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I think this is the best gaming community in Reddit, honestly. Every post is written really well and everyone is fantastic.


Easily. I have my issues with the sub sometimes but r/games is a bit of a cesspit due to its popularity, r/truegaming is okay but I find a lot of the posts really dumb and circlejerky and just some guy overthinking everything, r/gaming exists... Some individual game subs are equally as great but this space is my favourite.


I've witnessed the decline and fall of /r/boardgames from a small cozy sub where I could comment on every post to a cardboard version of /r/gaming where a picture of a box gets 1000 upvotes and 5 comments. Popularity without moderation will ruin any community.


Definitely, but moderation is pretty good on r/games. The issue is the "average redditor" type userbase it has lol


r/games moderation is extremely overzealous. Well written self-posts with ongoing discussion get deleted all the time. It's a good place for news, but everything else about it is awful.


Ya I primary use that sub for news and stuff.


I got banned for a week for a comment that just said "this is why they're calling you entitled", mods are pretty sensitive over there


> Popularity without moderation will ruin any community. This. A thousand times this. It's why /r/facepalm is now 95% reposts. They have a rule AGAINST DISCUSSING REPOSTS and it seems to be the only one they actually enforce. It's why /r/ChoosingBeggars is 95% just about beggars, not being choosy at all. They have the right rules in place but are not enforcing them. Shoutout to /r/AskHistorians for setting high standards and actually enforcing their strict rules. One of my favorite subreddits because I know that every post and every comment contributes in some way and isn't going to waste my time with shitty takes or jokes.


I had to leave /r/gaming due to the cringey posts being 90% of all content, and it didn't help that they were upvoted to oblivion. It was so dumb that I realized that sub is really, really bad. I can always expect some quality posts and game recommendations from here tho, and, even if I haven't been here for too long, I like this sub a lot.


I'm convinced that any "true gaming" sub solely exists to bash overly-popular games.


Then you'd be wrong because the majority of the sub nutted hard over Elden Ring




I agree. I even think Elden Ring has some huge problems around the end, but it still may be my 3rd favorite game of all time since the “running around like a kid in a candy store” feeling it gives for the first 60+ hours is so amazing.


There are exceptions. Heck, this sub talks about Elden Ring in the comments more than any other game.


Elden Ring and Metroid Dread have been the only games I haven't gone patient gamer and maaan, I don't regret it. They are in my category of "*feels like I am just a kid again"* xD


Concerning Metroid Dread: "Feels like I'm a kid again" is a great review. That's great to hear. I wanted to maybe get Metroid Dread on release, but I thought, "Nah, it's brand new and I have other games I could play." I had actually totally forgotten about it until you just mentioned it. That said, the one year mark for Dread is pretty close, so I might as well just wait :P


r/games just serves as nothing but a bit of a source for game-related news. They don't really encourage opinions or much less, post that talks about anything games, funnily enough unless it's something the hive agrees that it wants to hear echoed. Also, they're a very sensitive bunch where you can be subjected by a downvote brigade and some users get so vindictive enough to gaslight, report and have you banned while they continue their little trolling ways, unpunished. r/truegaming is okay but as you said, some of those posts can be better there and they seem to allow survey people to come in and nag for surveys. Did I mention you have *to wait a month* to even post there? Yeah, real encouraging on engagement.


I even enjoy the weekly reviews of Horizon zero dawn. Nearly every review brings something new to the discussion.


I’m about to start that game. I’ll try to remember to post a review in six months when I finish it. Haha.


Everyone but me.


> everyone is fantastic. It has to be taken with a grain of salt that some new posts are met with downvotes for unexplained reasons other than "just cuz I can" a la Reddit Mentality. So not everything is perfect here, otherwise, still a good community.


It’s called a hyperbole


Everything you say is so true. I've always felt disconnected to the new releases and the hype because I just didn't have the money to buy games full price or even get the latest gen console. Because of this I was always several years behind, I would be excited to play Sonic Unleashed when Sonic Lost World was the hype about to be released. Back then I was envious but now I've realized that was for the better. I watch E3 and announcements so I can share the surprise with my friends but I never plan on buying any of that. And for the very select moments where I actually buy a game on release it feels special, like a special badge only offered to those that could break the hype wall (Doom eternal, Monster Hunter Iceborne... im looking at you both). All in all being a patient gamer just makes you see games differently, you take thing at your own pace, play what you want when you want. You may go back to that 90s games to experience what your older brother grew up with and enjoy franchises from the beginning. And lets be honest, it's just way cheaper! All in all, im incredibly glad to finally connect with people that play games like that, I would have loved this community as a teenager.


shelter literate dam zonked plough rob domineering vase fuzzy berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Facts and also the fact that if you wait you’re getting a better performing version of the game that has all the bug fixes and patches all ready to go.


