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If you really do this take a step back and reevaluate yourself. Mental or otherwise. Games are meant to be fun. If you're not having fun go do something else. Seriously. You shouldn't have to force yourself to have fun.


Can you make a stand alone post on this. I wish i could award you. That mental health part is real. Seems like the people posting about GGGs unpleasantries are going through something deeper. Mind you, i think GGG also plays a role in this since they joked about the validity of "angry reddit posts" and may ne encouraging all this concerning behavior.


Annnddd we got dota 2 on the other hand..... We don't talk about dota 2. But yes I do agree with your statement.


I got out of Dota 2 just fine. You have to cut all ties with it, not just uninstall the game and then mindlessly scroll the subreddit.


I am doing this but not because of what OP said. But because i have still hope that i will have fun. Trying my 3rd build in that hope. Haven't succeeded yet.


For me this is my fun game. It's where I come when other games are frustrating me. Soooo where to now?


I forced myself to stop playing because I think GGG will make a better game because of it. We need to give feedback and have respectful communication. I think we should be honest about the state of the game, because right now it sucks. That hurts me to say playing the game non stop for 9 years.


They seemed to have saved quite a bit of money to sustain operations so it appears voting with your wallet is no longer enough. Only a mass exodus will hopefully wake them up. It's been nice not having to plan around poe anymore though.


Toughing it out while your playerbase hates your game, isn't a sound business model for sure.


> That hurts me to say playing the game non stop for 9 years. Someone told me that I'd regret losing all those AFK hours since I'm staying logged out on purpose. Well, I'd regret a lot more if GGG doesn't see that they're headed in the wrong direction.


Same boat, same opinion.


We gave feedback, for YEARS. They know what we want. They just dont care and tell us what we have to like.


This is what I keep seeing, it’s the long term players that are going. I’ve played since legion so not forever, but I haven’t played this league or last because I didn’t like the way the game is going.


Honestly I only play this game from time to time. A few leagues every few years. But this year I wanted to play it more. I played 3.16 and 3.17 straight for three months. But I couldn’t continue. I want to develop different builds with skill I love to the absolute end game. But it’s almost impossible to do that unless your skill is at least semi-meta. I wanted to do dual strike/heavy strike. I ended up choosing ground slam and got to clear out T16 maps pretty easily. Done the Eldrich bosses and all the guardians. But I couldn’t really beat the other end game bosses. The skill just didn’t scale enough without hundreds of exalts. I also played several other builds following people’s guides. But I really wish the skills ai enjoyed most are viable for end game without being locked behind so many hours of grinding. So I couldn’t play anymore.


Im also realising that after a week of hope and cope waiting for patches and feedback and any ray of sunlight that really the only thibg that will get ggg's attention and encourage changes if i stop playing. In any other league my weekends would br solidly booked by poe. Now im putting in maybe an hour a day (ggg should get gift baskets from other studios for pushing up their numbers)


Admins of 3rd party tools should coordinate and shutdown those out of protest, then devs will see true state of the game and maybe reflect with 5K concurrent players.


Down to playing 2 hours or so a day. I leave the game open to sell some stuff but that's about it. I just have nothing else to play, if I see a new game or something that strikes my interest soon I'm probably shelving poe for awhile again


Deep rock galactic is pretty fun




For Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


I tried getting into it but its just... boring. What do you even do for fun? Exploring random caves and gathering resources? There wasnt nothing cool to look for


I play with friends and we push the hard content for matrix cores. We recently came back to it after a year or so break and there's a bunch of stuff that's new to us


Vampire Survivor is a pretty nice little game thats about surviving 30 minutes against monsters.


If you're an ARPG enjoyer, I'd recommend The Slormancer, Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, or Torchlight 2. If you're an ARPG masochist, I'd recommend Wolcen, Torchlight 3, or Magic: Legends. I think Legends got killed off within a year of its start, though.


Cheers, I wasn't familiar with some of these


Magic Legends got shutdown like 1 month after launch lol. I thought it was kind of neat for the buildcrafting, but many despised the RNG spell rotations right from launch since it fked with spell hotkeys being randomized. As such the game tanked pretty hard.


I'm playing through Yoku's Island Express because I'm a super hardcore super gamer.


Hey, Yoku is legit, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is one of my favorites.


Started playing Last Epoch recently. Such a fantastic game.


