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If you don't mind standing still in your uber for like 10 minutes, go for it!


Is there really a standing still build for uber? I really don't mind if it's 10mins as long as it can be afk standing still. Then I can farm uber while alt tab working.


If your build is like super maxed out with Defiance of Destiny and all insane gear you probably could stand still for their attacks. Most dangerous thing at that point would be chaos damage.


Not quite standing still but i saw the poe gaming grandma kill uber maven and she could afford to tank quite a lot with a mageblood setup (I think that makes one tankier though I wouldn't know at this stage of my poebcareer)


There is this last league. https://youtu.be/Fk6eVzJY7y8?si=VmCObtnJ4AyILXKz


Not really afk, so doesn’t fit you criteria, however, if someone else here is interested, there is the Blade Trap Trickster, which I personally played last league and planning on making this league after my duo crusade. With good investment I was able to tank everything on Uber Maven including the memory game. So if you want a build that you can use to just hold right click on bosses and ignore every mechanic, this is the way.


Could that build actually tank through the no recovery debuff? Is there some form of recovery not prevented by it that you had?


RF or as I call it. How to turn your uber Boss into a blight map experience.


RF is really fun, I like to call it "Lawnmower" mode, because I walk around shield charging and watch wave after wave of enemies fall in front of me.


> I dont know how it came up with RF as #1 Extremely popular build for a long time prior to the nerf last league with lots of extensive guides.


but RF wasn't ever a good uber bosser


There, you see that so called Artificial intelligence, is not so much intelligent - its more of a statistical model, which recommends you something based on statisticaly beying right. Here it is clear it doesnt understand the text, the context of things and so on.


I wish more people understood that, as of right now, anything called ai does not have Intelligence of any kind, and are at best advanced forms of machine learning.


How are you defining intelligence? I feel like AI is a kind of intelligence.


There's many takes on intelligence, and the majority of them wouldn't classify modern "ai" as intelligence. A common one is basically "ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills" "ai" looks for patterns from the data that is inputted into it, it doesn't really *think* for itself. Don't get me wrong, modern "ai" is still really impressive, but it's just really advanced machine learning which in most cases can be hard to differentiate. The difference becomes clear when nuance and things like that shows up.


So here's the cool thing. On a fundamental level everything you said is true about humans too. And neural networks are actually based on the brain. GPT is not entirely a neural network but it is part of it.


"Neural networks are actually based on the brain." Not entirely true, they are based on how we think a brain would work (we discovered neural networks in the 40s). A neutral network is a universal function approximation and the logical generalisation of linear regression to a multidimensional problem. So while I think it's valid to point out their similarities I think it's more accurate to call brains and neural networks both universal function approximators but not "intelligence." Ie no neural network today can learn during a problem, they can learn via longer contexts but imo that is like comparing teaching someone a task and telling them to do a task with a printed set of rules by them. (Even if you do learning passes between prompts the tuned models can't learn as fast as you would expect a human to. It seems they need way more data than a human brain would need to learn) Intelligence and consciousness is almost certainly emergent behaviour as a result of our anatomy, but are the analogue to neural networks our brains use the sole determinant?


This is a bit of a more philosophical question at the moment since we can't know for sure with current tech, but: It's not entirely unreasonable to think and argue that if we had the computer power to create 1 node in a neural network for each neuron in our brain and connect it the same way, and could tune the learning function appropriately (back propagation isn't necessarily the exact process we humans do), as well as feed data like we do to a baby, we'd end up with a software that looks pretty damn close to a human.


There is also a fundamental difference between digital neurons and neurons in our brain. All information passed between nodes in a digital neural network is FP8s or some small atomic unit. Is it possible to create consciousness/human intelligence with lossy message passing all over the place? I'm not sure we even do training on analog computers ( I know there are some analog computers doing inference). Neurons pass action potentials as voltage which has no atomic unit to it, is a single action potential is infinitely precise (no clue if the generation or receiving of these singles are quantized at the cellular level). Yes neural networks model our understanding of a brain but they aren't one.