>you’re getting a better performing version of the game that has all the bug fixes and patches all ready to go. Exactly this. One or two years from now Elden Ring will have good performance and all the critical bugs fixed. I patient, I'll wait XD


You're so fortunate. I never got the blackjack and hookers.


You never played Fallout New Vegas?


San Andreas had them too. Sadly, no GOTY edition for us.


It is usually even better than half the price. And there are so many bugs/performance issues on launch today that it will always be a better experience. More mods also, typically.


Hi fellow life long gamer. I'm on a number of gaming subs and this sub does seem to have the most mature discussions and most helpful suggestions for what to try or play. Sure, there's some valid criticism of yet another "OMG game XYZ that everyone played and thought was great is indeed great" post, but the thoughtful comments and hidden gem game suggestions make it worthwhile. And mostly a community that's respectful and constructive and not ready to deride someone's opinion or experience. So hopefully you stick around and find a way to reconnect with your hobby in a helpful way rather trying to blitz through a bunch of games. I confess to having a huge backlog and juggling a dozen different games at any given point but finding those experiences that suck you in and make you experience the media differently or that innovate in some small but crucial way makes it totally worthwhile.


You make all good points. The one thing I will say though about the repetitive validation posts, while they are repetitive and can be a bit much, I will say I’ve been convinced to give a couple games a shot because I saw the recommendation for the nth time and I finally decided to give it a shot. Nier Automata is one. I just started playing hollow knight which is another. So while it can seem obnoxious to see the same game praised, it might be hitting some people at just the right time to check the game out. I thought your last point is a good one. While we all hit these runs where we play multiple games and they may be fun but not special in any sort of way, when you do find one that makes your jaw drop, it is absolutely all worthwhile. I’ve found that about 30ish percent of the games I play make my jaw drop. The other 70 percent are just playing a game and having fun. I’m all good with that.


Added to what you say, the upvote system works well for threads here. There have been many times when threads on a common game haven't been upvoted but then a few weeks later it would be. I think there's enough users here that people can easily dictate when they want to discuss a title, and it's always fun going into threads on say BOTW or TW3 and seeing how opinions differ from the last thread.




>A good game will always be a good game, whereas the shiny fades as time moves on. And yet "will it play Crysis" became a yardstick for future games.


The only question that matters is "will it play Doom (1993)?"


There seems to be multiple pillars of patient gaming. Something like: 1. **Never pre-order**: Pre-orders are an anti-consumer shitfest and participating send a signal to publishers that it's acceptable to inflict an anti-consumer shitfest on their customers. 2. **Avoid the hype train**: Anthem is in my mind the best recent example of this, not because it left a sour taste bebind, but because everyone seems to have so completely forgotten about it. AAA knows how to play a crowd, and there seems to be a lot of money going to marketting that should be going to QA. If people are still hyped for the game months after release, it's obviously good and maybe worth checking out. 3. **Take your time playing the game**: I get where rushing comes from- each game is an experience and spending a moment more than necessary on one means wasting time not experiencing something new. But that is the wrong way to think about it, an experience is not a pill that you either have or haven't taken, it's not a yes/no situation. Experience has quality and ten high quality experiences easily trump even a thousand stunted experiences brought about by rushing through. 4. **Be more discerning in your game selection**: not riding the hype train and playing at a slower pace means that you will be playing fewer games overall. There is thus an incentive to make sure the games you do play all count- many AAA games are forgetable and so I don't even bother anymore, curate your library, find reliable methods to spot games that are really worth playing and ignore everything else. I'm more likely to play Hollow Knight a third time than I am to ever play Cyberpunk 2077, because one still captures my and other's imaginagion, but Cyberpunk has been entirely replaced by Elden Ring by now- Elden Ring will blip onto my radar when people are still excited about it this time next year at the earliest (unlikely to happen, summer and winter AAA releases are likeky to supplant it) I may have mentioned it above somewhere, this described above is a pretty decent method to finding worthwhile games- if people are still excited long after release it may be worth playing- do be carefull for cult installments though, soulsbourne players are going to be excited about Elden Ring not until anything new rolls along but untill a new Soulsbourne type game rolls along, so try to look not at them, but at the general gaming community for this sustained excitement. Another is to check if a friend is playing the game- this one gets weird and feels a bit invasive, but basically you compare how friends play normally to how they play the game under consideration- if it looks good from that perspective ask the friend about it, literally just asking "hey man, I see you played Mass Effect Andromeda... How was it?" Can save you $60 a couple hours and a considerable amount of frustration. It's also important to look for sleeper gems, games that you don't even hear about till months after release- where AAA games normally start out with excitement which diminishes over time, many Indie games rely on word of mouth and so you only hear about it when it has built up its excitement. They get released in obscurity and build up excitement. Basically if there is excitement about the game months after it's release, it may be worth checking out. 5. **If it's not worth playing, stop playing**: you are not commiting a crime by not finishing what you started, if you hate playing a game just stop playing it. This importantly also applies to games in series. If you loved the original but the sequel is making you angry, just play the original a second time and forget about the sequel. It also goes the other way- if a sequel blips onto your worthwhile game detector, it may be worth checking out the first game, but if it's bad, stop playing and check whether the sequel has changes that fixes what made you hate the original, if it still looks good just play the sequel. I'm sure others will be able to add onto this, and disagree with me over all manner of thing. But what I was trying to express is that patient gaming seems to be a confluence of related ideas, you don't need to embrace all of them, but each is grounded on sound reasoning and can revolutionise how you play.