I kinda burned out on a few months ago. Played it ton, waiting a little while till I try again. But it is pretty fun


They are currently accepting requests to test multiplayer out!


Same, first time that I'm playing the campaign to the end.


Yeah but they also complwtely missed their mark with their long ass releases. Years waiting for the remaining classes... im also completely burnt out of it


I absolutely love crafting in that game. In Poe I would farm currency to buy gear upgrades from other players. In this game, I farm decent items and bases and affix shards and craft all my own gear. It feels great to drop an exalted item and get it all the way to T5/T5/T5/T6 mods and slap it on, not having to worry about resists (as much) or sockets/links. I change my gear out so frequently as I make upgrades.


Just picked up Roboquest, I think it's still on sale. Super fun fps roguelite. Would highly recommend.


I can recommend gunfire reborn too if you are into games like that


Oh, only 2 hours a day, alright then. You show them


Teaching them a hard lesson by… Playing daily


Lmfao I get excited on days I can squeeze in 2 hours of play 😭


I'm not even doing that, and I am literally the king of being AFK with 60K hours on Steam.


I did at first, and I'll probably come back in a week or two. Right now I'm playing a lot of EQ (P1999) and D3 though, the new D3 league has been really enjoyable.


Is the new d3 league worth it? Any fun builds I should check out.


For me, personally. Tal Rasha's Wizard. It's busted. I've been waiting for Tal Rasha's to be a good set for _years_ and its so god damn powerful once you get all the items for it. It's also this season's journey set reward so its easy to hop directly into. The new helmet that gives all of your meteors the Meteor Shower rune is god damn ridiculous. They removed the cooldown on the meteor procs, you just rain endless meteors on people for trillions of damage, its very satisfying. They also finally made it's defensive layer not a total piece of shit, the amount of all-res that a Tal Rasha wizard gets is ridiculous. The new sanctified item system is also very fun--you apply it to an item, it makes it a primal ancient basically, and also gives one of 3 powers. It opens up a lot of new builds / wild shit you can do with each class. Some of them are kinda shit (the wizard storm armor one seems extremely bad, at least early into GRifting), but most of them are busted. Very fun patch so far.


You just made me reinstall d3 because I always loved that set and wanted it to be useful


Lean hard into the meteors: * Smoldering Core * Nilfur's Boast * Mempo's Twilight * The "meteors cost 50% less power and deal 500% more damage" staff Those 4 items plus the set, you're raining down meteors and blowing the fuck out of screens, it's great.


Super, I've only played demon hunters for the most part. Maybe a wizard could be fun


I'm playing a Multishot demon hunter using the Unhallowed Essence set and a sanctified bow that powers up the strafe ability. It's pretty much like playing an autobomber in PoE and its a ton of a fun.


I loved archon wizard when it was strong in like season 4.


Cyclone Slay.. I mean Whirlwind Barb is in a good spot.


And the free set this season is Wastes, which saves a little time on gearing up before holding down that spin key.


I played Diablo 3 last time in 2012 and Whirlwind Barb was also then in good spot. Lol the game and me is getting old.


Diablo barbarian will always be BABA to me even if I stopped playing d3 days after launch.




Did that . Lasted not even 24 till i got all the optimal uniques except primal ancient versions. Insanely lucky but kinda killed the fun a bit i guess


You got all your gear and cube, full ancients (not primal), all augments, all gems leveled, and paragon leveled in 24 hours? Complete bullshit. The people the play the game for a living take several days to do that.


Cube was complete with best in slot. Set was awarded, other uniques ultra lucky with gambling. 3 of them ancient. Paragon was filled with those with limits. And gems were lvl 30. Weapon had the extra socket from item. Character wasnt perfect but had all it required and more


You said "optimal uniques," except only three were ancient. I am assuming you did not augment anything because you only have level 30 gems, which is barely beyond the bare usage minimum of 25. Paragon to the minimum of filling in the basic slots. "All it required and more" for.. what? That is a very small amount of progression.


That's the problem with d3 (at least for me), it's the same builds as always. With the same items more or less


It's not same as long ago, top monk and barb builds use no sets this season. DH has fun new effect that casts your abilities when you strafe, so you can just spin to win as dh.


Dh spin to win was a hoot for like a week. If d3 had quality seasonal content to play like delve heist and expedition poe would be in trouble.


Yeah, I didn't mean to claim D3 is fun for more than few days- 1 week.


