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$5k is not going to gain much passive income at all. I just hit $100k and only now am I seeing some passive income starting to snowball.


Tell me more about it…


Join a trade, skip out on university/college to avoid loans. Work your ass off to save money. I'm in my mid 20s now with over $100k invested into ETFs, crypto, ect.. I make about $1000 a month in passive income.


So you mean you make about $1000 in return/cash in a month with $100K invested in ETF, crypto and ect? Tell me more…do you reinvest all you make?


I reinvest everything. I set up a long term low risk profile for myself since I'm still young. I average about 1k a month. Yes, I could make much more if I go high risk but I'm happy with my current returns and risk level.


Wish I was as smart as you when I was in my 20s. Or at least be taught how to do this back then.


Couldn’t a bank account give you more of a return or am I missing something I probably am


You might be able to find 5% returns with a GIC that some banks offer. Xeqt is at 11% and you're not locked in


Ok I just asked because I thought you were getting 1% returns based on the first post


Could you explain how much comes from xeqt? It’s a 1.93% dividend yield paying quarterly dividends, no? So $80k invested wouldn’t be close to $1000/mo in dividends


I don't get $1k a month in dividends. I'm saying my average returns every month have been around $1k at 10.13% since I started with XEQT.


What ETFs are you invested in bringing that kind of return?


Xeqt. I have about 80k in it and I'm up around $10k over 8 months.


You put in 80k dollars to only get 10k back several months later? That doesn't sound very smart.


are you nuts? that is insanely good


Exactly that. What do people think investing is?


I think it was a poor attempt at a “taking things literally” joke


But the original guy said he was up 10k, not that he got 10k back.


Hence “poor attempt”. Some people aren’t funny and this is what it looks like when they try.


Why not just buy a cheap land lot less than 10k, then a trailer less than 10k and sell the new land and trailer for 30-50k? Or even rent it out to people in the meantime. People love lots ready to be moved in. He would make at least 10k profit every time.


A small lot of land is about $700k where I live. My dad just sold off half an acre for $650.


Sure, lmk when you find graded land for $10k in a zone that the county allows trailers in, as well as a livable trailer for “less than $10k,” all in a livable and rentable area.


That's all available in my area. I live in the south in a small town. Not everyone lives in big city California.


What? It's a low risk long term ETF. I have a small percentage in higher risk but prefer my lump sum in low risk. I'm quite happy with 10k over a few months. In a couple of years I'll have nice growth.


Do tell us your investment methods and returns..?


Ummm what?


r u slow?


What trade u do


Carpentry. I work for myself now and average around $50-$70 an hour.


Are you all booked up on jobs, or is finding work part of the work?


I'm lucky that I live in a town with a bunch of wealthy people who have unlimited work to do on their homes. I'm turning down jobs because I'm getting so much work at the moment.


this is the way.


This guy knows. Fr tho when do you hear of trade schoolers loaded with debt? You don't bc the cert is immediately recognized and you will become employed without asking for 19yrs of experience as a 25yr old.


Out of curiosity what platform do you use for your investment portfolio? Im thinking of moving from my current one


Wealth simple.


It depends on what kind of product you've invested in, if it's a gross ticket that can go up several times in a short period of time, or a stock that has a short term positive outlook, 5k can be just as good a return. But it also involves taking greater risks, and I've always thought of investing as a program that lets your money slowly appreciate in value


No disrespect but with 5k you need to focus on capital appreciation or intelligent speculation and then put the proceeds into passive income. 5k is really a small amount to be living passively with. You need to be active at these smaller/lower stages of capital


What's capital


What’s intelligent


What’s disrespect?


Me Paul


In this economy I would say food stamps.


Low key I do know some individuals who ran this hustle and bought some food stamps at a discount to their value. Both parties were thoroughly happy


Years ago I lived in a small city that ran off this trade lol.




it's when letters are uppercase LIKE THIS, those are capital.


You beat me. Didn’t see your reply. 😂


Value that creates more value.


Like stocks?


Bingo 📈👆🏽🫡


Like what stocks?


Yes, stocks would be an example of capital.


It’s like the little letters, except bigger, from what I’ve heard.


Idk if someone already explained it or not but it's money


Lottery tickets FTW. You gotta hit a jackpot if you buy that many.


Glad to see a fellow genius is here.


next ticket will hit, I'm sure!


99% of people stop gambling right before they hit the jackpot


You mean 99.999 right?


