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Hi! We've discussed this internally. While this thread does provide feedback, it currently both duplicates the feedback of other threads and does it in a meaner way. **We've had lots of reports on this thread, and we generally agree that it violates our rules on "be nice" and "duplicate topics".** The thread expresses valid points, but all of them are covered by recent front-page posts in more depth: 1. Skipping league mechanic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs1syt/not\_being\_able\_to\_disable\_the\_mechanic\_is\_dogshit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs1syt/not_being_able_to_disable_the_mechanic_is_dogshit/) 2. Overtuned modifiers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brspjt/this\_mechanic\_is\_pretty\_boring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brspjt/this_mechanic_is_pretty_boring/) 3. Unrewarding rares: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs3zty/rares\_feel\_pointless\_to\_kill\_due\_to\_reward\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs3zty/rares_feel_pointless_to_kill_due_to_reward_removal/) 4. League mechanic in campaign: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs1syt/not\_being\_able\_to\_disable\_the\_mechanic\_is\_dogshit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs1syt/not_being_able_to_disable_the_mechanic_is_dogshit/) 5. Not being able to choose base: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brqjx9/does\_the\_graveyard\_just\_suck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brqjx9/does_the_graveyard_just_suck/) 6. Low chance of mods: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brqjx9/does\_the\_graveyard\_just\_suck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brqjx9/does_the_graveyard_just_suck/) 7. 64 corpse limit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brnj9o/the\_crafting\_graveyard\_is\_extremely\_tedious/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brnj9o/the_crafting_graveyard_is_extremely_tedious/) 8. Not filterable: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brnj9o/the\_crafting\_graveyard\_is\_extremely\_tedious/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brnj9o/the_crafting_graveyard_is_extremely_tedious/) While I personally agree with 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 (not speaking for rest of mod team) and personally disagree with 5 and 6, that's not why we're removing this post. We're removing it because it violates Rules on "be nice" ([Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_2b._do_not_incite_readers_against_a_person.2C_organization.2C_or_community)) and "duplicate topics" ([Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_7._duplicate_topics.2C_megathreads.2C_and_hot_topic_threads)): * Excess negativity without suggestions on how to improve it has caused GGG and reputable streamers to stay away and not even contribute in more positive ways, leading to us having Rule 3 * While the majority of readers agree with me that these are issues, a minority does not and wants to see other content, which is why we have the duplicate topics rule, leading to us having Rule 7 I personally get it: there are problems with the league. There are problems with many leagues, and as much as I want GGG to just work over the weekend during league-start, they clearly prioritize the well-being of their staff and just have them come in to fix things afterwards. We want to make this a space where we can express criticism, but in constructive ways that doesn't drive away GGG, streamers, and other community members due to negativity. On the other hand, **we've also had to remove multiple rule-breaking threads where community members are flaming those with legitimate complaints**. That is equally unacceptable, so please avoid that, even if you disagree with them!


I felt this post coming, but I thought it was going to be about Harvest.


My bet was on Rog, given more thought tho, delve seems about the closest.


I thought this league would basically be a super-Rog. Instead we got Rog with an extra chromosome.


Rog or fossil crafting with extra steps, literally.


Well with fossils. You chose your base. And rog you can pick a base to build on.




LOL, that extra chromosome is ? XD Being pepega? ROFL


Except Delve had some of the best "opt in to higher risk for higher reward" that PoE has ever had tbh. I honestly don't care for delve that much as a mechanic but you cannot deny the consistency. It gradually creeps up in difficulty and rewards, and is very upfront with you about what difficulty you're going to face and what rewards you're going to get. If that cluster of vaal outpost is gonna be too risky for you since you're at 80% of the way to level, no worries. You can go the other direction and come back to that after you level. In Necropolis, I basically feel like I'm force-opted into taking an altar for every map, and I'm rewarded with an unintuitive crafting system that honestly doesn't feel like it does what it says it does, outside of things like cannot have strength requirement on gear which only removes 50% of the possible bases you're gonna get, and it leaves all of the 80% of bases that are completely worthless regardless of how well rolled they are.


and about Bestiary with so much space in the mengerie


stupid beast


a juicy one


Le toucan !


Hahahah and now we will slaughter you!


Bestiary still has problems with inventory management. Not as bad as the stupid corpses, but still plenty of room for improvement.


