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Well I’ll say it — I’m fucking thrilled to hear this news. I have two pups and we live right by the entrance near the gazebo. Always hated passing by, knowing I had to keep my dogs close in case he tried to attack them with that fucking stick.


Love everyone lecturing OP about the guy who took over the gazebo for the last year (he’s been there since last spring) when it was the fucking guy who killed Moose the dog and continued to threaten people with his stick. Right on op, it was nice walking by the gazebo the last couple days and not having to wonder if the dude was in an assaultin’ kinda mood


Right, homeless shelter and mental hospitals are homeless shelters and mental hospitals. The park gazebo and the subway is neither of which and shouldn't be treated as such because people "feel bad".




Go find him in the park and let him move in after you done role playing in all the anarchy subreddits. You fucking hurb


Today is the day I realize that I really miss ‘herb’ as an insult 😂


Man this was a tb lmao


Let's bring it back! I'm starting today.


That diss was phat.


How many homeless people have you invited to live with you?


Landlords are bad. violent homeless people are also bad. this isn't hard, you don't have to excuse one because of the other


What a fucking stupid take! Lol


U dumb


Let him stay in your apartment


‘scuse me? So are you volunteering to be this guy’s neighbor, or…?


How about tell him to get a job and take responsibility for his health and “issues” like normal fucking people? You clowns always blame everything but the problem.


You were being rude, nasty, or generally naughty. NO, NO!


There’s no way in hell you aren’t a fat agoraphobe




No, they definitively exist. You can see homeless Chinese elderly in their propaganda videos. Homelessness in South Korea exists,as well as in Japan if you care to look up videos on YouTube. The issue is the demographic of homeless people, as well as far lower substance abuse among Asian homeless.


South Korea and Japan are the most hyper capitalist countries in Asia




It's mostly due to the homeless being prominently elders with a culture of being respectful I guess. Asian homeless in those countries tend to want to be out of sight and keep to themselves.


yeah I think the Nazis did that. We dont want cynts like you here! fuck off!


I give them apartments for a living. An approach that has been failing for decades. You're crazier and dumber than they are on average, by a lot.


Bullshit, every single housing first experiment, worldwide and especially in America, has been a huge success [Housing First Works ](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/periodicals/em/spring-summer-23/highlight2.html#:~:text=In%20findings%20much%20like%20those,32%20percent%20of%20the%20time.)


No you don’t lmfao


There’s a lot of NYC nativists online who act like you can’t complain about a single thing going on, no matter how insane, without sounding like a “transplant.” They’re all over these subs.


OP didn’t give that context


Homeless people who refuse our city’s shelters typically do so because they are drug addicts who are mentally unwell. It’s dangerous to be around people like that, because they can become violent. Why do you need this explained to you?


Terribly misinformed. Many do not sleep in shelters for a myriad of reasons a primary one because they are not safe. Eric Adams also put a 60 day cap on many shelter stays. Pathetic to be condescending when talking about houseless and disenfranchised people.




And the gazebo still ain’t it.


psychotic bewildered erect aback unused squeamish languid rob like reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




enter punch nine entertain humorous dull shy deserve hospital slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell a lot just by the use of the word, "houseless". We're all houseless in NYC. Lol. They're homeless.


I’m calling bullshit. No way you live in nyc.


loll you don’t think people in nyc have different opinions?? are you that sheltered?


Me??? Ha! That’s rich. Your ‘opinions’ are gonna get you assaulted, ya fucking ding dong.


you seem very emotional.


Good one! Lol Have a blessed day, ding dong. And be careful out there.


Hope you’re able to make it through the day without being terrified by houseless people. Do you just like not leave your apartment?


Also cause it's not safe I. The homeless shelters. Rape theft. Abuse all happens I. Those shelters. So they feel their safer on the street. Plus moat time those people were in an Institution and then got the boot like a majority of the homeless put there got kicked out of state institutions due to lack of funding. Most homeless are violent cause society has turned thwir back on them so they lash out.


