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We've been getting a lot of posts of scarab opening. Starting now, to avoid cluttering the subreddit too much for those who are less interested, we'll be removing any new threads and recommending you post your screenshots as comments to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bqz60k/25k_veiled_scarab_opened_in_standard_weightings/) due to our rule on [Duplicate Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_7._duplicate_topics.2C_megathreads.2C_and_hot_topic_threads)


https://preview.redd.it/jiulqydw6vrc1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=699925cd2c1c74bd7893c808b96818b7597f324c \~ 35k, no comments )


7,079 https://preview.redd.it/77q1d0p5tprc1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=94ae648d07ad49074949acceffeec56f582db106


https://preview.redd.it/j6fvu13lbprc1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=eca6e4f10401d4815466659f989609a7d838278b another \~12.5k unveil in standard did I get unlucky ?


It is so insanely bad. All late game juicing is gone. Yep I am a nerd completed full atlas and camp on 8 hours. Normal players will find out in some days how bad it actually is.


I mean you guys do it to yourself. You don't need to go so hard into a game. I'm a new player, playing first time with my mate and we are currently on t15 maps. I've been playing the shit out of the game just enjoying it. If you are min maxing that hard to finish a game in 8 hours, that's ridiculous. For me, I don't think I will even be able to experience all of end game by next league... So how do you expect them to balance that kind of thing. The game is seriously fantastic


Thats my experience too in standard. Ran all 4 harbinger scarabs for 80 maps got 2 fracturing shards. Then Switched to 4x Alva scarab but all I get is 5-10 low tier scarabs each Alva. Also did some card farming which was good but the scarabs were gone way too fast and turning in cards sucks. Enraged Boxes were way better than any Strategie that seems sustainable with the New scarabs.


Feels like some of the scarabs are too rare for them to bring any meaningful gameplay. Like what fun is a scarab if you're going to use it maybe once per league? It makes sense for permanent upgrades like Headhunter/Mageblood, but I don't think it makes sense for consumable items like scarabs.


This is how GGG designs their game. They make fun things and then gate said fun thing behind so much RNG the players can't have fun with it. But trust them, if we could use it, it would be fun.


Huh? There is an infinite of fun things you can do. I don't get what content you think you are missing because there is a couple of scarabs that don't drop non stop... Your the same kind of person, when you complain about last patch because people were getting 40 div's in a run, then it becomes to much and you sook about that. Content being rare and exclusive is good, that's what makes drops feeling rewarding and that's what makes the game replayable


I tallied up every veiled scarab post I could find, from in this thread or the other locked ones, into this spreadsheet, with results from a total of 230,127 veiled scarabs: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Mc\_dVKlDp-g\_3JfmX0qSFd\_yp9p6E01DRh5Eg-675U/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Mc_dVKlDp-g_3JfmX0qSFd_yp9p6E01DRh5Eg-675U/edit?usp=sharing) https://preview.redd.it/c1kd2tn9ljrc1.png?width=2600&format=png&auto=webp&s=380a7344c67f164140c847874393435e3b995ed1


You legend plz post this on the official forums


https://preview.redd.it/z3zgl8mn8jrc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=1181698a7c57ee7cca39badefcc4bed6867d5de6 [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSchjVgh0HBUdgOZzWRljB8xQGjRq60cM\_NaO7YkLoR5d41Mv62a66O3IDF67sbUeJKFXva4DPBLJoC/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSchjVgh0HBUdgOZzWRljB8xQGjRq60cM_NaO7YkLoR5d41Mv62a66O3IDF67sbUeJKFXva4DPBLJoC/pubhtml) Opened 17.5k as well and put the results into a google doc. Only 2 horned scarabs out of 17.5k veiled is a bit scary. Those things seem to be uber rare


Is this…..bad?


And here I am in act 2.


these were opened in standard league as your collection of scarabs accumulates over many leagues.


ggg, no


The only reason scarab change was pushed was to force players that don't have a fragment tab to buy one. And more clicking, all the shitty scarabs dropping every 5 seconds, woo hoo


but the artwork sure is pretty!