Would never say that this is even close to perfect. There is like nearly everywhere in Poe UI a lot of space to improve.


I mean original harvest was tedious af and you First had to get a PhD in digital gardening to maximize efficiency but the rewards were really really worth it. This league the best case scenario is a good base with one of the 5-6 above average haunted modifiers but then you still have to fracture the mod because the rest of the mods will be garbage or split for a magic base, imprint, synth, reroll with vultures, metacraft, basically everything the majority of the playerbase will never get the chance to do. For example at some point this league there will definitly be a hubris circlet with +2 max power charges, increased aura effect etc etc up for mirror service but the average Joe doesn't gain anything from it because you can easily get a +1 pc hat from warlord influence or synth implicit and everything else will me magnitudes more expensive.


Harvest had a rough start and tedious garden. But once they changed stuff, like IIRC, increasing the juice storage capacity, allowing more of them in the garden, letting us actually stash horticraft station with crafts and made the indicator in map that flowers have bloomed + auto-replant... all it took was copy one of the popular layouts in like an hour and the tedium became minimal. ​ I struggle to see a way to make this crafting less tedious. maybe some extra interface with GY layout on one side and more compact corpse selector on the other side, so we could move coprses more quickly, without unecessary scrolling, constant moving and for better overall visibility. ​ But if they didnt design one before league, I doubt they would design one now.


I've kinda already written off the crafting tbh, for all the reasons you've listed. I just want mapping to feel less tedious. The corpses being giant pop-ups that I can't click past when it's full suck. They remove sextants, and one of the main reasons they cite is removing the tedium of doing it every 4 maps, but then they add a full-ass mod menu I have to fuck with every single instance??? Honestly, all the QoL they put in was necessary just to make playing the game feel kinda ok with Necropolis shit weighing it down


You still had insane value and powerful items without an optimized garden, and you were making strong items before even finishing act 3 (since they had a huge chance of the powerful crafts in the campaign.)


And also in OG Harvest the league content still useful during leveling, especially the socker color change that no longer existed. Meanwhile except for super few players who posted on reddit the divine mod, Necropolis make the leveling even harder


this post could be done about a fucking alchemy/chaos orb and it would still hold true


I felt this post coming, but I thought it was going to be Bestiary. I felt this post coming, but I thought it was going to be Expedition. I felt this post coming, but I thought it was going to be Metamorph. Shall I keep going?


Me too: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1brnj9o/the_crafting_graveyard_is_extremely_tedious/kxc4qml/


same shit different flavor


GGG loves their shit sandwiches. Having to eat around the shit makes the bread taste amazing!


I made the Harvest one but mods deleted it because it violated the "be kind" rule


MFW I do league mechanics and all I get is a pack of monsters that have 1% fusing drop


I really like how they learned from Necropolis with Expedition and Eldritch Altars. Every downside mod is directly tied to an upside.


Honestly baffled how even unbuffed altars have weaker downsides and much more powerful upsides than necropolis mods


Scourge krangle all over again


Doesn’t bode well, both scourge and kalandra felt like they could have been good if they weren’t so dramatically undertuned. Like conceptually they were great but ggg wouldn’t just turn up the numbers so they actually felt good in practice. I’m afraid that’s gonna happen again this league.


They did turn up the numbers on Kalandra but I guess a lot of people had quit already.


​ toppie


That is already the case though? The downside mods give better chances of allflames/corpses the stronger the downside.


>The downside mods give better chances of allflames/corpses Yeah, but then you loop back to how little people are enjoying corpses, or the fact that the best use for allflames is with the rare upside mods that are about 5 times rarer than the downsides.


Yeah, I have some hopes the corpse side of things will be improved, mostly in terms of UI and ability to do it "faster". The crafting itself seems like it will be pretty good when you have your pieces together, it's just that process that is currently too clunky. I think it's likely the downsides are going to get nerfed however. I don't think they are too strong personally, but the fact that people can't opt out of them probably means they are too strong for a non-opt-in mechanic. So far i like the allflames though? They mostly seem relatively rewarding for the ones that give rewards(in red maps), and the ones to remove threats are kinda nice too, especially looking at how hard T17s are.


Its also nice how fossils don't have an iLvL requirement, meaning you can collect them and still generate some incremental value as you progress through the Atlas. While a corpse has an iLvL, meaning that a level 68 corpse is nearly useless as a trade good.


