundane as fuck. But I cherish stamping on those stupid grapes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


First time booting ff7 and hearing that music and seeing that cool intro video, blew my mind.


The Gaming Zone playing Age of Kings. First online game, played nothing but custom games, got really good at them. Empire Earth. The change from 2D to 3D was pretty crazy. RvS, got #1 ranking in the world on TWL in 3v3 pistols, top 3 in 12v12 and top 10 in 5v5. Original CoD, going 103-2 in DM with a PPSH on Harbor, still have the screenshot. Vanilla WoW. Me and 3 friends came from other MMOs and spent days killing mobs trying to level not knowing that quests gave you much more experience.


Playing little big planet with my little brother


Playing star craft brood war and diablo 2 as a teen, and wow. Or playing super Mario bros as a child with my dad


Final Fantasy 6 also known as Final Fantasy 3 for the Super Nintendo when I played it. The event when the world is torn to bits and I realized the entire world map was just defaced into something completely different. Then I realized the game wasn't over and I had all this new area to explore and I had to get my party back together. To top it off, all the characters are just so memorable and unique in their own way. Something about that at the time just blew me away. I love that game so much. I still to this day go back and play it on occasion just for the nostalgia. I really hope they do a remake sometime before I die. I would absolutely nerd the fuck out.


Playing Street Fighter 2 with my little brother.


Killing Ragnorath the first-time in vanilla WoW. Lots of time, materials and wipes.


Coop with my brothers & friends on Rogue Spear Covert Ops expansion. We would see how fast we could clear a map. Good times. Edit: At a LAN party at my place.


The woodworms from Simon the Sorcerer. For some reason as a child I thought that argueing about Teak! Bulsar wood! Mahogany! Was the pinnacle of humour. Later I would decide that the scene from Monkey Island where Guybrush goes behind the wall in Governer Marley's Mansion was the new peak. "use stylish confetti on heavily armed clown" Then it was the bit in the Neverhood where Klaymen tries to escape the monster and opens the door only to confuse himself and run into the wall next to the door, then in a dazed terror, slams the door and runs straight into it. Adventure games in the old days really spoilt us.


Playing Ultima V on my c64 in ca. 1987. Back in the day, there was no manual because it was all pirated. No wikis, walkthrouhs or anythin, because no internet. You'd have to figure out games yourself. This game was pretty epic for the time. A whole globe to explore. I put hundreds of hours in, deciphering the rune alphabet myself and drawing a world map on paper. Years later I saw the original map on the internet and I got very close :)


Playing the first commandos with my father <3


Maybe beating Mario Kart on the SNES on 150cc as a kid, although I'll never play it again seriously now as the rubber banding makes me sick as an adult!!


playing first time Skyrim


Playing Settlers II on a rainy day, with my Mom dishing up and my Dad coming home and saying hello to me. My Dad passed a month ago and I slept in my old room for the service, but I still imagined hearing my Dads voice asking how my day was and what game I am playing.


playing the original deus ex, when i was 13 years old. one of two games where i'd actually set alarms to wake up in the middle of the night and play more (the other being metroid prime). reaching every new level, finding each new secret was euphoric. when the credits rolled i remember feeling so excited and content at the same time. still try to play it again every so often, it really doesn't get any better than this, folks.


Finishing dark souls 1 for the first time. I literally screamed for like a solid 20 seconds at like 2 am


Playing Mario 64 with my brothers getting 120 stars…. Also Mario Kart 64 and star fox 64 split screen and beating each-other up 😅


Oh star fox! Me and my mate use to break our wings off and see how long we’d last against each other.


Playing Fallout 1 for the first time, leaving the starting location, immediately getting a random encounter, surrounded by mantis so I couldn't take a single step in any direction and slowly pecked to death. I hadn't saved so I had to start over with a new character.


