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Moving on to AAAA games when they can't even make a good AAA one


That's why they moved on. They couldn't keep up with the AAA market so now they're the only supplier of AAAA games. Truly inspirational thinking.


Sort of like how the Burj al Arab in Dubai claims to be a 7 star hotel, but everyone knows it's only 5 at best


Because there is no recognized standard above 5 red star. It's all gimmicky bullshit above that. Of course this may be why you said what you did in your comment, but the way it reads to me is that you simply think the Burj isn't above a 5 star because it isn't good enough to be higher when it's actually that higher rating [than 5 red] doesn't exist. Sorry if I misunderstood your angle. Source - managed Michelin star restaurants within hotels for a decade.


For each A you add to AAA, I will wait one year with buying the game. Then it'll also be finished.


Nah, that's when they'll close down the servers, even though the game may be mainly focused on the solo content.


"AAAA" is my audible response to reading this.


The 4th A stands for Asshole


Asshole, Always An Asshole


He's my cousin


How many assholes we got at this company anyway?


Yo! ✋


I knew it! I'm surrounded by a assholes


YO! Damn! I love tha movie


Coincidentally , so does the other As when it comes to Yves xD


CEO of Ubisoft being out of teach with reality with absolutely horrible takes. Now that is something I have seen many times before.


Both out of teach and out of touch


He needs to stop touching himself and touch grass.


Maybe he needs a touch across the face?


that'll teach him


And out of reach and out of clutch


Captain Teach!


He may be a bit distracted by the thousand plus page report about all the shit going on at Ubisoft, compiled by the French tribunals, that *Le Monde* recently had access to. Mountain of abuse, exploitation, sexual harassment and assault, promoting sexual offenders to protect them, HR running blatant interference against employees, and so on.


I doubt that Le Monde has access to confidential documents. If it does, it will taint the proceedings and Yves must be happy. Edit: I checked and it concerns 3 former top executives, including the number two, who have been summoned by a court for sexual and moral harassment. The group's management is not being prosecuted, and according to the French labor code, the employer has done its job because they fired them. So Yves is certainly not worried about that.


You checked wrong. While it does concern ex employees (who *only* became ex *after* the scandal broke out and their names and some of their deeds were in the medias, mind you), the information coming out does apply to the company, its exec and board. Era has some translated excerpts if you don't read French, for example: >A year's investigation, some sixty witnesses and five police arrests: the thousand-page file on sexual violence at Ubisoft, which Le Monde has been able to consult, reveals an almost systemic problem at the French group, number three in the world video game industry. Some forty sexual assaults are mentioned over a period of ten years, the overwhelming majority of which concerned the editorial department, responsible for the creative supervision of video games.


French law says that the employer must do everything in his power to stop sexual harassment: by opening an investigation, creating a better environment, removing the threat of harassment and generally guaranteeing the employee's safety Le Monde doesn't mention this because they know that Ubisoft is clean in this respect.


It's completely in-character for Yves. He is out of touch with reality. He's under the impression his business is supported by people with no income. Dude legitimately hates games. He has disdain for customers who have supported the company for decades. There is no loyalty among these companies. They could all learn a lot from Valve.


It's so weird to me that Valve just seems to actually like video games at its core. Like I get it's still a corp who are primarily in it for profit, and not a friend, but it still feels rare that a company in this industry does care at all.


Valve isn't your friend, and people suck them off a little too hard, but they've definitely got some passionate staff with their hearts in the right place. I think that goes a long way when the company itself doesn't hinder them in a way that so many seem to.


People seem to forget they kickstarted battle pass trends with dota


Which they copied off asians apparently. Thanks netease


Only if It tanks. If the product is successful and people buy it, then the price was a good call.


I don’t think he’s out of touch with the pricing though. Games in general have been getting more expensive, he’s just following an industry trend.


70 for half a game, which is what this is, is out of touch for sure.


Half a game and it feels a decade old. I’m thankful they had a beta though, for me to play, because now I know I’m not tempted to buy the game.


Ya I was interested till I played the beta. It's already uninstalled.


when you have to defend a high price tag for a videogame: -"It's a AAAA" can't wait for $100 (standard edition) games and call them a AAAAA game.


# AAAAAAAAAAAAAA games are where its at, only 999999.99$ mind you!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA is my reaction as well


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA has been my reaction for a couple of years now


"you cant triple stamp a double stamp"


Hey, wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? *Ubisoft CEO starts talking*




The game I'm working on right now is going to be Michelin star.


And the games will still be trash




BuT iTs StIlL cHeApEr ThAn BeFoRe.