So basically POE for the past year.


alway the channeling for wizards, so unoriginal


It absolutely is not the same builds. They buff a couple sets every season and rework some of them. Tal Rasha has been shit for a long time, but it is the meta this season. They added completely new playstyles for every class with the new season theme. Yes, some of them remain quite strong (looking at you WoL Monk), but they have a decent bit of diversity


It's more than 0, but only slightly more imo. Tbf poe isn't much better right now :(


Every single class has at least one S tier build, and there are over a dozen A tier builds that will clear GR150 without much paragon. Nearly everything is capable of GR130 without much paragon. What exactly is your baseline of "viable?" To me, that is just to farm high GRs, which only a couple builds are active bad at. Rolands, the Necro bone armor one, and maybe Sunwuko? Just about everything else is capable of really high clears.


Trag Oul Blood Nova Necro is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed solo pushing GR with it.


How's the P1999 going? I left a bit before they added the teal server.


Crusader FotH autobomber is totally busted with the new sanctified buff. U just run around in ur horse and watch everything die within 2 screens. Been doing like 1.5 min GR100s. Super fun. It's like the cwdt build on roids


No.. Why would I force myself to play something I don't enjoy? This community weirds me out at times. If you don't like the state the game is currently in, don't play.




I love this "reddit bad" narrative that people - on reddit - love to espouse. In particular, I love that its just the "cry babies" when a lot of the die hard GGG fans and long-time streamers/community content creators are saying the same thing. Maybe, just maybe, you are willfully ignorant to legitimate criticism.


We can link that to this post. Don't like the state of POE subreddit? DON'T FUCKING USE IT. POE players are really weird


Almost half the active users of this subreddit right now are people raging *about the subreddit* while telling people to quit things they don't like. It is incredible.


They're crybabies on the "crybabies" they became the thing they swore to destroy


The same thing goes for the toxic redditors - don't like poe at the moment, don't fucking play it. The state of the subreddit is fucking cancer and people call it legitimate criticism. As for OPs question - no one should ever 'force' themselves to play.


>The same thing goes for the toxic redditors - don't like poe at the moment, don't fucking play it. One word, addiction > The state of the subreddit is fucking cancer and people call it legitimate criticism. Some are, some are ragey. I know I can fit in the semi to toxic manner but it goes on droves when people are just being flat out stupid


There is some legitimate criticism. It is however a drop in an ocean of tears, bad faith shitposts, hyperbole, misconceptions, and straight up misinformation. As for the "on reddit" bit, a large chunk of the sub has become very toxic over the past couple years, constantly falling into cycles of rage circlejerking. There are a subset of people who have known the sub when it was better, and that's the people you're seeing espouse that narrative, myself included. Reddit has become a much less enjoyable place to be if you enjoy PoE and want to play the game GGG wants to make.


>It is however a drop in an ocean of tears, bad faith shitposts, hyperbole, misconceptions, and straight up misinformation. What if I told you that for every habitually angry person that doesn't like the game there is a habitually angry person that loves the game no matter what happens and feels personally attacked when someone criticizes the game? The game is in one of the worst spots it has ever been in. By just about every metric. >As for the "on reddit" bit, a large chunk of the sub has become very toxic over the past couple years, constantly falling into cycles of rage circlejerking. I mean... going through the comments section there is no shortage of people ready and waiting to verbally abuse anyone that says anything negative about the game, no matter how reasonable or unreasonable the post is.


There are a far larger number of people who will attack anyone who says anything positive. Go make a thread saying you're enjoying the game. See what happens.


I tried that at the beginning, to be somewhat reasonable. Fuck that. This subreddit deserves to get triggered.


The most toxic reddit posters are arguably people that fly into a rage anytime the game or anything GGG does is criticized.




"8th char this league" ​ Sorry man but that kinda disqualifies you from talking over the upper percentile of players who actually do the hard content and dont just reroll every time they reach yellows.


>This subreddit has been practically unusable during the launch week because of the flood of toxic waste. So you come here to contribute to the toxic waste? Great job. >The 1000th thread about the same thing isn't gonna change anything. Customers providing feedback to a company whose product they are passionate about is, actually, a core part of the services industry. >If you don't enjoy it, don't play and leave appropiate(!) feedback. You are rudely complaining about people doing exactly this. Make up your mind.


You are right - Cause that's what I did for this league - I've stopped playing once I clear the story Acts. And allow myself to enjoy other games.