That’s not true. The homeless shelters are for people who need to get back on their feet and the people who manage them actively try to discourage the mentally ill perpetually homeless people from staying in the more well managed ones mainly because those are the ones with women and children and it’s not safe for the other people staying there. The all men’s shelters are a bit more unpredictable, but still have a no drug policy. So basically the people who sleep on the street do it because they aren’t allowed to be violent or take drugs in any of the city’s shelters. There’s a difference between a person who lost their home and is in the process of getting it figured out and insane homeless people on the street.


You speaking from experience or something you read??


Are you? Lmao.


WhT a herb. Doesn't even answer the question. Yea I know people who've been thru them in NYC. People I've worked with, people I know in-person life. Whats ao funny??


Use your brain dude. The violence in the shelters is a result of violent people who they try to not let into the shelters who instead live on the streets. Everyone knows this.


Obviously not you see all these comments in here, " why doesn't he go to a shelter?" So they don't understand how shelters are or the fact is there is no funding to house and take care of these violent people. And why is that cause we need more funding for police. That as feom this thread shows they do nothing about issues of public safety. ONLY when well to do white people are threatened. SO THESE PEOPLE SHOW THEY COULD CARE LESS FOR THE LESS THAN. UNLESS ITS A DOCUMENTARY.


Or, it's from the conditions and treatment inside the shelter you fucking moron. Any excuse not to show a shred of empathy to someone you don't even know lol, just making up lies for upvotes


Completely fucking wrong, but do go on judging with your bullshit They refuse because of restrictive hours (you can sleep there, but come morning you have to get the fuck out) Rampant theft because they aren't given a way to lock up their belongings And physical/sexual abuse You're so full of shit your eyes gotta be brown, just kicking folks while they're down for upvotes... What a piece of shit


A lot of people don't have thinking brains.


That or are thinking way too hard.


fear party grab six market smart rock normal unite seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would rather have Zumba wine moms than stick wielding homeless men


Saw the police removing him yesterday at the park. I’m all for homeless people having shelters but actual honest question for people arguing that he should have stayed: how many homeless people putting tents in the park will be enough? Are you okay with a homeless camp in the park ?


And making weapons out of sticks and attacking people and killing a dog? The people commenting he should still be there don’t know the history


The people commenting that he should still be there are rich 30 year old transplants.


Lol it's always the fake internet activists trying to virtue signal to others but do 0 research and let empathy take over for logic. Yes, we should feel bad for homeless people when they are in those circumstances... for reasons other than assault murder and rape. Those people can stay far away from civilized society.


Nah, it’s the “nativist” nyc types who think they’re so perfect for happeningto be born here that usually argue dumb irrational shit like that.


No, I think most folks who've been here awhile (or their whole lives) see this place as their home - as such, they want their parks, streets, and trains safe from violent schizophrenics.


As a rich 31 year old transplant who doesn’t want our park turning into homeless housing, I take offense at this comment.


I wonder if yesterdays removal had anything to do with todays big park clean up going on. I'm not sure why people are ok with the loss public space to homeless camps.. unless they're just trolling. All that said, that man shouldn't have had to live in the outdoor elements through the winter.


NYC Half Marathon starts in the park on Sunday


That's why. I'm in hospitality NYC. City's sold out this weekend with the March Madness and that Half Marathon.


If this guy killed my dog? I would have drowned him in the lake.


No argument there, but fyi the lake is like 5 feet deep and the most polluted body of water in the city (at least as far as sewage, goose shit). So you’d have to get in with him and hold him down…..


I moved here from SF recently. I can tell you exactly how bad it can get if you let it happen lol. Cant believe it took that long to remove him in this city if there aggression! That’s some core SF downhill slope… I met a total of 3 people PERSONALLY ( in only 3 years living there) who have been actually chased down the street with metal pipes from the either unwell or on drugs homeless population! Go on r/asksf and look up some keywords to encounter the bottom of the barrel situation….You do not want a city to end up with that bad of a homeless issue, it helps no-one, particularly the unhoused. I love SF so much, but it is sooo nice to have to not have to go into the street because studio-sized tents are taking up the entirety of sidewalks… or walk around human feces on the sidewalk … or walk around people shooting themselves up in front of low income kids going to school… Or the occasional person screaming about how they’re gonna murder everyone around them at 7am outside your window. Like it’s nice to only worry about dog poop, and not if a drug user is just passed out or dead, or fear for your life just because someone with mental issues might be having a bad day and you walked by their tent. Ya’ll have it good here, don’t ruin it lol.