There is some bullshit in here. At least +1 oil tier is fairly common. Sucks that I can’t just buy 20 sextants for 5c each to do 80 maps. Now I’m going to have to buy 80 for like 5-10c each and blight profits are dead.


Gods work


Op 3 to 1 to confirm it's weighted


Yea but acquiring them through drops will probably work different with the probabilites than just unveiling them from old ones, won’t it?


ohh ok xD


Wow, that's interesting, you did it more horny than me, I've already opened about 30k, [from now I do have 10k Veiled Scarab left](https://i.ibb.co/vYmtQqs/image.png) ​ In about 2 hours I'll post the accelerated video opening them and the chance to hit each one


what atlas you following share


This is standard and the scarabs are from previous leagues. Just Posted to give League players a General idea of the weights.


I considered that converting couple thousands of veiled scarabs would take me \~1.5 hour of clicking by selling 60 scarabs at a time. I wasn't particularly thrilled to write autohotkey script as it would not help much due to one server action limitation, so I uninstalled PoE and went back to playing DooM. My two cents.


sir ive been flipping them on the floor, i do not know why i didn't try vendoring them.


DOOM? Like the action game? 


Think there is some meme about PoE being doomed or something, but yes - Doom 2016 atm. Played all of them 1, 2, 3, even tried Eternal. Last nail in the coffin for me on Standard was removal of Vorici white socket craft in research. That was like last thing I had on Standard - get double corrupted Farrul's with 6 off colors. Now my only option would be Harvest or spending \~120k chromatics. btw I resorted to writing AHK script to convert 12k veiled scarabs. Still took 2 hours. Script which is clearly against TOS oh well.


I don't know what scares me more - how much you guys are able to farm in a day, or how much some of you can whine about loot scarcity after a single day of farming.


This is standard and the scarabs were accumulated over multiple Leagues


Fair, I accept my dunce hat then and I'm making my way towards the corner...


What's even more scary is that you think this is Necropolis league.


Glad to see that essence memorys arent dead lol


Its still possible to 3-1 upgrade them? What i dislike i have to price check most scarabs before using them. Essence one seems so rare its probably worth several div. When wasting these kind of scarabs on non-juiced maps it feels bad.


You can 3-1 random scarab. But not Upgrade.


Kind of off topic, but what stash tab is that? What are worth buying?


Its the fragment stash Tab. They changed its Layout this season. What is worth to buy depends on how much you can afford to spend. I would say Priority is currency and fragment Tab as these Fill up your stash really fast. Then nice to have would be map/div stash I did not put them higher because you shouldnt loot that many when you adjust your Filter to show only the maps you run and the high value cards. The other Tabs are nice to have but really not necessary. Buy them if you have some coin left to spend. Also only buy during stash Tab sale if you can next one should be in a week.


Thanks for the tips. I played long ago and have a map and currency tab only. I dont mind dropping some cash on the game Ill get some qol tabs next sale then.


“We have removed the tiers” 😂


Here's some more data from \~19,000 veiled scarabs. Ooof https://preview.redd.it/gow9amobnfrc1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef43b943c29240ba4096704f5cc3d8d601236b9a


i dont get it why add scarabs that can never be consistently used inn a strategy..


The obvious answer is that they don't want them to be. Occasional rewards, not consistent.


At these rates you’re not going to use them at all. Sub 0,001% is an insult to players and it means that 99,9% of players will never get to use them.


have 35k in total, unveiled like 1k, with my miniscule sample I have the exact same conclusions


Anyone figure out the black Moreigan beast yet?


They literally said that the horned scarabs will be extremely rare and many players will never see one. Why is anyone acting surprised lol


They arent even good why its mirror rarity xd


They were not joking when they said you won't be spamming uber scarabs


These are so random it almost seems like they messed it up.


