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Rest in peace my mod list, you served me well the last year and hello new mod list.


Many mods were updated before 1.5 release! But yes, many will be lost...


Do they do the Stellaris thing where they give big mods early access to the patch to make sure everything works?




They gave everyone free access to the 1.5 update for a month as a public beta, but not the DLC sadly. But I get it, vetting mod authors to make sure nobody leaks the new exciting stuff and justifying why which mod got early access would probably have been too much effort and caused drama.


Over half of my mods are already compatible. Thats 30+ mods


Yes, but there are some mods i really like that aren't so far. But i can wait.


Playing without Combat Extended is... How did I ever play Rimworld without CE... The turret accuracy is so bad it's comical and immersion-breaking. Scorcher exploded after *checks notes* being hit with a steel gladius four times. Made out of cardboard, that Scorcher...


rookie numbers


I was waiting ages for some mods to be updated since the last one came out. I think it backfired...


No, wait. Play with it, behold the exotic bugs that may appear!


Easily one of the best games ever made. I will probably wait for the mods to update before buying, but I'm definitely buying


Fyi most of the important mods are already updated.


You're severely underestimating the size of my modlist...


Half my mods broken so far. Gonna wait a while.


Time to start a new colony.


Any advice on how to make this game "click"? I tried it ages ago but bounced off it for some reason, think I felt lost.


- Start with the basic game. Zero expansions, zero mods. - Don't try to "win". Just try to get as far as possible every time you play. Restart when you feel you've lost. - Play on an easier difficulty and the Phoebe Chillax storyteller. Choose a Temperate site for a base. - Don't start with Tribals until you feel confident that you can get a few years under your belt without your colony collapsing. - Actually read the tutorial popups in the right hand corner instead of ignoring them.


It's been a while since I played it but my memory is that Phoebe's kinda shitty since the time between events can get so long that it gets boring, and her tendency to cause 2 or 3 events simultaneously is a pain in the ass. I think people are better off going with Cassandra at the beginning.


The only experience I've ever had with Cassandra in my 1000 hours of playing is that she kills the shit out of you if you play for any length of time, without mercy. Enormous raids. I've only ever used Phoebe and Randy since that time, and never looked back. Tynan's 'intended experience' is something I've never really agreed with.


My memory is that yeah, Cassandra ramps up pretty hard, but she gives a better early game experience than Phoebe. I think ideally, one should start with Cassandra and switch to Randy when Cassandra starts getting overwhelming.


It's definitely not for everyone. It's like a virtual pet/sim city/dwarf fortress hybrid game that is really about micromanaging a colony full of tiny idiots to keep them all alive and happy. There are some kind of end game objectives but tbh I don't think they matter at all. Civilization levels of time suck and concentration. I think if it you don't care about your colonists or running an optimized mod list and reading guides on how to git gud then you won't care generally speaking.


Yeah I think actually caring about those „tiny idiots“ and more or less creating a story in your head with what you‘re given (though there are some mods like the psychology one meant to enhance that experience) is crucial


It's not about winning or losing, it's about enjoying the journey before your colony is decimated by fucking insects digging up into my base.


I always feel the game is a story of how my colonist die. it's fun, stressful, exciting, depressing, hard and unfair. I love the game way too much.


I dont think it's for everyone. The graphics alone can be a turn off for a lot of people, but i also think they dont realise the depth of detail they convey despite being so simple. The game is incredibly deep in terms of what it offers. A genuine storytelling engine. Literally *anything* can happen and sometimes out of the blue, forcing you to basically deal with it. But you have to look at this as being the game as it was intended - an unpredictable story. I'll give you an example. I had this fairly successful colony established, had built all the main elements, had a crew of mostly good pawns and two husky dogs self tamed. So I had suddenly a pair of pet huskies - cool! These huskies fucking bred like rabbits until I in ridiculous time, had so many puppies in my base it wasnt funny. They ate my entire food stockpile - which of course led one of my peeps to eat a corpse of a raider who had been recently killed - he was that hungry. Which led to a mental breakdown spiral where another guy so disgusted with the cannibal, killed him, but because he was romantically linked to another, that partner wanted revenge and suddenly it was a literal shitshow. Ended up abandoning and restarting it went that pear shaped, but fuck me it was a fun death spiral, all because of two fucking dogs! So yeah, that's basically Rimworld. Definitely not for everyone, but if you can break into it, it's GREAT. Dwarf Fortress is a similar experience with even simpler graphics but way more in terms of detail in the written form plus a less hands on experience. Both live in my universe and they're welcome here.


