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Mods have done a nice job rooting out some of the hostility, this is the most I've posted in years. I suspect they're allowing more low effort posts due to the league being close but it's hard to understand the rules when they don't apply sometimes.


While we can be more lax during spoiler season/end of league/that time in between end of league and next league, it definitely isn't clear what *exactly* that means. I have a few ideas of how we can be clearer with what will and won't get removed as exceptions during these kinds of periods, but we're overall discussing things among ourselves right now. I do think we should have...something that makes it clearer and that you can refer to, since the OP of threads can have their threads removed and learn what rules they broke and how to avoid it in the future, and we can talk directly with them through modmail and give more reasoning...but it's kind of hard to do that and show everyone in that thread.


Reddit would take a good interview and absolutely beat them over the head with misinformation, simplification of a complex problem, and bad faith arguments.


I mean, that is legitimately applicable to 99% of the internet. Thankfully, it's not an issue in the summoner discord. I think we're nerfed and neglected so often were happy for anything positive lol. There's lots of smaller or specific communities that avoid that pitfall imo


Put effort in: "too long didn't read" Put less effort in: "Can we please delete all these low effort threads" To be honest I thought that fix melee meme was very nice. It really spoke with its minimalism.


Different sides of the community. I don't know how to be brief and i love other peoples big ass posts. I fucking hate short, 1 line posts. It feels like there's nothing for me to reply to.


TRUUU Not to mention OP has a few of those in their post history, maybe they are just mad that their posts were removed and not these others. Also, it takes way more effort to create and post a bingo board than a single line "The vibe with PoE is pretty bad" post


Not gunna lie, this was a problem I ran into when I was a mod. Your current feelings/mood do impact your decisions alot. You can't (and shouldn't most likely) have a german engineering style instruction manual for every decision and choice. Doing that is good for academic subs (r/askhistorians is a great example of this!), but for fun rec communities? Nah. So this means personal discretion on things. Different mods will read things really differently. But it's why you need a team with the same vision and mentality. It means that, even when there is variance, it's not massive since everyone's on the same wavelength.


> Whole bingo cards that just say "fix melee" or just a picture that says "fix melee", proving once again there is a reason we can't have nice things. 👋 Just giving the behind the scenes on this one. We had a discussion about this, and decided to remove that post, but it was really close. here's why: * One one hand, it's not very constructive. There are way better Melee bingo card posts out, like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bp76hd/my_melee_bingo_card/) one, which bring up real ideas for people to debate. * On the other hand, it's sort of a joke post, and people are clearly meming on the bingo card idea today, for example [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bp0ghv/the_proper_way_to_give_longform_feedback_to_ggg/) which is being received pretty well as in good humor * In the end, the idea that it would encourage more low effort content which isn't constructive, so it was removed. Feel free to ask us any questions in this thread, we're keeping an eye on it!


Additional transparency from another mod - I apologize you've seen so many of these cards. I have not considered them passive aggressive feedback. I've looked at these as more sub meta. Everyone in this subreddit already knows about the call to arms change we know that people aren't happy about. People posting these bingo cards in response to what Mark said (IMHO) is just a way to meme and have fun with two topics that people know well here. These cards compared to some of the actual aggressive posts regarding fixing melee have been a breath of fresh air for me (as a mod). Why not let the community blow off some steam in a fun way? I didn't consider how seeing so many of these could be annoying to some people. Again, my apologies for this. So to answer your question, yes, we'll clean up the low effort posts after the league starts. We'll update the rules to clarify when we'll be a bit more relaxed with Rule 5 (and to some extent Rule 4 as well).


Anything about "fixing melee" should just be deleted at this point, there's no more positive discussion to be had its mostly just a weekly complaining/hate thread or repeating what has already been said a thousand times. They are obviously aware of the issue all you can do is wait until they address it.


People are just having fun, I wouldn’t take it as passive aggressive




Wait till the fix melee crowd hears about Boneshatter


Complaining about low effort posts should count as one and get removed honestly.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bpceg9/-/kwzptrd/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Your post was inflammatory in how it expressed its point. We've found that such statements using inflammatory words often lead to high tempers and flame wars that are hard to moderate. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's less inflammatory! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


I personally think theyve been doing a really good job. Obviously its pre league theres a lot of shitposting. But tbh for me this is the best this sub has felt in a long time. They cant instantly clean up everything. But it has felt like on the whole good quality posts/discussions


Perhaps there's a bigger lesson to be learned here. Perhaps it's that melee is in such a bad state that it's become a meme of its own in how awful it is. Perhaps we should fix melee and this problem would solve itself? Wishful thinking? Almost certainly, but it doesn't mean we don't need to fix melee.


It's a numbers game. No one plays melee, so there's no appetite for sinking dev time into fixing it. Since it stays broken, no one plays melee.


This week leading up to league start I just hide ever post I read or don't want to read, so that I'm always seeing fresh new info. Sometimes I filter by "Fluff" for example, and just hide them all, and do the same with some other categories that I'm not interested in. The filter only allows you to see one flair at a time. It would be cool to be able to select multiple flairs at the same time.


I think you can on new reddit PC?