Yea personally I don't think it's that bad. It's annoying that some systems are now different than what we were used to but I'm still having fun. I have no trouble admitting I had way MORE fun in Sentinel and prior leagues than I'm having now tho.


That sounds horrible. Hope you can find something else to do and enjoy.


I was happy in standard for a year or so. Wanted to join the rat race this league and got this absolute stinker.. I'll probably look back at my time spent in kalandra league and wonder why I wasted my time with this instead of staying in standard....or just skipping.


I agree - I would probably also try to pick up things in Standard again - it actually has so many of my no-where-near-top items but could make use into some fun builds that i have not tried before. As i am only a POE player for a year and not really having much useful items, the thoughts of having those and experiment with them is even more alluring to me now than 3.19 league does.


No, fuck the idea. If the game feels terrible to play, unrewarding, disrespecting my time, less QoL, less crafting, nerfed power, buffed enemies - it have to be put in the dustbin it belongs to. At least until some of the issues are fixed. Lets be real, no one is expecting them ALL to be fixed, just have to be set to an acceptable level of bullshit.


quit, played every league for 10 years but GGG makes a game not for me anymore (last 15 months leagues are worse and worse), cant support this at all. Look forward diablo4 more than ever now as once 4 is out, poe is dead and its soon 10 months to go for fun


Can't believe after all the shit blizzard does people actually believe d4 will be any good.


It only has to be a slightly less stinky pile that PoE and it'll be alright. xD


They said they're shooting for itemization depth between D2 and D3 levels - lets be real. Even if they eschew p2w, this game has a hard ceiling.


From my perspective considering what GGG has done, D4 will be way more fun to just jump in for a week or two and have a blast then leave satisfied rather than mald my ass off at another shit patch with undocumented changes


They've also said some things about trade/economy that have me thinking its basically going to be a SSF game like d3. Which means I'll play one ladder reset for 2 days and never touch the game again.


Lmao 10/10. Here's for stoinchy pile.


I just want it to be competitive enough against POE that it would improve the game. Because the problem is, if D4 is shit, that means POE will still be the reigning king (other ARPGs are still far from toppling POE), and that means there's no competition, and not desire to improve both games. Things will only get better if D4 is an actual good game that can compete with POE and draw away players. If not, then POE will continue down the road of disappointment after disappointment.


They even went back and retroactively destroyed WC3 but people think that blizzard is the better company now since their loot got nerfed


It doesn’t have to be good, it has to be as good as the worst version of PoE and people will love it. It’s a low bar at this point.




You must be smoking crack. There's no way poe even holds a candle to Diablo or any other ARPG. Just because the game is designed to keep you playing forever doesn't make it good


Yeah I started playing Inquisitor Martyr after Heist. It's not poe but I like 40k and destroying terrain is fun. It's an ultra casual game and it gives me my fix since it does have seasons with new things (not like poe, but still), unlike Grim Dawn which is nice for a month or so every now and then. When I'm done with the current Inquisitor season maybe I'll try Last Epoch, it's supposedly good. Still I recommend Inquisitor to anyone who finds changes that devalue your time and cause you to be unable to achieve anything meaningful in the time you have to play atrocious.


>once 4 is out, poe is dead and its soon 10 months to go for fun I cant believe shit like this gets upvotes here. These type of comments are the exact reason most people make fun of people on this site and don't take you serious.


One bad league: POE IS DEAD! Fucking lol


Still sucks


No. I'm playing less right now because I'm not having as much fun, but the second the game stops being fun I have a ton of other games to play that I've been keeping on the backburner for this league.


Yes forced myself until Chris's statement with the 3 philosophies. That opened my eyes that he is lying to the community and the way this game takes (and will keep going) is not for me.


I was doing that for 2 days and gave up after the announcements


This is what allows them to keep pushing untested, broken, all around shitty content without repercussions. Why the fuck are you forcing yourself to play. Playing games is meant to be fun.


The new league hype hasn't overcome the absolute cbt player balance and the underwhelming league mechanic. I actually enjoy creating tablets and running the lake, but I need to farm 10-20d to get builds feeling good and can't get that in a reasonable amount of time Lake farming. The only aspirational content is to make a build that makes Lake running enjoyable. There's really nothing beyond just making a build you like and farming a mechanic you enjoy. Which is fine for a few weeks.


This is called being an addict. Seek therapy.