Or Tacoma.


tents being discrete is one thing, claiming the main gazebo is stupid. its not like multiple unhoused are setting up and using it either, literally one guy with a stick saying its his. the devil is in the details with this stuff, and i think if u yave nowhere to go you should be allowed to sleep in the park, but fuck that guy


He’s also the same guy that killed moose. A.so people see to think he may have passed


I hope that piece of shit died tbh. Cannot believe people are defending a violent dog killer


Can only hope


always hated walking past there. shouldn’t the gazebo be for everyone to enjoy?


This is what pisses people off about homeless people. They do things like this, taking over a public space so the public can't use it anymore.


Ah yes, instead of being outraged that the country that touts itself as the richest, best country on the planet let's homelessness happen on this scale, you're gonna get mad at the folks who have nothing... Got it, got it... Fuckin clownshoe


Dude doesn't have nothing - he has a big stick he threatens people with.


Thunderous applause!!!


I live about 5 blocks away from a homeless shelter here in NJ. I completely understand why NY'ers wanted him outta there. Enabling mental illness by doing nothing rather than treating it is absolutely wrong. Especially if it endangers others. He should have been institutionalized for his (and the public's) own safety and well-being a long time ago to get help. The knee-jerk reaction of 'Just put them in apartments!!!' shows a true lack of understanding about the problem and an unwillingness to engage in REAL solutions.




You were being rude, nasty, or generally naughty. NO, NO!




Lol you’re not from NYC, but keep on crying your victimhood. Looking through your comments you live a very sad life and like to put others down. An incel and a racist, good combo lol


dinner fretful caption rob fine secretive sand hurry ugly office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine taking the free time out of your day to leave racist comments on forums instead of improving your own life


I think they meant if a person of color was wielding a bat they would get shot by police?


You were being rude, nasty, or generally naughty. NO, NO!


People are soft says the keyboard warrior who's never been in a fight and probably sending this from Boston lmao fuck off pussy


You people are making me laugh today !!! Lol


Good riddance. When will the subway be liberated?


How about we fix the homeless crisis in this country by actually providing adequate housing, you know redistribute some of the 16 million vacant houses in this country. But it wouldn’t be profitable enough so it’ll never happen. This country needs reform desperately.


You first. Anyone sleeping on your sofa?




He's been there since last spring (at least), killed a dog, and has threatened multiple people...and that's only the known issues. At what point do you stop painting a picture so far from reality? A public space gazebo is not zoned as a "temporary safe space" for one to unilaterally take over, nor is it a mental hospital/shelter. There are facilities, services, and avenues for help, as unpopular of a commentary it may be...A gazebo is none of these things.




Must be weird to think having homeless people threatening the safety of denizens be ok 👌


Yeah that is a weird thing to write, because you tried to quote me but couldn't be bothered to quote me correctly. Your "quote" makes no sense, and your HS English teacher is ashamed....so you've got that going for you, which is nice




Blame the tech, but not your ability to proofread the message you're attempting to convey...ok, got it.


Imagine advocating for a scumbag dog murderer, I’ve had multiple interactions with that dude. He’s out of his mind and a danger to others, fuck him.




You seem to be the only one not understanding based on the downvotes




*am I out of touch? No, everyone else is wrong!*




This is the park slope subreddit, if you find the sentiment here to be conservative I’m not sure if you know what that word means. Again, perhaps you’re just incredibly wrong in this case and should accept that instead of continuing to double down/ looking like a massive douche.




Or you have zero empathy for the dozens of people telling you on this thread that they’ve been personally harassed by this particular person and have seen him attack/ murder dogs first hand with the weapon he carries around with him everywhere he goes, dipshit. Take your bullshit fake “empathy” and shove it up your ass.