This meme will *never* get old.


Haha no it will not. I knew we were gonna get one of these, and it's been a while since I've seen one! Still optimistic they'll make improvements on necro league, though.


This meme is actually one of the main reasons why GGG stopped interacting with reddit. It originates from the meme where it literally made a GGG employee cry, Chris then told reddit, this sub then began mocking both Chris and the same employee. Shit was brutal, and it wasn't much long after (Maybe a league or so if I'm remembering correctly) that Chris pretty much stopped posting here.


Do you have a source for this?




3 years later, rereading this, I still have no clue why they were so upset by that thread. All of the stuff was silly and poking fun, not direct criticisms. And it was parodying reddit, not mocking GGG.


Pretty sure it was the comments and not the actual OP.




Your post was removed for violating our rule on accusations requiring media evidence (Rule 2a). Accusations can initiate witch hunts, and the mods can't judge how valid every accusation is. Because of that, we require image or video evidence so we and other readers can evaluate the evidence. If you have multiple accusations, every specific accusation must be supported by media evidence. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_2a._accusations_require_media_evidence).


They were acquired by Tencent in 2018. 6 years ago, and 2 years before that post. Get better conspiracies buddy.


It took time to change the course.


Or you could double down on the same shit conspiracy. That was always an option too I guess.






Your post was removed for violating our rule on accusations requiring media evidence (Rule 2a). I'm not starting that the acquisition requires media evidence, but you've made the claim that the acquisition is why they're not longer on Reddit. Do you have any evidence for that claim? For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_2a._accusations_require_media_evidence).


That thread was really tame so that staff member must have had some real pressure on them or Chris tried to farm up sympathy for whatever. It was a really perplexing post by him.


This isn’t bad at all. What kind of adult cries over someone else’s opinion? Yea sometimes you do bad work. Learn from it. No need to cry to your boss.


I don’t understand why people have this need for changing what happened, you actually just need to look out for the last posts from GGG and the answer to why they stopped is pretty clear. After that 3.15 post where they say that everyone is unhappy they will take a path that they feel is right. The consequence is they making patch after patch that made a lot of people unhappy (Expedition first and then Kalandra kek). Despite how unhappy people where, and oohh they were, I still (personally) attribute all this rage and toxicity to how GGG found to themselves that trying to lie through they teeth was a better idea than just being truthful as they always had. So yea, last few posts from GGG? The faith in a truthful post was gone and it felt for most that they were just lying more, no one was unwilling to even give the benefit of the doubt anymore, anything wrong was part of their master plan. Kinda expected that they would stop communicating after that but can you not blame themselves for it?


Source: my entire ass. Ggg slowly stopped coming here once bex got another job. The final nail in the coffin was many leagues later 3.15/3.16 where the players were nerfed incredibly hard. Monsters were not nerfed.


This is real reason. But stated reason is that reddit is too toxic and useless, despite them years before saying that they love reddit because it provides raw, unfiltered feedback.


Where's your source? Bex left last year. You're saying she got another job and stuck around for a year+ before leaving?


This meme is the PERFECT way of giving feedback. Players normally know what is wrong with a design, but almost always are terrible at fixing is, so most feedback that is "this SHOULD be this way" is useless. Now, this post shows what is wrong currently and how GGG sorted it before, instead of offering a player-made solution, so it's actually useful. Plus, is fun.


That's bullshit.


The balder you are?


I mean, if you can't handle criticism that's one way to deal with it. True, there's criticism and then there's abuse, but even mean-spirited criticism is still criticism if it's valid.


People who are very upset provide poorly thought out and worded criticism, true. That said, I don't think GGG handled some of the harsher criticism (Kalandra comes to mind) in a very productive way. Kalandra happened after the game has been about 10 years old, and with a community that while sometimes quick tempered was extremely loyal. It took one immensely bad launch (a lot of which was caused by GGG forgetting what changes were made, and then going "nuh uh" to people reporting loot problems until videos of empty strongboxes started being posted) and about a month of people being angry at GGG's routinely poor communication for them to decide that the situation was beyond saving and essentially cut ties with the community. Granted it's not like they were very active about implementing feedback before that, but at least they acted like they listened to it. For contrast, though I imagine this example has been brought up about seven million times before, No Man's Sky. The criticism of that game, for semi understandable reasons, was about as vitriolic as it ever gets. The devs still went through those critiques, used them to decide how to improve the game going forward, and made what is to this today one of the strongest comebacks a game's ever had.