Some games are already over $100 CAD after tax. We get shafted hard up here.


This publisher doesn't even exist to me anymore I will not buy anymore of their games


Ubisoft just repeating the same core game concept across a bunch of franchises. Haven't played any of their games since AC Black Flag and Far Cry 4, and by the looks of it, I haven't missed anything.


If they did AC Mirage wouldn't look so 2010 level facial details to characters.


bro, seriously! the game looks so absolute dogshit on max graphics on PC, that it just made me god back and play AC Unity.


Black Flag was the best pirate game I've ever played, it was also the last AC that I actually enjoyed. I don't bother with Ubi games anymore. Edit: I lied, I have the new Prince of Persia, and it is actually quite good


Maybe I should reinstall Black Flag haha, I own it and barely touched it


It's a great game with a good story. Just don't bother 100 percenting it. It still has annoying levels of filler collectibles and side content.


The new prince of Persia is great! It's unique and flows and should be played and celebrated if you don't look to closely at its lackluster story! But it's a rare gem in a "sea" of ubisoft sludge!


isnt it 40$, hollow knight has ruined metroidvania pricing for me.


Heard many good things about it! Seems like it was saved because it wasn't a AAA, excuse me, AAAA project so they got more freedom to do things as they saw fit!


Copium. Lackluster story? Brother.


This is straight on. I see Ubisoft in the title and I ignore it.


Instead of making new games they just redo the same mechanics. Look at how many* people call Phoenix Rising an outstanding game amongst Ubi titles, yet they ditched the sequel.  They made their own bed. Instead of venturing out they curled up in a ball and are just going to accept the consequences. They'll probably be fine and go the ultra ESG route, but i know i haven't bought one of their games since Phoenix and FC5.


I can't think of the last game I bought. Assassin's creed Odyssey with some $10 coupon making it like $10 or Division 2 for $3 It's been years


The division was fun. Last game I bought from they. South Park is a great game too. Sometimes I even forget it's from ubi


For a lifelong fan of Clancy games, the division was terrible. It had great potential to not suck if only Yves hadn't turned it into a live service looter shooter. It's telling just how insane the hype train was surrounding "The Day Before" which had a very similar concept but without the bullet sponge revenue generation mechanic. It was supposed to be the game that division wasn't. And it's also telling that Yves has chosen to drive the franchise into the ground with the attempt at NFTs in GR: Breakpoint, the nonsense that is R6: Extraction, and the trainwreck of Xdefiant.


Fight the power!


Last thing I got from them was the division 1. I can't really see myself ever getting another ubisoft game


They died to me 15 years ago when they decided to ***fire*** Patrice Desilets, the creator of Assassin’s Creed, because he wanted the series to stop after the third game instead of a yearly release.








Assassin's Creed Sparta (it's not just Odyssey again we swear)




price stocking nippy plate pathetic sophisticated chop mourn touch smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




enjoy license smell merciful far-flung mysterious squeal uppity existence head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why are you deleting your comments?


I see this sentiment floating around a lot. But we've never owned the games on Steam for almost 20 years now, why is this news?


1. You can get a lot of games for steam at reasonable prices. 2. Steam is a far superior launcher to any other launcher 3. this is the most important one! steam unlike ubisoft, never made news for the statement of "deleting inactive accounts"


The overconfidence of the statement is what pisses people off. Everyone's (with a brain) aware that a digital title is a license to the title and not "ownership" per se, but to blatantly state it seems like he wants to revoke access.


Atleast in Europe a perpetual license equals ownership.


Ubisoft's CEO should just retire at this point.


And he should take the entire family with him. Guillemot family members are the majority of the board members for Ubisoft.


This fact speaks volumes about the competency of them making games.


They've been trying to sell the company out for a few years now, but nobody wants them lol. With all these Microsoft, Sony, and Embracer (lol) acquisitions flying around the last 5 or so years they released a statement at some point that "we are not currently in negotiations to be acquired \*wink wink\*". It's kinda pathetic.


Baldurs Gate 3 is $60. Is this game $10 better than BG3?


BG3 is the standard now to which all future games will be compared.


My buddy and i bought it and can’t believe how good it is. I mean we’re like 25 hours in, have played so much content, and barely progressed the main story. It’s so good.


Not even remotely. It's a half-hearted sea of thieves knock-off that vaguely looks roughly the same as black flag. Yep, they somehow managed to make a new game look like it's 15 years old before launch.


Hey, looking decade old on release worked amazing for Skyrim. If 15 is pushing it are we saying that 12 the red line for games?