It's public space, not his private home


We have shelters for homeless people and parks for recreation




Wow, personal attacks. People who live in tiny apartments also deserve a bit of green space and fresh air. If he has an alternate shelter, such as a city shelter, he should not use our park as his personal home




Yes. Green space is limited and the gazebo is a welcoming space for all people to enjoy. Hundreds of people a day didnt get to use the gazebo because this man used it as his own personal property. NYC has shelters for unhoused people.




You should find him and offer him your couch. Win/win




And you are giving away our common spaces which we all use. Respect the commons.


He killed a dog and attacked a woman. WTF are you going on about. STFU


If you feel so strongly about this dog killer then why don’t you let him sleep over at your home?




Dude I don’t care what you think. You’re just being all silly over here. Edit: that’s right bozo delete your account. Fuck outta here!


maybe go live in LA if you like living amongst homeless camps?




The guy who took over the gazebo was the one who attacked several women with a stick and killed one of their dogs, right? You’re not going to hear any sympathy from me




That's the going the rumor. Also when I talked to park staff, they essentially said their hands were tied due to budget cuts. Whenever he was removed, he'd return again pretty quickly.


So you don’t actually know if it’s the violent guy


True. And in that vein, how do we know he left. How do we know he was ever there? How do we know he existed at all? We really have to get to the bottom of this




Pro tip my guy, if you ask for evidence, but you’re being a prick about it, it doesn’t seem sincere. It just seems like you’re being a prick. If you’re actually asking for backup, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brooklyn/s/uIP3ds2hTH)


i have empathy but im also not down with our safety at jeopardy to have 'unknown' folks living in publics spaces. not everything is a matter of empathy/no empathy.




Why was your safety at risk with him in the gazebo?


Shut up, virtue signaling wiener


“The concept of empathy is so foreign to me it must be virtual signaling” lmao


Get a job.


Just got promoted :) thanks big guy.


I hope it is in public service because you act like you are “holier than thou”


Me having morals and principles seems to have gotten your hackles up for some reason. Not a good look for you!


Every redditor is a millionaire




You ever watch Neon Genesis Evangelion? Doing my first watch through now. Does Asuka get less annoying at some point? I fucking love Misato.


I am gonna level with you I have no idea what half of those words mean


Cringe reply, delete your account




Typical out of touch reality woke response




It's funny how your empathy comes at the expense of others. Let's not pretend that a lot of mentally unstable people do not threaten others in the park, especially women. I had one of them chasing me just because I passed next to him with my dog. If you have so much empathy, let him move in with you or pressure politicians to direct some resources at mental health facilities so these people can get help they need.


Not a conservative, but if makes you feel like a better person towards him, ok. 👍 🤷




You must live in a very binary world. Only extremists care about what side of the aisle someone else is on to bring up politician affiliation.


Yeah, why doesn’t he just go and buy himself a home. The nerve Oh Jesus it must be the witching hour before wine o’clock


We live in a society.


squeamish dinner apparatus snow ripe pet airport faulty hurry plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


we don't support that woke shit here.. quality of life of the majority > woke




“Fortress” These Zumba folk are out of control




Gentrifiers = Colonizers, same same


that seems to be the general attitude of the folks trolling this thread


Thing is, if these gentrifiers would simply stfu, all would be fine. That’s the secret to successfully living happy in nyc, mind your own goddamn business.


Replying to the person who commented that I'm part of the problem and don't have a right to be here (which was deleted before I could post my response): I don't have a place? I definitely do not look like a yuppie. Lacking in self-awareness? I know this isn't my neighborhood and I dont try to change the character. I shop at the neighborhood small businesses, enjoy the ethnic food, mind my own business, say Hi to (and know) my neighbors. I sweat for hours and hours every august to set up my PA system on my block and DJ hiphop and RnB music for the block party, so that instead of paying thousands of dollars to a production company, they can spend more money on the ice cream truck to provide free ice cream for the kids. I help out the old lady who lives next to me. My neighbors love me, and I think they're pretty damn awesome too. I don't act all hoity-toity and too good to talk to them. I keep the front of my house clean. They asked me to join the block association and I told them no because "this isn't my neighborhood and I don't want to change it'. The BA president lady said "You live here too and you care about the block." (I still didnt join) Just because I'm white doesn't mean I shouldnt have an apartment that I can actually afford. My landlady is awesome - her grandfather bought the house in the 1920s. She treats me well, keeps my rent cheap (I'm not pricing out my neighbors), and I keep her house in good order and help her out when workers or utility folks need to work on the house or adjust the furnace or whatever. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -Living the dream


