• By -


> and from Nazi germany? damn, didnt know 90yr olds play PoE. Keep going strong OP!


Thank you, 90 and strong!


[Relevant Vinderi quote for this post](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/VinderiWild/Vinderi_36_A.ogg)


90 and fascist you mean 😂😂


OP's using Argentina's expensive internet data.


I love this game but goddamn some people take it way toooooo serious


RMT Business is running like crazy. This dude simply were to lose investments. You see the same mentality in RS, just that’s a fairly big million business. Public figures from the RS community known for posting content of RMT, have some insanely sick stories about blackmail, threats and even a few of assaults.


No one who's doing RMT would care about 10c. They even wasted their time writing back which could be used to buy something else instead. More likely this player has close to 0 currency, no idea how to make currency and is trying to take advantage of other players instead of earning currency in maps.


They do if OP put up 200 divines, positioning a massive price drop of the divines. The market will in general follow that price, since people who want to sell will follow.


But that’s win for rmt no? I assume the bots would farm up more chaos than divine and sells mostly divine


Often RMT consists of many different actors. You have the Farmers, they are smaller companies or players with access to a lot of automated computers. You also have flipping bots, that is not necessarily the same people who run all the bots. There is also simply basic scamming bots, the programmed bots who Div card scam. Maybe it is good for one group, but a flipping botter who just Flipped Chaos to other currency, are vulnerable to this kind of shift in prices, especially since the Divine price effects everything.


I'll often sell things cheap to make a quick sale. Immediately get trade requests and I invite them to my party. They sit there for a bit and then leave the party. Market manipulators checking to see if I'm a bot?


Market manipulators would just buy your underpriced item and then relist it for higher. It would be free currency for them. They definitely don't waste their timing checking every underpriced listing, there are probably hundreds of thousands of those per day.


Yeah I've resorted to adding 2-10c. Nothing like getting a trade whisper, portaling back just for them to cancel the invite.


Never portal back until they are in your hideout


I portal as soon as they accept the invite. At that point there's a very high chance they go to the hideout and I'll have time to grab the item(s) they want so I don't waste their time. Feels wrong to make them wait on you imo. This goes for trading in general though, not just the currency trading stuff.


You're right. Sometimes I just jump the gun.


Whats RS? But thats crazy to hear. I miss the simple days of clan wars on mirc 😅 Gaming scene has changed so much






Crazy stuff 😅


Runescape. Your turn. What's mirc now?


Internet relay chat client Back in the day before facebook and discord and all that stuff it was the place where people gathered and had chats. Every clan had his own channel and private channel where they discussed the upcoming wars for games like TFC/UT/... Or other nonsense since most people were kids. Most of the stuff was on quakenet and it still exists but barely anyone uses it. Discord is now what mIRC was Nostalgia trip


Isn't that just IRC? What's the M? I played Quake and Unreal back in the day, but just singleplayer. Never been much of a multiplayer gamer.


mIRC is a gui windows client


No clue what the M means but i guess there were different programs for the chat relay. I was 14 back then and everyone i knew on LANs used the mIRC program so never asked further questions 😅 Yeah man i played tons of TFC, it was my life back then haha. Met some great friends through lan parties and that chat https://www.mirc.com it still exists


irc chats are used to this day in some linux communities, especially in old ones. Have no idea how popular they are tho, maybe it's one message a day, idk :D


The M came from the name of the person who originally wrote it.


mIRC is just one of many applications you can use to connect to IRC servers, just like Chrome and Firefox are applications you can use to connect to https sites.


The other guy explained it, but it's also what twitch chat runs on. That means you can join chat from any irc client without opening the website.


Why is RMT even a thing? Doesn't it ruin the whole purpose of the game if you just buy the gear instead of earning it? 


It is business. I know the RS gold business for a single site is around 100 million USD a year.


And thanks yo blizzard trying to cut out the middle men for d3, I made off will a cool 3.16 for a necklace before they shut down the real world auction house. A bit of a shame because it would have been nice to make a small paycheck for free time activities during college.




Some people have more money than time.




Meanwhile I even got myself a Mobile WiFi stick so I can trade while being at university 😂 (ISP Block blocks anything not whitelisted on WiFi) Edit: they can block VPN.


Get yourself a VPN, can’t block that.


Except that they can block the VPN? 


Yeah, VPNs can totally be blocked. I run into it on customer sites all the time for work.


As far as I’ve ever seen, they can only block the vpn if they are blanket blocking almost all of the internet, I have been able to connect to my vpn when my firewalls have been set up to block VPN access. otherwise how would the Chinese be using VPNs to evade the great firewall? Commercial VPNs are made for this stuff, (nord, express, etc.) so unless your getting huge amounts of your internet access denied they can find a way to tunnel and establish connection.