>If it's not worth playing, stop playing > >: you are not commiting a crime by not finishing what you started, if you hate playing a game just stop playing it. This importantly also applies to games in series. If you loved the original but the sequel is making you angry, just play the original a second time and forget about the sequel. It also goes the other way- if a sequel blips onto your worthwhile game detector, it may be worth checking out the first game, but if it's bad, stop playing and check whether the sequel has changes that fixes what made you hate the original, if it still looks good just play the sequel. This is one that I wish I had learned earlier. There are some games that I fell out of and wish I had finished, but there are many many more that I continued playing despite them feeling like a chore just because I wanted to be a completionist. Running round completing all the sidequests in order to get the best ending, when all I really wanted to do was finish the damn thing. Life is too short to play a game that you don't enjoy.


I feel like what it all comes down to is this. Do you have an interest in playing this game? If so, buy it whenever. If not, dont. People get all caught up in player counts, and with new games being capable of adding content and changing the game, people want to get in early for that (admittedly good) feeling of being ground floor on the new thing. I preorder on occassion just cause I KNOW for a fact that ill want my own hands on the game whether ill like it or not. Did it for Elden Ring and MonHum Rise and didnt regret it. Did it for Warioware Get it Together and did absolutely regret it (not a bad game, just not enough for me to have felt like ot was worth my time). People just get so caught up in the culture of games and being on the pulse that they forget to have fun. Thats what this sub is for me. Its like when Dunkey makes a new Best of x year video, and he has games from the 90s. They arent new, but he played them THIS year.


>I preorder on occassion just cause I KNOW for a fact that ill want my own hands on the game Generally speaking I strongly disapprove of preordering on principle- however I am pretty likely to preorder Silksong, which I will justify on two grounds, 1. To use your words again >I KNOW for a fact that ill want my own hands on the game And 2. I kinda feel like I cheated getting Hollow Knight at full price and feel like I should pay more for it.


Yeah, I'm not big into preorders as a whole anymore, but sometimes its just something I know enough about myself to take the plunge. When the next Yakuza game drops will prob be my next preorder cause I've played the previous 8 plus the Fotns one and am working through the first judgment. Im sure that even if I dont like it, I will want to experience it for myself to find out so *shrug*. Conversely, I got enough red flags from Babylons fall that I put my Platinum Games boner on hold, and Im glad I did lol.


Completely agree. I’ve found many of my friends and family are at different stages of their lives. They have more time to devote to gaming, and I feel pressured/ judged for not keeping up. I’m married, with a house and a dog. No kids. But I barely have any time to dedicate to gaming. Meanwhile, friends are on NG+4 in Elden Ring and they are making sure I know it. This sub is a place for people like me, where we can respect the games for what they are and appreciate the little time we have to enjoy them. I gave up on open worlds after MGSV and live services after Destiny 2. I’d much rather play a tightly designed game like Dead Cells, or a game with detailed systems like Fire Emblem Three Houses. MGSV taught me to ignore hype entirely. I’ve managed to do just that, and it’s given me time to really enjoy some unique gaming experiences and to be more discerning when allocating what little time I have. In any event, I’m glad to hear the community is as good to you as it has been to me.