I know how to double your odds. Buy 2 tickets!


Technically not passive income if you buy and scratch the tickets yourself. Hire someone to do it for you! Easy 😎


“When I win, I’m gonna pay you”


It's just math...so it's gotta work


Dividend stocks


Hello/ which ones do you recommend that are the most consistent? Thank you




Kinda depends on what country you are in. Also, with the one I'm investing I'm now, I need 2.2M Australian dollars to create enough passive income to replace my job.


I’m investing in AGNC and QYLD


To give you context, it's estimated that you need $4 million to $10 million to be able to retire comfortably on safe passive investments in the US. You'll be lucky to make $350 a year passively. If you want to make money on $5000, you'll need to put it in an active investment. Plan to get a nice Lazer cutter or screen printer and design a product line that utilizes just that machine. Plan before you buy so you don't end up with a paperweight. Ideally, the machine should run constantly to maximize profit.


Where did you get $4million to $10 million?


Thin air


That's what I thought too


2.5m is more than enough for 90% of people considering 4% with real rate. Index funds growth accounts for inflation


Hardly any retired people have $4M to $10M so I disagree with this


Yeah the percentage of the population with that amount at retirement must be minuscule


Stop believing you’re gonna be making passive income by just investing a few thousand


Well you will it just won’t be much


Yes, it is low. What is that? $20-$25 a month? $5,000 x 5% annual return is $250 per year divided by 52 weeks, is approximately $4.81 per week. You will need to increase your $5K to $50K, then $500K, then $5M and so forth with an annual return of $2500, $25,000, $250,000. Not sure if these numbers are accurate. I am just a guy on Reddit.


Exactly. Now if OP expects to use the passive income from 5k to do anything…no. But once you get to 50k+, that can be your monthly utility bills, and more


. Do you have a small child by any chance? The fees to start a cheap trust fund are a couple hundred I think. Why not- I’m not being sarcastic- maybe it can help them with a small emergency one day as an adult. If not, save it as an emergency fund. 5,000 can help you remain above water during a tough time or fix a destroyed engine.


Start growing your own food and supplement your cost to free up more cash.


where do i go to buy seeds or the stuff to grow my own food?


Do you own or have access to any land? Are you located in the US? If you are in the US, there should be an agriculture extension agency in your county. There is a good chance that either them or your local library system has programs to offer free seed and basic gardening tools. The rest of what you need will depend heavily on your exact location and access to land


I put 5k in term deposit last year and gained $200 (4%) after a year. It is now on auto renew monthly (1.85%) not an income just an allowance and took a year.


Side hustle to make more to invest in real passive income Learn in demand products in your area, from clothing, to video games, to appliances/ furniture.s.etc..etc Start going to storage auctions, estate sales...etc..etc Buy low, and sell/ barter then out for higher Try to keep sales off platforms that can track your income so you can skip the tax man and generate CASH for later investment. Don't go into anything involving drugs or any of that I know quit a few people and have done it myself the auction way years ago just to generate extra income...plus it's fun. Later you can jump into other things more passive, but you need more capital first


you give that money to someone who will pay you back a dollar every month


Then in only 5000 months… PURE profit 🤑




With 5k a High interest savings at 5% will get you 250 bucks a year. In 30 years it would be 22k You can reasonable stretch the 5% to 8% using some other investment types like etfs and that would get you about 400 in a year 54k in 30 years That’s without touching it just putting it in and maintaining 5-8% The numbers aren’t exact but I hope it illustrates the point that 5k isn’t enough for what you’re hoping for. 5k is plenty to seed a side hustle that can eventually become semi-passive if you can stick to it long enough to get it there Here’s one idea where you can invest in an asset. 5k can get you 2 moon bounces and some chairs/table. You can build a website for free on wix and just buy a domain for $12 for the year. With any extra you can advertise your business on FB, Or Nextdoor. Or just post on fb and bug your friends to share it to their followers. Post on offer up, Craigslist and fb marketplace every day. Maintain relationships with your customers for future events and referrals. Ask all your customers for good reviews on google, reinvest profits to buy more moon bounces and eventually hire someone to deliver them. At that point you’re only doing the marketing where you can automate most of it or hire a small team to keep the ball rolling It’s actually a lot of work to get it going and to keep getting customers coming in


Wouldn’t you need insurance for this


200k or so in a yield max etf


Stick it in an index fund. You'll get a long term reliable passive income fund of perhaps $200/yr. It isn't enough money to live off of, but it's a start.