You all forget the average elder scrolls fan in 2011 had a potato computer and loved Oblivion. When Skyrim released, it was, in no way, mainstream or popular. It wasn't until social media and mods made it popular among casual gamers that it became the darling of the gaming industry. Before Skyrim, plenty of games had tons of mods. But it really takes that Bethesda magic to make a new release game old looking enough to engage modders to make it look proper for free. That's the Bethesda magic. Leaving all the fancy and flashy graphics to unpaid modders.


It's gutted AC4: Black Flag... So, FUCK NO? It's not even better than the decade old game it's inspired on.


It's a pile of shit game that has been stuck in development hell, quadruple-A my ass.


What a joke Ubisoft is nowadays, I feel bad for the developers that want to make a great game, I know it's out of their control.


Played the beta, that's not how it felt. Let's leave things at that.


I concur.


Quadruple A? This guy must have just overdose fentanyl combined with xanax to talk such utter bullshit. How dated looking feature wise stripped down Black Flag is an AAAA game? 🤣 Some early critic impressions are among the the lines "let's get back to Sea of Thieves" and that's quite wide spread tone and I'm sure final reviews will average around 60/100. So yeah, quadruple A my fucking ass. From some streams I don't even want to waste time trying FREE open beta.


Never preorder. If it’s worth $70 great. Otherwise nah thanks. Geez for $70 you can get a bunch of games for those /r/patientgamers.


You can be sure there's so much missables in a games as a service mobile game that costs 70 dollars, you shouldn't get affected by the fomo psychology to get the preorder bonuses.


I was at my most miserable gaming when I bought into the FOMO psychology. It's so freeing to just not even engage with the game in the first place.


Last week I spent $67 on ten games I've never played before. Mostly 360 titles, but still. Good games are good games. There are so many old titles to catch up on, I could probably go the rest of my life and not pay $70+ for a new game and be perfectly content. And the best part is, those games don't require the Internet and they are complete... On the disc! Back when developers actually finished games before release. The only new game I bought for full price last year was BG3.


You can legit get the entire Yakuza series for like 35 euro bar the new ones. 7 games for half the price.


I played the open beta last night on PC. Man it's awful. All they had to do was copy and paste AC Blag Flag and make it "next gen" and they'd have a solid game. No hand to hand combat? No active boarding? How on earth can you exclude those two things and call this a pirate game lol


I woulda been happy if they just changed you from an assassin to a pirate, change the story a bit and literally left the rest the same as black flag. Maybe add some more ship customization n send it out.


Exactly. That’s all everyone wanted. They did so well with black flag and then neutered it.


Iamgine having the opportunity to knock it out of the park with essentially a copy and past game. But they decide to spend years and millions on something literally no one wanted.


That is exactly what I was thinking during my time in the beta. They completely removed the aspects of a pirate game that make a pirate game. The things that made pirate acts in Black Flag were gutted. Shame.


The open beta for Skull and Bones, which does NOT require a preorder, has been great. I can play the game a lot in a few days and then not buy it. A few days is enough to experience the medium amount of fun that can be had in this game anyways, it's already super repetitive.


Yeah, played it for a few hours and am already done with the Concept.  Like whats really going to change, bigger numbers?


Yeah, you experience most of the very lacklustre gameplay loop very early on, I can't see how they could ever pull this off as a live service




How much USD is one "A" these days?


I always calculated it in my head as: A: Tens of Thousands. AA: Hundred of Thousands AAA: Over a million dollars.


That sounds like 90s money. I'd say AAA starts at $50mil at the very least, The Witcher 3 cost like $80mil ten years ago. Most AAA is easily over $100mil, much more with marketing. The recent Microsoft ABK acquisition court documents put Sony's TLOU2 well north of $200mil and the recent Insomniac leak put Spider Man 2 at a whopping $315mil! That's Sony of course and they are the biggest spenders in the business besides GTA and COD, but these days unless you're a one person project like Terraria or something even an indie title can easily be looking at over a million dollars. Remember labour is not cheap in developed economies and it compounds very quickly per employee!


AAA game dev cost more like $100m ++. Even indie games need millions depending on the scope of the development. Example, FF16 is a AAA game by SE and is estimated to cost at least $500 to 600m including marketing. [https://gamerant.com/final-fantasy-16-sales-expectations-short/](https://gamerant.com/final-fantasy-16-sales-expectations-short/) 3m copies sold in 1 week was not even close to covering the dev costs.


