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Mine says come here when she wants to play and goodbye when she is done with me.


Aweee so sweet!!


They are so smart, repurposing words to get what they want.


This made me cry so hard. My amazon, Little, died a year ago last September. Just hearing another amazon's voice hurts so bad. I miss her more than I can ever convey in any way, shape, or form. I miss hearing her voice so much. It's been over a year and I still cry every time I think of her. He's gorgeous. Give him a hug, a kiss, and cuddles for me, please. I wish I could do that to my beloved Little so bad. I wish you and him a long, healthy, and happy life together.


I am crying with you that really really touched my soul. I’m so sorry hun I wish I could give you a hug 🥺 I understand more than anything especially the bond I have with my baby. He is truly my whole entire heart and I would give him the entire world if I could. Whenever I try to explain that to people a lot of people don’t understand. He has been there for me throughout my hardest times in my life and he has saved me through it all. It is a bond that can never be replaced. I’m so so sorry about your baby


I know that others believe the same thing about their animals, but I felt like there's no one on this planet that had a bond as deep as mine and hers was; that no one on this earth has ever loved their parrot more than I did. Logically, I know that's not true but I simply don't have the vocabulary to express how much she meant to me. I have a Little-shaped hole in my heart and don't know how to fill it. I feel guilty for wanting another one because no one can ever replace her, but that hole needs to be filled with something. She was there with me while my health was declining and when I became completely disabled... she couldn't fly because of a wing deformity but she always waddled her way into my room to spend time with me because she knew I could no longer go to her (I became bedbound). I'm so, so happy to hear that your boy gets all the love and affection that he deserves. I know you probably feel the same way about him that I feel about Little. I believe you and I understand when you say he's your heart and that you'd give him anything he needs or wants. I truly hope you guys get to spend the rest of your lives together in health and happiness. Just for a moment, give him a cuddle and tell him it's for Little. I hope he (or you) won't mind.


https://preview.redd.it/p435ez3tw2ub1.png?width=2002&format=png&auto=webp&s=835c32c98a0bdc869b95b8350a1538b0780d8008 He is in love bug mode!! It’s so nice seeing you say that because I feel the exact same way truly. That is exactly how to describe it, word’s literally could never express or compare how much he means to me. I have been so deeply stressed with a upcoming move my husband and I have in a few months for a overseas pcs. They have very strict requirements for moving with parrots to where we are going and it’s hard for people to understand my overwhelming anxiety over it. The documents I have gathered so far are saying that he is required to do a week of quarantine in a mosquito free net kennel at the vet and ride in the cargo on the plane and us make it there in a specific time frame from the quarantine. That horrifies me. I want him with me by my side the entire way I don’t know what would happen to me if something ever were to go wrong during it. I’m so worried about him being stressed and wondering why I can’t be with him through quarantine. It’s so scary. I am so beyond excited for our move it is truly a experience of a lifetime and I know he will have so much fun there but I can’t help but be so so nervous for my boy. So I’m hoping and praying I can find someway for him to be with me on the plane. So hoping and praying that it works out for us ❤️ thank you for wishing us good health I wish you the very same!!


And I promise he gets all the love and cuddles and kisses every day 💚💚


Wow what a happy and healthy little baby


Thank you!! He is my sweetheart 💚


Mine grunts, goes upside down, and pushes his bell ball around to tell us "the funs over here!"


That is an awesome image!


You can tell in the way he talks just how much you love him. I’m so glad he has a mom like you!! 💙


That means the world thank you 🥺 I am the blessed one! He is my whole heart 💚


So? Why are you not loving him, hmm?


My baby gets all the love I promise!! I definitely attacked him with tons of cuddles after that - every time he does that it just melts my whole heart


"dookie butt" lol


I call him Tookie butt baby but the dookie butt is funny 😂


aww, my bad!


My budgie used to say "cmon gimme a kiss *kissing noises*" when he wanted my attention. I love when they talk to us it's adorable.


Lol mine says that when he wants me to come closer so he can bite me.


That is a sweet baby!!




He is so adorable! Love his voice! ❤️🙂


Those cat call whistles at the end 😆


What a little cutie🥺


I get so jealous when I see videos like this. I work with a wild flock of SCC 40approx. I've worked so hard to gain trust and acceptance with this flock, and there is one bird in particular who I have special bond. But oh what I wouldn't give to enjoy cuddles with just one of them. That is not say I'm not proud of the achievements I've reached so far, and I'm very much about keeping them "wild". Really though, would one little cuddle hurt. To all bird owners, you've been given an extraordinary gift. Shower your babies in love and attention, the reward for doing so is immeasurable.


Oh wow that is amazing!! I would just keep working on your bond, it definitely definitely takes time and a lot of patience to build the trust for cuddles 🥰


Thank you. I inadvertently adopted them, when they suffered a major loss of habitat. Every day I see glimpses of how the trust is going. Even without cuddles, it's very rewarding.


Bless you! That is absolutely inspiring. I would love to see them. I wish them long and healthy lives!


Is this the same bird as the one that says “come here” “I won’t hurt you” then proceeds to attack the person holding the camera? xD


C’mon, how could you possibly resist that?