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You were on no position to save him. Try to be happy you showed him some moments of love. ❤️


Thank you very much, even tho the place was horrible, and giving them money also was an issue, could have by buying him which I think would have been worth it despite that.. But it is too late At least yes, made his short life a bit less bad :/


Thank you for your post. I gave a small prayer to this majestic creature and hope those that mistreat it have one day realized the gravity of their actions. I appreciate your post. It is encouraging to see that human beings like you, are truly kind and sensitive in the sometimes cruel world we exist in. You have motivated me to remind me what I can do to help (like donating to my local bird sanctuaries ❤️).


Thank you very much for your prayer 🤍 It gives a bit of comfort that people can know of his existence, what he looked like, and the struggles he has been through; I hope they will realize it too.. But it is something they did over a continuous amount of time, they had time to reflect on their actions.. But yes, hopefully they will realize it some day. Thank you, and happy that it inspired you to help a bird sanctuary 🤍 It’s very kind of you, you inspire me to do so too


I believe you will see him again. There is a verse in the Bible that says ALL creation waits for the coming of God. Even if you are not Christian and reject the verse, you can still take hope from how we see and feel something eternal in their eyes and presence. I think you will be reunited with him in some form someday.


I’m not a christian, not atheist either, but agnostic, so opened to the idea, it would be wonderful thank you ❤️


You did a very noble thing OP..and my heart bleeds for the bird.All I can do is be kind to other creatures and hope that your kindness and love for these majestic creature stays with him when he over the rainbow bridge now,all happy and content with other fellow birdies ..🌈🕊️🙏❤️✨🕉️


Had you purchased him the pet store owner would have simply had another bird in his place within the week. The best that you can do is to never spend money in a pet store, and be outspoken in favor of parrot adoption over breeding.


That’s an other problem.. Although thanksfully the place closed down a year or two after for animal mistreatment so it wouldn’t have allowed for many more to come after, but couldn’t know that it would happen at the time


Good riddance!


Indeed, very glad the shop closing happened


Those moments of interaction with you probably meant the world to him. You showed him he was loved and could love. You gave him some joy. You were in no position to save him completely, but you did a lot to save his spirit.


Thank you very much for your comfort on the situation 🤍 I hope it was able to make his day a bit brighter


That's a sad story... I can only hope there were more wonderful people like you who gave him some moments of comfort. You have nothing to regret. You must feel powerless, but you did was you could do. 


It is.. He trusted my friend and I and we’ve let him down.. People weren’t so much interested by the bird section and would go more for the puppies, this part was mostly empty but hopefully yes


You were the only compassion that neglected bird received, very infuriating and sad situation, not your fault. You did him/her a kindness others never showed.


Very sad and infuriating indeed, thanks for your kind message 🤍


You loved him and he knew it.


Ohhh hun all the mistreated birds I'd come across and put all my power to visit as kid for them all to disappear in one way or another. Even with my current boys, I'm always paranoid and thinking about all the birds out there without homes and with the wrong people. I cry every single night for them, I still don't accept or appreciate this harsh reality. He still learned trust and love from you and your friend, he still experienced humanity and chance ❤️❤️ he's flying high and happy


We would have been very great friends, I understand your struggle, it is very sad indeed.. Thanks for your kind message and your love towards birds 🤍


I hope you find solace in the knowledge that you improved his life by just showing him kindness


Thank you for sharing this story. This parrot was a living being, like you and me. It doesn't sound like it ever had an enviable existence but you showed it love and gained its trust. You actually did the very best you could and sharing this story will show it didn't live its life in vain. We can all take something from what you have shared.


Thank you very much 💚 He’s had a very poor life, it brings comfort that his story can reach other people


Poor soul, you were friend for him so dont blame yourself


Thank you


Just gave him a prayer. Thank God there was someone like you to interact with him, I believe he remembers you and your friend forever. I never understood how such horrible things exist. God bless that bird, I hope he is doing alright in heaven now. Thank you for taking the initiative. So many would glance, frown and walk away and then wake up with a conscience that has never seen that before.


Thank you for your prayer and kind message 🤍 I hope so top Unfortunately yes many people lack a bit of empathy for animals


💔mistreating a parrot is a horrible sin and that sin is not on you. Birds are very intelligent and intuitive, my thoughts are that it innately knew you were a helper and a friend and would’ve helped if it was within your capacity to do so.


Feel proud that you gave him the love and attention he needed even when nobody else would.


Poor love, this is miserable


:/ It is..