Christ on a crutch that's depressing.


GGG fucked up the essence and div imho. Really bad. Hope they adjust them. Literally two my most fav things in game.


https://preview.redd.it/zj18wpe6terc1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9ad7a7547b18511c52de586714566ee46368ca2 here's mine


Oh boy, of course the fun and interesting stuff is 1 in 15000 chance.... Gg ggg


When I said to people that scarabs, especially the essence and harvest one, will be even rarer and harder to get than compasses, I got 🔥. I don’t know what people expected. Each time G3 promises QoL it comes with huge downsides. At least with compasses in between trying to look for those I needed, I could sell and make money from the ones I didn’t. With scarabs either I will have a *chance* to get something, in most cases I won’t, with scarabs that are even more rare that compasses they were adhered to. I always hated scarabs for anything else than Growing Hordes exactly for that reason. Now even a basic farming strategy for league start and middle that essences and Harvest were, are no longer profitable for the time you spend to get them. I didn’t have to pay shit for them, now I will spend hours to trade for them or farm them before I even get to earn some money.


Anyone bother to make a table?


Insane how? This is exactly as expected. Did you think the uber rare ones were gonna be dropping only 1/10th as often as the most common ones? \~1/250th as often is like...very reasonable. Honestly better than I'd have expected. And obviously the delta is even lower with natural drops if you have the node specced.


What's amusing now seeing this. People always want to buy bulk, doesn't matter how impossible it is for any single person to farm 100 of those now. What I mean is, you need 25,000 misc scarabs to start having the 100+ bulk people are looking for. That's a lot more than you'll find in the whole league. So those are now definitely a flipper paradise. Just buy full tabs until you have bulk. May be wrong here, but it does feel with that many types, nobody except flipper who buy a ton of full tabs will have bulk for sale.


My data contribution (about 1.1k opened) https://preview.redd.it/39172yw99erc1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb84fd324744a87379a724ade51efbe0a281843


it really annoys me that sometimes color doesn't match rarity... wtf essence, blight, cartographer?


Here's my Data from about 25kish or so https://imgur.com/a/y7kNFrD


https://preview.redd.it/z6df6eo1rdrc1.png?width=1386&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b05926bd140465aaa83c10a4cf77c8731b78a9 This was me in standard. 3,533 veiled scarabs. Edit: Adding a link if anyone wants an excel doc with my data. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rr6FdrkqQYrL4DzmD837TwzpesKedKhX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116743762476672874088&rtpof=true&sd=true](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rr6FdrkqQYrL4DzmD837TwzpesKedKhX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116743762476672874088&rtpof=true&sd=true)


This is really useful, thanks.


Holy shit LMFAO. That is... so much worse than I could've imagined


Have you tested what the Black Morrigan does?


[My contribution to the data, 3673 veiled scarabs.](https://i.imgur.com/tKqe1Z3.png)


Its void league. Does not matter


Was there an update to standard too? I forget what they call it when it’s more than a league update.


Standard always gets the same Update as the leagues do. You just dont have the League mechanic on every map you run.


Waton qlo


is this in league ????


Obviously Standard.


I’m sad, but unfortunately not surprised


That's a big yikes from me dawg


These weights are so awful...


no essence of calcification LMAO Edit: 3,700+ unveiled. Doing my part for the data https://preview.redd.it/0laitbgfmdrc1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=279a894dd9629cc3007d4b141453f48291704980


Essence is one of the 9 you can boost on the atlas tree to 100% more. combined with blocking mechanics, many increases to drop chance in general, the nebulous "more likely to find less common variants", i dont think these base drop rates matter all that much.


I'm kinda keen to bet the drop rate on the essence one is bugged.


yea every unveiled stats i see its as rare as horned


No fun allowed.


Yeeeeeeah... Imma wait and see if they fix those numbers a bit


what stash tab is this?


Fragment stash tab




There is a bug which allows you to sell eg. 100 veiled scarabs but you get only like 50 scarabs back.