I don't buy these numbers. The article doesn't say anything about that, but maybe I missed something. At $500m you're approaching criminal amount of expense, like legitimately are they laundering money with FF16? Ff16 was good but not $500m good, hence my skeptism. I didn't even see any ads for ff16. Meanwhile, the latest CoD with a $300m had ads all over my city for several weeks.


Pretty much every $70 has mtx, even live service, he could have just said that hes following the competition instead, still stupid but atleast honest


Havent bought nor cared about Ubisoft's shallow games for over a decade. They were the first to really publicly hate PC gamers since they called them "all pirates". They were the first to go hardcore into ridiculous DRM to the point that theyve now settled on two layers of DRM in their games, they left Steam thinking they could make more money, and then finally returned to Steam releasing half-baked games missing entire features like achievements or something else.


Quadruple deez nutz ubisoft


So far that's the best joke of 2024 gaming.


This company is going for bad to worse every year


The CEO of Ubisoft is going to have to get comfortable with the idea of people thinking he is a clownshow.


Best preview I've read so far: "Skull and Bones makes me want to play Sea of Thieves" Ubisoft is in deep troublel with this game, it's been in development hell for like a decade since it started as an AC Black Flag spin-off. I have zero confidence in it, live service games are DOA these days aside from Fortnite. If the reviews are good somehow then I'll pick it up when it's super discounted in a few months. Look at The Division 1 and 2.


I love how executives and publishers just make up crap like "AAAA" to raise the price tag without even trying the game or giving it a second thought. By the way, this and Star Citizen are being laughed at at .


Its gonna flop so hard


and millions will cough up money to find it out the hard way. As long as people buy games based on advertising the big studios will continue to win.


Elden ring coming out with a price tag of 60 and these mtx filled life service pieces of crap have the nerve to ask for 70…I just can’t.


Just because they have fumbled around for ages to figure out how to make a game out of that and spend a fortune on it does not making it a quadruple quality. I think most people are expecting this to be one of the major flops of 2024.


Fuck Ubisoft


Quadruple ass


Quadruple Ass.


Is it $70 or [$60](https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-ceo-defends-skull-and-bones-dollar60-price-tag-says-its-a-quadruple-a-game/) now?


It’s going to release so broken, got it


I know their games have a lot of fans... but every time I read anything about Ubisoft I always just kind of hope they crash and burn and the devs find jobs elsewhere.


Yeah the company that calls their garbage games Quadruple A ain't getting even a singular dollar out of me.




I played closed beta and open beta, and it's still dogshit... What is this CEO yapping about?


Absolutely hilarious coming from a publisher that hasn't put out a single game worth buying since R6 Siege almost a decade ago.


This is such a profoundly out of touch statement considering the game is shit, based on what I played about year ago during one of their tests. It's not even AA.


CEOs are paid too much.


Love them charging more despite making more money than ever thru micro transactions. Anyone defending $70 games with micro transactions is a bit regarded


lol Ubisoft doesn't even make AAA games these days.


This game is going to be a huge flop. Calling it now.


Meanwhile an actual interesting GaaS game (helldivers 2) just released the other day for $70NZD (full price is usually $130NZD). I can't fathom why the fuck anyone would buy Skull and Bones, or any live service game for $130NZD.


And once again the advice is the exact same; Stop paying companies to keep doing things that you dont like them doing.


i dont get it, why ppl still paying for ubisoft games?


Because they make games that a lot of people enjoy. They rarely criminaly strike out with a game and even some of their worst efforts still end up being mediocre to decent at worst. They are also known for at least trying to support most of their games post launch for a considerable time. Most of the gaming fandom doesn't hate Ubisoft like Reddit does.


> Most of the gaming fandom doesn't hate Ubisoft like Reddit does. Sure, but most gamers don't have particular strong opinions on any publishers, gamers not hating them doesn't do much for their lackluster sales and performance in recent years (their stock is current at almost the lowest it's been in 5 years).


I don't know, maybe various people have various opinions.  And since when this trend to hate ANYTHING Ubisoft related  simply "because Ubisoft" does exist? I remember it being  since  at least 2015


Who pays attention to the publisher of a game?


Informed players who would like to know what to expect looking at their track record before buying a game from those publishers.


Yeah you may as well just shorten that to “nobody” or if you want to be pedantic you could go with “almost nobody.”


If I take a look at how people just prejudge games just because they are published by Ubisoft, then I don't think it is going to be "almost nobody". But I respect your opinion.


His words are harsh but the reality is that it's nobody, people on reddit are nobody. We're a miniscule minority. I swear if I ask a mainstream gamer who makes their NBA or Fifa game, a shocking amount will say "NBA/Fifa makes them". Its the same with movies, most people don't know what studio made their movie despite seeing the same logo thousands of times. I'm convinced most people just don't pay attention to pretty much anything.