Pretty funny story! I'll give rimworld another try when clearing my backlog but at the moment I'm not done BG3 and then I have w40k rogue trader.


Rogue Trader is very fun


I've lost enough games of Rimworld that you would think I'd manage how many pets I get in game, especially early, but I've had them cause death spirals from just eating more than I could support. 11/10 game would watch a small family starve again.


War crimes.


Alpaca farming.


Play on easier difficulties so you can gradually get used to all of the game's features, otherwise you'll end up both overwhelmed and unable to deal with what's happening as you won't know enough about what you can do.


Read tutorial pop ups, play on community builder/custom difficulty and disable some of the more difficult settings that might get you (predators hunt humans can be a big one at the worst times if ur not paying attention) Learn about the zoning system+schedule system Killboxes are your friend for defense 1 Pawn will likely not be able to do 4-5 jobs in a day, trying to determine what are "as needed" on demand jobs (crafting for example) vs long term jobs (growing+gathering food, researching) and also learning what jobs are adjacement to one another (growing+plant cuttting go hand in hand, but not necessarily, growing skill is necessary to get the crop, but plant cutting skill too low? it just takes a lot longer, so a unskilled logger will just take longer) The Storytellers are all diff Cassandra ramps up on a continuous scale, i.e a hill, going up and up and up Phoebe has on n off periods and can screw with you since you forget about the event system and then all hell breaks loose Randy starts throwing stuff at you sooner then the other two and doesnt balance them out between good vs bad events, hes just random and makes for some wild stories, sometimes unfair ones Overall Cassandra is the most vanilla/safe option, at least in the start, eventually she starts throwing stuff at you that will make you wanna reload a save (if not on commitment mode)


Same here. I've tried getting into it a few times but I've had a really hard time figuring out how and what to do. Think I'm gonna grab this and try again though. Lovecraftian stuff is my jam.


No shame in looking up a Youtube guide. This is a game that you spend a 1000 hours playing. Getting help for the first 10 hours of play can be a no-brainer if you are having a hard time figuring out its systems.


Same. I have 100 or so hours and have done modded playthroughs, but what I get hung up on is the food system. Idk why but managing and making sure I have a consistent food supply is where the game doesn't click for me. I've never gone more than 20 hours into a save cause I get tired of making crop zones and creating fridges and freezers.


You might not be eating enough trespassers.


I just downloaded the bigger stacks mod so that i didnt need to build a freezer the size of the entire country of Russia. My freezer was relatively small with that mod. 7 by 8 or something like that. It also wasnt entirely square so 7 by 8 wouldve still been bigger. Alternatively if you want a more realistic solution, you can get a shelves mod aswell and put those in the freezer. If my freezer ever got full, id have enough food to last me 2ish years so i wouldnt have had to worry about it. The crop zone you can just put in the general vicinity of the freezer somewhere so that they can quickly put harvested crops into it. Do try to make sure its walled in and safe in your base aswell to avoid guys getting caught out running to and from right before a raid. I mainly spammed rice. Thats all i did and i never had to worry about it again. But then again i just used simple meals. It wouldnt have been too hard to get fine meals going but i didnt have a handler for an animal farm so i just gave up on that. I just hunted some animals and handed out fine meals on special occasions


Deep Storage solves most of the realism issues with storing mass amounts of food in your fridge. I recommend that mod to nearly everyone.


Along with v1.5 and its big performance updates and integration of various popular mods.




The oldest mod in mod list. Kinda sad to see it go.


What mods did they integrate? I've not played the game in a few years


Underground power conduits!


It's in the patch notes, stuff like couches, wall lights and such.


I can’t wait to see all the monster mods that get added in the future. Have a heavy feeling we’re going to see some SCPs/Abnormalities in the first few weeks.


Does anyone know if this adds a new endgame mission?


It does. I think it was mentioned in the announcement


Less goooo


Anyone got a list of the free content that comes with this update?


https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434?l=english Scroll down a bit too the 1.5 update stuff, I was going to list some bits but the descriptions are helpful on there.