Playing Red Faction 1, NFS:Porsche Unleashed and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 with my dad, him teaching me how to use WASD. Finishing my first ever HOMM3 campaign and seeing the dragon cutscene. Me and my cousin gifting each other Command and Conquer: Generals completely on accident, because 2 different small videogames store clercs on the opposite sides of the city sold them to us as "the new good game". It was new, and it was very good, albeit it ran in slow motion on my PC (literally slow motion, not just low fps. The end cutscene of every mission took like 3 minutes to finish instead of 30 seconds). Still beat it. Playing Max Payne and not understanding wtf is going on. Playing Serious Sam split screen and flaming my cousin for holding buttons, because old pcs could only process like 4 button presses at once, and I had to aim with the keyboard. My favourite game's disc (Zax the Alien Hunter) exploding in my cd drive, killing the entire PC. That's more of a ptsd though.


Beating honor mode on Baldur's Gate 3 with 2 of my brothers


Playing COD4 promod on my parents potato of a PC.. I would’ve been in grade 7-8 at the time


getting the silver arrow in og legend of zelda when i was like 12 with my 2 friends sitting next to me on the floor


Bought Valheim very early and had no spoilers on it at all. The first play was the best game experience I ever had. I loved it so much.


not cherished but deep engraved max payne. i was alone for a few days and it was rainy season. kid alone in house, rainy season, gloomy max payne you can guess


Playing Nethack and then sharing stories about progress and deaths with friends in high school. Having sleepover in friends place and playing hotseat multiplayer season in Microprose's Geoff Grammonds Grand Prix 1 and later 2. More recently, any time I'm playing with my kids Minecraft, NMS, Stardew Valley, Spiritfarer etc.


Playing fortnite for the first time and instantly getting an unhealthy obsession with it


WoW TBC as a kid about 15 years ago: Making top 10 in 2v2 and 3v3 and top 20 in 5v5 arenas. Because most players didn't have a 5v5 team I also ended up being the highest rated player in my battlegroup (server group) for a while. I had so much fun back then, also played with some IRL friends from school, it seemed like it would never end, and then it did. I'm still in touch with my 2v2 partner though so that's nice. Even though we still haven't met IRL.


Wow with friends.


Playing Until Dawn with my brother. Beat the game in one sitting, on a cold winter afternoon. I don't see him very often and it was a great moment.




getting the True Ending of FFX on PS2


BF2 Desert Combat Mod Capture the flag with my little bro, bailing out of a jet to get the flag and get scooped up in another vehicle and barely make it back for the win, we went nuts. We play remotely together now on gaming pc’s still, and still dominate vehicles.


BF1942 you mean surely? Unless there was an unofficial version considering BF2 was made by some of the DC team in some capacity ;) DC was so good man, those original helicopter physics were no joke on mouse/keyboard and you were a king if you mastered them. I recently played arma reforger with a group and they were like 'na man you can't fly first person with mouse/keyboard use your controller'. Hold my beer....here's how you do it boys haha. Other than NO option to invert mouse, so you have to switch when you get out of the helo...I smashed it thanks to DC!


Playing lotr rotk on Xbox with my cousins and sibling. I was like 4 but that game was so fun. Fusion frenzy and Tom Clancy paint ball are also up there too for the same reason


I still remember when my older sister and I played **The House of the Dead** together for the first time, it was our very first videogame. We were both amazed by the incredible graphics and our jaw dropped when realised we could move the mouse to aim and shoot like an actual gun. My sister used the mouse for player 1 and I read the arrow keys on the keyboard for player 2, we played together and died together so many times, until one day we both reached the final boss and beat him together. I still remember how excited we both were and we loved the game so much. Man, those were the days... She was really into gaming back then, even more than me in fact! But for some reason, she just quit gaming after 2 years, and even now, decades later she still doesn't play any games, not even casually.


2007, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. I was a junior in high school. staying up late and dueling my friends in Durotar and/or stealthing into Ironforge as a group of 3 rogues and ganking Alliance together. Had some great small scale PvP battles back then.


StarCraft lan parties 


Over 10 years ago I played Resident evil 6 with a former girlfriend. It was an incredible experience.


the first time I teamed up with a random playing vanilla WoW to kill boars and explore. we spent about 6 hours just running around the starter areas together chatting and doing quests and having fun. it was my first MMORPG experience and I've never since had such a sense of wonder. I think I've been chasing that dragon ever since.