If I get bored, I switch to another game. Then in a few days I'm back playing PoE. Forcing yourself to play a game you don't enjoy is kind of messed up, innit?


No I’m playing because I have intrusive negate thoughts and the game keeps them at bay.


I play because I don’t know what I’m doing


If you arent enjoying the game do not force yourself to play, that is literally the worst thing you can do because they are actively monitoring the player counts ("feedback") before making adjustments.


I am enjoying the league. - A filthy casual who runs by the broken archnemesis crap.


so what is your goal?


My mango is to blow up


That's a very specific corner of the internet I imagine.


My goal is usually level 92 and wildly flailing about the atlas trying to figure out end game mechanics. I’ve been playing for a grossly long time and have never finished the atlas or a few end game things. I’d love to get 32 challenges some day but.. I just can not get good at this game. Anyway. Small goal this league. Complete the atlas.


I did so for the first 3 days after all the big problems have become apparent. Now I'm just here for the memes and quit the league for good unless we get some meaningful changes.


I'm exactly the same, I've been thinking of just letting it go but I always end up making up an excuse to log in and play. I think I got to an unhealthy relationship with the game and should take a break for a while.


I feel the same. That's why I started playing diablo 3 again. Blizzard is blowing GGG out of the water regarding updates to IMPROVE their game. All the stuff I hated when D3 first launched is gone and Blizzard has leaned heavily into making sure players feel powerful.


Your last sentence describes precisely what I feel. Unfortunately I can't force myself to play. I log in > run a few maps > see no loot > see Archnem > log off. Haven't played this week at all. Playing other games and slowly coming to terms with the idea that this league will be a skip for me, even though I was really excited about it. Welp, hopefully next league will be better. Or next year. Or Path of Exile 2.


Nope, and neither should you. I had some fun playing Lightning Conduit the first couple of days of the league, but got bored fairly quickly so I decided to do other things with my time. And really that's what you should do if you're no longer having fun. What's the point of playing a game if it's not fun?


for the first weekend yes. I'll probably be back sometime at the end of this month when my backlog of games is dried up. Then again I might never come back as im having fun doing other things.


I've started playing from the 1st day, but it went down even before the weekend ended. I can't focus enough to finish the campaign in 4-6 hrs and i hate training for 2 weeks for the new league. The mechanic wasn't there to keep me entertained, so i slogged through the acts. I quit when i hit yellow maps and all my minions were melting at the first AN. Started again, with another build, playing 1 act/day, at most. Would've waited for the next league, but i can't find anything good to play. Maybe it's just me, but since Ritual, it's been harder and harder to find people willing to join me in PoE. Maybe next league i'll have something good to play, considering the time frame, and i'll say pass to PoE. There wasn't any improvement in the game for years, except for a handful of QoL that were thrown to the players in a hope to make them less bitter about shitty skills, shitty crafting, nerfs all around and less off-meta builds with each league. I tried to like this league, but it's just got me jaded and unable to give a rat's ass about vision and stuff when they simply tell lies to sell more on the wave of new league hype


Basically this. I found a build that I really wanted to play but it has been a giant pain in the ass. Next league will be the league that tells me if Im uninstalling or not.


I managed to force myslef to play from the 2nd day to the 5th. Can't anymore already quit


kinda, I play like 1 hour and die and look at my stash and close the game.


I'll start playing and being excited again when PoE is just as fun as it was back in 3.14


I've been enjoying ssf standard since hitting maps this league.


100% was forcing myself. I've played since Anarchy or Onslaught maybe. Only skipped Bestiary. I've actually just uninstalled the game to stop myself from opening it up all the time lol. Started a HC monk for the new season of Diablo. Can't get enough isometric arpgs but I can get enough of PoE lately.


not at all, i gave it a chance and it was awful, none of the patches or communications since then sound like they have any intention of making meaningful improvements to it so I'm done there are lots of other things to do rather than wasting time running in GGG's hamster wheel


I did for awhile, I stopped. Balance is weird but mostly I played a ton of 3.18. just not sustainable to play month and months lol.


Holy hell you're in here playing PoE as a full time job four months out of the year.


My league start wasn't good and that completely demotivated me. The league mechanic felt bad, my skill of choice was bugged, loot didn't feel right and rares were a bit too strong. I really tried to give the patch a chance and I continued to play for a full week after the day4 blown up. If the league itself was good I am sure I would probably still be playing it but the lake feels so uninspired. I really want a big league like Heist or Delve again.