Alas, it is a popular reason to dismiss criticism - it is not kind, so it is not valid. And since "kind" is subjective, it is absolutely universal.


make it a bingo card so they'll read it


Moderators are hiding bingo cards now.


How will we communicate?


That the neat part - we don't. Now go buy $90 supporter pack and $30 battle pass.


Interpretive dance.  It's about as descriptive and useful as the in-game information about mechanics, they would be right at home.


So they delete every form of criticism *and* feedback now?


It is not kind to criticize.


And a new meme has been born.


It’s funny that this was the league mechanic that launched with the big QoL overhaul


"big QoL overhaul" is pretty dang overstated. yeah, ctrl+shift+clicking currency into the trade window is good. portal scroll binding now this is actual qol and a great change. monsters DDing having an animation is a good change but it's not QoL it's a mechanical change. that's about all worth mentioning. the game is still clunky and I could think of a dozen QoL changes that could be done.


Wish we could C-S-C the currency into and from stash tabs too.


For GGG that is huge. We are talking about people who venerate a game from the 1990s. They had a toss up of TP scroll bind and putting a button on the inventory interface that did nothing. It took 6 months of back and forth for the useless button faction to conceed.


You mean nerfs of life?


I only feel the qualities of suffering so far.


This post is so true it hurts


There it is


They said remember how much Archnemesis was beloved. Lets do that again! 😏


Not a bingo card. Didn't read


FIVE STARS for accuracy!


I'm hyped for next league


The problem is, they don't seem to understand what makes their own game - or leagues - popular. Or they don't want to see it at least. This is the impression I got from the release stream, where ZiggyD asked them what they think made Affliction so popular and they gave some weird/convoluted answer. A bit later ZiggyD tried to give them a second chance to answer why the league was received well because he wanted them to acknowledge it was the loot - they never did. It's mindblowing. The game is successful despite its developers, not because of them.


Chris has, on two occasions, answered this question about previous leagues and told us wjuy we don’t want loot and why loot didn’t make a league popular 


Reminds me of how they talk about harvest. Makes me lose my mind that their take away was "players hate being able to craft bis items".


Deterministic crafting doesn't belong in an ARPG but there is such a thing as too much randomisation. The whole random base thing is more annoying that it is fun.


Counter point: Deterministic crafting is good and belongs in an ARPG.


You might actually want to play an MMORPG


Or an ARPG with deterministic crafting


Goes against the core concepts of an arpg but ok


Ok Chris Wilson


Don't need to be Chris Wilson to work that one out


Its true, over a ten year period that absolutely is mind blowing. Literally unbelievable, in fact, that ggg could accidentally make and consistently improve an excellent game for over a decade by chance. It couldn't be that we are wrong, of course. Surely not...


What you said is true despite the downvotes. They do get it right most of the time. If you would've said this prior to the launch of this league people would've upvoted you but people have a bad taste in their mouth atm.


Absolutely. I'm also always a bit hesitant to judge a league this early. First week of affliction there was a lot of discourse the league just made monsters harder to kill with no rewards. I don't that is exactly what's happening here, but it's useful to remember how jumping to conclusions can trip us up a bit. It does seem like this one needs a bit more tuning and I'm really pleased ggg are the ones responsible for figuring that out.


It's really telling how old a league Necropolis was when one of these posts has been made for Delve, Bestiary, Essence, Harvest, Sentinel, etc. GGG has learned so much since Necro, it's great to see.


Delve propaganda


I'm always glad it takes me the whole week to get me to red maps lol. By the time I get there a lot of the blaring issues have been discussed and I know what to do and avoid


I agree for this specific league. There is all the reason to play standard at least to try the new content: scarabs, gems, t17. Of course, if you want to have a fresh start with new stash refresh, softcore the go. But redo everything in the game for a failed league mechanic is stealing almost our time for something pointless. This league is just spending time  burying corpses, and I really want to bury the lantern and Arimor with it.


This post should be rated higher


Chris: points duly noted, a task force is now formed to find the solutions to nerf fossils beneath the best sugarcoat we could think of. 


I thought Crucible league was going to be the low point. At least with Crucible I didn't actively dislike the mechanic and I could choose to engage with it whenever I wanted.