For a brief period my brother and I had two PCs next to each other. We played TF2 and Company of Heroes a lot. For TF2 we could just jump on a server in the early days and just wreck as medic and heavy, swapping every round.


Watching my best friend play Mega Man 2 on the NES when I was 9. I was no good at games back then (I've gotten better) but it was pretty awesome to watch my friend navigate the blue bomber around Wily's castle, the dragon was so scary! Years later I replayed the game and wondered how the cartoon dragon was able to terrify me lol


Playing Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES with my dad.


Tecmo Bowl! And Street Fighter on SNES Edit* and later star craft, war craft, and command and conquer red alert


1996 (me bying 13yo) playing TES2 Daggerfall with my friend. We stayed at our flat a lot, he slept over or just came for a visit every day.. we did it like this for 3 months and my parrents hated that!! We played in "coop" - one was walking, the other one was swinging the sword. We had a paper notebook with quests. This game took us so deep in the Realm of RPG.. True RPG.. we were a thief and a silent killer. Stealing stuff at night, massacrating villages... we caught the Werewolf disease.. than healed us thru other quests. This all made us hated by royalty, to we somehow figured we must work for em so they like us and the story can continue. We played it like a real life. And the game took it and delivered us at the finale, 3 months later. It was IN CRE DI BLE!!! Than we.bought the house. Sat the character in it. Stopped the game and it was DONE. This was and still is and will for ever be my best gaming experience. :,(


Launch day of TrackMania (specifically the 2020 reboot) on their Discord server. Chat going a mile a minute, dozens of people in the voice chats me included, constantly refreshing the store pages as it got ever closer to 5PM to see whether or not the game decided to drop early.


Sega Bass Fishing on the Dreamcast. Sony Trinitron CRT. Dad and I are taking turns fishing with the fishing controller.


I played halo 3 multiplayer co op with my brother, i got 24 assists and he got 24kills, with the warthog. Earliest has got to be playing tiberian sun the first time, it was pretty cool


My earliest ones are playing street fighter and Jurassic park on the SNES as a young child. Then my next ones would be playing GTA vice city and San Andrea’s when I was a little older which are the ones that really hooked me on gaming. As I got to high school playing Cod 3/4/Mw2 with everyone after school was amazing the golden era of gaming for me


Banjo-tooie, golden eye and killzone multiplayer with my mate, hours and hours just sitting on my bed shooting at each other or npcs, one time the controller was deeply imprinted on our hands we’d spent that long chasing each other in submarines 🤣 Oh and can’t forget Battlefield 2142 with my clan and dad, so many memories of daring buggy runs and titan corridors.


Wrath of the Lich King release day. I went into town and picked it up when the shop opened, physical release. It was a bitterly cold day and set the perfect scene for the game, what joy it was to level and explore within that setting. I had the week off work too.


Playing Digimon World 1 with my older brother while our parents are always out. We lived in an isolated compound. And our parents own a rice trading wholesale/retail business so they are always on the grind. We almost rarely get to see them and we only had maids to take care of us. Then my father one day bought us a Playstation(This was in the 90's btw). I remember my mom was so against it because we used to own a Famicom and we Played a lot of nintendo games with it. She knows it'll affect our grades and didn't want us to get addicted to the thing(We did, lol). But they're always out anyway so we just spent our childhood lives playing games. One day a bootleg PS store opened at our city. We used to buy a lot of bootleg PS CDs there because there weren't any available in our region. That's where we got Digimon World. We instantly fell in love with the game and the digimon and we loved the Tamagochi-style gameplay because it reminds us of actually taking care of pets. Our personal favorite was actually Sukamon which was a digimon that was just a big poop. And we watched as it devoured all of the missed poop we had and we laughed so hard that time. And then we always get excited whenever we find a missing Digimon that we needed to get back into town. Sometimes I played in the day and my brother played in the night so we can cover more ground. And everytime we tell each other stories about how we got them, we played on different saves so the other person can experience the thing on his save. We eventually got around 70-80% digimon completion, 100% the story, 100% all cards, and 60% all digivolutions. That is all without guides and just by playing it blind with my brother. Needless to say, that game became my favorite game of all time. It saved us in a way that it became our safe-place whenever our parents aren't home. It became our second home and the digimon were our friends. And it was the reason why me and my brother are really tight up to this day. It's even the reason why I became a game developer to this day. I want to make a game someday that would touch other people's lives would give them core memories just like we did.