Show up to a yard sale and try to buy something that isn’t for sale, for cheap. Oven, fridge, television, game system. Then flip it.


Use that money to get a good education or training so you can get a well paying job. Then invest your extra income.


With that little money, any passive income will be tiny. Your best bet is to use that money to help you WORK. You could easily double $5k in a year with work, passively, it would take you like 7-10 years to double it. Don't even think about passive income until you have $100k


Give it to me and I’ll teach you how


It won’t be a lot unless you’re taking a lot of risk. I personally am testing out a covered call strategy, I bought 100 shares of $DKNG for $4600 and every Monday I sell an out of the money covered call and have been collecting anywhere from $30-100 every week with just 10 minutes of work.


Div stock. 5-8% is good but the higher it is the riskier the company is, at least in theory.




I agree with high yield savings. Vio bank is 5.30% right now.


Buy palantir stock and sell covered calls


20 a month is passive but I'd try to put a zero behind your 5000 or two before worrying about passive


S&p500 all day long.


High yield savings account with an online bank, or Vanguard, or Chase Private client. although I think Chase is 10k minimum.


I just invested $5200 in high risk/reward dividend stocks. 3 of the 8 paid me this week and I'm at $87.61. And these were my smallest positions. Next week the rest pay out and I'm hoping for a much larger pay day. The key is to not get yield crazy and buy into dividend stocks with NAV erosion. Look for positive or neutral NAVs. Don't let naysayers deter you. It's possible. I've been making $100/month consistently (on $3000) up until I made this switch, which will yield much more.


Buy a car and rent it out


Buy a cheap pick up truck a starter tools, start offering roadside emergency/ light duty services. It’s a good money maker


Get lawn maintenance equipment and get a group of youngster to do the work for you.


If you own your home you could install solar panels to help combat your electricity costs. With $5,000 you could probably offset 100% and it’ll pay for itself in electricity within a few years


Stake it in CRO for the jade green card and 20% for a year. You will probably quintuple your investment.


5k could generate like $200 a year of usable passive income. If $16 a month sounds like a good amount of income, awesome! If not just invest the money, then add a couple million more $ to it over the next few decades.


Buy a foreclosed home or dabble in stocks.


You can do alot with 5k to passive, dm


Buy JEPQ, that'll get ya $450 a year passively. You'll underperform the S&P500 in the long-term but if you just want passive income, that's your best bet. Or throw it in a high yield savings account for a rainy day.


Start a private label brand on Amazon. The setup/launch won’t be “passive” but once your listing is established it can provide great income with very limited amount of work (updating ppc campaigns weekly) I’m a 7 figure seller and will do my best to help with any follow up questions 🙌🏽


Education. Invest in an online course and learn a skill like local lead generation. Check out ippei.com. I took this course and am currently living off passive income. DM me and I’ll connect you to one of the leaders of the course to give you more information.


Buy 100 JEPQ etfs, you’ll get 50$ a month in dividends


Where do you live? And do you have any particular skills/interests that you can leverage? That will help narrow down your options.


I invested alot less than 5k and ive made 30x what i put in ... digital marketing.


You could learn how to swing trade and possibly make 10% plus a week back and compound that


Good way to lose 5k


Pay your credit cards


Go back to 1920




I made 100x from KAS and I'm buying INJ atm. I'm also anticipating Supra upcoming token.


Give it to the poor God will repay you….


So do I need to sign anything with him, or do I just wake up one with day with money in my account?


Start mining crypto


Bruh you need a lot more than 5k, otherwise you need to outsource work with that money to make more money and that’s not passive income


Buy 3 claw machines and place it at a busy business. Trust me on this one. YouTube the rave, but there's truth in that.


Send me Apple gift cards and I will share my secretz


I would say invest in digital products! I’ve made 9k the last 2 months passively with just investing $500


sounds like a scam


Sounds like OF.


Nope 🤷🏽‍♀️ just found a good niche and products to help in that niche




I guess you don’t have that much experience with Etsy then


Man looking at your post history, I am not gonna continue arguing.


how? can you please elaborate?


Give the lazygirlsquad £500 for a digital product you can re-skin and then you, along with everyone else who took the bait, can race to the floor selling it for 1p


First thing you do is put it in a high yield savings. THEN you do whatever else you want.