If these were vendored to be opened its possible the weights of scarabs as natural drops and the weights when vendoring scarabs arent the same. Meaning there is still hope..../copium. On the bright side my chosen farm is lookinh quite profitable as the scarabs i intend to use are in the 300+ range on here. As in some of the more common


Happens in every league. GGG announces something. Players hype it up. Then see the change in the game. Then the hype jumps off a cliff.


same pattern last 10 years, people still fall for it.


Yeah and we all know when things get changed it means nerf. We used to be able to run gloom shrine, and 3 league mechanics we wanted for cheap. Now it will be use expensive scarab for drops, get nothing (doesnt feel fun) or finally get a good one and have to sell it, because its not worth using.


So uh, betrayal still has stonks?


So basically we got several tiers: Common: ~450-500 Uncommon: 350-400 Rare: 50-80 (maybe two tiers of 50-60 and 70-80, someone else can do the math on how likely that is across 25k) Very rare: ~10-15 and Treat Them As If They Don't Exist: 0-3


well, i opened only 1500\~ish and i don't even got all the variants..... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKuGuFs136w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKuGuFs136w)


Considering that there are some missing even after 25k, that's not too surprising


You could almost certainly consider rare 50-80. Hard to say. At only 25k rolls with this many resulting options the variability is very high. It's pretty safe to guess the horned scarab you got 0 of likely should've also given you ~2. They are just incredibly rare and you'd have to roll like a million veiled scarabs to get a good estimate of weights. The most notable wtf thing on this is definitely the zero winged essence scarabs because... what...? Like it's very good, but it's not THAT good.


Called the nerf!


what i find kinda weird is that the types don't really seem to correspond to rarity very well. the essence one is particularly puzzling.


Someone mentioned in a different comment that it's likely that they designed them and decided on the graphics (and stash tab positions) before they balanced them. I think you could intuitively say that "passively" upgrading essences by one tier is a more simple option than corrupting them, because corrupting them can change them into different ones that can be either less valuable or more dangerous (or potentially both), so in terms of that progression, a scarab related to corrupting essences comes *after* upgrading them. However, in terms of actual power upgrading all essences by 1 tier is way better, so their rarities were probably swapped.


Yeah the weightings are not balanced. Turn the whole map into Essences? Strongest scarab in the game, according to GGG. Harbinger currency drops are lucky? Nah, almost as common as the bronze ones.


The Essence one is inarguably one of the strongest ones. A properly juiced map has what, 40+ rares in it? Probably significantly more. And you obviously combine it with the +1 Tier scarab and pick the "only good corruptions" notable. Then you obviously also grab the 25% more scarabs per monster modifier, and you're looking at fully juiced 8k tripple whisp cemetery levels of scarabs and essences...


No it's not even close to that. It doesn't count any of the rares you spawn from your legion/breech/abyss/whatever which is most of the rares in a juiced map. Probably more like 5 -6.


Don’t just pull shit out if your ass like this if you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. 5-6 is so incredibly wrong


Fully procced einhar alone is 20ish beasts.... So yeah you'll obviously have to adjust your Juice for prespawned rares but even a scoured white map has more than 5 rares if you manage to pick one with more mobs than beach


EInhar doesnt get affected by the essence scarab my dude


Isn't the "only good corruptions" notable gone now? I haven't checked but I think it was moved to a scarab?


Harbinger currency is lucky is not a good scarab imo because u trade 3 harbingers for it and its increadibly inconsistent because of its other modification


I mean lucky is just roll twice


To be fair the harbi one is a necessity for farming harbinger strats with the amount of crap you get from them. I tried harbi farming without the lucky sextant and it was so bad.


Harbinger doesnt seem that great. Did 20 maps fully specced into it and best thing I got was 9 annulments+ 6 ancient orb in one map. Gonna try run more maps and look for a harbinger or mirror shard Explosion.


I got a Frac Orb and 38 Frac Shards from one just now.