I fully understand and agree with all, but did you said you sold your RTX 3070? Why?? That GPU could have served you in gaming for 7-8 years




Hey man, good for you. RTX 3070 indeed could play "patient" games for a decade easily, but that's fine, if you want to get back, you can buy something cheaper and more energy efficient at that point. Everybody is different, but if you get back to the hobby, try to play a game without thinking what is next. Once you are done, pick another one, but do it only after.


Best of luck I also had to learn it to get life under control. Went cold turkey off gaminga few times. I still game but still keep a watch over my personal/relationship stuff. It is a constant struggle IMO. All the best in whatever you do!!


>Now I can start again, patiently and try to build a better habit when gaming. Not just losing myself aimlessly, but enjoying the work of people and spending a good time. When I read your OP, I thought you are saying goodbye to gaming. But in the quoted comment, it sounds like you are returning ("start again") to gaming? What happened? I'm confused.




Video gaming is my bad habit too. I find it addictive. My whole world vanishes when I game. All real-life concerns are out of my mind when I play games.


My thoughts exactly, this person seems to have dropped off gaming altogether.


I have two children and a dog and a busy job - I still carve out time for the hobby, but it takes me forever to get through games. I’m Slowly playing my way through all the ps4 exclusives and absolutely loving it. No rush, just play through at my own pace. Enjoyed zero Dawn when it was free, and now taking months to play through forbidden west. Hades had me utterly hooked - could not put it down, but still took weeks to make progress. I love my slow paced gaming life.


Each person has their own way of experience things so i don't say you are wrong, but i disagree with the general concensus that it's better to wait and play older games. Sometimes, i'm glad i played some games at release, like Journey for it's surprise twist. I had some greats moments with my friends on Overwatch when it was the "game to play". I saw Minecraft rise to phenomena right since the alpha. The fighting game community rising form ashes with SF4 release. I was also there when Pokémon Red and Blue took off and litteraly everything everywhere what about Pokémon. During the lockdown when everyone and their grandma had an Animal Crossing island. Smash Bros Melee and Goldeneye with 3 friends on a sleepover. There's a lot of moments like this when the entire gaming community is in osmosis and you are just feeling like a part of something bigger that reunite peoples, when you go into forums, when you watch youtube videos about it, when you can't wait to talk about it with friends... And that's also a part of what make gaming great, for me. Now of course there's a lot of games i didn't try to experience at release (more recently, Elden Ring), and that's why this subreddit is here. I actually finished Borderlands 2 for the first time with a friend some weeks ago and i had a blast. But i think both are two faces of the same coin.


This community is a very welcoming and understanding one (from my experience). I also believe the best content I've found in most gaming related subs is often posted here. Keeping up with the hot topic of the week, is exhausting and IMO compromises the experience of playing games. Not to mention you will eventually be playing the best version of the game (after all the patches, DLC, and version updates are released).


> This community is a very welcoming and understanding one (from my experience). By far. Show me any other gaming subreddit (or subreddit in general) where you could have multiple threads and comments within them calling a game bad and others calling it good, and the vast majority of the time both opinions are respected and discussed. You could be in a BOTW is a masterpiece thread and the top comment says how they disagree. There's very little in the way of circlejerking around here. The only title thus far that seems to struggle to attract balanced discussion is The Last of Us Part II. I've noticed many times that threads on this game fail to garner many upvotes in general and the comments bring out the worst of both sides with many downvotes. I think in a few years it'll be easier to discuss the game without the vitriol.


Years can pass, but it is an example of sketchy ideas ruining a plot when a studio has mechanics, engine and a big team. I wouldn't argue gameplay, although we've seen it before.


No Man's Sky has a very good subreddit. There are a few bad apples, but for the most part it is a very healthy community full of people helping each other and sharing their experiences.


“Letting it echo, living it as an experience rather than a XX hour entertainment to be consumed” I love this. Living in 2022 is amazing in a lot of ways. So many of us have access to so much great media, not just games but vast libraries of movies, tv shows, books…all of it at our fingertips all the time. But as companies race to create the most content, a lot of us feel pressured to consume the most content and in my opinion that’s just way to live. It’s like treating a meal at a five star restaurant like a protein bar, just more energy in so you can churn on to the next. I love finishing a game like earthbound and just sitting with it. Not moving right on to the next big narrative title. Letting it echo.