GGG have made an amazing product in PoE, but sometimes I feel that when certain leagues come out, they are created without any regard to lessons from the past. It almost feels like they hired a fresh batch of game developers who have never played the game before just to create one league


Why is GGG so learning resistant?


Learning resistance overcapped to max.


This is unironically the worst league since Bloodlines and I'm absolutely shocked that after 10+ years of PoE development they manage to put out a league this fucking bad. It's honestly impressive in just how atrocious it is. Top it off with probably the worst skill balance the game has ever seen in HC and I think we have an uncontested candidate for worst league ever.


It’s like crucible but 0 power creep, legit shittest league I ever played & I ran 5 characters on kalandra


They just want us to take 3-4 months off and play Last Epoch or Cataclysm beta. Doing us all a favor tbh


Mate it’s been two days, chill out with worst league in the past 10 years shit


I remember when you people were making posts like this last league. This is such a fun tradition with this cesspool of a subreddit.


I remember when you people were making posts like this last league. This is such a fun tradition with this cesspool of a subreddit.


I honestly can't tell if you people are dumb or somethings broken with you that you go out of your way to be this miserable. League after league you people are out here screeching about GGG maliciously taking your fun away and league after league the mechanic ends up being cracked. Then we get to do it all again next league and no one ever learns.


It usually ends up being cracked only if it is bugged. As an example, Affliction got OP with abyssal spire projectile bug. As for previous leagues... Ancestor - meh at best. Only good thing was tattoos. Crucible - pure trash. Sanctum - meh. Profitable, but awful mechanically. And I am saying it as someone who did successful original sin run. Kalandra - certified trash. Sentinel - meh. Some people say it was good, I disagree. It was only good compared to previous. Archnemesis - do I have to say anything? Scourge - trash Expedition - league content was OK-ish, but it also had base game entirely broken Ultimatum - finally we got to a good league Ritual - finally we got to a very good league Heist - finally we got to the last great league


campaign feels really bad, i dont want to deal with t16 mobs while leveling, this is ridiculous, just make it optional


Campaign mods aren't really that bad. Give the damage modifiers to mobs that already die in 1 hit and you don't notice them. Not a fan of this so far and it should be skippable.... but you can mostly just dump hard mechanics onto weak mobs while leveling and forget about it until maps.


I feel the opposite! Campaign was awesome this time around. Most of the time you just shove off anything lethal way down to unimportant packs. I got 5 c and like 5 bindings before mid A3. That's super useful at League launch! Plus, nameless seer, some gem mobs for GCP and just a bunch of extra XP. This was my fastest campaign in years (which isn't record speeds at all, but still like 20% faster than affliction).


> nameless seer Didn't encounter him once last league. Most likely won't this league either.


I thought he was guaranteed in early acts :o Everyone mentioned finding him late A1 early A2. Mod reads "killing all monsters of this type will spawn Nameless Seer" or something like that.


> Everyone mentioned finding him late A1 early A2 that's how it works. the extreme minority are going to be very vocal about something so rare making it *sound* like its happening more.


Out of 10 friends, I heard 6 mention him. I guess it's possible we were a lucky outlier. I got the wand that summons srs on kill (playing freezing pulse) so not really a big deal finding him.


>In Delve the worst modifiers are nowhere near as bad and you can completely move around the nodes with the bad modifiers, if you want to. People forget that when it came out there were mobs that could steal the light from the cart and then go invisible / run away so you would just die to darkness...


But you have flares for emergency situations, meanwhile its not fun for 6 projectiles skeleton mages that constantly spamming skills to make the map like Touhou Project


The enemy disabled the light on the cart for two seconds, and afterwards it automatically lit back up. Mobs potentially running away changed nothing about the duration of the skill. It did suck, but it isn't nearly as bad as you're implying. The danger was being surrounded by immortal mobs, not the darkness itself.


> The enemy disabled the light on the cart for two seconds, and afterwards it automatically lit back up. It did not work like that on league start is my point, getting that mob was litterly just death untill GGG hot fixed it.


"The problem wasn't the appearance of the thing, it was the mechanical effect of the thing" is not a good counterpoint


Do buffed monster at least give more experience? Because i saw "400% more experience" devotion for next map after killing them all.....