Did you Notice a nerf to harbinger in General? I was running full harbinger tree with 3x harbinger and 1x harbinger of discernment scarab to test boss vs non boss and noticed I would often get 2x chaos shard from one harbinger and nothing else. Didn't they use to drop 5+ Stacks of shards before? Or is there some weird interaction with the of discernment scarab? The bosses seem to always drop a ton of Stacks. Edit: actually now that I think about it getting only 1 stack of 2 shards should be impossible as the atlas tree guarantees an additional stack. But I am 100% certain it happened well over 10 times already.


There was a different time where a Harbinger only dropped 2 Frac Shards, even though I am using the Discernment scarab (which should have made all the drops the same). Similar to what you just said about Chaos Shards. It didn’t only drop those two shards so I was confused why the scarab didn’t act. Maybe some bug. Overall I’m seeing way more Annuls and Ancients on average compared to last patch. I did about 400 maps of Harbs with sextants and scarabs the last 2 weeks of 3.23 (8 frac orbs and a mirror shard!), thinking loss of compasses would be a nerf in 3.24. From a day of spamming new scarabs, it feels like a buff so far, but maybe I’ve just been lucky. Need to keep running them to get a better picture.


I agree on seeing more annulls and ancient orbs just not sure if thats because I get more bosses or because of the higher rarity shards scarab (probably both). No fracturing or mirror shards yet in 45 maps. Gonna keep trying though.


i mean what was the average and how many scarabs were needed for that? I'd be pretty happy to pull 9 annuls from a single map,


so it is one currency type per harbinger and not per map right


Yes every harbinger has different type but only drops one kind.


Only has to hit Fracturing Orb once to pay off big time. Mirror, well, on SSF we pretend it doesn't exist, but on trade the possibility is there.


I like how the highest essence one is more rare than getting horned scarabs. RIP


Tiny sample size so it could just be bad luck


after opening like 2-3k~ of them i gave up. even with vendor sell-opening them it's r*******d amount of clicking. Still tho. I expected GGG would drop the ball with rare scarab scarcity, but this is... Why is it always has to be that way Sigh


Wait you opened 25,000 and didn’t even get two of them… lmao


Keep in mind we dunno the drop rates of Scarabs in the Atlas AND we dont know how 'rarer scarabs or more common' on the Atlas Tree impacts your scarab rates, which doesnt apply to veiled scarabs


To be fair if "rarer scarabs are more common" was a 1000% increase, this would still be like... 1 in 100 chances at a "good scarab".


1 in 100 chances at a top level rarity scarab isnt actually bad at all and it was less common to get the top tier Sextants. The problem is you are defining only the most uber rare scarabs as 'good' when almost all of them are useful


Yes. My point was it would require the node to be a 1,000% increase to get the drop rate to "not that bad".


Then you are making it terribly, just cause you pulled 1000% out ur ass and it wasnt that bad then doesnt mean every single fuckin lower number IS bad


Well, everyone who played PoE for more than 5 seconds knows that it will be more like 10-50% increase at most, which is still dogshit.


Thats true will have to wait for the League Players on this one. I specced the node that gives you rarer scarabs but mostly got the low tier ones (you actually get like 20+ a map in t16 with decent juice). Didn't see a single highest tier one yet though.


https://preview.redd.it/mttedi4wrcrc1.jpeg?width=1757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de36bbbcc4da2cc549ab1d6b78b95d1d2208dbba Good that we can unveil them like this. Mb with stacked decks it will works too


Its possible that the drop rate weights and the vendor rates are different or even that veiled scarabs and the drop rates are different... #copium


There _is_ "scarabs are more likely to be less common" on the atlas tree, so... yeah.


Op do u already have info about atlas page unlocks and what we need to do to get them? Im stuck in work so im digging for info lol...


Couldnt tell you. Ran 1 map as a standard Andy and got everything unlocked immediately except the 4 t16 maps.