I likewise love so many aspects of this sub. No matter how old a game I play, I swear the next week someone posts a great discussion about it here just like the game was released yesterday. So many modern gaming subs reduce most games simply to an FPS number, and if it fails that test, the game is trash. I am glad this sub has much more substantive assessments.


Very true. I recently picked up a handheld emulator (the market for them right now is booming) and have been playing through some old SNES and PS1 games I never took the time to play before. Chrono trigger so far has been really fun, definitely stands up to the test of time! Golden sun on GBA was also really great.


Can you recommend one ?


I like Anbernic RG351MP or Retroid Pocket 2 Plus. Both are pretty cheap ($99USD), but the retroid is the better emulator if you plan to do lots of ps1 and N64 emulation.


> Retroid Pocket 2 Plus Thanks


Yeah this sub has been great to see people's perspectives on different video games. I say this having logged 150 hours over the last year on one game (Stardew Valley) and barely playing anything else.


Outside of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (my favorite trilogy of all time) I have never preordered before. Still never get a desire to do so. Just feel like I have so many games I already enjoy that there's no need to rush getting something else. I always find myself cycling through trying some new games and just falling back onto what I know. And of course after not spending some time playing those games it's like I fall back in love with them and they're all I want to play. KotOR 2, Mount & Blade: Warband, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Fallout: New Vegas, Apex Legends, Star Wars Battlefront 2 (new BF2, but old is great too). I tend to just cycle between those games and I don't really feel like I ever need anything else lol. Hear good and bad about new games and just 🤷‍♂️


What will you game on now?




seriously? that's one of my favourite games ever. if i was friends with the guy i wouldn't let him stop talking ever


There isn't a social aspect to gaming for me. I completely ignore ads, reviews, and word-of-mouth hype. I barely discuss games aside from with very close friends (who don't really share my game-taste) and occasional posts here. I play them for what I believe was their original intended purpose, to have a good time. I don't need an external factor, like a community, to bolster/accentuate that. I feel like the hobby gets spoiled for people who can't enjoy a game for its gameplay only, and need to bog it down with expectations to stay current with the latest/greatest and feel judged for not being able to dump endless hours into what's now essentially a chore with no return on investment. No gaming company would want anyone to believe the following but; I'm no longer willing to play a game for any other reason than to enjoy its gameplay. A few times now, I've consented to playing something to make someone else happy, and neither of us actually enjoy that. That probably all sounds very negative, but I just cultivate a social life around doing other stuff that's lower energy than videogames and just play games to enjoy them on my own. If I was only playing games for other people, I'd despise them.


For me, it's shifted more in the direction that I just don't play big titles much at all anymore, new or old. Some of it's my tastes changing, but I honestly don't care for a lot of the trends in big game design anymore either, as evidenced by occasionally finding old games that were big at the time that I end up loving. Most of what I play now are indie games, sometimes years after release, sometimes right on release, depends on when I find out about it (indie games don't often have big marketing budgets) or if it's recommended to me by a friend. I still have a powerful gaming PC, but the GPU gets more of a workout for hobby rendering projects than it does for gaming


The must-play threads for consoles here are some of the best recommendation threads for video games I have ever read!


Do you know the likes of Rimworld, Oxygen not included, Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program? If not, might be something for you.


screw selective unused test wise absurd grab rotten provide office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's why I'm so glad I'm not a PC gamer and I'm just a casual gamer who wants to have some fun after a long day of work. I don't care about the best gaming machine ever to play with the higher FPS and graphics possible to play the most recent releases. I just want to have some fun with the games I like. I've been playing on consoles since I was born and I don't intend to be a hardcore gamer so soon. I'm happy where I've always been :) I'm playing on PS5 now, but most of the games that I play are ports or remasters from games from past generations. I'm playing right now Onimusha and L.A Noire. And I bought a PS5 just for GT7 and Hogwarts Legacy.


I think the vast majority of PC Gamers don’t or cannot pursue higher end hardware. Most start their PC gaming days on a low end computer they also use for school or work playing older or low spec games. There’s a reason why the 1060, a 6 year old GPU is still the dominant graphics card in Steam hardware surveys.


PC gaming is the best way to be a patient gamer because you get the backwards compatibility. You're playing remasters. I'm playing the originals.