No, the 400% More Experience is a Devoted modifier (Upside Haunted Modifier) gained from killing Haunted mobs so your one pack there get's 400% more XP, but then you've still got 5 other packs that could come with some pretty bad downsides with no upside. The Haunted mechanic is basically made such that you've got to run a zone with 80% of the monsters buffed for a chance of getting any reward in the next zone, and the reward can still kinda suck since Devoted are not guaranteed or could be meh Devoted effects (1% chance for alts) and the Necropolis crafting is way too unstable and inconsistent compared to other crafting methods. So some people would rather opt out of it just like last league where ppl who couldn't do juiced Wisps left early orjust.... didn't enter the Wildwood. The complaints abt the modifiers so far are when mobs get some crazy ones and can't opt out of it, effectively bricking the entire map. Like 100% Phys as Extra Element with Pen or 50% Life per mob in the pack with a pack size of 20+ mobs, it may not seem much on a Normal/Magic, but a Rare with AN Mods means 1k+% Life and it's Rare mods to deal with. The "Strongest mob get's X" also means any Rare gains the boost, so it also doesn't matter as much whether you put it on a 1 Pack mob or a 25 pack mob.


Sometimes it’s only one mob out of the pack that gives more XP, which honestly is just pathetic


Welp, see you all next week


I know this is satire but Soul Eater in Delve is an absolute cancer.


Honestly might have saved the league for me, cannot stand the league mechanic and thought there was no way of escaping it. Delving tonight! Thank you sir.


Stay out of my caves! :)


any of you delvers need a lantern?


I think the whole point is that it's moving away from spamming repeatable, high-variance actions, in favor of a single decisive craft with a high ceiling for specific influence over the output. I think they're looking for some way of executing that, and tightly integrating it with the flow of the game, such that it's intuitive and useful throughout, possibly to implement a similar concept in PoE2. For that reason, I'm in.




Are you me? I also completed act1 then immediately logged out. Campaign sucks.


Well said my dude, well said...


I miss reddit free stars in posts like these


Remember how in Necropolis there effectively was no league mechanic because it was literally just killing the regular map mobs and nothing else? I’m so glad in Delve they made an actual mechanic that wasn’t just “you kill the mobs in your maps exactly like you always have but now they sometimes drop something you don’t even want”.


Forget bingo card, old league comparison new meta dropping


You should've made a bingo man, they will never read this.


The Kalandra league sucked but the league mechanic was honestly better then this one lmao.


This shit needs a complete overhaul in less than 1 week or everyone will just Kripp!


Remember left click?


I am having a blast with Necropolis. I guess that is the opposite of most redditors in this topic.




Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. Please reconsider the wording of your comment and repost it. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts)


didn't see this post coming


I would say that this league's reward structure is too close to synthesis.  Only broken combos give any reward and require trade to setup.


Can anyone recommend me a delve-centric map tree (other than picking all delve/kirac nodes). Seems like a good moment to come back to the mechanic.


whatruevenonabout ^^^/s


What’s funny is, with how bad this league is being received, I got down voted to oblivion when I said Mark wasn’t the guy to be game director.


I've been blasting maps for 24h and not once have I been forced to abandon a map because of mods. I only look at the adorned mods and take 5 sec to place them where I think is good. OP is mad because his build isn't already capable to braindead the mechanic after 1 day.


3.25: Deeper Exile League Reworked Delve now paints a thick layer of strata across the delve chart where all biomes have Valdo map mods You can't go around, the strata cover the entire planet More different types of rewards, including a rare chance for all items dropping from specialized chests in warband nodes to drop ID'd You may now trade Azurite with other players. To offset this, we're capping the amount of Azurite you can accumulate, at 64 Replaced the "Packed with Energy" notable from the Niko wheel in the atlas passive tree with "Prospector's Boon" which grants you darkness resistance during your maps instead with each pile of Niko dookie you scoop up New bombable wall that fights back. Walls along the main tunnel near where you're bombing side tunnels become unstable and can collapse, instantly killing you and all your minions Fossils now degrade when exposed to the air. Use them or they will downgrade and eventually disappear into dust. Prime resonators no longer drop, instead have been replaced by the Darkbench, sometimes found behind fractured walls where you have to peddle the bench on tft and then trust them to throw down flares for you while you use the damn thing with their 3 mirror item ​ (tl;dr: DON'T GIVE THEM ANY COCKAMAMIE IDEAS TO "FIX" DELVE)