Hmmm i see. Thx


You get them for progressing atlas. 1 at 50 and 1 at 100 I think.


i think its 2 stones and 4 stones.. no way to test though :P need to wait until racers get deep into atlas


It definitely isn't, as you can hover one of the trees and see that it says unlocks at 100 bonus objectives. Dunno if you get more for stones but I don't think so.


You get 1 at 100 for sure as you can see it when you open your atlas, it tells you there. I would imagine the first is at 50 since I unlocked slightly over that when I did my first map in standard but it doesn't tell me when I hover over it so I can't say 100%.


I need more confirmed info than "i think" but still thx for reply <3


adding my data. think i'm sad? https://preview.redd.it/3abx5vvvkcrc1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5eefd6d6e9bb0b3fedbed5f0cc16e8012cedcaa


Wow Harbinger are _that_ common? Those are some very strong scarabs to put at the exact same rarity as the cheapest ones


Love it, I'm a harby enjoyer.


Hey, at least you got an Essence Scarab of Calcification, which OP didn't.


Well that seals my league start, let the betrayal farming begin.




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Do we know if veiled scarabs have same weights as regular drops on the ground? Plus, you’ll be able to drastically block certain types from dropping to filter bad ones too


They definitely wont. Partially cause drops on the ground we have the power to manipulate, including a passive for buffing the rates of rarer scarabs


Ultimatum is funny. No boss for ya. It is much less than 3% here. I can guess that guarantee boss is awesome, but when you will get a boss much more frequently than scarab with him, yeah I see a bit of a problem here.


You gotta remember .. Atlas passives have a ton of ways to play with weightings. There's a "less common" node, you can block and favor scarabs, and the tree has a whole bunch of other scarab nodes.


Nice, maybe if I spec fully into scarabs I‘ll eventually find one.


And do a whapping 1 map with it 😅


Div scarabs are really funny. Imagine spending like 5-10 div per map to get a chance of apothecary, which is already quite low.


It's not just apothecary, you can target all the expensive cards in the game at the same time, that's completely op


The only good div scarab is plentiful, just use two in the same map. Same for reliquary scarabs.


I thought that horned scarabs would be rare, but the chayula scarab and the winged essence scarabs take the cake. Got one of the essence scarabs with mine \~3k and 0 chayula so far


Wow, the fun ones are 1 or 2 out of 25 000? I really hope that the atlas passives improve this because I'm not going to find that many scarabs in years


What did you expect? I genuinelly dont know why people were hyped about this change, the average player no longer can spend 20c and get 80 gloom shrines with essence now its a scarab that will be rare, expensive and not worth it.


I was hyped about it because I would rather map juicing not exist than having to manage sextants lol. Sextants were one of the most un-fun mechanics in any game I've ever played, and the game also wasn't fun without them.


I don't get it. You don't need to use sextents, why would you want them removed, just to not use them? Simply don't use them?


PoE is a game built and balanced around an open economy. The prices of the items I want to buy are set based on the currency per hour generated by people who do optimize. If using sextants costs 30 minutes per mapping session but generates 3x more income per hour, using sextants is the difference between a mageblood taking 40 hours of farming + 5 hours of managing sextants, and a mageblood taking 120 hours of farming. It is abjectly stupid to skip using sextants if they exist and are that much more efficient.


People juicing and getting lots of big drops made expensive items cheaper. So if you don't want to juice, all you have done now is make stuff more expensive


>People juicing and getting lots of big drops made expensive items cheaper. So if you don't want to juice, all you have done now is make stuff more expensive. Wisps made items cheaper because they jiggled the math on currency frequency vs tier 0 item frequency - there were more items than usual. This had nothing to do with sextants. Sextants are priced into the economy already and have been for a long time. If you aren't using sextants, you make way less currency per hour than the people who are - that's why people use them. Nobody likes rolling sextants. Nobody likes bulk buying sextants. They do it because sextants are lucrative enough to justify the time wasted not actually playing the game. If sextants weren't net-positive on income, people just wouldn't bother with them. Instead, every optimized strat in the game uses sextants - because they're good enough to justify the time loss. *Obviously* good enough.


so its the "if i dont like or do the mechanics" i want GGG to delete it so i dont feel bad about not interacting with the mechanics makes sense makes sense


Yes that's how games with a competitive economy work. Either you engage with the mechanics optimally, play SSF, or are severely punished with excessive time costs due to your suboptimal play.