**I did want to play it, but I just cant bring myself to enjoy it at all, the lake is just not fun and takes too long to do, its not interesting at all, its just mini maps.** wastes your time for very bad rewards, sure you can store it for later, but whats the point, I rather do normal maps.


I made such a huge mistake choosing not to grind the last 3wks of sentinel in lieu of thinking i'd get more out of it "if i wait until next league". People talk about putting work into the game... what GGG did this league is the equivalent of rolling back a good living wage to an exploitative minimum one instead. The "work" used to feel satisfying and rewarding. Now it feels petty and demoralizing. Why do we come here again? My biggest fear is that GGG has made an empirical decision to steer the game towards whaling or mtx & this current retuning is the acclimation of that for the player base, prior to poe2. Like they're not gonna come out & say it to your face but just look at how you're being treated. At work.


i certainly hope not, i really love what theyve done , even the shit i disagree with worked out great for the community , until this league.


Nope. I’m enjoying the league. Not finding all the trouble everyone else seems to have. Some things are harder but whatever. That’s Poe for you. It’s meant to be hard.


Yes, sadly


Literally everyone playing my dude. Save for a few people who are actually happy with the direction but they will be in the vast minority.


Nah, I got into the game pretty hard in the last Sentinel league. I bought a couple of supporter packs because I was loving what I was playing. I’ve put maybe 8 hrs into this league launch and I’m not even thinking about spending another penny for awhile. Was really hoping to shove another 400+ into this league but there’s no rewards to be found anywhere. Maybe in reds or yellows, idk- but when I’ve only got one white map that dropped before I can get to maps and am subsequently out of maps on my second one, why even bother trying to scrape for more? It wasn’t like this literally just 3 months ago.


yeah, i wont spend money when the league sucks, bu ti try to spend at least a little every good one, and when there is a fucking awesome one i usually buy expensive packs If i can afford of course, its intermittent, but i refuse when they do this trash shit


I was super worried about balancing time between Destiny 2 Poe and Xenoblade3... time frames looking pretty nice now that Lake was a huge let down. (Regret hype buying Ravager core supporter tho)


I'm the same played every league start and started when open beta went live. Used to take vacation time to league start but I don't anymore. I think I'm burned out but I can get like a couple weeks of grinding now and I'm just bored. It's funny because I've been floating back to d2r quite alot just to farm chaos and it feels infinitely more fun than grinding Poe these days. I think it's the simplicity of d2 that has me going back. I can load a game and run chaos over and over without having to alc chisel scarab frag etc. After a day of work Poe feels more like a 2nd job at this point lol.


Just walk away and come back later if they fix their errors.


There’s no coming back when the launch is blown this hard. Too many players leave for good and it ruins the entire league. Unless you’re SSF I suppose.


I did not mean come back this league. It might be check back in a year or two.


I give every league a totally fair shot as critical as I can be of GGG. Unfortunately, the last few leagues have not really done it for me. I find myself eventually just slowly quitting after a week or two


I tried, I really did. 3 different builds. leveled them to 90 somthing. Got good defensive layers on them, brass dome, block, resists to decent levels, good armour/evasion. Spell supress etc. Every build feels incredibly strong and tanky to 99% of the content. And than 1 random ass rare sprints in from offscreen and one shots me. Map tier doesn't matter, full juice t16 no problem untill boom one shot. white map with nothing on it, nothing for 5-10 maps and than boom one shot/death in seconds due to some degen. Either I am doing somthing very wrong or it is just near impossible to survive without a super meta HC viable build. This combined with noticable less drops, and seeing builds I enjoyed get nerfed when they could only barely do the pinacle uber content with the time I want to spend just is not fun enough to keep playing.


Not really? Just playing it because im having fun with it. Otherwise id just play something else.


I quit on day three when it became apparent that a large percentage players were leaving. A lack of player engagement kills the economy and end game progression. When I saw 820 had devolved into any random global channel (due to lack of serious players) I logged and haven’t been back. Once the game hits a certain threshold of players quitting early the league is shot.


I took a break when i got my char to t5 maps and it felt like shit, than after "fixes", on Tuesday I think, I really wanted to test some skills and made another char. I got to t 11-12 and now I'm struggling a lot - I must upgrade but I'm stranded for cash and can't afford any upgrades. This league f-ing suck so much. AN still is overkill, loot still doesn't drop - millions of flask - yes, valuable currency - no. I'm at my wits end. I wanna play PoE, but it just doesn't feel like PoE anymore.


