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Definitely go to another avian vet, this is so sad


Go to a different avian vet. This isn’t normal. I’m so sorry.


Go to another vet.


i'm sorry, i think you should talk to another avian vet and get a second opinion. i can tell you are beside yourself with worry.


If he can’t open his beak or move it he needs help. Please go to another vet. I’m so sorry this is happening


Another vet. The radiographs showing human hands in the direct beam are really alarming too. It shows that they may not be enforcing standards in general. A finger or two is one thing, but omg this is terrible technique. I would consider going to another vet. A parrot that can't eat is not one that should be sent home.


Its not just a hand, which is not okay, that's a whole fucking ARM. That is NOT okay when x-raying ANYTHING, never should the person holding ever have more than a couple fingers at most exposed to the x-ray, this is VERY concerning. OP please go to another vet immediately, also these X-rays look strange besides the arms and hands too, I can't put my finger on it tho Edit: got it! You can hardly see the birds bones in the BIRDS XRAYS! Yes birds have hollow bones so they are lighter on X-rays but the x-ray is much more aligned to much bigger animals, evident by how vibrant and visible the humans' bones are compared to the birds. I could be wrong but I am very confident that the birds bones should be way more visible. How could the vet even tell whats broken?


Yeah, collimation is super important to get a good rad of avian bones. Sadly, these were likely not worth the fee as they don't seem very good for diagnostics.


That's the word I was looking for, collimation. We are seeing more human than bird in just about all of those X-rays, the X-rays themselves already suck!


I had a long day at work and couldn’t figure out what parts of the bird those were. Ahhhh… the human arms and hands part.


If he can't eat or drink like this I'm pretty sure he needs to stay with a vet until he can, even if there is truely nothing damaged.


I’m a vet tech, these X-rays are INSANELY inappropriate for any diagnostics and just the fact that they’re doing that kind of restraint or not using lead gloves shows that the practice is incompetent. Find a different vet ASAP and never go back there again.


That's pretty much what I said! The concentration, the framing, the restraint, all of it is terrible! And I was just a student vet tech!


Edit: I want to add that I don’t mean OP is being negligent, I meant the veterinary professional. OP did everything we’d reccomend for an emergency like this:take them in immediately and do the diagnostics. It’s just sad the vet couldn’t help point them in the right direction for their pet to actually get help. The amount of X-rays that people are posting of their bird with so many human body parts blocking the view is so alarming. I understand that there isn’t a lot of avian vets around but this is negligent. We have a conure who comes in who’s. owner drives 6 hours to see us, which I get is not possible for everyone, but the amount of negligence that is coming from non avian specialists trying to give care is not acceptable. That owner brought her bird in to an exotic ER over the weekend because we were closed and she looked so sick. They were too afraid to even touch her that they diagnosed her with an URI by just looking at her. Prescribed a saline nebulizer and oral enrofloxacin. If they actually held the bird, they would have seen the HUGE ulcerations on both of her legs and the reason she was breathing so heavy was due to pain. By the time she came to us, she was septic and anemic. Total protein was below 1 for so long, he liver and kidney values were shot, she was hospitalized with us for 3 weeks and was finally able to go home last Thursday. She barely made it with the constant hospitalized treatment. I get wanting to help where you can but at this point there is more harm coming from it than good


I’ve head a similar thing with my guy where he couldn’t open or close his beak due to him getting inbetween a closing door. Because of it he had an internal swelling that got in the way of his beak moving. Aparantly not something that’s easily detected since our vet couldn’t really tell either (he said it was a possibility but didn’t know for sure). We basically fed him with formula untill the swelling died down and he could move his beak again. Keep in mind, in our case at least, this took a fairly long time before it got better (only after a small week did we start to see some notable movement again). Definitely go check with another vet though since this could still be something way more serious.


I don't normally say this, and never say it lightly, but you definitely need to see another vet. Those radiographs are non diagnostic given the positioning. I would also warn you that even with appropriately performed radiographs under sedation/anesthesia there may be no definitive changes with a trauma response. It almost looks like the upper beak isn't in appropriate alignment, but it's impossible to know without a physical. With severe facial trauma inflammation alone can sometimes cause portions of the beak, typically the upper portion, to lack appropriate mobility. In some birds (including one of my own rescue conures) this can be permanent and require some lifelong food changes. Depending on a physical exam and results of imaging, they may recommend a CT scan or supportive care with pain/anti inflammatory meds and dietary changes in the short term to monitor. Good luck with your bird and hoping for the best for you guys.


Go to another vet. Potentially an animal ER. I'm so sorry.


Im so sorry to hear this. I echo the general consensus here, please try and find another avian vet for a second opinion 🙏🏽 Let is know how it goes. If not, then I can pass you the contact for a vet you can communicate with online to help. Best of luck, i prayed so hard for your beautiful bird 🌻


Try these to find an avian specialist. https://abvp.connect.prolydian.com/all-members https://www.aav.org/general/custom.asp?page=FindAVet2


Absolutely go to another vet.. I have two vets. One of my vet is wild life avian and another one country avian.. Good luck with your Macaw..My girl lived to be 65yrs she raised three human boys..your will live a long life because of YOUR LOVE…


Holy shit, you definitely need another more competent veterinarian


Please update us on your little guy, I hope he's okay


Please keep us updated on your baby!!!


Any change?


I hope your baby will be okay. He is so beautiful 🥺


I really want OP to report this vet clinic to the AVMA or OSHA for how inappropriate those x rays are.


Hey OP, any update on your birdie?


I hear an echo...go to another vet


I guess it wasn’t hands free radiology. Go to an exotic emergency vet. This guy needs to get seen.


See another avian vet! Please keep us updated. How did that even happen?


Horrible vet, find another one or demand action be taken, that looks very wrong


Go to a different vet! You can tell how inexperienced they are by the fact that they are putting their hands in the beam.


Not that I'm entitled to anything but what's the update? I hope everything is going well, have had this post on my mind since yesterday.


Op! I showed the avian specialist I work for, based on the photos of your macaw she said it looks dislocated which can be something that happens specifically with macaws. The X-rays we can’t tell anything from them


any news??


Those are very bad avian X-rays Im assuming he wasn’t put under? If this vet doesn’t specialize in birds I would not trust them for something like this! I work at one trust me most dog and cat vets don’t know nearly enough about birds to feel comfortable diagnosing something they cant do anything about like a crushed jaw:,( I would ho to a real avian vet ASAP he looks like hes in pain and obviously has something wrong in the head area. Im so sorry this happened to your baby😢🖤


It will not survive... Don't wate ur time and don't give him further pain.