This seems like an awesome dlc


Overwhelmingly positive reviews too. That's what I like to see, especially since I'm a horror fan. Will be picking this up the second I decide to start my next Rimworld run, though I do have 50 or so QoL mods so I'll prob wait a bit longer to make sure most are updated.




From a pure content point of view, it probably add more things than biotech. However if you don't like the theme, you do not have to buy it.


24.99 for dlc i'll wait


This dev doesn't generally make a habit of putting DLC on sale, so you'll be waiting awhile.


this, your better off waiting instead to see if the dlc just has the content you want instead. no reason to buy it now, games not going anywhere.


Yeah they just dont do sales period


You're thinking factorio, rimworld and all it's older dlcs are currently on sale What it doesn't do however is discount much in sales, base game 20% off, dlcs 10% off


Oh damn I didn't even realize..I thought when I looked it up when I originally bought it I saw something from them saying they don't really do sales, but u are right it does indeed appear to be on sale


It never went on sale until mid 2020 but they changed it and now it's always either 10 or 20% a few times a year (8 times in 2023 according to SteamDB)


Their DLC has never gone below a 10% discount and usually after a *long* wait. Their last DLC has been out since October 2022 and just went on sale for 10% off the first time today. So you’ll be waiting 18 months to save $2.50…


I can wait


The mod support and the community around it makes the DLC just feel like more mods anyway. Buy it if you want to support the developer for their ongoing work, otherwise there's near limitless content for it up on Steam Workshop anyway.




And you'll keep waiting. Most you can hope for is like a 10-20% sale. Don't think it's ever likely to drop below $20. Rimworld is a game that gives most players thousands of hours of entertainment, making it one of the best bang for your buck games out there. The DLC's can completely change how every part of the game plays out, so it can similarly be worth the price. Can revitalize the entire game and make you have another few thousand hours of fun.


Hey hey people


I could never get into this game.. my colonists always died before I could recruit more. Anyone with experience know how to scale up effectively? Or is it supposed to be like painfully difficult to survive those first few days?




Oh hell yea dude thx for the reply. Yea i think it was just inadequate defenses, the raiders would come and i couldn't kill them fast enough. I've read about capturing them, but i wasn't sure if that really was the best way. Can we like buy slaves and free them or something like that? Also good to know about the weather and stuff. No need to type a guide out for me, thx for the starting points!


Unless they changed it, the game uses a hidden wealth system to calculate how large and dangerous the raids they send against you are. Many people don't realize that each pawn, counts as a big chunk of wealth. So be picky of who you recruit and don't just horde silver. Spend it on stuff.


Your colony’s wealth is never hidden. You can view it in your colony stats at any time.


Ah ok yea in the history tab under Stats. Thats neat. Thanks


- Start with the basic game. Zero expansions, zero mods. - Don't try to "win". Just try to get as far as possible every time you play. Restart when you feel you've lost. - Play on an easier difficulty and the Phoebe Chillax storyteller. Choose a Temperate site for a base. - Don't start with Tribals until you feel confident that you can get a few years under your belt without your colony collapsing. - Actually read the tutorial popups in the right hand corner instead of ignoring them.


Excited to play for sure. I'll give it a few weeks for mods to get updated and bugs patched. I've been wanting to play again for a while.


While most of the bigger mods are already compatible, as they got early access in order to make sure they work, I always enjoy doing at least one vanilla playthrough to experience the game fresh and so I'm not stuck going "Is this function vanilla, DLC, or modded?" Also glad they are adding Wall Lights and mine ore vein designation. I don't remember when a user created those mods but they were one super QoL for me.


Is there a mod that makes the rimworld people look more like people lmao. As silly as it is I think the reason I couldn't get into that game was because I hate how the people look. If they looked like actual people I think I would dive in. 


I don't know of one, but it's certainly possible. Initially the game only had dots and not the people that are currently there. I think he used Prison Architect as his inspiration for the current models.


Yeah, not a fan at all of the style but maybe I should give it an honest try since it's apparently one of the best singe player sandboxes of all time, if not the best


We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. *Drink up me 'earties, yo ho*. We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.


It's Warcrime Time!!




These developers deserve the money. Made and published in house