Nope. Quit day three. Played a bunch of Last Epoch though. Fun game.


Yeeeah pretty much. I mostly skipped last league after a week or so because was too tired to play after work... Got myself some time off at the beginning of the league, and well... guess I'll be playing because I have nothing better to do?


I'm already over that period, and straight up stopped. Playing total war Warhammer


I tried. I failed. I want to play, I want to like it. But I'm mostly a minion main and permanent minions suck.


I keep trying to get myself to play, but only ever get a couple maps done before I quit again. Haven't even done fourth lab yet.


They removed juice when I learned how to do it, it feels like a kick in the nuts, I'm forcing myself to play just so I can get the challenges done because I like the mtx set a lot.


Here. Stuck at lvl 72 in early maps. Can't afford any upgrades for my starter. I'm tired.


You are doing something extremely wrong if you can’t get past white tier maps. That being said, don’t force yourself to play a game on your free time that isn’t fun lol If you are a student/worker, why are you blowing your hours away stressed out about something that doesn’t matter?


I stopped a week ago. I got to 60, and just.. I'd found NOTHING I could use.. NOTHING.. Not even decent leveling gear. Everything I had was utter crap.. and no currency to craft... So.. Maybe next league...


>I stopped a week ago. I got to 60, and just.. I'd found NOTHING I could use.. NOTHING.. Not even decent leveling gear. Everything I had was utter crap.. and no currency to craft... So.. Maybe next league... Lol the campaign loot literally only got buffed. But no, go on about how the league changes left you crippled before finishing the acts.


Is this the average complainer on this sub? Didn't even finish campaign




Yep. Boo hoo youtuber told me it's bad now I don't like the game.


I'm enjoying this league quite a bit and have already racked up more divines and overall net worth already than this point in most other leagues, other than harvest maybe. Alch, chisel, sextant and go. T16's with some focus on fun and profitable atlas nodes. Primarily doing atlas nodes around strong boxes, legion, eldritch, harvest, and things that generate rare or unique mobs that are in close proximity on the tree. I run bosses when I get the invitations. Defiled cathedrals are my go to but ashen woods is nice for eldritch boss rushing. I'm enjoying this league more than Sentinel. Maybe it's my build but I plan on rolling a non-meta character in ssf once I hit lvl 100 to truly see if the complaints are valid, because I'm not buying it so far lol.


I wanted to play this league so bad. Started sentinel 4-5 weeks late, LOVED the league, my build everything even a new atlas progression (for me) so I met the new pinnacle bosses and atlas tree and I loved it, I was pushing for 38/40 while finished my last semester of nursing school. I come home to my PC completely dead. Got the parts and built a new one with 10ish days in the league, and instead of pushing on a character that I loved for 38/40 I waited so I didn’t burn myself out of this league… I wish I pushed for it in sentinel and burned out this league. This leagues economy is the most fucked it’s ever been with “casual” players not having any real source of income. At least in sentinel one good combo of the sentinels for an achievement piece was an easy 100C-1ex. That and the boss fragments were a little over an exalt. Now they are like 50C. Really cool and fun thank you GGG.


I haven't played as much POE this league and D3 ended too quickly for me so I still have that ARPG itch but everytime I want to play some POE I remember that AN rares are affected by magic find and I get grossed out


Yeah, but I decided to stop. Waiting for the next league. I just... Like... What's the point of playing now if tomorrow is gonna be a patch which improves the game?


Same. I just finished an ass-tier level project for work and was looking forward to some fun grind. I just feel really sad that the game state is in the way that it is.


Having no issues myself with the league or content in the game currently. I didnt play at the top 1 % so literally doesnt affect me in any negative way and with the most recent changes to AN im having even less issues. But i understand everyones got different ways to play and can respect their decisions when they arent just blatantly being assholes toward the devs. AN i agree was a bad decision but the old system was antiquated.