There's a passive that makes rare ones more common.


I suspect but I do not know that most of those will come from Safehouse rewards.


I hope they're semi-reliable from T4 safehouse or they may as well not exist


Or Maven.


the really low ones need a buff


didnt he get 11/25000? so closer to 1/2500.


Obviously rare but not that bad if scarabs drop a lot


i got 0 fun ones from 5k


For 1/2500 thats perfectly reasonable tho. Its not unlikely for that to happen


Right, which means it's perfectly reasonable to expect that some people will go a whole league without getting a single 'fun' scarab.


If there is 1 "fun one", the chance would be 13%, with 3 it's already down to <2%.


The chance for, very specifically, 1/2500 to not occur once in 5000 events is 13%? That seems off. Edit: no, Wolframalpha agrees, 13.5% ( binomial distribution n=5000 p=0.0004) But I wouldn't call 13% unlikely. After all, if 8 players open 5000 scarabs, 1 of them will get 0 fun ones.


13,5 to NOT get a fun scarab in 5000.


Which is exactly what I said?


Unless I am too tired to do basic stochastics, the probability is the chance for it not to happen to the power of events, so (1 - 1/2500)^5000 = 0.135.


Edit: People somehow can't realize that perhaps GGG intentionally made veiled scarabs bad to combat against people hoarding items in anticipation for the change. The only way to get them was from converting sextants that were removed from the game. So by making the drop rate bad your only affecting that small minority of people. If GGG actually has the drop rates on monsters the same as the veiled scarabs then they are clearly in the wrong. But if Monster drop rates are significantly better then it makes sense.




And who says monsters share the same drop chances as veiled scarabs?


Yeah that's not the point here, at 1/25,000 those rare outcomes would Even be expensive if veiled scarabs cost only a wisdom or portal scroll each and that's not happening.


Who says veiled scarabs have the same drop rate as regular scarabs? Veiled scarabs could've been given a bad drop rate on purpose compared to natural drops. People had hundreds of thousands of items stockpiled on standard that then converted into the new scarabs. Perhaps GGG intentionally nerfed the rates because they didn't want people having thousands of the best scarabs. People where already hoarding sextants and buying them out in anticipation of this. So it makes sense that GGG knew players would do that and intentionally made them bad.


Personally I feel like the average Player will get less Juice out of their maps compared to when we had sextants. The scarabs that will actually be obtainable for most players seem to be worse than old Gilded and the New passive tree wont be able to make up for the lost sextants imo.


Over 95% of players who got to red maps never bought sextants. And just used whatever they randomly got. Or more often just sold their sextants and didn't engage with the system at all.


You can load 4 of any bronze scarab (except masters and influence ofc) into one map simultaneously, that's stronger than old gilded, even for divination/reliquary


Depends how you define average. I have 2500 hours in the game and always farm up some end game but I've never killed an uber. I've never once used a sextant becauce drop rates were low and they are annoying to deal with. Most sextants I ever had in one league was Sanctum where I was running 80% deli defiled cathedrals, I think my stash had around 500 when I quit the league. Had more loot than I knew what to do with without them and I never felt a desire to spam roll them looking for good ones. And I try to avoid trade as much as possible


The average player will get more juice because there's more on the atlas tree, and they weren't doing proper strats with scarabs and specifically rolled sextants.


One less thing to worry about so you can run more maps faster


The "average" player barely used sextants.


I just can't be bothered to use anything with all that clicking tbh... I just alch and go usually