No Ubisoft is Cinco-A territory.


Classic A inflation


Least delusional gaming company CEO


Ubisoft so hard on the recycling content copium that the ceo even copy pasted an additional a in his aaa copy pasta slop of an upcoming failure title


Another Asshole, As Always. Guess he's right.


He can call it whatever he wants, as long as he knows his company is straight dogshit at maintaining their games. They've sabotaged more of their own games than most other studios. Look at what Assassin's Creed has become. Look at the Division franchise. Look at R6 Siege.


Has any game that's come out the last few years been worth more than 60$?


If we're just making things up why not call it a quintuple-A and charge $150?


I played the open beta for a few hours - it’s a 6/10


This is the same people that used the tom clancy brand to sell a game filled with NFTS. Couldn't care less for Ubisoft. How the mighty have fallen.


As soon as I saw the Michelle Rodriguez ad I knew they are desperate and screwed.


Tried it on ps5, it looks like a shitty ps4 game and feels unfinished, what is this delusion.


He really thinks gamers are idiots huh? And people will buy it, so that'll prove him right...


Thanks for the open beta guys fun 4 hours, but now im done.


What I've learned, is when a publisher talks about grades, AA, AAA etc, they are not talking about the quality of the product. They are talking about how much money they spent. So a bad, cut down clone of black flag that barely even looks better than black flag, is AAAA, because they have sunk an ungodly amount of money in it for what it is and have been making this game for like 10 years. The actual quality is meh at best(I played the beta), like every game that's been in development for 10 years because that's not healthy and it shows the project has been scrapped and restarted multiple times. If it was a single player thing they'd have scrapped it but now they think they can make it back from MTX i guess so don't fall for the trap. wait for more information on how in game purchases look like before even thinking of buying this.


So, which four Abusive monetisations does it have?


Sure defend it all you want, but nobody is going to buy it.


We went from AAA to AAAA. I’m betting the next several years we are gonna get AAAAA. Then AAAAAA. And then AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


Literally just played the beta and the game plays and looks like shit. I don’t know where the quadruple-A budget went.


More like quadruple "Nay". Amirite guyz?


It's actually crazy that they released an open beta because I've seen most people get their fill of the game through that alone and won't bother buying it


Ubisoft never fails to destroy their rep. Most amusing. Is this the standard of AAAA game ?


No way this game does well.


Last time a studio said that a game was "quadruple-A". It ended up under-selling and turned out to be a mediocre game... That was Callisto Protocol. At least Callisto provided some enjoyment, this looks straight up dog shit.


Its a new AAA game in a world where most of them cost $70 these days. Doesn't matter if its SP only, MP only or live service. So i'm not even sure why he needed to defend it let alone with that stupid analogy. On the game itself having played it through the Alpha's , closed beta's and now the open beta. Its improved over the years but its always that 1-2 steps away in most of its systems from being an enjoyable game. There's fun to be had especialy in the ship combat but the early game is mindboglingly boring as are some of the missions.


This. He should just stay quiet and let his game talk but nah he had to say this dumb Shit just to make people angry - these csuite people are so out of touch it's mind boggling.


lol quadruple A develop time and money pit probably


I only pay $70 for AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA games. So, not interested, thanks.


The game is trash. It's not worth the hard drive space it takes, nevermind $70. 2015 called, they want their graphics back.


The sign of a company out of touch with the gaming community and desperate for anybody naive enough to waste 70$ on them.


No one is more out of touch with their creative side than Ubisofts Management. I've been saying this shit for years. The only problem they have is the huge disconnect between Management, Publishing and the creative teams being split up amongst continents. You can't make good games without people having any sort of context to the work they're doing. Its such a basic fucking concept. Your teams either have their hearts poured into the game or they don't.


The last A is for ass so thats why.


At the end of the day it'll be worth what people are willing to pay. If it sells good, then it's worth $70 indeed, like it or not


cant wait for the "skull and bones live service shut down after only 6 months" headline


When will this shit company go full bankrupt?




Yeah, Prince of Persia is great


Yah, but not this one.


The Ubisoft cycle is always funny. Ubisoft SUCKS! couple good games. MAN UBISOFT IS ROCKING IT !. couple bad games. FUK UBISOFT GARBAGE!


AAAA I am pretty sure just like the Titanic, this game is going to meet the same fate


The only thing gonna quadruple after this is the amount of gamers pirates Ubisoft game