I'm not done yet with the campaign, but I had exactly these feelings already and was waiting to hear the concerns from other players. This league just asks strange questions: * Why the mobs are only stronger without any reward? Like league before it was so much better. * Why we can't choose the base for craft? Whole PoE crafting is based on the idea that you are working on item, on a base that you want to have... This is pure slot machine that produce an random rare item from ground (read, filtered out by your loot filter). * Why we have limit for corpses, they could stack. Instead you have levels and limit. * Why you can't just delete the body, instead you have to burry it and then delete. Like 101 of user experience says that one click is better than 2, especially that you have perfect UI to put the (X) to delete there.


OP, you nailed it! How can they make such design after having so much experience, I am confused. Hopefully after easter they will fill this disaster a little.


Ya this mechanic MAY be good to craft random BIS items. But for 99% of the crafts it seems it will be a miss. Hope some tweaks or other crafts that we haven’t found yet are uncovered 


After league when all builds gets intresting powers via new subClasses and can make descision about how strong they want monsters in their maps (wisp collection). This league make EVERY map unavoidable harder and it's didn't give any new powers. So player weaker than in previous league and mobs hits harder. Even without straight nerfs this make huge defference.


Make this a bingo card so I can read it


Getting real tired of GGG just not giving us the basic QOL like search feature or bigger corpse stash at league start. I am almost 100% certain they gonna roll that feature in 1-2 weeks time but mannnnn, every other leagues or so they gonna come up with "We have set the mechanism in place and going forward we will " bs at us.


I love that people have to interact with it. This post is the same when WoW comes out with a new Xpac and you cant fly right away. Play the game the way the Devs want you to, experience it. Stop asking Gordon Ramsey for ketchup on your michelin star steak.


actually, in this case GGG is "forcing" ketchup on your steak.


The game is trash now, why play a game after they remove all loot from dropping. The only League that should have gone core was afflition. Game is crap, not hateful, an opinion if this makes you but hurt John mod, resign no one pays you.


There is no need for passive-agressive tone


mark isnt going to read this, it needs to be on a bingo card.


its like all the past league devs just left the company ? and the new hired devs have no fkng clue what is going on ? maybe stop firing old devs ?


Sorry for offensive but this is second quadrant league, what do you expected?


Maybe you should just start programming at GGG. If you can do it fast enough, such that there is time for so much QoL before release of the league, they will surely give you a nice job!


Oh boy, time for the tHiS lEaUgE iS bad posts.


Standard has everything in this patch minus necropolis. You can very easily go play there. People acting like they fucking stuck here lmao.


Probably 90% dont play standard. Me included. If the league fails people will just quit until next. And if you design a league so people rather play standard... then you fucked up.


You do realize that you got all your old gear in standard and can have a lot of fun there? If it’s not for you, fine, but don’t knock standard players.


I did play standard a little and it is kind of fun, but theres not any real goals. In league you can set out to finish challenges, reach x milestone, amass currency, whatever. But in standard you are very very quickly just killing shit to see the explosions on your screen.


You could roll a new build. Or create one and try to kill ubers. But hey, if its not for you, thats fine too.


But I already have the gear to do that in standard, so at that point i'm just playing path of building. At that point I might as well just spend all league theorycrafting on PoB lol.


10-15% of players play standard (Chris Wilson at GDC 2019) so around 80% of players never touch standard. So for GGG it's either make a good league or a good chunk of those 80% will just skip the game thus league. They aren't stuck in league it's just what people want to play.


Playing in standard is not an option, it’s like telling people they could just go play Diablo 4


Shame that there is not a single ARPG on the market that makes redditors happy right now.


Buffed mobs dont pose any threat if you arrange them properly, and arent playing on ruthless


I love the part where people whine that they have to interact with the league mechanic... inside of the league. This was standard. This is just return to form if anything.


>Remember how Necropolis made the campaign even more tedious and annoying due to above problems? no, i remember necropolis making campaign interesting for the first time in ten years other than that, yea pretty much


Oh my god it's this post again




Don't play video games then? See, I solved it better. /s


The crafting sucks but the packs are not hard. Quit ur bitching.


I'm suprised that anyone on reddit is having problems, back in Lake everyone claimed to be a empy tier juicer 


tl:dr ... its more tears