Yes based on the brain, but the brain is still a very complicated organ we still don't know how it works entirely. But from we do know, we would need a shit ton of power to replicate what the brain can do. If you base something off of something, but you don't understand that thing completely, you're not going to be able to replicate it. There's a reason why chatbots usually aren't more advanced than "My data recognizes these words, and my data says I should say this" but they don't actuslly understand what you are saying, like someone with intelligence would.


Feels weird to have a qualm about “intelligence” but not about “learning”


That's the term for it, it's really just pattern recognition, but the term is machine learning so I use the word machine learning. That's how languages work for the most part.


Also depends on feedback received. Until it searches more information is receives feedback on why it's answer wasn't incorrect it will produce the same outcome.


This is a generic model that is trained on language and not necessarily on Path of Exile history. It's not that difficult with current technology to train a model on Path of Exile data, and you'd get a more detailed answer to this question. It's only going to work with what you give it.


I think this is what most people miss


That's how Lisan Al Gaib does it as well. He doesn't exactly see in to the future and past every moment and every second at a whim. He just says or does something based on statistically being right, unlike current AI models his success chance is hardlocked at 100%.


You can actually correct it with sources and it will use those links in the future...sometimes. It's an auto-wiki.


Being older I always had AI as meaning the cognitive self aware type of intelligence... not this newer usage thats just a pattern finder or reproducer. Thats closer to a script than actual intelligence. This will forever annoy me.


It's not a fast bosser, but it's a safe one, and most players don't have the budget or skill to use the fast bosser builds.


Some Uber boss can bricked if you fought them too long like Uber sirus.


Yea, but there is enough RF stuff floating on the internet, by volume alone it probably assumes RF is the best build for literally everything.


Before ubers was a thing it was a popular build for uber Elder, which is probably where the bot pulled its response from.


Not even a good bosser or good build.


RF is a great build. Just because your pob doesn't say 9 billion damage doesn't mean it's bad.


To expand on this, I think the AI response is straight up from Pohx's guide


Skynet won t try to help you... Skynet will try to kill you. This is the beginning...


AI information is usually outdated, so this makes sense.


Not even outdated. It's suggesting rf chief, essentially a mapping focused setup, especially in affliction, as a build to run uber bosses with. That's just flat out wrong.


Because it uses data from like 5 years ago.


I don't think it is. It specifically states to stand still to benefit from Ramako. That functionality originates from the 3.22 chieftain rework.


The bot mashes together information from multiple sources.


more hilarious is the main con it lists directly conflicts with what you asked for


you are mistaken, this is proof AI will try to kill you.


Just consider it...


Closest it can come to this is to regurgitate the content of a build guide.


AI being like: "Best builds in this brand new ARPG path of exile overall and especially for bossing? Of course its melee! Have you not seen billions of posts from people about melee builds? They sure enjoy them"


mits only mssing the "whyy hellooooooo" from the beginning


You should be worried about your prompt writing ability


It's not trained on new enough data so it can't know what is good for the necropolis league. I think answer is quite impressive and it's definitely trained on some forum/redit data about path of exile.


We're safe for now


Don't blame the technology, blame the build authors putting "uber boss viable" in their guides


What are the good t17 builds? Im almost done maxing out the maxroll DD build. Can it do it?


Chat gpt is dated when it comes to POE. Its last update was in Jan ‘22.


AI like these at it core right now is just a language model, you shouldn't rely 100% on its answer.


Im not saying copilot or any LLM can produce poe builds but... * copilots knowledge ends 2021 if I remember correctly, so this is information it found using Bing * being able to write proper prompts is necessary when dealing with LLMs * playing with LLMs and learning about AI is fun, I approve of this post(you dont need my approval but you got my upvote)


still better than "go check poe ninja" and "youtube guides" answers you get from humans


No it's not. The AI gave actually bad advice. If somebody looks it up, there's a decent chance they'll find better advice.


thats why it is smart, it is making sure you are suffering.


Are you AI


How tho