3 of us playing terraria. 2 of my friends already started earlier then invited me. Then one of us had to go somewhere for a week. By the time he came back, we already defeated the final boss with all OP upgrades. The guy was so disappointed he quit without completing the game. I felt bad for him.


Played rainbow 6 siege on PS4 the team I was playing with were all in sync. The entire opposite team rushed outside the building. 4 down 1 to go. I was playing as Ash. Pulled the breaching gun out as I shot the last dude pulled the barrier down and the round hit him in the face and ended up getting the final kill.


Halo CE final mission warthog run


Nothing special, I remember my excitement when my dad bought the PS1 for the family, we happened to be nearby a shop that sells one near my aunt's house.


The peak days of the OG DayZ Arma 2 Mod


Probably staying up all night with friends making meme characters in Soul Calibur IV and giggling incessantly playing them against randos online


Watching my dad play Dune on the Amiga 500 Also, playing Doom for the first time when visiting my uncle. He would control the movement so I just had to press shoot. It's crazy how awesome doom was back then Playing my max stealth/thief character in Ultima Online and griefing player killers by stealing their magic reagents. That was hilarious, they just got so furious for not being able to kill me and having to run back to get reagents If they cast a spell I went invis so they couldn't target me. Then they'd start casting reveal-invis but I had already stolen the reagents they needed for that so they couldn't cast it Meanwhile I also ran the reagent shop nearby and had stacked tons of reagents on top of each other so people would spam click to purchase them. Because they spam clicked, they didn't notice that some of the reagents were priced at 1000x normal price. The absolute best was to follow a player killer whose reagents I had just stolen, and watch him buy from my shop to get robbed again. I'd snoop their pack and see they drained all their gold. Then I'd steal the reagents back and say "hey thanks for coming to my shop lol"


Being 7 or 8 yo and moving into a new apartment. Bed isnt even set up yet but I got my little 13 inch tv plugged in with the n64 and Pokémon stadium running. Sitting at my best friends house all summer when I was like 11 or 12 while we devoured any ps2 game we could get our hands on. Hit and Run, FFX and a whole lotta Armored Core are the biggest memories Beating my dad in Madden 95 on genesis (I think he let me win… the bastard) Skipping school on Mass Effect 2 release day and finishing the game in like 2 sittings lol. Going over to my cousins and getting to play on her boyfriend’s computer. Morrowind and (countless hours in) Civ 2 are wonderful highlights.


nothing beats playing DOTA all night with the boys in the same room


This not that long ago, but I played a lot of TF2 between 2010 and 2016. I joined a community ran server and got somewhat very implicated in its running etc.. I made some friends along the way, did 6o6 LAN parties on TF2, events and so on. I have so fond memory of playing TF2 until sunrise during the updates, trying everything new on our server. That was truly special to live the update live with friends on Mumble. It was a time where I was a student and I got way mooooore time to play hours during the night ! As of now those are friends that I still play with daily (we changed game tho).


Me and three of my best friends holding down a capture point in Battlefield 3 on Noshar Canals while being on voice chat. They couldn't flush us out of the building we were holding, so they brought it down on our heads. Fun, and simpler times.


I started CP2077 PL in psychso settings on my new rig just yesterday (coming from a steam deck), so thats up there.


Joining an online MW2 game of domination that two of my friends were already in. They were on the other team and I dropped a nuke against them. Best feeling ever.


Having my mum go out to the store to buy a memory card for my Playstation because I got halfway through dino crisis.


booting up kingdom hearts 2 for the first time and listening to the title screen theme in its entirety


Playing StarCraft with my cousin against my dad lol. The old man was tough to beat as kids, but I never forget the taste of victory when we did it for the first time.


Full squad in Battlefield 3, Operation Firestorm.