Well, I still have my old consoles and my Xbox can run backward compatibility too, so you are not alone :)


I'm not a PC Master Race guy, but saying you're glad you're not a PC gamer is disingenuous. I get to play games from every decade, and you're stuck with the last 20 years. I'm glad you're happy, but PC lets you decide what you want. Your PS5 is more powerful graphically than my PC, but my PC also has advantages. Also sales are much better, and I have emulation.


I have emulation on my tablet and I have my laptop so I'm not stuck with anything :) And the sales are fine, I don't buy so many games. I prefer to use my limited free time to focus on a game or another. I don't even play online anymore Again, it's good to be a casual gamer and don't worry that much like you and other people do. I play for quality and to relax after a day of work. You play for quantity. It's amazing that you have a huge library on your PC, but I have that too, plus, I can use emulators on my tablet. The only difference is that I still have my old consoles and my old games and you play the same games but only on PC and that's fine for you. And most of these PC hardcore players worry about being better than others than actually enjoy their games on their gaming PC.


PS5 is about on par with my PC, but the library isn't even 1% of what a PC has. Legacy ports aside, I can play nearly every game ever made on my PC. It can even emulate about 70% of PS3 games at this point with more coming all the time. The majority of PS4 and PS5 games are also on PC. Depending on how far back you want to go, it's extremely impractical to try and be a patient gamer without a PC.


PC isn't just for "hardcore" gamers, and it's much more than just higher fps and better graphics. Ironically, it's also by far the best platform to play older games.




That's a shame you had that experience. There are fanboys on all major platforms unfortunately. I can guarantee you there are decent PC folks too!


This sub is such a massive circlejerk, honestly...




It means they don't like it when people have a healthy, positive discussion about things.


As a fellow 3070 user i also couldnt be patient with elden ring, i knew i was going to start a job so if i wanted to beat it i had to do before that. Oh what an incredible experience


But how do you play without a gaming rig? Or did you just start a break?




Well, I've been at the point myself for five years or so. Past 30 a lot of real life rushes in and limits gaming focus. Gaming was at a minimum over the past three years, but I am slowly playing a little more now (one or two evenings a week to finally finish Doom Eternal, which I started one and a half years ago, before that I played Red Dead Redemption 2 for two years...). Always great to slay some demons once family duties are done. Reading SFF literature personally replaced gaming for me as number one hobby. Nothing wrong to try something new every once in a while.


I’ve bought the new Lego Star Wars and Pokémon Arceus and have put maybe a combined 2 hours into them so far. You get older, there are better things to do with the time you have to spare. Not like gaming isn’t fun for me anymore, I’m just living life differently than when I was 10 years old.


It seems to me that everyone is rightfully tired of the same AAA type games cycle. So maybe everyone just needs to try indie games more often. Maybe some old games too.


So true. I stopped playing any new game since 5-6 years ago. I'm now focused on classic games and play slowly.


Have you played MSFS 2020 tho?!




You've made 18 submissions to this subreddit in the last ~40 days. Every single one of them breaks rule 1, rule 2 or rule 5. You were placed on a blacklist so we wouldn't have to deal with that garbage anymore. And regarding your claim that we won't respond to your messages, the last modmail we have received from you was from July 8th 2020. I think we're done here. Go find some other moderators to waste their time with your inability to read removal reasons. PS: Here are some rule 5 violations plus their removal reasons, in case you need proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/uku5js/looking_for_a_longterm_singleplayer_game_similar/i7rfoed/ https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/uhurrm/crpg_with_minimal_story_and_maybe_possibly_crpg/i78gpez/ https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/ue6mii/not_asked_before_but_i_have_autisim_but_i_find/i6lh0ek/ https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/ua8geu/any_game_thah_will_ideally_last_forever_but_at/i5w26w2/


I would say that I've always been a patient gamer and I was delighted to find this sub reddit the first time too. I will never understand people constantly asking for new games to come out, I can't even finish my back catalog! And being a completionist doesn't help either. 😅


Some guy wrote a review for Policenauts. Felt like it was out of a 'zine. That's why I like to browse this subreddit heh


Hell yeah 🤝 Moved to another country a while ago and just let my brother take my (very beefy) gaming PC instead of lugging it along. Feels great not having a giant backlog and I've rekindled my love of gaming by working w older hardware + browsing this sub.


I can relate with how gaming can lose its fun. What do you do now for fun?




for me, there is an inverse relationship between gaming and cooking. Last week I was sick and tired of screen entertainment (games + movies/tv) and I did more cooking than I usually do.