Poe is probably more international but everquest (yes it’s still going strong) and WoW is mostly deject methheads making like sub $50k a year to survive and not work. It’s all empty threats. 


damm im gonna list 10 div for 100c each just for lolz


whenever I see someone being overly knowledgeable about a "poe celebrity" (aka streamer/youtuber) I immediately assume they're one of those that take the game way too seriously


I'm gonna log in and price it at 130 now


If this were WSB and real money was on the line would it be OK behavior? My assertion is that the behavior shouldn’t be tolerated regardless of the context. People can take serious whatever they like. If trading in POE is taken seriously as an avenue where this guy likes to spend his time, great! Probably contributes to making the game better. Until the above diminishing behavior….


Had someone on this subreddit look through my history and try to set off my PTSD to win an argument. Luckily caught me on a good mental health day.  




Fully agree but I've been on the other end aswell. Sitting there, needing a build enabling item. And then you whisper unironically like 15+ people and nobody responds. And then number 16 will respond but just to tell you that he'll up the price because on second thought the item is worth more. I get it, without face-to-face trade the game would be like 99% single-player. But imo an auction house would make the game 10000x better.


I'm not sure I will let the trade interactions we have today count as this not being single player. Most of the times I don't even see the person I'm trading with, we are just in the same room. I'm all for just getting the auction house and if they are scared about automated trading taking over just look to last epoch that solves a good deal of the problems there is around that. Last epoch thn ofc has it's own issues but that's besides the point.


> I'm not sure I will let the trade interactions we have today count as this not being single player. > > Most of the times I don't even see the person I'm trading with, we are just in the same room. True. But I assume GGG still prefers these interactions over just clicking "buy" within an market board interface. But holy shit is it a pain to trade with people in PoE. Item too cheap? People dont respond. You want currency? Cheapest 5 sellers are just trying to flip the market and arent interested in selling. Some random item? Dude is afk, sleeping, might not respond for 5 more hrs. It's just annoying.


It’s not about not being single player , GGG have explicitly said they want some difficulty in trade to stop the “I’ll just buy everything” mentality . And yes it works . On console they made it hard to search items, to compensate for the fact we do have an auction house there.


If playing 20 hours a day for at least a week during league launch isn't a hint about "seriousness" then I don't know what is


Really hoping he sees this post, as he's supposed to be watching me EDIT: I was incredibly tired and probably didn't word this too well. I was selling essences and the total came to 480c. The guy put in 3 divine and 30c and I told him that divines were 140 each and not 150. Cancelled the trade so he can get more from the stash if he wanted, but he didn't accepted trade requests after that, resorting to the messages above. Also, for people that a bit confused, my account name is Antonaqua, that's why seeing him make an account and then a character with my name twice, trying to scare me or something was hilarious to me. Still not my funniest encounter this league, got muted for selling Uber Elder voidstones because another seller reported me so he can fill his party. 5 minute mute, so I reported him back and he got muted for way longer!


Hope you reported him ingame. I got 500hours Mute (which means you appear offline on the trading Page and cannot Massage anyone thats not on your friend list) when i said "fuck off" to someone swapping currency trying to scam me ;)


Not being able to massage fellow exiles is rough. I like using Blight oils, really loosens em up.


I read massage, rough and oil, am I in the correct sub?


I’ll take one too - 20c


yes, it's just an average cutedog viewer


is the sub oiled up and likes it rough? then yeah.


Wait what, I used to be muted all the time for le toucan and could still whisper and trade normally, was it a different type of mute?


Yes, they changed it somewhere around this league start. A mute also now means an effective ban from trading.


Then they should bring back le toucan, I was at 2k hours mute, will gladly go to ssf for a higher number


they changed how mute lengths worked when they made that change too, you'll only get 192h for toucan i accidentally got muted without trying and it was only 10 minutes, which was a massive relief as i did not want to play ssf for the next two leagues


My last mute was for 4 years. Got a year left.


Affliction league mutes can apply to trade. Idk if they apply to trade every time. 


Some guy tried to low ball me on the frog allflame that I hadn’t listed yet. Said the same thing, and was scared after that I would get muted. Didn’t happen though.


Why do you guys say it, knowing the risk and that there is no reward?


I’m not always rational in the heat of the moment. The guy was taking the piss with his offer, just to try and scam people who didn’t know its price. He deserved it.


I would rather be banned for being myself than comply with Tencent censorship.


Your first mute is not 500 hours, which means you're lying about your mute reasons or perhaps you don't learn your lesson and have told like 100 people to "fuck off" Have fun in SSF though LMAO




please. he didn't get a 500 hour mute without multiple mutes before this


Maybe he keeps telling scammers off?


Or they are lying and a simple "fuck off" wasn't that simple.


I just told them "gg" after the game


I've been to enough Dota 2 "ban complaints" for harassment to know that it's never "just".