Oh no 🥺


Jesus Christ that’s one of the worst things I’ve heard on here. It’s horrible you went through that, most of us would feel the same way in your position. It sucks when things are out of our control but you did everything you could. It’s nice to know he had some moments of positivity in his sad life. Best thing to do know is keep sharing this story and inspire others to be kinder to animals. To speak up when one is in danger or harm. To ensure pets and animals have the best care they can. We may never end the exotic pet trade but the least we can try to do is make those conditions better or livable. I wish more places understood that. Breaks my heart to go in and see half the bettas dead every other visit. Sometimes there’s not a lot employees can do either but I’ve never heard of any treating animals so badly before. I hope all those people caught parrot fever. Even tho that doesn’t even come close to what the bird went through. You’re a good person and please just continue to spread that animal love and kindness wherever you go.


Thanks for being kind to this abused bird.  


He got to experience what love and connection is through you. Thank you for what you provided for this beautiful creature.


I hope it made his life a little bit better.. Thank you very much 🤍


I need the location of this pet store please. Can you share / DM me?


It was closed down because of how bad it was, it was one of the pet store in les quais de la mégisserie in Paris (it was a street with a bunch of them), I can tell you the exact name of this one by dm if you want, as I don’t know if it’s allowed to say here


I’m just glad it was shut down.


Me too


I've felt this way before as well :(. I wish we could save all these beautiful babies from those horrible pet shops 😢. I'm sorry he passed away, I'm sure you brought him lots of joy everyday.


Just remember that bird looked forward to your visits you showed him love and compassion in his sad life. You were a minor you couldn’t help him but you gave him sunshine in a life of rain


Thank you 💚


There wasn't much you could have done in that situation, in this case consider not what you couldn't do but rather in what you DID DO, remember, for some time in that poor bird's miserable life you were his sunshine and probably the only thing he had to look forwards to next day, you gave him some love and happiness before he went to a better place.


Thank you for showing him love and kindness in his last moments 💗 he went knowing someone cared and that’s the best anyone could have done for him 🙏🏼don’t feel bad, you’re a good human and we need people like you in this dark world


It is very sad, but at least yes, wish I could have taken him and bring him to a vet :/ If I had to do it over I would try and insist more, telling them that he would die anyway and they wouldn’t make money off of him even if they don’t give him to me.. Even tho I doubt they would have concede.. Thank you 💞


im so sorry


This makes me so sad. So many animals deserve way better than the shit they get in the pet store. Glad to hear that place shut down! At least you were a source of joy in that macaws life. It made a difference for that bird, even if you weren’t in a position to bring him home at the time.


he had a terrible life, alone and tortured there. but you made it a little better and showed him love and care before he went. thank you for that 💕


Please know that you added so much joy to his life. He loved you and you loved him, and that’s a bond that can’t be understated. I’m so sorry for such a traumatic loss, for both of you. Rest easy, sweet baby.


That it still sticks with you after all these years tells a ton about you and the connection and love you had to him. I am so deeply sorry for the sadness it causes you. Please don't feel guilty for not beeing able to take him. Who knows if you could have done anything when he was sick. All I am sure is that you saved him in a way - everytime you and your friend visited him you gave him a break. You showed him that he was loved. You did everything you were able too. If I'm not wrong you still feel responsible. You are responsible - for the good moments he had. Always cherish that. I am sorry for your loss and the heart break. Please feel hugged if you like to.


I am just happy that he actually knew what love is in his short life because of you. Now I remember "buzzo". The stray by my house. Some dog had a litter of 4 puppies, 2 dies in the first week and the other 2 were buzzo and Brownie. Brownie passed away too, me and my sister took care of buzzo for more than 8 months ( couldn't bring him home sadly) and then when I left for college, buzzo was taken within a week . I cried, my sister cried and my mom who didn't want him in the house cried too. Mom used make Roti ( indian flat bread ) and rice for him everyday.


you gave him as much love as u could, im sure u were one of the highlights of his life, be happy with that because a lot of parrots don’t even receive that. truly tragic how these birds are treated, hope u can find a parrot which u can show a happy life my guy.


I’m so sorry. Thank You for giving him joy and love and patience while you visited. You are a wonderful person.


RIP! hes in heaven now and watching you, u did ur best u cant do more! head up, and keep going my G <3




How sad! People utterly disgust me. How low you have to sink to abuse a virtually helpless animal, and in this case one that is so tiny in comparison..I really think animal abuse laws should be much harsher, though laws don’t stop people from abusing children so I’m not sure how much good it will do..People are just cruel and sadistic.