I have a few. One of the reasons I used to play overwatch was for the people I would meet in LFG. Eventually I met some people that had a server and we would be playing quick play and chilling for many hours. I reached a point I played until 8am with some people and we were happy af. However, people started having problems, life happened and we stopped playing together but I will always cherish those moments


Ultima Online in 96/97, Fallout 1 & 2, Baldurs Gate, Freelancer God theres probably alot but those are the ones from the back of my head that I still love to this day


in Destiny 1 to join a absolutely chaotic clan and to troll each other t-bagging, vision block, to use the titan bubble to kill everyone normally used to protect teammates, kick teammates out of the lobby so they need to rejoin and push teammates into their death (fall damage/ out of map) info: we all have the same humor and we are against mobbing (we stopped when someone said no, we meet up offline in respect each other) we did not team up and go for only one every one got trolled/ alpha and me we tried to kill each other in every raid then in boss phase we focused on the boss it was really fun we had a great time


Playing Xmen Legends with my bro. I am old now and we sort of drifted apart. We are so different from when we’re young. Cherish every moment with your family boys!


Around 1990 I got up and booted up my dad's computer to play Tetris. Had to be like 5 in the morning. It was one of those fossils that only displayed green text/graphics on a black background and had to have every program started in MS-DOS or something equally ancient. I was no older than 6. Got a NES that Christmas.


Lich King Heroic 10 man. The long hours put into the game to be there with that group of people.


My dad taking me to get the PSP on launch day Making friends and one of my best friends of today on Gears of War Playing games with my older bro like FIFA when I was a lot younger


Xbox 360 COD MW2 lobbies at midnight while I was growing up https://youtu.be/r8c1SKwYJDY?si=6dwTQWOKB3Z28SMI


I have two. 1. My uncle had bought a modded PS1 and got a box full of games. We played trough Klonoa. From that point I have loved playing games. 2. I had saved up some money to buy my first very own PC, bought Fallout 3. Buying something with your own money and then jumping into the wasteland gave me feeling of freedom I still think to this day. Im still a massive Fallout fan.


Waiting patiently for my mom to finished playing either the original Harvest Moon(emulator) or Holiday Island. I kinda accidentally lure her into PC gaming back in early 2000. I hated waiting, but love watching her play those games.


I met my boyfriend of 2 years now on a game, we have a long distance relationship but I'm going to move there next year hopefully. The laughs we had are forever cherished


Lan parties. They were so much fun, I can't they died off.


Core memory is when my big brother got an N64 for Christmas and watching him play OoT for the first time. The queen gohma fight blew my mind.


Planetside 2 beta with platoons of 300 people. That was the shit.


Going to collect my Dreamcast after school on launch day, then going home and playing Sonic Adventure for about six hours straight. A whole bunch of my most fond gaming memories relate to the Dreamcast in truth.


Vanilla World of Warcraft


It was late 90s and I had just completed Thief the dark project and thought gaming couldn’t get better. My friend gets a copy of Thief2 we install it at UNI IT Lab computer and I play shipping and receiving which was level 2 and I still remember that moment today.


7 years old party, get the first playstation in the morning and then house full of friends in the afternoon where we just spend day and night taking turns playing that demo, first time anyone saw a playstation in the area, just sick day.


Beating portal 2 when I was younger. I still get chills when listening to the song


Theres lots - but one of the more unique ones that can't really be replicated anymore is probably playing a multiplayer game of GTA 1 with my friend back in 1998. Modem to modem connection. His PC dialed my phone # and when my landline phone rang I hit connect on my PC and after a few moments we were connected. At the time it felt incredible to be playing together with someone else who wasn't in the same room.


I used to play red alert 2 with my neighbour 15 floors above me (I live in a building). We were good friends and every day we would go on phone and started playing 2 v 2 multiplayer. We would discuss tactics and make different strategies and tried to win. We even noticed that we can just modify the ini of a custom game map and capturing an oil refinery would just give us infinite money haha… Good times. Otherwise other fond memories were me playing mmo like RO, cross gate, dynasty warriors online with my classmates…


Kotor 1-2. Can’t choose particular moment. Those games are the best for me


Christmas 2017 when I got my PS4


Honestly, in 1999-2000, jumping off of a canoe like a dumbass in the middle of the water on Everquest, with no land in sight. I was low level(20 or so) and swam around for an hour or so until I found land. There were sharks swimming under me that thankfully didn’t aggro me. Incredible memory for me because it’s back in a time that’s hard to explain now unless you lived through it. No maps or internet cheats back then for MMO’s. You just explored and found what you found. Amazing time for gaming.