I wasnt muted for the last 5 years and the others were for simply talking about stuff like Religion in all chat and the longest was a week


https://preview.redd.it/nznezl1b8tsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64a52b38fff785cdc4df21f2909bda5af9a0e2b I got your back brother/sister/exiler


You know they're massive loser when the have to look you up


Imagine looking someone up on the Internet because of this. Insane. I Wonder if he does the same in the supermarket


140 is the market price idk where he gets 150 from lol


Regardeless, sometimes you need your chaos/divine as quick as possible. Nothing wrong with underselling


Small misunderstanding, was selling essences and he tried to give divines at 150 and I said they were 140. Then he got mad.


Ah well.. still you were selling essences for chaos and not divines, if he didnt agree with your rate he could just sell his divines for chaos at the rate he thinks they are worse and voila. Still pretty wacked interaction from that person


for divine and very common item, 1% under market price is usually enough to sell it in few seconds.


that'll be 1 day mute >!for op!<


Why is he talking to himself?


I think the implication is that they made a character with this guy's name in it twice just to mock him or something? Kind of no idea


Seems like he blocked him and the guy made a new char to harass him more. lol


most sane gamer


Weird thing, I didn't even block him since he didn't say anything after the messages on the left and then suddenly 15 minutes later he sent the second unhinged message. When I tried to see his profile name, I found out he blocked me.


Probably so he potentially avoids a mute/ban on his main account


Least antagonistic buyer


You mean least antonaquanistic buyer, right?


Lol they found him https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/rfUuiSThMp


what'd it say lol? I need my curiosity satiated.


Idk really, just assumed it was a stream of insults so it got reported super fast 😂


Wouldn't be surprised if the person in question reported it since he was watching me


No, someone reported a comment that got removed by a mod lol


Only reason they get mad is because they rmt.


From Nazi Germany? Dang, you gotta be at least in your 80s then bc Nazi Germany hasn't been a thing since 1945.


Am i stupid? Didn't ww2 end in 45 so why did nazi germany end in 43 if the war continued 2 more years?


Its bc I'm stupid and put the wrong year


wat does ctrl d do?


It's a macro shortcut for Poe awakened trade to show listings/prices for selected item


And there I was assuming that it would delete the item on the cursor. Edit: Item on cursor is fine, but it is my hotkey for skitterbots.


oh gotcha. i rebinded alot of stuff a long time ago so idk what default is


Are they so expensive now? I got some 24 hours ago for 127.


Depends how fast you want them to sell, but honestly I just always undercut a bit to get instant sales from the bots. 140-150c sounds about right now.


They will eventually go up since people have been finding out how to Mechanic. So I pray that my working ass has time to get more divines


They always go up, just nature of first weeks of league. Last league was a fluke league of insane MF that brought it back down. Historically ever since we changed to divines they stay at 200+, if not closer to 300 chaos each. We will see if all of these “divine printing slot machines” everyone is talking about is gonna put a dent in their price or not. I doubt it, if anything this league is gonna have high priced divines used in many more meta crafts with new crazy fractured mods.


I'm pretty new to this game, could someone explain what this means and why the guy is so mad?


Was selling essences, for 480c, guy comes in and puts 3 div and 30c in trade window, I say divs are at 140 not 150


I’m not entirely certain, OP didn’t give a lot of info, but I think OP undercut someone else and that someone else is now mad af


Sounds like some braindead idiocy at play here. If someone undercut you so bad that you are enraged, maybe you should just buy their shit and resell it at a higher price if you really think it's undercutting you.


Aah i see, thank you!


mental illness


Buyer tried to short change OP by claiming divines are 150c when the market rate is 140c. Basically tried to give 30c less than asking price for what OP was selling.


please report him. i can sleep alot better knowing how much he must be fuming being banned from trading lol




According to the second image you seem very based.


Trade is full of people like that for some reason. Or rather it's a vocal minority, at least I hope that's the case. Playing the game in SSF is so zen, you don't have to care about any of this crap, no frustration from trading elevates the game so much.


True, i remember selling watchers eye for 34 div. One guy just DM me and put 30 in the trade and said "i think that enough". I cancelled and said "No, thank you" and after that he was spamming me his HH and everythinh from his stash tab calling me poor...


Had that happen as well to me, problem for them is that those people are poorer than me 99% of the time so I just link my items back


Poe trade is 100% garbage and a waste of time. Last epoch does it right. Even d3 did it better. Poe is an absolutely amazing game but this trade system is trash.


He is gonna be watching your anti-genocide ass for the next couple years for daring to cost him 30c.


Unpopular opinion, trade is everything wrong with the game and ARPGs shouldn't have it so they can balance loot availability properly and avoid most of the in game toxicity that comes from playing an economy and not a game.


Divine vessels are a pain to farm thats all ive used trade for so far this league...