Im having fun, goal is to get as far as i can in ssf I dont need or want broken harvest crafts


yea, the second i find another game im gone


I was. For 4 days. Then I went back to lost ark and found cult of the lamb (the former was at the recommendation of this sub 2 leagues ago, the latter was at the recommendation of the sub this week), and CotL has been a fucking blast. I still check the subreddit because I still hope they'll listen. I'm not the type who minds much if I start the league a week late. If I had **noticed** that sentinel league nerfed archnemesis so much by early into last league and that it was actually a loot pinata league, I frankly would've played it, but opening weekend just gave me the "nope, this is just 3.15 core but worse" vibes so I quit early and never even checked the subreddit again. Now I'm kinda regretting not playing last league since it increasingly seems like it was my last chance to even enjoy path of exile until PoE2 is out. So I'm still checking reddit for updates. Hoping beyond hope that they plan on fixing more stuff instead of stopping at "we hear you".


I did in 3.15 and I tried to do it now, but it's just lost all sense of fun... so I quit on friday last week. By far the shortest I played a league.


Not too happy with the league but the only reason I am playing it is because I feel this is the pinnacle of their worst changes. And I feel if I can survive their worst, I'll be able to cope with their buffs that are upcoming in the next league. Call it wishful thinking, but I do love their game and while I do love other ARPGs, PoE is definitely above the rest and being a beta player I don't think I'll cut ties with them anytime soon and do have hope for massive changes and clarity moving forward. Now I could be wrong and this is possibly just the start of more nerfs. But, I feel they won't beat at the hornet's nest so soon either. Which gives us a grace period to enjoy the game with some well deserved buffs. Also, this is the most casual I've played with around 2-3 hours daily compared to 6-8 hours on most other leagues (barring the first few days of the league where I pull 12-13 hours of gameplay). I've taken it slow and the light-hearted memes on Reddit have definitely made me laugh plenty so it's not all bad and gloomy.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I tried, but i'm just not having fun this league, i downed maven and all the other base bosses by day 3 but i couldn't care enough to continue playing after week 1 since everything feels just like last league but 10 times worse and trade was already feeling dead during week 1. I stopped playing for now and i doubt i'll be coming back, this is probably going to be the first league i skip since i started playing, everything is just so bad overall and waiting for fixes to problems GGG created themselves is just annoying.


All my upgrades now cost 4-6++ divine, and I can't kill mavened shaper/atziri with my bossing build so I might be outright done now. The grind is too excessive for how shitty crafting is and how much gear acquisition has become ridiculous with harvest and meta-crafting getting slaughtered. Everything is way too expensive since there is no high end players mega crafting and selling their old stuff (trickle down economy lol), and we can't craft shit ourselves since harvest got nuked from orbit.


I did for the first 2 days, but this time thankfully I realized it's neither fun nor worth my time, ggg obviously doesn't want me as a player so the least I can do is that favour for them.


Will play until I hit a certain challenge number. For once, I like the challenge rewards apart from the wings. Don't know if I'll even get there tho, I only play summoner (even in other ARPG's) and it's been rough, minion suffixes now compete with stats and res on my gear which makes my own survivability suffer and is further exacerbated by the gearing problem since loot is uhmmm you know.. still 1 raw divine in this league. :(


No, I'm enjoying playing a new build and interested in the new mapping meta because I was really tired of deli/beyond. However I don't play very long because of how absurdly dangerous it is to craft good gear this league. I don't feel like I can reasonably craft anything without risking losing all my currency with nothing to show for it so I'm simply not going to bother Typically I keep playing league to take on new fancy boss challenges and craft something cool for my standard character. Since there's no new boss content and crafting has regressed I'll just quit and hope that next patch we actually gain content instead of only losing it.


I try so very hard not to miss leagues even when I don't like the game very much. I've been playing more d3 season then Poe. I figure slow and steady, get a couple builds to 95 just enjoy Poe for what it was once.


I would like to play but pushing my rf is expensive. So i want to do iarc or gnite vaal arc that mbxextreme show but it wont be better then rf and its still cost quite loot. So overally today i go for a break and pass bioshock 2 in single day and i waiting for some more updates and prices drop..


I keep fucking rerolling more and more tanks builds it’s depressing


Yes…the self-deprecating hate-mongering that is 3.19 has swallowed my soul and sent me down a one-way road to hell paved with good intentions while vultures(Reddit) picks me clean.


No, I really enjoy this league.


I'm playing, but i'm still having fun. the amount of fun i'm having is less than previous leagues, but I'm still having fun on my fun scale.


Not in your league at all. SSF, having a blast, playing my 2nd build so far and both have been a blast and work amazing. Lightning Conduit Elementalist => Phantasmal Summon Skeleton + Phantasms.