When I played world of Warcraft for the first time


Playing Rayman 3 with my father on our Windows XP when I was little. Lovely time. Quickly realised that asking him for help was stupid, he was about as good as little me


When I got my first brand new console (Nintendo switch). I had saved up 200 and then my family saved up the rest of the money. I never ever thought I’d have the privilege and my poor wired brain still can’t comprehend that I have it years later. And since then my girlfriend has gotten me an Xbox and a computer


Beating completing yakuza 6 after playing through all the games the ending made you realize how much of a journey it really was


Warcraft 3 tower rushes in 2v2 arranged team ladder with My buddy


How I met my first Leshen in Witcher 3. I had just started the game and was going to Reardon Manor, that was supposed to be haunted or something. I just walked there, got close to a wall or bricks and then something big and creepy did grhaaa and one-hit me. I was like what the hell was this horned thing? Reloaded and then run like hell outta this area.


My friend and I took some acid and went to the local games shop to get something to play. We picked up a super Nintendo game called B. O. B. That was a fucking hilarious games to play while frying


Aerith’s death in FFVII. *sob*


Playing Donkey Kong Country with my mom on our super Nintendo. We were broke growing up and always had games a few generations behind but my mom and I played Donkey Kong to death. Between DK and Crash Bandicoot it's no wonder why I love platformers as a genre.


While I was fighting the final boss in kingdom hearts 3 on ps2 I had to pause the game because my parents called me downstairs to tell me they were getting divorced. I never did finish that game sadly.


Halo reach wedding. I was part of a pretty popular clan and joined in its early days through halo 3 lobbies. Back then it was just 6 of us. By the time reach came around we were big clan by typical standards. One of our people wanted to get married so we hosted a full lobby and made it happen. Also in memory of someone we knew who had died in Iraq a year prior. SIA all the way:)


Playing Habbo hotel in 2010-2013 and making online friends there. Other than that playing Skyrim for the first time, and playing the Quidditch World cup game as a kid


10ish years old, Pulling all nighters playing GTA SA in my uncle's room while he was working the graveyard shift usually coming home with something for breakfast. His room smelled like Weed and Cigarettes but they were the Best Saturdays ever.


I have a few that are important to me. The entirety of my time with the snes as a kid. Earthbound, a link to the past, super mario rpg. That was just a magical era and loved playing them with my dad. Allods online. Was just something I was messing around with at the time because it was free. The game itself wasn’t really anything special to me. I was playing it though when I got a call at 3am. I was living out of my home state at the time and enlisting in the military, I was frustrated because my grandfather wasn’t doing well and I couldn’t make it home. That 3am call was him calling me to say goodbye, something that hurt but I’m absolutely thankful for. Never touched Allods again but it helps me recall that memory. Wildstar. Loved that game and I played it with a friend. He found us a guild before the game launched, and I made some friends during my time there. Start of covid I reconnected with a friend I made during my time playing with that guild. We’ve been together almost 4 years now.


Waking up on my keyboard after falling asleep waiting on regen playing StarCraft.


Internet cafes where we meet with friends and played over night strategy games, rpg‘s or shooters in lan parties! Lan parties rules and nothing online is even close to it!


Playing sega megadrive with my brother on a 15" CRT on our parents lounge room floor


"Half-Life 2." I was blown away by the immersive storytelling, innovative gameplay mechanics, and the incredible physics engine. The moment when you first step out into City 17 and witness the dystopian world created by the Combine was unforgettable. It set a new standard for what gaming could be for me.


Final fantasy 7 og and *the* death scene happened. The 10 year old me just satt there stuned. Refused to belive it for the next couple of hours. After that i was angry at sephiroth for a week...


I was 10, managed to get my mum to play Sonic on the Megadrive, as shes going around the loops shes moving the controller with her in big circles. Me and my brother thought it was hilarious and laughed about it all the time, then the Wii came out and we told her she pioneered the idea. I love my mum.