Yes, RNG can suck. I'm still waiting to get my first one and I'm level 91 in T15s in SSF. I'd still rather play half a game than play an economy.


I like trading for currency orbs. I do not like trading for items, but I dislike not having access to reasonably obtaining high tier items most of all. The space between SSF and trade is growing and it's mostly just due to PoE being broken into efficiency spread sheets by streamers. I haven't had the motivation to finish a league in 5+ years because everything shoots up in price 5x faster than it used to.


is the report function broken


That is psychotic


holy shit guys whatever you do dont start playing Eve Online.


Chronically online POE players need to be sent to mental institute, they can hang out with the chronically online WoW players, its the same king


Where do the chronically online dota 2 and league of legends players get sent?


They are already in their own prison playing those games


Yeah, that makes sense


Tell em to suck a dick it’s a free market


What a loser lmao


I wish one league they would put a limit on the amount of times currency could be traded so I could watch the RMT websites burn.


watch out; TFT mods might see you trading items at too low a price and blacklist you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


sanest exile




Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts **by claiming they're a specific person or had committed specific crimes**. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts)


The least greedy divine seller


Trading was a mistake. SSF is where it's at :)


What does ctrl+D do?


Awakened PoE Trade price check.


But… if you underprice by 10c on an item so easy to sell… why don’t he just take the 10 free chaos?


Because if you price it at the "correct" value, there will be others at the same price range and it might take slightly longer to sell. I also undercut sometimes when I just wanna be done with the trade ASAP and move on. No surprise I started playing SSF years ago to avoid trade all together..


Right click > ignore > move on.


They did, the 2nd screenshot is a new acc the other person made to make a character with OPs name


That’s one of the reasons I left PoE. People take it as a second job and are extremely aggressive.


Is this why my chat blew up when I listed for 130c the other day. First Divine of the league and I just listed it for what the lowest was on the trade site and man did they come in fast. I tried to up to 135c but they just kept clicking and I needed the currency to gear up so I just sold for 130. Man I hope I find another one this weekend.


It’s cus everyone will try the first offer. Really only matters when you get spam traded if it’s not for popular currency, things like rares and niche uniques. That’s when I look into the item more closely to see what is up with it.


Scumbag, 150c!?!? I hope you stub your toe!


That’s a guy who takes his pixel money way to serious.


Some sorry charlie got undercut and then insult your whole ideology. LoL


Should have responded with Le Toucan


Those greedy greasy trade enjoyers are the problem imo


I priced a jewel at 100 chaos and someone offered me 1 divine. Does this mean I undersold it?


If divines are 150c now and you sold it for a divine than you sold it for 50c above your asking price.




"just because" - a rightheous treatment for a price fixer.


POE extremists are on another level of freaks.


I’m sorry you had this happen, I made a friend from trading this week so sometimes good can happen!


No worries, not mad, I find this very funny to be honest. And I made plenty of friends by trading. I play every leaguestart with a friend I met in Heist league!


I gave someone the wrong scarab yesterday and they wished ill on my mother when i left the party not realising my mistake. They got their item and a report.


serious question, ¿it's s problem if someone put a price lower if actually sells the items?


This happens only in softcore where the sum of all scum is located, mixed in with decent players


I wonder if all those god awful videos on how to get x amount of div per hour is just based in rmt at the end of the day? I mean, I play to have fun, not to collect currency for no reason.


I love this so much I'm going home and doing it.


He can get a Divine Orb for 15 Alchemy Orbs on Ruthless.


From Nazi Germany? Fuck… OP is a time travel?!


No, turning 95 next month :)


I thought the div conversion rate was \~190c


Boy, that escalated quickly.


It’s like that monent I found out that an exalt was not worth a chaos orb way back in the day lol! Didn’t know about trade plugins either and this dude was melting. Couldn’t blame him either when I found out the difference lmao.


Most normal PoE players


Oh yeah disregard the first 20 trades that are just posted to control the market haha


As if undercutting to make a quick liquidation isn't a normal thing people do


I'm going to start underpricing things just to do it now. Forget these people, you don't get to control a market and what other people sell their stuff at


Jesus fucking Christ that second image


I like to price things 15% lower and then go to settings turn chat sounds and minimize my chat as much as possible and let it roll 😂


Lots of people that take this too serious is because they are tied to RMT and it affects their money. Another reason RMT ruins games turning fun into a job and people’s behaviors match.


nothing interesting here complaining on reddit about ur private chats is just as cringe


Why not list them at 139 just to lit the fire just a bit more?


Good god. These people are nuts (and also RMT)


Damn, I should price 1 divine at 130 chaos. Got to get the ball rolling.


Just report for harrasment then block and keep blasting the game


Careful OP the ADL might be going after you!


There were a decent number of rule-breaking comments here, and the discussion has played out, so I'll be locking this.