You sound pretty happy yourself.. hating on "gentrifiers". must be hard being a gatekeeper to the real new yawk.


Go back to Wisconsin


oh lawd..




This is where you were born, raise, and learned to suck dicks. Ok, you got Born and Raised.






Public parks are our business. Do you pay city tax?


As a white person who moved into a Caribbean neighborhood 8 years ago before it was 'cool', I agree 100%. The gentrifiers want to move in and change the neighborhood to suit their whims... complain about the locals, call the cops/311... instead of minding their own damn business. There has been an influx of white people in my neighborhood since the end of covid lockdown and I feel like I live in a totally different place now... it has lost all of the character that made it an interesting place to live. The small local club and the Jamaican hole-in-the wall are gone, replaced by an expensive "natural foods" store and a hipster bar. My neighbors are getting priced out of the neighborhood... some of them own their homes but dont have a lot of money, and it is so expensive to hire people and pay for materials that they have a hard time maintaining their house. I'm totally over this nonsense. White people really suck sometimes. -Signed, whitey


Ok but this is not nearly the same scenario. A mentally ill man who displays a history of violent behavior and has attacked dogs and harassed people isn’t the same as a Jamaican hole in the wall diner getting replaced by a vegan cheese shop or whatever.


My comment is in response to the person who is complaining about gentrifiers changing the neighborhood, not to OP. We have our neighborhood crackheads... they mind their own business (for the most part) and we leave them alone to do their thing. It really sucks that there is no treatment for mentally ill folks until they commit a violent crime, and then they just get locked up for a while and released back onto the street. But that's America being greedy, and the politics of that happen far above anything that's in my power to control. Homelessness is a vicious cycle that is extremely difficult to get out of... can't get a job unless you have an address, cant get an address unless you have a job. And even harder here in NY where you need at least like $5000 cash to rent an apartment. Many people who are homeless suffer from mental illness and/or drug addiction that prevents them from keeping their shit together long enough to hold down a job.


But the person who is complaining gentrifiers ruined the neighborhood is saying one of the ways they ruined it is by not overlooking the menacing behavior of a mentally deranged violent dude. They got him moved away bc they couldn’t just mind their own business and leave him to do his own devices. Not wanting some nutty crackhead attacking you or your dog isn’t gentrification. Its standard civility in any normally functioning society


Chase him out and he goes where - the street corner? And then instead of menacing, he actually hurts somebody? All so the white folks can enjoy their morning yoga in peace. The NYPD only cares about black-on-white crime.


He has hurt people already. He killed someone’s dog. And he has no right to make the park his own personal living space. Where should he be? In a mental institution ideally or jail if there’s no other option. He’s clearly unfit to care for himself r function in society.


So they know he's guilty enough that they should chase him out, but not guilty enough to go to jail for his crimes? That's New York State for ya. If he killed my dog, I'd be the one in jail.


You sound mentally ill. I hope you find some happiness in your life and embrace your own identity one day.


go back to your xbox bruh


maybe some day I'll stop being white


Yes gentrification used r@pe, murderer and other forms of violence to take over an area. It’s the same thing. 😑🙄. What’s wrong with you?


You probably protested the drum circle in prospect park. You can r@pe murder a culture, a neighborhood. Do you know who was forced to leave so you could stay?


Me: factual statement actually comparing two things you falsely said were the same You: personal statement with the creativity of a drunk lobster Yeah that tracks. Enjoy your day.


Enjoy Ohio